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Last active April 11, 2021 15:18
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Racket code for running system commands with nice output
#lang racket
(require racket/system)
;; racket -l errortrace -t system-command.rkt
;; a general print function
(define (printline elems #:sep [sep " "] #:end [end "\n"] #:element-converter [element-converter identity])
(define (iter remaining-elements result-string)
[(empty? remaining-elements) (string-append result-string end)]
[(empty? (rest remaining-elements))
(iter (rest remaining-elements)
(string-append result-string
(element-converter (first remaining-elements))))]
(iter (rest remaining-elements)
(string-append result-string
(element-converter (first remaining-elements))
[(empty? elems) (display end)]
[(not (list? elems)) (display (string-append (element-converter elems) end))]
[else (display (iter elems ""))]))
;; Bash formatting stuff
(define no-formatting "\033[0m")
(define bold-intense-white-formatting "\033[1;97m")
(define message-formatting "\033[1;94m")
(define error-formatting "\033[1;91m")
(define success-formatting "\033[1;92m")
(define (bash-formatting a-string string-format)
[(string=? string-format message-formatting)
(string-append message-formatting a-string no-formatting)]
[(string=? string-format success-formatting)
(string-append success-formatting a-string no-formatting)]
[(string=? string-format error-formatting)
(string-append error-formatting a-string no-formatting)]
[else (printline "unknown string format, returning parameter as is")]))
;; The shell command function.
(define (shell-command
#:flag-print-command [flag-print-command true]
#:flag-print-success-status [flag-print-success-status true]
#:flag-print-error-status [flag-print-error-status true]
#:flag-print-success-output [flag-print-success-output false]
#:flag-print-error-output [flag-print-error-output true]
#:flag-print-success-exit-code [flag-print-success-exit-code false]
#:flag-print-error-exit-code [flag-print-error-exit-code true]
#:verbose [verbose false])
;; prints all lines until eof is found
(define (print-all-lines an-input-port)
((line (read-line an-input-port)))
[(not (eof-object? line))
(printline line)
(print-all-lines an-input-port)])))
(if (or flag-print-command verbose)
(printline (list "Executing command:" (bash-formatting command message-formatting)))
;; defining the process object
(define command-process (process command))
;; wait for the command to be finished, regardless the result
((last command-process) 'wait)
;; get the exit code
(define command-exit-code ((last command-process) 'exit-code))
;; use the exit code to determin what to do next
[(= command-exit-code 0)
(if (or flag-print-success-exit-code verbose)
(printline command-exit-code #:element-converter number->string)
(if (or flag-print-success-status verbose)
(printline (bash-formatting "SUCCESS!" success-formatting))
(if (or flag-print-success-output verbose)
(print-all-lines (first command-process))
(if (or flag-print-success-status
(printline "")
(if (or flag-print-error-status verbose)
(printline (bash-formatting "ERROR!" error-formatting))
(if (or flag-print-error-exit-code verbose)
(printline (list "exit code:" (number->string command-exit-code)))
(if (or flag-print-error-output verbose)
(print-all-lines (fourth command-process))
(if (or flag-print-error-status
(printline "")
;; some test runs
(shell-command "ll" #:flag-print-error-status false)
(shell-command "pushd /home/xialong/development/ && popd")
(shell-command "ls")
(shell-command "ls -al")
(shell-command "cd .. && cd system-commands" #:verbose true)
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