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Last active June 23, 2022 06:22
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  • Save Zen-CODE/3a2b493ce8bef1731288222ea574cd67 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save Zen-CODE/3a2b493ce8bef1731288222ea574cd67 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
The output of `buildozer android debug deploy run logcat > out.txt`
# Check configuration tokens
# Ensure build layout
# Check configuration tokens
# Preparing build
# Check requirements for android
# Run 'dpkg --version'
# Cwd None
Debian 'dpkg' package management program version 1.19.7 (amd64).
This is free software; see the GNU General Public License version 2 or
later for copying conditions. There is NO warranty.
# Search for Git (git)
# -> found at /usr/bin/git
# Search for Cython (cython)
# -> found at /home/richard/.pyenv/versions/3.8.6/envs/kivy_launcher_3.8.6/bin/cython
# Search for Java compiler (javac)
# -> found at /usr/lib/jvm/java-8-openjdk-amd64/bin/javac
# Search for Java keytool (keytool)
# -> found at /usr/lib/jvm/java-11-openjdk-amd64/bin/keytool
# Install platform
# Run 'git config --get remote.origin.url'
# Cwd /home/richard/Repos/kivy-launcher/.buildozer/android/platform/python-for-android
# Run 'git branch -vv'
# Cwd /home/richard/Repos/kivy-launcher/.buildozer/android/platform/python-for-android
* master 5a94d074 [origin/master] Merge pull request #2244 from Chronolife-team/native_services_upstream
# Run '/home/richard/.pyenv/versions/3.8.6/envs/kivy_launcher_3.8.6/bin/python3.8 -m pip install -q \'appdirs\' \'colorama>=0.3.3\' \'jinja2\' \'six\' \'enum34; python_version<"3.4"\' \'sh>=1.10; sys_platform!="nt"\' \'pep517<0.7.0"\' \'toml\''
# Cwd None
# Apache ANT found at /home/richard/.buildozer/android/platform/apache-ant-1.9.4
# Android SDK found at /home/richard/.buildozer/android/platform/android-sdk
# Recommended android's NDK version by p4a is: 19c
# Android NDK found at /home/richard/.buildozer/android/platform/android-ndk-r19b
# Check application requirements
# Compile platform
# Run '/home/richard/.pyenv/versions/3.8.6/envs/kivy_launcher_3.8.6/bin/python3.8 -m pythonforandroid.toolchain create --dist_name=launcher --bootstrap=sdl2 --requirements=kivy,android --arch armeabi-v7a --copy-libs --color=always --storage-dir="/home/richard/Repos/kivy-launcher/.buildozer/android/platform/build-armeabi-v7a" --ndk-api=21 --ignore-setup-py'
# Cwd /home/richard/Repos/kivy-launcher/.buildozer/android/platform/python-for-android
# Build the application #39
# Copy application source from /home/richard/Repos/kivy-launcher
# Create directory /home/richard/Repos/kivy-launcher/.buildozer/android/app
# Copy /home/richard/Repos/kivy-launcher/
# Copy /home/richard/Repos/kivy-launcher/
# Copy /home/richard/Repos/kivy-launcher/LICENSE
# Create directory /home/richard/Repos/kivy-launcher/.buildozer/android/app/data
# Copy /home/richard/Repos/kivy-launcher/data/kivylauncher.ttf
# Copy /home/richard/Repos/kivy-launcher/data/Roboto-Medium.ttf
# Create directory /home/richard/Repos/kivy-launcher/.buildozer/android/app/launcher
# Copy /home/richard/Repos/kivy-launcher/launcher/
# Copy /home/richard/Repos/kivy-launcher/launcher/
# Copy /home/richard/Repos/kivy-launcher/launcher/app.kv
# Package the application
# updated
# Gradle project detected, copy files /home/richard/Repos/kivy-launcher/.buildozer/android/platform/build-armeabi-v7a/dists/launcher__armeabi-v7a/src/main/java
# Run '/home/richard/.pyenv/versions/3.8.6/envs/kivy_launcher_3.8.6/bin/python3.8 -m pythonforandroid.toolchain apk --debug --bootstrap=sdl2 --dist_name launcher --name \'Kivy Launcher\' --version 0.1 --package org.kivy.launcher --minsdk 21 --ndk-api 21 --private /home/richard/Repos/kivy-launcher/.buildozer/android/app --permission READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE --permission WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE --permission ACCESS_LOCATION_EXTRA_COMMANDS --permission ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE --permission ACCESS_NOTIFICATION_POLICY --permission ACCESS_WIFI_STATE --permission BLUETOOTH --permission BLUETOOTH_ADMIN --permission BROADCAST_STICKY --permission CHANGE_NETWORK_STATE --permission CHANGE_WIFI_MULTICAST_STATE --permission CHANGE_WIFI_STATE --permission DISABLE_KEYGUARD --permission EXPAND_STATUS_BAR --permission FOREGROUND_SERVICE --permission GET_PACKAGE_SIZE --permission INSTALL_SHORTCUT --permission INTERNET --permission KILL_BACKGROUND_PROCESSES --permission MANAGE_OWN_CALLS --permission MODIFY_AUDIO_SETTINGS --permission NFC --permission READ_SYNC_SETTINGS --permission READ_SYNC_STATS --permission RECEIVE_BOOT_COMPLETED --permission REORDER_TASKS --permission REQUEST_COMPANION_RUN_IN_BACKGROUND --permission REQUEST_COMPANION_USE_DATA_IN_BACKGROUND --permission REQUEST_DELETE_PACKAGES --permission REQUEST_IGNORE_BATTERY_OPTIMIZATIONS --permission SET_ALARM --permission SET_WALLPAPER --permission SET_WALLPAPER_HINTS --permission TRANSMIT_IR --permission USE_FINGERPRINT --permission VIBRATE --permission WAKE_LOCK --permission WRITE_SYNC_SETTINGS --android-entrypoint --android-apptheme @android:style/Theme.NoTitleBar --orientation portrait --window --activity-launch-mode standard --copy-libs --arch armeabi-v7a --color=always --storage-dir="/home/richard/Repos/kivy-launcher/.buildozer/android/platform/build-armeabi-v7a" --ndk-api=21 --ignore-setup-py'
# Cwd /home/richard/Repos/kivy-launcher/.buildozer/android/platform/python-for-android
Listing '/tmp/p4a-extra-env-7p5gfbs0'...
Listing '/home/richard/Repos/kivy-launcher/.buildozer/android/app'...
Listing '/home/richard/Repos/kivy-launcher/.buildozer/android/app/_applibs'...
Compiling '/home/richard/Repos/kivy-launcher/.buildozer/android/app/'...
Listing '/home/richard/Repos/kivy-launcher/.buildozer/android/app/data'...
Listing '/home/richard/Repos/kivy-launcher/.buildozer/android/app/launcher'...
Compiling '/home/richard/Repos/kivy-launcher/.buildozer/android/app/launcher/'...
Compiling '/home/richard/Repos/kivy-launcher/.buildozer/android/app/launcher/'...
Compiling '/home/richard/Repos/kivy-launcher/.buildozer/android/app/'...
Compiling '/home/richard/Repos/kivy-launcher/.buildozer/android/app/'...
Listing '/home/richard/Repos/kivy-launcher/.buildozer/android/platform/build-armeabi-v7a/dists/launcher__armeabi-v7a/_python_bundle'...
Listing '/home/richard/Repos/kivy-launcher/.buildozer/android/platform/build-armeabi-v7a/dists/launcher__armeabi-v7a/_python_bundle/_python_bundle'...
Listing '/home/richard/Repos/kivy-launcher/.buildozer/android/platform/build-armeabi-v7a/dists/launcher__armeabi-v7a/_python_bundle/_python_bundle/modules'...
Listing '/home/richard/Repos/kivy-launcher/.buildozer/android/platform/build-armeabi-v7a/dists/launcher__armeabi-v7a/_python_bundle/_python_bundle/site-packages'...
Listing '/home/richard/Repos/kivy-launcher/.buildozer/android/platform/build-armeabi-v7a/dists/launcher__armeabi-v7a/_python_bundle/_python_bundle/site-packages/Kivy-1.11.1-py3.8.egg-info'...
Listing '/home/richard/Repos/kivy-launcher/.buildozer/android/platform/build-armeabi-v7a/dists/launcher__armeabi-v7a/_python_bundle/_python_bundle/site-packages/Pygments-2.9.0.dist-info'...
Listing '/home/richard/Repos/kivy-launcher/.buildozer/android/platform/build-armeabi-v7a/dists/launcher__armeabi-v7a/_python_bundle/_python_bundle/site-packages/android'...
Listing '/home/richard/Repos/kivy-launcher/.buildozer/android/platform/build-armeabi-v7a/dists/launcher__armeabi-v7a/_python_bundle/_python_bundle/site-packages/bin'...
Listing '/home/richard/Repos/kivy-launcher/.buildozer/android/platform/build-armeabi-v7a/dists/launcher__armeabi-v7a/_python_bundle/_python_bundle/site-packages/certifi'...
Listing '/home/richard/Repos/kivy-launcher/.buildozer/android/platform/build-armeabi-v7a/dists/launcher__armeabi-v7a/_python_bundle/_python_bundle/site-packages/certifi-2020.12.5.dist-info'...
Listing '/home/richard/Repos/kivy-launcher/.buildozer/android/platform/build-armeabi-v7a/dists/launcher__armeabi-v7a/_python_bundle/_python_bundle/site-packages/jnius'...
Listing '/home/richard/Repos/kivy-launcher/.buildozer/android/platform/build-armeabi-v7a/dists/launcher__armeabi-v7a/_python_bundle/_python_bundle/site-packages/jnius/src'...
Listing '/home/richard/Repos/kivy-launcher/.buildozer/android/platform/build-armeabi-v7a/dists/launcher__armeabi-v7a/_python_bundle/_python_bundle/site-packages/jnius/src/org'...
Listing '/home/richard/Repos/kivy-launcher/.buildozer/android/platform/build-armeabi-v7a/dists/launcher__armeabi-v7a/_python_bundle/_python_bundle/site-packages/jnius/src/org/jnius'...
Listing '/home/richard/Repos/kivy-launcher/.buildozer/android/platform/build-armeabi-v7a/dists/launcher__armeabi-v7a/_python_bundle/_python_bundle/site-packages/kivy'...
Listing '/home/richard/Repos/kivy-launcher/.buildozer/android/platform/build-armeabi-v7a/dists/launcher__armeabi-v7a/_python_bundle/_python_bundle/site-packages/kivy/core'...
Listing '/home/richard/Repos/kivy-launcher/.buildozer/android/platform/build-armeabi-v7a/dists/launcher__armeabi-v7a/_python_bundle/_python_bundle/site-packages/kivy/core/audio'...
Listing '/home/richard/Repos/kivy-launcher/.buildozer/android/platform/build-armeabi-v7a/dists/launcher__armeabi-v7a/_python_bundle/_python_bundle/site-packages/kivy/core/camera'...
Listing '/home/richard/Repos/kivy-launcher/.buildozer/android/platform/build-armeabi-v7a/dists/launcher__armeabi-v7a/_python_bundle/_python_bundle/site-packages/kivy/core/clipboard'...
Listing '/home/richard/Repos/kivy-launcher/.buildozer/android/platform/build-armeabi-v7a/dists/launcher__armeabi-v7a/_python_bundle/_python_bundle/site-packages/kivy/core/gl'...
Listing '/home/richard/Repos/kivy-launcher/.buildozer/android/platform/build-armeabi-v7a/dists/launcher__armeabi-v7a/_python_bundle/_python_bundle/site-packages/kivy/core/image'...
Listing '/home/richard/Repos/kivy-launcher/.buildozer/android/platform/build-armeabi-v7a/dists/launcher__armeabi-v7a/_python_bundle/_python_bundle/site-packages/kivy/core/spelling'...
Listing '/home/richard/Repos/kivy-launcher/.buildozer/android/platform/build-armeabi-v7a/dists/launcher__armeabi-v7a/_python_bundle/_python_bundle/site-packages/kivy/core/text'...
Listing '/home/richard/Repos/kivy-launcher/.buildozer/android/platform/build-armeabi-v7a/dists/launcher__armeabi-v7a/_python_bundle/_python_bundle/site-packages/kivy/core/video'...
Listing '/home/richard/Repos/kivy-launcher/.buildozer/android/platform/build-armeabi-v7a/dists/launcher__armeabi-v7a/_python_bundle/_python_bundle/site-packages/kivy/core/window'...
Listing '/home/richard/Repos/kivy-launcher/.buildozer/android/platform/build-armeabi-v7a/dists/launcher__armeabi-v7a/_python_bundle/_python_bundle/site-packages/kivy/data'...
Listing '/home/richard/Repos/kivy-launcher/.buildozer/android/platform/build-armeabi-v7a/dists/launcher__armeabi-v7a/_python_bundle/_python_bundle/site-packages/kivy/data/fonts'...
Listing '/home/richard/Repos/kivy-launcher/.buildozer/android/platform/build-armeabi-v7a/dists/launcher__armeabi-v7a/_python_bundle/_python_bundle/site-packages/kivy/data/glsl'...
Listing '/home/richard/Repos/kivy-launcher/.buildozer/android/platform/build-armeabi-v7a/dists/launcher__armeabi-v7a/_python_bundle/_python_bundle/site-packages/kivy/data/images'...
Listing '/home/richard/Repos/kivy-launcher/.buildozer/android/platform/build-armeabi-v7a/dists/launcher__armeabi-v7a/_python_bundle/_python_bundle/site-packages/kivy/data/keyboards'...
Listing '/home/richard/Repos/kivy-launcher/.buildozer/android/platform/build-armeabi-v7a/dists/launcher__armeabi-v7a/_python_bundle/_python_bundle/site-packages/kivy/data/logo'...
Listing '/home/richard/Repos/kivy-launcher/.buildozer/android/platform/build-armeabi-v7a/dists/launcher__armeabi-v7a/_python_bundle/_python_bundle/site-packages/kivy/deps'...
Listing '/home/richard/Repos/kivy-launcher/.buildozer/android/platform/build-armeabi-v7a/dists/launcher__armeabi-v7a/_python_bundle/_python_bundle/site-packages/kivy/effects'...
Listing '/home/richard/Repos/kivy-launcher/.buildozer/android/platform/build-armeabi-v7a/dists/launcher__armeabi-v7a/_python_bundle/_python_bundle/site-packages/kivy/extras'...
Listing '/home/richard/Repos/kivy-launcher/.buildozer/android/platform/build-armeabi-v7a/dists/launcher__armeabi-v7a/_python_bundle/_python_bundle/site-packages/kivy/garden'...
Listing '/home/richard/Repos/kivy-launcher/.buildozer/android/platform/build-armeabi-v7a/dists/launcher__armeabi-v7a/_python_bundle/_python_bundle/site-packages/kivy/graphics'...
Listing '/home/richard/Repos/kivy-launcher/.buildozer/android/platform/build-armeabi-v7a/dists/launcher__armeabi-v7a/_python_bundle/_python_bundle/site-packages/kivy/graphics/cgl_backend'...
Listing '/home/richard/Repos/kivy-launcher/.buildozer/android/platform/build-armeabi-v7a/dists/launcher__armeabi-v7a/_python_bundle/_python_bundle/site-packages/kivy/include'...
Listing '/home/richard/Repos/kivy-launcher/.buildozer/android/platform/build-armeabi-v7a/dists/launcher__armeabi-v7a/_python_bundle/_python_bundle/site-packages/kivy/input'...
Listing '/home/richard/Repos/kivy-launcher/.buildozer/android/platform/build-armeabi-v7a/dists/launcher__armeabi-v7a/_python_bundle/_python_bundle/site-packages/kivy/input/postproc'...
Listing '/home/richard/Repos/kivy-launcher/.buildozer/android/platform/build-armeabi-v7a/dists/launcher__armeabi-v7a/_python_bundle/_python_bundle/site-packages/kivy/input/providers'...
Listing '/home/richard/Repos/kivy-launcher/.buildozer/android/platform/build-armeabi-v7a/dists/launcher__armeabi-v7a/_python_bundle/_python_bundle/site-packages/kivy/lang'...
Listing '/home/richard/Repos/kivy-launcher/.buildozer/android/platform/build-armeabi-v7a/dists/launcher__armeabi-v7a/_python_bundle/_python_bundle/site-packages/kivy/lib'...
Listing '/home/richard/Repos/kivy-launcher/.buildozer/android/platform/build-armeabi-v7a/dists/launcher__armeabi-v7a/_python_bundle/_python_bundle/site-packages/kivy/lib/gstplayer'...
Listing '/home/richard/Repos/kivy-launcher/.buildozer/android/platform/build-armeabi-v7a/dists/launcher__armeabi-v7a/_python_bundle/_python_bundle/site-packages/kivy/lib/vidcore_lite'...
Listing '/home/richard/Repos/kivy-launcher/.buildozer/android/platform/build-armeabi-v7a/dists/launcher__armeabi-v7a/_python_bundle/_python_bundle/site-packages/kivy/modules'...
Listing '/home/richard/Repos/kivy-launcher/.buildozer/android/platform/build-armeabi-v7a/dists/launcher__armeabi-v7a/_python_bundle/_python_bundle/site-packages/kivy/network'...
Listing '/home/richard/Repos/kivy-launcher/.buildozer/android/platform/build-armeabi-v7a/dists/launcher__armeabi-v7a/_python_bundle/_python_bundle/site-packages/kivy/storage'...
Listing '/home/richard/Repos/kivy-launcher/.buildozer/android/platform/build-armeabi-v7a/dists/launcher__armeabi-v7a/_python_bundle/_python_bundle/site-packages/kivy/tools'...
Listing '/home/richard/Repos/kivy-launcher/.buildozer/android/platform/build-armeabi-v7a/dists/launcher__armeabi-v7a/_python_bundle/_python_bundle/site-packages/kivy/tools/gles_compat'...
Listing '/home/richard/Repos/kivy-launcher/.buildozer/android/platform/build-armeabi-v7a/dists/launcher__armeabi-v7a/_python_bundle/_python_bundle/site-packages/kivy/tools/highlight'...
Listing '/home/richard/Repos/kivy-launcher/.buildozer/android/platform/build-armeabi-v7a/dists/launcher__armeabi-v7a/_python_bundle/_python_bundle/site-packages/kivy/tools/packaging'...
Listing '/home/richard/Repos/kivy-launcher/.buildozer/android/platform/build-armeabi-v7a/dists/launcher__armeabi-v7a/_python_bundle/_python_bundle/site-packages/kivy/tools/packaging/pyinstaller_hooks'...
Listing '/home/richard/Repos/kivy-launcher/.buildozer/android/platform/build-armeabi-v7a/dists/launcher__armeabi-v7a/_python_bundle/_python_bundle/site-packages/kivy/tools/pep8checker'...
Listing '/home/richard/Repos/kivy-launcher/.buildozer/android/platform/build-armeabi-v7a/dists/launcher__armeabi-v7a/_python_bundle/_python_bundle/site-packages/kivy/tools/theming'...
Listing '/home/richard/Repos/kivy-launcher/.buildozer/android/platform/build-armeabi-v7a/dists/launcher__armeabi-v7a/_python_bundle/_python_bundle/site-packages/kivy/tools/theming/defaulttheme'...
Listing '/home/richard/Repos/kivy-launcher/.buildozer/android/platform/build-armeabi-v7a/dists/launcher__armeabi-v7a/_python_bundle/_python_bundle/site-packages/kivy/uix'...
Listing '/home/richard/Repos/kivy-launcher/.buildozer/android/platform/build-armeabi-v7a/dists/launcher__armeabi-v7a/_python_bundle/_python_bundle/site-packages/kivy/uix/behaviors'...
Listing '/home/richard/Repos/kivy-launcher/.buildozer/android/platform/build-armeabi-v7a/dists/launcher__armeabi-v7a/_python_bundle/_python_bundle/site-packages/kivy/uix/recycleview'...
Listing '/home/richard/Repos/kivy-launcher/.buildozer/android/platform/build-armeabi-v7a/dists/launcher__armeabi-v7a/_python_bundle/_python_bundle/site-packages/pkg_resources'...
Listing '/home/richard/Repos/kivy-launcher/.buildozer/android/platform/build-armeabi-v7a/dists/launcher__armeabi-v7a/_python_bundle/_python_bundle/site-packages/pkg_resources/_vendor'...
Listing '/home/richard/Repos/kivy-launcher/.buildozer/android/platform/build-armeabi-v7a/dists/launcher__armeabi-v7a/_python_bundle/_python_bundle/site-packages/pkg_resources/_vendor/packaging'...
Listing '/home/richard/Repos/kivy-launcher/.buildozer/android/platform/build-armeabi-v7a/dists/launcher__armeabi-v7a/_python_bundle/_python_bundle/site-packages/pkg_resources/extern'...
Listing '/home/richard/Repos/kivy-launcher/.buildozer/android/platform/build-armeabi-v7a/dists/launcher__armeabi-v7a/_python_bundle/_python_bundle/site-packages/pygments'...
Listing '/home/richard/Repos/kivy-launcher/.buildozer/android/platform/build-armeabi-v7a/dists/launcher__armeabi-v7a/_python_bundle/_python_bundle/site-packages/pygments/filters'...
Listing '/home/richard/Repos/kivy-launcher/.buildozer/android/platform/build-armeabi-v7a/dists/launcher__armeabi-v7a/_python_bundle/_python_bundle/site-packages/pygments/formatters'...
Listing '/home/richard/Repos/kivy-launcher/.buildozer/android/platform/build-armeabi-v7a/dists/launcher__armeabi-v7a/_python_bundle/_python_bundle/site-packages/pygments/lexers'...
Listing '/home/richard/Repos/kivy-launcher/.buildozer/android/platform/build-armeabi-v7a/dists/launcher__armeabi-v7a/_python_bundle/_python_bundle/site-packages/pygments/styles'...
Listing '/home/richard/Repos/kivy-launcher/.buildozer/android/platform/build-armeabi-v7a/dists/launcher__armeabi-v7a/_python_bundle/_python_bundle/site-packages/pyjnius-1.2.1-py3.8.egg-info'...
Listing '/home/richard/Repos/kivy-launcher/.buildozer/android/platform/build-armeabi-v7a/dists/launcher__armeabi-v7a/_python_bundle/_python_bundle/site-packages/setuptools'...
Listing '/home/richard/Repos/kivy-launcher/.buildozer/android/platform/build-armeabi-v7a/dists/launcher__armeabi-v7a/_python_bundle/_python_bundle/site-packages/setuptools/_vendor'...
Listing '/home/richard/Repos/kivy-launcher/.buildozer/android/platform/build-armeabi-v7a/dists/launcher__armeabi-v7a/_python_bundle/_python_bundle/site-packages/setuptools/_vendor/packaging'...
Listing '/home/richard/Repos/kivy-launcher/.buildozer/android/platform/build-armeabi-v7a/dists/launcher__armeabi-v7a/_python_bundle/_python_bundle/site-packages/setuptools/command'...
Listing '/home/richard/Repos/kivy-launcher/.buildozer/android/platform/build-armeabi-v7a/dists/launcher__armeabi-v7a/_python_bundle/_python_bundle/site-packages/setuptools/extern'...
Listing '/home/richard/Repos/kivy-launcher/.buildozer/android/platform/build-armeabi-v7a/dists/launcher__armeabi-v7a/_python_bundle/_python_bundle/site-packages/setuptools-40.9.0-py3.8.egg-info'...
Listing '/home/richard/Repos/kivy-launcher/.buildozer/android/platform/build-armeabi-v7a/dists/launcher__armeabi-v7a/_python_bundle/_python_bundle/site-packages/usr'...
Listing '/home/richard/Repos/kivy-launcher/.buildozer/android/platform/build-armeabi-v7a/dists/launcher__armeabi-v7a/_python_bundle/_python_bundle/site-packages/usr/local'...
Listing '/home/richard/Repos/kivy-launcher/.buildozer/android/platform/build-armeabi-v7a/dists/launcher__armeabi-v7a/_python_bundle/_python_bundle/site-packages/usr/local/bin'...
WARNING: Received a --sdk argument, but this argument is deprecated and does nothing.
No used, copying full private data into .apk.
Applying Java source code patches...
Applying patch: src/patches/
Warning: failed to apply patch (exit code 1), assuming it is already applied: src/patches/
# Android packaging done!
# APK launcher-0.1-armeabi-v7a-debug.apk available in the bin directory
# Run '/home/richard/.buildozer/android/platform/android-sdk/platform-tools/adb devices'
# Cwd None
List of devices attached
R58M70S4GAD device
# Deploy on R58M70S4GAD
# Run '/home/richard/.buildozer/android/platform/android-sdk/platform-tools/adb install -r "/home/richard/Repos/kivy-launcher/bin/launcher-0.1-armeabi-v7a-debug.apk"'
# Cwd /home/richard/.buildozer/android/platform
Performing Streamed Install
# Application pushed.
# Run on R58M70S4GAD
# Run '/home/richard/.buildozer/android/platform/android-sdk/platform-tools/adb shell am start -n org.kivy.launcher/ -a'
# Cwd /home/richard/.buildozer/android/platform
Starting: Intent { cmp=org.kivy.launcher/ }
# Waiting for application to start.
# Waiting for application to start.
# Application started.
# Run 'dpkg --version'
# Cwd None
Debian 'dpkg' package management program version 1.19.7 (amd64).
This is free software; see the GNU General Public License version 2 or
later for copying conditions. There is NO warranty.
# Search for Git (git)
# -> found at /usr/bin/git
# Search for Cython (cython)
# -> found at /home/richard/.pyenv/versions/3.8.6/envs/kivy_launcher_3.8.6/bin/cython
# Search for Java compiler (javac)
# -> found at /usr/lib/jvm/java-8-openjdk-amd64/bin/javac
# Search for Java keytool (keytool)
# -> found at /usr/lib/jvm/java-11-openjdk-amd64/bin/keytool
# Run '/home/richard/.buildozer/android/platform/android-sdk/platform-tools/adb logcat '
# Cwd /home/richard/.buildozer/android/platform
--------- beginning of crash
05-09 16:43:26.170 28235 28259 F libc : Fatal signal 6 (SIGABRT), code -1 (SI_QUEUE) in tid 28259 (RenderThread), pid 28235 (g.kivy.launcher)
05-09 16:43:26.288 28287 28287 F DEBUG : *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** ***
05-09 16:43:26.289 28287 28287 F DEBUG : Build fingerprint: 'samsung/a30dd/a30:10/QP1A.190711.020/A305FDDS6BUD3:user/release-keys'
05-09 16:43:26.289 28287 28287 F DEBUG : Revision: '3'
05-09 16:43:26.289 28287 28287 F DEBUG : ABI: 'arm'
05-09 16:43:26.289 28287 28287 F DEBUG : Timestamp: 2021-05-09 16:43:26+0200
05-09 16:43:26.290 28287 28287 F DEBUG : pid: 28235, tid: 28259, name: RenderThread >>> org.kivy.launcher <<<
05-09 16:43:26.290 28287 28287 F DEBUG : uid: 10359
05-09 16:43:26.290 28287 28287 F DEBUG : signal 6 (SIGABRT), code -1 (SI_QUEUE), fault addr --------
05-09 16:43:26.290 28287 28287 F DEBUG : Abort message: 'terminating with uncaught exception of type std::__1::system_error: mutex lock failed: Device or resource busy'
05-09 16:43:26.290 28287 28287 F DEBUG : r0 00000000 r1 00006e63 r2 00000006 r3 bc3e8058
05-09 16:43:26.290 28287 28287 F DEBUG : r4 bc3e806c r5 bc3e8050 r6 00006e4b r7 0000016b
05-09 16:43:26.290 28287 28287 F DEBUG : r8 bc3e8068 r9 bc3e8058 r10 bc3e8088 r11 bc3e8078
05-09 16:43:26.290 28287 28287 F DEBUG : ip 00006e63 sp bc3e8028 lr e95b33b7 pc e95b33ca
05-09 16:43:42.493 28640 28680 F libc : Fatal signal 6 (SIGABRT), code -1 (SI_QUEUE) in tid 28680 (hwuiTask0), pid 28640 (g.kivy.launcher)
05-09 16:43:42.576 28690 28690 F DEBUG : *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** ***
05-09 16:43:42.576 28690 28690 F DEBUG : Build fingerprint: 'samsung/a30dd/a30:10/QP1A.190711.020/A305FDDS6BUD3:user/release-keys'
05-09 16:43:42.576 28690 28690 F DEBUG : Revision: '3'
05-09 16:43:42.576 28690 28690 F DEBUG : ABI: 'arm'
05-09 16:43:42.577 28690 28690 F DEBUG : Timestamp: 2021-05-09 16:43:42+0200
05-09 16:43:42.577 28690 28690 F DEBUG : pid: 28640, tid: 28680, name: hwuiTask0 >>> org.kivy.launcher <<<
05-09 16:43:42.577 28690 28690 F DEBUG : uid: 10359
05-09 16:43:42.577 28690 28690 F DEBUG : signal 6 (SIGABRT), code -1 (SI_QUEUE), fault addr --------
05-09 16:43:42.577 28690 28690 F DEBUG : Abort message: 'terminating with uncaught exception of type std::__1::system_error: mutex lock failed: Device or resource busy'
05-09 16:43:42.577 28690 28690 F DEBUG : r0 00000000 r1 00007008 r2 00000006 r3 ba5c7c60
05-09 16:43:42.577 28690 28690 F DEBUG : r4 ba5c7c74 r5 ba5c7c58 r6 00006fe0 r7 0000016b
05-09 16:43:42.577 28690 28690 F DEBUG : r8 ba5c7c70 r9 ba5c7c60 r10 ba5c7c90 r11 ba5c7c80
05-09 16:43:42.577 28690 28690 F DEBUG : ip 00007008 sp ba5c7c30 lr e95b33b7 pc e95b33ca
05-09 17:51:21.662 3746 3772 F libc : Fatal signal 11 (SIGSEGV), code 1 (SEGV_MAPERR), fault addr 0x4 in tid 3772 (RenderThread), pid 3746 (g.kivy.launcher)
05-09 17:51:21.760 3820 3820 F DEBUG : *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** ***
05-09 17:51:21.760 3820 3820 F DEBUG : Build fingerprint: 'samsung/a30dd/a30:10/QP1A.190711.020/A305FDDS6BUD3:user/release-keys'
05-09 17:51:21.760 3820 3820 F DEBUG : Revision: '3'
05-09 17:51:21.760 3820 3820 F DEBUG : ABI: 'arm'
05-09 17:51:21.761 3820 3820 F DEBUG : Timestamp: 2021-05-09 17:51:21+0200
05-09 17:51:21.761 3820 3820 F DEBUG : pid: 3746, tid: 3772, name: RenderThread >>> org.kivy.launcher <<<
05-09 17:51:21.761 3820 3820 F DEBUG : uid: 10360
05-09 17:51:21.761 3820 3820 F DEBUG : signal 11 (SIGSEGV), code 1 (SEGV_MAPERR), fault addr 0x4
05-09 17:51:21.761 3820 3820 F DEBUG : Cause: null pointer dereference
05-09 17:51:21.761 3820 3820 F DEBUG : r0 00000000 r1 00000004 r2 0000007e r3 00000004
05-09 17:51:21.761 3820 3820 F DEBUG : r4 bc3f2f5c r5 e960a260 r6 00000001 r7 e907b0e8
05-09 17:51:21.761 3820 3820 F DEBUG : r8 ece25100 r9 00000000 r10 eb73a040 r11 eb737018
05-09 17:51:21.761 3820 3820 F DEBUG : ip e9079e10 sp bc3f2f18 lr e9035521 pc ebdefe82
05-09 19:25:53.584 11725 11725 F libc : Fatal signal 11 (SIGSEGV), code 1 (SEGV_MAPERR), fault addr 0x4 in tid 11725 (g.kivy.launcher), pid 11725 (g.kivy.launcher)
05-09 19:25:53.708 11779 11779 F DEBUG : *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** ***
05-09 19:25:53.709 11779 11779 F DEBUG : Build fingerprint: 'samsung/a30dd/a30:10/QP1A.190711.020/A305FDDS6BUD3:user/release-keys'
05-09 19:25:53.709 11779 11779 F DEBUG : Revision: '3'
05-09 19:25:53.709 11779 11779 F DEBUG : ABI: 'arm'
05-09 19:25:53.709 11779 11779 F DEBUG : Timestamp: 2021-05-09 19:25:53+0200
05-09 19:25:53.709 11779 11779 F DEBUG : pid: 11725, tid: 11725, name: g.kivy.launcher >>> org.kivy.launcher <<<
05-09 19:25:53.709 11779 11779 F DEBUG : uid: 10361
05-09 19:25:53.709 11779 11779 F DEBUG : signal 11 (SIGSEGV), code 1 (SEGV_MAPERR), fault addr 0x4
05-09 19:25:53.709 11779 11779 F DEBUG : Cause: null pointer dereference
05-09 19:25:53.710 11779 11779 F DEBUG : r0 00000000 r1 00000004 r2 78fa3783 r3 5fed7e99
05-09 19:25:53.710 11779 11779 F DEBUG : r4 ffd1d14c r5 ece456f0 r6 e960a260 r7 e5f700f6
05-09 19:25:53.710 11779 11779 F DEBUG : r8 00000000 r9 ece73e00 r10 ffd1d2d8 r11 ffd1d25c
05-09 19:25:53.710 11779 11779 F DEBUG : ip e9079e10 sp ffd1d120 lr e9060ee5 pc ebdefe82
05-09 19:32:14.821 14933 14956 F libc : Fatal signal 6 (SIGABRT), code -1 (SI_QUEUE) in tid 14956 (RenderThread), pid 14933 (g.kivy.launcher)
05-09 19:32:14.922 14998 14998 F DEBUG : *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** ***
05-09 19:32:14.922 14998 14998 F DEBUG : Build fingerprint: 'samsung/a30dd/a30:10/QP1A.190711.020/A305FDDS6BUD3:user/release-keys'
05-09 19:32:14.922 14998 14998 F DEBUG : Revision: '3'
05-09 19:32:14.922 14998 14998 F DEBUG : ABI: 'arm'
05-09 19:32:14.923 14998 14998 F DEBUG : Timestamp: 2021-05-09 19:32:14+0200
05-09 19:32:14.923 14998 14998 F DEBUG : pid: 14933, tid: 14956, name: RenderThread >>> org.kivy.launcher <<<
05-09 19:32:14.923 14998 14998 F DEBUG : uid: 10362
05-09 19:32:14.923 14998 14998 F DEBUG : signal 6 (SIGABRT), code -1 (SI_QUEUE), fault addr --------
05-09 19:32:14.923 14998 14998 F DEBUG : Abort message: 'Failed to make current on surface 0x0, error=EGL_NOT_INITIALIZED'
05-09 19:32:14.923 14998 14998 F DEBUG : r0 00000000 r1 00003a6c r2 00000006 r3 bc3f2c20
05-09 19:32:14.923 14998 14998 F DEBUG : r4 bc3f2c34 r5 bc3f2c18 r6 00003a55 r7 0000016b
05-09 19:32:14.923 14998 14998 F DEBUG : r8 bc3f2c30 r9 bc3f2c20 r10 bc3f2c50 r11 bc3f2c40
05-09 19:32:14.923 14998 14998 F DEBUG : ip 00003a6c sp bc3f2bf0 lr e95b33b7 pc e95b33ca
05-09 19:36:09.382 17983 18005 F libc : Fatal signal 6 (SIGABRT), code -1 (SI_QUEUE) in tid 18005 (RenderThread), pid 17983 (g.kivy.launcher)
05-09 19:36:09.506 18036 18036 F DEBUG : *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** ***
05-09 19:36:09.507 18036 18036 F DEBUG : Build fingerprint: 'samsung/a30dd/a30:10/QP1A.190711.020/A305FDDS6BUD3:user/release-keys'
05-09 19:36:09.507 18036 18036 F DEBUG : Revision: '3'
05-09 19:36:09.507 18036 18036 F DEBUG : ABI: 'arm'
05-09 19:36:09.507 18036 18036 F DEBUG : Timestamp: 2021-05-09 19:36:09+0200
05-09 19:36:09.507 18036 18036 F DEBUG : pid: 17983, tid: 18005, name: RenderThread >>> org.kivy.launcher <<<
05-09 19:36:09.507 18036 18036 F DEBUG : uid: 10363
05-09 19:36:09.507 18036 18036 F DEBUG : signal 6 (SIGABRT), code -1 (SI_QUEUE), fault addr --------
05-09 19:36:09.507 18036 18036 F DEBUG : Abort message: 'Encountered EGL error 12289 EGL_NOT_INITIALIZED during rendering'
05-09 19:36:09.507 18036 18036 F DEBUG : r0 00000000 r1 00004655 r2 00000006 r3 bc3ebae8
05-09 19:36:09.507 18036 18036 F DEBUG : r4 bc3ebafc r5 bc3ebae0 r6 0000463f r7 0000016b
05-09 19:36:09.507 18036 18036 F DEBUG : r8 bc3ebaf8 r9 bc3ebae8 r10 bc3ebb18 r11 bc3ebb08
05-09 19:36:09.507 18036 18036 F DEBUG : ip 00004655 sp bc3ebab8 lr e95b33b7 pc e95b33ca
05-09 19:36:09.588 18036 18036 F DEBUG :
05-09 19:36:09.588 18036 18036 F DEBUG : backtrace:
05-09 19:36:09.589 18036 18036 F DEBUG : #00 pc 000603ca /apex/ (abort+166) (BuildId: 5ea8848bd925adfa70bf3fa784d53c5c)
05-09 19:36:09.589 18036 18036 F DEBUG : #01 pc 00005a31 /system/lib/ (__android_log_assert+176) (BuildId: aa584ee968fc512853ed4a7a5ccbd5ec)
05-09 19:36:09.589 18036 18036 F DEBUG : #02 pc 003157a3 /system/lib/ (android::uirenderer::renderthread::EglManager::swapBuffers(android::uirenderer::renderthread::Frame const&, SkRect const&)+170) (BuildId: 938c0d811b7a8d07acfabad48f8da094)
05-09 19:36:09.589 18036 18036 F DEBUG : #03 pc 00315611 /system/lib/ (android::uirenderer::skiapipeline::SkiaOpenGLPipeline::swapBuffers(android::uirenderer::renderthread::Frame const&, bool, SkRect const&, android::uirenderer::FrameInfo*, bool*)+52) (BuildId: 938c0d811b7a8d07acfabad48f8da094)
05-09 19:36:09.589 18036 18036 F DEBUG : #04 pc 00320811 /system/lib/ (android::uirenderer::renderthread::CanvasContext::draw()+688) (BuildId: 938c0d811b7a8d07acfabad48f8da094)
05-09 19:36:09.589 18036 18036 F DEBUG : #05 pc 0031fc8f /system/lib/ (_ZNSt3__110__function6__funcIZN7android10uirenderer12renderthread13DrawFrameTask11postAndWaitEvE3$_0NS_9allocatorIS6_EEFvvEEclEv$c303f2d2360db58ed70a2d0ac7ed911b+170) (BuildId: 938c0d811b7a8d07acfabad48f8da094)
05-09 19:36:09.589 18036 18036 F DEBUG : #06 pc 0032af1f /system/lib/ (android::uirenderer::WorkQueue::process()+158) (BuildId: 938c0d811b7a8d07acfabad48f8da094)
05-09 19:36:09.589 18036 18036 F DEBUG : #07 pc 0032ad7d /system/lib/ (android::uirenderer::renderthread::RenderThread::threadLoop()+72) (BuildId: 938c0d811b7a8d07acfabad48f8da094)
05-09 19:36:09.589 18036 18036 F DEBUG : #08 pc 0000d8af /system/lib/ (android::Thread::_threadLoop(void*)+182) (BuildId: da88f99cb4c80fe4fe393ef8e8fd5c71)
05-09 19:36:09.589 18036 18036 F DEBUG : #09 pc 000a75b3 /apex/ (__pthread_start(void*)+20) (BuildId: 5ea8848bd925adfa70bf3fa784d53c5c)
05-09 19:36:09.589 18036 18036 F DEBUG : #10 pc 00061b33 /apex/ (__start_thread+30) (BuildId: 5ea8848bd925adfa70bf3fa784d53c5c)
05-09 19:38:00.582 20258 20280 F libc : Fatal signal 6 (SIGABRT), code -1 (SI_QUEUE) in tid 20280 (RenderThread), pid 20258 (g.kivy.launcher)
05-09 19:38:00.671 20312 20312 F DEBUG : *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** ***
05-09 19:38:00.672 20312 20312 F DEBUG : Build fingerprint: 'samsung/a30dd/a30:10/QP1A.190711.020/A305FDDS6BUD3:user/release-keys'
05-09 19:38:00.672 20312 20312 F DEBUG : Revision: '3'
05-09 19:38:00.672 20312 20312 F DEBUG : ABI: 'arm'
05-09 19:38:00.672 20312 20312 F DEBUG : Timestamp: 2021-05-09 19:38:00+0200
05-09 19:38:00.672 20312 20312 F DEBUG : pid: 20258, tid: 20280, name: RenderThread >>> org.kivy.launcher <<<
05-09 19:38:00.672 20312 20312 F DEBUG : uid: 10364
05-09 19:38:00.672 20312 20312 F DEBUG : signal 6 (SIGABRT), code -1 (SI_QUEUE), fault addr --------
05-09 19:38:00.673 20312 20312 F DEBUG : Abort message: 'terminating with uncaught exception of type std::__1::system_error: mutex lock failed: Device or resource busy'
05-09 19:38:00.673 20312 20312 F DEBUG : r0 00000000 r1 00004f38 r2 00000006 r3 bc3d3058
05-09 19:38:00.673 20312 20312 F DEBUG : r4 bc3d306c r5 bc3d3050 r6 00004f22 r7 0000016b
05-09 19:38:00.673 20312 20312 F DEBUG : r8 bc3d3068 r9 bc3d3058 r10 bc3d3088 r11 bc3d3078
05-09 19:38:00.673 20312 20312 F DEBUG : ip 00004f38 sp bc3d3028 lr e95b33b7 pc e95b33ca
05-09 19:40:42.329 22264 22311 F libc : Fatal signal 11 (SIGSEGV), code 1 (SEGV_MAPERR), fault addr 0x28 in tid 22311 (RenderThread), pid 22264 (g.kivy.launcher)
05-09 19:40:42.415 22314 22314 F DEBUG : *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** ***
05-09 19:40:42.415 22314 22314 F DEBUG : Build fingerprint: 'samsung/a30dd/a30:10/QP1A.190711.020/A305FDDS6BUD3:user/release-keys'
05-09 19:40:42.415 22314 22314 F DEBUG : Revision: '3'
05-09 19:40:42.415 22314 22314 F DEBUG : ABI: 'arm'
05-09 19:40:42.416 22314 22314 F DEBUG : Timestamp: 2021-05-09 19:40:42+0200
05-09 19:40:42.416 22314 22314 F DEBUG : pid: 22264, tid: 22311, name: RenderThread >>> org.kivy.launcher <<<
05-09 19:40:42.416 22314 22314 F DEBUG : uid: 10365
05-09 19:40:42.416 22314 22314 F DEBUG : signal 11 (SIGSEGV), code 1 (SEGV_MAPERR), fault addr 0x28
05-09 19:40:42.416 22314 22314 F DEBUG : Cause: null pointer dereference
05-09 19:40:42.416 22314 22314 F DEBUG : r0 00000000 r1 00000000 r2 00000018 r3 00000000
05-09 19:40:42.416 22314 22314 F DEBUG : r4 cb49581d r5 dab0fc74 r6 00000000 r7 b9140ea4
05-09 19:40:42.416 22314 22314 F DEBUG : r8 e960a260 r9 ccd918b8 r10 dab0fc70 r11 dab4eaf0
05-09 19:40:42.416 22314 22314 F DEBUG : ip 00008000 sp b91401f0 lr ccc0842b pc cbc273b0
05-09 19:40:42.429 22314 22314 F DEBUG :
05-09 19:40:42.429 22314 22314 F DEBUG : backtrace:
05-09 19:40:42.429 22314 22314 F DEBUG : #00 pc 00a193b0 /vendor/lib/egl/ (BuildId: 715a83641beab803e65efbc8508a6d96)
05-09 19:40:42.429 22314 22314 F DEBUG : #01 pc 009ae8e1 /vendor/lib/egl/ (BuildId: 715a83641beab803e65efbc8508a6d96)
05-09 19:40:42.429 22314 22314 F DEBUG : #02 pc 008a9d7f /vendor/lib/egl/ (BuildId: 715a83641beab803e65efbc8508a6d96)
05-09 19:40:42.429 22314 22314 F DEBUG : #03 pc 008aa113 /vendor/lib/egl/ (BuildId: 715a83641beab803e65efbc8508a6d96)
05-09 19:40:42.429 22314 22314 F DEBUG : #04 pc 008ac02d /vendor/lib/egl/ (BuildId: 715a83641beab803e65efbc8508a6d96)
05-09 19:40:42.429 22314 22314 F DEBUG : #05 pc 008c41b5 /vendor/lib/egl/ (BuildId: 715a83641beab803e65efbc8508a6d96)
05-09 19:40:42.429 22314 22314 F DEBUG : #06 pc 000a75b3 /apex/ (__pthread_start(void*)+20) (BuildId: 5ea8848bd925adfa70bf3fa784d53c5c)
05-09 19:40:42.430 22314 22314 F DEBUG : #07 pc 00061b33 /apex/ (__start_thread+30) (BuildId: 5ea8848bd925adfa70bf3fa784d53c5c)
05-09 19:50:05.845 24863 24885 F libc : Fatal signal 6 (SIGABRT), code -1 (SI_QUEUE) in tid 24885 (RenderThread), pid 24863 (g.kivy.launcher)
05-09 19:50:05.913 24915 24915 F DEBUG : *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** ***
05-09 19:50:05.913 24915 24915 F DEBUG : Build fingerprint: 'samsung/a30dd/a30:10/QP1A.190711.020/A305FDDS6BUD3:user/release-keys'
05-09 19:50:05.913 24915 24915 F DEBUG : Revision: '3'
05-09 19:50:05.913 24915 24915 F DEBUG : ABI: 'arm'
05-09 19:50:05.914 24915 24915 F DEBUG : Timestamp: 2021-05-09 19:50:05+0200
05-09 19:50:05.914 24915 24915 F DEBUG : pid: 24863, tid: 24885, name: RenderThread >>> org.kivy.launcher <<<
05-09 19:50:05.914 24915 24915 F DEBUG : uid: 10366
05-09 19:50:05.914 24915 24915 F DEBUG : signal 6 (SIGABRT), code -1 (SI_QUEUE), fault addr --------
05-09 19:50:05.914 24915 24915 F DEBUG : Abort message: 'Failed to make current on surface 0x0, error=EGL_NOT_INITIALIZED'
05-09 19:50:05.914 24915 24915 F DEBUG : r0 00000000 r1 00006135 r2 00000006 r3 bc3dcc20
05-09 19:50:05.914 24915 24915 F DEBUG : r4 bc3dcc34 r5 bc3dcc18 r6 0000611f r7 0000016b
05-09 19:50:05.914 24915 24915 F DEBUG : r8 bc3dcc30 r9 bc3dcc20 r10 bc3dcc50 r11 bc3dcc40
05-09 19:50:05.914 24915 24915 F DEBUG : ip 00006135 sp bc3dcbf0 lr e95b33b7 pc e95b33ca
05-10 20:01:46.787 2855 2855 E AndroidRuntime: FATAL EXCEPTION: main
05-10 20:01:46.787 2855 2855 E AndroidRuntime: Process: org.kivy.launcher, PID: 2855
05-10 20:01:46.787 2855 2855 E AndroidRuntime: java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: No implementation found for java.lang.String (tried Java_org_libsdl_app_SDLActivity_nativeGetHint and Java_org_libsdl_app_SDLActivity_nativeGetHint__Ljava_lang_String_2)
05-10 20:01:46.787 2855 2855 E AndroidRuntime: at Method)
05-10 20:01:46.787 2855 2855 E AndroidRuntime: at
05-10 20:01:46.787 2855 2855 E AndroidRuntime: at
05-10 20:01:46.787 2855 2855 E AndroidRuntime: at android.view.KeyEvent.dispatch(
05-10 20:01:46.787 2855 2855 E AndroidRuntime: at
05-10 20:01:46.787 2855 2855 E AndroidRuntime: at
05-10 20:01:46.787 2855 2855 E AndroidRuntime: at
05-10 20:01:46.787 2855 2855 E AndroidRuntime: at android.view.ViewRootImpl$ViewPostImeInputStage.processKeyEvent(
05-10 20:01:46.787 2855 2855 E AndroidRuntime: at android.view.ViewRootImpl$ViewPostImeInputStage.onProcess(
05-10 20:01:46.787 2855 2855 E AndroidRuntime: at android.view.ViewRootImpl$InputStage.deliver(
05-10 20:01:46.787 2855 2855 E AndroidRuntime: at android.view.ViewRootImpl$InputStage.onDeliverToNext(
05-10 20:01:46.787 2855 2855 E AndroidRuntime: at android.view.ViewRootImpl$InputStage.forward(
05-10 20:01:46.787 2855 2855 E AndroidRuntime: at android.view.ViewRootImpl$AsyncInputStage.forward(
05-10 20:01:46.787 2855 2855 E AndroidRuntime: at android.view.ViewRootImpl$InputStage.apply(
05-10 20:01:46.787 2855 2855 E AndroidRuntime: at android.view.ViewRootImpl$AsyncInputStage.apply(
05-10 20:01:46.787 2855 2855 E AndroidRuntime: at android.view.ViewRootImpl$InputStage.deliver(
05-10 20:01:46.787 2855 2855 E AndroidRuntime: at android.view.ViewRootImpl$InputStage.onDeliverToNext(
05-10 20:01:46.787 2855 2855 E AndroidRuntime: at android.view.ViewRootImpl$InputStage.forward(
05-10 20:01:46.787 2855 2855 E AndroidRuntime: at android.view.ViewRootImpl$InputStage.apply(
05-10 20:01:46.787 2855 2855 E AndroidRuntime: at android.view.ViewRootImpl$InputStage.deliver(
05-10 20:01:46.787 2855 2855 E AndroidRuntime: at android.view.ViewRootImpl$InputStage.onDeliverToNext(
05-10 20:01:46.787 2855 2855 E AndroidRuntime: at android.view.ViewRootImpl$InputStage.forward(
05-10 20:01:46.787 2855 2855 E AndroidRuntime: at android.view.ViewRootImpl$AsyncInputStage.forward(
05-10 20:01:46.787 2855 2855 E AndroidRuntime: at android.view.ViewRootImpl$ImeInputStage.onFinishedInputEvent(
05-10 20:01:46.787 2855 2855 E AndroidRuntime: at android.view.inputmethod.InputMethodManager$
05-10 20:01:46.787 2855 2855 E AndroidRuntime: at android.view.inputmethod.InputMethodManager.invokeFinishedInputEventCallback(
05-10 20:01:46.787 2855 2855 E AndroidRuntime: at android.view.inputmethod.InputMethodManager.finishedInputEvent(
05-10 20:01:46.787 2855 2855 E AndroidRuntime: at android.view.inputmethod.InputMethodManager$ImeInputEventSender.onInputEventFinished(
05-10 20:01:46.787 2855 2855 E AndroidRuntime: at android.view.InputEventSender.dispatchInputEventFinished(
05-10 20:01:46.787 2855 2855 E AndroidRuntime: at android.os.MessageQueue.nativePollOnce(Native Method)
05-10 20:01:46.787 2855 2855 E AndroidRuntime: at
05-10 20:01:46.787 2855 2855 E AndroidRuntime: at android.os.Looper.loop(
05-10 20:01:46.787 2855 2855 E AndroidRuntime: at
05-10 20:01:46.787 2855 2855 E AndroidRuntime: at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method)
05-10 20:01:46.787 2855 2855 E AndroidRuntime: at$
05-10 20:01:46.787 2855 2855 E AndroidRuntime: at
05-10 20:04:12.800 6388 6414 F libc : Fatal signal 6 (SIGABRT), code -1 (SI_QUEUE) in tid 6414 (RenderThread), pid 6388 (g.kivy.launcher)
05-10 20:04:12.926 6442 6442 F DEBUG : *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** ***
05-10 20:04:12.926 6442 6442 F DEBUG : Build fingerprint: 'samsung/a30dd/a30:10/QP1A.190711.020/A305FDDS6BUD3:user/release-keys'
05-10 20:04:12.926 6442 6442 F DEBUG : Revision: '3'
05-10 20:04:12.926 6442 6442 F DEBUG : ABI: 'arm'
05-10 20:04:12.927 6442 6442 F DEBUG : Timestamp: 2021-05-10 20:04:12+0200
05-10 20:04:12.927 6442 6442 F DEBUG : pid: 6388, tid: 6414, name: RenderThread >>> org.kivy.launcher <<<
05-10 20:04:12.927 6442 6442 F DEBUG : uid: 10369
05-10 20:04:12.927 6442 6442 F DEBUG : signal 6 (SIGABRT), code -1 (SI_QUEUE), fault addr --------
05-10 20:04:12.927 6442 6442 F DEBUG : Abort message: 'Failed to make current on surface 0x0, error=EGL_NOT_INITIALIZED'
05-10 20:04:12.927 6442 6442 F DEBUG : r0 00000000 r1 0000190e r2 00000006 r3 bc3dac20
05-10 20:04:12.927 6442 6442 F DEBUG : r4 bc3dac34 r5 bc3dac18 r6 000018f4 r7 0000016b
