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Created August 13, 2018 13:55
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Morph from source to destination face or
Morph through all images in a folder
Usage: (--src=<src_path> --dest=<dest_path> | --images=<folder>)
[--width=<width>] [--height=<height>]
[--num=<num_frames>] [--fps=<frames_per_second>]
[--out_frames=<folder>] [--out_video=<filename>]
[--alpha] [--plot]
-h, --help Show this screen.
--src=<src_imgpath> Filepath to source image (.jpg, .jpeg, .png)
--dest=<dest_path> Filepath to destination image (.jpg, .jpeg, .png)
--images=<folder> Folderpath to images
--width=<width> Custom width of the images/video [default: 500]
--height=<height> Custom height of the images/video [default: 600]
--num=<num_frames> Number of morph frames [default: 20]
--fps=<fps> Number frames per second for the video [default: 10]
--out_frames=<folder> Folder path to save all image frames
--out_video=<filename> Filename to save a video
--alpha Flag to save transparent background [default: False]
--plot Flag to plot images [default: False]
--version Show version.
import cv2
from docopt import docopt
import scipy.ndimage
import numpy as np
import os
from facemorpher import locator
from facemorpher import aligner
from facemorpher import warper
from facemorpher import blender
from facemorpher import plotter
from facemorpher import videoer
def verify_args(args):
if args['--images'] is None:
valid = os.path.isfile(args['--src']) & os.path.isfile(args['--dest'])
if not valid:
print('--src=%s or --dest=%s file does not exist. Double check the supplied paths' % (
args['--src'], args['--dest']))
valid = os.path.isdir(args['--images'])
if not valid:
print('--images=%s is not a valid directory' % args['--images'])
def load_image_points(path, size):
img = scipy.ndimage.imread(path)[..., :3]
points = locator.face_points(path)
if len(points) == 0:
print('No face in %s' % path)
return None, None
return aligner.resize_align(img, points, size)
def load_valid_image_points(imgpaths, size):
for path in imgpaths:
img, points = load_image_points(path, size)
if img is not None:
yield (img, points)
def list_imgpaths(images_folder=None, src_image=None, dest_image=None):
if images_folder is None:
yield src_image
yield dest_image
for fname in os.listdir(images_folder):
if (fname.lower().endswith('.jpg') or
fname.lower().endswith('.png') or
yield os.path.join(images_folder, fname)
def alpha_image(img, points):
mask = blender.mask_from_points(img.shape[:2], points)
blur_radius = 10
mask = cv2.blur(mask, (blur_radius, blur_radius))
return np.dstack((img, mask))
def morph(src_img, src_points, dest_img, dest_points,
video, width=500, height=600, num_frames=20, fps=10,
out_frames=None, out_video=None, alpha=False, plot=False):
Create a morph sequence from source to destination image
:param src_img: ndarray source image
:param src_img: source image array of x,y face points
:param dest_img: ndarray destination image
:param dest_img: destination image array of x,y face points
:param video: facemorpher.videoer.Video object
size = (height, width)
stall_frames = np.clip(int(fps*0.15), 1, fps) # Show first & last longer
plt = plotter.Plotter(plot, num_images=num_frames, folder=out_frames)
num_frames -= (stall_frames * 2) # No need to process src and dest image
video.write(src_img, stall_frames)
# Produce morph frames!
for percent in np.linspace(1, 0, num=num_frames):
points = locator.weighted_average_points(src_points, dest_points, percent)
src_face = warper.warp_image(src_img, src_points, points, size)
end_face = warper.warp_image(dest_img, dest_points, points, size)
average_face = blender.weighted_average(src_face, end_face, percent)
average_face = alpha_image(average_face, points) if alpha else average_face
plt.plot_one(average_face, 'save')
video.write(dest_img, stall_frames)
def morpher(imgpaths, width=500, height=600, num_frames=20, fps=10,
out_frames=None, out_video=None, alpha=False, plot=False):
Create a morph sequence from multiple images in imgpaths
:param imgpaths: array or generator of image paths
video = videoer.Video(out_video, fps, width, height)
images_points_gen = load_valid_image_points(imgpaths, (height, width))
src_img, src_points = next(images_points_gen)
for dest_img, dest_points in images_points_gen:
morph(src_img, src_points, dest_img, dest_points, video,
width, height, num_frames, fps, out_frames, out_video, alpha, plot)
src_img, src_points = dest_img, dest_points
def main():
args = docopt(__doc__, version='Face Morpher 1.0')
morpher(list_imgpaths(args['--images'], args['--src'], args['--dest']),
int(args['--width']), int(args['--height']),
int(args['--num']), int(args['--fps']),
args['--out_frames'], args['--out_video'],
args['--alpha'], args['--plot'])
if __name__ == "__main__":
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