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Created August 1, 2016 12:17
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@@ -70,16 +70,16 @@
// enter key submits form
- $items.on('enterKeyDown', function onEnterKeyDown(e) {
+ $widget.on('enterKeyDown', function onEnterKeyDown(e) {
// spacebar triggers 'check' event
- $items.on('spaceKeyDown', function onSpaceKeyDown(e) {
- $widget.trigger('check', this);
+ $widget.on('spaceKeyDown', function onSpaceKeyDown(e) {
+ $widget.trigger('check', $('.customradiogroupitem'));
- $widget.commonKeyDown('[role=radio]');
+ $widget.commonKeyDown();
// create a roving tab index on custom radios
$widget.rovingTabindex('[role=radio]', {activeIndex: activeRadioIdx});
* @function jquery.customradiogroup.js
* @desc Please DO NOT copy this code to production! This is 'quick & ugly, just make it work!' code.
* @author Ian McBurnie <>
* @desc Sample implementation for a custom radio group.
* @requires jquery-next-id
* @requires jquery-common-keys
* @requires jquery-roving-tabindex
(function ( $ ) {
$.fn.customradiogroup = function customRadioGroup() {
return this.each(function onEachCustomRadioGroup() {
var $widget = $(this),
$fieldset = $widget.find('> fieldset')
$form = $widget.closest('form'),
$legend = $fieldset.find('> legend'),
$items = $fieldset.find('> span, > div'),
activeRadioIdx = 0;
// set a unique widget id
// set a unique legend id
$legend.prop('id', $widget.prop('id') + '-legend');
// custom radios must live inside a labelled radiogroup role
.attr('role', 'radiogroup')
.attr('aria-labelledby', $legend.prop('id'));
// add a class to radio button containers for easier DOM traversal
// inject custom radio elements after each input
$widget.find('input[type=radio]').each(function onEachNativeRadio(index, nativeRadio) {
var $nativeRadio = $(nativeRadio),
$explicitLabel = $widget.find('[for=' + $nativeRadio.attr('id') + ']'),
$customRadio = $('<span role="radio" />'),
// if native input has programmatic label we must transfer it to custom radio
if ($explicitLabel.length === 1) {
labelId = $widget.attr('id') + '-label-' + index;
$explicitLabel.attr('id', labelId);
$customRadio.attr('aria-labelledby', labelId);
// prevent voiceover treating label as a radiogroup item
$explicitLabel.attr('aria-hidden', 'true');
// if native input has state, we must transfer it to custom radio
if ($nativeRadio.prop('checked') === true) {
$customRadio.attr('aria-checked', 'true');
activeRadioIdx = index;
// the native input element must be hidden
$nativeRadio.attr('aria-hidden', 'true');
// insert the custom radio after the native radio
// click handler triggers 'check' event
$items.on('click', 'label, span', function onClick(e) {
$widget.trigger('check', $(this).closest('.customradiogroupitem'));
// enter key submits form
$widget.on('enterKeyDown', function onEnterKeyDown(e) {
// spacebar triggers 'check' event
$widget.on('spaceKeyDown', function onSpaceKeyDown(e) {
$widget.trigger('check', $('.customradiogroupitem'));
// create a roving tab index on custom radios
$widget.rovingTabindex('[role=radio]', {activeIndex: activeRadioIdx});
// update radiogroup state on check event or rovingTabindex change
$widget.on('check rovingTabindexChange', function onCheckAndRove(e, radiogroupitem) {
var $widgetitem = $(radiogroupitem).closest('.customradiogroupitem'),
$activeInput = $widget.find('input:checked'),
$activeItem = $activeInput.closest('.customradiogroupitem');
if ($widgetitem.hasClass('customradiogroupitem') && ($widgetitem[0] !== $activeItem[0])) {
// uncheck currently active native & custom radios
$'[role=radio]').attr('aria-checked', 'false');
$activeInput.prop('checked', false);
// check the new native & custom radios and set focus
$widgetitem.find('input[type=radio]').prop('checked', true);
$widgetitem.find('[role=radio]').attr('aria-checked', 'true');
// call plugin to prevent page scroll
// mark our widget as intialised
}( jQuery ));
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