05-10 20:04:12.927 6442 6442 F DEBUG : r8 bc3dac30 r9 bc3dac20 r10 bc3dac50 r11 bc3dac40
05-10 20:04:12.927 6442 6442 F DEBUG : ip 0000190e sp bc3dabf0 lr e95b33b7 pc e95b33ca
05-11 22:11:01.522 30428 30428 F libc : Fatal signal 11 (SIGSEGV), code 1 (SEGV_MAPERR), fault addr 0xc in tid 30428 (g.kivy.launcher), pid 30428 (g.kivy.launcher)
05-11 22:11:01.646 30536 30536 F DEBUG : *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** ***
05-11 22:11:01.646 30536 30536 F DEBUG : Build fingerprint: 'samsung/a30dd/a30:10/QP1A.190711.020/A305FDDS6BUD3:user/release-keys'
05-11 22:11:01.646 30536 30536 F DEBUG : Revision: '3'
05-11 22:11:01.646 30536 30536 F DEBUG : ABI: 'arm'
05-11 22:11:01.647 30536 30536 F DEBUG : Timestamp: 2021-05-11 22:11:01+0200
05-11 22:11:01.647 30536 30536 F DEBUG : pid: 30428, tid: 30428, name: g.kivy.launcher >>> org.kivy.launcher <<<
05-11 22:11:01.647 30536 30536 F DEBUG : uid: 10373
05-11 22:11:01.647 30536 30536 F DEBUG : signal 11 (SIGSEGV), code 1 (SEGV_MAPERR), fault addr 0xc
05-11 22:11:01.647 30536 30536 F DEBUG : Cause: null pointer dereference
05-11 22:11:01.647 30536 30536 F DEBUG : r0 00000000 r1 00000000 r2 00000000 r3 00000002
05-11 22:11:01.647 30536 30536 F DEBUG : r4 00000000 r5 00000002 r6 78fa3783 r7 ffd1a770
05-11 22:11:01.647 30536 30536 F DEBUG : r8 ffd1a8c0 r9 ece73e00 r10 ffd1a940 r11 ece73e00
05-11 22:11:01.647 30536 30536 F DEBUG : ip bbc2e310 sp ffd1a748 lr bbb57c0b pc bbb57c0a
--------- beginning of main
05-12 20:45:22.127 10137 10867 D ViewRootImpl@ed5b6a[ScreenDecorOverlay]: Relayout returned: old=(0,0,1080,151) new=(0,0,1080,151) req=(1079,151)0 dur=9 res=0x3 s={true 478310035456} ch=false
05-12 20:45:22.133 10137 10137 D AOD_LIVE_CLOCK@LiveClockController: updateDisplayState: DISPLAY_STATE_DOZE
05-12 20:45:22.137 4299 10551 V WindowManager: Relayout Window{9819af3 u0 ScreenDecorOverlayBottom}: viewVisibility=0 req=1079x151
05-12 20:45:22.141 10137 10137 D AODUiController: onChargingLightSensorChanged lux : 1.0 appliedBrightness = 0 currentBrightness = 1
05-12 20:45:22.141 10137 10137 D AOD_BRIGHTNESS@BrightnessManager: mCurrentBrightness : HighNit[false], NitMode[[HLPM]_2NIT_ON], isForceState[0, ForceStateReason[{}, , mAppliedBrightness[0]
05-12 20:45:22.141 10137 10137 D AOD_BRIGHTNESS@AlwaysOnDisplayEx: updateDozeBrightness: doze [2] last [[HLPM]_2NIT_ON] change to [[HLPM]_2NIT_ON]
05-12 20:45:22.141 10137 10137 I AOD_WAKELOCK@WakeLockManager: acquireIfExists: tag - AOD_DRAW, timeout - 100, reason - set Doze Brightness updateDozeBrightness, wakeLock = WakeLock{c1ae7d8 held=true, refCount=1}
05-12 20:45:22.144 4299 10551 V WindowManager: Relayout 10137: mAttrs={(0,0)(fillxwrap) gr=BOTTOM RIGHT CENTER sim={adjust=pan} layoutInDisplayCutoutMode=always ty=NAVIGATION_BAR_PANEL fmt=TRANSLUCENT
05-12 20:45:22.144 4299 10551 V WindowManager: fl=20800128
05-12 20:45:22.144 4299 10551 V WindowManager: pfl=1100050
05-12 20:45:22.144 4299 10551 V WindowManager: vsysui=100 naviIconColor=0}
05-12 20:45:22.146 10137 10867 D ViewRootImpl@2e58a0d[ScreenDecorOverlayBottom]: Relayout returned: old=(0,2189,1080,2340) new=(0,2189,1080,2340) req=(1079,151)0 dur=10 res=0x3 s={true 478310068224} ch=false
05-12 20:45:22.248 3871 3871 D SurfaceFlinger: Setting power mode 3 on display 0
05-12 20:45:22.249 3841 9377 E display : DOZE or Power off called twice, mPowerModeState : 1
05-12 20:45:22.249 3841 9377 D display : setPowerMode:: FBIOBLANK mode(3), blank(-1)
05-12 20:45:22.249 10137 10137 D AODUiController: onChargingLightSensorChanged lux : 2.0 appliedBrightness = 0 currentBrightness = 1
05-12 20:45:22.249 10137 10137 D AOD_BRIGHTNESS@BrightnessManager: mCurrentBrightness : HighNit[false], NitMode[[HLPM]_2NIT_ON], isForceState[0, ForceStateReason[{}, , mAppliedBrightness[0]
05-12 20:45:22.249 10137 10137 D AOD_BRIGHTNESS@AlwaysOnDisplayEx: updateDozeBrightness: doze [2] last [[HLPM]_2NIT_ON] change to [[HLPM]_2NIT_ON]
05-12 20:45:22.249 10137 10137 I AOD_WAKELOCK@WakeLockManager: acquireIfExists: tag - AOD_DRAW, timeout - 100, reason - set Doze Brightness updateDozeBrightness, wakeLock = WakeLock{c1ae7d8 held=false, refCount=0}
05-12 20:45:22.250 3841 9377 D display : setPowerMode:: S3CFB_POWER_MODE mode(3), blank(-1)
05-12 20:45:22.251 3871 3871 D SurfaceFlinger: Finished setting power mode 3 on display 0
05-12 20:45:22.251 4299 5297 D MotionRecognitionService: [EARHOVER_MOTION] inject screen on / off : 0
05-12 20:45:22.251 4299 5297 D SensorService: [EARHOVER_LITE] : setMotionDataLocked
05-12 20:45:22.251 4299 5297 D SensorService: [EARHOVER_LITE] : INJECT_SCREEN_OFF
05-12 20:45:22.253 4299 10048 I BiometricServiceBase: onTaskStackChangedForFingerprint: Allow background auth,
05-12 20:45:22.254 4299 10048 I chatty : uid=1000(system) biometrics.fp identical 9 lines
05-12 20:45:22.254 4299 10048 I BiometricServiceBase: onTaskStackChangedForFingerprint: Allow background auth,
05-12 20:45:22.266 3871 3871 D SurfaceFlinger: Setting power mode 1 on display 0
05-12 20:45:22.267 3841 9377 E display : DOZE or Power off called twice, mPowerModeState : 3
05-12 20:45:22.267 3841 9377 D display : setPowerMode:: FBIOBLANK mode(1), blank(-1)
05-12 20:45:22.271 3841 9377 D display : setPowerMode:: S3CFB_POWER_MODE mode(1), blank(-1)
05-12 20:45:22.272 3871 3871 D SurfaceFlinger: Finished setting power mode 1 on display 0
05-12 20:45:22.275 10137 10137 D DisplayLifecycle: updateDisplay id = 0
05-12 20:45:22.279 4299 5297 D MotionRecognitionService: [EARHOVER_MOTION] inject screen on / off : 0
05-12 20:45:22.279 4299 5297 D SensorService: [EARHOVER_LITE] : setMotionDataLocked
05-12 20:45:22.279 4299 5297 D SensorService: [EARHOVER_LITE] : INJECT_SCREEN_OFF
05-12 20:45:22.281 4299 10048 I BiometricServiceBase: onTaskStackChangedForFingerprint: Allow background auth,
05-12 20:45:22.282 4299 10048 I chatty : uid=1000(system) biometrics.fp identical 9 lines
05-12 20:45:22.282 4299 10048 I BiometricServiceBase: onTaskStackChangedForFingerprint: Allow background auth,
05-12 20:45:22.293 10137 10137 D DisplayLifecycle: updateCacheVariables id = 0, display = Display id 0: DisplayInfo{"Built-in Screen, displayId 0", uniqueId "local:0", app 1080 x 2131, real 1080 x 2340, largest app 2131 x 2131, smallest app 1080 x 1017, mode 1, defaultMode 1, modes [{id=1, width=1080, height=2340, fps=60.000004}], colorMode 0, supportedColorModes [0], hdrCapabilities android.view.Display$HdrCapabilities@40f16308, rotation 0, density 420 (403.411 x 404.326) dpi, layerStack 0, appVsyncOff 1000000, presDeadline 16666666, type BUILT_IN, address {port=0}, state DOZE, FLAG_SECURE, FLAG_SUPPORTS_PROTECTED_BUFFERS, removeMode 0}, DisplayMetrics{density=2.625, width=1080, height=2131, scaledDensity=2.625, xdpi=403.411, ydpi=404.326}, isValid=true, size = Point(1080, 2131), realSize = Point(1080, 2340)
05-12 20:45:22.309 4299 4320 V WindowManager: Relayout Window{e90e744 u0 ScreenDecorOverlay}: viewVisibility=0 req=1079x151
05-12 20:45:22.311 10137 10137 D AOD_LIVE_CLOCK@LiveClockController: updateDisplayState: DISPLAY_STATE_DOZE
05-12 20:45:22.312 10137 10137 D DisplayLifecycle: updateDisplay id = 0
05-12 20:45:22.315 4299 4320 V WindowManager: Relayout 10137: mAttrs={(0,0)(fillxwrap) gr=TOP LEFT CENTER sim={adjust=pan} layoutInDisplayCutoutMode=always ty=NAVIGATION_BAR_PANEL fmt=TRANSLUCENT
05-12 20:45:22.315 4299 4320 V WindowManager: fl=20800128
05-12 20:45:22.315 4299 4320 V WindowManager: pfl=1100050
05-12 20:45:22.315 4299 4320 V WindowManager: vsysui=100 naviIconColor=0}
05-12 20:45:22.316 10137 10137 D DisplayLifecycle: updateCacheVariables id = 0, display = Display id 0: DisplayInfo{"Built-in Screen, displayId 0", uniqueId "local:0", app 1080 x 2131, real 1080 x 2340, largest app 2131 x 2131, smallest app 1080 x 1017, mode 1, defaultMode 1, modes [{id=1, width=1080, height=2340, fps=60.000004}], colorMode 0, supportedColorModes [0], hdrCapabilities android.view.Display$HdrCapabilities@40f16308, rotation 0, density 420 (403.411 x 404.326) dpi, layerStack 0, appVsyncOff 1000000, presDeadline 16666666, type BUILT_IN, address {port=0}, state DOZE, FLAG_SECURE, FLAG_SUPPORTS_PROTECTED_BUFFERS, removeMode 0}, DisplayMetrics{density=2.625, width=1080, height=2131, scaledDensity=2.625, xdpi=403.411, ydpi=404.326}, isValid=true, size = Point(1080, 2131), realSize = Point(1080, 2340)
05-12 20:45:22.317 10137 10867 D ViewRootImpl@ed5b6a[ScreenDecorOverlay]: Relayout returned: old=(0,0,1080,151) new=(0,0,1080,151) req=(1079,151)0 dur=8 res=0x3 s={true 478310035456} ch=false
05-12 20:45:22.334 4299 10551 V WindowManager: Relayout Window{9819af3 u0 ScreenDecorOverlayBottom}: viewVisibility=0 req=1079x151
05-12 20:45:22.334 10137 10137 D AOD_LIVE_CLOCK@LiveClockController: updateDisplayState: DISPLAY_STATE_DOZE
05-12 20:45:22.340 4299 10551 V WindowManager: Relayout 10137: mAttrs={(0,0)(fillxwrap) gr=BOTTOM RIGHT CENTER sim={adjust=pan} layoutInDisplayCutoutMode=always ty=NAVIGATION_BAR_PANEL fmt=TRANSLUCENT
05-12 20:45:22.340 4299 10551 V WindowManager: fl=20800128
05-12 20:45:22.340 4299 10551 V WindowManager: pfl=1100050
05-12 20:45:22.340 4299 10551 V WindowManager: vsysui=100 naviIconColor=0}
05-12 20:45:22.342 10137 10867 D ViewRootImpl@2e58a0d[ScreenDecorOverlayBottom]: Relayout returned: old=(0,2189,1080,2340) new=(0,2189,1080,2340) req=(1079,151)0 dur=11 res=0x3 s={true 478310068224} ch=false
05-12 20:45:22.349 10137 10137 D AODUiController: onChargingLightSensorChanged lux : 1.0 appliedBrightness = 0 currentBrightness = 1
05-12 20:45:22.349 10137 10137 D AOD_BRIGHTNESS@BrightnessManager: mCurrentBrightness : HighNit[false], NitMode[[HLPM]_2NIT_ON], isForceState[0, ForceStateReason[{}, , mAppliedBrightness[0]
05-12 20:45:22.349 10137 10137 D AOD_BRIGHTNESS@AlwaysOnDisplayEx: updateDozeBrightness: doze [2] last [[HLPM]_2NIT_ON] change to [[HLPM]_2NIT_ON]
05-12 20:45:22.349 10137 10137 I AOD_WAKELOCK@WakeLockManager: acquireIfExists: tag - AOD_DRAW, timeout - 100, reason - set Doze Brightness updateDozeBrightness, wakeLock = WakeLock{c1ae7d8 held=true, refCount=1}
05-12 20:45:22.378 3951 10369 I GNSS_MEMS: TGT_MEMS SCSCMemsReportSensorDrops: dropped 0 events (spam) 3 events (rate limit) out of 51 total for sensor 0 since last report
05-12 20:45:22.460 3871 3871 D SurfaceFlinger: Setting power mode 3 on display 0
05-12 20:45:22.461 3841 9377 E display : DOZE or Power off called twice, mPowerModeState : 1
05-12 20:45:22.461 3841 9377 D display : setPowerMode:: FBIOBLANK mode(3), blank(-1)
05-12 20:45:22.464 3841 9377 D display : setPowerMode:: S3CFB_POWER_MODE mode(3), blank(-1)
05-12 20:45:22.464 3871 3871 D SurfaceFlinger: Finished setting power mode 3 on display 0
05-12 20:45:22.467 10137 10137 D AODUiController: onChargingLightSensorChanged lux : 1.0 appliedBrightness = 0 currentBrightness = 1
05-12 20:45:22.467 10137 10137 D AOD_BRIGHTNESS@BrightnessManager: mCurrentBrightness : HighNit[false], NitMode[[HLPM]_2NIT_ON], isForceState[0, ForceStateReason[{}, , mAppliedBrightness[0]
05-12 20:45:22.470 10137 10137 D AOD_BRIGHTNESS@AlwaysOnDisplayEx: updateDozeBrightness: doze [2] last [[HLPM]_2NIT_ON] change to [[HLPM]_2NIT_ON]
05-12 20:45:22.470 4299 5297 D MotionRecognitionService: [EARHOVER_MOTION] inject screen on / off : 0
05-12 20:45:22.470 10137 10137 I AOD_WAKELOCK@WakeLockManager: acquireIfExists: tag - AOD_DRAW, timeout - 100, reason - set Doze Brightness updateDozeBrightness, wakeLock = WakeLock{c1ae7d8 held=false, refCount=0}
05-12 20:45:22.470 4299 5297 D SensorService: [EARHOVER_LITE] : setMotionDataLocked
05-12 20:45:22.471 4299 5297 D SensorService: [EARHOVER_LITE] : INJECT_SCREEN_OFF
05-12 20:45:22.474 4299 10048 I BiometricServiceBase: onTaskStackChangedForFingerprint: Allow background auth,
05-12 20:45:22.475 4299 10048 I chatty : uid=1000(system) biometrics.fp identical 9 lines
05-12 20:45:22.475 4299 10048 I BiometricServiceBase: onTaskStackChangedForFingerprint: Allow background auth,
05-12 20:45:22.505 4299 11457 V WindowManager: Relayout Window{e90e744 u0 ScreenDecorOverlay}: viewVisibility=0 req=1079x151
05-12 20:45:22.509 3871 3871 D SurfaceFlinger: Setting power mode 1 on display 0
05-12 20:45:22.509 3841 9377 E display : DOZE or Power off called twice, mPowerModeState : 3
05-12 20:45:22.509 3841 9377 D display : setPowerMode:: FBIOBLANK mode(1), blank(-1)
05-12 20:45:22.512 4299 11457 V WindowManager: Relayout 10137: mAttrs={(0,0)(fillxwrap) gr=TOP LEFT CENTER sim={adjust=pan} layoutInDisplayCutoutMode=always ty=NAVIGATION_BAR_PANEL fmt=TRANSLUCENT
05-12 20:45:22.512 4299 11457 V WindowManager: fl=20800128
05-12 20:45:22.512 4299 11457 V WindowManager: pfl=1100050
05-12 20:45:22.512 4299 11457 V WindowManager: vsysui=100 naviIconColor=0}
05-12 20:45:22.514 3841 9377 D display : setPowerMode:: S3CFB_POWER_MODE mode(1), blank(-1)
05-12 20:45:22.514 10137 10867 D ViewRootImpl@ed5b6a[ScreenDecorOverlay]: Relayout returned: old=(0,0,1080,151) new=(0,0,1080,151) req=(1079,151)0 dur=10 res=0x3 s={true 478310035456} ch=false
05-12 20:45:22.515 3871 3871 D SurfaceFlinger: Finished setting power mode 1 on display 0
05-12 20:45:22.515 10137 10137 D DisplayLifecycle: updateDisplay id = 0
05-12 20:45:22.519 4299 10048 I BiometricServiceBase: onTaskStackChangedForFingerprint: Allow background auth,
05-12 20:45:22.521 4299 10048 I chatty : uid=1000(system) biometrics.fp identical 9 lines
05-12 20:45:22.521 4299 10048 I BiometricServiceBase: onTaskStackChangedForFingerprint: Allow background auth,
05-12 20:45:22.522 4299 5297 D MotionRecognitionService: [EARHOVER_MOTION] inject screen on / off : 0
05-12 20:45:22.522 4299 5297 D SensorService: [EARHOVER_LITE] : setMotionDataLocked
05-12 20:45:22.523 4299 5297 D SensorService: [EARHOVER_LITE] : INJECT_SCREEN_OFF
05-12 20:45:22.531 10137 10137 D DisplayLifecycle: updateCacheVariables id = 0, display = Display id 0: DisplayInfo{"Built-in Screen, displayId 0", uniqueId "local:0", app 1080 x 2131, real 1080 x 2340, largest app 2131 x 2131, smallest app 1080 x 1017, mode 1, defaultMode 1, modes [{id=1, width=1080, height=2340, fps=60.000004}], colorMode 0, supportedColorModes [0], hdrCapabilities android.view.Display$HdrCapabilities@40f16308, rotation 0, density 420 (403.411 x 404.326) dpi, layerStack 0, appVsyncOff 1000000, presDeadline 16666666, type BUILT_IN, address {port=0}, state DOZE, FLAG_SECURE, FLAG_SUPPORTS_PROTECTED_BUFFERS, removeMode 0}, DisplayMetrics{density=2.625, width=1080, height=2131, scaledDensity=2.625, xdpi=403.411, ydpi=404.326}, isValid=true, size = Point(1080, 2131), realSize = Point(1080, 2340)
05-12 20:45:22.536 4299 12327 V WindowManager: Relayout Window{9819af3 u0 ScreenDecorOverlayBottom}: viewVisibility=0 req=1079x151
05-12 20:45:22.544 4299 12327 V WindowManager: Relayout 10137: mAttrs={(0,0)(fillxwrap) gr=BOTTOM RIGHT CENTER sim={adjust=pan} layoutInDisplayCutoutMode=always ty=NAVIGATION_BAR_PANEL fmt=TRANSLUCENT
05-12 20:45:22.544 4299 12327 V WindowManager: fl=20800128
05-12 20:45:22.544 4299 12327 V WindowManager: pfl=1100050
05-12 20:45:22.544 4299 12327 V WindowManager: vsysui=100 naviIconColor=0}
05-12 20:45:22.546 10137 10867 D ViewRootImpl@2e58a0d[ScreenDecorOverlayBottom]: Relayout returned: old=(0,2189,1080,2340) new=(0,2189,1080,2340) req=(1079,151)0 dur=15 res=0x3 s={true 478310068224} ch=false
05-12 20:45:22.549 10137 10137 D AOD_LIVE_CLOCK@LiveClockController: updateDisplayState: DISPLAY_STATE_DOZE
05-12 20:45:22.550 10137 10137 D DisplayLifecycle: updateDisplay id = 0
05-12 20:45:22.554 10137 10137 D DisplayLifecycle: updateCacheVariables id = 0, display = Display id 0: DisplayInfo{"Built-in Screen, displayId 0", uniqueId "local:0", app 1080 x 2131, real 1080 x 2340, largest app 2131 x 2131, smallest app 1080 x 1017, mode 1, defaultMode 1, modes [{id=1, width=1080, height=2340, fps=60.000004}], colorMode 0, supportedColorModes [0], hdrCapabilities android.view.Display$HdrCapabilities@40f16308, rotation 0, density 420 (403.411 x 404.326) dpi, layerStack 0, appVsyncOff 1000000, presDeadline 16666666, type BUILT_IN, address {port=0}, state DOZE, FLAG_SECURE, FLAG_SUPPORTS_PROTECTED_BUFFERS, removeMode 0}, DisplayMetrics{density=2.625, width=1080, height=2131, scaledDensity=2.625, xdpi=403.411, ydpi=404.326}, isValid=true, size = Point(1080, 2131), realSize = Point(1080, 2340)
05-12 20:45:22.570 10137 10137 D AOD_LIVE_CLOCK@LiveClockController: updateDisplayState: DISPLAY_STATE_DOZE
05-12 20:45:22.571 10137 10137 D AODUiController: onChargingLightSensorChanged lux : 1.0 appliedBrightness = 0 currentBrightness = 1
05-12 20:45:22.571 10137 10137 D AOD_BRIGHTNESS@BrightnessManager: mCurrentBrightness : HighNit[false], NitMode[[HLPM]_2NIT_ON], isForceState[0, ForceStateReason[{}, , mAppliedBrightness[0]
05-12 20:45:22.571 10137 10137 D AOD_BRIGHTNESS@AlwaysOnDisplayEx: updateDozeBrightness: doze [2] last [[HLPM]_2NIT_ON] change to [[HLPM]_2NIT_ON]
05-12 20:45:22.571 10137 10137 I AOD_WAKELOCK@WakeLockManager: acquireIfExists: tag - AOD_DRAW, timeout - 100, reason - set Doze Brightness updateDozeBrightness, wakeLock = WakeLock{c1ae7d8 held=true, refCount=1}
05-12 20:45:22.572 4299 10551 V WindowManager: Relayout Window{e90e744 u0 ScreenDecorOverlay}: viewVisibility=0 req=1079x151
05-12 20:45:22.578 4299 10551 V WindowManager: Relayout 10137: mAttrs={(0,0)(fillxwrap) gr=TOP LEFT CENTER sim={adjust=pan} layoutInDisplayCutoutMode=always ty=NAVIGATION_BAR_PANEL fmt=TRANSLUCENT
05-12 20:45:22.578 4299 10551 V WindowManager: fl=20800128
05-12 20:45:22.578 4299 10551 V WindowManager: pfl=1100050
05-12 20:45:22.578 4299 10551 V WindowManager: vsysui=100 naviIconColor=0}
05-12 20:45:22.580 10137 10867 D ViewRootImpl@ed5b6a[ScreenDecorOverlay]: Relayout returned: old=(0,0,1080,151) new=(0,0,1080,151) req=(1079,151)0 dur=8 res=0x3 s={true 478310035456} ch=false
05-12 20:45:22.587 4299 10551 V WindowManager: Relayout Window{9819af3 u0 ScreenDecorOverlayBottom}: viewVisibility=0 req=1079x151
05-12 20:45:22.594 4299 10551 V WindowManager: Relayout 10137: mAttrs={(0,0)(fillxwrap) gr=BOTTOM RIGHT CENTER sim={adjust=pan} layoutInDisplayCutoutMode=always ty=NAVIGATION_BAR_PANEL fmt=TRANSLUCENT
05-12 20:45:22.594 4299 10551 V WindowManager: fl=20800128
05-12 20:45:22.594 4299 10551 V WindowManager: pfl=1100050
05-12 20:45:22.594 4299 10551 V WindowManager: vsysui=100 naviIconColor=0}
05-12 20:45:22.596 10137 10867 D ViewRootImpl@2e58a0d[ScreenDecorOverlayBottom]: Relayout returned: old=(0,2189,1080,2340) new=(0,2189,1080,2340) req=(1079,151)0 dur=10 res=0x3 s={true 478310068224} ch=false
05-12 20:45:22.669 10137 10137 D AODUiController: onChargingLightSensorChanged lux : 1.0 appliedBrightness = 0 currentBrightness = 1
05-12 20:45:22.669 10137 10137 D AOD_BRIGHTNESS@BrightnessManager: mCurrentBrightness : HighNit[false], NitMode[[HLPM]_2NIT_ON], isForceState[0, ForceStateReason[{}, , mAppliedBrightness[0]
05-12 20:45:22.670 10137 10137 D AOD_BRIGHTNESS@AlwaysOnDisplayEx: updateDozeBrightness: doze [2] last [[HLPM]_2NIT_ON] change to [[HLPM]_2NIT_ON]
05-12 20:45:22.670 10137 10137 I AOD_WAKELOCK@WakeLockManager: acquireIfExists: tag - AOD_DRAW, timeout - 100, reason - set Doze Brightness updateDozeBrightness, wakeLock = WakeLock{c1ae7d8 held=true, refCount=1}
05-12 20:45:22.769 10137 10137 D AODUiController: onChargingLightSensorChanged lux : 1.0 appliedBrightness = 0 currentBrightness = 1
05-12 20:45:22.769 10137 10137 D AOD_BRIGHTNESS@BrightnessManager: mCurrentBrightness : HighNit[false], NitMode[[HLPM]_2NIT_ON], isForceState[0, ForceStateReason[{}, , mAppliedBrightness[0]
05-12 20:45:22.770 10137 10137 D AOD_BRIGHTNESS@AlwaysOnDisplayEx: updateDozeBrightness: doze [2] last [[HLPM]_2NIT_ON] change to [[HLPM]_2NIT_ON]
05-12 20:45:22.770 10137 10137 I AOD_WAKELOCK@WakeLockManager: acquireIfExists: tag - AOD_DRAW, timeout - 100, reason - set Doze Brightness updateDozeBrightness, wakeLock = WakeLock{c1ae7d8 held=true, refCount=1}
05-12 20:45:22.877 3871 3871 I SurfaceFlinger: SFWD update time=373825554700964
05-12 20:45:22.880 10137 10137 D AODUiController: onChargingLightSensorChanged lux : 2.0 appliedBrightness = 0 currentBrightness = 1
05-12 20:45:22.880 3871 3871 D SurfaceFlinger: Setting power mode 3 on display 0
05-12 20:45:22.880 10137 10137 D AOD_BRIGHTNESS@BrightnessManager: mCurrentBrightness : HighNit[false], NitMode[[HLPM]_2NIT_ON], isForceState[0, ForceStateReason[{}, , mAppliedBrightness[0]
05-12 20:45:22.881 10137 10137 D AOD_BRIGHTNESS@AlwaysOnDisplayEx: updateDozeBrightness: doze [2] last [[HLPM]_2NIT_ON] change to [[HLPM]_2NIT_ON]
05-12 20:45:22.881 3841 3885 E display : DOZE or Power off called twice, mPowerModeState : 1
05-12 20:45:22.881 10137 10137 I AOD_WAKELOCK@WakeLockManager: acquireIfExists: tag - AOD_DRAW, timeout - 100, reason - set Doze Brightness updateDozeBrightness, wakeLock = WakeLock{c1ae7d8 held=false, refCount=0}
05-12 20:45:22.881 3841 3885 D display : setPowerMode:: FBIOBLANK mode(3), blank(-1)
05-12 20:45:22.887 3841 3885 D display : setPowerMode:: S3CFB_POWER_MODE mode(3), blank(-1)
05-12 20:45:22.888 3871 3871 D SurfaceFlinger: Finished setting power mode 3 on display 0
05-12 20:45:22.891 4299 5297 D MotionRecognitionService: [EARHOVER_MOTION] inject screen on / off : 0
05-12 20:45:22.892 4299 5297 D SensorService: [EARHOVER_LITE] : setMotionDataLocked
05-12 20:45:22.892 4299 5297 D SensorService: [EARHOVER_LITE] : INJECT_SCREEN_OFF
05-12 20:45:22.893 4299 10048 I BiometricServiceBase: onTaskStackChangedForFingerprint: Allow background auth,
05-12 20:45:22.900 4299 10048 I chatty : uid=1000(system) biometrics.fp identical 9 lines
05-12 20:45:22.900 4299 10048 I BiometricServiceBase: onTaskStackChangedForFingerprint: Allow background auth,
05-12 20:45:22.911 3871 3871 D SurfaceFlinger: Setting power mode 1 on display 0
05-12 20:45:22.912 3841 3885 E display : DOZE or Power off called twice, mPowerModeState : 3
05-12 20:45:22.912 3841 3885 D display : setPowerMode:: FBIOBLANK mode(1), blank(-1)
05-12 20:45:22.917 10137 10137 D DisplayLifecycle: updateDisplay id = 0
05-12 20:45:22.917 3841 3885 D display : setPowerMode:: S3CFB_POWER_MODE mode(1), blank(-1)
05-12 20:45:22.918 3871 3871 D SurfaceFlinger: Finished setting power mode 1 on display 0
05-12 20:45:22.930 4299 5297 D MotionRecognitionService: [EARHOVER_MOTION] inject screen on / off : 0
05-12 20:45:22.931 4299 5297 D SensorService: [EARHOVER_LITE] : setMotionDataLocked
05-12 20:45:22.931 4299 5297 D SensorService: [EARHOVER_LITE] : INJECT_SCREEN_OFF
05-12 20:45:22.931 4299 10048 I BiometricServiceBase: onTaskStackChangedForFingerprint: Allow background auth,
05-12 20:45:22.936 4299 10048 I chatty : uid=1000(system) biometrics.fp identical 9 lines
05-12 20:45:22.936 4299 10048 I BiometricServiceBase: onTaskStackChangedForFingerprint: Allow background auth,
05-12 20:45:22.936 10137 10137 D DisplayLifecycle: updateCacheVariables id = 0, display = Display id 0: DisplayInfo{"Built-in Screen, displayId 0", uniqueId "local:0", app 1080 x 2131, real 1080 x 2340, largest app 2131 x 2131, smallest app 1080 x 1017, mode 1, defaultMode 1, modes [{id=1, width=1080, height=2340, fps=60.000004}], colorMode 0, supportedColorModes [0], hdrCapabilities android.view.Display$HdrCapabilities@40f16308, rotation 0, density 420 (403.411 x 404.326) dpi, layerStack 0, appVsyncOff 1000000, presDeadline 16666666, type BUILT_IN, address {port=0}, state DOZE, FLAG_SECURE, FLAG_SUPPORTS_PROTECTED_BUFFERS, removeMode 0}, DisplayMetrics{density=2.625, width=1080, height=2131, scaledDensity=2.625, xdpi=403.411, ydpi=404.326}, isValid=true, size = Point(1080, 2131), realSize = Point(1080, 2340)
05-12 20:45:22.951 4299 10551 V WindowManager: Relayout Window{e90e744 u0 ScreenDecorOverlay}: viewVisibility=0 req=1079x151
05-12 20:45:22.953 10137 10137 D AOD_LIVE_CLOCK@LiveClockController: updateDisplayState: DISPLAY_STATE_DOZE
05-12 20:45:22.955 10137 10137 D DisplayLifecycle: updateDisplay id = 0
05-12 20:45:22.959 10137 10137 D DisplayLifecycle: updateCacheVariables id = 0, display = Display id 0: DisplayInfo{"Built-in Screen, displayId 0", uniqueId "local:0", app 1080 x 2131, real 1080 x 2340, largest app 2131 x 2131, smallest app 1080 x 1017, mode 1, defaultMode 1, modes [{id=1, width=1080, height=2340, fps=60.000004}], colorMode 0, supportedColorModes [0], hdrCapabilities android.view.Display$HdrCapabilities@40f16308, rotation 0, density 420 (403.411 x 404.326) dpi, layerStack 0, appVsyncOff 1000000, presDeadline 16666666, type BUILT_IN, address {port=0}, state DOZE, FLAG_SECURE, FLAG_SUPPORTS_PROTECTED_BUFFERS, removeMode 0}, DisplayMetrics{density=2.625, width=1080, height=2131, scaledDensity=2.625, xdpi=403.411, ydpi=404.326}, isValid=true, size = Point(1080, 2131), realSize = Point(1080, 2340)
05-12 20:45:22.959 4299 10551 V WindowManager: Relayout 10137: mAttrs={(0,0)(fillxwrap) gr=TOP LEFT CENTER sim={adjust=pan} layoutInDisplayCutoutMode=always ty=NAVIGATION_BAR_PANEL fmt=TRANSLUCENT
05-12 20:45:22.959 4299 10551 V WindowManager: fl=20800128
05-12 20:45:22.959 4299 10551 V WindowManager: pfl=1100050
05-12 20:45:22.959 4299 10551 V WindowManager: vsysui=100 naviIconColor=0}
05-12 20:45:22.961 10137 10867 D ViewRootImpl@ed5b6a[ScreenDecorOverlay]: Relayout returned: old=(0,0,1080,151) new=(0,0,1080,151) req=(1079,151)0 dur=12 res=0x3 s={true 478310035456} ch=false
05-12 20:45:22.973 10137 10137 D AOD_LIVE_CLOCK@LiveClockController: updateDisplayState: DISPLAY_STATE_DOZE
05-12 20:45:22.974 4299 10551 V WindowManager: Relayout Window{9819af3 u0 ScreenDecorOverlayBottom}: viewVisibility=0 req=1079x151
05-12 20:45:22.982 4299 10551 V WindowManager: Relayout 10137: mAttrs={(0,0)(fillxwrap) gr=BOTTOM RIGHT CENTER sim={adjust=pan} layoutInDisplayCutoutMode=always ty=NAVIGATION_BAR_PANEL fmt=TRANSLUCENT
05-12 20:45:22.982 4299 10551 V WindowManager: fl=20800128
05-12 20:45:22.982 4299 10551 V WindowManager: pfl=1100050
05-12 20:45:22.982 4299 10551 V WindowManager: vsysui=100 naviIconColor=0}
05-12 20:45:22.984 10137 10867 D ViewRootImpl@2e58a0d[ScreenDecorOverlayBottom]: Relayout returned: old=(0,2189,1080,2340) new=(0,2189,1080,2340) req=(1079,151)0 dur=10 res=0x3 s={true 478310068224} ch=false
05-12 20:45:22.990 10137 10137 D AODUiController: onChargingLightSensorChanged lux : 1.0 appliedBrightness = 0 currentBrightness = 1
05-12 20:45:22.990 10137 10137 D AOD_BRIGHTNESS@BrightnessManager: mCurrentBrightness : HighNit[false], NitMode[[HLPM]_2NIT_ON], isForceState[0, ForceStateReason[{}, , mAppliedBrightness[0]
05-12 20:45:22.991 10137 10137 D AOD_BRIGHTNESS@AlwaysOnDisplayEx: updateDozeBrightness: doze [2] last [[HLPM]_2NIT_ON] change to [[HLPM]_2NIT_ON]
05-12 20:45:22.991 10137 10137 I AOD_WAKELOCK@WakeLockManager: acquireIfExists: tag - AOD_DRAW, timeout - 100, reason - set Doze Brightness updateDozeBrightness, wakeLock = WakeLock{c1ae7d8 held=true, refCount=1}
05-12 20:45:23.009 3970 10055 D bauth_FPBAuthService: pcf : 0x1012, 0 ,1 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,0,
05-12 20:45:23.009 3970 10055 D bauth_FPBAuthService: thread id : 1, preenroll_flag : 0, nd cnt : 0, cso : 0, et : 0
05-12 20:45:23.009 3970 10055 D bauth_FPBAuthService: FPBAuthService, 10983
05-12 20:45:23.031 4299 12327 V WindowManager: Relayout Window{e90e744 u0 ScreenDecorOverlay}: viewVisibility=0 req=1079x151
05-12 20:45:23.039 4299 12327 V WindowManager: Relayout 10137: mAttrs={(0,0)(fillxwrap) gr=TOP LEFT CENTER sim={adjust=pan} layoutInDisplayCutoutMode=always ty=NAVIGATION_BAR_PANEL fmt=TRANSLUCENT
05-12 20:45:23.039 4299 12327 V WindowManager: fl=20800128
05-12 20:45:23.039 4299 12327 V WindowManager: pfl=1100050
05-12 20:45:23.039 4299 12327 V WindowManager: vsysui=100 naviIconColor=0}
05-12 20:45:23.041 10137 10867 D ViewRootImpl@ed5b6a[ScreenDecorOverlay]: Relayout returned: old=(0,0,1080,151) new=(0,0,1080,151) req=(1079,151)0 dur=10 res=0x3 s={true 478310035456} ch=false
05-12 20:45:23.050 4299 12327 V WindowManager: Relayout Window{9819af3 u0 ScreenDecorOverlayBottom}: viewVisibility=0 req=1079x151
05-12 20:45:23.058 4299 12327 V WindowManager: Relayout 10137: mAttrs={(0,0)(fillxwrap) gr=BOTTOM RIGHT CENTER sim={adjust=pan} layoutInDisplayCutoutMode=always ty=NAVIGATION_BAR_PANEL fmt=TRANSLUCENT
05-12 20:45:23.058 4299 12327 V WindowManager: fl=20800128
05-12 20:45:23.058 4299 12327 V WindowManager: pfl=1100050
05-12 20:45:23.058 4299 12327 V WindowManager: vsysui=100 naviIconColor=0}
05-12 20:45:23.060 10137 10867 D ViewRootImpl@2e58a0d[ScreenDecorOverlayBottom]: Relayout returned: old=(0,2189,1080,2340) new=(0,2189,1080,2340) req=(1079,151)0 dur=11 res=0x3 s={true 478310068224} ch=false
05-12 20:45:23.090 10137 10137 D AODUiController: onChargingLightSensorChanged lux : 1.0 appliedBrightness = 0 currentBrightness = 1
05-12 20:45:23.090 10137 10137 D AOD_BRIGHTNESS@BrightnessManager: mCurrentBrightness : HighNit[false], NitMode[[HLPM]_2NIT_ON], isForceState[0, ForceStateReason[{}, , mAppliedBrightness[0]
05-12 20:45:23.090 10137 10137 D AOD_BRIGHTNESS@AlwaysOnDisplayEx: updateDozeBrightness: doze [2] last [[HLPM]_2NIT_ON] change to [[HLPM]_2NIT_ON]
05-12 20:45:23.091 10137 10137 I AOD_WAKELOCK@WakeLockManager: acquireIfExists: tag - AOD_DRAW, timeout - 100, reason - set Doze Brightness updateDozeBrightness, wakeLock = WakeLock{c1ae7d8 held=true, refCount=1}
05-12 20:45:23.199 10137 10137 D AODUiController: onChargingLightSensorChanged lux : 1.0 appliedBrightness = 0 currentBrightness = 1
05-12 20:45:23.200 10137 10137 D AOD_BRIGHTNESS@BrightnessManager: mCurrentBrightness : HighNit[false], NitMode[[HLPM]_2NIT_ON], isForceState[0, ForceStateReason[{}, , mAppliedBrightness[0]
05-12 20:45:23.200 10137 10137 D AOD_BRIGHTNESS@AlwaysOnDisplayEx: updateDozeBrightness: doze [2] last [[HLPM]_2NIT_ON] change to [[HLPM]_2NIT_ON]
05-12 20:45:23.201 10137 10137 I AOD_WAKELOCK@WakeLockManager: acquireIfExists: tag - AOD_DRAW, timeout - 100, reason - set Doze Brightness updateDozeBrightness, wakeLock = WakeLock{c1ae7d8 held=false, refCount=0}
05-12 20:45:23.202 3871 3871 D SurfaceFlinger: Setting power mode 3 on display 0
05-12 20:45:23.203 3841 3885 E display : DOZE or Power off called twice, mPowerModeState : 1
05-12 20:45:23.203 3841 3885 D display : setPowerMode:: FBIOBLANK mode(3), blank(-1)
05-12 20:45:23.205 3841 3885 D display : setPowerMode:: S3CFB_POWER_MODE mode(3), blank(-1)
05-12 20:45:23.206 3871 3871 D SurfaceFlinger: Finished setting power mode 3 on display 0
05-12 20:45:23.212 4299 5297 D MotionRecognitionService: [EARHOVER_MOTION] inject screen on / off : 0
05-12 20:45:23.213 4299 5297 D SensorService: [EARHOVER_LITE] : setMotionDataLocked
05-12 20:45:23.213 4299 5297 D SensorService: [EARHOVER_LITE] : INJECT_SCREEN_OFF
05-12 20:45:23.214 4299 10048 I BiometricServiceBase: onTaskStackChangedForFingerprint: Allow background auth,
05-12 20:45:23.216 4299 10048 I chatty : uid=1000(system) biometrics.fp identical 9 lines
05-12 20:45:23.216 4299 10048 I BiometricServiceBase: onTaskStackChangedForFingerprint: Allow background auth,
05-12 20:45:23.226 3871 3871 D SurfaceFlinger: Setting power mode 1 on display 0
05-12 20:45:23.226 3841 3885 E display : DOZE or Power off called twice, mPowerModeState : 3
05-12 20:45:23.226 3841 3885 D display : setPowerMode:: FBIOBLANK mode(1), blank(-1)
05-12 20:45:23.227 10137 10137 D DisplayLifecycle: updateDisplay id = 0
05-12 20:45:23.231 3841 3885 D display : setPowerMode:: S3CFB_POWER_MODE mode(1), blank(-1)
05-12 20:45:23.232 3871 3871 D SurfaceFlinger: Finished setting power mode 1 on display 0
05-12 20:45:23.239 10137 10137 D DisplayLifecycle: updateCacheVariables id = 0, display = Display id 0: DisplayInfo{"Built-in Screen, displayId 0", uniqueId "local:0", app 1080 x 2131, real 1080 x 2340, largest app 2131 x 2131, smallest app 1080 x 1017, mode 1, defaultMode 1, modes [{id=1, width=1080, height=2340, fps=60.000004}], colorMode 0, supportedColorModes [0], hdrCapabilities android.view.Display$HdrCapabilities@40f16308, rotation 0, density 420 (403.411 x 404.326) dpi, layerStack 0, appVsyncOff 1000000, presDeadline 16666666, type BUILT_IN, address {port=0}, state DOZE_SUSPEND, FLAG_SECURE, FLAG_SUPPORTS_PROTECTED_BUFFERS, removeMode 0}, DisplayMetrics{density=2.625, width=1080, height=2131, scaledDensity=2.625, xdpi=403.411, ydpi=404.326}, isValid=true, size = Point(1080, 2131), realSize = Point(1080, 2340)
05-12 20:45:23.251 4299 5297 D MotionRecognitionService: [EARHOVER_MOTION] inject screen on / off : 0
05-12 20:45:23.251 4299 5297 D SensorService: [EARHOVER_LITE] : setMotionDataLocked
05-12 20:45:23.251 4299 5297 D SensorService: [EARHOVER_LITE] : INJECT_SCREEN_OFF
05-12 20:45:23.253 4299 10048 I BiometricServiceBase: onTaskStackChangedForFingerprint: Allow background auth,
05-12 20:45:23.254 4299 10048 I chatty : uid=1000(system) biometrics.fp identical 9 lines
05-12 20:45:23.254 4299 10048 I BiometricServiceBase: onTaskStackChangedForFingerprint: Allow background auth,
05-12 20:45:23.269 10137 10137 D AOD_LIVE_CLOCK@LiveClockController: updateDisplayState: DISPLAY_STATE_DOZE
05-12 20:45:23.271 10137 10137 D DisplayLifecycle: updateDisplay id = 0
05-12 20:45:23.275 10137 10137 D DisplayLifecycle: updateCacheVariables id = 0, display = Display id 0: DisplayInfo{"Built-in Screen, displayId 0", uniqueId "local:0", app 1080 x 2131, real 1080 x 2340, largest app 2131 x 2131, smallest app 1080 x 1017, mode 1, defaultMode 1, modes [{id=1, width=1080, height=2340, fps=60.000004}], colorMode 0, supportedColorModes [0], hdrCapabilities android.view.Display$HdrCapabilities@40f16308, rotation 0, density 420 (403.411 x 404.326) dpi, layerStack 0, appVsyncOff 1000000, presDeadline 16666666, type BUILT_IN, address {port=0}, state DOZE, FLAG_SECURE, FLAG_SUPPORTS_PROTECTED_BUFFERS, removeMode 0}, DisplayMetrics{density=2.625, width=1080, height=2131, scaledDensity=2.625, xdpi=403.411, ydpi=404.326}, isValid=true, size = Point(1080, 2131), realSize = Point(1080, 2340)
05-12 20:45:23.286 4299 11683 V WindowManager: Relayout Window{e90e744 u0 ScreenDecorOverlay}: viewVisibility=0 req=1079x151
05-12 20:45:23.291 10137 10137 D AOD_LIVE_CLOCK@LiveClockController: updateDisplayState: DISPLAY_STATE_DOZE
05-12 20:45:23.293 10137 10137 D AODUiController: onChargingLightSensorChanged lux : 1.0 appliedBrightness = 0 currentBrightness = 1
05-12 20:45:23.293 10137 10137 D AOD_BRIGHTNESS@BrightnessManager: mCurrentBrightness : HighNit[false], NitMode[[HLPM]_2NIT_ON], isForceState[0, ForceStateReason[{}, , mAppliedBrightness[0]
05-12 20:45:23.293 10137 10137 D AOD_BRIGHTNESS@AlwaysOnDisplayEx: updateDozeBrightness: doze [2] last [[HLPM]_2NIT_ON] change to [[HLPM]_2NIT_ON]
05-12 20:45:23.293 10137 10137 I AOD_WAKELOCK@WakeLockManager: acquireIfExists: tag - AOD_DRAW, timeout - 100, reason - set Doze Brightness updateDozeBrightness, wakeLock = WakeLock{c1ae7d8 held=true, refCount=1}
05-12 20:45:23.294 4299 11683 V WindowManager: Relayout 10137: mAttrs={(0,0)(fillxwrap) gr=TOP LEFT CENTER sim={adjust=pan} layoutInDisplayCutoutMode=always ty=NAVIGATION_BAR_PANEL fmt=TRANSLUCENT
05-12 20:45:23.294 4299 11683 V WindowManager: fl=20800128
05-12 20:45:23.294 4299 11683 V WindowManager: pfl=1100050
05-12 20:45:23.294 4299 11683 V WindowManager: vsysui=100 naviIconColor=0}
05-12 20:45:23.296 10137 10867 D ViewRootImpl@ed5b6a[ScreenDecorOverlay]: Relayout returned: old=(0,0,1080,151) new=(0,0,1080,151) req=(1079,151)0 dur=11 res=0x3 s={true 478310035456} ch=false
05-12 20:45:23.306 4299 11683 V WindowManager: Relayout Window{9819af3 u0 ScreenDecorOverlayBottom}: viewVisibility=0 req=1079x151
05-12 20:45:23.313 4299 11683 V WindowManager: Relayout 10137: mAttrs={(0,0)(fillxwrap) gr=BOTTOM RIGHT CENTER sim={adjust=pan} layoutInDisplayCutoutMode=always ty=NAVIGATION_BAR_PANEL fmt=TRANSLUCENT
05-12 20:45:23.313 4299 11683 V WindowManager: fl=20800128
05-12 20:45:23.313 4299 11683 V WindowManager: pfl=1100050
05-12 20:45:23.313 4299 11683 V WindowManager: vsysui=100 naviIconColor=0}
05-12 20:45:23.315 10137 10867 D ViewRootImpl@2e58a0d[ScreenDecorOverlayBottom]: Relayout returned: old=(0,2189,1080,2340) new=(0,2189,1080,2340) req=(1079,151)0 dur=10 res=0x3 s={true 478310068224} ch=false
05-12 20:45:23.393 10137 10137 D AODUiController: onChargingLightSensorChanged lux : 1.0 appliedBrightness = 0 currentBrightness = 1
05-12 20:45:23.393 10137 10137 D AOD_BRIGHTNESS@BrightnessManager: mCurrentBrightness : HighNit[false], NitMode[[HLPM]_2NIT_ON], isForceState[0, ForceStateReason[{}, , mAppliedBrightness[0]
05-12 20:45:23.394 10137 10137 D AOD_BRIGHTNESS@AlwaysOnDisplayEx: updateDozeBrightness: doze [2] last [[HLPM]_2NIT_ON] change to [[HLPM]_2NIT_ON]
05-12 20:45:23.394 10137 10137 I AOD_WAKELOCK@WakeLockManager: acquireIfExists: tag - AOD_DRAW, timeout - 100, reason - set Doze Brightness updateDozeBrightness, wakeLock = WakeLock{c1ae7d8 held=true, refCount=1}
05-12 20:45:23.398 3951 10369 I GNSS_MEMS: TGT_MEMS SCSCMemsReportSensorDrops: dropped 0 events (spam) 2 events (rate limit) out of 50 total for sensor 0 since last report
05-12 20:45:23.494 10137 10137 D AODUiController: onChargingLightSensorChanged lux : 2.0 appliedBrightness = 0 currentBrightness = 1
05-12 20:45:23.494 10137 10137 D AOD_BRIGHTNESS@BrightnessManager: mCurrentBrightness : HighNit[false], NitMode[[HLPM]_2NIT_ON], isForceState[0, ForceStateReason[{}, , mAppliedBrightness[0]
05-12 20:45:23.494 10137 10137 D AOD_BRIGHTNESS@AlwaysOnDisplayEx: updateDozeBrightness: doze [2] last [[HLPM]_2NIT_ON] change to [[HLPM]_2NIT_ON]
05-12 20:45:23.494 10137 10137 I AOD_WAKELOCK@WakeLockManager: acquireIfExists: tag - AOD_DRAW, timeout - 100, reason - set Doze Brightness updateDozeBrightness, wakeLock = WakeLock{c1ae7d8 held=true, refCount=1}
05-12 20:45:23.615 10137 10137 D AODUiController: onChargingLightSensorChanged lux : 2.0 appliedBrightness = 0 currentBrightness = 1
05-12 20:45:23.615 10137 10137 D AOD_BRIGHTNESS@BrightnessManager: mCurrentBrightness : HighNit[false], NitMode[[HLPM]_2NIT_ON], isForceState[0, ForceStateReason[{}, , mAppliedBrightness[0]
05-12 20:45:23.615 10137 10137 D AOD_BRIGHTNESS@AlwaysOnDisplayEx: updateDozeBrightness: doze [2] last [[HLPM]_2NIT_ON] change to [[HLPM]_2NIT_ON]
05-12 20:45:23.616 10137 10137 I AOD_WAKELOCK@WakeLockManager: acquireIfExists: tag - AOD_DRAW, timeout - 100, reason - set Doze Brightness updateDozeBrightness, wakeLock = WakeLock{c1ae7d8 held=false, refCount=0}
05-12 20:45:23.619 3871 3871 D SurfaceFlinger: Setting power mode 3 on display 0
05-12 20:45:23.620 3841 3885 E display : DOZE or Power off called twice, mPowerModeState : 1
05-12 20:45:23.620 3841 3885 D display : setPowerMode:: FBIOBLANK mode(3), blank(-1)
05-12 20:45:23.627 4299 5297 D MotionRecognitionService: [EARHOVER_MOTION] inject screen on / off : 0
05-12 20:45:23.627 4299 5297 D SensorService: [EARHOVER_LITE] : setMotionDataLocked
05-12 20:45:23.627 4299 5297 D SensorService: [EARHOVER_LITE] : INJECT_SCREEN_OFF
05-12 20:45:23.628 4299 10048 I BiometricServiceBase: onTaskStackChangedForFingerprint: Allow background auth,
05-12 20:45:23.629 3841 3885 D display : setPowerMode:: S3CFB_POWER_MODE mode(3), blank(-1)
05-12 20:45:23.629 4299 10048 I BiometricServiceBase: onTaskStackChangedForFingerprint: Allow background auth,
05-12 20:45:23.629 4299 10048 I BiometricServiceBase: onTaskStackChangedForFingerprint: Allow background auth,
05-12 20:45:23.629 3871 3871 D SurfaceFlinger: Finished setting power mode 3 on display 0
05-12 20:45:23.629 4299 10048 I BiometricServiceBase: onTaskStackChangedForFingerprint: Allow background auth,
05-12 20:45:23.631 4299 10048 I chatty : uid=1000(system) biometrics.fp identical 6 lines
05-12 20:45:23.632 4299 10048 I BiometricServiceBase: onTaskStackChangedForFingerprint: Allow background auth,
05-12 20:45:23.659 3871 3871 D SurfaceFlinger: Setting power mode 1 on display 0
05-12 20:45:23.659 10137 10137 D DisplayLifecycle: updateDisplay id = 0
05-12 20:45:23.660 3841 3885 E display : DOZE or Power off called twice, mPowerModeState : 3
05-12 20:45:23.660 3841 3885 D display : setPowerMode:: FBIOBLANK mode(1), blank(-1)
05-12 20:45:23.663 10137 10137 D DisplayLifecycle: updateCacheVariables id = 0, display = Display id 0: DisplayInfo{"Built-in Screen, displayId 0", uniqueId "local:0", app 1080 x 2131, real 1080 x 2340, largest app 2131 x 2131, smallest app 1080 x 1017, mode 1, defaultMode 1, modes [{id=1, width=1080, height=2340, fps=60.000004}], colorMode 0, supportedColorModes [0], hdrCapabilities android.view.Display$HdrCapabilities@40f16308, rotation 0, density 420 (403.411 x 404.326) dpi, layerStack 0, appVsyncOff 1000000, presDeadline 16666666, type BUILT_IN, address {port=0}, state DOZE_SUSPEND, FLAG_SECURE, FLAG_SUPPORTS_PROTECTED_BUFFERS, removeMode 0}, DisplayMetrics{density=2.625, width=1080, height=2131, scaledDensity=2.625, xdpi=403.411, ydpi=404.326}, isValid=true, size = Point(1080, 2131), realSize = Point(1080, 2340)
05-12 20:45:23.664 3841 3885 D display : setPowerMode:: S3CFB_POWER_MODE mode(1), blank(-1)
05-12 20:45:23.664 4299 11683 V WindowManager: Relayout Window{e90e744 u0 ScreenDecorOverlay}: viewVisibility=0 req=1079x151
05-12 20:45:23.665 3871 3871 D SurfaceFlinger: Finished setting power mode 1 on display 0
05-12 20:45:23.673 4299 11683 V WindowManager: Relayout 10137: mAttrs={(0,0)(fillxwrap) gr=TOP LEFT CENTER sim={adjust=pan} layoutInDisplayCutoutMode=always ty=NAVIGATION_BAR_PANEL fmt=TRANSLUCENT
05-12 20:45:23.673 4299 11683 V WindowManager: fl=20800128
05-12 20:45:23.673 4299 11683 V WindowManager: pfl=1100050
05-12 20:45:23.673 4299 11683 V WindowManager: vsysui=100 naviIconColor=0}
05-12 20:45:23.675 10137 10867 D ViewRootImpl@ed5b6a[ScreenDecorOverlay]: Relayout returned: old=(0,0,1080,151) new=(0,0,1080,151) req=(1079,151)0 dur=16 res=0x3 s={true 478310035456} ch=false
05-12 20:45:23.676 10137 10137 D AOD_LIVE_CLOCK@LiveClockController: updateDisplayState: DISPLAY_STATE_DOZE_SUSPEND
05-12 20:45:23.682 4299 10048 I BiometricServiceBase: onTaskStackChangedForFingerprint: Allow background auth,
