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Last active July 19, 2022 15:03
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-- This exercise covers the first 6 and the 8th chapters of "Learn You a Haskell for Great Good!"
-- Chapter 1 -
-- Chapter 2 -
-- Chapter 3 -
-- Chapter 4 -
-- Chapter 5 -
-- Chapter 6 -
-- Chapter 8 -
-- Download this file and then type ":l FLOLAC-22-Tasks.hs" in GHCi to load this exercise
-- Some of the definitions are left "undefined", you should replace them with your answers.
-- 0. Example: find the penultimate (second-to-last) element in list xs
penultimate xs = last (init xs)
-- 1. Find the antepenultimate (third-to-last) element in list xs
antepenultimate xs = undefined
-- 2. Left shift list xs by 1
-- For example, "shiftLeft [1, 2, 3]" should return "[2, 3, 1]"
shiftLeft xs = undefined
-- 3. Left shift list xs by n
-- For example, "rotateLeft 2 [1, 2, 3]" should return "[3, 1, 2]"
rotateLeft n xs = undefined
-- 4. Insert element x in list xs at index k
-- For example, "insertElem 100 3 [0,0,0,0,0]" should return [0,0,0,100,0,0]
insertElem x k xs = undefined
-- Here we have a type for the 7 days of the week
-- Try typeclass functions like "show" or "maxBound" on them
data Day = Mon | Tue | Wed | Thu | Fri | Sat | Sun
deriving (Eq, Ord, Show, Bounded, Enum)
-- 5. Note that if you try "succ Sun", you should get an error, because "succ" is not defined on "Sun"
-- Define "next", which is like "succ", but returns "Mon" on "next Sun"
next :: Day -> Day
next day = undefined
-- 6. Return "True" on weekend
isWeekend :: Day -> Bool
isWeekend = undefined
data Task = Work | Shop | Play deriving (Eq, Show)
-- You are given a schedule, which is a list of pairs of Tasks and Days
schedule :: [(Task, Day)]
schedule = [(Shop, Fri), (Work, Tue), (Play, Mon), (Play, Fri)]
-- 7. However, the schedule is a mess
-- Sort the schedule by Day, and return only a list of Tasks.
-- If there are many Tasks in a Day, you should keep its original ordering
-- For example, "sortTask schedule" should return "[(Play, Mon), (Work, Tue), (Shop, Fri), (Play, Fri)]"
sortTask :: [(Task, Day)] -> [(Task, Day)]
sortTask = undefined
-- 8. This function converts days to names, like "show", but a bit fancier
-- For example, "nameOfDay Mon" should return "Monday"
nameOfDay :: Day -> String
nameOfDay x = undefined
-- 9. You shouldn't be working on the weekends
-- Return "False" if the Task is "Work" and the Day is "Sat" or "Sun"
labourCheck :: Task -> Day -> Bool
labourCheck task day = undefined
-- 10. Raise x to the power y using recursion
-- For example, "power 3 4" should return "81"
power :: Int -> Int -> Int
power x y = undefined
-- 11. Convert a list of booleans (big-endian) to a interger using recursion
-- For example, "convertBinaryDigit [True, False, False]" should return 4
convertBinaryDigit :: [Bool] -> Int
convertBinaryDigit bits = undefined
-- 12. Create a fibbonaci sequence of length N in reverse order
-- For example, "fib 5" should return "[3, 2, 1, 1, 0]"
fib :: Int -> [Int]
fib n = undefined
-- 13. Determine whether a given list is a palindrome
-- For example, "palindrome []" or "palindrome [1, 3, 1]" should return "True"
palindrome :: Eq a => [a] -> Bool
palindrome xs = undefined
-- 14. Map the first component of a pair with the given function
-- For example, "mapFirst (+3) (4, True)" should return "(7, True)"
mapFirst :: (a -> b) -> (a, c) -> (b, c)
mapFirst f pair = undefined
-- 15. Devise a function that has the following type
someFunction :: (a -> b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
someFunction = undefined
-- Here is an algebraic datatype representing trees.
-- Be careful, these trees are somehow different from those defined in the book!
-- Apparently our trees are better, they have leaves, and data is stored on leaves.
data Tree a = Leaf a | Node (Tree a) (Tree a)
-- 16. What is the map function as well as the Functor instance for this tree?
-- (You may want to lookup the Functor typeclass.)
instance Functor Tree where
fmap = undefined
-- We say a tree is flattenable if it can be turned into a list
-- which contains all elements originally in the tree.
data List a = Nil | Cons a (List a)
-- We can define a typeclass to express that.
class Flattenable t where
flatten :: t a -> List a
-- 17. Show that our Tree is flattenable:
instance Flattenable Tree where
flatten = undefined
-- 18. Define a type of trees that have leaves and two kinds of nodes:
-- one with two branches and another with three branches.
-- Your tree should have three constructors.
-- You can choose where to store data (either on leaves, nodes, or both).
-- data TwoThreeTree = ...
-- 19. Show that the datatype you just defined is flattenable:
-- instance Flattenable TwoThreeTree where
-- flatten = ...
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