05-12 20:45:23.683 4299 10048 I chatty : uid=1000(system) biometrics.fp identical 6 lines
05-12 20:45:23.683 4299 10048 I BiometricServiceBase: onTaskStackChangedForFingerprint: Allow background auth,
05-12 20:45:23.683 4299 5297 D MotionRecognitionService: [EARHOVER_MOTION] inject screen on / off : 0
05-12 20:45:23.683 4299 10048 I BiometricServiceBase: onTaskStackChangedForFingerprint: Allow background auth,
05-12 20:45:23.683 4299 10048 I chatty : uid=1000(system) biometrics.fp identical 1 line
05-12 20:45:23.683 4299 10048 I BiometricServiceBase: onTaskStackChangedForFingerprint: Allow background auth,
05-12 20:45:23.683 4299 5297 D SensorService: [EARHOVER_LITE] : setMotionDataLocked
05-12 20:45:23.683 4299 5297 D SensorService: [EARHOVER_LITE] : INJECT_SCREEN_OFF
05-12 20:45:23.688 10137 10137 D DisplayLifecycle: updateDisplay id = 0
05-12 20:45:23.697 10137 10137 D DisplayLifecycle: updateCacheVariables id = 0, display = Display id 0: DisplayInfo{"Built-in Screen, displayId 0", uniqueId "local:0", app 1080 x 2131, real 1080 x 2340, largest app 2131 x 2131, smallest app 1080 x 1017, mode 1, defaultMode 1, modes [{id=1, width=1080, height=2340, fps=60.000004}], colorMode 0, supportedColorModes [0], hdrCapabilities android.view.Display$HdrCapabilities@40f16308, rotation 0, density 420 (403.411 x 404.326) dpi, layerStack 0, appVsyncOff 1000000, presDeadline 16666666, type BUILT_IN, address {port=0}, state DOZE, FLAG_SECURE, FLAG_SUPPORTS_PROTECTED_BUFFERS, removeMode 0}, DisplayMetrics{density=2.625, width=1080, height=2131, scaledDensity=2.625, xdpi=403.411, ydpi=404.326}, isValid=true, size = Point(1080, 2131), realSize = Point(1080, 2340)
05-12 20:45:23.703 4299 11513 V WindowManager: Relayout Window{9819af3 u0 ScreenDecorOverlayBottom}: viewVisibility=0 req=1079x151
05-12 20:45:23.708 10137 10137 D AOD_LIVE_CLOCK@LiveClockController: updateDisplayState: DISPLAY_STATE_DOZE
05-12 20:45:23.709 4299 11513 V WindowManager: Relayout 10137: mAttrs={(0,0)(fillxwrap) gr=BOTTOM RIGHT CENTER sim={adjust=pan} layoutInDisplayCutoutMode=always ty=NAVIGATION_BAR_PANEL fmt=TRANSLUCENT
05-12 20:45:23.709 4299 11513 V WindowManager: fl=20800128
05-12 20:45:23.709 4299 11513 V WindowManager: pfl=1100050
05-12 20:45:23.709 4299 11513 V WindowManager: vsysui=100 naviIconColor=0}
05-12 20:45:23.711 10137 10867 D ViewRootImpl@2e58a0d[ScreenDecorOverlayBottom]: Relayout returned: old=(0,2189,1080,2340) new=(0,2189,1080,2340) req=(1079,151)0 dur=17 res=0x3 s={true 478310068224} ch=false
05-12 20:45:23.714 10137 10137 D AODUiController: onChargingLightSensorChanged lux : 1.0 appliedBrightness = 0 currentBrightness = 1
05-12 20:45:23.714 10137 10137 D AOD_BRIGHTNESS@BrightnessManager: mCurrentBrightness : HighNit[false], NitMode[[HLPM]_2NIT_ON], isForceState[0, ForceStateReason[{}, , mAppliedBrightness[0]
05-12 20:45:23.715 10137 10137 D AOD_BRIGHTNESS@AlwaysOnDisplayEx: updateDozeBrightness: doze [2] last [[HLPM]_2NIT_ON] change to [[HLPM]_2NIT_ON]
05-12 20:45:23.715 10137 10137 I AOD_WAKELOCK@WakeLockManager: acquireIfExists: tag - AOD_DRAW, timeout - 100, reason - set Doze Brightness updateDozeBrightness, wakeLock = WakeLock{c1ae7d8 held=true, refCount=1}
05-12 20:45:23.735 4299 11513 V WindowManager: Relayout Window{e90e744 u0 ScreenDecorOverlay}: viewVisibility=0 req=1079x151
05-12 20:45:23.741 4299 11513 V WindowManager: Relayout 10137: mAttrs={(0,0)(fillxwrap) gr=TOP LEFT CENTER sim={adjust=pan} layoutInDisplayCutoutMode=always ty=NAVIGATION_BAR_PANEL fmt=TRANSLUCENT
05-12 20:45:23.741 4299 11513 V WindowManager: fl=20800128
05-12 20:45:23.741 4299 11513 V WindowManager: pfl=1100050
05-12 20:45:23.741 4299 11513 V WindowManager: vsysui=100 naviIconColor=0}
05-12 20:45:23.743 10137 10867 D ViewRootImpl@ed5b6a[ScreenDecorOverlay]: Relayout returned: old=(0,0,1080,151) new=(0,0,1080,151) req=(1079,151)0 dur=9 res=0x3 s={true 478310035456} ch=false
05-12 20:45:23.750 4299 11513 V WindowManager: Relayout Window{9819af3 u0 ScreenDecorOverlayBottom}: viewVisibility=0 req=1079x151
05-12 20:45:23.758 4299 11513 V WindowManager: Relayout 10137: mAttrs={(0,0)(fillxwrap) gr=BOTTOM RIGHT CENTER sim={adjust=pan} layoutInDisplayCutoutMode=always ty=NAVIGATION_BAR_PANEL fmt=TRANSLUCENT
05-12 20:45:23.758 4299 11513 V WindowManager: fl=20800128
05-12 20:45:23.758 4299 11513 V WindowManager: pfl=1100050
05-12 20:45:23.758 4299 11513 V WindowManager: vsysui=100 naviIconColor=0}
05-12 20:45:23.760 10137 10867 D ViewRootImpl@2e58a0d[ScreenDecorOverlayBottom]: Relayout returned: old=(0,2189,1080,2340) new=(0,2189,1080,2340) req=(1079,151)0 dur=11 res=0x3 s={true 478310068224} ch=false
05-12 20:45:23.819 3871 3871 D SurfaceFlinger: Setting power mode 3 on display 0
05-12 20:45:23.820 3841 3885 E display : DOZE or Power off called twice, mPowerModeState : 1
05-12 20:45:23.820 3841 3885 D display : setPowerMode:: FBIOBLANK mode(3), blank(-1)
05-12 20:45:23.824 4299 5297 D MotionRecognitionService: [EARHOVER_MOTION] inject screen on / off : 0
05-12 20:45:23.824 10137 10137 D AODUiController: onChargingLightSensorChanged lux : 1.0 appliedBrightness = 0 currentBrightness = 1
05-12 20:45:23.824 10137 10137 D AOD_BRIGHTNESS@BrightnessManager: mCurrentBrightness : HighNit[false], NitMode[[HLPM]_2NIT_ON], isForceState[0, ForceStateReason[{}, , mAppliedBrightness[0]
05-12 20:45:23.825 4299 5297 D SensorService: [EARHOVER_LITE] : setMotionDataLocked
05-12 20:45:23.825 4299 5297 D SensorService: [EARHOVER_LITE] : INJECT_SCREEN_OFF
05-12 20:45:23.825 10137 10137 D AOD_BRIGHTNESS@AlwaysOnDisplayEx: updateDozeBrightness: doze [2] last [[HLPM]_2NIT_ON] change to [[HLPM]_2NIT_ON]
05-12 20:45:23.825 10137 10137 I AOD_WAKELOCK@WakeLockManager: acquireIfExists: tag - AOD_DRAW, timeout - 100, reason - set Doze Brightness updateDozeBrightness, wakeLock = WakeLock{c1ae7d8 held=false, refCount=0}
05-12 20:45:23.828 4299 10048 I BiometricServiceBase: onTaskStackChangedForFingerprint: Allow background auth,
05-12 20:45:23.829 4299 10048 I chatty : uid=1000(system) biometrics.fp identical 9 lines
05-12 20:45:23.829 4299 10048 I BiometricServiceBase: onTaskStackChangedForFingerprint: Allow background auth,
05-12 20:45:23.838 10137 10137 D DisplayLifecycle: updateDisplay id = 0
05-12 20:45:23.843 3841 3885 D display : setPowerMode:: S3CFB_POWER_MODE mode(3), blank(-1)
05-12 20:45:23.843 3871 3871 D SurfaceFlinger: Finished setting power mode 3 on display 0
05-12 20:45:23.844 3871 3871 D SurfaceFlinger: Setting power mode 1 on display 0
05-12 20:45:23.845 10137 10137 D DisplayLifecycle: updateCacheVariables id = 0, display = Display id 0: DisplayInfo{"Built-in Screen, displayId 0", uniqueId "local:0", app 1080 x 2131, real 1080 x 2340, largest app 2131 x 2131, smallest app 1080 x 1017, mode 1, defaultMode 1, modes [{id=1, width=1080, height=2340, fps=60.000004}], colorMode 0, supportedColorModes [0], hdrCapabilities android.view.Display$HdrCapabilities@40f16308, rotation 0, density 420 (403.411 x 404.326) dpi, layerStack 0, appVsyncOff 1000000, presDeadline 16666666, type BUILT_IN, address {port=0}, state DOZE_SUSPEND, FLAG_SECURE, FLAG_SUPPORTS_PROTECTED_BUFFERS, removeMode 0}, DisplayMetrics{density=2.625, width=1080, height=2131, scaledDensity=2.625, xdpi=403.411, ydpi=404.326}, isValid=true, size = Point(1080, 2131), realSize = Point(1080, 2340)
05-12 20:45:23.845 3841 3885 E display : DOZE or Power off called twice, mPowerModeState : 3
05-12 20:45:23.845 3841 3885 D display : setPowerMode:: FBIOBLANK mode(1), blank(-1)
05-12 20:45:23.847 4299 5297 D MotionRecognitionService: [EARHOVER_MOTION] inject screen on / off : 0
05-12 20:45:23.848 4299 5297 D SensorService: [EARHOVER_LITE] : setMotionDataLocked
05-12 20:45:23.848 4299 5297 D SensorService: [EARHOVER_LITE] : INJECT_SCREEN_OFF
05-12 20:45:23.849 4299 10048 I BiometricServiceBase: onTaskStackChangedForFingerprint: Allow background auth,
05-12 20:45:23.849 3841 3885 D display : setPowerMode:: S3CFB_POWER_MODE mode(1), blank(-1)
05-12 20:45:23.850 3871 3871 D SurfaceFlinger: Finished setting power mode 1 on display 0
05-12 20:45:23.852 4299 10048 I BiometricServiceBase: onTaskStackChangedForFingerprint: Allow background auth,
05-12 20:45:23.853 4299 10048 I chatty : uid=1000(system) biometrics.fp identical 8 lines
05-12 20:45:23.853 4299 10048 I BiometricServiceBase: onTaskStackChangedForFingerprint: Allow background auth,
05-12 20:45:23.870 10137 10137 D AOD_LIVE_CLOCK@LiveClockController: updateDisplayState: DISPLAY_STATE_DOZE
05-12 20:45:23.871 10137 10137 D DisplayLifecycle: updateDisplay id = 0
05-12 20:45:23.875 10137 10137 D DisplayLifecycle: updateCacheVariables id = 0, display = Display id 0: DisplayInfo{"Built-in Screen, displayId 0", uniqueId "local:0", app 1080 x 2131, real 1080 x 2340, largest app 2131 x 2131, smallest app 1080 x 1017, mode 1, defaultMode 1, modes [{id=1, width=1080, height=2340, fps=60.000004}], colorMode 0, supportedColorModes [0], hdrCapabilities android.view.Display$HdrCapabilities@40f16308, rotation 0, density 420 (403.411 x 404.326) dpi, layerStack 0, appVsyncOff 1000000, presDeadline 16666666, type BUILT_IN, address {port=0}, state DOZE, FLAG_SECURE, FLAG_SUPPORTS_PROTECTED_BUFFERS, removeMode 0}, DisplayMetrics{density=2.625, width=1080, height=2131, scaledDensity=2.625, xdpi=403.411, ydpi=404.326}, isValid=true, size = Point(1080, 2131), realSize = Point(1080, 2340)
05-12 20:45:23.880 4299 11683 V WindowManager: Relayout Window{e90e744 u0 ScreenDecorOverlay}: viewVisibility=0 req=1079x151
05-12 20:45:23.887 4299 11683 V WindowManager: Relayout 10137: mAttrs={(0,0)(fillxwrap) gr=TOP LEFT CENTER sim={adjust=pan} layoutInDisplayCutoutMode=always ty=NAVIGATION_BAR_PANEL fmt=TRANSLUCENT
05-12 20:45:23.887 4299 11683 V WindowManager: fl=20800128
05-12 20:45:23.887 4299 11683 V WindowManager: pfl=1100050
05-12 20:45:23.887 4299 11683 V WindowManager: vsysui=100 naviIconColor=0}
05-12 20:45:23.887 10137 10137 D AOD_LIVE_CLOCK@LiveClockController: updateDisplayState: DISPLAY_STATE_DOZE
05-12 20:45:23.889 10137 10867 D ViewRootImpl@ed5b6a[ScreenDecorOverlay]: Relayout returned: old=(0,0,1080,151) new=(0,0,1080,151) req=(1079,151)0 dur=9 res=0x3 s={true 478310035456} ch=false
05-12 20:45:23.896 4299 11683 V WindowManager: Relayout Window{9819af3 u0 ScreenDecorOverlayBottom}: viewVisibility=0 req=1079x151
05-12 20:45:23.904 4299 11683 V WindowManager: Relayout 10137: mAttrs={(0,0)(fillxwrap) gr=BOTTOM RIGHT CENTER sim={adjust=pan} layoutInDisplayCutoutMode=always ty=NAVIGATION_BAR_PANEL fmt=TRANSLUCENT
05-12 20:45:23.904 4299 11683 V WindowManager: fl=20800128
05-12 20:45:23.904 4299 11683 V WindowManager: pfl=1100050
05-12 20:45:23.904 4299 11683 V WindowManager: vsysui=100 naviIconColor=0}
05-12 20:45:23.906 10137 10867 D ViewRootImpl@2e58a0d[ScreenDecorOverlayBottom]: Relayout returned: old=(0,2189,1080,2340) new=(0,2189,1080,2340) req=(1079,151)0 dur=10 res=0x3 s={true 478310068224} ch=false
05-12 20:45:23.921 10137 10137 D AODUiController: onChargingLightSensorChanged lux : 1.0 appliedBrightness = 0 currentBrightness = 1
05-12 20:45:23.921 10137 10137 D AOD_BRIGHTNESS@BrightnessManager: mCurrentBrightness : HighNit[false], NitMode[[HLPM]_2NIT_ON], isForceState[0, ForceStateReason[{}, , mAppliedBrightness[0]
05-12 20:45:23.921 10137 10137 D AOD_BRIGHTNESS@AlwaysOnDisplayEx: updateDozeBrightness: doze [2] last [[HLPM]_2NIT_ON] change to [[HLPM]_2NIT_ON]
05-12 20:45:23.921 10137 10137 I AOD_WAKELOCK@WakeLockManager: acquireIfExists: tag - AOD_DRAW, timeout - 100, reason - set Doze Brightness updateDozeBrightness, wakeLock = WakeLock{c1ae7d8 held=true, refCount=1}
05-12 20:45:24.009 3970 10055 D bauth_FPBAuthService: pcf : 0x1012, 0 ,1 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,0,
05-12 20:45:24.009 3970 10055 D bauth_FPBAuthService: thread id : 1, preenroll_flag : 0, nd cnt : 0, cso : 0, et : 0
05-12 20:45:24.009 3970 10055 D bauth_FPBAuthService: FPBAuthService, 10983
05-12 20:45:24.027 3871 3871 D SurfaceFlinger: Setting power mode 3 on display 0
05-12 20:45:24.027 10137 10137 D AODUiController: onChargingLightSensorChanged lux : 1.0 appliedBrightness = 0 currentBrightness = 1
05-12 20:45:24.027 10137 10137 D AOD_BRIGHTNESS@BrightnessManager: mCurrentBrightness : HighNit[false], NitMode[[HLPM]_2NIT_ON], isForceState[0, ForceStateReason[{}, , mAppliedBrightness[0]
05-12 20:45:24.028 10137 10137 D AOD_BRIGHTNESS@AlwaysOnDisplayEx: updateDozeBrightness: doze [2] last [[HLPM]_2NIT_ON] change to [[HLPM]_2NIT_ON]
05-12 20:45:24.028 3841 9377 E display : DOZE or Power off called twice, mPowerModeState : 1
05-12 20:45:24.028 3841 9377 D display : setPowerMode:: FBIOBLANK mode(3), blank(-1)
05-12 20:45:24.028 10137 10137 I AOD_WAKELOCK@WakeLockManager: acquireIfExists: tag - AOD_DRAW, timeout - 100, reason - set Doze Brightness updateDozeBrightness, wakeLock = WakeLock{c1ae7d8 held=false, refCount=0}
05-12 20:45:24.029 3841 9377 D display : setPowerMode:: S3CFB_POWER_MODE mode(3), blank(-1)
05-12 20:45:24.030 3871 3871 D SurfaceFlinger: Finished setting power mode 3 on display 0
05-12 20:45:24.031 4299 5297 D MotionRecognitionService: [EARHOVER_MOTION] inject screen on / off : 0
05-12 20:45:24.031 4299 5297 D SensorService: [EARHOVER_LITE] : setMotionDataLocked
05-12 20:45:24.032 4299 5297 D SensorService: [EARHOVER_LITE] : INJECT_SCREEN_OFF
05-12 20:45:24.035 4299 10048 I BiometricServiceBase: onTaskStackChangedForFingerprint: Allow background auth,
05-12 20:45:24.036 4299 10048 I chatty : uid=1000(system) biometrics.fp identical 9 lines
05-12 20:45:24.036 4299 10048 I BiometricServiceBase: onTaskStackChangedForFingerprint: Allow background auth,
05-12 20:45:24.041 3871 3871 D SurfaceFlinger: Setting power mode 1 on display 0
05-12 20:45:24.041 3841 3885 E display : DOZE or Power off called twice, mPowerModeState : 3
05-12 20:45:24.041 3841 3885 D display : setPowerMode:: FBIOBLANK mode(1), blank(-1)
05-12 20:45:24.046 3841 3885 D display : setPowerMode:: S3CFB_POWER_MODE mode(1), blank(-1)
05-12 20:45:24.046 3871 3871 D SurfaceFlinger: Finished setting power mode 1 on display 0
05-12 20:45:24.048 10137 10137 D DisplayLifecycle: updateDisplay id = 0
05-12 20:45:24.054 4299 5297 D MotionRecognitionService: [EARHOVER_MOTION] inject screen on / off : 0
05-12 20:45:24.054 4299 5297 D SensorService: [EARHOVER_LITE] : setMotionDataLocked
05-12 20:45:24.054 4299 5297 D SensorService: [EARHOVER_LITE] : INJECT_SCREEN_OFF
05-12 20:45:24.054 4299 10048 I BiometricServiceBase: onTaskStackChangedForFingerprint: Allow background auth,
05-12 20:45:24.057 4299 10048 I chatty : uid=1000(system) biometrics.fp identical 9 lines
05-12 20:45:24.057 4299 10048 I BiometricServiceBase: onTaskStackChangedForFingerprint: Allow background auth,
05-12 20:45:24.063 10137 10137 D DisplayLifecycle: updateCacheVariables id = 0, display = Display id 0: DisplayInfo{"Built-in Screen, displayId 0", uniqueId "local:0", app 1080 x 2131, real 1080 x 2340, largest app 2131 x 2131, smallest app 1080 x 1017, mode 1, defaultMode 1, modes [{id=1, width=1080, height=2340, fps=60.000004}], colorMode 0, supportedColorModes [0], hdrCapabilities android.view.Display$HdrCapabilities@40f16308, rotation 0, density 420 (403.411 x 404.326) dpi, layerStack 0, appVsyncOff 1000000, presDeadline 16666666, type BUILT_IN, address {port=0}, state DOZE, FLAG_SECURE, FLAG_SUPPORTS_PROTECTED_BUFFERS, removeMode 0}, DisplayMetrics{density=2.625, width=1080, height=2131, scaledDensity=2.625, xdpi=403.411, ydpi=404.326}, isValid=true, size = Point(1080, 2131), realSize = Point(1080, 2340)
05-12 20:45:24.080 10137 10137 D AOD_LIVE_CLOCK@LiveClockController: updateDisplayState: DISPLAY_STATE_DOZE
05-12 20:45:24.081 10137 10137 D DisplayLifecycle: updateDisplay id = 0
05-12 20:45:24.087 4299 11683 V WindowManager: Relayout Window{e90e744 u0 ScreenDecorOverlay}: viewVisibility=0 req=1079x151
05-12 20:45:24.087 10137 10137 D DisplayLifecycle: updateCacheVariables id = 0, display = Display id 0: DisplayInfo{"Built-in Screen, displayId 0", uniqueId "local:0", app 1080 x 2131, real 1080 x 2340, largest app 2131 x 2131, smallest app 1080 x 1017, mode 1, defaultMode 1, modes [{id=1, width=1080, height=2340, fps=60.000004}], colorMode 0, supportedColorModes [0], hdrCapabilities android.view.Display$HdrCapabilities@40f16308, rotation 0, density 420 (403.411 x 404.326) dpi, layerStack 0, appVsyncOff 1000000, presDeadline 16666666, type BUILT_IN, address {port=0}, state DOZE, FLAG_SECURE, FLAG_SUPPORTS_PROTECTED_BUFFERS, removeMode 0}, DisplayMetrics{density=2.625, width=1080, height=2131, scaledDensity=2.625, xdpi=403.411, ydpi=404.326}, isValid=true, size = Point(1080, 2131), realSize = Point(1080, 2340)
05-12 20:45:24.093 4299 11683 V WindowManager: Relayout 10137: mAttrs={(0,0)(fillxwrap) gr=TOP LEFT CENTER sim={adjust=pan} layoutInDisplayCutoutMode=always ty=NAVIGATION_BAR_PANEL fmt=TRANSLUCENT
05-12 20:45:24.093 4299 11683 V WindowManager: fl=20800128
05-12 20:45:24.093 4299 11683 V WindowManager: pfl=1100050
05-12 20:45:24.093 4299 11683 V WindowManager: vsysui=100 naviIconColor=0}
05-12 20:45:24.095 10137 10867 D ViewRootImpl@ed5b6a[ScreenDecorOverlay]: Relayout returned: old=(0,0,1080,151) new=(0,0,1080,151) req=(1079,151)0 dur=9 res=0x3 s={true 478310035456} ch=false
05-12 20:45:24.096 10137 10137 D AOD_LIVE_CLOCK@LiveClockController: updateDisplayState: DISPLAY_STATE_DOZE
05-12 20:45:24.104 4299 11683 V WindowManager: Relayout Window{9819af3 u0 ScreenDecorOverlayBottom}: viewVisibility=0 req=1079x151
05-12 20:45:24.110 4299 11683 V WindowManager: Relayout 10137: mAttrs={(0,0)(fillxwrap) gr=BOTTOM RIGHT CENTER sim={adjust=pan} layoutInDisplayCutoutMode=always ty=NAVIGATION_BAR_PANEL fmt=TRANSLUCENT
05-12 20:45:24.110 4299 11683 V WindowManager: fl=20800128
05-12 20:45:24.110 4299 11683 V WindowManager: pfl=1100050
05-12 20:45:24.110 4299 11683 V WindowManager: vsysui=100 naviIconColor=0}
05-12 20:45:24.112 10137 10867 D ViewRootImpl@2e58a0d[ScreenDecorOverlayBottom]: Relayout returned: old=(0,2189,1080,2340) new=(0,2189,1080,2340) req=(1079,151)0 dur=9 res=0x3 s={true 478310068224} ch=false
05-12 20:45:24.129 10137 10137 D AODUiController: onChargingLightSensorChanged lux : 1.0 appliedBrightness = 0 currentBrightness = 1
05-12 20:45:24.129 10137 10137 D AOD_BRIGHTNESS@BrightnessManager: mCurrentBrightness : HighNit[false], NitMode[[HLPM]_2NIT_ON], isForceState[0, ForceStateReason[{}, , mAppliedBrightness[0]
05-12 20:45:24.130 10137 10137 D AOD_BRIGHTNESS@AlwaysOnDisplayEx: updateDozeBrightness: doze [2] last [[HLPM]_2NIT_ON] change to [[HLPM]_2NIT_ON]
05-12 20:45:24.130 10137 10137 I AOD_WAKELOCK@WakeLockManager: acquireIfExists: tag - AOD_DRAW, timeout - 100, reason - set Doze Brightness updateDozeBrightness, wakeLock = WakeLock{c1ae7d8 held=true, refCount=1}
05-12 20:45:24.229 10137 10137 D AODUiController: onChargingLightSensorChanged lux : 2.0 appliedBrightness = 0 currentBrightness = 1
05-12 20:45:24.230 10137 10137 D AOD_BRIGHTNESS@BrightnessManager: mCurrentBrightness : HighNit[false], NitMode[[HLPM]_2NIT_ON], isForceState[0, ForceStateReason[{}, , mAppliedBrightness[0]
05-12 20:45:24.230 10137 10137 D AOD_BRIGHTNESS@AlwaysOnDisplayEx: updateDozeBrightness: doze [2] last [[HLPM]_2NIT_ON] change to [[HLPM]_2NIT_ON]
05-12 20:45:24.230 10137 10137 I AOD_WAKELOCK@WakeLockManager: acquireIfExists: tag - AOD_DRAW, timeout - 100, reason - set Doze Brightness updateDozeBrightness, wakeLock = WakeLock{c1ae7d8 held=true, refCount=1}
05-12 20:45:24.331 3844 3872 I Sensors : [AMS] lux : 2, brightness: 1
05-12 20:45:24.337 10137 10137 D AODUiController: onChargingLightSensorChanged lux : 2.0 appliedBrightness = 0 currentBrightness = 1
05-12 20:45:24.337 10137 10137 D AOD_BRIGHTNESS@BrightnessManager: mCurrentBrightness : HighNit[false], NitMode[[HLPM]_2NIT_ON], isForceState[0, ForceStateReason[{}, , mAppliedBrightness[0]
05-12 20:45:24.338 10137 10137 D AOD_BRIGHTNESS@AlwaysOnDisplayEx: updateDozeBrightness: doze [2] last [[HLPM]_2NIT_ON] change to [[HLPM]_2NIT_ON]
05-12 20:45:24.338 10137 10137 I AOD_WAKELOCK@WakeLockManager: acquireIfExists: tag - AOD_DRAW, timeout - 100, reason - set Doze Brightness updateDozeBrightness, wakeLock = WakeLock{c1ae7d8 held=false, refCount=0}
05-12 20:45:24.339 3871 3871 D SurfaceFlinger: Setting power mode 3 on display 0
05-12 20:45:24.339 3841 3885 E display : DOZE or Power off called twice, mPowerModeState : 1
05-12 20:45:24.340 3841 3885 D display : setPowerMode:: FBIOBLANK mode(3), blank(-1)
05-12 20:45:24.345 4299 5297 D MotionRecognitionService: [EARHOVER_MOTION] inject screen on / off : 0
05-12 20:45:24.345 4299 5297 D SensorService: [EARHOVER_LITE] : setMotionDataLocked
05-12 20:45:24.346 4299 5297 D SensorService: [EARHOVER_LITE] : INJECT_SCREEN_OFF
05-12 20:45:24.346 3841 3885 D display : setPowerMode:: S3CFB_POWER_MODE mode(3), blank(-1)
05-12 20:45:24.346 3871 3871 D SurfaceFlinger: Finished setting power mode 3 on display 0
05-12 20:45:24.351 4299 10048 I BiometricServiceBase: onTaskStackChangedForFingerprint: Allow background auth,
05-12 20:45:24.355 4299 10048 I chatty : uid=1000(system) biometrics.fp identical 9 lines
05-12 20:45:24.355 4299 10048 I BiometricServiceBase: onTaskStackChangedForFingerprint: Allow background auth,
05-12 20:45:24.368 3871 3871 D SurfaceFlinger: Setting power mode 1 on display 0
05-12 20:45:24.368 3841 3885 E display : DOZE or Power off called twice, mPowerModeState : 3
05-12 20:45:24.369 3841 3885 D display : setPowerMode:: FBIOBLANK mode(1), blank(-1)
05-12 20:45:24.369 10137 10137 D DisplayLifecycle: updateDisplay id = 0
05-12 20:45:24.373 3841 3885 D display : setPowerMode:: S3CFB_POWER_MODE mode(1), blank(-1)
05-12 20:45:24.374 3871 3871 D SurfaceFlinger: Finished setting power mode 1 on display 0
05-12 20:45:24.375 10137 10137 D DisplayLifecycle: updateCacheVariables id = 0, display = Display id 0: DisplayInfo{"Built-in Screen, displayId 0", uniqueId "local:0", app 1080 x 2131, real 1080 x 2340, largest app 2131 x 2131, smallest app 1080 x 1017, mode 1, defaultMode 1, modes [{id=1, width=1080, height=2340, fps=60.000004}], colorMode 0, supportedColorModes [0], hdrCapabilities android.view.Display$HdrCapabilities@40f16308, rotation 0, density 420 (403.411 x 404.326) dpi, layerStack 0, appVsyncOff 1000000, presDeadline 16666666, type BUILT_IN, address {port=0}, state DOZE_SUSPEND, FLAG_SECURE, FLAG_SUPPORTS_PROTECTED_BUFFERS, removeMode 0}, DisplayMetrics{density=2.625, width=1080, height=2131, scaledDensity=2.625, xdpi=403.411, ydpi=404.326}, isValid=true, size = Point(1080, 2131), realSize = Point(1080, 2340)
05-12 20:45:24.389 4299 5297 D MotionRecognitionService: [EARHOVER_MOTION] inject screen on / off : 0
05-12 20:45:24.389 4299 5297 D SensorService: [EARHOVER_LITE] : setMotionDataLocked
05-12 20:45:24.389 4299 5297 D SensorService: [EARHOVER_LITE] : INJECT_SCREEN_OFF
05-12 20:45:24.391 4299 10048 I BiometricServiceBase: onTaskStackChangedForFingerprint: Allow background auth,
05-12 20:45:24.392 4299 10048 I chatty : uid=1000(system) biometrics.fp identical 9 lines
05-12 20:45:24.392 4299 10048 I BiometricServiceBase: onTaskStackChangedForFingerprint: Allow background auth,
05-12 20:45:24.399 10137 10137 D AOD_LIVE_CLOCK@LiveClockController: updateDisplayState: DISPLAY_STATE_DOZE
05-12 20:45:24.399 3951 10369 I GNSS_MEMS: TGT_MEMS SCSCMemsReportSensorDrops: dropped 0 events (spam) 1 events (rate limit) out of 51 total for sensor 0 since last report
05-12 20:45:24.403 10137 10137 D DisplayLifecycle: updateDisplay id = 0
05-12 20:45:24.404 4299 11683 V WindowManager: Relayout Window{e90e744 u0 ScreenDecorOverlay}: viewVisibility=0 req=1079x151
05-12 20:45:24.407 10137 10137 D DisplayLifecycle: updateCacheVariables id = 0, display = Display id 0: DisplayInfo{"Built-in Screen, displayId 0", uniqueId "local:0", app 1080 x 2131, real 1080 x 2340, largest app 2131 x 2131, smallest app 1080 x 1017, mode 1, defaultMode 1, modes [{id=1, width=1080, height=2340, fps=60.000004}], colorMode 0, supportedColorModes [0], hdrCapabilities android.view.Display$HdrCapabilities@40f16308, rotation 0, density 420 (403.411 x 404.326) dpi, layerStack 0, appVsyncOff 1000000, presDeadline 16666666, type BUILT_IN, address {port=0}, state DOZE, FLAG_SECURE, FLAG_SUPPORTS_PROTECTED_BUFFERS, removeMode 0}, DisplayMetrics{density=2.625, width=1080, height=2131, scaledDensity=2.625, xdpi=403.411, ydpi=404.326}, isValid=true, size = Point(1080, 2131), realSize = Point(1080, 2340)
05-12 20:45:24.411 4299 11683 V WindowManager: Relayout 10137: mAttrs={(0,0)(fillxwrap) gr=TOP LEFT CENTER sim={adjust=pan} layoutInDisplayCutoutMode=always ty=NAVIGATION_BAR_PANEL fmt=TRANSLUCENT
05-12 20:45:24.411 4299 11683 V WindowManager: fl=20800128
05-12 20:45:24.411 4299 11683 V WindowManager: pfl=1100050
05-12 20:45:24.411 4299 11683 V WindowManager: vsysui=100 naviIconColor=0}
05-12 20:45:24.413 10137 10867 D ViewRootImpl@ed5b6a[ScreenDecorOverlay]: Relayout returned: old=(0,0,1080,151) new=(0,0,1080,151) req=(1079,151)0 dur=13 res=0x3 s={true 478310035456} ch=false
05-12 20:45:24.421 10137 10137 D AOD_LIVE_CLOCK@LiveClockController: updateDisplayState: DISPLAY_STATE_DOZE
05-12 20:45:24.424 4299 10551 V WindowManager: Relayout Window{9819af3 u0 ScreenDecorOverlayBottom}: viewVisibility=0 req=1079x151
05-12 20:45:24.431 4299 10551 V WindowManager: Relayout 10137: mAttrs={(0,0)(fillxwrap) gr=BOTTOM RIGHT CENTER sim={adjust=pan} layoutInDisplayCutoutMode=always ty=NAVIGATION_BAR_PANEL fmt=TRANSLUCENT
05-12 20:45:24.431 4299 10551 V WindowManager: fl=20800128
05-12 20:45:24.431 4299 10551 V WindowManager: pfl=1100050
05-12 20:45:24.431 4299 10551 V WindowManager: vsysui=100 naviIconColor=0}
05-12 20:45:24.434 10137 10867 D ViewRootImpl@2e58a0d[ScreenDecorOverlayBottom]: Relayout returned: old=(0,2189,1080,2340) new=(0,2189,1080,2340) req=(1079,151)0 dur=11 res=0x3 s={true 478310068224} ch=false
05-12 20:45:24.445 10137 10137 D AODUiController: onChargingLightSensorChanged lux : 1.0 appliedBrightness = 0 currentBrightness = 1
05-12 20:45:24.446 10137 10137 D AOD_BRIGHTNESS@BrightnessManager: mCurrentBrightness : HighNit[false], NitMode[[HLPM]_2NIT_ON], isForceState[0, ForceStateReason[{}, , mAppliedBrightness[0]
05-12 20:45:24.446 10137 10137 D AOD_BRIGHTNESS@AlwaysOnDisplayEx: updateDozeBrightness: doze [2] last [[HLPM]_2NIT_ON] change to [[HLPM]_2NIT_ON]
05-12 20:45:24.446 10137 10137 I AOD_WAKELOCK@WakeLockManager: acquireIfExists: tag - AOD_DRAW, timeout - 100, reason - set Doze Brightness updateDozeBrightness, wakeLock = WakeLock{c1ae7d8 held=true, refCount=1}
05-12 20:45:24.465 4299 10551 V WindowManager: Relayout Window{e90e744 u0 ScreenDecorOverlay}: viewVisibility=0 req=1079x151
05-12 20:45:24.472 4299 10551 V WindowManager: Relayout 10137: mAttrs={(0,0)(fillxwrap) gr=TOP LEFT CENTER sim={adjust=pan} layoutInDisplayCutoutMode=always ty=NAVIGATION_BAR_PANEL fmt=TRANSLUCENT
05-12 20:45:24.472 4299 10551 V WindowManager: fl=20800128
05-12 20:45:24.472 4299 10551 V WindowManager: pfl=1100050
05-12 20:45:24.472 4299 10551 V WindowManager: vsysui=100 naviIconColor=0}
05-12 20:45:24.474 10137 10867 D ViewRootImpl@ed5b6a[ScreenDecorOverlay]: Relayout returned: old=(0,0,1080,151) new=(0,0,1080,151) req=(1079,151)0 dur=10 res=0x3 s={true 478310035456} ch=false
05-12 20:45:24.482 4299 10551 V WindowManager: Relayout Window{9819af3 u0 ScreenDecorOverlayBottom}: viewVisibility=0 req=1079x151
05-12 20:45:24.491 4299 10551 V WindowManager: Relayout 10137: mAttrs={(0,0)(fillxwrap) gr=BOTTOM RIGHT CENTER sim={adjust=pan} layoutInDisplayCutoutMode=always ty=NAVIGATION_BAR_PANEL fmt=TRANSLUCENT
05-12 20:45:24.491 4299 10551 V WindowManager: fl=20800128
05-12 20:45:24.491 4299 10551 V WindowManager: pfl=1100050
05-12 20:45:24.491 4299 10551 V WindowManager: vsysui=100 naviIconColor=0}
05-12 20:45:24.493 10137 10867 D ViewRootImpl@2e58a0d[ScreenDecorOverlayBottom]: Relayout returned: old=(0,2189,1080,2340) new=(0,2189,1080,2340) req=(1079,151)0 dur=11 res=0x3 s={true 478310068224} ch=false
05-12 20:45:24.556 3871 3871 D SurfaceFlinger: Setting power mode 3 on display 0
05-12 20:45:24.556 3841 9377 E display : DOZE or Power off called twice, mPowerModeState : 1
05-12 20:45:24.556 3841 9377 D display : setPowerMode:: FBIOBLANK mode(3), blank(-1)
05-12 20:45:24.556 10137 10137 D AODUiController: onChargingLightSensorChanged lux : 2.0 appliedBrightness = 0 currentBrightness = 1
05-12 20:45:24.556 10137 10137 D AOD_BRIGHTNESS@BrightnessManager: mCurrentBrightness : HighNit[false], NitMode[[HLPM]_2NIT_ON], isForceState[0, ForceStateReason[{}, , mAppliedBrightness[0]
05-12 20:45:24.557 10137 10137 D AOD_BRIGHTNESS@AlwaysOnDisplayEx: updateDozeBrightness: doze [2] last [[HLPM]_2NIT_ON] change to [[HLPM]_2NIT_ON]
05-12 20:45:24.557 10137 10137 I AOD_WAKELOCK@WakeLockManager: acquireIfExists: tag - AOD_DRAW, timeout - 100, reason - set Doze Brightness updateDozeBrightness, wakeLock = WakeLock{c1ae7d8 held=false, refCount=0}
05-12 20:45:24.560 4299 5297 D MotionRecognitionService: [EARHOVER_MOTION] inject screen on / off : 0
05-12 20:45:24.560 4299 5297 D SensorService: [EARHOVER_LITE] : setMotionDataLocked
05-12 20:45:24.560 4299 5297 D SensorService: [EARHOVER_LITE] : INJECT_SCREEN_OFF
05-12 20:45:24.560 4299 10048 I BiometricServiceBase: onTaskStackChangedForFingerprint: Allow background auth,
05-12 20:45:24.561 4299 10048 I chatty : uid=1000(system) biometrics.fp identical 9 lines
05-12 20:45:24.561 4299 10048 I BiometricServiceBase: onTaskStackChangedForFingerprint: Allow background auth,
05-12 20:45:24.572 10137 10137 D DisplayLifecycle: updateDisplay id = 0
05-12 20:45:24.576 3841 9377 D display : setPowerMode:: S3CFB_POWER_MODE mode(3), blank(-1)
05-12 20:45:24.576 3871 3871 D SurfaceFlinger: Finished setting power mode 3 on display 0
05-12 20:45:24.579 3871 3871 D SurfaceFlinger: Setting power mode 1 on display 0
05-12 20:45:24.579 3841 3885 E display : DOZE or Power off called twice, mPowerModeState : 3
05-12 20:45:24.579 3841 3885 D display : setPowerMode:: FBIOBLANK mode(1), blank(-1)
05-12 20:45:24.584 3841 3885 D display : setPowerMode:: S3CFB_POWER_MODE mode(1), blank(-1)
05-12 20:45:24.585 3871 3871 D SurfaceFlinger: Finished setting power mode 1 on display 0
05-12 20:45:24.590 10137 10137 D DisplayLifecycle: updateCacheVariables id = 0, display = Display id 0: DisplayInfo{"Built-in Screen, displayId 0", uniqueId "local:0", app 1080 x 2131, real 1080 x 2340, largest app 2131 x 2131, smallest app 1080 x 1017, mode 1, defaultMode 1, modes [{id=1, width=1080, height=2340, fps=60.000004}], colorMode 0, supportedColorModes [0], hdrCapabilities android.view.Display$HdrCapabilities@40f16308, rotation 0, density 420 (403.411 x 404.326) dpi, layerStack 0, appVsyncOff 1000000, presDeadline 16666666, type BUILT_IN, address {port=0}, state DOZE_SUSPEND, FLAG_SECURE, FLAG_SUPPORTS_PROTECTED_BUFFERS, removeMode 0}, DisplayMetrics{density=2.625, width=1080, height=2131, scaledDensity=2.625, xdpi=403.411, ydpi=404.326}, isValid=true, size = Point(1080, 2131), realSize = Point(1080, 2340)
05-12 20:45:24.595 4299 5297 D MotionRecognitionService: [EARHOVER_MOTION] inject screen on / off : 0
05-12 20:45:24.595 4299 5297 D SensorService: [EARHOVER_LITE] : setMotionDataLocked
05-12 20:45:24.596 4299 5297 D SensorService: [EARHOVER_LITE] : INJECT_SCREEN_OFF
05-12 20:45:24.598 4299 10048 I BiometricServiceBase: onTaskStackChangedForFingerprint: Allow background auth,
05-12 20:45:24.599 4299 10048 I chatty : uid=1000(system) biometrics.fp identical 9 lines
05-12 20:45:24.599 4299 10048 I BiometricServiceBase: onTaskStackChangedForFingerprint: Allow background auth,
05-12 20:45:24.612 10137 10137 D AOD_LIVE_CLOCK@LiveClockController: updateDisplayState: DISPLAY_STATE_DOZE
05-12 20:45:24.614 10137 10137 D DisplayLifecycle: updateDisplay id = 0
05-12 20:45:24.619 10137 10137 D DisplayLifecycle: updateCacheVariables id = 0, display = Display id 0: DisplayInfo{"Built-in Screen, displayId 0", uniqueId "local:0", app 1080 x 2131, real 1080 x 2340, largest app 2131 x 2131, smallest app 1080 x 1017, mode 1, defaultMode 1, modes [{id=1, width=1080, height=2340, fps=60.000004}], colorMode 0, supportedColorModes [0], hdrCapabilities android.view.Display$HdrCapabilities@40f16308, rotation 0, density 420 (403.411 x 404.326) dpi, layerStack 0, appVsyncOff 1000000, presDeadline 16666666, type BUILT_IN, address {port=0}, state DOZE, FLAG_SECURE, FLAG_SUPPORTS_PROTECTED_BUFFERS, removeMode 0}, DisplayMetrics{density=2.625, width=1080, height=2131, scaledDensity=2.625, xdpi=403.411, ydpi=404.326}, isValid=true, size = Point(1080, 2131), realSize = Point(1080, 2340)
05-12 20:45:24.624 4299 12328 V WindowManager: Relayout Window{e90e744 u0 ScreenDecorOverlay}: viewVisibility=0 req=1079x151
05-12 20:45:24.632 4299 12328 V WindowManager: Relayout 10137: mAttrs={(0,0)(fillxwrap) gr=TOP LEFT CENTER sim={adjust=pan} layoutInDisplayCutoutMode=always ty=NAVIGATION_BAR_PANEL fmt=TRANSLUCENT
05-12 20:45:24.632 4299 12328 V WindowManager: fl=20800128
05-12 20:45:24.632 4299 12328 V WindowManager: pfl=1100050
05-12 20:45:24.632 4299 12328 V WindowManager: vsysui=100 naviIconColor=0}
05-12 20:45:24.633 10137 10137 D AOD_LIVE_CLOCK@LiveClockController: updateDisplayState: DISPLAY_STATE_DOZE
05-12 20:45:24.634 10137 10867 D ViewRootImpl@ed5b6a[ScreenDecorOverlay]: Relayout returned: old=(0,0,1080,151) new=(0,0,1080,151) req=(1079,151)0 dur=11 res=0x3 s={true 478310035456} ch=false
05-12 20:45:24.641 4299 12328 V WindowManager: Relayout Window{9819af3 u0 ScreenDecorOverlayBottom}: viewVisibility=0 req=1079x151
05-12 20:45:24.648 4299 12328 V WindowManager: Relayout 10137: mAttrs={(0,0)(fillxwrap) gr=BOTTOM RIGHT CENTER sim={adjust=pan} layoutInDisplayCutoutMode=always ty=NAVIGATION_BAR_PANEL fmt=TRANSLUCENT
05-12 20:45:24.648 4299 12328 V WindowManager: fl=20800128
05-12 20:45:24.648 4299 12328 V WindowManager: pfl=1100050
05-12 20:45:24.648 4299 12328 V WindowManager: vsysui=100 naviIconColor=0}
05-12 20:45:24.649 10137 10867 D ViewRootImpl@2e58a0d[ScreenDecorOverlayBottom]: Relayout returned: old=(0,2189,1080,2340) new=(0,2189,1080,2340) req=(1079,151)0 dur=8 res=0x3 s={true 478310068224} ch=false
05-12 20:45:24.661 10137 10137 D AODUiController: onChargingLightSensorChanged lux : 2.0 appliedBrightness = 0 currentBrightness = 1
05-12 20:45:24.661 10137 10137 D AOD_BRIGHTNESS@BrightnessManager: mCurrentBrightness : HighNit[false], NitMode[[HLPM]_2NIT_ON], isForceState[0, ForceStateReason[{}, , mAppliedBrightness[0]
05-12 20:45:24.661 10137 10137 D AOD_BRIGHTNESS@AlwaysOnDisplayEx: updateDozeBrightness: doze [2] last [[HLPM]_2NIT_ON] change to [[HLPM]_2NIT_ON]
05-12 20:45:24.661 10137 10137 I AOD_WAKELOCK@WakeLockManager: acquireIfExists: tag - AOD_DRAW, timeout - 100, reason - set Doze Brightness updateDozeBrightness, wakeLock = WakeLock{c1ae7d8 held=true, refCount=1}
05-12 20:45:24.761 10137 10137 D AODUiController: onChargingLightSensorChanged lux : 2.0 appliedBrightness = 0 currentBrightness = 1
05-12 20:45:24.761 10137 10137 D AOD_BRIGHTNESS@BrightnessManager: mCurrentBrightness : HighNit[false], NitMode[[HLPM]_2NIT_ON], isForceState[0, ForceStateReason[{}, , mAppliedBrightness[0]
05-12 20:45:24.762 10137 10137 D AOD_BRIGHTNESS@AlwaysOnDisplayEx: updateDozeBrightness: doze [2] last [[HLPM]_2NIT_ON] change to [[HLPM]_2NIT_ON]
05-12 20:45:24.762 10137 10137 I AOD_WAKELOCK@WakeLockManager: acquireIfExists: tag - AOD_DRAW, timeout - 100, reason - set Doze Brightness updateDozeBrightness, wakeLock = WakeLock{c1ae7d8 held=true, refCount=1}
05-12 20:45:24.872 10137 10137 D AODUiController: onChargingLightSensorChanged lux : 2.0 appliedBrightness = 0 currentBrightness = 1
05-12 20:45:24.872 10137 10137 D AOD_BRIGHTNESS@BrightnessManager: mCurrentBrightness : HighNit[false], NitMode[[HLPM]_2NIT_ON], isForceState[0, ForceStateReason[{}, , mAppliedBrightness[0]
05-12 20:45:24.872 10137 10137 D AOD_BRIGHTNESS@AlwaysOnDisplayEx: updateDozeBrightness: doze [2] last [[HLPM]_2NIT_ON] change to [[HLPM]_2NIT_ON]
05-12 20:45:24.873 10137 10137 I AOD_WAKELOCK@WakeLockManager: acquireIfExists: tag - AOD_DRAW, timeout - 100, reason - set Doze Brightness updateDozeBrightness, wakeLock = WakeLock{c1ae7d8 held=false, refCount=0}
05-12 20:45:24.876 3871 3871 D SurfaceFlinger: Setting power mode 3 on display 0
05-12 20:45:24.876 3841 3885 E display : DOZE or Power off called twice, mPowerModeState : 1
05-12 20:45:24.876 3841 3885 D display : setPowerMode:: FBIOBLANK mode(3), blank(-1)
05-12 20:45:24.883 3841 3885 D display : setPowerMode:: S3CFB_POWER_MODE mode(3), blank(-1)
05-12 20:45:24.883 3871 3871 D SurfaceFlinger: Finished setting power mode 3 on display 0
05-12 20:45:24.887 4299 5297 D MotionRecognitionService: [EARHOVER_MOTION] inject screen on / off : 0
05-12 20:45:24.887 4299 5297 D SensorService: [EARHOVER_LITE] : setMotionDataLocked
05-12 20:45:24.887 4299 5297 D SensorService: [EARHOVER_LITE] : INJECT_SCREEN_OFF
05-12 20:45:24.891 4299 10048 I BiometricServiceBase: onTaskStackChangedForFingerprint: Allow background auth,
05-12 20:45:24.892 4299 10048 I chatty : uid=1000(system) biometrics.fp identical 9 lines
05-12 20:45:24.892 4299 10048 I BiometricServiceBase: onTaskStackChangedForFingerprint: Allow background auth,
05-12 20:45:24.919 4299 12327 V WindowManager: Relayout Window{e90e744 u0 ScreenDecorOverlay}: viewVisibility=0 req=1079x151
05-12 20:45:24.924 3871 3871 D SurfaceFlinger: Setting power mode 1 on display 0
05-12 20:45:24.924 3841 9377 E display : DOZE or Power off called twice, mPowerModeState : 3
05-12 20:45:24.924 3841 9377 D display : setPowerMode:: FBIOBLANK mode(1), blank(-1)
05-12 20:45:24.924 10137 10137 D DisplayLifecycle: updateDisplay id = 0
05-12 20:45:24.928 4299 12327 V WindowManager: Relayout 10137: mAttrs={(0,0)(fillxwrap) gr=TOP LEFT CENTER sim={adjust=pan} layoutInDisplayCutoutMode=always ty=NAVIGATION_BAR_PANEL fmt=TRANSLUCENT
05-12 20:45:24.928 4299 12327 V WindowManager: fl=20800128
05-12 20:45:24.928 4299 12327 V WindowManager: pfl=1100050
05-12 20:45:24.928 4299 12327 V WindowManager: vsysui=100 naviIconColor=0}
05-12 20:45:24.929 3841 9377 D display : setPowerMode:: S3CFB_POWER_MODE mode(1), blank(-1)
05-12 20:45:24.930 3871 3871 D SurfaceFlinger: Finished setting power mode 1 on display 0
05-12 20:45:24.930 10137 10137 D DisplayLifecycle: updateCacheVariables id = 0, display = Display id 0: DisplayInfo{"Built-in Screen, displayId 0", uniqueId "local:0", app 1080 x 2131, real 1080 x 2340, largest app 2131 x 2131, smallest app 1080 x 1017, mode 1, defaultMode 1, modes [{id=1, width=1080, height=2340, fps=60.000004}], colorMode 0, supportedColorModes [0], hdrCapabilities android.view.Display$HdrCapabilities@40f16308, rotation 0, density 420 (403.411 x 404.326) dpi, layerStack 0, appVsyncOff 1000000, presDeadline 16666666, type BUILT_IN, address {port=0}, state DOZE_SUSPEND, FLAG_SECURE, FLAG_SUPPORTS_PROTECTED_BUFFERS, removeMode 0}, DisplayMetrics{density=2.625, width=1080, height=2131, scaledDensity=2.625, xdpi=403.411, ydpi=404.326}, isValid=true, size = Point(1080, 2131), realSize = Point(1080, 2340)
05-12 20:45:24.933 10137 10867 D ViewRootImpl@ed5b6a[ScreenDecorOverlay]: Relayout returned: old=(0,0,1080,151) new=(0,0,1080,151) req=(1079,151)0 dur=15 res=0x3 s={true 478310035456} ch=false
05-12 20:45:24.940 4299 5297 D MotionRecognitionService: [EARHOVER_MOTION] inject screen on / off : 0
05-12 20:45:24.940 4299 5297 D SensorService: [EARHOVER_LITE] : setMotionDataLocked
05-12 20:45:24.940 4299 5297 D SensorService: [EARHOVER_LITE] : INJECT_SCREEN_OFF
05-12 20:45:24.942 4299 10048 I BiometricServiceBase: onTaskStackChangedForFingerprint: Allow background auth,
05-12 20:45:24.943 4299 10048 I chatty : uid=1000(system) biometrics.fp identical 9 lines
05-12 20:45:24.943 4299 10048 I BiometricServiceBase: onTaskStackChangedForFingerprint: Allow background auth,
05-12 20:45:24.953 4299 11683 V WindowManager: Relayout Window{9819af3 u0 ScreenDecorOverlayBottom}: viewVisibility=0 req=1079x151
05-12 20:45:24.962 4299 11683 V WindowManager: Relayout 10137: mAttrs={(0,0)(fillxwrap) gr=BOTTOM RIGHT CENTER sim={adjust=pan} layoutInDisplayCutoutMode=always ty=NAVIGATION_BAR_PANEL fmt=TRANSLUCENT
05-12 20:45:24.962 4299 11683 V WindowManager: fl=20800128
05-12 20:45:24.962 4299 11683 V WindowManager: pfl=1100050
05-12 20:45:24.962 4299 11683 V WindowManager: vsysui=100 naviIconColor=0}
05-12 20:45:24.964 10137 10137 D AOD_LIVE_CLOCK@LiveClockController: updateDisplayState: DISPLAY_STATE_DOZE
05-12 20:45:24.964 10137 10137 D AODUiController: onChargingLightSensorChanged lux : 2.0 appliedBrightness = 0 currentBrightness = 1
05-12 20:45:24.964 10137 10137 D AOD_BRIGHTNESS@BrightnessManager: mCurrentBrightness : HighNit[false], NitMode[[HLPM]_2NIT_ON], isForceState[0, ForceStateReason[{}, , mAppliedBrightness[0]
05-12 20:45:24.964 10137 10137 D AOD_BRIGHTNESS@AlwaysOnDisplayEx: updateDozeBrightness: doze [2] last [[HLPM]_2NIT_ON] change to [[HLPM]_2NIT_ON]
05-12 20:45:24.965 10137 10137 I AOD_WAKELOCK@WakeLockManager: acquireIfExists: tag - AOD_DRAW, timeout - 100, reason - set Doze Brightness updateDozeBrightness, wakeLock = WakeLock{c1ae7d8 held=true, refCount=1}
05-12 20:45:24.966 10137 10137 D DisplayLifecycle: updateDisplay id = 0
05-12 20:45:24.967 10137 10867 D ViewRootImpl@2e58a0d[ScreenDecorOverlayBottom]: Relayout returned: old=(0,2189,1080,2340) new=(0,2189,1080,2340) req=(1079,151)0 dur=15 res=0x3 s={true 478310068224} ch=false
05-12 20:45:24.971 10137 10137 D DisplayLifecycle: updateCacheVariables id = 0, display = Display id 0: DisplayInfo{"Built-in Screen, displayId 0", uniqueId "local:0", app 1080 x 2131, real 1080 x 2340, largest app 2131 x 2131, smallest app 1080 x 1017, mode 1, defaultMode 1, modes [{id=1, width=1080, height=2340, fps=60.000004}], colorMode 0, supportedColorModes [0], hdrCapabilities android.view.Display$HdrCapabilities@40f16308, rotation 0, density 420 (403.411 x 404.326) dpi, layerStack 0, appVsyncOff 1000000, presDeadline 16666666, type BUILT_IN, address {port=0}, state DOZE, FLAG_SECURE, FLAG_SUPPORTS_PROTECTED_BUFFERS, removeMode 0}, DisplayMetrics{density=2.625, width=1080, height=2131, scaledDensity=2.625, xdpi=403.411, ydpi=404.326}, isValid=true, size = Point(1080, 2131), realSize = Point(1080, 2340)
05-12 20:45:24.985 10137 10137 D AOD_LIVE_CLOCK@LiveClockController: updateDisplayState: DISPLAY_STATE_DOZE
05-12 20:45:25.001 4299 12328 V WindowManager: Relayout Window{e90e744 u0 ScreenDecorOverlay}: viewVisibility=0 req=1079x151
05-12 20:45:25.007 4299 12328 V WindowManager: Relayout 10137: mAttrs={(0,0)(fillxwrap) gr=TOP LEFT CENTER sim={adjust=pan} layoutInDisplayCutoutMode=always ty=NAVIGATION_BAR_PANEL fmt=TRANSLUCENT
05-12 20:45:25.007 4299 12328 V WindowManager: fl=20800128
05-12 20:45:25.007 4299 12328 V WindowManager: pfl=1100050
05-12 20:45:25.007 4299 12328 V WindowManager: vsysui=100 naviIconColor=0}
05-12 20:45:25.009 10137 10867 D ViewRootImpl@ed5b6a[ScreenDecorOverlay]: Relayout returned: old=(0,0,1080,151) new=(0,0,1080,151) req=(1079,151)0 dur=9 res=0x3 s={true 478310035456} ch=false
05-12 20:45:25.010 3970 10055 D bauth_FPBAuthService: pcf : 0x1012, 0 ,1 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,0,
05-12 20:45:25.010 3970 10055 D bauth_FPBAuthService: thread id : 1, preenroll_flag : 0, nd cnt : 0, cso : 0, et : 0
05-12 20:45:25.010 3970 10055 D bauth_FPBAuthService: FPBAuthService, 10983
05-12 20:45:25.017 4299 12328 V WindowManager: Relayout Window{9819af3 u0 ScreenDecorOverlayBottom}: viewVisibility=0 req=1079x151
05-12 20:45:25.025 4299 12328 V WindowManager: Relayout 10137: mAttrs={(0,0)(fillxwrap) gr=BOTTOM RIGHT CENTER sim={adjust=pan} layoutInDisplayCutoutMode=always ty=NAVIGATION_BAR_PANEL fmt=TRANSLUCENT
05-12 20:45:25.025 4299 12328 V WindowManager: fl=20800128
05-12 20:45:25.025 4299 12328 V WindowManager: pfl=1100050
05-12 20:45:25.025 4299 12328 V WindowManager: vsysui=100 naviIconColor=0}
05-12 20:45:25.027 10137 10867 D ViewRootImpl@2e58a0d[ScreenDecorOverlayBottom]: Relayout returned: old=(0,2189,1080,2340) new=(0,2189,1080,2340) req=(1079,151)0 dur=11 res=0x3 s={true 478310068224} ch=false
05-12 20:45:25.061 10137 10137 D AODUiController: onChargingLightSensorChanged lux : 2.0 appliedBrightness = 0 currentBrightness = 1
05-12 20:45:25.061 10137 10137 D AOD_BRIGHTNESS@BrightnessManager: mCurrentBrightness : HighNit[false], NitMode[[HLPM]_2NIT_ON], isForceState[0, ForceStateReason[{}, , mAppliedBrightness[0]
05-12 20:45:25.061 10137 10137 D AOD_BRIGHTNESS@AlwaysOnDisplayEx: updateDozeBrightness: doze [2] last [[HLPM]_2NIT_ON] change to [[HLPM]_2NIT_ON]
05-12 20:45:25.061 10137 10137 I AOD_WAKELOCK@WakeLockManager: acquireIfExists: tag - AOD_DRAW, timeout - 100, reason - set Doze Brightness updateDozeBrightness, wakeLock = WakeLock{c1ae7d8 held=true, refCount=1}
05-12 20:45:25.171 3871 3871 D SurfaceFlinger: Setting power mode 3 on display 0
05-12 20:45:25.172 3841 9377 E display : DOZE or Power off called twice, mPowerModeState : 1
05-12 20:45:25.172 3841 9377 D display : setPowerMode:: FBIOBLANK mode(3), blank(-1)
05-12 20:45:25.174 3841 9377 D display : setPowerMode:: S3CFB_POWER_MODE mode(3), blank(-1)
05-12 20:45:25.175 3871 3871 D SurfaceFlinger: Finished setting power mode 3 on display 0
05-12 20:45:25.181 4299 5297 D MotionRecognitionService: [EARHOVER_MOTION] inject screen on / off : 0
05-12 20:45:25.181 4299 5297 D SensorService: [EARHOVER_LITE] : setMotionDataLocked
05-12 20:45:25.181 4299 5297 D SensorService: [EARHOVER_LITE] : INJECT_SCREEN_OFF
05-12 20:45:25.181 4299 10048 I BiometricServiceBase: onTaskStackChangedForFingerprint: Allow background auth,
05-12 20:45:25.182 4299 10048 I chatty : uid=1000(system) biometrics.fp identical 2 lines
05-12 20:45:25.183 4299 10048 I BiometricServiceBase: onTaskStackChangedForFingerprint: Allow background auth,
05-12 20:45:25.183 10137 10137 D AODUiController: onChargingLightSensorChanged lux : 2.0 appliedBrightness = 0 currentBrightness = 1
05-12 20:45:25.183 4299 10048 I BiometricServiceBase: onTaskStackChangedForFingerprint: Allow background auth,
05-12 20:45:25.183 10137 10137 D AOD_BRIGHTNESS@BrightnessManager: mCurrentBrightness : HighNit[false], NitMode[[HLPM]_2NIT_ON], isForceState[0, ForceStateReason[{}, , mAppliedBrightness[0]
05-12 20:45:25.183 4299 10048 I BiometricServiceBase: onTaskStackChangedForFingerprint: Allow background auth,
05-12 20:45:25.183 4299 10048 I BiometricServiceBase: onTaskStackChangedForFingerprint: Allow background auth,
05-12 20:45:25.184 4299 10048 I chatty : uid=1000(system) biometrics.fp identical 1 line
05-12 20:45:25.184 4299 10048 I BiometricServiceBase: onTaskStackChangedForFingerprint: Allow background auth,
05-12 20:45:25.184 10137 10137 D AOD_BRIGHTNESS@AlwaysOnDisplayEx: updateDozeBrightness: doze [2] last [[HLPM]_2NIT_ON] change to [[HLPM]_2NIT_ON]
05-12 20:45:25.184 4299 10048 I BiometricServiceBase: onTaskStackChangedForFingerprint: Allow background auth,
05-12 20:45:25.184 10137 10137 I AOD_WAKELOCK@WakeLockManager: acquireIfExists: tag - AOD_DRAW, timeout - 100, reason - set Doze Brightness updateDozeBrightness, wakeLock = WakeLock{c1ae7d8 held=false, refCount=0}
05-12 20:45:25.184 4299 10048 I BiometricServiceBase: onTaskStackChangedForFingerprint: Allow background auth,
05-12 20:45:25.202 3871 3871 D SurfaceFlinger: Setting power mode 1 on display 0
05-12 20:45:25.202 3841 9377 E display : DOZE or Power off called twice, mPowerModeState : 3
05-12 20:45:25.202 3841 9377 D display : setPowerMode:: FBIOBLANK mode(1), blank(-1)
05-12 20:45:25.207 3841 9377 D display : setPowerMode:: S3CFB_POWER_MODE mode(1), blank(-1)
05-12 20:45:25.207 10137 10137 D DisplayLifecycle: updateDisplay id = 0
05-12 20:45:25.207 3871 3871 D SurfaceFlinger: Finished setting power mode 1 on display 0
05-12 20:45:25.216 4299 5297 D MotionRecognitionService: [EARHOVER_MOTION] inject screen on / off : 0
05-12 20:45:25.217 4299 5297 D SensorService: [EARHOVER_LITE] : setMotionDataLocked
05-12 20:45:25.217 4299 5297 D SensorService: [EARHOVER_LITE] : INJECT_SCREEN_OFF
05-12 20:45:25.219 4299 10048 I BiometricServiceBase: onTaskStackChangedForFingerprint: Allow background auth,
05-12 20:45:25.220 4299 10048 I chatty : uid=1000(system) biometrics.fp identical 9 lines
05-12 20:45:25.221 4299 10048 I BiometricServiceBase: onTaskStackChangedForFingerprint: Allow background auth,
05-12 20:45:25.223 10137 10137 D DisplayLifecycle: updateCacheVariables id = 0, display = Display id 0: DisplayInfo{"Built-in Screen, displayId 0", uniqueId "local:0", app 1080 x 2131, real 1080 x 2340, largest app 2131 x 2131, smallest app 1080 x 1017, mode 1, defaultMode 1, modes [{id=1, width=1080, height=2340, fps=60.000004}], colorMode 0, supportedColorModes [0], hdrCapabilities android.view.Display$HdrCapabilities@40f16308, rotation 0, density 420 (403.411 x 404.326) dpi, layerStack 0, appVsyncOff 1000000, presDeadline 16666666, type BUILT_IN, address {port=0}, state DOZE, FLAG_SECURE, FLAG_SUPPORTS_PROTECTED_BUFFERS, removeMode 0}, DisplayMetrics{density=2.625, width=1080, height=2131, scaledDensity=2.625, xdpi=403.411, ydpi=404.326}, isValid=true, size = Point(1080, 2131), realSize = Point(1080, 2340)
05-12 20:45:25.247 10137 10137 D AOD_LIVE_CLOCK@LiveClockController: updateDisplayState: DISPLAY_STATE_DOZE
05-12 20:45:25.249 10137 10137 D DisplayLifecycle: updateDisplay id = 0
05-12 20:45:25.252 4299 10404 V WindowManager: Relayout Window{e90e744 u0 ScreenDecorOverlay}: viewVisibility=0 req=1079x151
05-12 20:45:25.253 10137 10137 D DisplayLifecycle: updateCacheVariables id = 0, display = Display id 0: DisplayInfo{"Built-in Screen, displayId 0", uniqueId "local:0", app 1080 x 2131, real 1080 x 2340, largest app 2131 x 2131, smallest app 1080 x 1017, mode 1, defaultMode 1, modes [{id=1, width=1080, height=2340, fps=60.000004}], colorMode 0, supportedColorModes [0], hdrCapabilities android.view.Display$HdrCapabilities@40f16308, rotation 0, density 420 (403.411 x 404.326) dpi, layerStack 0, appVsyncOff 1000000, presDeadline 16666666, type BUILT_IN, address {port=0}, state DOZE, FLAG_SECURE, FLAG_SUPPORTS_PROTECTED_BUFFERS, removeMode 0}, DisplayMetrics{density=2.625, width=1080, height=2131, scaledDensity=2.625, xdpi=403.411, ydpi=404.326}, isValid=true, size = Point(1080, 2131), realSize = Point(1080, 2340)
05-12 20:45:25.260 4299 10404 V WindowManager: Relayout 10137: mAttrs={(0,0)(fillxwrap) gr=TOP LEFT CENTER sim={adjust=pan} layoutInDisplayCutoutMode=always ty=NAVIGATION_BAR_PANEL fmt=TRANSLUCENT
05-12 20:45:25.260 4299 10404 V WindowManager: fl=20800128
05-12 20:45:25.260 4299 10404 V WindowManager: pfl=1100050
05-12 20:45:25.260 4299 10404 V WindowManager: vsysui=100 naviIconColor=0}
05-12 20:45:25.262 10137 10867 D ViewRootImpl@ed5b6a[ScreenDecorOverlay]: Relayout returned: old=(0,0,1080,151) new=(0,0,1080,151) req=(1079,151)0 dur=10 res=0x3 s={true 478310035456} ch=false
05-12 20:45:25.263 10137 10137 D AOD_LIVE_CLOCK@LiveClockController: updateDisplayState: DISPLAY_STATE_DOZE
05-12 20:45:25.271 10137 10137 D AODUiController: onChargingLightSensorChanged lux : 2.0 appliedBrightness = 0 currentBrightness = 1
05-12 20:45:25.272 4299 10404 V WindowManager: Relayout Window{9819af3 u0 ScreenDecorOverlayBottom}: viewVisibility=0 req=1079x151
05-12 20:45:25.272 10137 10137 D AOD_BRIGHTNESS@BrightnessManager: mCurrentBrightness : HighNit[false], NitMode[[HLPM]_2NIT_ON], isForceState[0, ForceStateReason[{}, , mAppliedBrightness[0]
05-12 20:45:25.272 10137 10137 D AOD_BRIGHTNESS@AlwaysOnDisplayEx: updateDozeBrightness: doze [2] last [[HLPM]_2NIT_ON] change to [[HLPM]_2NIT_ON]
05-12 20:45:25.272 10137 10137 I AOD_WAKELOCK@WakeLockManager: acquireIfExists: tag - AOD_DRAW, timeout - 100, reason - set Doze Brightness updateDozeBrightness, wakeLock = WakeLock{c1ae7d8 held=true, refCount=1}
05-12 20:45:25.278 4299 10404 V WindowManager: Relayout 10137: mAttrs={(0,0)(fillxwrap) gr=BOTTOM RIGHT CENTER sim={adjust=pan} layoutInDisplayCutoutMode=always ty=NAVIGATION_BAR_PANEL fmt=TRANSLUCENT
05-12 20:45:25.278 4299 10404 V WindowManager: fl=20800128
05-12 20:45:25.278 4299 10404 V WindowManager: pfl=1100050
05-12 20:45:25.278 4299 10404 V WindowManager: vsysui=100 naviIconColor=0}
05-12 20:45:25.280 10137 10867 D ViewRootImpl@2e58a0d[ScreenDecorOverlayBottom]: Relayout returned: old=(0,2189,1080,2340) new=(0,2189,1080,2340) req=(1079,151)0 dur=9 res=0x3 s={true 478310068224} ch=false
05-12 20:45:25.378 10137 10137 D AODUiController: onChargingLightSensorChanged lux : 2.0 appliedBrightness = 0 currentBrightness = 1
05-12 20:45:25.378 3871 3871 D SurfaceFlinger: Setting power mode 3 on display 0
05-12 20:45:25.378 10137 10137 D AOD_BRIGHTNESS@BrightnessManager: mCurrentBrightness : HighNit[false], NitMode[[HLPM]_2NIT_ON], isForceState[0, ForceStateReason[{}, , mAppliedBrightness[0]
05-12 20:45:25.378 10137 10137 D AOD_BRIGHTNESS@AlwaysOnDisplayEx: updateDozeBrightness: doze [2] last [[HLPM]_2NIT_ON] change to [[HLPM]_2NIT_ON]
05-12 20:45:25.378 3841 9377 E display : DOZE or Power off called twice, mPowerModeState : 1
05-12 20:45:25.378 3841 9377 D display : setPowerMode:: FBIOBLANK mode(3), blank(-1)
05-12 20:45:25.378 10137 10137 I AOD_WAKELOCK@WakeLockManager: acquireIfExists: tag - AOD_DRAW, timeout - 100, reason - set Doze Brightness updateDozeBrightness, wakeLock = WakeLock{c1ae7d8 held=false, refCount=0}
05-12 20:45:25.380 3841 9377 D display : setPowerMode:: S3CFB_POWER_MODE mode(3), blank(-1)
05-12 20:45:25.380 3871 3871 D SurfaceFlinger: Finished setting power mode 3 on display 0
05-12 20:45:25.382 4299 5297 D MotionRecognitionService: [EARHOVER_MOTION] inject screen on / off : 0
05-12 20:45:25.385 4299 5297 D SensorService: [EARHOVER_LITE] : setMotionDataLocked
05-12 20:45:25.385 4299 5297 D SensorService: [EARHOVER_LITE] : INJECT_SCREEN_OFF
05-12 20:45:25.388 4299 10048 I BiometricServiceBase: onTaskStackChangedForFingerprint: Allow background auth,
05-12 20:45:25.389 4299 10048 I chatty : uid=1000(system) biometrics.fp identical 9 lines
05-12 20:45:25.389 4299 10048 I BiometricServiceBase: onTaskStackChangedForFingerprint: Allow background auth,
05-12 20:45:25.393 3871 3871 D SurfaceFlinger: Setting power mode 1 on display 0
05-12 20:45:25.394 3841 9377 E display : DOZE or Power off called twice, mPowerModeState : 3
05-12 20:45:25.394 3841 9377 D display : setPowerMode:: FBIOBLANK mode(1), blank(-1)
05-12 20:45:25.394 10137 10137 D DisplayLifecycle: updateDisplay id = 0
05-12 20:45:25.399 3841 9377 D display : setPowerMode:: S3CFB_POWER_MODE mode(1), blank(-1)
05-12 20:45:25.399 3871 3871 D SurfaceFlinger: Finished setting power mode 1 on display 0
05-12 20:45:25.404 10137 10137 D DisplayLifecycle: updateCacheVariables id = 0, display = Display id 0: DisplayInfo{"Built-in Screen, displayId 0", uniqueId "local:0", app 1080 x 2131, real 1080 x 2340, largest app 2131 x 2131, smallest app 1080 x 1017, mode 1, defaultMode 1, modes [{id=1, width=1080, height=2340, fps=60.000004}], colorMode 0, supportedColorModes [0], hdrCapabilities android.view.Display$HdrCapabilities@40f16308, rotation 0, density 420 (403.411 x 404.326) dpi, layerStack 0, appVsyncOff 1000000, presDeadline 16666666, type BUILT_IN, address {port=0}, state DOZE_SUSPEND, FLAG_SECURE, FLAG_SUPPORTS_PROTECTED_BUFFERS, removeMode 0}, DisplayMetrics{density=2.625, width=1080, height=2131, scaledDensity=2.625, xdpi=403.411, ydpi=404.326}, isValid=true, size = Point(1080, 2131), realSize = Point(1080, 2340)
05-12 20:45:25.413 4299 5297 D MotionRecognitionService: [EARHOVER_MOTION] inject screen on / off : 0
05-12 20:45:25.413 4299 5297 D SensorService: [EARHOVER_LITE] : setMotionDataLocked
05-12 20:45:25.413 4299 5297 D SensorService: [EARHOVER_LITE] : INJECT_SCREEN_OFF
05-12 20:45:25.413 4299 10048 I BiometricServiceBase: onTaskStackChangedForFingerprint: Allow background auth,
05-12 20:45:25.414 4299 10048 I chatty : uid=1000(system) biometrics.fp identical 9 lines
05-12 20:45:25.415 4299 10048 I BiometricServiceBase: onTaskStackChangedForFingerprint: Allow background auth,
05-12 20:45:25.420 3951 10369 I GNSS_MEMS: TGT_MEMS SCSCMemsReportSensorDrops: dropped 0 events (spam) 3 events (rate limit) out of 51 total for sensor 0 since last report
05-12 20:45:25.424 10137 10137 D AOD_LIVE_CLOCK@LiveClockController: updateDisplayState: DISPLAY_STATE_DOZE
05-12 20:45:25.425 10137 10137 D DisplayLifecycle: updateDisplay id = 0
05-12 20:45:25.431 10137 10137 D DisplayLifecycle: updateCacheVariables id = 0, display = Display id 0: DisplayInfo{"Built-in Screen, displayId 0", uniqueId "local:0", app 1080 x 2131, real 1080 x 2340, largest app 2131 x 2131, smallest app 1080 x 1017, mode 1, defaultMode 1, modes [{id=1, width=1080, height=2340, fps=60.000004}], colorMode 0, supportedColorModes [0], hdrCapabilities android.view.Display$HdrCapabilities@40f16308, rotation 0, density 420 (403.411 x 404.326) dpi, layerStack 0, appVsyncOff 1000000, presDeadline 16666666, type BUILT_IN, address {port=0}, state DOZE, FLAG_SECURE, FLAG_SUPPORTS_PROTECTED_BUFFERS, removeMode 0}, DisplayMetrics{density=2.625, width=1080, height=2131, scaledDensity=2.625, xdpi=403.411, ydpi=404.326}, isValid=true, size = Point(1080, 2131), realSize = Point(1080, 2340)
05-12 20:45:25.445 4299 10535 V WindowManager: Relayout Window{e90e744 u0 ScreenDecorOverlay}: viewVisibility=0 req=1079x151
05-12 20:45:25.446 10137 10137 D AOD_LIVE_CLOCK@LiveClockController: updateDisplayState: DISPLAY_STATE_DOZE
05-12 20:45:25.451 4299 10535 V WindowManager: Relayout 10137: mAttrs={(0,0)(fillxwrap) gr=TOP LEFT CENTER sim={adjust=pan} layoutInDisplayCutoutMode=always ty=NAVIGATION_BAR_PANEL fmt=TRANSLUCENT
05-12 20:45:25.451 4299 10535 V WindowManager: fl=20800128
05-12 20:45:25.451 4299 10535 V WindowManager: pfl=1100050
05-12 20:45:25.451 4299 10535 V WindowManager: vsysui=100 naviIconColor=0}
05-12 20:45:25.453 10137 10867 D ViewRootImpl@ed5b6a[ScreenDecorOverlay]: Relayout returned: old=(0,0,1080,151) new=(0,0,1080,151) req=(1079,151)0 dur=9 res=0x3 s={true 478310035456} ch=false
05-12 20:45:25.461 4299 10535 V WindowManager: Relayout Window{9819af3 u0 ScreenDecorOverlayBottom}: viewVisibility=0 req=1079x151
05-12 20:45:25.468 4299 10535 V WindowManager: Relayout 10137: mAttrs={(0,0)(fillxwrap) gr=BOTTOM RIGHT CENTER sim={adjust=pan} layoutInDisplayCutoutMode=always ty=NAVIGATION_BAR_PANEL fmt=TRANSLUCENT
05-12 20:45:25.468 4299 10535 V WindowManager: fl=20800128
05-12 20:45:25.468 4299 10535 V WindowManager: pfl=1100050
05-12 20:45:25.468 4299 10535 V WindowManager: vsysui=100 naviIconColor=0}
05-12 20:45:25.471 10137 10867 D ViewRootImpl@2e58a0d[ScreenDecorOverlayBottom]: Relayout returned: old=(0,2189,1080,2340) new=(0,2189,1080,2340) req=(1079,151)0 dur=10 res=0x3 s={true 478310068224} ch=false
05-12 20:45:25.481 10137 10137 D AODUiController: onChargingLightSensorChanged lux : 2.0 appliedBrightness = 0 currentBrightness = 1
05-12 20:45:25.481 10137 10137 D AOD_BRIGHTNESS@BrightnessManager: mCurrentBrightness : HighNit[false], NitMode[[HLPM]_2NIT_ON], isForceState[0, ForceStateReason[{}, , mAppliedBrightness[0]
05-12 20:45:25.481 10137 10137 D AOD_BRIGHTNESS@AlwaysOnDisplayEx: updateDozeBrightness: doze [2] last [[HLPM]_2NIT_ON] change to [[HLPM]_2NIT_ON]
05-12 20:45:25.481 10137 10137 I AOD_WAKELOCK@WakeLockManager: acquireIfExists: tag - AOD_DRAW, timeout - 100, reason - set Doze Brightness updateDozeBrightness, wakeLock = WakeLock{c1ae7d8 held=true, refCount=1}
05-12 20:45:25.588 10137 10137 D AODUiController: onChargingLightSensorChanged lux : 2.0 appliedBrightness = 0 currentBrightness = 1
05-12 20:45:25.589 10137 10137 D AOD_BRIGHTNESS@BrightnessManager: mCurrentBrightness : HighNit[false], NitMode[[HLPM]_2NIT_ON], isForceState[0, ForceStateReason[{}, , mAppliedBrightness[0]
05-12 20:45:25.589 10137 10137 D AOD_BRIGHTNESS@AlwaysOnDisplayEx: updateDozeBrightness: doze [2] last [[HLPM]_2NIT_ON] change to [[HLPM]_2NIT_ON]
05-12 20:45:25.589 10137 10137 I AOD_WAKELOCK@WakeLockManager: acquireIfExists: tag - AOD_DRAW, timeout - 100, reason - set Doze Brightness updateDozeBrightness, wakeLock = WakeLock{c1ae7d8 held=false, refCount=0}
05-12 20:45:25.590 3871 3871 D SurfaceFlinger: Setting power mode 3 on display 0
05-12 20:45:25.591 3841 9377 E display : DOZE or Power off called twice, mPowerModeState : 1
05-12 20:45:25.591 3841 9377 D display : setPowerMode:: FBIOBLANK mode(3), blank(-1)
05-12 20:45:25.594 3841 9377 D display : setPowerMode:: S3CFB_POWER_MODE mode(3), blank(-1)
05-12 20:45:25.595 3871 3871 D SurfaceFlinger: Finished setting power mode 3 on display 0
05-12 20:45:25.597 4299 10048 I BiometricServiceBase: onTaskStackChangedForFingerprint: Allow background auth,
05-12 20:45:25.603 4299 5297 D MotionRecognitionService: [EARHOVER_MOTION] inject screen on / off : 0
05-12 20:45:25.603 4299 5297 D SensorService: [EARHOVER_LITE] : setMotionDataLocked
05-12 20:45:25.604 4299 5297 D SensorService: [EARHOVER_LITE] : INJECT_SCREEN_OFF
05-12 20:45:25.605 4299 10048 I BiometricServiceBase: onTaskStackChangedForFingerprint: Allow background auth,
05-12 20:45:25.606 4299 10048 I chatty : uid=1000(system) biometrics.fp identical 8 lines
05-12 20:45:25.607 4299 10048 I BiometricServiceBase: onTaskStackChangedForFingerprint: Allow background auth,
05-12 20:45:25.625 3871 3871 D SurfaceFlinger: Setting power mode 1 on display 0
05-12 20:45:25.625 10137 10137 D DisplayLifecycle: updateDisplay id = 0
05-12 20:45:25.625 3841 9377 E display : DOZE or Power off called twice, mPowerModeState : 3
05-12 20:45:25.625 3841 9377 D display : setPowerMode:: FBIOBLANK mode(1), blank(-1)
05-12 20:45:25.630 3841 9377 D display : setPowerMode:: S3CFB_POWER_MODE mode(1), blank(-1)
05-12 20:45:25.631 3871 3871 D SurfaceFlinger: Finished setting power mode 1 on display 0
05-12 20:45:25.637 4299 5297 D MotionRecognitionService: [EARHOVER_MOTION] inject screen on / off : 0
05-12 20:45:25.637 10137 10274 D NetworkController.MobileSignalController(0/1): onSignalStrengthsChanged signalStrength=SignalStrength:{mCdma=Invalid,mGsm=Invalid,mWcdma=Invalid,mTdscdma=Invalid,mLte=CellSignalStrengthLte: rssi=-113 rsrp=-114 rsrq=-15 rssnr=-10 cqi=4 ta=2147483647 level=1,mNr=Invalid,SignalBarInfo{ lteLevel=1 },P,rat=14,primary=CellSignalStrengthLte} level=1
05-12 20:45:25.638 4299 5297 D SensorService: [EARHOVER_LITE] : setMotionDataLocked
05-12 20:45:25.638 4299 5297 D SensorService: [EARHOVER_LITE] : INJECT_SCREEN_OFF
05-12 20:45:25.639 4299 10048 I BiometricServiceBase: onTaskStackChangedForFingerprint: Allow background auth,
05-12 20:45:25.639 4299 10048 I BiometricServiceBase: onTaskStackChangedForFingerprint: Allow background auth,
05-12 20:45:25.639 10137 10137 D DisplayLifecycle: updateCacheVariables id = 0, display = Display id 0: DisplayInfo{"Built-in Screen, displayId 0", uniqueId "local:0", app 1080 x 2131, real 1080 x 2340, largest app 2131 x 2131, smallest app 1080 x 1017, mode 1, defaultMode 1, modes [{id=1, width=1080, height=2340, fps=60.000004}], colorMode 0, supportedColorModes [0], hdrCapabilities android.view.Display$HdrCapabilities@40f16308, rotation 0, density 420 (403.411 x 404.326) dpi, layerStack 0, appVsyncOff 1000000, presDeadline 16666666, type BUILT_IN, address {port=0}, state DOZE, FLAG_SECURE, FLAG_SUPPORTS_PROTECTED_BUFFERS, removeMode 0}, DisplayMetrics{density=2.625, width=1080, height=2131, scaledDensity=2.625, xdpi=403.411, ydpi=404.326}, isValid=true, size = Point(1080, 2131), realSize = Point(1080, 2340)
05-12 20:45:25.640 4299 10048 I BiometricServiceBase: onTaskStackChangedForFingerprint: Allow background auth,
05-12 20:45:25.640 4299 10048 I chatty : uid=1000(system) biometrics.fp identical 7 lines
05-12 20:45:25.640 4299 10048 I BiometricServiceBase: onTaskStackChangedForFingerprint: Allow background auth,
05-12 20:45:25.647 10137 10274 D NetworkController.MobileSignalController(0/1): getMobileIconGroup(): 13
05-12 20:45:25.665 10137 10137 D AOD_LIVE_CLOCK@LiveClockController: updateDisplayState: DISPLAY_STATE_DOZE
05-12 20:45:25.667 10137 10137 D DisplayLifecycle: updateDisplay id = 0
05-12 20:45:25.669 4299 10551 V WindowManager: Relayout Window{e90e744 u0 ScreenDecorOverlay}: viewVisibility=0 req=1079x151
05-12 20:45:25.672 10137 10137 D DisplayLifecycle: updateCacheVariables id = 0, display = Display id 0: DisplayInfo{"Built-in Screen, displayId 0", uniqueId "local:0", app 1080 x 2131, real 1080 x 2340, largest app 2131 x 2131, smallest app 1080 x 1017, mode 1, defaultMode 1, modes [{id=1, width=1080, height=2340, fps=60.000004}], colorMode 0, supportedColorModes [0], hdrCapabilities android.view.Display$HdrCapabilities@40f16308, rotation 0, density 420 (403.411 x 404.326) dpi, layerStack 0, appVsyncOff 1000000, presDeadline 16666666, type BUILT_IN, address {port=0}, state DOZE, FLAG_SECURE, FLAG_SUPPORTS_PROTECTED_BUFFERS, removeMode 0}, DisplayMetrics{density=2.625, width=1080, height=2131, scaledDensity=2.625, xdpi=403.411, ydpi=404.326}, isValid=true, size = Point(1080, 2131), realSize = Point(1080, 2340)
05-12 20:45:25.676 4299 10551 V WindowManager: Relayout 10137: mAttrs={(0,0)(fillxwrap) gr=TOP LEFT CENTER sim={adjust=pan} layoutInDisplayCutoutMode=always ty=NAVIGATION_BAR_PANEL fmt=TRANSLUCENT
05-12 20:45:25.676 4299 10551 V WindowManager: fl=20800128
05-12 20:45:25.676 4299 10551 V WindowManager: pfl=1100050
05-12 20:45:25.676 4299 10551 V WindowManager: vsysui=100 naviIconColor=0}
05-12 20:45:25.678 10137 10867 D ViewRootImpl@ed5b6a[ScreenDecorOverlay]: Relayout returned: old=(0,0,1080,151) new=(0,0,1080,151) req=(1079,151)0 dur=9 res=0x3 s={true 478310035456} ch=false
05-12 20:45:25.684 10137 10137 D AOD_LIVE_CLOCK@LiveClockController: updateDisplayState: DISPLAY_STATE_DOZE
05-12 20:45:25.686 4299 11683 V WindowManager: Relayout Window{9819af3 u0 ScreenDecorOverlayBottom}: viewVisibility=0 req=1079x151
05-12 20:45:25.689 10137 10137 D AODUiController: onChargingLightSensorChanged lux : 2.0 appliedBrightness = 0 currentBrightness = 1
05-12 20:45:25.689 10137 10137 D AOD_BRIGHTNESS@BrightnessManager: mCurrentBrightness : HighNit[false], NitMode[[HLPM]_2NIT_ON], isForceState[0, ForceStateReason[{}, , mAppliedBrightness[0]
05-12 20:45:25.689 10137 10137 D AOD_BRIGHTNESS@AlwaysOnDisplayEx: updateDozeBrightness: doze [2] last [[HLPM]_2NIT_ON] change to [[HLPM]_2NIT_ON]
05-12 20:45:25.690 10137 10137 I AOD_WAKELOCK@WakeLockManager: acquireIfExists: tag - AOD_DRAW, timeout - 100, reason - set Doze Brightness updateDozeBrightness, wakeLock = WakeLock{c1ae7d8 held=true, refCount=1}
05-12 20:45:25.694 4299 11683 V WindowManager: Relayout 10137: mAttrs={(0,0)(fillxwrap) gr=BOTTOM RIGHT CENTER sim={adjust=pan} layoutInDisplayCutoutMode=always ty=NAVIGATION_BAR_PANEL fmt=TRANSLUCENT
05-12 20:45:25.694 4299 11683 V WindowManager: fl=20800128
05-12 20:45:25.694 4299 11683 V WindowManager: pfl=1100050
05-12 20:45:25.694 4299 11683 V WindowManager: vsysui=100 naviIconColor=0}
05-12 20:45:25.696 10137 10867 D ViewRootImpl@2e58a0d[ScreenDecorOverlayBottom]: Relayout returned: old=(0,2189,1080,2340) new=(0,2189,1080,2340) req=(1079,151)0 dur=10 res=0x3 s={true 478310068224} ch=false
05-12 20:45:25.790 10137 10137 D AODUiController: onChargingLightSensorChanged lux : 2.0 appliedBrightness = 0 currentBrightness = 1
05-12 20:45:25.790 10137 10137 D AOD_BRIGHTNESS@BrightnessManager: mCurrentBrightness : HighNit[false], NitMode[[HLPM]_2NIT_ON], isForceState[0, ForceStateReason[{}, , mAppliedBrightness[0]
05-12 20:45:25.790 10137 10137 D AOD_BRIGHTNESS@AlwaysOnDisplayEx: updateDozeBrightness: doze [2] last [[HLPM]_2NIT_ON] change to [[HLPM]_2NIT_ON]
05-12 20:45:25.790 10137 10137 I AOD_WAKELOCK@WakeLockManager: acquireIfExists: tag - AOD_DRAW, timeout - 100, reason - set Doze Brightness updateDozeBrightness, wakeLock = WakeLock{c1ae7d8 held=true, refCount=1}
05-12 20:45:25.889 10137 10137 D AODUiController: onChargingLightSensorChanged lux : 2.0 appliedBrightness = 0 currentBrightness = 1
05-12 20:45:25.889 10137 10137 D AOD_BRIGHTNESS@BrightnessManager: mCurrentBrightness : HighNit[false], NitMode[[HLPM]_2NIT_ON], isForceState[0, ForceStateReason[{}, , mAppliedBrightness[0]
05-12 20:45:25.890 10137 10137 D AOD_BRIGHTNESS@AlwaysOnDisplayEx: updateDozeBrightness: doze [2] last [[HLPM]_2NIT_ON] change to [[HLPM]_2NIT_ON]
05-12 20:45:25.890 10137 10137 I AOD_WAKELOCK@WakeLockManager: acquireIfExists: tag - AOD_DRAW, timeout - 100, reason - set Doze Brightness updateDozeBrightness, wakeLock = WakeLock{c1ae7d8 held=true, refCount=1}
05-12 20:45:26.000 3871 3871 D SurfaceFlinger: Setting power mode 3 on display 0
05-12 20:45:26.000 10137 10137 D AODUiController: onChargingLightSensorChanged lux : 2.0 appliedBrightness = 0 currentBrightness = 1
05-12 20:45:26.000 10137 10137 D AOD_BRIGHTNESS@BrightnessManager: mCurrentBrightness : HighNit[false], NitMode[[HLPM]_2NIT_ON], isForceState[0, ForceStateReason[{}, , mAppliedBrightness[0]
05-12 20:45:26.001 3841 9377 E display : DOZE or Power off called twice, mPowerModeState : 1
05-12 20:45:26.001 3841 9377 D display : setPowerMode:: FBIOBLANK mode(3), blank(-1)
05-12 20:45:26.001 10137 10137 D AOD_BRIGHTNESS@AlwaysOnDisplayEx: updateDozeBrightness: doze [2] last [[HLPM]_2NIT_ON] change to [[HLPM]_2NIT_ON]
05-12 20:45:26.001 10137 10137 I AOD_WAKELOCK@WakeLockManager: acquireIfExists: tag - AOD_DRAW, timeout - 100, reason - set Doze Brightness updateDozeBrightness, wakeLock = WakeLock{c1ae7d8 held=false, refCount=0}
05-12 20:45:26.007 3841 9377 D display : setPowerMode:: S3CFB_POWER_MODE mode(3), blank(-1)
05-12 20:45:26.007 3871 3871 D SurfaceFlinger: Finished setting power mode 3 on display 0
05-12 20:45:26.012 3970 10055 D bauth_FPBAuthService: pcf : 0x1012, 0 ,1 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,0,
05-12 20:45:26.012 3970 10055 D bauth_FPBAuthService: thread id : 1, preenroll_flag : 0, nd cnt : 0, cso : 0, et : 0
05-12 20:45:26.012 3970 10055 D bauth_FPBAuthService: FPBAuthService, 10983
05-12 20:45:26.016 4299 5297 D MotionRecognitionService: [EARHOVER_MOTION] inject screen on / off : 0
05-12 20:45:26.017 4299 5297 D SensorService: [EARHOVER_LITE] : setMotionDataLocked
05-12 20:45:26.017 4299 5297 D SensorService: [EARHOVER_LITE] : INJECT_SCREEN_OFF
05-12 20:45:26.023 4299 10048 I BiometricServiceBase: onTaskStackChangedForFingerprint: Allow background auth,
05-12 20:45:26.025 4299 10048 I chatty : uid=1000(system) biometrics.fp identical 9 lines
05-12 20:45:26.025 4299 10048 I BiometricServiceBase: onTaskStackChangedForFingerprint: Allow background auth,
05-12 20:45:26.046 4299 10551 V WindowManager: Relayout Window{e90e744 u0 ScreenDecorOverlay}: viewVisibility=0 req=1079x151
05-12 20:45:26.054 3871 3871 D SurfaceFlinger: Setting power mode 1 on display 0
05-12 20:45:26.054 3841 3885 E display : DOZE or Power off called twice, mPowerModeState : 3
05-12 20:45:26.054 3841 3885 D display : setPowerMode:: FBIOBLANK mode(1), blank(-1)
05-12 20:45:26.055 10137 10137 D DisplayLifecycle: updateDisplay id = 0
05-12 20:45:26.056 4299 10551 V WindowManager: Relayout 10137: mAttrs={(0,0)(fillxwrap) gr=TOP LEFT CENTER sim={adjust=pan} layoutInDisplayCutoutMode=always ty=NAVIGATION_BAR_PANEL fmt=TRANSLUCENT
05-12 20:45:26.056 4299 10551 V WindowManager: fl=20800128
05-12 20:45:26.056 4299 10551 V WindowManager: pfl=1100050
05-12 20:45:26.056 4299 10551 V WindowManager: vsysui=100 naviIconColor=0}
05-12 20:45:26.059 3841 3885 D display : setPowerMode:: S3CFB_POWER_MODE mode(1), blank(-1)
05-12 20:45:26.060 3871 3871 D SurfaceFlinger: Finished setting power mode 1 on display 0
05-12 20:45:26.061 10137 10867 D ViewRootImpl@ed5b6a[ScreenDecorOverlay]: Relayout returned: old=(0,0,1080,151) new=(0,0,1080,151) req=(1079,151)0 dur=15 res=0x3 s={true 478310035456} ch=false
05-12 20:45:26.061 10137 10137 D DisplayLifecycle: updateCacheVariables id = 0, display = Display id 0: DisplayInfo{"Built-in Screen, displayId 0", uniqueId "local:0", app 1080 x 2131, real 1080 x 2340, largest app 2131 x 2131, smallest app 1080 x 1017, mode 1, defaultMode 1, modes [{id=1, width=1080, height=2340, fps=60.000004}], colorMode 0, supportedColorModes [0], hdrCapabilities android.view.Display$HdrCapabilities@40f16308, rotation 0, density 420 (403.411 x 404.326) dpi, layerStack 0, appVsyncOff 1000000, presDeadline 16666666, type BUILT_IN, address {port=0}, state DOZE, FLAG_SECURE, FLAG_SUPPORTS_PROTECTED_BUFFERS, removeMode 0}, DisplayMetrics{density=2.625, width=1080, height=2131, scaledDensity=2.625, xdpi=403.411, ydpi=404.326}, isValid=true, size = Point(1080, 2131), realSize = Point(1080, 2340)
05-12 20:45:26.064 4299 10048 I BiometricServiceBase: onTaskStackChangedForFingerprint: Allow background auth,
05-12 20:45:26.067 4299 5297 D MotionRecognitionService: [EARHOVER_MOTION] inject screen on / off : 0
05-12 20:45:26.067 4299 5297 D SensorService: [EARHOVER_LITE] : setMotionDataLocked
05-12 20:45:26.067 4299 5297 D SensorService: [EARHOVER_LITE] : INJECT_SCREEN_OFF
05-12 20:45:26.070 4299 10048 I BiometricServiceBase: onTaskStackChangedForFingerprint: Allow background auth,
05-12 20:45:26.071 4299 10048 I chatty : uid=1000(system) biometrics.fp identical 8 lines
05-12 20:45:26.071 4299 10048 I BiometricServiceBase: onTaskStackChangedForFingerprint: Allow background auth,
05-12 20:45:26.082 4299 12327 V WindowManager: Relayout Window{9819af3 u0 ScreenDecorOverlayBottom}: viewVisibility=0 req=1079x151
05-12 20:45:26.083 10137 10137 D AOD_LIVE_CLOCK@LiveClockController: updateDisplayState: DISPLAY_STATE_DOZE
05-12 20:45:26.085 10137 10137 D DisplayLifecycle: updateDisplay id = 0
05-12 20:45:26.089 10137 10137 D DisplayLifecycle: updateCacheVariables id = 0, display = Display id 0: DisplayInfo{"Built-in Screen, displayId 0", uniqueId "local:0", app 1080 x 2131, real 1080 x 2340, largest app 2131 x 2131, smallest app 1080 x 1017, mode 1, defaultMode 1, modes [{id=1, width=1080, height=2340, fps=60.000004}], colorMode 0, supportedColorModes [0], hdrCapabilities android.view.Display$HdrCapabilities@40f16308, rotation 0, density 420 (403.411 x 404.326) dpi, layerStack 0, appVsyncOff 1000000, presDeadline 16666666, type BUILT_IN, address {port=0}, state DOZE, FLAG_SECURE, FLAG_SUPPORTS_PROTECTED_BUFFERS, removeMode 0}, DisplayMetrics{density=2.625, width=1080, height=2131, scaledDensity=2.625, xdpi=403.411, ydpi=404.326}, isValid=true, size = Point(1080, 2131), realSize = Point(1080, 2340)
05-12 20:45:26.089 4299 12327 V WindowManager: Relayout 10137: mAttrs={(0,0)(fillxwrap) gr=BOTTOM RIGHT CENTER sim={adjust=pan} layoutInDisplayCutoutMode=always ty=NAVIGATION_BAR_PANEL fmt=TRANSLUCENT
05-12 20:45:26.089 4299 12327 V WindowManager: fl=20800128
05-12 20:45:26.089 4299 12327 V WindowManager: pfl=1100050
05-12 20:45:26.089 4299 12327 V WindowManager: vsysui=100 naviIconColor=0}
05-12 20:45:26.093 10137 10867 D ViewRootImpl@2e58a0d[ScreenDecorOverlayBottom]: Relayout returned: old=(0,2189,1080,2340) new=(0,2189,1080,2340) req=(1079,151)0 dur=13 res=0x3 s={true 478310068224} ch=false
05-12 20:45:26.104 10137 10137 D AOD_LIVE_CLOCK@LiveClockController: updateDisplayState: DISPLAY_STATE_DOZE
05-12 20:45:26.105 10137 10137 D AODUiController: onChargingLightSensorChanged lux : 2.0 appliedBrightness = 0 currentBrightness = 1
05-12 20:45:26.105 10137 10137 D AOD_BRIGHTNESS@BrightnessManager: mCurrentBrightness : HighNit[false], NitMode[[HLPM]_2NIT_ON], isForceState[0, ForceStateReason[{}, , mAppliedBrightness[0]
05-12 20:45:26.105 10137 10137 D AOD_BRIGHTNESS@AlwaysOnDisplayEx: updateDozeBrightness: doze [2] last [[HLPM]_2NIT_ON] change to [[HLPM]_2NIT_ON]
05-12 20:45:26.105 10137 10137 I AOD_WAKELOCK@WakeLockManager: acquireIfExists: tag - AOD_DRAW, timeout - 100, reason - set Doze Brightness updateDozeBrightness, wakeLock = WakeLock{c1ae7d8 held=true, refCount=1}
05-12 20:45:26.132 4299 12327 V WindowManager: Relayout Window{e90e744 u0 ScreenDecorOverlay}: viewVisibility=0 req=1079x151
05-12 20:45:26.139 4299 12327 V WindowManager: Relayout 10137: mAttrs={(0,0)(fillxwrap) gr=TOP LEFT CENTER sim={adjust=pan} layoutInDisplayCutoutMode=always ty=NAVIGATION_BAR_PANEL fmt=TRANSLUCENT
05-12 20:45:26.139 4299 12327 V WindowManager: fl=20800128
05-12 20:45:26.139 4299 12327 V WindowManager: pfl=1100050
05-12 20:45:26.139 4299 12327 V WindowManager: vsysui=100 naviIconColor=0}
05-12 20:45:26.141 10137 10867 D ViewRootImpl@ed5b6a[ScreenDecorOverlay]: Relayout returned: old=(0,0,1080,151) new=(0,0,1080,151) req=(1079,151)0 dur=10 res=0x3 s={true 478310035456} ch=false
05-12 20:45:26.149 4299 12327 V WindowManager: Relayout Window{9819af3 u0 ScreenDecorOverlayBottom}: viewVisibility=0 req=1079x151
05-12 20:45:26.156 4299 12327 V WindowManager: Relayout 10137: mAttrs={(0,0)(fillxwrap) gr=BOTTOM RIGHT CENTER sim={adjust=pan} layoutInDisplayCutoutMode=always ty=NAVIGATION_BAR_PANEL fmt=TRANSLUCENT
05-12 20:45:26.156 4299 12327 V WindowManager: fl=20800128
05-12 20:45:26.156 4299 12327 V WindowManager: pfl=1100050
05-12 20:45:26.156 4299 12327 V WindowManager: vsysui=100 naviIconColor=0}
05-12 20:45:26.158 10137 10867 D ViewRootImpl@2e58a0d[ScreenDecorOverlayBottom]: Relayout returned: old=(0,2189,1080,2340) new=(0,2189,1080,2340) req=(1079,151)0 dur=10 res=0x3 s={true 478310068224} ch=false
05-12 20:45:26.214 3871 3871 D SurfaceFlinger: Setting power mode 3 on display 0
05-12 20:45:26.215 3841 3885 E display : DOZE or Power off called twice, mPowerModeState : 1
05-12 20:45:26.215 3841 3885 D display : setPowerMode:: FBIOBLANK mode(3), blank(-1)
05-12 20:45:26.216 10137 10137 D AODUiController: onChargingLightSensorChanged lux : 2.0 appliedBrightness = 0 currentBrightness = 1
05-12 20:45:26.216 10137 10137 D AOD_BRIGHTNESS@BrightnessManager: mCurrentBrightness : HighNit[false], NitMode[[HLPM]_2NIT_ON], isForceState[0, ForceStateReason[{}, , mAppliedBrightness[0]
05-12 20:45:26.217 10137 10137 D AOD_BRIGHTNESS@AlwaysOnDisplayEx: updateDozeBrightness: doze [2] last [[HLPM]_2NIT_ON] change to [[HLPM]_2NIT_ON]
05-12 20:45:26.217 10137 10137 I AOD_WAKELOCK@WakeLockManager: acquireIfExists: tag - AOD_DRAW, timeout - 100, reason - set Doze Brightness updateDozeBrightness, wakeLock = WakeLock{c1ae7d8 held=false, refCount=0}
05-12 20:45:26.221 4299 5297 D MotionRecognitionService: [EARHOVER_MOTION] inject screen on / off : 0
05-12 20:45:26.221 4299 5297 D SensorService: [EARHOVER_LITE] : setMotionDataLocked
05-12 20:45:26.222 4299 5297 D SensorService: [EARHOVER_LITE] : INJECT_SCREEN_OFF
05-12 20:45:26.225 4299 10048 I BiometricServiceBase: onTaskStackChangedForFingerprint: Allow background auth,
05-12 20:45:26.226 4299 10048 I chatty : uid=1000(system) biometrics.fp identical 9 lines
05-12 20:45:26.226 4299 10048 I BiometricServiceBase: onTaskStackChangedForFingerprint: Allow background auth,
05-12 20:45:26.236 10137 10137 D DisplayLifecycle: updateDisplay id = 0
05-12 20:45:26.243 3841 3885 D display : setPowerMode:: S3CFB_POWER_MODE mode(3), blank(-1)
05-12 20:45:26.244 3871 3871 D SurfaceFlinger: Finished setting power mode 3 on display 0
05-12 20:45:26.244 10137 10137 D DisplayLifecycle: updateCacheVariables id = 0, display = Display id 0: DisplayInfo{"Built-in Screen, displayId 0", uniqueId "local:0", app 1080 x 2131, real 1080 x 2340, largest app 2131 x 2131, smallest app 1080 x 1017, mode 1, defaultMode 1, modes [{id=1, width=1080, height=2340, fps=60.000004}], colorMode 0, supportedColorModes [0], hdrCapabilities android.view.Display$HdrCapabilities@40f16308, rotation 0, density 420 (403.411 x 404.326) dpi, layerStack 0, appVsyncOff 1000000, presDeadline 16666666, type BUILT_IN, address {port=0}, state DOZE_SUSPEND, FLAG_SECURE, FLAG_SUPPORTS_PROTECTED_BUFFERS, removeMode 0}, DisplayMetrics{density=2.625, width=1080, height=2131, scaledDensity=2.625, xdpi=403.411, ydpi=404.326}, isValid=true, size = Point(1080, 2131), realSize = Point(1080, 2340)
05-12 20:45:26.245 3871 3871 D SurfaceFlinger: Setting power mode 1 on display 0
05-12 20:45:26.245 3841 3885 E display : DOZE or Power off called twice, mPowerModeState : 3
05-12 20:45:26.245 3841 3885 D display : setPowerMode:: FBIOBLANK mode(1), blank(-1)
05-12 20:45:26.250 3841 3885 D display : setPowerMode:: S3CFB_POWER_MODE mode(1), blank(-1)
05-12 20:45:26.251 3871 3871 D SurfaceFlinger: Finished setting power mode 1 on display 0
05-12 20:45:26.257 4299 5297 D MotionRecognitionService: [EARHOVER_MOTION] inject screen on / off : 0
05-12 20:45:26.258 4299 5297 D SensorService: [EARHOVER_LITE] : setMotionDataLocked
05-12 20:45:26.258 4299 5297 D SensorService: [EARHOVER_LITE] : INJECT_SCREEN_OFF
05-12 20:45:26.259 4299 10048 I BiometricServiceBase: onTaskStackChangedForFingerprint: Allow background auth,
05-12 20:45:26.260 4299 10048 I chatty : uid=1000(system) biometrics.fp identical 9 lines
05-12 20:45:26.260 4299 10048 I BiometricServiceBase: onTaskStackChangedForFingerprint: Allow background auth,
05-12 20:45:26.274 4299 10551 V WindowManager: Relayout Window{e90e744 u0 ScreenDecorOverlay}: viewVisibility=0 req=1079x151
05-12 20:45:26.276 10137 10137 D AOD_LIVE_CLOCK@LiveClockController: updateDisplayState: DISPLAY_STATE_DOZE
05-12 20:45:26.277 10137 10137 D DisplayLifecycle: updateDisplay id = 0
05-12 20:45:26.280 10137 10137 D DisplayLifecycle: updateCacheVariables id = 0, display = Display id 0: DisplayInfo{"Built-in Screen, displayId 0", uniqueId "local:0", app 1080 x 2131, real 1080 x 2340, largest app 2131 x 2131, smallest app 1080 x 1017, mode 1, defaultMode 1, modes [{id=1, width=1080, height=2340, fps=60.000004}], colorMode 0, supportedColorModes [0], hdrCapabilities android.view.Display$HdrCapabilities@40f16308, rotation 0, density 420 (403.411 x 404.326) dpi, layerStack 0, appVsyncOff 1000000, presDeadline 16666666, type BUILT_IN, address {port=0}, state DOZE, FLAG_SECURE, FLAG_SUPPORTS_PROTECTED_BUFFERS, removeMode 0}, DisplayMetrics{density=2.625, width=1080, height=2131, scaledDensity=2.625, xdpi=403.411, ydpi=404.326}, isValid=true, size = Point(1080, 2131), realSize = Point(1080, 2340)
05-12 20:45:26.282 4299 10551 V WindowManager: Relayout 10137: mAttrs={(0,0)(fillxwrap) gr=TOP LEFT CENTER sim={adjust=pan} layoutInDisplayCutoutMode=always ty=NAVIGATION_BAR_PANEL fmt=TRANSLUCENT
05-12 20:45:26.282 4299 10551 V WindowManager: fl=20800128
05-12 20:45:26.282 4299 10551 V WindowManager: pfl=1100050
05-12 20:45:26.282 4299 10551 V WindowManager: vsysui=100 naviIconColor=0}
05-12 20:45:26.285 10137 10867 D ViewRootImpl@ed5b6a[ScreenDecorOverlay]: Relayout returned: old=(0,0,1080,151) new=(0,0,1080,151) req=(1079,151)0 dur=20 res=0x3 s={true 478310035456} ch=false
05-12 20:45:26.291 10137 10137 D AOD_LIVE_CLOCK@LiveClockController: updateDisplayState: DISPLAY_STATE_DOZE
05-12 20:45:26.294 4299 12327 V WindowManager: Relayout Window{9819af3 u0 ScreenDecorOverlayBottom}: viewVisibility=0 req=1079x151
05-12 20:45:26.302 4299 12327 V WindowManager: Relayout 10137: mAttrs={(0,0)(fillxwrap) gr=BOTTOM RIGHT CENTER sim={adjust=pan} layoutInDisplayCutoutMode=always ty=NAVIGATION_BAR_PANEL fmt=TRANSLUCENT
05-12 20:45:26.302 4299 12327 V WindowManager: fl=20800128
05-12 20:45:26.302 4299 12327 V WindowManager: pfl=1100050
05-12 20:45:26.302 4299 12327 V WindowManager: vsysui=100 naviIconColor=0}
05-12 20:45:26.304 10137 10867 D ViewRootImpl@2e58a0d[ScreenDecorOverlayBottom]: Relayout returned: old=(0,2189,1080,2340) new=(0,2189,1080,2340) req=(1079,151)0 dur=11 res=0x3 s={true 478310068224} ch=false
05-12 20:45:26.309 10137 10137 D AODUiController: onChargingLightSensorChanged lux : 2.0 appliedBrightness = 0 currentBrightness = 1
05-12 20:45:26.309 10137 10137 D AOD_BRIGHTNESS@BrightnessManager: mCurrentBrightness : HighNit[false], NitMode[[HLPM]_2NIT_ON], isForceState[0, ForceStateReason[{}, , mAppliedBrightness[0]
05-12 20:45:26.309 10137 10137 D AOD_BRIGHTNESS@AlwaysOnDisplayEx: updateDozeBrightness: doze [2] last [[HLPM]_2NIT_ON] change to [[HLPM]_2NIT_ON]
05-12 20:45:26.309 10137 10137 I AOD_WAKELOCK@WakeLockManager: acquireIfExists: tag - AOD_DRAW, timeout - 100, reason - set Doze Brightness updateDozeBrightness, wakeLock = WakeLock{c1ae7d8 held=true, refCount=1}
05-12 20:45:26.335 4299 12327 V WindowManager: Relayout Window{e90e744 u0 ScreenDecorOverlay}: viewVisibility=0 req=1079x151
05-12 20:45:26.341 4299 12327 V WindowManager: Relayout 10137: mAttrs={(0,0)(fillxwrap) gr=TOP LEFT CENTER sim={adjust=pan} layoutInDisplayCutoutMode=always ty=NAVIGATION_BAR_PANEL fmt=TRANSLUCENT
05-12 20:45:26.341 4299 12327 V WindowManager: fl=20800128
05-12 20:45:26.341 4299 12327 V WindowManager: pfl=1100050
05-12 20:45:26.341 4299 12327 V WindowManager: vsysui=100 naviIconColor=0}
05-12 20:45:26.344 10137 10867 D ViewRootImpl@ed5b6a[ScreenDecorOverlay]: Relayout returned: old=(0,0,1080,151) new=(0,0,1080,151) req=(1079,151)0 dur=10 res=0x3 s={true 478310035456} ch=false
05-12 20:45:26.351 4299 12327 V WindowManager: Relayout Window{9819af3 u0 ScreenDecorOverlayBottom}: viewVisibility=0 req=1079x151
05-12 20:45:26.359 4299 12327 V WindowManager: Relayout 10137: mAttrs={(0,0)(fillxwrap) gr=BOTTOM RIGHT CENTER sim={adjust=pan} layoutInDisplayCutoutMode=always ty=NAVIGATION_BAR_PANEL fmt=TRANSLUCENT
05-12 20:45:26.359 4299 12327 V WindowManager: fl=20800128
05-12 20:45:26.359 4299 12327 V WindowManager: pfl=1100050
05-12 20:45:26.359 4299 12327 V WindowManager: vsysui=100 naviIconColor=0}
05-12 20:45:26.361 10137 10867 D ViewRootImpl@2e58a0d[ScreenDecorOverlayBottom]: Relayout returned: old=(0,2189,1080,2340) new=(0,2189,1080,2340) req=(1079,151)0 dur=11 res=0x3 s={true 478310068224} ch=false
05-12 20:45:26.409 10137 10137 D AODUiController: onChargingLightSensorChanged lux : 1.0 appliedBrightness = 0 currentBrightness = 1
05-12 20:45:26.409 10137 10137 D AOD_BRIGHTNESS@BrightnessManager: mCurrentBrightness : HighNit[false], NitMode[[HLPM]_2NIT_ON], isForceState[0, ForceStateReason[{}, , mAppliedBrightness[0]
05-12 20:45:26.410 10137 10137 D AOD_BRIGHTNESS@AlwaysOnDisplayEx: updateDozeBrightness: doze [2] last [[HLPM]_2NIT_ON] change to [[HLPM]_2NIT_ON]
05-12 20:45:26.410 10137 10137 I AOD_WAKELOCK@WakeLockManager: acquireIfExists: tag - AOD_DRAW, timeout - 100, reason - set Doze Brightness updateDozeBrightness, wakeLock = WakeLock{c1ae7d8 held=true, refCount=1}
05-12 20:45:26.440 3951 10369 I GNSS_MEMS: TGT_MEMS SCSCMemsReportSensorDrops: dropped 0 events (spam) 2 events (rate limit) out of 51 total for sensor 0 since last report
05-12 20:45:26.519 3871 3871 D SurfaceFlinger: Setting power mode 3 on display 0
05-12 20:45:26.520 3841 9377 E display : DOZE or Power off called twice, mPowerModeState : 1
05-12 20:45:26.520 3841 9377 D display : setPowerMode:: FBIOBLANK mode(3), blank(-1)
05-12 20:45:26.523 3841 9377 D display : setPowerMode:: S3CFB_POWER_MODE mode(3), blank(-1)
05-12 20:45:26.523 3871 3871 D SurfaceFlinger: Finished setting power mode 3 on display 0
05-12 20:45:26.525 10137 10137 D AODUiController: onChargingLightSensorChanged lux : 2.0 appliedBrightness = 0 currentBrightness = 1
05-12 20:45:26.525 10137 10137 D AOD_BRIGHTNESS@BrightnessManager: mCurrentBrightness : HighNit[false], NitMode[[HLPM]_2NIT_ON], isForceState[0, ForceStateReason[{}, , mAppliedBrightness[0]
05-12 20:45:26.526 10137 10137 D AOD_BRIGHTNESS@AlwaysOnDisplayEx: updateDozeBrightness: doze [2] last [[HLPM]_2NIT_ON] change to [[HLPM]_2NIT_ON]
05-12 20:45:26.526 10137 10137 I AOD_WAKELOCK@WakeLockManager: acquireIfExists: tag - AOD_DRAW, timeout - 100, reason - set Doze Brightness updateDozeBrightness, wakeLock = WakeLock{c1ae7d8 held=false, refCount=0}
05-12 20:45:26.529 4299 5297 D MotionRecognitionService: [EARHOVER_MOTION] inject screen on / off : 0
05-12 20:45:26.529 4299 5297 D SensorService: [EARHOVER_LITE] : setMotionDataLocked
05-12 20:45:26.530 4299 5297 D SensorService: [EARHOVER_LITE] : INJECT_SCREEN_OFF
05-12 20:45:26.536 4299 10048 I BiometricServiceBase: onTaskStackChangedForFingerprint: Allow background auth,
05-12 20:45:26.539 4299 10048 I chatty : uid=1000(system) biometrics.fp identical 9 lines
05-12 20:45:26.539 4299 10048 I BiometricServiceBase: onTaskStackChangedForFingerprint: Allow background auth,
05-12 20:45:26.555 3871 3871 D SurfaceFlinger: Setting power mode 1 on display 0
05-12 20:45:26.556 3841 9377 E display : DOZE or Power off called twice, mPowerModeState : 3
05-12 20:45:26.556 3841 9377 D display : setPowerMode:: FBIOBLANK mode(1), blank(-1)
05-12 20:45:26.556 10137 10137 D DisplayLifecycle: updateDisplay id = 0
05-12 20:45:26.561 3841 9377 D display : setPowerMode:: S3CFB_POWER_MODE mode(1), blank(-1)
05-12 20:45:26.561 3871 3871 D SurfaceFlinger: Finished setting power mode 1 on display 0
05-12 20:45:26.565 10137 10137 D DisplayLifecycle: updateCacheVariables id = 0, display = Display id 0: DisplayInfo{"Built-in Screen, displayId 0", uniqueId "local:0", app 1080 x 2131, real 1080 x 2340, largest app 2131 x 2131, smallest app 1080 x 1017, mode 1, defaultMode 1, modes [{id=1, width=1080, height=2340, fps=60.000004}], colorMode 0, supportedColorModes [0], hdrCapabilities android.view.Display$HdrCapabilities@40f16308, rotation 0, density 420 (403.411 x 404.326) dpi, layerStack 0, appVsyncOff 1000000, presDeadline 16666666, type BUILT_IN, address {port=0}, state DOZE_SUSPEND, FLAG_SECURE, FLAG_SUPPORTS_PROTECTED_BUFFERS, removeMode 0}, DisplayMetrics{density=2.625, width=1080, height=2131, scaledDensity=2.625, xdpi=403.411, ydpi=404.326}, isValid=true, size = Point(1080, 2131), realSize = Point(1080, 2340)
05-12 20:45:26.577 4299 5297 D MotionRecognitionService: [EARHOVER_MOTION] inject screen on / off : 0
05-12 20:45:26.577 4299 5297 D SensorService: [EARHOVER_LITE] : setMotionDataLocked
05-12 20:45:26.577 4299 5297 D SensorService: [EARHOVER_LITE] : INJECT_SCREEN_OFF
05-12 20:45:26.577 4299 10048 I BiometricServiceBase: onTaskStackChangedForFingerprint: Allow background auth,
05-12 20:45:26.583 4299 10048 I chatty : uid=1000(system) biometrics.fp identical 9 lines
05-12 20:45:26.583 4299 10048 I BiometricServiceBase: onTaskStackChangedForFingerprint: Allow background auth,
05-12 20:45:26.591 10137 10137 D AOD_LIVE_CLOCK@LiveClockController: updateDisplayState: DISPLAY_STATE_DOZE
05-12 20:45:26.593 4299 12331 V WindowManager: Relayout Window{e90e744 u0 ScreenDecorOverlay}: viewVisibility=0 req=1079x151
05-12 20:45:26.593 10137 10137 D DisplayLifecycle: updateDisplay id = 0
05-12 20:45:26.597 10137 10137 D DisplayLifecycle: updateCacheVariables id = 0, display = Display id 0: DisplayInfo{"Built-in Screen, displayId 0", uniqueId "local:0", app 1080 x 2131, real 1080 x 2340, largest app 2131 x 2131, smallest app 1080 x 1017, mode 1, defaultMode 1, modes [{id=1, width=1080, height=2340, fps=60.000004}], colorMode 0, supportedColorModes [0], hdrCapabilities android.view.Display$HdrCapabilities@40f16308, rotation 0, density 420 (403.411 x 404.326) dpi, layerStack 0, appVsyncOff 1000000, presDeadline 16666666, type BUILT_IN, address {port=0}, state DOZE, FLAG_SECURE, FLAG_SUPPORTS_PROTECTED_BUFFERS, removeMode 0}, DisplayMetrics{density=2.625, width=1080, height=2131, scaledDensity=2.625, xdpi=403.411, ydpi=404.326}, isValid=true, size = Point(1080, 2131), realSize = Point(1080, 2340)
05-12 20:45:26.601 4299 12331 V WindowManager: Relayout 10137: mAttrs={(0,0)(fillxwrap) gr=TOP LEFT CENTER sim={adjust=pan} layoutInDisplayCutoutMode=always ty=NAVIGATION_BAR_PANEL fmt=TRANSLUCENT
05-12 20:45:26.601 4299 12331 V WindowManager: fl=20800128
05-12 20:45:26.601 4299 12331 V WindowManager: pfl=1100050
05-12 20:45:26.601 4299 12331 V WindowManager: vsysui=100 naviIconColor=0}
05-12 20:45:26.603 10137 10867 D ViewRootImpl@ed5b6a[ScreenDecorOverlay]: Relayout returned: old=(0,0,1080,151) new=(0,0,1080,151) req=(1079,151)0 dur=25 res=0x3 s={true 478310035456} ch=false
05-12 20:45:26.611 10137 10137 D AOD_LIVE_CLOCK@LiveClockController: updateDisplayState: DISPLAY_STATE_DOZE
05-12 20:45:26.611 4299 12331 V WindowManager: Relayout Window{9819af3 u0 ScreenDecorOverlayBottom}: viewVisibility=0 req=1079x151
05-12 20:45:26.613 10137 10137 D AODUiController: onChargingLightSensorChanged lux : 2.0 appliedBrightness = 0 currentBrightness = 1
05-12 20:45:26.613 10137 10137 D AOD_BRIGHTNESS@BrightnessManager: mCurrentBrightness : HighNit[false], NitMode[[HLPM]_2NIT_ON], isForceState[0, ForceStateReason[{}, , mAppliedBrightness[0]
05-12 20:45:26.613 10137 10137 D AOD_BRIGHTNESS@AlwaysOnDisplayEx: updateDozeBrightness: doze [2] last [[HLPM]_2NIT_ON] change to [[HLPM]_2NIT_ON]
05-12 20:45:26.614 10137 10137 I AOD_WAKELOCK@WakeLockManager: acquireIfExists: tag - AOD_DRAW, timeout - 100, reason - set Doze Brightness updateDozeBrightness, wakeLock = WakeLock{c1ae7d8 held=true, refCount=1}
05-12 20:45:26.618 4299 12331 V WindowManager: Relayout 10137: mAttrs={(0,0)(fillxwrap) gr=BOTTOM RIGHT CENTER sim={adjust=pan} layoutInDisplayCutoutMode=always ty=NAVIGATION_BAR_PANEL fmt=TRANSLUCENT
05-12 20:45:26.618 4299 12331 V WindowManager: fl=20800128
05-12 20:45:26.618 4299 12331 V WindowManager: pfl=1100050
05-12 20:45:26.618 4299 12331 V WindowManager: vsysui=100 naviIconColor=0}
05-12 20:45:26.620 10137 10867 D ViewRootImpl@2e58a0d[ScreenDecorOverlayBottom]: Relayout returned: old=(0,2189,1080,2340) new=(0,2189,1080,2340) req=(1079,151)0 dur=8 res=0x3 s={true 478310068224} ch=false
05-12 20:45:26.666 4299 12331 V WindowManager: Relayout Window{e90e744 u0 ScreenDecorOverlay}: viewVisibility=0 req=1079x151
05-12 20:45:26.674 4299 12331 V WindowManager: Relayout 10137: mAttrs={(0,0)(fillxwrap) gr=TOP LEFT CENTER sim={adjust=pan} layoutInDisplayCutoutMode=always ty=NAVIGATION_BAR_PANEL fmt=TRANSLUCENT
05-12 20:45:26.674 4299 12331 V WindowManager: fl=20800128
05-12 20:45:26.674 4299 12331 V WindowManager: pfl=1100050
05-12 20:45:26.674 4299 12331 V WindowManager: vsysui=100 naviIconColor=0}
05-12 20:45:26.677 10137 10867 D ViewRootImpl@ed5b6a[ScreenDecorOverlay]: Relayout returned: old=(0,0,1080,151) new=(0,0,1080,151) req=(1079,151)0 dur=12 res=0x3 s={true 478310035456} ch=false
05-12 20:45:26.688 4299 12331 V WindowManager: Relayout Window{9819af3 u0 ScreenDecorOverlayBottom}: viewVisibility=0 req=1079x151
05-12 20:45:26.697 4299 12331 V WindowManager: Relayout 10137: mAttrs={(0,0)(fillxwrap) gr=BOTTOM RIGHT CENTER sim={adjust=pan} layoutInDisplayCutoutMode=always ty=NAVIGATION_BAR_PANEL fmt=TRANSLUCENT
05-12 20:45:26.697 4299 12331 V WindowManager: fl=20800128
05-12 20:45:26.697 4299 12331 V WindowManager: pfl=1100050
05-12 20:45:26.697 4299 12331 V WindowManager: vsysui=100 naviIconColor=0}
05-12 20:45:26.700 10137 10867 D ViewRootImpl@2e58a0d[ScreenDecorOverlayBottom]: Relayout returned: old=(0,2189,1080,2340) new=(0,2189,1080,2340) req=(1079,151)0 dur=13 res=0x3 s={true 478310068224} ch=false
05-12 20:45:26.713 10137 10137 D AODUiController: onChargingLightSensorChanged lux : 2.0 appliedBrightness = 0 currentBrightness = 1
05-12 20:45:26.714 10137 10137 D AOD_BRIGHTNESS@BrightnessManager: mCurrentBrightness : HighNit[false], NitMode[[HLPM]_2NIT_ON], isForceState[0, ForceStateReason[{}, , mAppliedBrightness[0]
05-12 20:45:26.714 10137 10137 D AOD_BRIGHTNESS@AlwaysOnDisplayEx: updateDozeBrightness: doze [2] last [[HLPM]_2NIT_ON] change to [[HLPM]_2NIT_ON]
05-12 20:45:26.714 10137 10137 I AOD_WAKELOCK@WakeLockManager: acquireIfExists: tag - AOD_DRAW, timeout - 100, reason - set Doze Brightness updateDozeBrightness, wakeLock = WakeLock{c1ae7d8 held=true, refCount=1}
05-12 20:45:26.824 3871 3871 D SurfaceFlinger: Setting power mode 3 on display 0
05-12 20:45:26.825 3841 9377 E display : DOZE or Power off called twice, mPowerModeState : 1
05-12 20:45:26.825 3841 9377 D display : setPowerMode:: FBIOBLANK mode(3), blank(-1)
05-12 20:45:26.827 3841 9377 D display : setPowerMode:: S3CFB_POWER_MODE mode(3), blank(-1)
05-12 20:45:26.828 3871 3871 D SurfaceFlinger: Finished setting power mode 3 on display 0
05-12 20:45:26.833 10137 10137 D AODUiController: onChargingLightSensorChanged lux : 2.0 appliedBrightness = 0 currentBrightness = 1
05-12 20:45:26.833 10137 10137 D AOD_BRIGHTNESS@BrightnessManager: mCurrentBrightness : HighNit[false], NitMode[[HLPM]_2NIT_ON], isForceState[0, ForceStateReason[{}, , mAppliedBrightness[0]
05-12 20:45:26.834 4299 5297 D MotionRecognitionService: [EARHOVER_MOTION] inject screen on / off : 0
05-12 20:45:26.834 4299 5297 D SensorService: [EARHOVER_LITE] : setMotionDataLocked
05-12 20:45:26.834 4299 5297 D SensorService: [EARHOVER_LITE] : INJECT_SCREEN_OFF
05-12 20:45:26.840 4299 10048 I BiometricServiceBase: onTaskStackChangedForFingerprint: Allow background auth,
05-12 20:45:26.842 4299 10048 I chatty : uid=1000(system) biometrics.fp identical 1 line
05-12 20:45:26.842 4299 10048 I BiometricServiceBase: onTaskStackChangedForFingerprint: Allow background auth,
05-12 20:45:26.842 10137 10137 D AOD_BRIGHTNESS@AlwaysOnDisplayEx: updateDozeBrightness: doze [2] last [[HLPM]_2NIT_ON] change to [[HLPM]_2NIT_ON]
05-12 20:45:26.842 4299 10048 I BiometricServiceBase: onTaskStackChangedForFingerprint: Allow background auth,
05-12 20:45:26.842 4299 10048 I BiometricServiceBase: onTaskStackChangedForFingerprint: Allow background auth,
05-12 20:45:26.842 10137 10137 I AOD_WAKELOCK@WakeLockManager: acquireIfExists: tag - AOD_DRAW, timeout - 100, reason - set Doze Brightness updateDozeBrightness, wakeLock = WakeLock{c1ae7d8 held=false, refCount=0}
05-12 20:45:26.842 4299 10048 I BiometricServiceBase: onTaskStackChangedForFingerprint: Allow background auth,
05-12 20:45:26.843 4299 10048 I chatty : uid=1000(system) biometrics.fp identical 4 lines
05-12 20:45:26.843 4299 10048 I BiometricServiceBase: onTaskStackChangedForFingerprint: Allow background auth,
05-12 20:45:26.853 3871 3871 D SurfaceFlinger: Setting power mode 1 on display 0
05-12 20:45:26.854 3841 9377 E display : DOZE or Power off called twice, mPowerModeState : 3
05-12 20:45:26.854 3841 9377 D display : setPowerMode:: FBIOBLANK mode(1), blank(-1)
05-12 20:45:26.858 3841 9377 D display : setPowerMode:: S3CFB_POWER_MODE mode(1), blank(-1)
05-12 20:45:26.859 10137 10137 D DisplayLifecycle: updateDisplay id = 0
05-12 20:45:26.859 3871 3871 D SurfaceFlinger: Finished setting power mode 1 on display 0
05-12 20:45:26.867 10137 10137 D DisplayLifecycle: updateCacheVariables id = 0, display = Display id 0: DisplayInfo{"Built-in Screen, displayId 0", uniqueId "local:0", app 1080 x 2131, real 1080 x 2340, largest app 2131 x 2131, smallest app 1080 x 1017, mode 1, defaultMode 1, modes [{id=1, width=1080, height=2340, fps=60.000004}], colorMode 0, supportedColorModes [0], hdrCapabilities android.view.Display$HdrCapabilities@40f16308, rotation 0, density 420 (403.411 x 404.326) dpi, layerStack 0, appVsyncOff 1000000, presDeadline 16666666, type BUILT_IN, address {port=0}, state DOZE, FLAG_SECURE, FLAG_SUPPORTS_PROTECTED_BUFFERS, removeMode 0}, DisplayMetrics{density=2.625, width=1080, height=2131, scaledDensity=2.625, xdpi=403.411, ydpi=404.326}, isValid=true, size = Point(1080, 2131), realSize = Point(1080, 2340)
05-12 20:45:26.870 4299 10048 I BiometricServiceBase: onTaskStackChangedForFingerprint: Allow background auth,
05-12 20:45:26.871 4299 10048 I chatty : uid=1000(system) biometrics.fp identical 9 lines
05-12 20:45:26.871 4299 10048 I BiometricServiceBase: onTaskStackChangedForFingerprint: Allow background auth,
05-12 20:45:26.871 4299 5297 D MotionRecognitionService: [EARHOVER_MOTION] inject screen on / off : 0
05-12 20:45:26.872 4299 5297 D SensorService: [EARHOVER_LITE] : setMotionDataLocked
05-12 20:45:26.872 4299 5297 D SensorService: [EARHOVER_LITE] : INJECT_SCREEN_OFF
05-12 20:45:26.886 4299 10535 V WindowManager: Relayout Window{e90e744 u0 ScreenDecorOverlay}: viewVisibility=0 req=1079x151
05-12 20:45:26.889 10137 10137 D AOD_LIVE_CLOCK@LiveClockController: updateDisplayState: DISPLAY_STATE_DOZE
05-12 20:45:26.890 10137 10137 D DisplayLifecycle: updateDisplay id = 0
05-12 20:45:26.894 4299 10535 V WindowManager: Relayout 10137: mAttrs={(0,0)(fillxwrap) gr=TOP LEFT CENTER sim={adjust=pan} layoutInDisplayCutoutMode=always ty=NAVIGATION_BAR_PANEL fmt=TRANSLUCENT
05-12 20:45:26.894 4299 10535 V WindowManager: fl=20800128
05-12 20:45:26.894 4299 10535 V WindowManager: pfl=1100050
05-12 20:45:26.894 4299 10535 V WindowManager: vsysui=100 naviIconColor=0}
05-12 20:45:26.894 10137 10137 D DisplayLifecycle: updateCacheVariables id = 0, display = Display id 0: DisplayInfo{"Built-in Screen, displayId 0", uniqueId "local:0", app 1080 x 2131, real 1080 x 2340, largest app 2131 x 2131, smallest app 1080 x 1017, mode 1, defaultMode 1, modes [{id=1, width=1080, height=2340, fps=60.000004}], colorMode 0, supportedColorModes [0], hdrCapabilities android.view.Display$HdrCapabilities@40f16308, rotation 0, density 420 (403.411 x 404.326) dpi, layerStack 0, appVsyncOff 1000000, presDeadline 16666666, type BUILT_IN, address {port=0}, state DOZE, FLAG_SECURE, FLAG_SUPPORTS_PROTECTED_BUFFERS, removeMode 0}, DisplayMetrics{density=2.625, width=1080, height=2131, scaledDensity=2.625, xdpi=403.411, ydpi=404.326}, isValid=true, size = Point(1080, 2131), realSize = Point(1080, 2340)
05-12 20:45:26.895 10137 10867 D ViewRootImpl@ed5b6a[ScreenDecorOverlay]: Relayout returned: old=(0,0,1080,151) new=(0,0,1080,151) req=(1079,151)0 dur=10 res=0x3 s={true 478310035456} ch=false
05-12 20:45:26.907 4299 10535 V WindowManager: Relayout Window{9819af3 u0 ScreenDecorOverlayBottom}: viewVisibility=0 req=1079x151
05-12 20:45:26.909 10137 10137 D AOD_LIVE_CLOCK@LiveClockController: updateDisplayState: DISPLAY_STATE_DOZE
05-12 20:45:26.914 4299 10535 V WindowManager: Relayout 10137: mAttrs={(0,0)(fillxwrap) gr=BOTTOM RIGHT CENTER sim={adjust=pan} layoutInDisplayCutoutMode=always ty=NAVIGATION_BAR_PANEL fmt=TRANSLUCENT
05-12 20:45:26.914 4299 10535 V WindowManager: fl=20800128
05-12 20:45:26.914 4299 10535 V WindowManager: pfl=1100050
05-12 20:45:26.914 4299 10535 V WindowManager: vsysui=100 naviIconColor=0}
05-12 20:45:26.916 10137 10867 D ViewRootImpl@2e58a0d[ScreenDecorOverlayBottom]: Relayout returned: old=(0,2189,1080,2340) new=(0,2189,1080,2340) req=(1079,151)0 dur=10 res=0x3 s={true 478310068224} ch=false
05-12 20:45:26.935 4299 10535 V WindowManager: Relayout Window{e90e744 u0 ScreenDecorOverlay}: viewVisibility=0 req=1079x151
05-12 20:45:26.936 10137 10137 D AODUiController: onChargingLightSensorChanged lux : 1.0 appliedBrightness = 0 currentBrightness = 1
05-12 20:45:26.936 10137 10137 D AOD_BRIGHTNESS@BrightnessManager: mCurrentBrightness : HighNit[false], NitMode[[HLPM]_2NIT_ON], isForceState[0, ForceStateReason[{}, , mAppliedBrightness[0]
05-12 20:45:26.936 10137 10137 D AOD_BRIGHTNESS@AlwaysOnDisplayEx: updateDozeBrightness: doze [2] last [[HLPM]_2NIT_ON] change to [[HLPM]_2NIT_ON]
05-12 20:45:26.937 10137 10137 I AOD_WAKELOCK@WakeLockManager: acquireIfExists: tag - AOD_DRAW, timeout - 100, reason - set Doze Brightness updateDozeBrightness, wakeLock = WakeLock{c1ae7d8 held=true, refCount=1}
05-12 20:45:26.942 4299 10535 V WindowManager: Relayout 10137: mAttrs={(0,0)(fillxwrap) gr=TOP LEFT CENTER sim={adjust=pan} layoutInDisplayCutoutMode=always ty=NAVIGATION_BAR_PANEL fmt=TRANSLUCENT
05-12 20:45:26.942 4299 10535 V WindowManager: fl=20800128
05-12 20:45:26.942 4299 10535 V WindowManager: pfl=1100050
05-12 20:45:26.942 4299 10535 V WindowManager: vsysui=100 naviIconColor=0}
05-12 20:45:26.944 10137 10867 D ViewRootImpl@ed5b6a[ScreenDecorOverlay]: Relayout returned: old=(0,0,1080,151) new=(0,0,1080,151) req=(1079,151)0 dur=12 res=0x3 s={true 478310035456} ch=false
05-12 20:45:26.951 4299 10535 V WindowManager: Relayout Window{9819af3 u0 ScreenDecorOverlayBottom}: viewVisibility=0 req=1079x151
05-12 20:45:26.959 4299 10535 V WindowManager: Relayout 10137: mAttrs={(0,0)(fillxwrap) gr=BOTTOM RIGHT CENTER sim={adjust=pan} layoutInDisplayCutoutMode=always ty=NAVIGATION_BAR_PANEL fmt=TRANSLUCENT
05-12 20:45:26.959 4299 10535 V WindowManager: fl=20800128
05-12 20:45:26.959 4299 10535 V WindowManager: pfl=1100050
05-12 20:45:26.959 4299 10535 V WindowManager: vsysui=100 naviIconColor=0}
05-12 20:45:26.961 10137 10867 D ViewRootImpl@2e58a0d[ScreenDecorOverlayBottom]: Relayout returned: old=(0,2189,1080,2340) new=(0,2189,1080,2340) req=(1079,151)0 dur=10 res=0x3 s={true 478310068224} ch=false
05-12 20:45:27.012 3970 10055 D bauth_FPBAuthService: pcf : 0x1012, 0 ,1 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,0,
05-12 20:45:27.012 3970 10055 D bauth_FPBAuthService: thread id : 1, preenroll_flag : 0, nd cnt : 0, cso : 0, et : 0
05-12 20:45:27.012 3970 10055 D bauth_FPBAuthService: FPBAuthService, 10983
05-12 20:45:27.037 10137 10137 D AODUiController: onChargingLightSensorChanged lux : 2.0 appliedBrightness = 0 currentBrightness = 1
05-12 20:45:27.037 10137 10137 D AOD_BRIGHTNESS@BrightnessManager: mCurrentBrightness : HighNit[false], NitMode[[HLPM]_2NIT_ON], isForceState[0, ForceStateReason[{}, , mAppliedBrightness[0]
05-12 20:45:27.038 10137 10137 D AOD_BRIGHTNESS@AlwaysOnDisplayEx: updateDozeBrightness: doze [2] last [[HLPM]_2NIT_ON] change to [[HLPM]_2NIT_ON]
05-12 20:45:27.038 10137 10137 I AOD_WAKELOCK@WakeLockManager: acquireIfExists: tag - AOD_DRAW, timeout - 100, reason - set Doze Brightness updateDozeBrightness, wakeLock = WakeLock{c1ae7d8 held=true, refCount=1}
05-12 20:45:27.148 10137 10137 D AODUiController: onChargingLightSensorChanged lux : 2.0 appliedBrightness = 0 currentBrightness = 1
05-12 20:45:27.148 10137 10137 D AOD_BRIGHTNESS@BrightnessManager: mCurrentBrightness : HighNit[false], NitMode[[HLPM]_2NIT_ON], isForceState[0, ForceStateReason[{}, , mAppliedBrightness[0]
05-12 20:45:27.148 3871 3871 D SurfaceFlinger: Setting power mode 3 on display 0
05-12 20:45:27.149 10137 10137 D AOD_BRIGHTNESS@AlwaysOnDisplayEx: updateDozeBrightness: doze [2] last [[HLPM]_2NIT_ON] change to [[HLPM]_2NIT_ON]
05-12 20:45:27.149 3841 9377 E display : DOZE or Power off called twice, mPowerModeState : 1
05-12 20:45:27.149 3841 9377 D display : setPowerMode:: FBIOBLANK mode(3), blank(-1)
05-12 20:45:27.149 10137 10137 I AOD_WAKELOCK@WakeLockManager: acquireIfExists: tag - AOD_DRAW, timeout - 100, reason - set Doze Brightness updateDozeBrightness, wakeLock = WakeLock{c1ae7d8 held=false, refCount=0}
05-12 20:45:27.150 3841 9377 D display : setPowerMode:: S3CFB_POWER_MODE mode(3), blank(-1)
05-12 20:45:27.151 3871 3871 D SurfaceFlinger: Finished setting power mode 3 on display 0
05-12 20:45:27.151 4299 5297 D MotionRecognitionService: [EARHOVER_MOTION] inject screen on / off : 0
05-12 20:45:27.151 4299 5297 D SensorService: [EARHOVER_LITE] : setMotionDataLocked
05-12 20:45:27.151 4299 5297 D SensorService: [EARHOVER_LITE] : INJECT_SCREEN_OFF
05-12 20:45:27.159 4299 10048 I BiometricServiceBase: onTaskStackChangedForFingerprint: Allow background auth,
05-12 20:45:27.159 4299 10048 I chatty : uid=1000(system) biometrics.fp identical 9 lines
05-12 20:45:27.160 4299 10048 I BiometricServiceBase: onTaskStackChangedForFingerprint: Allow background auth,
05-12 20:45:27.183 4299 12327 V WindowManager: Relayout Window{e90e744 u0 ScreenDecorOverlay}: viewVisibility=0 req=1079x151
05-12 20:45:27.190 3871 3871 D SurfaceFlinger: Setting power mode 1 on display 0
05-12 20:45:27.190 3841 9377 E display : DOZE or Power off called twice, mPowerModeState : 3
05-12 20:45:27.190 3841 9377 D display : setPowerMode:: FBIOBLANK mode(1), blank(-1)
05-12 20:45:27.191 4299 12327 V WindowManager: Relayout 10137: mAttrs={(0,0)(fillxwrap) gr=TOP LEFT CENTER sim={adjust=pan} layoutInDisplayCutoutMode=always ty=NAVIGATION_BAR_PANEL fmt=TRANSLUCENT
05-12 20:45:27.191 4299 12327 V WindowManager: fl=20800128
05-12 20:45:27.191 4299 12327 V WindowManager: pfl=1100050
05-12 20:45:27.191 4299 12327 V WindowManager: vsysui=100 naviIconColor=0}
05-12 20:45:27.193 10137 10867 D ViewRootImpl@ed5b6a[ScreenDecorOverlay]: Relayout returned: old=(0,0,1080,151) new=(0,0,1080,151) req=(1079,151)0 dur=9 res=0x3 s={true 478310035456} ch=false
05-12 20:45:27.195 3841 9377 D display : setPowerMode:: S3CFB_POWER_MODE mode(1), blank(-1)
05-12 20:45:27.196 3871 3871 D SurfaceFlinger: Finished setting power mode 1 on display 0
05-12 20:45:27.196 10137 10137 D DisplayLifecycle: updateDisplay id = 0
05-12 20:45:27.198 4299 5297 D MotionRecognitionService: [EARHOVER_MOTION] inject screen on / off : 0
05-12 20:45:27.198 4299 5297 D SensorService: [EARHOVER_LITE] : setMotionDataLocked
05-12 20:45:27.198 4299 5297 D SensorService: [EARHOVER_LITE] : INJECT_SCREEN_OFF
05-12 20:45:27.200 4299 10048 I BiometricServiceBase: onTaskStackChangedForFingerprint: Allow background auth,
05-12 20:45:27.201 4299 10048 I chatty : uid=1000(system) biometrics.fp identical 9 lines
05-12 20:45:27.201 4299 10048 I BiometricServiceBase: onTaskStackChangedForFingerprint: Allow background auth,
05-12 20:45:27.208 10137 10137 D DisplayLifecycle: updateCacheVariables id = 0, display = Display id 0: DisplayInfo{"Built-in Screen, displayId 0", uniqueId "local:0", app 1080 x 2131, real 1080 x 2340, largest app 2131 x 2131, smallest app 1080 x 1017, mode 1, defaultMode 1, modes [{id=1, width=1080, height=2340, fps=60.000004}], colorMode 0, supportedColorModes [0], hdrCapabilities android.view.Display$HdrCapabilities@40f16308, rotation 0, density 420 (403.411 x 404.326) dpi, layerStack 0, appVsyncOff 1000000, presDeadline 16666666, type BUILT_IN, address {port=0}, state DOZE, FLAG_SECURE, FLAG_SUPPORTS_PROTECTED_BUFFERS, removeMode 0}, DisplayMetrics{density=2.625, width=1080, height=2131, scaledDensity=2.625, xdpi=403.411, ydpi=404.326}, isValid=true, size = Point(1080, 2131), realSize = Point(1080, 2340)
05-12 20:45:27.219 4299 11456 V WindowManager: Relayout Window{9819af3 u0 ScreenDecorOverlayBottom}: viewVisibility=0 req=1079x151
05-12 20:45:27.222 10137 10137 D AOD_LIVE_CLOCK@LiveClockController: updateDisplayState: DISPLAY_STATE_DOZE
05-12 20:45:27.223 10137 10137 D DisplayLifecycle: updateDisplay id = 0
05-12 20:45:27.226 4299 11456 V WindowManager: Relayout 10137: mAttrs={(0,0)(fillxwrap) gr=BOTTOM RIGHT CENTER sim={adjust=pan} layoutInDisplayCutoutMode=always ty=NAVIGATION_BAR_PANEL fmt=TRANSLUCENT
05-12 20:45:27.226 4299 11456 V WindowManager: fl=20800128
05-12 20:45:27.226 4299 11456 V WindowManager: pfl=1100050
05-12 20:45:27.226 4299 11456 V WindowManager: vsysui=100 naviIconColor=0}
05-12 20:45:27.228 10137 10867 D ViewRootImpl@2e58a0d[ScreenDecorOverlayBottom]: Relayout returned: old=(0,2189,1080,2340) new=(0,2189,1080,2340) req=(1079,151)0 dur=16 res=0x3 s={true 478310068224} ch=false
05-12 20:45:27.228 10137 10137 D DisplayLifecycle: updateCacheVariables id = 0, display = Display id 0: DisplayInfo{"Built-in Screen, displayId 0", uniqueId "local:0", app 1080 x 2131, real 1080 x 2340, largest app 2131 x 2131, smallest app 1080 x 1017, mode 1, defaultMode 1, modes [{id=1, width=1080, height=2340, fps=60.000004}], colorMode 0, supportedColorModes [0], hdrCapabilities android.view.Display$HdrCapabilities@40f16308, rotation 0, density 420 (403.411 x 404.326) dpi, layerStack 0, appVsyncOff 1000000, presDeadline 16666666, type BUILT_IN, address {port=0}, state DOZE, FLAG_SECURE, FLAG_SUPPORTS_PROTECTED_BUFFERS, removeMode 0}, DisplayMetrics{density=2.625, width=1080, height=2131, scaledDensity=2.625, xdpi=403.411, ydpi=404.326}, isValid=true, size = Point(1080, 2131), realSize = Point(1080, 2340)
05-12 20:45:27.241 10137 10137 D AOD_LIVE_CLOCK@LiveClockController: updateDisplayState: DISPLAY_STATE_DOZE
05-12 20:45:27.249 10137 10137 D AODUiController: onChargingLightSensorChanged lux : 2.0 appliedBrightness = 0 currentBrightness = 1
05-12 20:45:27.249 10137 10137 D AOD_BRIGHTNESS@BrightnessManager: mCurrentBrightness : HighNit[false], NitMode[[HLPM]_2NIT_ON], isForceState[0, ForceStateReason[{}, , mAppliedBrightness[0]
05-12 20:45:27.249 10137 10137 D AOD_BRIGHTNESS@AlwaysOnDisplayEx: updateDozeBrightness: doze [2] last [[HLPM]_2NIT_ON] change to [[HLPM]_2NIT_ON]
05-12 20:45:27.249 10137 10137 I AOD_WAKELOCK@WakeLockManager: acquireIfExists: tag - AOD_DRAW, timeout - 100, reason - set Doze Brightness updateDozeBrightness, wakeLock = WakeLock{c1ae7d8 held=true, refCount=1}
05-12 20:45:27.268 4299 11456 V WindowManager: Relayout Window{e90e744 u0 ScreenDecorOverlay}: viewVisibility=0 req=1079x151
05-12 20:45:27.275 4299 11456 V WindowManager: Relayout 10137: mAttrs={(0,0)(fillxwrap) gr=TOP LEFT CENTER sim={adjust=pan} layoutInDisplayCutoutMode=always ty=NAVIGATION_BAR_PANEL fmt=TRANSLUCENT
05-12 20:45:27.275 4299 11456 V WindowManager: fl=20800128
05-12 20:45:27.275 4299 11456 V WindowManager: pfl=1100050
05-12 20:45:27.275 4299 11456 V WindowManager: vsysui=100 naviIconColor=0}
05-12 20:45:27.277 10137 10867 D ViewRootImpl@ed5b6a[ScreenDecorOverlay]: Relayout returned: old=(0,0,1080,151) new=(0,0,1080,151) req=(1079,151)0 dur=8 res=0x3 s={true 478310035456} ch=false
05-12 20:45:27.284 4299 11456 V WindowManager: Relayout Window{9819af3 u0 ScreenDecorOverlayBottom}: viewVisibility=0 req=1079x151
05-12 20:45:27.291 4299 11456 V WindowManager: Relayout 10137: mAttrs={(0,0)(fillxwrap) gr=BOTTOM RIGHT CENTER sim={adjust=pan} layoutInDisplayCutoutMode=always ty=NAVIGATION_BAR_PANEL fmt=TRANSLUCENT
05-12 20:45:27.291 4299 11456 V WindowManager: fl=20800128
05-12 20:45:27.291 4299 11456 V WindowManager: pfl=1100050
05-12 20:45:27.291 4299 11456 V WindowManager: vsysui=100 naviIconColor=0}
05-12 20:45:27.293 10137 10867 D ViewRootImpl@2e58a0d[ScreenDecorOverlayBottom]: Relayout returned: old=(0,2189,1080,2340) new=(0,2189,1080,2340) req=(1079,151)0 dur=9 res=0x3 s={true 478310068224} ch=false
05-12 20:45:27.324 4299 10551 I LocationManagerService: getGPSUsingApps() called
05-12 20:45:27.324 4299 10551 I NSLocationMonitor: getGPSUsingApps() called
05-12 20:45:27.349 10137 10137 D AODUiController: onChargingLightSensorChanged lux : 2.0 appliedBrightness = 0 currentBrightness = 1
05-12 20:45:27.349 10137 10137 D AOD_BRIGHTNESS@BrightnessManager: mCurrentBrightness : HighNit[false], NitMode[[HLPM]_2NIT_ON], isForceState[0, ForceStateReason[{}, , mAppliedBrightness[0]
05-12 20:45:27.350 10137 10137 D AOD_BRIGHTNESS@AlwaysOnDisplayEx: updateDozeBrightness: doze [2] last [[HLPM]_2NIT_ON] change to [[HLPM]_2NIT_ON]
05-12 20:45:27.350 10137 10137 I AOD_WAKELOCK@WakeLockManager: acquireIfExists: tag - AOD_DRAW, timeout - 100, reason - set Doze Brightness updateDozeBrightness, wakeLock = WakeLock{c1ae7d8 held=true, refCount=1}
05-12 20:45:27.350 10284 1718 V NSLocationManager_FLP: getGPSUsingApps, NO_FREEZE={5013}/ FREEZE={}
05-12 20:45:27.459 3951 10369 I GNSS_MEMS: TGT_MEMS SCSCMemsReportSensorDrops: dropped 0 events (spam) 2 events (rate limit) out of 51 total for sensor 0 since last report
05-12 20:45:27.461 10137 10137 D AODUiController: onChargingLightSensorChanged lux : 2.0 appliedBrightness = 0 currentBrightness = 1
05-12 20:45:27.461 10137 10137 D AOD_BRIGHTNESS@BrightnessManager: mCurrentBrightness : HighNit[false], NitMode[[HLPM]_2NIT_ON], isForceState[0, ForceStateReason[{}, , mAppliedBrightness[0]
05-12 20:45:27.462 10137 10137 D AOD_BRIGHTNESS@AlwaysOnDisplayEx: updateDozeBrightness: doze [2] last [[HLPM]_2NIT_ON] change to [[HLPM]_2NIT_ON]
05-12 20:45:27.462 10137 10137 I AOD_WAKELOCK@WakeLockManager: acquireIfExists: tag - AOD_DRAW, timeout - 100, reason - set Doze Brightness updateDozeBrightness, wakeLock = WakeLock{c1ae7d8 held=false, refCount=0}
05-12 20:45:27.464 3871 3871 D SurfaceFlinger: Setting power mode 3 on display 0
05-12 20:45:27.464 3841 9377 E display : DOZE or Power off called twice, mPowerModeState : 1
05-12 20:45:27.465 3841 9377 D display : setPowerMode:: FBIOBLANK mode(3), blank(-1)
05-12 20:45:27.467 3841 9377 D display : setPowerMode:: S3CFB_POWER_MODE mode(3), blank(-1)
05-12 20:45:27.468 3871 3871 D SurfaceFlinger: Finished setting power mode 3 on display 0
05-12 20:45:27.473 4299 5297 D MotionRecognitionService: [EARHOVER_MOTION] inject screen on / off : 0
05-12 20:45:27.473 4299 5297 D SensorService: [EARHOVER_LITE] : setMotionDataLocked
05-12 20:45:27.474 4299 5297 D SensorService: [EARHOVER_LITE] : INJECT_SCREEN_OFF
05-12 20:45:27.477 4299 10048 I BiometricServiceBase: onTaskStackChangedForFingerprint: Allow background auth,
05-12 20:45:27.479 4299 10048 I chatty : uid=1000(system) biometrics.fp identical 9 lines
05-12 20:45:27.479 4299 10048 I BiometricServiceBase: onTaskStackChangedForFingerprint: Allow background auth,
05-12 20:45:27.487 3871 3871 D SurfaceFlinger: Setting power mode 1 on display 0
05-12 20:45:27.488 3841 3885 E display : DOZE or Power off called twice, mPowerModeState : 3
05-12 20:45:27.488 3841 3885 D display : setPowerMode:: FBIOBLANK mode(1), blank(-1)
05-12 20:45:27.489 10137 10137 D DisplayLifecycle: updateDisplay id = 0
05-12 20:45:27.492 3841 3885 D display : setPowerMode:: S3CFB_POWER_MODE mode(1), blank(-1)
05-12 20:45:27.493 3871 3871 D SurfaceFlinger: Finished setting power mode 1 on display 0
05-12 20:45:27.497 10137 10137 D DisplayLifecycle: updateCacheVariables id = 0, display = Display id 0: DisplayInfo{"Built-in Screen, displayId 0", uniqueId "local:0", app 1080 x 2131, real 1080 x 2340, largest app 2131 x 2131, smallest app 1080 x 1017, mode 1, defaultMode 1, modes [{id=1, width=1080, height=2340, fps=60.000004}], colorMode 0, supportedColorModes [0], hdrCapabilities android.view.Display$HdrCapabilities@40f16308, rotation 0, density 420 (403.411 x 404.326) dpi, layerStack 0, appVsyncOff 1000000, presDeadline 16666666, type BUILT_IN, address {port=0}, state DOZE_SUSPEND, FLAG_SECURE, FLAG_SUPPORTS_PROTECTED_BUFFERS, removeMode 0}, DisplayMetrics{density=2.625, width=1080, height=2131, scaledDensity=2.625, xdpi=403.411, ydpi=404.326}, isValid=true, size = Point(1080, 2131), realSize = Point(1080, 2340)
05-12 20:45:27.509 4299 5297 D MotionRecognitionService: [EARHOVER_MOTION] inject screen on / off : 0
05-12 20:45:27.509 4299 5297 D SensorService: [EARHOVER_LITE] : setMotionDataLocked
05-12 20:45:27.509 4299 5297 D SensorService: [EARHOVER_LITE] : INJECT_SCREEN_OFF
05-12 20:45:27.510 4299 10048 I BiometricServiceBase: onTaskStackChangedForFingerprint: Allow background auth,
05-12 20:45:27.512 4299 10048 I chatty : uid=1000(system) biometrics.fp identical 9 lines
05-12 20:45:27.512 4299 10048 I BiometricServiceBase: onTaskStackChangedForFingerprint: Allow background auth,
05-12 20:45:27.529 10137 10137 D AOD_LIVE_CLOCK@LiveClockController: updateDisplayState: DISPLAY_STATE_DOZE
05-12 20:45:27.531 10137 10137 D DisplayLifecycle: updateDisplay id = 0
05-12 20:45:27.538 10137 10137 D DisplayLifecycle: updateCacheVariables id = 0, display = Display id 0: DisplayInfo{"Built-in Screen, displayId 0", uniqueId "local:0", app 1080 x 2131, real 1080 x 2340, largest app 2131 x 2131, smallest app 1080 x 1017, mode 1, defaultMode 1, modes [{id=1, width=1080, height=2340, fps=60.000004}], colorMode 0, supportedColorModes [0], hdrCapabilities android.view.Display$HdrCapabilities@40f16308, rotation 0, density 420 (403.411 x 404.326) dpi, layerStack 0, appVsyncOff 1000000, presDeadline 16666666, type BUILT_IN, address {port=0}, state DOZE, FLAG_SECURE, FLAG_SUPPORTS_PROTECTED_BUFFERS, removeMode 0}, DisplayMetrics{density=2.625, width=1080, height=2131, scaledDensity=2.625, xdpi=403.411, ydpi=404.326}, isValid=true, size = Point(1080, 2131), realSize = Point(1080, 2340)
05-12 20:45:27.540 4299 10551 V WindowManager: Relayout Window{e90e744 u0 ScreenDecorOverlay}: viewVisibility=0 req=1079x151
05-12 20:45:27.547 4299 10551 V WindowManager: Relayout 10137: mAttrs={(0,0)(fillxwrap) gr=TOP LEFT CENTER sim={adjust=pan} layoutInDisplayCutoutMode=always ty=NAVIGATION_BAR_PANEL fmt=TRANSLUCENT
05-12 20:45:27.547 4299 10551 V WindowManager: fl=20800128
05-12 20:45:27.547 4299 10551 V WindowManager: pfl=1100050
05-12 20:45:27.547 4299 10551 V WindowManager: vsysui=100 naviIconColor=0}
05-12 20:45:27.549 10137 10867 D ViewRootImpl@ed5b6a[ScreenDecorOverlay]: Relayout returned: old=(0,0,1080,151) new=(0,0,1080,151) req=(1079,151)0 dur=10 res=0x3 s={true 478310035456} ch=false
05-12 20:45:27.549 10137 10137 D AOD_LIVE_CLOCK@LiveClockController: updateDisplayState: DISPLAY_STATE_DOZE
05-12 20:45:27.553 10137 10137 D AODUiController: onChargingLightSensorChanged lux : 2.0 appliedBrightness = 0 currentBrightness = 1
05-12 20:45:27.553 10137 10137 D AOD_BRIGHTNESS@BrightnessManager: mCurrentBrightness : HighNit[false], NitMode[[HLPM]_2NIT_ON], isForceState[0, ForceStateReason[{}, , mAppliedBrightness[0]
05-12 20:45:27.553 10137 10137 D AOD_BRIGHTNESS@AlwaysOnDisplayEx: updateDozeBrightness: doze [2] last [[HLPM]_2NIT_ON] change to [[HLPM]_2NIT_ON]
05-12 20:45:27.553 10137 10137 I AOD_WAKELOCK@WakeLockManager: acquireIfExists: tag - AOD_DRAW, timeout - 100, reason - set Doze Brightness updateDozeBrightness, wakeLock = WakeLock{c1ae7d8 held=true, refCount=1}
05-12 20:45:27.557 4299 10551 V WindowManager: Relayout Window{9819af3 u0 ScreenDecorOverlayBottom}: viewVisibility=0 req=1079x151
05-12 20:45:27.565 4299 10551 V WindowManager: Relayout 10137: mAttrs={(0,0)(fillxwrap) gr=BOTTOM RIGHT CENTER sim={adjust=pan} layoutInDisplayCutoutMode=always ty=NAVIGATION_BAR_PANEL fmt=TRANSLUCENT
05-12 20:45:27.565 4299 10551 V WindowManager: fl=20800128
05-12 20:45:27.565 4299 10551 V WindowManager: pfl=1100050
05-12 20:45:27.565 4299 10551 V WindowManager: vsysui=100 naviIconColor=0}
05-12 20:45:27.567 10137 10867 D ViewRootImpl@2e58a0d[ScreenDecorOverlayBottom]: Relayout returned: old=(0,2189,1080,2340) new=(0,2189,1080,2340) req=(1079,151)0 dur=11 res=0x3 s={true 478310068224} ch=false
05-12 20:45:27.667 3871 3871 D SurfaceFlinger: Setting power mode 3 on display 0
05-12 20:45:27.668 3841 3885 E display : DOZE or Power off called twice, mPowerModeState : 1
05-12 20:45:27.668 3841 3885 D display : setPowerMode:: FBIOBLANK mode(3), blank(-1)
05-12 20:45:27.668 10137 10137 D AODUiController: onChargingLightSensorChanged lux : 2.0 appliedBrightness = 0 currentBrightness = 1
05-12 20:45:27.669 10137 10137 D AOD_BRIGHTNESS@BrightnessManager: mCurrentBrightness : HighNit[false], NitMode[[HLPM]_2NIT_ON], isForceState[0, ForceStateReason[{}, , mAppliedBrightness[0]
05-12 20:45:27.669 10137 10137 D AOD_BRIGHTNESS@AlwaysOnDisplayEx: updateDozeBrightness: doze [2] last [[HLPM]_2NIT_ON] change to [[HLPM]_2NIT_ON]
05-12 20:45:27.669 10137 10137 I AOD_WAKELOCK@WakeLockManager: acquireIfExists: tag - AOD_DRAW, timeout - 100, reason - set Doze Brightness updateDozeBrightness, wakeLock = WakeLock{c1ae7d8 held=false, refCount=0}
05-12 20:45:27.671 3841 3885 D display : setPowerMode:: S3CFB_POWER_MODE mode(3), blank(-1)
05-12 20:45:27.671 3871 3871 D SurfaceFlinger: Finished setting power mode 3 on display 0
05-12 20:45:27.672 4299 5297 D MotionRecognitionService: [EARHOVER_MOTION] inject screen on / off : 0
05-12 20:45:27.673 4299 5297 D SensorService: [EARHOVER_LITE] : setMotionDataLocked
05-12 20:45:27.673 4299 5297 D SensorService: [EARHOVER_LITE] : INJECT_SCREEN_OFF
05-12 20:45:27.680 4299 10048 I BiometricServiceBase: onTaskStackChangedForFingerprint: Allow background auth,
05-12 20:45:27.681 4299 10048 I chatty : uid=1000(system) biometrics.fp identical 9 lines
05-12 20:45:27.681 4299 10048 I BiometricServiceBase: onTaskStackChangedForFingerprint: Allow background auth,
05-12 20:45:27.686 3871 3871 D SurfaceFlinger: Setting power mode 1 on display 0
05-12 20:45:27.687 3841 9377 E display : DOZE or Power off called twice, mPowerModeState : 3
05-12 20:45:27.687 3841 9377 D display : setPowerMode:: FBIOBLANK mode(1), blank(-1)
05-12 20:45:27.689 10137 10137 D DisplayLifecycle: updateDisplay id = 0
05-12 20:45:27.692 3841 9377 D display : setPowerMode:: S3CFB_POWER_MODE mode(1), blank(-1)
05-12 20:45:27.692 3871 3871 D SurfaceFlinger: Finished setting power mode 1 on display 0
05-12 20:45:27.700 10137 10137 D DisplayLifecycle: updateCacheVariables id = 0, display = Display id 0: DisplayInfo{"Built-in Screen, displayId 0", uniqueId "local:0", app 1080 x 2131, real 1080 x 2340, largest app 2131 x 2131, smallest app 1080 x 1017, mode 1, defaultMode 1, modes [{id=1, width=1080, height=2340, fps=60.000004}], colorMode 0, supportedColorModes [0], hdrCapabilities android.view.Display$HdrCapabilities@40f16308, rotation 0, density 420 (403.411 x 404.326) dpi, layerStack 0, appVsyncOff 1000000, presDeadline 16666666, type BUILT_IN, address {port=0}, state DOZE, FLAG_SECURE, FLAG_SUPPORTS_PROTECTED_BUFFERS, removeMode 0}, DisplayMetrics{density=2.625, width=1080, height=2131, scaledDensity=2.625, xdpi=403.411, ydpi=404.326}, isValid=true, size = Point(1080, 2131), realSize = Point(1080, 2340)
05-12 20:45:27.703 4299 5297 D MotionRecognitionService: [EARHOVER_MOTION] inject screen on / off : 0
05-12 20:45:27.704 4299 5297 D SensorService: [EARHOVER_LITE] : setMotionDataLocked
05-12 20:45:27.704 4299 5297 D SensorService: [EARHOVER_LITE] : INJECT_SCREEN_OFF
05-12 20:45:27.705 4299 10048 I BiometricServiceBase: onTaskStackChangedForFingerprint: Allow background auth,
05-12 20:45:27.706 4299 10048 I chatty : uid=1000(system) biometrics.fp identical 9 lines
05-12 20:45:27.706 4299 10048 I BiometricServiceBase: onTaskStackChangedForFingerprint: Allow background auth,
05-12 20:45:27.715 4299 12327 V WindowManager: Relayout Window{e90e744 u0 ScreenDecorOverlay}: viewVisibility=0 req=1079x151
05-12 20:45:27.723 4299 12327 V WindowManager: Relayout 10137: mAttrs={(0,0)(fillxwrap) gr=TOP LEFT CENTER sim={adjust=pan} layoutInDisplayCutoutMode=always ty=NAVIGATION_BAR_PANEL fmt=TRANSLUCENT
05-12 20:45:27.723 4299 12327 V WindowManager: fl=20800128
05-12 20:45:27.723 4299 12327 V WindowManager: pfl=1100050
05-12 20:45:27.723 4299 12327 V WindowManager: vsysui=100 naviIconColor=0}
05-12 20:45:27.724 10137 10137 D AOD_LIVE_CLOCK@LiveClockController: updateDisplayState: DISPLAY_STATE_DOZE
05-12 20:45:27.725 10137 10867 D ViewRootImpl@ed5b6a[ScreenDecorOverlay]: Relayout returned: old=(0,0,1080,151) new=(0,0,1080,151) req=(1079,151)0 dur=18 res=0x3 s={true 478310035456} ch=false
05-12 20:45:27.726 10137 10137 D DisplayLifecycle: updateDisplay id = 0
05-12 20:45:27.731 10137 10137 D DisplayLifecycle: updateCacheVariables id = 0, display = Display id 0: DisplayInfo{"Built-in Screen, displayId 0", uniqueId "local:0", app 1080 x 2131, real 1080 x 2340, largest app 2131 x 2131, smallest app 1080 x 1017, mode 1, defaultMode 1, modes [{id=1, width=1080, height=2340, fps=60.000004}], colorMode 0, supportedColorModes [0], hdrCapabilities android.view.Display$HdrCapabilities@40f16308, rotation 0, density 420 (403.411 x 404.326) dpi, layerStack 0, appVsyncOff 1000000, presDeadline 16666666, type BUILT_IN, address {port=0}, state DOZE, FLAG_SECURE, FLAG_SUPPORTS_PROTECTED_BUFFERS, removeMode 0}, DisplayMetrics{density=2.625, width=1080, height=2131, scaledDensity=2.625, xdpi=403.411, ydpi=404.326}, isValid=true, size = Point(1080, 2131), realSize = Point(1080, 2340)
05-12 20:45:27.736 4299 12327 V WindowManager: Relayout Window{9819af3 u0 ScreenDecorOverlayBottom}: viewVisibility=0 req=1079x151
05-12 20:45:27.743 4299 12327 V WindowManager: Relayout 10137: mAttrs={(0,0)(fillxwrap) gr=BOTTOM RIGHT CENTER sim={adjust=pan} layoutInDisplayCutoutMode=always ty=NAVIGATION_BAR_PANEL fmt=TRANSLUCENT
05-12 20:45:27.743 4299 12327 V WindowManager: fl=20800128
05-12 20:45:27.743 4299 12327 V WindowManager: pfl=1100050
05-12 20:45:27.743 4299 12327 V WindowManager: vsysui=100 naviIconColor=0}
05-12 20:45:27.743 10137 10137 D AOD_LIVE_CLOCK@LiveClockController: updateDisplayState: DISPLAY_STATE_DOZE
05-12 20:45:27.745 10137 10867 D ViewRootImpl@2e58a0d[ScreenDecorOverlayBottom]: Relayout returned: old=(0,2189,1080,2340) new=(0,2189,1080,2340) req=(1079,151)0 dur=9 res=0x3 s={true 478310068224} ch=false
05-12 20:45:27.753 10137 10137 D AODUiController: onChargingLightSensorChanged lux : 2.0 appliedBrightness = 0 currentBrightness = 1
05-12 20:45:27.753 10137 10137 D AOD_BRIGHTNESS@BrightnessManager: mCurrentBrightness : HighNit[false], NitMode[[HLPM]_2NIT_ON], isForceState[0, ForceStateReason[{}, , mAppliedBrightness[0]
05-12 20:45:27.753 10137 10137 D AOD_BRIGHTNESS@AlwaysOnDisplayEx: updateDozeBrightness: doze [2] last [[HLPM]_2NIT_ON] change to [[HLPM]_2NIT_ON]
05-12 20:45:27.753 10137 10137 I AOD_WAKELOCK@WakeLockManager: acquireIfExists: tag - AOD_DRAW, timeout - 100, reason - set Doze Brightness updateDozeBrightness, wakeLock = WakeLock{c1ae7d8 held=true, refCount=1}
05-12 20:45:27.769 4299 12327 V WindowManager: Relayout Window{e90e744 u0 ScreenDecorOverlay}: viewVisibility=0 req=1079x151
05-12 20:45:27.776 4299 12327 V WindowManager: Relayout 10137: mAttrs={(0,0)(fillxwrap) gr=TOP LEFT CENTER sim={adjust=pan} layoutInDisplayCutoutMode=always ty=NAVIGATION_BAR_PANEL fmt=TRANSLUCENT
05-12 20:45:27.776 4299 12327 V WindowManager: fl=20800128
05-12 20:45:27.776 4299 12327 V WindowManager: pfl=1100050
05-12 20:45:27.776 4299 12327 V WindowManager: vsysui=100 naviIconColor=0}
05-12 20:45:27.778 10137 10867 D ViewRootImpl@ed5b6a[ScreenDecorOverlay]: Relayout returned: old=(0,0,1080,151) new=(0,0,1080,151) req=(1079,151)0 dur=11 res=0x3 s={true 478310035456} ch=false
05-12 20:45:27.785 4299 12327 V WindowManager: Relayout Window{9819af3 u0 ScreenDecorOverlayBottom}: viewVisibility=0 req=1079x151
05-12 20:45:27.793 4299 12327 V WindowManager: Relayout 10137: mAttrs={(0,0)(fillxwrap) gr=BOTTOM RIGHT CENTER sim={adjust=pan} layoutInDisplayCutoutMode=always ty=NAVIGATION_BAR_PANEL fmt=TRANSLUCENT
05-12 20:45:27.793 4299 12327 V WindowManager: fl=20800128
05-12 20:45:27.793 4299 12327 V WindowManager: pfl=1100050
05-12 20:45:27.793 4299 12327 V WindowManager: vsysui=100 naviIconColor=0}
05-12 20:45:27.795 10137 10867 D ViewRootImpl@2e58a0d[ScreenDecorOverlayBottom]: Relayout returned: old=(0,2189,1080,2340) new=(0,2189,1080,2340) req=(1079,151)0 dur=11 res=0x3 s={true 478310068224} ch=false
05-12 20:45:27.854 10137 10137 D AODUiController: onChargingLightSensorChanged lux : 2.0 appliedBrightness = 0 currentBrightness = 1
05-12 20:45:27.854 10137 10137 D AOD_BRIGHTNESS@BrightnessManager: mCurrentBrightness : HighNit[false], NitMode[[HLPM]_2NIT_ON], isForceState[0, ForceStateReason[{}, , mAppliedBrightness[0]
05-12 20:45:27.854 10137 10137 D AOD_BRIGHTNESS@AlwaysOnDisplayEx: updateDozeBrightness: doze [2] last [[HLPM]_2NIT_ON] change to [[HLPM]_2NIT_ON]
05-12 20:45:27.854 10137 10137 I AOD_WAKELOCK@WakeLockManager: acquireIfExists: tag - AOD_DRAW, timeout - 100, reason - set Doze Brightness updateDozeBrightness, wakeLock = WakeLock{c1ae7d8 held=true, refCount=1}
05-12 20:45:27.954 10137 10137 D AODUiController: onChargingLightSensorChanged lux : 2.0 appliedBrightness = 0 currentBrightness = 1
05-12 20:45:27.954 10137 10137 D AOD_BRIGHTNESS@BrightnessManager: mCurrentBrightness : HighNit[false], NitMode[[HLPM]_2NIT_ON], isForceState[0, ForceStateReason[{}, , mAppliedBrightness[0]
05-12 20:45:27.955 10137 10137 D AOD_BRIGHTNESS@AlwaysOnDisplayEx: updateDozeBrightness: doze [2] last [[HLPM]_2NIT_ON] change to [[HLPM]_2NIT_ON]
05-12 20:45:27.955 10137 10137 I AOD_WAKELOCK@WakeLockManager: acquireIfExists: tag - AOD_DRAW, timeout - 100, reason - set Doze Brightness updateDozeBrightness, wakeLock = WakeLock{c1ae7d8 held=true, refCount=1}
05-12 20:45:28.012 3970 10055 D bauth_FPBAuthService: pcf : 0x1012, 0 ,1 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,0,
05-12 20:45:28.013 3970 10055 D bauth_FPBAuthService: thread id : 1, preenroll_flag : 0, nd cnt : 0, cso : 0, et : 0
05-12 20:45:28.013 3970 10055 D bauth_FPBAuthService: FPBAuthService, 10983
05-12 20:45:28.064 3871 3871 D SurfaceFlinger: Setting power mode 3 on display 0
05-12 20:45:28.064 3841 3885 E display : DOZE or Power off called twice, mPowerModeState : 1
05-12 20:45:28.065 3841 3885 D display : setPowerMode:: FBIOBLANK mode(3), blank(-1)
05-12 20:45:28.071 3841 3885 D display : setPowerMode:: S3CFB_POWER_MODE mode(3), blank(-1)
05-12 20:45:28.071 3871 3871 D SurfaceFlinger: Finished setting power mode 3 on display 0
05-12 20:45:28.072 4299 10048 I BiometricServiceBase: onTaskStackChangedForFingerprint: Allow background auth,
05-12 20:45:28.075 4299 10048 I chatty : uid=1000(system) biometrics.fp identical 9 lines
05-12 20:45:28.075 4299 10048 I BiometricServiceBase: onTaskStackChangedForFingerprint: Allow background auth,
05-12 20:45:28.075 10137 10137 D AODUiController: onChargingLightSensorChanged lux : 2.0 appliedBrightness = 0 currentBrightness = 1
05-12 20:45:28.075 10137 10137 D AOD_BRIGHTNESS@BrightnessManager: mCurrentBrightness : HighNit[false], NitMode[[HLPM]_2NIT_ON], isForceState[0, ForceStateReason[{}, , mAppliedBrightness[0]
05-12 20:45:28.076 10137 10137 D AOD_BRIGHTNESS@AlwaysOnDisplayEx: updateDozeBrightness: doze [2] last [[HLPM]_2NIT_ON] change to [[HLPM]_2NIT_ON]
05-12 20:45:28.076 10137 10137 I AOD_WAKELOCK@WakeLockManager: acquireIfExists: tag - AOD_DRAW, timeout - 100, reason - set Doze Brightness updateDozeBrightness, wakeLock = WakeLock{c1ae7d8 held=false, refCount=0}
05-12 20:45:28.081 4299 5297 D MotionRecognitionService: [EARHOVER_MOTION] inject screen on / off : 0
05-12 20:45:28.083 4299 5297 D SensorService: [EARHOVER_LITE] : setMotionDataLocked
05-12 20:45:28.083 4299 5297 D SensorService: [EARHOVER_LITE] : INJECT_SCREEN_OFF
05-12 20:45:28.090 3871 3871 D SurfaceFlinger: Setting power mode 1 on display 0
05-12 20:45:28.090 3841 9377 E display : DOZE or Power off called twice, mPowerModeState : 3
05-12 20:45:28.090 3841 9377 D display : setPowerMode:: FBIOBLANK mode(1), blank(-1)
05-12 20:45:28.095 3841 9377 D display : setPowerMode:: S3CFB_POWER_MODE mode(1), blank(-1)
05-12 20:45:28.095 3871 3871 D SurfaceFlinger: Finished setting power mode 1 on display 0
05-12 20:45:28.099 10137 10137 D DisplayLifecycle: updateDisplay id = 0
05-12 20:45:28.107 4299 5297 D MotionRecognitionService: [EARHOVER_MOTION] inject screen on / off : 0
05-12 20:45:28.107 4299 5297 D SensorService: [EARHOVER_LITE] : setMotionDataLocked
05-12 20:45:28.107 4299 5297 D SensorService: [EARHOVER_LITE] : INJECT_SCREEN_OFF
05-12 20:45:28.109 4299 10048 I BiometricServiceBase: onTaskStackChangedForFingerprint: Allow background auth,
05-12 20:45:28.110 4299 10048 I chatty : uid=1000(system) biometrics.fp identical 9 lines
05-12 20:45:28.110 4299 10048 I BiometricServiceBase: onTaskStackChangedForFingerprint: Allow background auth,
05-12 20:45:28.114 10137 10137 D DisplayLifecycle: updateCacheVariables id = 0, display = Display id 0: DisplayInfo{"Built-in Screen, displayId 0", uniqueId "local:0", app 1080 x 2131, real 1080 x 2340, largest app 2131 x 2131, smallest app 1080 x 1017, mode 1, defaultMode 1, modes [{id=1, width=1080, height=2340, fps=60.000004}], colorMode 0, supportedColorModes [0], hdrCapabilities android.view.Display$HdrCapabilities@40f16308, rotation 0, density 420 (403.411 x 404.326) dpi, layerStack 0, appVsyncOff 1000000, presDeadline 16666666, type BUILT_IN, address {port=0}, state DOZE, FLAG_SECURE, FLAG_SUPPORTS_PROTECTED_BUFFERS, removeMode 0}, DisplayMetrics{density=2.625, width=1080, height=2131, scaledDensity=2.625, xdpi=403.411, ydpi=404.326}, isValid=true, size = Point(1080, 2131), realSize = Point(1080, 2340)
05-12 20:45:28.128 10137 10137 D AOD_LIVE_CLOCK@LiveClockController: updateDisplayState: DISPLAY_STATE_DOZE
05-12 20:45:28.130 10137 10137 D DisplayLifecycle: updateDisplay id = 0
05-12 20:45:28.136 10137 10137 D DisplayLifecycle: updateCacheVariables id = 0, display = Display id 0: DisplayInfo{"Built-in Screen, displayId 0", uniqueId "local:0", app 1080 x 2131, real 1080 x 2340, largest app 2131 x 2131, smallest app 1080 x 1017, mode 1, defaultMode 1, modes [{id=1, width=1080, height=2340, fps=60.000004}], colorMode 0, supportedColorModes [0], hdrCapabilities android.view.Display$HdrCapabilities@40f16308, rotation 0, density 420 (403.411 x 404.326) dpi, layerStack 0, appVsyncOff 1000000, presDeadline 16666666, type BUILT_IN, address {port=0}, state DOZE, FLAG_SECURE, FLAG_SUPPORTS_PROTECTED_BUFFERS, removeMode 0}, DisplayMetrics{density=2.625, width=1080, height=2131, scaledDensity=2.625, xdpi=403.411, ydpi=404.326}, isValid=true, size = Point(1080, 2131), realSize = Point(1080, 2340)
05-12 20:45:28.145 4299 11683 V WindowManager: Relayout Window{e90e744 u0 ScreenDecorOverlay}: viewVisibility=0 req=1079x151
05-12 20:45:28.151 10137 10137 D AOD_LIVE_CLOCK@LiveClockController: updateDisplayState: DISPLAY_STATE_DOZE
05-12 20:45:28.152 4299 11683 V WindowManager: Relayout 10137: mAttrs={(0,0)(fillxwrap) gr=TOP LEFT CENTER sim={adjust=pan} layoutInDisplayCutoutMode=always ty=NAVIGATION_BAR_PANEL fmt=TRANSLUCENT
05-12 20:45:28.152 4299 11683 V WindowManager: fl=20800128
05-12 20:45:28.152 4299 11683 V WindowManager: pfl=1100050
05-12 20:45:28.152 4299 11683 V WindowManager: vsysui=100 naviIconColor=0}
05-12 20:45:28.154 10137 10867 D ViewRootImpl@ed5b6a[ScreenDecorOverlay]: Relayout returned: old=(0,0,1080,151) new=(0,0,1080,151) req=(1079,151)0 dur=10 res=0x3 s={true 478310035456} ch=false
05-12 20:45:28.163 4299 11683 V WindowManager: Relayout Window{9819af3 u0 ScreenDecorOverlayBottom}: viewVisibility=0 req=1079x151
05-12 20:45:28.171 4299 11683 V WindowManager: Relayout 10137: mAttrs={(0,0)(fillxwrap) gr=BOTTOM RIGHT CENTER sim={adjust=pan} layoutInDisplayCutoutMode=always ty=NAVIGATION_BAR_PANEL fmt=TRANSLUCENT
05-12 20:45:28.171 4299 11683 V WindowManager: fl=20800128
05-12 20:45:28.171 4299 11683 V WindowManager: pfl=1100050
05-12 20:45:28.171 4299 11683 V WindowManager: vsysui=100 naviIconColor=0}
05-12 20:45:28.172 10137 10137 D AODUiController: onChargingLightSensorChanged lux : 2.0 appliedBrightness = 0 currentBrightness = 1
05-12 20:45:28.172 10137 10137 D AOD_BRIGHTNESS@BrightnessManager: mCurrentBrightness : HighNit[false], NitMode[[HLPM]_2NIT_ON], isForceState[0, ForceStateReason[{}, , mAppliedBrightness[0]
05-12 20:45:28.173 10137 10137 D AOD_BRIGHTNESS@AlwaysOnDisplayEx: updateDozeBrightness: doze [2] last [[HLPM]_2NIT_ON] change to [[HLPM]_2NIT_ON]
05-12 20:45:28.173 10137 10137 I AOD_WAKELOCK@WakeLockManager: acquireIfExists: tag - AOD_DRAW, timeout - 100, reason - set Doze Brightness updateDozeBrightness, wakeLock = WakeLock{c1ae7d8 held=true, refCount=1}
05-12 20:45:28.174 10137 10867 D ViewRootImpl@2e58a0d[ScreenDecorOverlayBottom]: Relayout returned: old=(0,2189,1080,2340) new=(0,2189,1080,2340) req=(1079,151)0 dur=11 res=0x3 s={true 478310068224} ch=false
05-12 20:45:28.278 3871 3871 D SurfaceFlinger: Setting power mode 3 on display 0
05-12 20:45:28.279 3841 9377 E display : DOZE or Power off called twice, mPowerModeState : 1
05-12 20:45:28.279 3841 9377 D display : setPowerMode:: FBIOBLANK mode(3), blank(-1)
05-12 20:45:28.281 3841 9377 D display : setPowerMode:: S3CFB_POWER_MODE mode(3), blank(-1)
05-12 20:45:28.281 3871 3871 D SurfaceFlinger: Finished setting power mode 3 on display 0
05-12 20:45:28.282 4299 5297 D MotionRecognitionService: [EARHOVER_MOTION] inject screen on / off : 0
05-12 20:45:28.282 4299 5297 D SensorService: [EARHOVER_LITE] : setMotionDataLocked
05-12 20:45:28.282 4299 5297 D SensorService: [EARHOVER_LITE] : INJECT_SCREEN_OFF
05-12 20:45:28.282 10137 10137 D AODUiController: onChargingLightSensorChanged lux : 2.0 appliedBrightness = 0 currentBrightness = 1
05-12 20:45:28.282 10137 10137 D AOD_BRIGHTNESS@BrightnessManager: mCurrentBrightness : HighNit[false], NitMode[[HLPM]_2NIT_ON], isForceState[0, ForceStateReason[{}, , mAppliedBrightness[0]
05-12 20:45:28.283 10137 10137 D AOD_BRIGHTNESS@AlwaysOnDisplayEx: updateDozeBrightness: doze [2] last [[HLPM]_2NIT_ON] change to [[HLPM]_2NIT_ON]
05-12 20:45:28.283 10137 10137 I AOD_WAKELOCK@WakeLockManager: acquireIfExists: tag - AOD_DRAW, timeout - 100, reason - set Doze Brightness updateDozeBrightness, wakeLock = WakeLock{c1ae7d8 held=false, refCount=0}
05-12 20:45:28.286 4299 10048 I BiometricServiceBase: onTaskStackChangedForFingerprint: Allow background auth,
05-12 20:45:28.289 4299 10048 I chatty : uid=1000(system) biometrics.fp identical 9 lines
05-12 20:45:28.289 4299 10048 I BiometricServiceBase: onTaskStackChangedForFingerprint: Allow background auth,
05-12 20:45:28.316 4299 10535 V WindowManager: Relayout Window{e90e744 u0 ScreenDecorOverlay}: viewVisibility=0 req=1079x151
05-12 20:45:28.321 10137 10137 D DisplayLifecycle: updateDisplay id = 0
05-12 20:45:28.321 3871 3871 D SurfaceFlinger: Setting power mode 1 on display 0
05-12 20:45:28.322 3841 3885 E display : DOZE or Power off called twice, mPowerModeState : 3
05-12 20:45:28.322 3841 3885 D display : setPowerMode:: FBIOBLANK mode(1), blank(-1)
05-12 20:45:28.323 4299 10535 V WindowManager: Relayout 10137: mAttrs={(0,0)(fillxwrap) gr=TOP LEFT CENTER sim={adjust=pan} layoutInDisplayCutoutMode=always ty=NAVIGATION_BAR_PANEL fmt=TRANSLUCENT
05-12 20:45:28.323 4299 10535 V WindowManager: fl=20800128
05-12 20:45:28.323 4299 10535 V WindowManager: pfl=1100050
05-12 20:45:28.323 4299 10535 V WindowManager: vsysui=100 naviIconColor=0}
05-12 20:45:28.326 10137 10137 D DisplayLifecycle: updateCacheVariables id = 0, display = Display id 0: DisplayInfo{"Built-in Screen, displayId 0", uniqueId "local:0", app 1080 x 2131, real 1080 x 2340, largest app 2131 x 2131, smallest app 1080 x 1017, mode 1, defaultMode 1, modes [{id=1, width=1080, height=2340, fps=60.000004}], colorMode 0, supportedColorModes [0], hdrCapabilities android.view.Display$HdrCapabilities@40f16308, rotation 0, density 420 (403.411 x 404.326) dpi, layerStack 0, appVsyncOff 1000000, presDeadline 16666666, type BUILT_IN, address {port=0}, state DOZE, FLAG_SECURE, FLAG_SUPPORTS_PROTECTED_BUFFERS, removeMode 0}, DisplayMetrics{density=2.625, width=1080, height=2131, scaledDensity=2.625, xdpi=403.411, ydpi=404.326}, isValid=true, size = Point(1080, 2131), realSize = Point(1080, 2340)
05-12 20:45:28.327 3841 3885 D display : setPowerMode:: S3CFB_POWER_MODE mode(1), blank(-1)
05-12 20:45:28.327 3871 3871 D SurfaceFlinger: Finished setting power mode 1 on display 0
05-12 20:45:28.329 10137 10867 D ViewRootImpl@ed5b6a[ScreenDecorOverlay]: Relayout returned: old=(0,0,1080,151) new=(0,0,1080,151) req=(1079,151)0 dur=14 res=0x3 s={true 478310035456} ch=false
05-12 20:45:28.340 4299 5297 D MotionRecognitionService: [EARHOVER_MOTION] inject screen on / off : 0
05-12 20:45:28.340 4299 5297 D SensorService: [EARHOVER_LITE] : setMotionDataLocked
05-12 20:45:28.340 4299 5297 D SensorService: [EARHOVER_LITE] : INJECT_SCREEN_OFF
05-12 20:45:28.341 4299 10048 I BiometricServiceBase: onTaskStackChangedForFingerprint: Allow background auth,
05-12 20:45:28.342 4299 10048 I chatty : uid=1000(system) biometrics.fp identical 9 lines
05-12 20:45:28.343 4299 10048 I BiometricServiceBase: onTaskStackChangedForFingerprint: Allow background auth,
05-12 20:45:28.357 10137 10137 D AOD_LIVE_CLOCK@LiveClockController: updateDisplayState: DISPLAY_STATE_DOZE
05-12 20:45:28.358 10137 10137 D DisplayLifecycle: updateDisplay id = 0
05-12 20:45:28.361 10137 10137 D DisplayLifecycle: updateCacheVariables id = 0, display = Display id 0: DisplayInfo{"Built-in Screen, displayId 0", uniqueId "local:0", app 1080 x 2131, real 1080 x 2340, largest app 2131 x 2131, smallest app 1080 x 1017, mode 1, defaultMode 1, modes [{id=1, width=1080, height=2340, fps=60.000004}], colorMode 0, supportedColorModes [0], hdrCapabilities android.view.Display$HdrCapabilities@40f16308, rotation 0, density 420 (403.411 x 404.326) dpi, layerStack 0, appVsyncOff 1000000, presDeadline 16666666, type BUILT_IN, address {port=0}, state DOZE, FLAG_SECURE, FLAG_SUPPORTS_PROTECTED_BUFFERS, removeMode 0}, DisplayMetrics{density=2.625, width=1080, height=2131, scaledDensity=2.625, xdpi=403.411, ydpi=404.326}, isValid=true, size = Point(1080, 2131), realSize = Point(1080, 2340)
05-12 20:45:28.375 10137 10137 D AOD_LIVE_CLOCK@LiveClockController: updateDisplayState: DISPLAY_STATE_DOZE
05-12 20:45:28.375 10137 10137 D AODUiController: onChargingLightSensorChanged lux : 2.0 appliedBrightness = 0 currentBrightness = 1
05-12 20:45:28.375 10137 10137 D AOD_BRIGHTNESS@BrightnessManager: mCurrentBrightness : HighNit[false], NitMode[[HLPM]_2NIT_ON], isForceState[0, ForceStateReason[{}, , mAppliedBrightness[0]
05-12 20:45:28.375 10137 10137 D AOD_BRIGHTNESS@AlwaysOnDisplayEx: updateDozeBrightness: doze [2] last [[HLPM]_2NIT_ON] change to [[HLPM]_2NIT_ON]
05-12 20:45:28.375 10137 10137 I AOD_WAKELOCK@WakeLockManager: acquireIfExists: tag - AOD_DRAW, timeout - 100, reason - set Doze Brightness updateDozeBrightness, wakeLock = WakeLock{c1ae7d8 held=true, refCount=1}
05-12 20:45:28.405 4299 11692 V WindowManager: Relayout Window{9819af3 u0 ScreenDecorOverlayBottom}: viewVisibility=0 req=1079x151
05-12 20:45:28.408 4299 4299 I MotionRecognitionService: Plugged
05-12 20:45:28.408 4299 4299 D MotionRecognitionService: mCableConnection= 1
05-12 20:45:28.408 4299 4299 D MotionRecognitionService: set cable connected : mGripEnabled = false
05-12 20:45:28.411 10137 10137 D KeyguardUpdateMonitor: received broadcast android.intent.action.BATTERY_CHANGED
05-12 20:45:28.412 10137 10137 D KeyguardUpdateMonitor: handleBatteryUpdate
05-12 20:45:28.415 4299 11692 V WindowManager: Relayout 10137: mAttrs={(0,0)(fillxwrap) gr=BOTTOM RIGHT CENTER sim={adjust=pan} layoutInDisplayCutoutMode=always ty=NAVIGATION_BAR_PANEL fmt=TRANSLUCENT
05-12 20:45:28.415 4299 11692 V WindowManager: fl=20800128
05-12 20:45:28.415 4299 11692 V WindowManager: pfl=1100050
05-12 20:45:28.415 4299 11692 V WindowManager: vsysui=100 naviIconColor=0}
05-12 20:45:28.417 10458 10458 D BigDataInfoController: Intent : android.intent.action.BATTERY_CHANGED
05-12 20:45:28.417 10474 10902 D EPDG -- SIM0 [EpdgSubScription]: android.intent.action.BATTERY_CHANGED intent received.
05-12 20:45:28.419 10137 10867 D ViewRootImpl@2e58a0d[ScreenDecorOverlayBottom]: Relayout returned: old=(0,2189,1080,2340) new=(0,2189,1080,2340) req=(1079,151)0 dur=67 res=0x3 s={true 478310068224} ch=false
05-12 20:45:28.423 10137 10137 D PowerUI : priorPlugType = 2 mPlugType = 2 priorBatteryStatus = 2 mBatteryStatus = 2
05-12 20:45:28.423 10137 10137 D PowerUI.Notification: showChargingNotice oldChargingType : 1 currentChargingType : 1 oldChargingTime : 0 mChargingTime : 0
05-12 20:45:28.423 10137 10137 D PowerUI.Notification: There is no change about charging status, so return!
05-12 20:45:28.423 10137 10137 D PowerUI : Battery swelling mode - priorBatterySwellingMode = 0 mBatterySwellingMode = 0 mBatteryStatus = 2
05-12 20:45:28.432 10137 10137 D QSContainerImpl: getDisplayHeight portrait? true displayHeight= 2340
05-12 20:45:28.444 10137 10137 D AODBatteryManager: updateBatteryData: ACTION_BATTERY_CHANGED
05-12 20:45:28.445 10137 10137 I CommonUtils: Build.VERSION.SDK_INT=29 Build.VERSION.SEM_FIRST_SDK_INT=28
05-12 20:45:28.446 10137 10137 D AODBatteryManager: saveBatteryData : AOD BatteryData [mBatteryLevel=93, mBatteryStatus=CHARGING, mBatteryPlugType=USB, mBatteryPlugged=true, mIsPowerSupplied=false, mRemainingChargeTime=2488493, mBatteryChargingType=1, mBatteryChargerType=NORMAL, mBatteryOnline=USB]
05-12 20:45:28.466 4299 11692 V WindowManager: Relayout Window{e90e744 u0 ScreenDecorOverlay}: viewVisibility=0 req=1079x151
05-12 20:45:28.473 10137 10137 D AODUiController: onChargingLightSensorChanged lux : 2.0 appliedBrightness = 0 currentBrightness = 1
05-12 20:45:28.473 10137 10137 D AOD_BRIGHTNESS@BrightnessManager: mCurrentBrightness : HighNit[false], NitMode[[HLPM]_2NIT_ON], isForceState[0, ForceStateReason[{}, , mAppliedBrightness[0]
05-12 20:45:28.473 10137 10137 D AOD_BRIGHTNESS@AlwaysOnDisplayEx: updateDozeBrightness: doze [2] last [[HLPM]_2NIT_ON] change to [[HLPM]_2NIT_ON]
05-12 20:45:28.473 10137 10137 I AOD_WAKELOCK@WakeLockManager: acquireIfExists: tag - AOD_DRAW, timeout - 100, reason - set Doze Brightness updateDozeBrightness, wakeLock = WakeLock{c1ae7d8 held=true, refCount=1}
05-12 20:45:28.474 4299 11692 V WindowManager: Relayout 10137: mAttrs={(0,0)(fillxwrap) gr=TOP LEFT CENTER sim={adjust=pan} layoutInDisplayCutoutMode=always ty=NAVIGATION_BAR_PANEL fmt=TRANSLUCENT
05-12 20:45:28.474 4299 11692 V WindowManager: fl=20800128
05-12 20:45:28.474 4299 11692 V WindowManager: pfl=1100050
05-12 20:45:28.474 4299 11692 V WindowManager: vsysui=100 naviIconColor=0}
05-12 20:45:28.475 10137 10867 D ViewRootImpl@ed5b6a[ScreenDecorOverlay]: Relayout returned: old=(0,0,1080,151) new=(0,0,1080,151) req=(1079,151)0 dur=10 res=0x3 s={true 478310035456} ch=false
05-12 20:45:28.478 3951 10369 I GNSS_MEMS: TGT_MEMS SCSCMemsReportSensorDrops: dropped 0 events (spam) 1 events (rate limit) out of 51 total for sensor 0 since last report
05-12 20:45:28.482 4299 11692 V WindowManager: Relayout Window{9819af3 u0 ScreenDecorOverlayBottom}: viewVisibility=0 req=1079x151
05-12 20:45:28.488 4299 11692 V WindowManager: Relayout 10137: mAttrs={(0,0)(fillxwrap) gr=BOTTOM RIGHT CENTER sim={adjust=pan} layoutInDisplayCutoutMode=always ty=NAVIGATION_BAR_PANEL fmt=TRANSLUCENT
05-12 20:45:28.488 4299 11692 V WindowManager: fl=20800128
05-12 20:45:28.488 4299 11692 V WindowManager: pfl=1100050
05-12 20:45:28.488 4299 11692 V WindowManager: vsysui=100 naviIconColor=0}
05-12 20:45:28.490 10137 10867 D ViewRootImpl@2e58a0d[ScreenDecorOverlayBottom]: Relayout returned: old=(0,2189,1080,2340) new=(0,2189,1080,2340) req=(1079,151)0 dur=9 res=0x3 s={true 478310068224} ch=false
05-12 20:45:28.572 3844 3872 I Sensors : [AMS] lux : 1, brightness: 1
05-12 20:45:28.573 10137 10137 D AODUiController: onChargingLightSensorChanged lux : 1.0 appliedBrightness = 0 currentBrightness = 1
05-12 20:45:28.573 10137 10137 D AOD_BRIGHTNESS@BrightnessManager: mCurrentBrightness : HighNit[false], NitMode[[HLPM]_2NIT_ON], isForceState[0, ForceStateReason[{}, , mAppliedBrightness[0]
05-12 20:45:28.573 10137 10137 D AOD_BRIGHTNESS@AlwaysOnDisplayEx: updateDozeBrightness: doze [2] last [[HLPM]_2NIT_ON] change to [[HLPM]_2NIT_ON]
05-12 20:45:28.573 10137 10137 I AOD_WAKELOCK@WakeLockManager: acquireIfExists: tag - AOD_DRAW, timeout - 100, reason - set Doze Brightness updateDozeBrightness, wakeLock = WakeLock{c1ae7d8 held=true, refCount=1}
05-12 20:45:28.674 10137 10137 D AODUiController: onChargingLightSensorChanged lux : 1.0 appliedBrightness = 0 currentBrightness = 1
05-12 20:45:28.674 10137 10137 D AOD_BRIGHTNESS@BrightnessManager: mCurrentBrightness : HighNit[false], NitMode[[HLPM]_2NIT_ON], isForceState[0, ForceStateReason[{}, , mAppliedBrightness[0]
05-12 20:45:28.675 10137 10137 D AOD_BRIGHTNESS@AlwaysOnDisplayEx: updateDozeBrightness: doze [2] last [[HLPM]_2NIT_ON] change to [[HLPM]_2NIT_ON]
05-12 20:45:28.675 10137 10137 I AOD_WAKELOCK@WakeLockManager: acquireIfExists: tag - AOD_DRAW, timeout - 100, reason - set Doze Brightness updateDozeBrightness, wakeLock = WakeLock{c1ae7d8 held=true, refCount=1}
05-12 20:45:28.719 4299 4312 I system_server: Background concurrent copying GC freed 569959(16MB) AllocSpace objects, 300(7376KB) LOS objects, 25% free, 68MB/92MB, paused 732us total 376.266ms
05-12 20:45:28.775 10137 10137 D AODUiController: onChargingLightSensorChanged lux : 1.0 appliedBrightness = 0 currentBrightness = 1
05-12 20:45:28.775 10137 10137 D AOD_BRIGHTNESS@BrightnessManager: mCurrentBrightness : HighNit[false], NitMode[[HLPM]_2NIT_ON], isForceState[0, ForceStateReason[{}, , mAppliedBrightness[0]
05-12 20:45:28.776 10137 10137 D AOD_BRIGHTNESS@AlwaysOnDisplayEx: updateDozeBrightness: doze [2] last [[HLPM]_2NIT_ON] change to [[HLPM]_2NIT_ON]
05-12 20:45:28.776 10137 10137 I AOD_WAKELOCK@WakeLockManager: acquireIfExists: tag - AOD_DRAW, timeout - 100, reason - set Doze Brightness updateDozeBrightness, wakeLock = WakeLock{c1ae7d8 held=true, refCount=1}
05-12 20:45:28.885 10137 10137 D AODUiController: onChargingLightSensorChanged lux : 2.0 appliedBrightness = 0 currentBrightness = 1
05-12 20:45:28.885 10137 10137 D AOD_BRIGHTNESS@BrightnessManager: mCurrentBrightness : HighNit[false], NitMode[[HLPM]_2NIT_ON], isForceState[0, ForceStateReason[{}, , mAppliedBrightness[0]
05-12 20:45:28.886 10137 10137 D AOD_BRIGHTNESS@AlwaysOnDisplayEx: updateDozeBrightness: doze [2] last [[HLPM]_2NIT_ON] change to [[HLPM]_2NIT_ON]
05-12 20:45:28.886 10137 10137 I AOD_WAKELOCK@WakeLockManager: acquireIfExists: tag - AOD_DRAW, timeout - 100, reason - set Doze Brightness updateDozeBrightness, wakeLock = WakeLock{c1ae7d8 held=false, refCount=0}
05-12 20:45:28.891 3871 3871 D SurfaceFlinger: Setting power mode 3 on display 0
05-12 20:45:28.892 3841 3885 E display : DOZE or Power off called twice, mPowerModeState : 1
05-12 20:45:28.892 3841 3885 D display : setPowerMode:: FBIOBLANK mode(3), blank(-1)
05-12 20:45:28.894 4299 5297 D MotionRecognitionService: [EARHOVER_MOTION] inject screen on / off : 0
05-12 20:45:28.895 4299 5297 D SensorService: [EARHOVER_LITE] : setMotionDataLocked
05-12 20:45:28.895 4299 5297 D SensorService: [EARHOVER_LITE] : INJECT_SCREEN_OFF
05-12 20:45:28.897 4299 10048 I BiometricServiceBase: onTaskStackChangedForFingerprint: Allow background auth,
05-12 20:45:28.899 4299 10048 I chatty : uid=1000(system) biometrics.fp identical 5 lines
05-12 20:45:28.899 4299 10048 I BiometricServiceBase: onTaskStackChangedForFingerprint: Allow background auth,
05-12 20:45:28.899 3841 3885 D display : setPowerMode:: S3CFB_POWER_MODE mode(3), blank(-1)
05-12 20:45:28.899 4299 10048 I BiometricServiceBase: onTaskStackChangedForFingerprint: Allow background auth,
05-12 20:45:28.899 4299 10048 I BiometricServiceBase: onTaskStackChangedForFingerprint: Allow background auth,
05-12 20:45:28.899 3871 3871 D SurfaceFlinger: Finished setting power mode 3 on display 0
05-12 20:45:28.899 4299 10048 I BiometricServiceBase: onTaskStackChangedForFingerprint: Allow background auth,
05-12 20:45:28.899 4299 10048 I BiometricServiceBase: onTaskStackChangedForFingerprint: Allow background auth,
05-12 20:45:28.913 3871 3871 D SurfaceFlinger: Setting power mode 1 on display 0
05-12 20:45:28.913 3841 3885 E display : DOZE or Power off called twice, mPowerModeState : 3
05-12 20:45:28.913 3841 3885 D display : setPowerMode:: FBIOBLANK mode(1), blank(-1)
05-12 20:45:28.919 3841 3885 D display : setPowerMode:: S3CFB_POWER_MODE mode(1), blank(-1)
05-12 20:45:28.920 3871 3871 D SurfaceFlinger: Finished setting power mode 1 on display 0
05-12 20:45:28.928 10137 10137 D DisplayLifecycle: updateDisplay id = 0
05-12 20:45:28.934 10137 10137 D DisplayLifecycle: updateCacheVariables id = 0, display = Display id 0: DisplayInfo{"Built-in Screen, displayId 0", uniqueId "local:0", app 1080 x 2131, real 1080 x 2340, largest app 2131 x 2131, smallest app 1080 x 1017, mode 1, defaultMode 1, modes [{id=1, width=1080, height=2340, fps=60.000004}], colorMode 0, supportedColorModes [0], hdrCapabilities android.view.Display$HdrCapabilities@40f16308, rotation 0, density 420 (403.411 x 404.326) dpi, layerStack 0, appVsyncOff 1000000, presDeadline 16666666, type BUILT_IN, address {port=0}, state DOZE_SUSPEND, FLAG_SECURE, FLAG_SUPPORTS_PROTECTED_BUFFERS, removeMode 0}, DisplayMetrics{density=2.625, width=1080, height=2131, scaledDensity=2.625, xdpi=403.411, ydpi=404.326}, isValid=true, size = Point(1080, 2131), realSize = Point(1080, 2340)
05-12 20:45:28.944 4299 11457 V WindowManager: Relayout Window{e90e744 u0 ScreenDecorOverlay}: viewVisibility=0 req=1079x151
05-12 20:45:28.947 4299 5297 D MotionRecognitionService: [EARHOVER_MOTION] inject screen on / off : 0
05-12 20:45:28.948 4299 5297 D SensorService: [EARHOVER_LITE] : setMotionDataLocked
05-12 20:45:28.948 4299 5297 D SensorService: [EARHOVER_LITE] : INJECT_SCREEN_OFF
05-12 20:45:28.953 4299 11457 V WindowManager: Relayout 10137: mAttrs={(0,0)(fillxwrap) gr=TOP LEFT CENTER sim={adjust=pan} layoutInDisplayCutoutMode=always ty=NAVIGATION_BAR_PANEL fmt=TRANSLUCENT
05-12 20:45:28.953 4299 11457 V WindowManager: fl=20800128
05-12 20:45:28.953 4299 11457 V WindowManager: pfl=1100050
05-12 20:45:28.953 4299 11457 V WindowManager: vsysui=100 naviIconColor=0}
05-12 20:45:28.959 10137 10867 D ViewRootImpl@ed5b6a[ScreenDecorOverlay]: Relayout returned: old=(0,0,1080,151) new=(0,0,1080,151) req=(1079,151)0 dur=17 res=0x3 s={true 478310035456} ch=false
05-12 20:45:28.960 10137 10137 D AOD_LIVE_CLOCK@LiveClockController: updateDisplayState: DISPLAY_STATE_DOZE
05-12 20:45:28.961 4299 10048 I BiometricServiceBase: onTaskStackChangedForFingerprint: Allow background auth,
05-12 20:45:28.963 4299 10048 I chatty : uid=1000(system) biometrics.fp identical 9 lines
05-12 20:45:28.963 4299 10048 I BiometricServiceBase: onTaskStackChangedForFingerprint: Allow background auth,
05-12 20:45:28.963 10137 10137 D DisplayLifecycle: updateDisplay id = 0
05-12 20:45:28.972 4299 10275 V WindowManager: Relayout Window{9819af3 u0 ScreenDecorOverlayBottom}: viewVisibility=0 req=1079x151
05-12 20:45:28.974 10137 10137 D DisplayLifecycle: updateCacheVariables id = 0, display = Display id 0: DisplayInfo{"Built-in Screen, displayId 0", uniqueId "local:0", app 1080 x 2131, real 1080 x 2340, largest app 2131 x 2131, smallest app 1080 x 1017, mode 1, defaultMode 1, modes [{id=1, width=1080, height=2340, fps=60.000004}], colorMode 0, supportedColorModes [0], hdrCapabilities android.view.Display$HdrCapabilities@40f16308, rotation 0, density 420 (403.411 x 404.326) dpi, layerStack 0, appVsyncOff 1000000, presDeadline 16666666, type BUILT_IN, address {port=0}, state DOZE, FLAG_SECURE, FLAG_SUPPORTS_PROTECTED_BUFFERS, removeMode 0}, DisplayMetrics{density=2.625, width=1080, height=2131, scaledDensity=2.625, xdpi=403.411, ydpi=404.326}, isValid=true, size = Point(1080, 2131), realSize = Point(1080, 2340)
05-12 20:45:28.979 4299 10275 V WindowManager: Relayout 10137: mAttrs={(0,0)(fillxwrap) gr=BOTTOM RIGHT CENTER sim={adjust=pan} layoutInDisplayCutoutMode=always ty=NAVIGATION_BAR_PANEL fmt=TRANSLUCENT
05-12 20:45:28.979 4299 10275 V WindowManager: fl=20800128
05-12 20:45:28.979 4299 10275 V WindowManager: pfl=1100050
05-12 20:45:28.979 4299 10275 V WindowManager: vsysui=100 naviIconColor=0}
05-12 20:45:28.982 10137 10867 D ViewRootImpl@2e58a0d[ScreenDecorOverlayBottom]: Relayout returned: old=(0,2189,1080,2340) new=(0,2189,1080,2340) req=(1079,151)0 dur=10 res=0x3 s={true 478310068224} ch=false
05-12 20:45:28.987 10137 10137 D AOD_LIVE_CLOCK@LiveClockController: updateDisplayState: DISPLAY_STATE_DOZE
05-12 20:45:29.002 4299 10275 V WindowManager: Relayout Window{e90e744 u0 ScreenDecorOverlay}: viewVisibility=0 req=1079x151
05-12 20:45:29.004 10137 10137 D AODUiController: onChargingLightSensorChanged lux : 2.0 appliedBrightness = 0 currentBrightness = 1
05-12 20:45:29.004 10137 10137 D AOD_BRIGHTNESS@BrightnessManager: mCurrentBrightness : HighNit[false], NitMode[[HLPM]_2NIT_ON], isForceState[0, ForceStateReason[{}, , mAppliedBrightness[0]
05-12 20:45:29.004 10137 10137 D AOD_BRIGHTNESS@AlwaysOnDisplayEx: updateDozeBrightness: doze [2] last [[HLPM]_2NIT_ON] change to [[HLPM]_2NIT_ON]
05-12 20:45:29.004 10137 10137 I AOD_WAKELOCK@WakeLockManager: acquireIfExists: tag - AOD_DRAW, timeout - 100, reason - set Doze Brightness updateDozeBrightness, wakeLock = WakeLock{c1ae7d8 held=true, refCount=1}
05-12 20:45:29.009 4299 10275 V WindowManager: Relayout 10137: mAttrs={(0,0)(fillxwrap) gr=TOP LEFT CENTER sim={adjust=pan} layoutInDisplayCutoutMode=always ty=NAVIGATION_BAR_PANEL fmt=TRANSLUCENT
05-12 20:45:29.009 4299 10275 V WindowManager: fl=20800128
05-12 20:45:29.009 4299 10275 V WindowManager: pfl=1100050
05-12 20:45:29.009 4299 10275 V WindowManager: vsysui=100 naviIconColor=0}
05-12 20:45:29.011 10137 10867 D ViewRootImpl@ed5b6a[ScreenDecorOverlay]: Relayout returned: old=(0,0,1080,151) new=(0,0,1080,151) req=(1079,151)0 dur=13 res=0x3 s={true 478310035456} ch=false
05-12 20:45:29.013 3970 10055 D bauth_FPBAuthService: pcf : 0x1012, 0 ,1 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,0,
05-12 20:45:29.013 3970 10055 D bauth_FPBAuthService: thread id : 1, preenroll_flag : 0, nd cnt : 0, cso : 0, et : 0
05-12 20:45:29.013 3970 10055 D bauth_FPBAuthService: FPBAuthService, 10983
05-12 20:45:29.019 4299 10275 V WindowManager: Relayout Window{9819af3 u0 ScreenDecorOverlayBottom}: viewVisibility=0 req=1079x151
05-12 20:45:29.026 4299 10275 V WindowManager: Relayout 10137: mAttrs={(0,0)(fillxwrap) gr=BOTTOM RIGHT CENTER sim={adjust=pan} layoutInDisplayCutoutMode=always ty=NAVIGATION_BAR_PANEL fmt=TRANSLUCENT
05-12 20:45:29.026 4299 10275 V WindowManager: fl=20800128
05-12 20:45:29.026 4299 10275 V WindowManager: pfl=1100050
05-12 20:45:29.026 4299 10275 V WindowManager: vsysui=100 naviIconColor=0}
05-12 20:45:29.028 10137 10867 D ViewRootImpl@2e58a0d[ScreenDecorOverlayBottom]: Relayout returned: old=(0,2189,1080,2340) new=(0,2189,1080,2340) req=(1079,151)0 dur=10 res=0x3 s={true 478310068224} ch=false
05-12 20:45:29.112 10137 10137 D AODUiController: onChargingLightSensorChanged lux : 2.0 appliedBrightness = 0 currentBrightness = 1
05-12 20:45:29.113 10137 10137 D AOD_BRIGHTNESS@BrightnessManager: mCurrentBrightness : HighNit[false], NitMode[[HLPM]_2NIT_ON], isForceState[0, ForceStateReason[{}, , mAppliedBrightness[0]
05-12 20:45:29.113 10137 10137 D AOD_BRIGHTNESS@AlwaysOnDisplayEx: updateDozeBrightness: doze [2] last [[HLPM]_2NIT_ON] change to [[HLPM]_2NIT_ON]
05-12 20:45:29.113 10137 10137 I AOD_WAKELOCK@WakeLockManager: acquireIfExists: tag - AOD_DRAW, timeout - 100, reason - set Doze Brightness updateDozeBrightness, wakeLock = WakeLock{c1ae7d8 held=false, refCount=0}
05-12 20:45:29.115 3871 3871 D SurfaceFlinger: Setting power mode 3 on display 0
05-12 20:45:29.116 3841 3885 E display : DOZE or Power off called twice, mPowerModeState : 1
05-12 20:45:29.116 3841 3885 D display : setPowerMode:: FBIOBLANK mode(3), blank(-1)
05-12 20:45:29.118 3841 3885 D display : setPowerMode:: S3CFB_POWER_MODE mode(3), blank(-1)
05-12 20:45:29.118 3871 3871 D SurfaceFlinger: Finished setting power mode 3 on display 0
05-12 20:45:29.118 4299 5297 D MotionRecognitionService: [EARHOVER_MOTION] inject screen on / off : 0
05-12 20:45:29.120 3871 3871 D SurfaceFlinger: Setting power mode 1 on display 0
05-12 20:45:29.120 4299 10048 I BiometricServiceBase: onTaskStackChangedForFingerprint: Allow background auth,
05-12 20:45:29.121 3841 3885 E display : DOZE or Power off called twice, mPowerModeState : 3
05-12 20:45:29.121 3841 3885 D display : setPowerMode:: FBIOBLANK mode(1), blank(-1)
05-12 20:45:29.121 4299 10048 I BiometricServiceBase: onTaskStackChangedForFingerprint: Allow background auth,
05-12 20:45:29.121 4299 10048 I chatty : uid=1000(system) biometrics.fp identical 1 line
05-12 20:45:29.121 10137 10137 D DisplayLifecycle: updateDisplay id = 0
05-12 20:45:29.121 4299 10048 I BiometricServiceBase: onTaskStackChangedForFingerprint: Allow background auth,
05-12 20:45:29.121 4299 10048 I BiometricServiceBase: onTaskStackChangedForFingerprint: Allow background auth,
05-12 20:45:29.121 4299 10048 I chatty : uid=1000(system) biometrics.fp identical 5 lines
05-12 20:45:29.121 4299 10048 I BiometricServiceBase: onTaskStackChangedForFingerprint: Allow background auth,
05-12 20:45:29.125 3841 3885 D display : setPowerMode:: S3CFB_POWER_MODE mode(1), blank(-1)
05-12 20:45:29.125 4299 5297 D SensorService: [EARHOVER_LITE] : setMotionDataLocked
05-12 20:45:29.126 4299 5297 D SensorService: [EARHOVER_LITE] : INJECT_SCREEN_OFF
05-12 20:45:29.126 3871 3871 D SurfaceFlinger: Finished setting power mode 1 on display 0
05-12 20:45:29.135 10137 10137 D DisplayLifecycle: updateCacheVariables id = 0, display = Display id 0: DisplayInfo{"Built-in Screen, displayId 0", uniqueId "local:0", app 1080 x 2131, real 1080 x 2340, largest app 2131 x 2131, smallest app 1080 x 1017, mode 1, defaultMode 1, modes [{id=1, width=1080, height=2340, fps=60.000004}], colorMode 0, supportedColorModes [0], hdrCapabilities android.view.Display$HdrCapabilities@40f16308, rotation 0, density 420 (403.411 x 404.326) dpi, layerStack 0, appVsyncOff 1000000, presDeadline 16666666, type BUILT_IN, address {port=0}, state DOZE_SUSPEND, FLAG_SECURE, FLAG_SUPPORTS_PROTECTED_BUFFERS, removeMode 0}, DisplayMetrics{density=2.625, width=1080, height=2131, scaledDensity=2.625, xdpi=403.411, ydpi=404.326}, isValid=true, size = Point(1080, 2131), realSize = Point(1080, 2340)
05-12 20:45:29.146 4299 5297 D MotionRecognitionService: [EARHOVER_MOTION] inject screen on / off : 0
05-12 20:45:29.147 4299 5297 D SensorService: [EARHOVER_LITE] : setMotionDataLocked
05-12 20:45:29.147 4299 5297 D SensorService: [EARHOVER_LITE] : INJECT_SCREEN_OFF
05-12 20:45:29.149 4299 10048 I BiometricServiceBase: onTaskStackChangedForFingerprint: Allow background auth,
05-12 20:45:29.151 4299 10048 I chatty : uid=1000(system) biometrics.fp identical 9 lines
05-12 20:45:29.151 4299 10048 I BiometricServiceBase: onTaskStackChangedForFingerprint: Allow background auth,
05-12 20:45:29.157 10137 10137 D AOD_LIVE_CLOCK@LiveClockController: updateDisplayState: DISPLAY_STATE_DOZE
05-12 20:45:29.159 10137 10137 D DisplayLifecycle: updateDisplay id = 0
05-12 20:45:29.164 10137 10137 D DisplayLifecycle: updateCacheVariables id = 0, display = Display id 0: DisplayInfo{"Built-in Screen, displayId 0", uniqueId "local:0", app 1080 x 2131, real 1080 x 2340, largest app 2131 x 2131, smallest app 1080 x 1017, mode 1, defaultMode 1, modes [{id=1, width=1080, height=2340, fps=60.000004}], colorMode 0, supportedColorModes [0], hdrCapabilities android.view.Display$HdrCapabilities@40f16308, rotation 0, density 420 (403.411 x 404.326) dpi, layerStack 0, appVsyncOff 1000000, presDeadline 16666666, type BUILT_IN, address {port=0}, state DOZE, FLAG_SECURE, FLAG_SUPPORTS_PROTECTED_BUFFERS, removeMode 0}, DisplayMetrics{density=2.625, width=1080, height=2131, scaledDensity=2.625, xdpi=403.411, ydpi=404.326}, isValid=true, size = Point(1080, 2131), realSize = Point(1080, 2340)
05-12 20:45:29.181 10137 10137 D AOD_LIVE_CLOCK@LiveClockController: updateDisplayState: DISPLAY_STATE_DOZE
05-12 20:45:29.181 4299 11456 V WindowManager: Relayout Window{e90e744 u0 ScreenDecorOverlay}: viewVisibility=0 req=1079x151
05-12 20:45:29.187 4299 11456 V WindowManager: Relayout 10137: mAttrs={(0,0)(fillxwrap) gr=TOP LEFT CENTER sim={adjust=pan} layoutInDisplayCutoutMode=always ty=NAVIGATION_BAR_PANEL fmt=TRANSLUCENT
05-12 20:45:29.187 4299 11456 V WindowManager: fl=20800128
05-12 20:45:29.187 4299 11456 V WindowManager: pfl=1100050
05-12 20:45:29.187 4299 11456 V WindowManager: vsysui=100 naviIconColor=0}
05-12 20:45:29.189 10137 10867 D ViewRootImpl@ed5b6a[ScreenDecorOverlay]: Relayout returned: old=(0,0,1080,151) new=(0,0,1080,151) req=(1079,151)0 dur=8 res=0x3 s={true 478310035456} ch=false
05-12 20:45:29.196 4299 11456 V WindowManager: Relayout Window{9819af3 u0 ScreenDecorOverlayBottom}: viewVisibility=0 req=1079x151
05-12 20:45:29.205 4299 11456 V WindowManager: Relayout 10137: mAttrs={(0,0)(fillxwrap) gr=BOTTOM RIGHT CENTER sim={adjust=pan} layoutInDisplayCutoutMode=always ty=NAVIGATION_BAR_PANEL fmt=TRANSLUCENT
05-12 20:45:29.205 4299 11456 V WindowManager: fl=20800128
05-12 20:45:29.205 4299 11456 V WindowManager: pfl=1100050
05-12 20:45:29.205 4299 11456 V WindowManager: vsysui=100 naviIconColor=0}
05-12 20:45:29.208 10137 10867 D ViewRootImpl@2e58a0d[ScreenDecorOverlayBottom]: Relayout returned: old=(0,2189,1080,2340) new=(0,2189,1080,2340) req=(1079,151)0 dur=12 res=0x3 s={true 478310068224} ch=false
05-12 20:45:29.209 10137 10137 D AODUiController: onChargingLightSensorChanged lux : 1.0 appliedBrightness = 0 currentBrightness = 1
05-12 20:45:29.209 10137 10137 D AOD_BRIGHTNESS@BrightnessManager: mCurrentBrightness : HighNit[false], NitMode[[HLPM]_2NIT_ON], isForceState[0, ForceStateReason[{}, , mAppliedBrightness[0]
05-12 20:45:29.209 10137 10137 D AOD_BRIGHTNESS@AlwaysOnDisplayEx: updateDozeBrightness: doze [2] last [[HLPM]_2NIT_ON] change to [[HLPM]_2NIT_ON]
05-12 20:45:29.210 10137 10137 I AOD_WAKELOCK@WakeLockManager: acquireIfExists: tag - AOD_DRAW, timeout - 100, reason - set Doze Brightness updateDozeBrightness, wakeLock = WakeLock{c1ae7d8 held=true, refCount=1}
05-12 20:45:29.318 10137 10137 D AODUiController: onChargingLightSensorChanged lux : 1.0 appliedBrightness = 0 currentBrightness = 1
05-12 20:45:29.318 10137 10137 D AOD_BRIGHTNESS@BrightnessManager: mCurrentBrightness : HighNit[false], NitMode[[HLPM]_2NIT_ON], isForceState[0, ForceStateReason[{}, , mAppliedBrightness[0]
05-12 20:45:29.320 3871 3871 D SurfaceFlinger: Setting power mode 3 on display 0
05-12 20:45:29.321 3841 3885 E display : DOZE or Power off called twice, mPowerModeState : 1
05-12 20:45:29.321 3841 3885 D display : setPowerMode:: FBIOBLANK mode(3), blank(-1)
05-12 20:45:29.324 3841 3885 D display : setPowerMode:: S3CFB_POWER_MODE mode(3), blank(-1)
05-12 20:45:29.324 3871 3871 D SurfaceFlinger: Finished setting power mode 3 on display 0
05-12 20:45:29.325 10137 10137 D AOD_BRIGHTNESS@AlwaysOnDisplayEx: updateDozeBrightness: doze [2] last [[HLPM]_2NIT_ON] change to [[HLPM]_2NIT_ON]
05-12 20:45:29.325 10137 10137 I AOD_WAKELOCK@WakeLockManager: acquireIfExists: tag - AOD_DRAW, timeout - 100, reason - set Doze Brightness updateDozeBrightness, wakeLock = WakeLock{c1ae7d8 held=false, refCount=0}
05-12 20:45:29.332 4299 5297 D MotionRecognitionService: [EARHOVER_MOTION] inject screen on / off : 0
05-12 20:45:29.332 4299 5297 D SensorService: [EARHOVER_LITE] : setMotionDataLocked
05-12 20:45:29.332 4299 5297 D SensorService: [EARHOVER_LITE] : INJECT_SCREEN_OFF
05-12 20:45:29.336 4299 10048 I BiometricServiceBase: onTaskStackChangedForFingerprint: Allow background auth,
05-12 20:45:29.339 4299 10048 I chatty : uid=1000(system) biometrics.fp identical 9 lines
05-12 20:45:29.339 4299 10048 I BiometricServiceBase: onTaskStackChangedForFingerprint: Allow background auth,
05-12 20:45:29.370 10137 10137 D DisplayLifecycle: updateDisplay id = 0
05-12 20:45:29.371 3871 3871 D SurfaceFlinger: Setting power mode 1 on display 0
05-12 20:45:29.371 3841 3885 E display : DOZE or Power off called twice, mPowerModeState : 3
05-12 20:45:29.371 3841 3885 D display : setPowerMode:: FBIOBLANK mode(1), blank(-1)
05-12 20:45:29.375 4299 12328 V WindowManager: Relayout Window{e90e744 u0 ScreenDecorOverlay}: viewVisibility=0 req=1079x151
05-12 20:45:29.375 10137 10137 D DisplayLifecycle: updateCacheVariables id = 0, display = Display id 0: DisplayInfo{"Built-in Screen, displayId 0", uniqueId "local:0", app 1080 x 2131, real 1080 x 2340, largest app 2131 x 2131, smallest app 1080 x 1017, mode 1, defaultMode 1, modes [{id=1, width=1080, height=2340, fps=60.000004}], colorMode 0, supportedColorModes [0], hdrCapabilities android.view.Display$HdrCapabilities@40f16308, rotation 0, density 420 (403.411 x 404.326) dpi, layerStack 0, appVsyncOff 1000000, presDeadline 16666666, type BUILT_IN, address {port=0}, state DOZE, FLAG_SECURE, FLAG_SUPPORTS_PROTECTED_BUFFERS, removeMode 0}, DisplayMetrics{density=2.625, width=1080, height=2131, scaledDensity=2.625, xdpi=403.411, ydpi=404.326}, isValid=true, size = Point(1080, 2131), realSize = Point(1080, 2340)
05-12 20:45:29.376 3841 3885 D display : setPowerMode:: S3CFB_POWER_MODE mode(1), blank(-1)
05-12 20:45:29.377 3871 3871 D SurfaceFlinger: Finished setting power mode 1 on display 0
05-12 20:45:29.377 4299 5297 D MotionRecognitionService: [EARHOVER_MOTION] inject screen on / off : 0
05-12 20:45:29.378 4299 5297 D SensorService: [EARHOVER_LITE] : setMotionDataLocked
05-12 20:45:29.378 4299 5297 D SensorService: [EARHOVER_LITE] : INJECT_SCREEN_OFF
05-12 20:45:29.385 4299 10048 I BiometricServiceBase: onTaskStackChangedForFingerprint: Allow background auth,
05-12 20:45:29.387 4299 10048 I chatty : uid=1000(system) biometrics.fp identical 9 lines
05-12 20:45:29.387 4299 10048 I BiometricServiceBase: onTaskStackChangedForFingerprint: Allow background auth,
05-12 20:45:29.393 4299 12328 V WindowManager: Relayout 10137: mAttrs={(0,0)(fillxwrap) gr=TOP LEFT CENTER sim={adjust=pan} layoutInDisplayCutoutMode=always ty=NAVIGATION_BAR_PANEL fmt=TRANSLUCENT
05-12 20:45:29.393 4299 12328 V WindowManager: fl=20800128
05-12 20:45:29.393 4299 12328 V WindowManager: pfl=1100050
05-12 20:45:29.393 4299 12328 V WindowManager: vsysui=100 naviIconColor=0}
05-12 20:45:29.396 10137 10867 D ViewRootImpl@ed5b6a[ScreenDecorOverlay]: Relayout returned: old=(0,0,1080,151) new=(0,0,1080,151) req=(1079,151)0 dur=25 res=0x3 s={true 478310035456} ch=false
05-12 20:45:29.397 10137 10137 D AOD_LIVE_CLOCK@LiveClockController: updateDisplayState: DISPLAY_STATE_DOZE
05-12 20:45:29.401 10137 10137 D DisplayLifecycle: updateDisplay id = 0
05-12 20:45:29.407 10137 10137 D DisplayLifecycle: updateCacheVariables id = 0, display = Display id 0: DisplayInfo{"Built-in Screen, displayId 0", uniqueId "local:0", app 1080 x 2131, real 1080 x 2340, largest app 2131 x 2131, smallest app 1080 x 1017, mode 1, defaultMode 1, modes [{id=1, width=1080, height=2340, fps=60.000004}], colorMode 0, supportedColorModes [0], hdrCapabilities android.view.Display$HdrCapabilities@40f16308, rotation 0, density 420 (403.411 x 404.326) dpi, layerStack 0, appVsyncOff 1000000, presDeadline 16666666, type BUILT_IN, address {port=0}, state DOZE, FLAG_SECURE, FLAG_SUPPORTS_PROTECTED_BUFFERS, removeMode 0}, DisplayMetrics{density=2.625, width=1080, height=2131, scaledDensity=2.625, xdpi=403.411, ydpi=404.326}, isValid=true, size = Point(1080, 2131), realSize = Point(1080, 2340)
05-12 20:45:29.408 4299 12327 V WindowManager: Relayout Window{9819af3 u0 ScreenDecorOverlayBottom}: viewVisibility=0 req=1079x151
05-12 20:45:29.413 10137 10137 D AODUiController: onChargingLightSensorChanged lux : 1.0 appliedBrightness = 0 currentBrightness = 1
05-12 20:45:29.413 10137 10137 D AOD_BRIGHTNESS@BrightnessManager: mCurrentBrightness : HighNit[false], NitMode[[HLPM]_2NIT_ON], isForceState[0, ForceStateReason[{}, , mAppliedBrightness[0]
05-12 20:45:29.413 10137 10137 D AOD_BRIGHTNESS@AlwaysOnDisplayEx: updateDozeBrightness: doze [2] last [[HLPM]_2NIT_ON] change to [[HLPM]_2NIT_ON]
05-12 20:45:29.414 10137 10137 I AOD_WAKELOCK@WakeLockManager: acquireIfExists: tag - AOD_DRAW, timeout - 100, reason - set Doze Brightness updateDozeBrightness, wakeLock = WakeLock{c1ae7d8 held=true, refCount=1}
05-12 20:45:29.415 4299 12327 V WindowManager: Relayout 10137: mAttrs={(0,0)(fillxwrap) gr=BOTTOM RIGHT CENTER sim={adjust=pan} layoutInDisplayCutoutMode=always ty=NAVIGATION_BAR_PANEL fmt=TRANSLUCENT
05-12 20:45:29.415 4299 12327 V WindowManager: fl=20800128
05-12 20:45:29.415 4299 12327 V WindowManager: pfl=1100050
05-12 20:45:29.415 4299 12327 V WindowManager: vsysui=100 naviIconColor=0}
05-12 20:45:29.417 10137 10867 D ViewRootImpl@2e58a0d[ScreenDecorOverlayBottom]: Relayout returned: old=(0,2189,1080,2340) new=(0,2189,1080,2340) req=(1079,151)0 dur=11 res=0x3 s={true 478310068224} ch=false
05-12 20:45:29.418 10137 10137 D AOD_LIVE_CLOCK@LiveClockController: updateDisplayState: DISPLAY_STATE_DOZE
05-12 20:45:29.438 4299 12327 V WindowManager: Relayout Window{e90e744 u0 ScreenDecorOverlay}: viewVisibility=0 req=1079x151
05-12 20:45:29.444 4299 12327 V WindowManager: Relayout 10137: mAttrs={(0,0)(fillxwrap) gr=TOP LEFT CENTER sim={adjust=pan} layoutInDisplayCutoutMode=always ty=NAVIGATION_BAR_PANEL fmt=TRANSLUCENT
05-12 20:45:29.444 4299 12327 V WindowManager: fl=20800128
05-12 20:45:29.444 4299 12327 V WindowManager: pfl=1100050
05-12 20:45:29.444 4299 12327 V WindowManager: vsysui=100 naviIconColor=0}
05-12 20:45:29.446 10137 10867 D ViewRootImpl@ed5b6a[ScreenDecorOverlay]: Relayout returned: old=(0,0,1080,151) new=(0,0,1080,151) req=(1079,151)0 dur=14 res=0x3 s={true 478310035456} ch=false
05-12 20:45:29.452 4299 12327 V WindowManager: Relayout Window{9819af3 u0 ScreenDecorOverlayBottom}: viewVisibility=0 req=1079x151
05-12 20:45:29.460 4299 12327 V WindowManager: Relayout 10137: mAttrs={(0,0)(fillxwrap) gr=BOTTOM RIGHT CENTER sim={adjust=pan} layoutInDisplayCutoutMode=always ty=NAVIGATION_BAR_PANEL fmt=TRANSLUCENT
05-12 20:45:29.460 4299 12327 V WindowManager: fl=20800128
05-12 20:45:29.460 4299 12327 V WindowManager: pfl=1100050
05-12 20:45:29.460 4299 12327 V WindowManager: vsysui=100 naviIconColor=0}
05-12 20:45:29.461 10137 10867 D ViewRootImpl@2e58a0d[ScreenDecorOverlayBottom]: Relayout returned: old=(0,2189,1080,2340) new=(0,2189,1080,2340) req=(1079,151)0 dur=9 res=0x3 s={true 478310068224} ch=false
05-12 20:45:29.498 3951 10369 I GNSS_MEMS: TGT_MEMS SCSCMemsReportSensorDrops: dropped 0 events (spam) 1 events (rate limit) out of 52 total for sensor 0 since last report
05-12 20:45:29.521 10137 10137 D AODUiController: onChargingLightSensorChanged lux : 1.0 appliedBrightness = 0 currentBrightness = 1
05-12 20:45:29.522 10137 10137 D AOD_BRIGHTNESS@BrightnessManager: mCurrentBrightness : HighNit[false], NitMode[[HLPM]_2NIT_ON], isForceState[0, ForceStateReason[{}, , mAppliedBrightness[0]
05-12 20:45:29.522 10137 10137 D AOD_BRIGHTNESS@AlwaysOnDisplayEx: updateDozeBrightness: doze [2] last [[HLPM]_2NIT_ON] change to [[HLPM]_2NIT_ON]
05-12 20:45:29.523 10137 10137 I AOD_WAKELOCK@WakeLockManager: acquireIfExists: tag - AOD_DRAW, timeout - 100, reason - set Doze Brightness updateDozeBrightness, wakeLock = WakeLock{c1ae7d8 held=false, refCount=0}
05-12 20:45:29.525 3871 3871 D SurfaceFlinger: Setting power mode 3 on display 0
05-12 20:45:29.526 3841 3885 E display : DOZE or Power off called twice, mPowerModeState : 1
05-12 20:45:29.527 3841 3885 D display : setPowerMode:: FBIOBLANK mode(3), blank(-1)
05-12 20:45:29.536 4299 10048 I BiometricServiceBase: onTaskStackChangedForFingerprint: Allow background auth,
05-12 20:45:29.538 4299 10048 I chatty : uid=1000(system) biometrics.fp identical 9 lines
05-12 20:45:29.538 4299 10048 I BiometricServiceBase: onTaskStackChangedForFingerprint: Allow background auth,
05-12 20:45:29.539 4299 5297 D MotionRecognitionService: [EARHOVER_MOTION] inject screen on / off : 0
05-12 20:45:29.540 4299 5297 D SensorService: [EARHOVER_LITE] : setMotionDataLocked
05-12 20:45:29.540 4299 5297 D SensorService: [EARHOVER_LITE] : INJECT_SCREEN_OFF
05-12 20:45:29.546 10137 10137 D DisplayLifecycle: updateDisplay id = 0
05-12 20:45:29.547 3841 3885 D display : setPowerMode:: S3CFB_POWER_MODE mode(3), blank(-1)
05-12 20:45:29.547 3871 3871 D SurfaceFlinger: Finished setting power mode 3 on display 0
05-12 20:45:29.549 3871 3871 D SurfaceFlinger: Setting power mode 1 on display 0
05-12 20:45:29.550 3841 3885 E display : DOZE or Power off called twice, mPowerModeState : 3
05-12 20:45:29.550 3841 3885 D display : setPowerMode:: FBIOBLANK mode(1), blank(-1)
05-12 20:45:29.555 3841 3885 D display : setPowerMode:: S3CFB_POWER_MODE mode(1), blank(-1)
05-12 20:45:29.555 3871 3871 D SurfaceFlinger: Finished setting power mode 1 on display 0
05-12 20:45:29.557 10137 10137 D DisplayLifecycle: updateCacheVariables id = 0, display = Display id 0: DisplayInfo{"Built-in Screen, displayId 0", uniqueId "local:0", app 1080 x 2131, real 1080 x 2340, largest app 2131 x 2131, smallest app 1080 x 1017, mode 1, defaultMode 1, modes [{id=1, width=1080, height=2340, fps=60.000004}], colorMode 0, supportedColorModes [0], hdrCapabilities android.view.Display$HdrCapabilities@40f16308, rotation 0, density 420 (403.411 x 404.326) dpi, layerStack 0, appVsyncOff 1000000, presDeadline 16666666, type BUILT_IN, address {port=0}, state DOZE_SUSPEND, FLAG_SECURE, FLAG_SUPPORTS_PROTECTED_BUFFERS, removeMode 0}, DisplayMetrics{density=2.625, width=1080, height=2131, scaledDensity=2.625, xdpi=403.411, ydpi=404.326}, isValid=true, size = Point(1080, 2131), realSize = Point(1080, 2340)
05-12 20:45:29.575 4299 5297 D MotionRecognitionService: [EARHOVER_MOTION] inject screen on / off : 0
05-12 20:45:29.575 4299 5297 D SensorService: [EARHOVER_LITE] : setMotionDataLocked
05-12 20:45:29.575 4299 5297 D SensorService: [EARHOVER_LITE] : INJECT_SCREEN_OFF
05-12 20:45:29.577 4299 10048 I BiometricServiceBase: onTaskStackChangedForFingerprint: Allow background auth,
05-12 20:45:29.582 4299 10048 I chatty : uid=1000(system) biometrics.fp identical 9 lines
05-12 20:45:29.582 4299 10048 I BiometricServiceBase: onTaskStackChangedForFingerprint: Allow background auth,
05-12 20:45:29.590 10137 10137 D AOD_LIVE_CLOCK@LiveClockController: updateDisplayState: DISPLAY_STATE_DOZE
05-12 20:45:29.592 10137 10137 D DisplayLifecycle: updateDisplay id = 0
05-12 20:45:29.599 10137 10137 D DisplayLifecycle: updateCacheVariables id = 0, display = Display id 0: DisplayInfo{"Built-in Screen, displayId 0", uniqueId "local:0", app 1080 x 2131, real 1080 x 2340, largest app 2131 x 2131, smallest app 1080 x 1017, mode 1, defaultMode 1, modes [{id=1, width=1080, height=2340, fps=60.000004}], colorMode 0, supportedColorModes [0], hdrCapabilities android.view.Display$HdrCapabilities@40f16308, rotation 0, density 420 (403.411 x 404.326) dpi, layerStack 0, appVsyncOff 1000000, presDeadline 16666666, type BUILT_IN, address {port=0}, state DOZE, FLAG_SECURE, FLAG_SUPPORTS_PROTECTED_BUFFERS, removeMode 0}, DisplayMetrics{density=2.625, width=1080, height=2131, scaledDensity=2.625, xdpi=403.411, ydpi=404.326}, isValid=true, size = Point(1080, 2131), realSize = Point(1080, 2340)
05-12 20:45:29.605 4299 11456 V WindowManager: Relayout Window{e90e744 u0 ScreenDecorOverlay}: viewVisibility=0 req=1079x151
05-12 20:45:29.611 10137 10137 D AOD_LIVE_CLOCK@LiveClockController: updateDisplayState: DISPLAY_STATE_DOZE
05-12 20:45:29.612 4299 11456 V WindowManager: Relayout 10137: mAttrs={(0,0)(fillxwrap) gr=TOP LEFT CENTER sim={adjust=pan} layoutInDisplayCutoutMode=always ty=NAVIGATION_BAR_PANEL fmt=TRANSLUCENT
05-12 20:45:29.612 4299 11456 V WindowManager: fl=20800128
05-12 20:45:29.612 4299 11456 V WindowManager: pfl=1100050
05-12 20:45:29.612 4299 11456 V WindowManager: vsysui=100 naviIconColor=0}
05-12 20:45:29.614 10137 10867 D ViewRootImpl@ed5b6a[ScreenDecorOverlay]: Relayout returned: old=(0,0,1080,151) new=(0,0,1080,151) req=(1079,151)0 dur=9 res=0x3 s={true 478310035456} ch=false
05-12 20:45:29.621 10137 10137 D AODUiController: onChargingLightSensorChanged lux : 1.0 appliedBrightness = 0 currentBrightness = 1
05-12 20:45:29.621 10137 10137 D AOD_BRIGHTNESS@BrightnessManager: mCurrentBrightness : HighNit[false], NitMode[[HLPM]_2NIT_ON], isForceState[0, ForceStateReason[{}, , mAppliedBrightness[0]
05-12 20:45:29.621 10137 10137 D AOD_BRIGHTNESS@AlwaysOnDisplayEx: updateDozeBrightness: doze [2] last [[HLPM]_2NIT_ON] change to [[HLPM]_2NIT_ON]
05-12 20:45:29.622 10137 10137 I AOD_WAKELOCK@WakeLockManager: acquireIfExists: tag - AOD_DRAW, timeout - 100, reason - set Doze Brightness updateDozeBrightness, wakeLock = WakeLock{c1ae7d8 held=true, refCount=1}
05-12 20:45:29.622 4299 11456 V WindowManager: Relayout Window{9819af3 u0 ScreenDecorOverlayBottom}: viewVisibility=0 req=1079x151
05-12 20:45:29.629 4299 11456 V WindowManager: Relayout 10137: mAttrs={(0,0)(fillxwrap) gr=BOTTOM RIGHT CENTER sim={adjust=pan} layoutInDisplayCutoutMode=always ty=NAVIGATION_BAR_PANEL fmt=TRANSLUCENT
05-12 20:45:29.629 4299 11456 V WindowManager: fl=20800128
05-12 20:45:29.629 4299 11456 V WindowManager: pfl=1100050
05-12 20:45:29.629 4299 11456 V WindowManager: vsysui=100 naviIconColor=0}
05-12 20:45:29.632 10137 10867 D ViewRootImpl@2e58a0d[ScreenDecorOverlayBottom]: Relayout returned: old=(0,2189,1080,2340) new=(0,2189,1080,2340) req=(1079,151)0 dur=11 res=0x3 s={true 478310068224} ch=false
05-12 20:45:29.721 10137 10137 D AODUiController: onChargingLightSensorChanged lux : 1.0 appliedBrightness = 0 currentBrightness = 1
05-12 20:45:29.721 10137 10137 D AOD_BRIGHTNESS@BrightnessManager: mCurrentBrightness : HighNit[false], NitMode[[HLPM]_2NIT_ON], isForceState[0, ForceStateReason[{}, , mAppliedBrightness[0]
05-12 20:45:29.722 10137 10137 D AOD_BRIGHTNESS@AlwaysOnDisplayEx: updateDozeBrightness: doze [2] last [[HLPM]_2NIT_ON] change to [[HLPM]_2NIT_ON]
05-12 20:45:29.722 10137 10137 I AOD_WAKELOCK@WakeLockManager: acquireIfExists: tag - AOD_DRAW, timeout - 100, reason - set Doze Brightness updateDozeBrightness, wakeLock = WakeLock{c1ae7d8 held=true, refCount=1}
05-12 20:45:29.821 10137 10137 D AODUiController: onChargingLightSensorChanged lux : 1.0 appliedBrightness = 0 currentBrightness = 1
05-12 20:45:29.821 10137 10137 D AOD_BRIGHTNESS@BrightnessManager: mCurrentBrightness : HighNit[false], NitMode[[HLPM]_2NIT_ON], isForceState[0, ForceStateReason[{}, , mAppliedBrightness[0]
05-12 20:45:29.822 10137 10137 D AOD_BRIGHTNESS@AlwaysOnDisplayEx: updateDozeBrightness: doze [2] last [[HLPM]_2NIT_ON] change to [[HLPM]_2NIT_ON]
05-12 20:45:29.822 10137 10137 I AOD_WAKELOCK@WakeLockManager: acquireIfExists: tag - AOD_DRAW, timeout - 100, reason - set Doze Brightness updateDozeBrightness, wakeLock = WakeLock{c1ae7d8 held=true, refCount=1}
05-12 20:45:29.922 10137 10137 D AODUiController: onChargingLightSensorChanged lux : 1.0 appliedBrightness = 0 currentBrightness = 1
05-12 20:45:29.923 10137 10137 D AOD_BRIGHTNESS@BrightnessManager: mCurrentBrightness : HighNit[false], NitMode[[HLPM]_2NIT_ON], isForceState[0, ForceStateReason[{}, , mAppliedBrightness[0]
05-12 20:45:29.923 10137 10137 D AOD_BRIGHTNESS@AlwaysOnDisplayEx: updateDozeBrightness: doze [2] last [[HLPM]_2NIT_ON] change to [[HLPM]_2NIT_ON]
05-12 20:45:29.923 10137 10137 I AOD_WAKELOCK@WakeLockManager: acquireIfExists: tag - AOD_DRAW, timeout - 100, reason - set Doze Brightness updateDozeBrightness, wakeLock = WakeLock{c1ae7d8 held=true, refCount=1}
05-12 20:45:30.013 3970 10055 D bauth_FPBAuthService: pcf : 0x1012, 0 ,1 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,0,
05-12 20:45:30.013 3970 10055 D bauth_FPBAuthService: thread id : 1, preenroll_flag : 0, nd cnt : 0, cso : 0, et : 0
05-12 20:45:30.014 3970 10055 D bauth_FPBAuthService: FPBAuthService, 10983
05-12 20:45:30.023 10137 10137 D AODUiController: onChargingLightSensorChanged lux : 2.0 appliedBrightness = 0 currentBrightness = 1
05-12 20:45:30.024 10137 10137 D AOD_BRIGHTNESS@BrightnessManager: mCurrentBrightness : HighNit[false], NitMode[[HLPM]_2NIT_ON], isForceState[0, ForceStateReason[{}, , mAppliedBrightness[0]
05-12 20:45:30.024 10137 10137 D AOD_BRIGHTNESS@AlwaysOnDisplayEx: updateDozeBrightness: doze [2] last [[HLPM]_2NIT_ON] change to [[HLPM]_2NIT_ON]
05-12 20:45:30.025 10137 10137 I AOD_WAKELOCK@WakeLockManager: acquireIfExists: tag - AOD_DRAW, timeout - 100, reason - set Doze Brightness updateDozeBrightness, wakeLock = WakeLock{c1ae7d8 held=true, refCount=1}
05-12 20:45:30.124 10137 10137 D AODUiController: onChargingLightSensorChanged lux : 1.0 appliedBrightness = 0 currentBrightness = 1
05-12 20:45:30.124 10137 10137 D AOD_BRIGHTNESS@BrightnessManager: mCurrentBrightness : HighNit[false], NitMode[[HLPM]_2NIT_ON], isForceState[0, ForceStateReason[{}, , mAppliedBrightness[0]
05-12 20:45:30.124 10137 10137 D AOD_BRIGHTNESS@AlwaysOnDisplayEx: updateDozeBrightness: doze [2] last [[HLPM]_2NIT_ON] change to [[HLPM]_2NIT_ON]
05-12 20:45:30.125 10137 10137 I AOD_WAKELOCK@WakeLockManager: acquireIfExists: tag - AOD_DRAW, timeout - 100, reason - set Doze Brightness updateDozeBrightness, wakeLock = WakeLock{c1ae7d8 held=true, refCount=1}
05-12 20:45:30.223 10137 10137 D AODUiController: onChargingLightSensorChanged lux : 1.0 appliedBrightness = 0 currentBrightness = 1
05-12 20:45:30.224 10137 10137 D AOD_BRIGHTNESS@BrightnessManager: mCurrentBrightness : HighNit[false], NitMode[[HLPM]_2NIT_ON], isForceState[0, ForceStateReason[{}, , mAppliedBrightness[0]
05-12 20:45:30.224 10137 10137 D AOD_BRIGHTNESS@AlwaysOnDisplayEx: updateDozeBrightness: doze [2] last [[HLPM]_2NIT_ON] change to [[HLPM]_2NIT_ON]
05-12 20:45:30.224 10137 10137 I AOD_WAKELOCK@WakeLockManager: acquireIfExists: tag - AOD_DRAW, timeout - 100, reason - set Doze Brightness updateDozeBrightness, wakeLock = WakeLock{c1ae7d8 held=true, refCount=1}
05-12 20:45:30.324 10137 10137 D AODUiController: onChargingLightSensorChanged lux : 2.0 appliedBrightness = 0 currentBrightness = 1
05-12 20:45:30.324 10137 10137 D AOD_BRIGHTNESS@BrightnessManager: mCurrentBrightness : HighNit[false], NitMode[[HLPM]_2NIT_ON], isForceState[0, ForceStateReason[{}, , mAppliedBrightness[0]
05-12 20:45:30.324 10137 10137 D AOD_BRIGHTNESS@AlwaysOnDisplayEx: updateDozeBrightness: doze [2] last [[HLPM]_2NIT_ON] change to [[HLPM]_2NIT_ON]
05-12 20:45:30.325 10137 10137 I AOD_WAKELOCK@WakeLockManager: acquireIfExists: tag - AOD_DRAW, timeout - 100, reason - set Doze Brightness updateDozeBrightness, wakeLock = WakeLock{c1ae7d8 held=true, refCount=1}
05-12 20:45:30.423 10137 10137 D AODUiController: onChargingLightSensorChanged lux : 2.0 appliedBrightness = 0 currentBrightness = 1
05-12 20:45:30.423 10137 10137 D AOD_BRIGHTNESS@BrightnessManager: mCurrentBrightness : HighNit[false], NitMode[[HLPM]_2NIT_ON], isForceState[0, ForceStateReason[{}, , mAppliedBrightness[0]
05-12 20:45:30.424 10137 10137 D AOD_BRIGHTNESS@AlwaysOnDisplayEx: updateDozeBrightness: doze [2] last [[HLPM]_2NIT_ON] change to [[HLPM]_2NIT_ON]
05-12 20:45:30.424 10137 10137 I AOD_WAKELOCK@WakeLockManager: acquireIfExists: tag - AOD_DRAW, timeout - 100, reason - set Doze Brightness updateDozeBrightness, wakeLock = WakeLock{c1ae7d8 held=true, refCount=1}
05-12 20:45:30.500 3951 10369 I GNSS_MEMS: TGT_MEMS SCSCMemsReportSensorDrops: dropped 0 events (spam) 2 events (rate limit) out of 51 total for sensor 0 since last report
05-12 20:45:30.523 10137 10137 D AODUiController: onChargingLightSensorChanged lux : 2.0 appliedBrightness = 0 currentBrightness = 1
05-12 20:45:30.524 10137 10137 D AOD_BRIGHTNESS@BrightnessManager: mCurrentBrightness : HighNit[false], NitMode[[HLPM]_2NIT_ON], isForceState[0, ForceStateReason[{}, , mAppliedBrightness[0]
05-12 20:45:30.524 10137 10137 D AOD_BRIGHTNESS@AlwaysOnDisplayEx: updateDozeBrightness: doze [2] last [[HLPM]_2NIT_ON] change to [[HLPM]_2NIT_ON]
05-12 20:45:30.524 10137 10137 I AOD_WAKELOCK@WakeLockManager: acquireIfExists: tag - AOD_DRAW, timeout - 100, reason - set Doze Brightness updateDozeBrightness, wakeLock = WakeLock{c1ae7d8 held=true, refCount=1}
05-12 20:45:30.623 10137 10137 D AODUiController: onChargingLightSensorChanged lux : 2.0 appliedBrightness = 0 currentBrightness = 1
05-12 20:45:30.623 10137 10137 D AOD_BRIGHTNESS@BrightnessManager: mCurrentBrightness : HighNit[false], NitMode[[HLPM]_2NIT_ON], isForceState[0, ForceStateReason[{}, , mAppliedBrightness[0]
05-12 20:45:30.624 10137 10137 D AOD_BRIGHTNESS@AlwaysOnDisplayEx: updateDozeBrightness: doze [2] last [[HLPM]_2NIT_ON] change to [[HLPM]_2NIT_ON]
05-12 20:45:30.624 10137 10137 I AOD_WAKELOCK@WakeLockManager: acquireIfExists: tag - AOD_DRAW, timeout - 100, reason - set Doze Brightness updateDozeBrightness, wakeLock = WakeLock{c1ae7d8 held=true, refCount=1}
05-12 20:45:30.738 10137 10137 D AODUiController: onChargingLightSensorChanged lux : 2.0 appliedBrightness = 0 currentBrightness = 1
05-12 20:45:30.739 3871 3871 D SurfaceFlinger: Setting power mode 3 on display 0
05-12 20:45:30.739 10137 10137 D AOD_BRIGHTNESS@BrightnessManager: mCurrentBrightness : HighNit[false], NitMode[[HLPM]_2NIT_ON], isForceState[0, ForceStateReason[{}, , mAppliedBrightness[0]
05-12 20:45:30.739 3841 3885 E display : DOZE or Power off called twice, mPowerModeState : 1
05-12 20:45:30.739 3841 3885 D display : setPowerMode:: FBIOBLANK mode(3), blank(-1)
05-12 20:45:30.746 3841 3885 D display : setPowerMode:: S3CFB_POWER_MODE mode(3), blank(-1)
05-12 20:45:30.746 3871 3871 D SurfaceFlinger: Finished setting power mode 3 on display 0
05-12 20:45:30.753 4299 5297 D MotionRecognitionService: [EARHOVER_MOTION] inject screen on / off : 0
05-12 20:45:30.753 4299 5297 D SensorService: [EARHOVER_LITE] : setMotionDataLocked
05-12 20:45:30.753 4299 5297 D SensorService: [EARHOVER_LITE] : INJECT_SCREEN_OFF
05-12 20:45:30.753 10137 10137 D AOD_BRIGHTNESS@AlwaysOnDisplayEx: updateDozeBrightness: doze [2] last [[HLPM]_2NIT_ON] change to [[HLPM]_2NIT_ON]
05-12 20:45:30.754 10137 10137 I AOD_WAKELOCK@WakeLockManager: acquireIfExists: tag - AOD_DRAW, timeout - 100, reason - set Doze Brightness updateDozeBrightness, wakeLock = WakeLock{c1ae7d8 held=false, refCount=0}
05-12 20:45:30.755 4299 10048 I BiometricServiceBase: onTaskStackChangedForFingerprint: Allow background auth,
05-12 20:45:30.758 4299 10048 I chatty : uid=1000(system) biometrics.fp identical 9 lines
05-12 20:45:30.758 4299 10048 I BiometricServiceBase: onTaskStackChangedForFingerprint: Allow background auth,
05-12 20:45:30.792 4299 12326 V WindowManager: Relayout Window{e90e744 u0 ScreenDecorOverlay}: viewVisibility=0 req=1079x151
05-12 20:45:30.800 4299 12326 V WindowManager: Relayout 10137: mAttrs={(0,0)(fillxwrap) gr=TOP LEFT CENTER sim={adjust=pan} layoutInDisplayCutoutMode=always ty=NAVIGATION_BAR_PANEL fmt=TRANSLUCENT
05-12 20:45:30.800 4299 12326 V WindowManager: fl=20800128
05-12 20:45:30.800 4299 12326 V WindowManager: pfl=1100050
05-12 20:45:30.800 4299 12326 V WindowManager: vsysui=100 naviIconColor=0}
05-12 20:45:30.804 10137 10137 D DisplayLifecycle: updateDisplay id = 0
05-12 20:45:30.804 3871 3871 D SurfaceFlinger: Setting power mode 1 on display 0
05-12 20:45:30.804 3841 9377 E display : DOZE or Power off called twice, mPowerModeState : 3
05-12 20:45:30.804 3841 9377 D display : setPowerMode:: FBIOBLANK mode(1), blank(-1)
05-12 20:45:30.805 10137 10867 D ViewRootImpl@ed5b6a[ScreenDecorOverlay]: Relayout returned: old=(0,0,1080,151) new=(0,0,1080,151) req=(1079,151)0 dur=14 res=0x3 s={true 478310035456} ch=false
05-12 20:45:30.809 3841 9377 D display : setPowerMode:: S3CFB_POWER_MODE mode(1), blank(-1)
05-12 20:45:30.810 3871 3871 D SurfaceFlinger: Finished setting power mode 1 on display 0
05-12 20:45:30.812 10137 10137 D DisplayLifecycle: updateCacheVariables id = 0, display = Display id 0: DisplayInfo{"Built-in Screen, displayId 0", uniqueId "local:0", app 1080 x 2131, real 1080 x 2340, largest app 2131 x 2131, smallest app 1080 x 1017, mode 1, defaultMode 1, modes [{id=1, width=1080, height=2340, fps=60.000004}], colorMode 0, supportedColorModes [0], hdrCapabilities android.view.Display$HdrCapabilities@40f16308, rotation 0, density 420 (403.411 x 404.326) dpi, layerStack 0, appVsyncOff 1000000, presDeadline 16666666, type BUILT_IN, address {port=0}, state DOZE_SUSPEND, FLAG_SECURE, FLAG_SUPPORTS_PROTECTED_BUFFERS, removeMode 0}, DisplayMetrics{density=2.625, width=1080, height=2131, scaledDensity=2.625, xdpi=403.411, ydpi=404.326}, isValid=true, size = Point(1080, 2131), realSize = Point(1080, 2340)
05-12 20:45:30.817 4299 5297 D MotionRecognitionService: [EARHOVER_MOTION] inject screen on / off : 0
05-12 20:45:30.817 4299 5297 D SensorService: [EARHOVER_LITE] : setMotionDataLocked
05-12 20:45:30.817 4299 10048 I BiometricServiceBase: onTaskStackChangedForFingerprint: Allow background auth,
05-12 20:45:30.818 4299 10048 I chatty : uid=1000(system) biometrics.fp identical 4 lines
05-12 20:45:30.818 4299 10048 I BiometricServiceBase: onTaskStackChangedForFingerprint: Allow background auth,
05-12 20:45:30.818 4299 10048 I BiometricServiceBase: onTaskStackChangedForFingerprint: Allow background auth,
05-12 20:45:30.818 4299 5297 D SensorService: [EARHOVER_LITE] : INJECT_SCREEN_OFF
05-12 20:45:30.819 4299 10048 I BiometricServiceBase: onTaskStackChangedForFingerprint: Allow background auth,
05-12 20:45:30.819 4299 10048 I chatty : uid=1000(system) biometrics.fp identical 2 lines
05-12 20:45:30.819 4299 10048 I BiometricServiceBase: onTaskStackChangedForFingerprint: Allow background auth,
05-12 20:45:30.824 4299 12328 V WindowManager: Relayout Window{9819af3 u0 ScreenDecorOverlayBottom}: viewVisibility=0 req=1079x151
05-12 20:45:30.833 4299 12328 V WindowManager: Relayout 10137: mAttrs={(0,0)(fillxwrap) gr=BOTTOM RIGHT CENTER sim={adjust=pan} layoutInDisplayCutoutMode=always ty=NAVIGATION_BAR_PANEL fmt=TRANSLUCENT
05-12 20:45:30.833 4299 12328 V WindowManager: fl=20800128
05-12 20:45:30.833 4299 12328 V WindowManager: pfl=1100050
05-12 20:45:30.833 4299 12328 V WindowManager: vsysui=100 naviIconColor=0}
05-12 20:45:30.835 10137 10137 D AODUiController: onChargingLightSensorChanged lux : 1.0 appliedBrightness = 0 currentBrightness = 1
05-12 20:45:30.836 10137 10137 D AOD_BRIGHTNESS@BrightnessManager: mCurrentBrightness : HighNit[false], NitMode[[HLPM]_2NIT_ON], isForceState[0, ForceStateReason[{}, , mAppliedBrightness[0]
05-12 20:45:30.836 10137 10137 D AOD_BRIGHTNESS@AlwaysOnDisplayEx: updateDozeBrightness: doze [2] last [[HLPM]_2NIT_ON] change to [[HLPM]_2NIT_ON]
05-12 20:45:30.836 10137 10137 I AOD_WAKELOCK@WakeLockManager: acquireIfExists: tag - AOD_DRAW, timeout - 100, reason - set Doze Brightness updateDozeBrightness, wakeLock = WakeLock{c1ae7d8 held=true, refCount=1}
05-12 20:45:30.839 10137 10867 D ViewRootImpl@2e58a0d[ScreenDecorOverlayBottom]: Relayout returned: old=(0,2189,1080,2340) new=(0,2189,1080,2340) req=(1079,151)0 dur=18 res=0x3 s={true 478310068224} ch=false
05-12 20:45:30.839 10137 10137 D AOD_LIVE_CLOCK@LiveClockController: updateDisplayState: DISPLAY_STATE_DOZE
05-12 20:45:30.841 10137 10137 D DisplayLifecycle: updateDisplay id = 0
05-12 20:45:30.845 10137 10137 D DisplayLifecycle: updateCacheVariables id = 0, display = Display id 0: DisplayInfo{"Built-in Screen, displayId 0", uniqueId "local:0", app 1080 x 2131, real 1080 x 2340, largest app 2131 x 2131, smallest app 1080 x 1017, mode 1, defaultMode 1, modes [{id=1, width=1080, height=2340, fps=60.000004}], colorMode 0, supportedColorModes [0], hdrCapabilities android.view.Display$HdrCapabilities@40f16308, rotation 0, density 420 (403.411 x 404.326) dpi, layerStack 0, appVsyncOff 1000000, presDeadline 16666666, type BUILT_IN, address {port=0}, state DOZE, FLAG_SECURE, FLAG_SUPPORTS_PROTECTED_BUFFERS, removeMode 0}, DisplayMetrics{density=2.625, width=1080, height=2131, scaledDensity=2.625, xdpi=403.411, ydpi=404.326}, isValid=true, size = Point(1080, 2131), realSize = Point(1080, 2340)
05-12 20:45:30.858 10137 10137 D AOD_LIVE_CLOCK@LiveClockController: updateDisplayState: DISPLAY_STATE_DOZE
05-12 20:45:30.869 4299 12328 V WindowManager: Relayout Window{e90e744 u0 ScreenDecorOverlay}: viewVisibility=0 req=1079x151
05-12 20:45:30.876 4299 12328 V WindowManager: Relayout 10137: mAttrs={(0,0)(fillxwrap) gr=TOP LEFT CENTER sim={adjust=pan} layoutInDisplayCutoutMode=always ty=NAVIGATION_BAR_PANEL fmt=TRANSLUCENT
05-12 20:45:30.876 4299 12328 V WindowManager: fl=20800128
05-12 20:45:30.876 4299 12328 V WindowManager: pfl=1100050
05-12 20:45:30.876 4299 12328 V WindowManager: vsysui=100 naviIconColor=0}
05-12 20:45:30.878 10137 10867 D ViewRootImpl@ed5b6a[ScreenDecorOverlay]: Relayout returned: old=(0,0,1080,151) new=(0,0,1080,151) req=(1079,151)0 dur=11 res=0x3 s={true 478310035456} ch=false
05-12 20:45:30.885 4299 12328 V WindowManager: Relayout Window{9819af3 u0 ScreenDecorOverlayBottom}: viewVisibility=0 req=1079x151
05-12 20:45:30.892 4299 12328 V WindowManager: Relayout 10137: mAttrs={(0,0)(fillxwrap) gr=BOTTOM RIGHT CENTER sim={adjust=pan} layoutInDisplayCutoutMode=always ty=NAVIGATION_BAR_PANEL fmt=TRANSLUCENT
05-12 20:45:30.892 4299 12328 V WindowManager: fl=20800128
05-12 20:45:30.892 4299 12328 V WindowManager: pfl=1100050
05-12 20:45:30.892 4299 12328 V WindowManager: vsysui=100 naviIconColor=0}
05-12 20:45:30.895 10137 10867 D ViewRootImpl@2e58a0d[ScreenDecorOverlayBottom]: Relayout returned: old=(0,2189,1080,2340) new=(0,2189,1080,2340) req=(1079,151)0 dur=11 res=0x3 s={true 478310068224} ch=false
05-12 20:45:30.933 10137 10137 D AODUiController: onChargingLightSensorChanged lux : 2.0 appliedBrightness = 0 currentBrightness = 1
05-12 20:45:30.933 10137 10137 D AOD_BRIGHTNESS@BrightnessManager: mCurrentBrightness : HighNit[false], NitMode[[HLPM]_2NIT_ON], isForceState[0, ForceStateReason[{}, , mAppliedBrightness[0]
05-12 20:45:30.934 10137 10137 D AOD_BRIGHTNESS@AlwaysOnDisplayEx: updateDozeBrightness: doze [2] last [[HLPM]_2NIT_ON] change to [[HLPM]_2NIT_ON]
05-12 20:45:30.934 10137 10137 I AOD_WAKELOCK@WakeLockManager: acquireIfExists: tag - AOD_DRAW, timeout - 100, reason - set Doze Brightness updateDozeBrightness, wakeLock = WakeLock{c1ae7d8 held=true, refCount=1}
05-12 20:45:31.014 3970 10055 D bauth_FPBAuthService: pcf : 0x1012, 0 ,1 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,0,
05-12 20:45:31.014 3970 10055 D bauth_FPBAuthService: thread id : 1, preenroll_flag : 0, nd cnt : 0, cso : 0, et : 0
05-12 20:45:31.014 3970 10055 D bauth_FPBAuthService: FPBAuthService, 10983
05-12 20:45:31.045 3871 3871 D SurfaceFlinger: Setting power mode 3 on display 0
05-12 20:45:31.046 3841 3885 E display : DOZE or Power off called twice, mPowerModeState : 1
05-12 20:45:31.046 3841 3885 D display : setPowerMode:: FBIOBLANK mode(3), blank(-1)
05-12 20:45:31.048 3841 3885 D display : setPowerMode:: S3CFB_POWER_MODE mode(3), blank(-1)
05-12 20:45:31.049 3871 3871 D SurfaceFlinger: Finished setting power mode 3 on display 0
05-12 20:45:31.052 4299 5297 D MotionRecognitionService: [EARHOVER_MOTION] inject screen on / off : 0
05-12 20:45:31.052 4299 5297 D SensorService: [EARHOVER_LITE] : setMotionDataLocked
05-12 20:45:31.052 4299 5297 D SensorService: [EARHOVER_LITE] : INJECT_SCREEN_OFF
05-12 20:45:31.058 4299 10048 I BiometricServiceBase: onTaskStackChangedForFingerprint: Allow background auth,
05-12 20:45:31.060 4299 10048 I chatty : uid=1000(system) biometrics.fp identical 9 lines
05-12 20:45:31.060 4299 10048 I BiometricServiceBase: onTaskStackChangedForFingerprint: Allow background auth,
05-12 20:45:31.061 10137 10137 D AODUiController: onChargingLightSensorChanged lux : 2.0 appliedBrightness = 0 currentBrightness = 1
05-12 20:45:31.061 10137 10137 D AOD_BRIGHTNESS@BrightnessManager: mCurrentBrightness : HighNit[false], NitMode[[HLPM]_2NIT_ON], isForceState[0, ForceStateReason[{}, , mAppliedBrightness[0]
05-12 20:45:31.062 10137 10137 D AOD_BRIGHTNESS@AlwaysOnDisplayEx: updateDozeBrightness: doze [2] last [[HLPM]_2NIT_ON] change to [[HLPM]_2NIT_ON]
05-12 20:45:31.062 10137 10137 I AOD_WAKELOCK@WakeLockManager: acquireIfExists: tag - AOD_DRAW, timeout - 100, reason - set Doze Brightness updateDozeBrightness, wakeLock = WakeLock{c1ae7d8 held=false, refCount=0}
05-12 20:45:31.074 3871 3871 D SurfaceFlinger: Setting power mode 1 on display 0
05-12 20:45:31.075 3841 9377 E display : DOZE or Power off called twice, mPowerModeState : 3
05-12 20:45:31.075 3841 9377 D display : setPowerMode:: FBIOBLANK mode(1), blank(-1)
05-12 20:45:31.079 10137 10137 D DisplayLifecycle: updateDisplay id = 0
05-12 20:45:31.079 3841 9377 D display : setPowerMode:: S3CFB_POWER_MODE mode(1), blank(-1)
05-12 20:45:31.080 3871 3871 D SurfaceFlinger: Finished setting power mode 1 on display 0
05-12 20:45:31.084 10137 10137 D DisplayLifecycle: updateCacheVariables id = 0, display = Display id 0: DisplayInfo{"Built-in Screen, displayId 0", uniqueId "local:0", app 1080 x 2131, real 1080 x 2340, largest app 2131 x 2131, smallest app 1080 x 1017, mode 1, defaultMode 1, modes [{id=1, width=1080, height=2340, fps=60.000004}], colorMode 0, supportedColorModes [0], hdrCapabilities android.view.Display$HdrCapabilities@40f16308, rotation 0, density 420 (403.411 x 404.326) dpi, layerStack 0, appVsyncOff 1000000, presDeadline 16666666, type BUILT_IN, address {port=0}, state DOZE_SUSPEND, FLAG_SECURE, FLAG_SUPPORTS_PROTECTED_BUFFERS, removeMode 0}, DisplayMetrics{density=2.625, width=1080, height=2131, scaledDensity=2.625, xdpi=403.411, ydpi=404.326}, isValid=true, size = Point(1080, 2131), realSize = Point(1080, 2340)
05-12 20:45:31.087 4299 10048 I BiometricServiceBase: onTaskStackChangedForFingerprint: Allow background auth,
05-12 20:45:31.087 4299 10048 I BiometricServiceBase: onTaskStackChangedForFingerprint: Allow background auth,
05-12 20:45:31.087 4299 5297 D MotionRecognitionService: [EARHOVER_MOTION] inject screen on / off : 0
05-12 20:45:31.088 4299 10048 I BiometricServiceBase: onTaskStackChangedForFingerprint: Allow background auth,
05-12 20:45:31.088 4299 10048 I BiometricServiceBase: onTaskStackChangedForFingerprint: Allow background auth,
05-12 20:45:31.088 4299 5297 D SensorService: [EARHOVER_LITE] : setMotionDataLocked
05-12 20:45:31.088 4299 5297 D SensorService: [EARHOVER_LITE] : INJECT_SCREEN_OFF
05-12 20:45:31.088 4299 10048 I BiometricServiceBase: onTaskStackChangedForFingerprint: Allow background auth,
05-12 20:45:31.088 4299 10048 I chatty : uid=1000(system) biometrics.fp identical 5 lines
05-12 20:45:31.088 4299 10048 I BiometricServiceBase: onTaskStackChangedForFingerprint: Allow background auth,
05-12 20:45:31.108 10137 10137 D AOD_LIVE_CLOCK@LiveClockController: updateDisplayState: DISPLAY_STATE_DOZE
05-12 20:45:31.109 10137 10137 D DisplayLifecycle: updateDisplay id = 0
05-12 20:45:31.115 10137 10137 D DisplayLifecycle: updateCacheVariables id = 0, display = Display id 0: DisplayInfo{"Built-in Screen, displayId 0", uniqueId "local:0", app 1080 x 2131, real 1080 x 2340, largest app 2131 x 2131, smallest app 1080 x 1017, mode 1, defaultMode 1, modes [{id=1, width=1080, height=2340, fps=60.000004}], colorMode 0, supportedColorModes [0], hdrCapabilities android.view.Display$HdrCapabilities@40f16308, rotation 0, density 420 (403.411 x 404.326) dpi, layerStack 0, appVsyncOff 1000000, presDeadline 16666666, type BUILT_IN, address {port=0}, state DOZE, FLAG_SECURE, FLAG_SUPPORTS_PROTECTED_BUFFERS, removeMode 0}, DisplayMetrics{density=2.625, width=1080, height=2131, scaledDensity=2.625, xdpi=403.411, ydpi=404.326}, isValid=true, size = Point(1080, 2131), realSize = Point(1080, 2340)
05-12 20:45:31.120 4299 11692 V WindowManager: Relayout Window{e90e744 u0 ScreenDecorOverlay}: viewVisibility=0 req=1079x151
05-12 20:45:31.128 10137 10137 D AOD_LIVE_CLOCK@LiveClockController: updateDisplayState: DISPLAY_STATE_DOZE
05-12 20:45:31.128 4299 11692 V WindowManager: Relayout 10137: mAttrs={(0,0)(fillxwrap) gr=TOP LEFT CENTER sim={adjust=pan} layoutInDisplayCutoutMode=always ty=NAVIGATION_BAR_PANEL fmt=TRANSLUCENT
05-12 20:45:31.128 4299 11692 V WindowManager: fl=20800128
05-12 20:45:31.128 4299 11692 V WindowManager: pfl=1100050
05-12 20:45:31.128 4299 11692 V WindowManager: vsysui=100 naviIconColor=0}
05-12 20:45:31.130 10137 10867 D ViewRootImpl@ed5b6a[ScreenDecorOverlay]: Relayout returned: old=(0,0,1080,151) new=(0,0,1080,151) req=(1079,151)0 dur=10 res=0x3 s={true 478310035456} ch=false
05-12 20:45:31.142 4299 11692 V WindowManager: Relayout Window{9819af3 u0 ScreenDecorOverlayBottom}: viewVisibility=0 req=1079x151
05-12 20:45:31.149 4299 11692 V WindowManager: Relayout 10137: mAttrs={(0,0)(fillxwrap) gr=BOTTOM RIGHT CENTER sim={adjust=pan} layoutInDisplayCutoutMode=always ty=NAVIGATION_BAR_PANEL fmt=TRANSLUCENT
05-12 20:45:31.149 4299 11692 V WindowManager: fl=20800128
05-12 20:45:31.149 4299 11692 V WindowManager: pfl=1100050
05-12 20:45:31.149 4299 11692 V WindowManager: vsysui=100 naviIconColor=0}
05-12 20:45:31.151 10137 10867 D ViewRootImpl@2e58a0d[ScreenDecorOverlayBottom]: Relayout returned: old=(0,2189,1080,2340) new=(0,2189,1080,2340) req=(1079,151)0 dur=10 res=0x3 s={true 478310068224} ch=false
05-12 20:45:31.160 10137 10137 D AODUiController: onChargingLightSensorChanged lux : 2.0 appliedBrightness = 0 currentBrightness = 1
05-12 20:45:31.160 10137 10137 D AOD_BRIGHTNESS@BrightnessManager: mCurrentBrightness : HighNit[false], NitMode[[HLPM]_2NIT_ON], isForceState[0, ForceStateReason[{}, , mAppliedBrightness[0]
05-12 20:45:31.160 10137 10137 D AOD_BRIGHTNESS@AlwaysOnDisplayEx: updateDozeBrightness: doze [2] last [[HLPM]_2NIT_ON] change to [[HLPM]_2NIT_ON]
05-12 20:45:31.160 10137 10137 I AOD_WAKELOCK@WakeLockManager: acquireIfExists: tag - AOD_DRAW, timeout - 100, reason - set Doze Brightness updateDozeBrightness, wakeLock = WakeLock{c1ae7d8 held=true, refCount=1}
05-12 20:45:31.261 10137 10137 D AODUiController: onChargingLightSensorChanged lux : 2.0 appliedBrightness = 0 currentBrightness = 1
05-12 20:45:31.261 10137 10137 D AOD_BRIGHTNESS@BrightnessManager: mCurrentBrightness : HighNit[false], NitMode[[HLPM]_2NIT_ON], isForceState[0, ForceStateReason[{}, , mAppliedBrightness[0]
05-12 20:45:31.261 10137 10137 D AOD_BRIGHTNESS@AlwaysOnDisplayEx: updateDozeBrightness: doze [2] last [[HLPM]_2NIT_ON] change to [[HLPM]_2NIT_ON]
05-12 20:45:31.262 10137 10137 I AOD_WAKELOCK@WakeLockManager: acquireIfExists: tag - AOD_DRAW, timeout - 100, reason - set Doze Brightness updateDozeBrightness, wakeLock = WakeLock{c1ae7d8 held=true, refCount=1}
05-12 20:45:31.371 10137 10137 D AODUiController: onChargingLightSensorChanged lux : 2.0 appliedBrightness = 0 currentBrightness = 1
05-12 20:45:31.371 10137 10137 D AOD_BRIGHTNESS@BrightnessManager: mCurrentBrightness : HighNit[false], NitMode[[HLPM]_2NIT_ON], isForceState[0, ForceStateReason[{}, , mAppliedBrightness[0]
05-12 20:45:31.372 10137 10137 D AOD_BRIGHTNESS@AlwaysOnDisplayEx: updateDozeBrightness: doze [2] last [[HLPM]_2NIT_ON] change to [[HLPM]_2NIT_ON]
05-12 20:45:31.372 10137 10137 I AOD_WAKELOCK@WakeLockManager: acquireIfExists: tag - AOD_DRAW, timeout - 100, reason - set Doze Brightness updateDozeBrightness, wakeLock = WakeLock{c1ae7d8 held=false, refCount=0}
05-12 20:45:31.372 3871 3871 D SurfaceFlinger: Setting power mode 3 on display 0
05-12 20:45:31.373 3841 9377 E display : DOZE or Power off called twice, mPowerModeState : 1
05-12 20:45:31.373 3841 9377 D display : setPowerMode:: FBIOBLANK mode(3), blank(-1)
05-12 20:45:31.379 4299 5297 D MotionRecognitionService: [EARHOVER_MOTION] inject screen on / off : 0
05-12 20:45:31.379 3841 9377 D display : setPowerMode:: S3CFB_POWER_MODE mode(3), blank(-1)
05-12 20:45:31.380 4299 5297 D SensorService: [EARHOVER_LITE] : setMotionDataLocked
05-12 20:45:31.380 4299 5297 D SensorService: [EARHOVER_LITE] : INJECT_SCREEN_OFF
05-12 20:45:31.380 3871 3871 D SurfaceFlinger: Finished setting power mode 3 on display 0
05-12 20:45:31.392 3871 3871 D SurfaceFlinger: Setting power mode 1 on display 0
05-12 20:45:31.393 4299 10048 I BiometricServiceBase: onTaskStackChangedForFingerprint: Allow background auth,
05-12 20:45:31.393 3841 9377 E display : DOZE or Power off called twice, mPowerModeState : 3
05-12 20:45:31.393 3841 9377 D display : setPowerMode:: FBIOBLANK mode(1), blank(-1)
05-12 20:45:31.393 4299 10048 I BiometricServiceBase: onTaskStackChangedForFingerprint: Allow background auth,
05-12 20:45:31.393 4299 10048 I chatty : uid=1000(system) biometrics.fp identical 1 line
05-12 20:45:31.393 4299 10048 I BiometricServiceBase: onTaskStackChangedForFingerprint: Allow background auth,
05-12 20:45:31.396 10137 10137 D DisplayLifecycle: updateDisplay id = 0
05-12 20:45:31.398 3841 9377 D display : setPowerMode:: S3CFB_POWER_MODE mode(1), blank(-1)
05-12 20:45:31.398 4299 10048 I BiometricServiceBase: onTaskStackChangedForFingerprint: Allow background auth,
05-12 20:45:31.398 3871 3871 D SurfaceFlinger: Finished setting power mode 1 on display 0
05-12 20:45:31.399 4299 10048 I BiometricServiceBase: onTaskStackChangedForFingerprint: Allow background auth,
05-12 20:45:31.399 4299 10048 I chatty : uid=1000(system) biometrics.fp identical 4 lines
05-12 20:45:31.400 4299 10048 I BiometricServiceBase: onTaskStackChangedForFingerprint: Allow background auth,
05-12 20:45:31.407 10137 10137 D DisplayLifecycle: updateCacheVariables id = 0, display = Display id 0: DisplayInfo{"Built-in Screen, displayId 0", uniqueId "local:0", app 1080 x 2131, real 1080 x 2340, largest app 2131 x 2131, smallest app 1080 x 1017, mode 1, defaultMode 1, modes [{id=1, width=1080, height=2340, fps=60.000004}], colorMode 0, supportedColorModes [0], hdrCapabilities android.view.Display$HdrCapabilities@40f16308, rotation 0, density 420 (403.411 x 404.326) dpi, layerStack 0, appVsyncOff 1000000, presDeadline 16666666, type BUILT_IN, address {port=0}, state DOZE, FLAG_SECURE, FLAG_SUPPORTS_PROTECTED_BUFFERS, removeMode 0}, DisplayMetrics{density=2.625, width=1080, height=2131, scaledDensity=2.625, xdpi=403.411, ydpi=404.326}, isValid=true, size = Point(1080, 2131), realSize = Point(1080, 2340)
05-12 20:45:31.413 4299 5297 D MotionRecognitionService: [EARHOVER_MOTION] inject screen on / off : 0
05-12 20:45:31.414 4299 5297 D SensorService: [EARHOVER_LITE] : setMotionDataLocked
05-12 20:45:31.414 4299 5297 D SensorService: [EARHOVER_LITE] : INJECT_SCREEN_OFF
05-12 20:45:31.420 4299 10048 I BiometricServiceBase: onTaskStackChangedForFingerprint: Allow background auth,
05-12 20:45:31.421 4299 10048 I chatty : uid=1000(system) biometrics.fp identical 9 lines
05-12 20:45:31.421 4299 10048 I BiometricServiceBase: onTaskStackChangedForFingerprint: Allow background auth,
05-12 20:45:31.434 10137 10137 D AOD_LIVE_CLOCK@LiveClockController: updateDisplayState: DISPLAY_STATE_DOZE
05-12 20:45:31.437 10137 10137 D DisplayLifecycle: updateDisplay id = 0
05-12 20:45:31.440 4299 10404 V WindowManager: Relayout Window{e90e744 u0 ScreenDecorOverlay}: viewVisibility=0 req=1079x151
05-12 20:45:31.442 10137 10137 D DisplayLifecycle: updateCacheVariables id = 0, display = Display id 0: DisplayInfo{"Built-in Screen, displayId 0", uniqueId "local:0", app 1080 x 2131, real 1080 x 2340, largest app 2131 x 2131, smallest app 1080 x 1017, mode 1, defaultMode 1, modes [{id=1, width=1080, height=2340, fps=60.000004}], colorMode 0, supportedColorModes [0], hdrCapabilities android.view.Display$HdrCapabilities@40f16308, rotation 0, density 420 (403.411 x 404.326) dpi, layerStack 0, appVsyncOff 1000000, presDeadline 16666666, type BUILT_IN, address {port=0}, state DOZE, FLAG_SECURE, FLAG_SUPPORTS_PROTECTED_BUFFERS, removeMode 0}, DisplayMetrics{density=2.625, width=1080, height=2131, scaledDensity=2.625, xdpi=403.411, ydpi=404.326}, isValid=true, size = Point(1080, 2131), realSize = Point(1080, 2340)
05-12 20:45:31.447 4299 10404 V WindowManager: Relayout 10137: mAttrs={(0,0)(fillxwrap) gr=TOP LEFT CENTER sim={adjust=pan} layoutInDisplayCutoutMode=always ty=NAVIGATION_BAR_PANEL fmt=TRANSLUCENT
05-12 20:45:31.447 4299 10404 V WindowManager: fl=20800128
05-12 20:45:31.447 4299 10404 V WindowManager: pfl=1100050
05-12 20:45:31.447 4299 10404 V WindowManager: vsysui=100 naviIconColor=0}
05-12 20:45:31.449 10137 10867 D ViewRootImpl@ed5b6a[ScreenDecorOverlay]: Relayout returned: old=(0,0,1080,151) new=(0,0,1080,151) req=(1079,151)0 dur=9 res=0x3 s={true 478310035456} ch=false
05-12 20:45:31.451 10137 10137 D AOD_LIVE_CLOCK@LiveClockController: updateDisplayState: DISPLAY_STATE_DOZE
05-12 20:45:31.457 4299 12331 V WindowManager: Relayout Window{9819af3 u0 ScreenDecorOverlayBottom}: viewVisibility=0 req=1079x151
05-12 20:45:31.465 4299 12331 V WindowManager: Relayout 10137: mAttrs={(0,0)(fillxwrap) gr=BOTTOM RIGHT CENTER sim={adjust=pan} layoutInDisplayCutoutMode=always ty=NAVIGATION_BAR_PANEL fmt=TRANSLUCENT
05-12 20:45:31.465 4299 12331 V WindowManager: fl=20800128
05-12 20:45:31.465 4299 12331 V WindowManager: pfl=1100050
05-12 20:45:31.465 4299 12331 V WindowManager: vsysui=100 naviIconColor=0}
05-12 20:45:31.467 10137 10867 D ViewRootImpl@2e58a0d[ScreenDecorOverlayBottom]: Relayout returned: old=(0,2189,1080,2340) new=(0,2189,1080,2340) req=(1079,151)0 dur=11 res=0x3 s={true 478310068224} ch=false
05-12 20:45:31.468 10137 10137 D AODUiController: onChargingLightSensorChanged lux : 2.0 appliedBrightness = 0 currentBrightness = 1
05-12 20:45:31.468 10137 10137 D AOD_BRIGHTNESS@BrightnessManager: mCurrentBrightness : HighNit[false], NitMode[[HLPM]_2NIT_ON], isForceState[0, ForceStateReason[{}, , mAppliedBrightness[0]
05-12 20:45:31.468 10137 10137 D AOD_BRIGHTNESS@AlwaysOnDisplayEx: updateDozeBrightness: doze [2] last [[HLPM]_2NIT_ON] change to [[HLPM]_2NIT_ON]
05-12 20:45:31.468 10137 10137 I AOD_WAKELOCK@WakeLockManager: acquireIfExists: tag - AOD_DRAW, timeout - 100, reason - set Doze Brightness updateDozeBrightness, wakeLock = WakeLock{c1ae7d8 held=true, refCount=1}
05-12 20:45:31.518 3951 10369 I GNSS_MEMS: TGT_MEMS SCSCMemsReportSensorDrops: dropped 0 events (spam) 1 events (rate limit) out of 52 total for sensor 0 since last report
05-12 20:45:31.565 10137 10137 D AODUiController: onChargingLightSensorChanged lux : 2.0 appliedBrightness = 0 currentBrightness = 1
05-12 20:45:31.565 10137 10137 D AOD_BRIGHTNESS@BrightnessManager: mCurrentBrightness : HighNit[false], NitMode[[HLPM]_2NIT_ON], isForceState[0, ForceStateReason[{}, , mAppliedBrightness[0]
05-12 20:45:31.566 10137 10137 D AOD_BRIGHTNESS@AlwaysOnDisplayEx: updateDozeBrightness: doze [2] last [[HLPM]_2NIT_ON] change to [[HLPM]_2NIT_ON]
05-12 20:45:31.566 10137 10137 I AOD_WAKELOCK@WakeLockManager: acquireIfExists: tag - AOD_DRAW, timeout - 100, reason - set Doze Brightness updateDozeBrightness, wakeLock = WakeLock{c1ae7d8 held=true, refCount=1}
05-12 20:45:31.675 3871 3871 D SurfaceFlinger: Setting power mode 3 on display 0
05-12 20:45:31.676 3841 9377 E display : DOZE or Power off called twice, mPowerModeState : 1
05-12 20:45:31.676 3841 9377 D display : setPowerMode:: FBIOBLANK mode(3), blank(-1)
05-12 20:45:31.680 10137 10137 D AODUiController: onChargingLightSensorChanged lux : 2.0 appliedBrightness = 0 currentBrightness = 1
05-12 20:45:31.680 10137 10137 D AOD_BRIGHTNESS@BrightnessManager: mCurrentBrightness : HighNit[false], NitMode[[HLPM]_2NIT_ON], isForceState[0, ForceStateReason[{}, , mAppliedBrightness[0]
05-12 20:45:31.681 10137 10137 D AOD_BRIGHTNESS@AlwaysOnDisplayEx: updateDozeBrightness: doze [2] last [[HLPM]_2NIT_ON] change to [[HLPM]_2NIT_ON]
05-12 20:45:31.681 10137 10137 I AOD_WAKELOCK@WakeLockManager: acquireIfExists: tag - AOD_DRAW, timeout - 100, reason - set Doze Brightness updateDozeBrightness, wakeLock = WakeLock{c1ae7d8 held=false, refCount=0}
05-12 20:45:31.683 4299 5297 D MotionRecognitionService: [EARHOVER_MOTION] inject screen on / off : 0
05-12 20:45:31.684 3841 9377 D display : setPowerMode:: S3CFB_POWER_MODE mode(3), blank(-1)
05-12 20:45:31.685 3871 3871 D SurfaceFlinger: Finished setting power mode 3 on display 0
05-12 20:45:31.686 4299 10048 I BiometricServiceBase: onTaskStackChangedForFingerprint: Allow background auth,
05-12 20:45:31.688 4299 10048 I chatty : uid=1000(system) biometrics.fp identical 9 lines
05-12 20:45:31.689 4299 10048 I BiometricServiceBase: onTaskStackChangedForFingerprint: Allow background auth,
05-12 20:45:31.689 4299 5297 D SensorService: [EARHOVER_LITE] : setMotionDataLocked
05-12 20:45:31.689 4299 5297 D SensorService: [EARHOVER_LITE] : INJECT_SCREEN_OFF
05-12 20:45:31.705 3871 3871 D SurfaceFlinger: Setting power mode 1 on display 0
05-12 20:45:31.705 3841 9377 E display : DOZE or Power off called twice, mPowerModeState : 3
05-12 20:45:31.705 3841 9377 D display : setPowerMode:: FBIOBLANK mode(1), blank(-1)
05-12 20:45:31.710 3841 9377 D display : setPowerMode:: S3CFB_POWER_MODE mode(1), blank(-1)
05-12 20:45:31.711 3871 3871 D SurfaceFlinger: Finished setting power mode 1 on display 0
05-12 20:45:31.713 10137 10137 D DisplayLifecycle: updateDisplay id = 0
05-12 20:45:31.716 4299 5297 D MotionRecognitionService: [EARHOVER_MOTION] inject screen on / off : 0
05-12 20:45:31.716 4299 5297 D SensorService: [EARHOVER_LITE] : setMotionDataLocked
05-12 20:45:31.716 4299 5297 D SensorService: [EARHOVER_LITE] : INJECT_SCREEN_OFF
05-12 20:45:31.719 4299 10048 I BiometricServiceBase: onTaskStackChangedForFingerprint: Allow background auth,
05-12 20:45:31.720 4299 10048 I chatty : uid=1000(system) biometrics.fp identical 7 lines
05-12 20:45:31.720 4299 10048 I BiometricServiceBase: onTaskStackChangedForFingerprint: Allow background auth,
05-12 20:45:31.721 10137 10137 D DisplayLifecycle: updateCacheVariables id = 0, display = Display id 0: DisplayInfo{"Built-in Screen, displayId 0", uniqueId "local:0", app 1080 x 2131, real 1080 x 2340, largest app 2131 x 2131, smallest app 1080 x 1017, mode 1, defaultMode 1, modes [{id=1, width=1080, height=2340, fps=60.000004}], colorMode 0, supportedColorModes [0], hdrCapabilities android.view.Display$HdrCapabilities@40f16308, rotation 0, density 420 (403.411 x 404.326) dpi, layerStack 0, appVsyncOff 1000000, presDeadline 16666666, type BUILT_IN, address {port=0}, state DOZE, FLAG_SECURE, FLAG_SUPPORTS_PROTECTED_BUFFERS, removeMode 0}, DisplayMetrics{density=2.625, width=1080, height=2131, scaledDensity=2.625, xdpi=403.411, ydpi=404.326}, isValid=true, size = Point(1080, 2131), realSize = Point(1080, 2340)
05-12 20:45:31.721 4299 10048 I BiometricServiceBase: onTaskStackChangedForFingerprint: Allow background auth,
05-12 20:45:31.722 4299 10048 I BiometricServiceBase: onTaskStackChangedForFingerprint: Allow background auth,
05-12 20:45:31.737 10137 10137 D AOD_LIVE_CLOCK@LiveClockController: updateDisplayState: DISPLAY_STATE_DOZE
05-12 20:45:31.740 10137 10137 D DisplayLifecycle: updateDisplay id = 0
05-12 20:45:31.745 10137 10137 D DisplayLifecycle: updateCacheVariables id = 0, display = Display id 0: DisplayInfo{"Built-in Screen, displayId 0", uniqueId "local:0", app 1080 x 2131, real 1080 x 2340, largest app 2131 x 2131, smallest app 1080 x 1017, mode 1, defaultMode 1, modes [{id=1, width=1080, height=2340, fps=60.000004}], colorMode 0, supportedColorModes [0], hdrCapabilities android.view.Display$HdrCapabilities@40f16308, rotation 0, density 420 (403.411 x 404.326) dpi, layerStack 0, appVsyncOff 1000000, presDeadline 16666666, type BUILT_IN, address {port=0}, state DOZE, FLAG_SECURE, FLAG_SUPPORTS_PROTECTED_BUFFERS, removeMode 0}, DisplayMetrics{density=2.625, width=1080, height=2131, scaledDensity=2.625, xdpi=403.411, ydpi=404.326}, isValid=true, size = Point(1080, 2131), realSize = Point(1080, 2340)
05-12 20:45:31.754 4299 10275 V WindowManager: Relayout Window{e90e744 u0 ScreenDecorOverlay}: viewVisibility=0 req=1079x151
05-12 20:45:31.758 10137 10137 D AOD_LIVE_CLOCK@LiveClockController: updateDisplayState: DISPLAY_STATE_DOZE
05-12 20:45:31.762 4299 10275 V WindowManager: Relayout 10137: mAttrs={(0,0)(fillxwrap) gr=TOP LEFT CENTER sim={adjust=pan} layoutInDisplayCutoutMode=always ty=NAVIGATION_BAR_PANEL fmt=TRANSLUCENT
05-12 20:45:31.762 4299 10275 V WindowManager: fl=20800128
05-12 20:45:31.762 4299 10275 V WindowManager: pfl=1100050
05-12 20:45:31.762 4299 10275 V WindowManager: vsysui=100 naviIconColor=0}
05-12 20:45:31.764 10137 10867 D ViewRootImpl@ed5b6a[ScreenDecorOverlay]: Relayout returned: old=(0,0,1080,151) new=(0,0,1080,151) req=(1079,151)0 dur=11 res=0x3 s={true 478310035456} ch=false
05-12 20:45:31.775 4299 10275 V WindowManager: Relayout Window{9819af3 u0 ScreenDecorOverlayBottom}: viewVisibility=0 req=1079x151
05-12 20:45:31.782 4299 10275 V WindowManager: Relayout 10137: mAttrs={(0,0)(fillxwrap) gr=BOTTOM RIGHT CENTER sim={adjust=pan} layoutInDisplayCutoutMode=always ty=NAVIGATION_BAR_PANEL fmt=TRANSLUCENT
05-12 20:45:31.782 4299 10275 V WindowManager: fl=20800128
05-12 20:45:31.782 4299 10275 V WindowManager: pfl=1100050
05-12 20:45:31.782 4299 10275 V WindowManager: vsysui=100 naviIconColor=0}
05-12 20:45:31.785 10137 10867 D ViewRootImpl@2e58a0d[ScreenDecorOverlayBottom]: Relayout returned: old=(0,2189,1080,2340) new=(0,2189,1080,2340) req=(1079,151)0 dur=10 res=0x3 s={true 478310068224} ch=false
05-12 20:45:31.785 10137 10137 D AODUiController: onChargingLightSensorChanged lux : 2.0 appliedBrightness = 0 currentBrightness = 1
05-12 20:45:31.786 10137 10137 D AOD_BRIGHTNESS@BrightnessManager: mCurrentBrightness : HighNit[false], NitMode[[HLPM]_2NIT_ON], isForceState[0, ForceStateReason[{}, , mAppliedBrightness[0]
05-12 20:45:31.786 10137 10137 D AOD_BRIGHTNESS@AlwaysOnDisplayEx: updateDozeBrightness: doze [2] last [[HLPM]_2NIT_ON] change to [[HLPM]_2NIT_ON]
05-12 20:45:31.786 10137 10137 I AOD_WAKELOCK@WakeLockManager: acquireIfExists: tag - AOD_DRAW, timeout - 100, reason - set Doze Brightness updateDozeBrightness, wakeLock = WakeLock{c1ae7d8 held=true, refCount=1}
05-12 20:45:31.885 10137 10137 D AODUiController: onChargingLightSensorChanged lux : 2.0 appliedBrightness = 0 currentBrightness = 1
05-12 20:45:31.886 10137 10137 D AOD_BRIGHTNESS@BrightnessManager: mCurrentBrightness : HighNit[false], NitMode[[HLPM]_2NIT_ON], isForceState[0, ForceStateReason[{}, , mAppliedBrightness[0]
05-12 20:45:31.886 10137 10137 D AOD_BRIGHTNESS@AlwaysOnDisplayEx: updateDozeBrightness: doze [2] last [[HLPM]_2NIT_ON] change to [[HLPM]_2NIT_ON]
05-12 20:45:31.886 10137 10137 I AOD_WAKELOCK@WakeLockManager: acquireIfExists: tag - AOD_DRAW, timeout - 100, reason - set Doze Brightness updateDozeBrightness, wakeLock = WakeLock{c1ae7d8 held=true, refCount=1}
05-12 20:45:31.995 10137 10137 D AODUiController: onChargingLightSensorChanged lux : 2.0 appliedBrightness = 0 currentBrightness = 1
05-12 20:45:31.996 10137 10137 D AOD_BRIGHTNESS@BrightnessManager: mCurrentBrightness : HighNit[false], NitMode[[HLPM]_2NIT_ON], isForceState[0, ForceStateReason[{}, , mAppliedBrightness[0]
05-12 20:45:31.996 10137 10137 D AOD_BRIGHTNESS@AlwaysOnDisplayEx: updateDozeBrightness: doze [2] last [[HLPM]_2NIT_ON] change to [[HLPM]_2NIT_ON]
05-12 20:45:31.996 10137 10137 I AOD_WAKELOCK@WakeLockManager: acquireIfExists: tag - AOD_DRAW, timeout - 100, reason - set Doze Brightness updateDozeBrightness, wakeLock = WakeLock{c1ae7d8 held=false, refCount=0}
05-12 20:45:32.003 3871 3871 D SurfaceFlinger: Setting power mode 3 on display 0
05-12 20:45:32.004 3841 9377 E display : DOZE or Power off called twice, mPowerModeState : 1
05-12 20:45:32.004 3841 9377 D display : setPowerMode:: FBIOBLANK mode(3), blank(-1)
05-12 20:45:32.009 4299 5297 D MotionRecognitionService: [EARHOVER_MOTION] inject screen on / off : 0
05-12 20:45:32.010 4299 5297 D SensorService: [EARHOVER_LITE] : setMotionDataLocked
05-12 20:45:32.010 4299 5297 D SensorService: [EARHOVER_LITE] : INJECT_SCREEN_OFF
05-12 20:45:32.011 3841 9377 D display : setPowerMode:: S3CFB_POWER_MODE mode(3), blank(-1)
05-12 20:45:32.011 3871 3871 D SurfaceFlinger: Finished setting power mode 3 on display 0
05-12 20:45:32.013 4299 10048 I BiometricServiceBase: onTaskStackChangedForFingerprint: Allow background auth,
05-12 20:45:32.015 4299 10048 I chatty : uid=1000(system) biometrics.fp identical 6 lines
05-12 20:45:32.015 4299 10048 I BiometricServiceBase: onTaskStackChangedForFingerprint: Allow background auth,
05-12 20:45:32.015 3970 10055 D bauth_FPBAuthService: pcf : 0x1012, 0 ,1 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,0,
05-12 20:45:32.015 3970 10055 D bauth_FPBAuthService: thread id : 1, preenroll_flag : 0, nd cnt : 0, cso : 0, et : 0
05-12 20:45:32.015 3970 10055 D bauth_FPBAuthService: FPBAuthService, 10983
05-12 20:45:32.015 4299 10048 I BiometricServiceBase: onTaskStackChangedForFingerprint: Allow background auth,
05-12 20:45:32.016 4299 10048 I chatty : uid=1000(system) biometrics.fp identical 1 line
05-12 20:45:32.016 4299 10048 I BiometricServiceBase: onTaskStackChangedForFingerprint: Allow background auth,
05-12 20:45:32.046 4299 12331 V WindowManager: Relayout Window{e90e744 u0 ScreenDecorOverlay}: viewVisibility=0 req=1079x151
05-12 20:45:32.053 4299 12331 V WindowManager: Relayout 10137: mAttrs={(0,0)(fillxwrap) gr=TOP LEFT CENTER sim={adjust=pan} layoutInDisplayCutoutMode=always ty=NAVIGATION_BAR_PANEL fmt=TRANSLUCENT
05-12 20:45:32.053 4299 12331 V WindowManager: fl=20800128
05-12 20:45:32.053 4299 12331 V WindowManager: pfl=1100050
05-12 20:45:32.053 4299 12331 V WindowManager: vsysui=100 naviIconColor=0}
05-12 20:45:32.055 10137 10867 D ViewRootImpl@ed5b6a[ScreenDecorOverlay]: Relayout returned: old=(0,0,1080,151) new=(0,0,1080,151) req=(1079,151)0 dur=9 res=0x3 s={true 478310035456} ch=false
05-12 20:45:32.061 10137 10137 D DisplayLifecycle: updateDisplay id = 0
05-12 20:45:32.061 3871 3871 D SurfaceFlinger: Setting power mode 1 on display 0
05-12 20:45:32.062 3841 3885 E display : DOZE or Power off called twice, mPowerModeState : 3
05-12 20:45:32.062 3841 3885 D display : setPowerMode:: FBIOBLANK mode(1), blank(-1)
05-12 20:45:32.066 3841 3885 D display : setPowerMode:: S3CFB_POWER_MODE mode(1), blank(-1)
05-12 20:45:32.067 10137 10137 D DisplayLifecycle: updateCacheVariables id = 0, display = Display id 0: DisplayInfo{"Built-in Screen, displayId 0", uniqueId "local:0", app 1080 x 2131, real 1080 x 2340, largest app 2131 x 2131, smallest app 1080 x 1017, mode 1, defaultMode 1, modes [{id=1, width=1080, height=2340, fps=60.000004}], colorMode 0, supportedColorModes [0], hdrCapabilities android.view.Display$HdrCapabilities@40f16308, rotation 0, density 420 (403.411 x 404.326) dpi, layerStack 0, appVsyncOff 1000000, presDeadline 16666666, type BUILT_IN, address {port=0}, state DOZE_SUSPEND, FLAG_SECURE, FLAG_SUPPORTS_PROTECTED_BUFFERS, removeMode 0}, DisplayMetrics{density=2.625, width=1080, height=2131, scaledDensity=2.625, xdpi=403.411, ydpi=404.326}, isValid=true, size = Point(1080, 2131), realSize = Point(1080, 2340)
05-12 20:45:32.067 3871 3871 D SurfaceFlinger: Finished setting power mode 1 on display 0
05-12 20:45:32.077 4299 12331 V WindowManager: Relayout Window{9819af3 u0 ScreenDecorOverlayBottom}: viewVisibility=0 req=1079x151
05-12 20:45:32.080 10137 10137 D AOD_LIVE_CLOCK@LiveClockController: updateDisplayState: DISPLAY_STATE_DOZE_SUSPEND
05-12 20:45:32.084 4299 12331 V WindowManager: Relayout 10137: mAttrs={(0,0)(fillxwrap) gr=BOTTOM RIGHT CENTER sim={adjust=pan} layoutInDisplayCutoutMode=always ty=NAVIGATION_BAR_PANEL fmt=TRANSLUCENT
05-12 20:45:32.084 4299 12331 V WindowManager: fl=20800128
05-12 20:45:32.084 4299 12331 V WindowManager: pfl=1100050
05-12 20:45:32.084 4299 12331 V WindowManager: vsysui=100 naviIconColor=0}
05-12 20:45:32.086 10137 10867 D ViewRootImpl@2e58a0d[ScreenDecorOverlayBottom]: Relayout returned: old=(0,2189,1080,2340) new=(0,2189,1080,2340) req=(1079,151)0 dur=19 res=0x3 s={true 478310068224} ch=false
05-12 20:45:32.088 4299 5297 D MotionRecognitionService: [EARHOVER_MOTION] inject screen on / off : 0
05-12 20:45:32.088 4299 5297 D SensorService: [EARHOVER_LITE] : setMotionDataLocked
05-12 20:45:32.088 4299 5297 D SensorService: [EARHOVER_LITE] : INJECT_SCREEN_OFF
05-12 20:45:32.094 4299 10048 I BiometricServiceBase: onTaskStackChangedForFingerprint: Allow background auth,
05-12 20:45:32.094 4299 10048 I chatty : uid=1000(system) biometrics.fp identical 6 lines
05-12 20:45:32.094 10137 10137 D DisplayLifecycle: updateDisplay id = 0
05-12 20:45:32.094 4299 10048 I BiometricServiceBase: onTaskStackChangedForFingerprint: Allow background auth,
05-12 20:45:32.096 4299 10048 I BiometricServiceBase: onTaskStackChangedForFingerprint: Allow background auth,
05-12 20:45:32.096 4299 10048 I chatty : uid=1000(system) biometrics.fp identical 1 line
05-12 20:45:32.096 4299 10048 I BiometricServiceBase: onTaskStackChangedForFingerprint: Allow background auth,
05-12 20:45:32.103 10137 10137 D DisplayLifecycle: updateCacheVariables id = 0, display = Display id 0: DisplayInfo{"Built-in Screen, displayId 0", uniqueId "local:0", app 1080 x 2131, real 1080 x 2340, largest app 2131 x 2131, smallest app 1080 x 1017, mode 1, defaultMode 1, modes [{id=1, width=1080, height=2340, fps=60.000004}], colorMode 0, supportedColorModes [0], hdrCapabilities android.view.Display$HdrCapabilities@40f16308, rotation 0, density 420 (403.411 x 404.326) dpi, layerStack 0, appVsyncOff 1000000, presDeadline 16666666, type BUILT_IN, address {port=0}, state DOZE, FLAG_SECURE, FLAG_SUPPORTS_PROTECTED_BUFFERS, removeMode 0}, DisplayMetrics{density=2.625, width=1080, height=2131, scaledDensity=2.625, xdpi=403.411, ydpi=404.326}, isValid=true, size = Point(1080, 2131), realSize = Point(1080, 2340)
05-12 20:45:32.114 10137 10137 D AODUiController: onChargingLightSensorChanged lux : 2.0 appliedBrightness = 0 currentBrightness = 1
05-12 20:45:32.114 10137 10137 D AOD_BRIGHTNESS@BrightnessManager: mCurrentBrightness : HighNit[false], NitMode[[HLPM]_2NIT_ON], isForceState[0, ForceStateReason[{}, , mAppliedBrightness[0]
05-12 20:45:32.114 10137 10137 D AOD_BRIGHTNESS@AlwaysOnDisplayEx: updateDozeBrightness: doze [2] last [[HLPM]_2NIT_ON] change to [[HLPM]_2NIT_ON]
05-12 20:45:32.114 10137 10137 I AOD_WAKELOCK@WakeLockManager: acquireIfExists: tag - AOD_DRAW, timeout - 100, reason - set Doze Brightness updateDozeBrightness, wakeLock = WakeLock{c1ae7d8 held=true, refCount=1}
05-12 20:45:32.117 10137 10137 D AOD_LIVE_CLOCK@LiveClockController: updateDisplayState: DISPLAY_STATE_DOZE
05-12 20:45:32.125 10474 16059 D EPDG -- [NETMGMT]: Interface Data activity changed : label: 1 : active: true
05-12 20:45:32.126 10474 16059 D EPDG -- [NETMGMT]: Interface Data activity changed : label: 1 : active: true
05-12 20:45:32.126 10474 13996 D EPDG -- [NETMGMT]: Interface Data activity changed : label: 1 : active: true
05-12 20:45:32.136 4299 10275 V WindowManager: Relayout Window{e90e744 u0 ScreenDecorOverlay}: viewVisibility=0 req=1079x151
05-12 20:45:32.143 4299 10275 V WindowManager: Relayout 10137: mAttrs={(0,0)(fillxwrap) gr=TOP LEFT CENTER sim={adjust=pan} layoutInDisplayCutoutMode=always ty=NAVIGATION_BAR_PANEL fmt=TRANSLUCENT
05-12 20:45:32.143 4299 10275 V WindowManager: fl=20800128
05-12 20:45:32.143 4299 10275 V WindowManager: pfl=1100050
05-12 20:45:32.143 4299 10275 V WindowManager: vsysui=100 naviIconColor=0}
05-12 20:45:32.145 10137 10867 D ViewRootImpl@ed5b6a[ScreenDecorOverlay]: Relayout returned: old=(0,0,1080,151) new=(0,0,1080,151) req=(1079,151)0 dur=12 res=0x3 s={true 478310035456} ch=false
05-12 20:45:32.151 4299 10275 V WindowManager: Relayout Window{9819af3 u0 ScreenDecorOverlayBottom}: viewVisibility=0 req=1079x151
05-12 20:45:32.158 4299 10275 V WindowManager: Relayout 10137: mAttrs={(0,0)(fillxwrap) gr=BOTTOM RIGHT CENTER sim={adjust=pan} layoutInDisplayCutoutMode=always ty=NAVIGATION_BAR_PANEL fmt=TRANSLUCENT
05-12 20:45:32.158 4299 10275 V WindowManager: fl=20800128
05-12 20:45:32.158 4299 10275 V WindowManager: pfl=1100050
05-12 20:45:32.158 4299 10275 V WindowManager: vsysui=100 naviIconColor=0}
05-12 20:45:32.160 10137 10867 D ViewRootImpl@2e58a0d[ScreenDecorOverlayBottom]: Relayout returned: old=(0,2189,1080,2340) new=(0,2189,1080,2340) req=(1079,151)0 dur=10 res=0x3 s={true 478310068224} ch=false
05-12 20:45:32.220 3871 3871 D SurfaceFlinger: Setting power mode 3 on display 0
05-12 20:45:32.221 3841 3885 E display : DOZE or Power off called twice, mPowerModeState : 1
05-12 20:45:32.221 3841 3885 D display : setPowerMode:: FBIOBLANK mode(3), blank(-1)
05-12 20:45:32.223 10137 10137 D AODUiController: onChargingLightSensorChanged lux : 2.0 appliedBrightness = 0 currentBrightness = 1
05-12 20:45:32.224 4299 5297 D MotionRecognitionService: [EARHOVER_MOTION] inject screen on / off : 0
05-12 20:45:32.225 4299 10048 I BiometricServiceBase: onTaskStackChangedForFingerprint: Allow background auth,
05-12 20:45:32.225 4299 5297 D SensorService: [EARHOVER_LITE] : setMotionDataLocked
05-12 20:45:32.225 4299 10048 I BiometricServiceBase: onTaskStackChangedForFingerprint: Allow background auth,
05-12 20:45:32.225 4299 5297 D SensorService: [EARHOVER_LITE] : INJECT_SCREEN_OFF
05-12 20:45:32.225 4299 10048 I BiometricServiceBase: onTaskStackChangedForFingerprint: Allow background auth,
05-12 20:45:32.225 4299 10048 I chatty : uid=1000(system) biometrics.fp identical 3 lines
05-12 20:45:32.225 4299 10048 I BiometricServiceBase: onTaskStackChangedForFingerprint: Allow background auth,
05-12 20:45:32.225 10137 10137 D AOD_BRIGHTNESS@BrightnessManager: mCurrentBrightness : HighNit[false], NitMode[[HLPM]_2NIT_ON], isForceState[0, ForceStateReason[{}, , mAppliedBrightness[0]
05-12 20:45:32.225 4299 10048 I BiometricServiceBase: onTaskStackChangedForFingerprint: Allow background auth,
05-12 20:45:32.225 4299 10048 I chatty : uid=1000(system) biometrics.fp identical 2 lines
05-12 20:45:32.226 4299 10048 I BiometricServiceBase: onTaskStackChangedForFingerprint: Allow background auth,
05-12 20:45:32.226 10137 10137 D AOD_BRIGHTNESS@AlwaysOnDisplayEx: updateDozeBrightness: doze [2] last [[HLPM]_2NIT_ON] change to [[HLPM]_2NIT_ON]
05-12 20:45:32.226 10137 10137 I AOD_WAKELOCK@WakeLockManager: acquireIfExists: tag - AOD_DRAW, timeout - 100, reason - set Doze Brightness updateDozeBrightness, wakeLock = WakeLock{c1ae7d8 held=false, refCount=0}
05-12 20:45:32.239 10137 10137 D DisplayLifecycle: updateDisplay id = 0
05-12 20:45:32.244 10137 10137 D DisplayLifecycle: updateCacheVariables id = 0, display = Display id 0: DisplayInfo{"Built-in Screen, displayId 0", uniqueId "local:0", app 1080 x 2131, real 1080 x 2340, largest app 2131 x 2131, smallest app 1080 x 1017, mode 1, defaultMode 1, modes [{id=1, width=1080, height=2340, fps=60.000004}], colorMode 0, supportedColorModes [0], hdrCapabilities android.view.Display$HdrCapabilities@40f16308, rotation 0, density 420 (403.411 x 404.326) dpi, layerStack 0, appVsyncOff 1000000, presDeadline 16666666, type BUILT_IN, address {port=0}, state DOZE_SUSPEND, FLAG_SECURE, FLAG_SUPPORTS_PROTECTED_BUFFERS, removeMode 0}, DisplayMetrics{density=2.625, width=1080, height=2131, scaledDensity=2.625, xdpi=403.411, ydpi=404.326}, isValid=true, size = Point(1080, 2131), realSize = Point(1080, 2340)
05-12 20:45:32.245 3841 3885 D display : setPowerMode:: S3CFB_POWER_MODE mode(3), blank(-1)
05-12 20:45:32.245 3871 3871 D SurfaceFlinger: Finished setting power mode 3 on display 0
05-12 20:45:32.246 3871 3871 D SurfaceFlinger: Setting power mode 1 on display 0
05-12 20:45:32.247 3841 3885 E display : DOZE or Power off called twice, mPowerModeState : 3
05-12 20:45:32.247 3841 3885 D display : setPowerMode:: FBIOBLANK mode(1), blank(-1)
05-12 20:45:32.250 4299 5297 D MotionRecognitionService: [EARHOVER_MOTION] inject screen on / off : 0
05-12 20:45:32.250 4299 5297 D SensorService: [EARHOVER_LITE] : setMotionDataLocked
05-12 20:45:32.251 4299 5297 D SensorService: [EARHOVER_LITE] : INJECT_SCREEN_OFF
05-12 20:45:32.251 4299 10048 I BiometricServiceBase: onTaskStackChangedForFingerprint: Allow background auth,
05-12 20:45:32.251 4299 10048 I chatty : uid=1000(system) biometrics.fp identical 9 lines
05-12 20:45:32.251 4299 10048 I BiometricServiceBase: onTaskStackChangedForFingerprint: Allow background auth,
05-12 20:45:32.251 3841 3885 D display : setPowerMode:: S3CFB_POWER_MODE mode(1), blank(-1)
05-12 20:45:32.252 3871 3871 D SurfaceFlinger: Finished setting power mode 1 on display 0
05-12 20:45:32.271 10137 10137 D AOD_LIVE_CLOCK@LiveClockController: updateDisplayState: DISPLAY_STATE_DOZE
05-12 20:45:32.274 10137 10137 D DisplayLifecycle: updateDisplay id = 0
05-12 20:45:32.276 4299 12328 V WindowManager: Relayout Window{e90e744 u0 ScreenDecorOverlay}: viewVisibility=0 req=1079x151
05-12 20:45:32.279 10137 10137 D DisplayLifecycle: updateCacheVariables id = 0, display = Display id 0: DisplayInfo{"Built-in Screen, displayId 0", uniqueId "local:0", app 1080 x 2131, real 1080 x 2340, largest app 2131 x 2131, smallest app 1080 x 1017, mode 1, defaultMode 1, modes [{id=1, width=1080, height=2340, fps=60.000004}], colorMode 0, supportedColorModes [0], hdrCapabilities android.view.Display$HdrCapabilities@40f16308, rotation 0, density 420 (403.411 x 404.326) dpi, layerStack 0, appVsyncOff 1000000, presDeadline 16666666, type BUILT_IN, address {port=0}, state DOZE, FLAG_SECURE, FLAG_SUPPORTS_PROTECTED_BUFFERS, removeMode 0}, DisplayMetrics{density=2.625, width=1080, height=2131, scaledDensity=2.625, xdpi=403.411, ydpi=404.326}, isValid=true, size = Point(1080, 2131), realSize = Point(1080, 2340)
05-12 20:45:32.284 4299 12328 V WindowManager: Relayout 10137: mAttrs={(0,0)(fillxwrap) gr=TOP LEFT CENTER sim={adjust=pan} layoutInDisplayCutoutMode=always ty=NAVIGATION_BAR_PANEL fmt=TRANSLUCENT
05-12 20:45:32.284 4299 12328 V WindowManager: fl=20800128
05-12 20:45:32.284 4299 12328 V WindowManager: pfl=1100050
05-12 20:45:32.284 4299 12328 V WindowManager: vsysui=100 naviIconColor=0}
05-12 20:45:32.285 10137 10867 D ViewRootImpl@ed5b6a[ScreenDecorOverlay]: Relayout returned: old=(0,0,1080,151) new=(0,0,1080,151) req=(1079,151)0 dur=10 res=0x3 s={true 478310035456} ch=false
05-12 20:45:32.287 10137 10137 D AOD_LIVE_CLOCK@LiveClockController: updateDisplayState: DISPLAY_STATE_DOZE
05-12 20:45:32.294 4299 12328 V WindowManager: Relayout Window{9819af3 u0 ScreenDecorOverlayBottom}: viewVisibility=0 req=1079x151
05-12 20:45:32.301 4299 12328 V WindowManager: Relayout 10137: mAttrs={(0,0)(fillxwrap) gr=BOTTOM RIGHT CENTER sim={adjust=pan} layoutInDisplayCutoutMode=always ty=NAVIGATION_BAR_PANEL fmt=TRANSLUCENT
05-12 20:45:32.301 4299 12328 V WindowManager: fl=20800128
05-12 20:45:32.301 4299 12328 V WindowManager: pfl=1100050
05-12 20:45:32.301 4299 12328 V WindowManager: vsysui=100 naviIconColor=0}
05-12 20:45:32.303 10137 10867 D ViewRootImpl@2e58a0d[ScreenDecorOverlayBottom]: Relayout returned: old=(0,2189,1080,2340) new=(0,2189,1080,2340) req=(1079,151)0 dur=10 res=0x3 s={true 478310068224} ch=false
05-12 20:45:32.325 10137 10137 D AODUiController: onChargingLightSensorChanged lux : 2.0 appliedBrightness = 0 currentBrightness = 1
05-12 20:45:32.325 10137 10137 D AOD_BRIGHTNESS@BrightnessManager: mCurrentBrightness : HighNit[false], NitMode[[HLPM]_2NIT_ON], isForceState[0, ForceStateReason[{}, , mAppliedBrightness[0]
05-12 20:45:32.325 10137 10137 D AOD_BRIGHTNESS@AlwaysOnDisplayEx: updateDozeBrightness: doze [2] last [[HLPM]_2NIT_ON] change to [[HLPM]_2NIT_ON]
05-12 20:45:32.325 10137 10137 I AOD_WAKELOCK@WakeLockManager: acquireIfExists: tag - AOD_DRAW, timeout - 100, reason - set Doze Brightness updateDozeBrightness, wakeLock = WakeLock{c1ae7d8 held=true, refCount=1}
05-12 20:45:32.426 10137 10137 D AODUiController: onChargingLightSensorChanged lux : 2.0 appliedBrightness = 0 currentBrightness = 1
05-12 20:45:32.427 10137 10137 D AOD_BRIGHTNESS@BrightnessManager: mCurrentBrightness : HighNit[false], NitMode[[HLPM]_2NIT_ON], isForceState[0, ForceStateReason[{}, , mAppliedBrightness[0]
05-12 20:45:32.427 10137 10137 D AOD_BRIGHTNESS@AlwaysOnDisplayEx: updateDozeBrightness: doze [2] last [[HLPM]_2NIT_ON] change to [[HLPM]_2NIT_ON]
05-12 20:45:32.427 10137 10137 I AOD_WAKELOCK@WakeLockManager: acquireIfExists: tag - AOD_DRAW, timeout - 100, reason - set Doze Brightness updateDozeBrightness, wakeLock = WakeLock{c1ae7d8 held=true, refCount=1}
05-12 20:45:32.519 3951 10369 I GNSS_MEMS: TGT_MEMS SCSCMemsReportSensorDrops: dropped 0 events (spam) 1 events (rate limit) out of 51 total for sensor 0 since last report
05-12 20:45:32.538 3871 3871 D SurfaceFlinger: Setting power mode 3 on display 0
05-12 20:45:32.539 10137 10137 D AODUiController: onChargingLightSensorChanged lux : 2.0 appliedBrightness = 0 currentBrightness = 1
05-12 20:45:32.539 3841 3885 E display : DOZE or Power off called twice, mPowerModeState : 1
05-12 20:45:32.539 3841 3885 D display : setPowerMode:: FBIOBLANK mode(3), blank(-1)
05-12 20:45:32.539 10137 10137 D AOD_BRIGHTNESS@BrightnessManager: mCurrentBrightness : HighNit[false], NitMode[[HLPM]_2NIT_ON], isForceState[0, ForceStateReason[{}, , mAppliedBrightness[0]
05-12 20:45:32.540 10137 10137 D AOD_BRIGHTNESS@AlwaysOnDisplayEx: updateDozeBrightness: doze [2] last [[HLPM]_2NIT_ON] change to [[HLPM]_2NIT_ON]
05-12 20:45:32.541 10137 10137 I AOD_WAKELOCK@WakeLockManager: acquireIfExists: tag - AOD_DRAW, timeout - 100, reason - set Doze Brightness updateDozeBrightness, wakeLock = WakeLock{c1ae7d8 held=false, refCount=0}
05-12 20:45:32.546 3841 3885 D display : setPowerMode:: S3CFB_POWER_MODE mode(3), blank(-1)
05-12 20:45:32.547 3871 3871 D SurfaceFlinger: Finished setting power mode 3 on display 0
05-12 20:45:32.549 4299 5297 D MotionRecognitionService: [EARHOVER_MOTION] inject screen on / off : 0
05-12 20:45:32.549 4299 5297 D SensorService: [EARHOVER_LITE] : setMotionDataLocked
05-12 20:45:32.550 4299 5297 D SensorService: [EARHOVER_LITE] : INJECT_SCREEN_OFF
05-12 20:45:32.560 4299 10048 I BiometricServiceBase: onTaskStackChangedForFingerprint: Allow background auth,
05-12 20:45:32.562 4299 10048 I chatty : uid=1000(system) biometrics.fp identical 9 lines
05-12 20:45:32.562 4299 10048 I BiometricServiceBase: onTaskStackChangedForFingerprint: Allow background auth,
05-12 20:45:32.566 3871 3871 D SurfaceFlinger: Setting power mode 1 on display 0
05-12 20:45:32.567 3841 3885 E display : DOZE or Power off called twice, mPowerModeState : 3
05-12 20:45:32.567 3841 3885 D display : setPowerMode:: FBIOBLANK mode(1), blank(-1)
05-12 20:45:32.572 3841 3885 D display : setPowerMode:: S3CFB_POWER_MODE mode(1), blank(-1)
05-12 20:45:32.573 3871 3871 D SurfaceFlinger: Finished setting power mode 1 on display 0
05-12 20:45:32.574 10137 10137 D DisplayLifecycle: updateDisplay id = 0
05-12 20:45:32.581 10137 10137 D DisplayLifecycle: updateCacheVariables id = 0, display = Display id 0: DisplayInfo{"Built-in Screen, displayId 0", uniqueId "local:0", app 1080 x 2131, real 1080 x 2340, largest app 2131 x 2131, smallest app 1080 x 1017, mode 1, defaultMode 1, modes [{id=1, width=1080, height=2340, fps=60.000004}], colorMode 0, supportedColorModes [0], hdrCapabilities android.view.Display$HdrCapabilities@40f16308, rotation 0, density 420 (403.411 x 404.326) dpi, layerStack 0, appVsyncOff 1000000, presDeadline 16666666, type BUILT_IN, address {port=0}, state DOZE_SUSPEND, FLAG_SECURE, FLAG_SUPPORTS_PROTECTED_BUFFERS, removeMode 0}, DisplayMetrics{density=2.625, width=1080, height=2131, scaledDensity=2.625, xdpi=403.411, ydpi=404.326}, isValid=true, size = Point(1080, 2131), realSize = Point(1080, 2340)
05-12 20:45:32.593 4299 5297 D MotionRecognitionService: [EARHOVER_MOTION] inject screen on / off : 0
05-12 20:45:32.594 4299 5297 D SensorService: [EARHOVER_LITE] : setMotionDataLocked
05-12 20:45:32.594 4299 5297 D SensorService: [EARHOVER_LITE] : INJECT_SCREEN_OFF
05-12 20:45:32.596 4299 10048 I BiometricServiceBase: onTaskStackChangedForFingerprint: Allow background auth,
05-12 20:45:32.597 4299 10048 I chatty : uid=1000(system) biometrics.fp identical 9 lines
05-12 20:45:32.597 4299 10048 I BiometricServiceBase: onTaskStackChangedForFingerprint: Allow background auth,
05-12 20:45:32.610 10137 10137 D AOD_LIVE_CLOCK@LiveClockController: updateDisplayState: DISPLAY_STATE_DOZE
05-12 20:45:32.612 10137 10137 D DisplayLifecycle: updateDisplay id = 0
05-12 20:45:32.615 10137 10137 D DisplayLifecycle: updateCacheVariables id = 0, display = Display id 0: DisplayInfo{"Built-in Screen, displayId 0", uniqueId "local:0", app 1080 x 2131, real 1080 x 2340, largest app 2131 x 2131, smallest app 1080 x 1017, mode 1, defaultMode 1, modes [{id=1, width=1080, height=2340, fps=60.000004}], colorMode 0, supportedColorModes [0], hdrCapabilities android.view.Display$HdrCapabilities@40f16308, rotation 0, density 420 (403.411 x 404.326) dpi, layerStack 0, appVsyncOff 1000000, presDeadline 16666666, type BUILT_IN, address {port=0}, state DOZE, FLAG_SECURE, FLAG_SUPPORTS_PROTECTED_BUFFERS, removeMode 0}, DisplayMetrics{density=2.625, width=1080, height=2131, scaledDensity=2.625, xdpi=403.411, ydpi=404.326}, isValid=true, size = Point(1080, 2131), realSize = Point(1080, 2340)
05-12 20:45:32.629 4299 11692 V WindowManager: Relayout Window{e90e744 u0 ScreenDecorOverlay}: viewVisibility=0 req=1079x151
05-12 20:45:32.629 10137 10137 D AODUiController: onChargingLightSensorChanged lux : 2.0 appliedBrightness = 0 currentBrightness = 1
05-12 20:45:32.629 10137 10137 D AOD_BRIGHTNESS@BrightnessManager: mCurrentBrightness : HighNit[false], NitMode[[HLPM]_2NIT_ON], isForceState[0, ForceStateReason[{}, , mAppliedBrightness[0]
05-12 20:45:32.630 10137 10137 D AOD_BRIGHTNESS@AlwaysOnDisplayEx: updateDozeBrightness: doze [2] last [[HLPM]_2NIT_ON] change to [[HLPM]_2NIT_ON]
05-12 20:45:32.630 10137 10137 I AOD_WAKELOCK@WakeLockManager: acquireIfExists: tag - AOD_DRAW, timeout - 100, reason - set Doze Brightness updateDozeBrightness, wakeLock = WakeLock{c1ae7d8 held=true, refCount=1}
05-12 20:45:32.632 10137 10137 D AOD_LIVE_CLOCK@LiveClockController: updateDisplayState: DISPLAY_STATE_DOZE
05-12 20:45:32.639 4299 11692 V WindowManager: Relayout 10137: mAttrs={(0,0)(fillxwrap) gr=TOP LEFT CENTER sim={adjust=pan} layoutInDisplayCutoutMode=always ty=NAVIGATION_BAR_PANEL fmt=TRANSLUCENT
05-12 20:45:32.639 4299 11692 V WindowManager: fl=20800128
05-12 20:45:32.639 4299 11692 V WindowManager: pfl=1100050
05-12 20:45:32.639 4299 11692 V WindowManager: vsysui=100 naviIconColor=0}
05-12 20:45:32.641 10137 10867 D ViewRootImpl@ed5b6a[ScreenDecorOverlay]: Relayout returned: old=(0,0,1080,151) new=(0,0,1080,151) req=(1079,151)0 dur=13 res=0x3 s={true 478310035456} ch=false
05-12 20:45:32.649 4299 11692 V WindowManager: Relayout Window{9819af3 u0 ScreenDecorOverlayBottom}: viewVisibility=0 req=1079x151
05-12 20:45:32.657 4299 11692 V WindowManager: Relayout 10137: mAttrs={(0,0)(fillxwrap) gr=BOTTOM RIGHT CENTER sim={adjust=pan} layoutInDisplayCutoutMode=always ty=NAVIGATION_BAR_PANEL fmt=TRANSLUCENT
05-12 20:45:32.657 4299 11692 V WindowManager: fl=20800128
05-12 20:45:32.657 4299 11692 V WindowManager: pfl=1100050
05-12 20:45:32.657 4299 11692 V WindowManager: vsysui=100 naviIconColor=0}
05-12 20:45:32.659 10137 10867 D ViewRootImpl@2e58a0d[ScreenDecorOverlayBottom]: Relayout returned: old=(0,2189,1080,2340) new=(0,2189,1080,2340) req=(1079,151)0 dur=10 res=0x3 s={true 478310068224} ch=false
05-12 20:45:32.735 10137 10137 D AODUiController: onChargingLightSensorChanged lux : 1.0 appliedBrightness = 0 currentBrightness = 1
05-12 20:45:32.735 10137 10137 D AOD_BRIGHTNESS@BrightnessManager: mCurrentBrightness : HighNit[false], NitMode[[HLPM]_2NIT_ON], isForceState[0, ForceStateReason[{}, , mAppliedBrightness[0]
05-12 20:45:32.735 10137 10137 D AOD_BRIGHTNESS@AlwaysOnDisplayEx: updateDozeBrightness: doze [2] last [[HLPM]_2NIT_ON] change to [[HLPM]_2NIT_ON]
05-12 20:45:32.735 3871 3871 D SurfaceFlinger: Setting power mode 3 on display 0
05-12 20:45:32.736 10137 10137 I AOD_WAKELOCK@WakeLockManager: acquireIfExists: tag - AOD_DRAW, timeout - 100, reason - set Doze Brightness updateDozeBrightness, wakeLock = WakeLock{c1ae7d8 held=false, refCount=0}
05-12 20:45:32.736 3841 3885 E display : DOZE or Power off called twice, mPowerModeState : 1
05-12 20:45:32.736 3841 3885 D display : setPowerMode:: FBIOBLANK mode(3), blank(-1)
05-12 20:45:32.738 4299 5297 D MotionRecognitionService: [EARHOVER_MOTION] inject screen on / off : 0
05-12 20:45:32.739 4299 5297 D SensorService: [EARHOVER_LITE] : setMotionDataLocked
05-12 20:45:32.739 4299 5297 D SensorService: [EARHOVER_LITE] : INJECT_SCREEN_OFF
05-12 20:45:32.745 3841 3885 D display : setPowerMode:: S3CFB_POWER_MODE mode(3), blank(-1)
05-12 20:45:32.745 3871 3871 D SurfaceFlinger: Finished setting power mode 3 on display 0
05-12 20:45:32.747 4299 10048 I BiometricServiceBase: onTaskStackChangedForFingerprint: Allow background auth,
05-12 20:45:32.748 4299 10048 I chatty : uid=1000(system) biometrics.fp identical 9 lines
05-12 20:45:32.748 4299 10048 I BiometricServiceBase: onTaskStackChangedForFingerprint: Allow background auth,
05-12 20:45:32.757 3871 3871 D SurfaceFlinger: Setting power mode 1 on display 0
05-12 20:45:32.757 3841 3885 E display : DOZE or Power off called twice, mPowerModeState : 3
05-12 20:45:32.757 3841 3885 D display : setPowerMode:: FBIOBLANK mode(1), blank(-1)
05-12 20:45:32.758 10137 10137 D DisplayLifecycle: updateDisplay id = 0
05-12 20:45:32.762 3841 3885 D display : setPowerMode:: S3CFB_POWER_MODE mode(1), blank(-1)
05-12 20:45:32.762 3871 3871 D SurfaceFlinger: Finished setting power mode 1 on display 0
05-12 20:45:32.764 10137 10137 D DisplayLifecycle: updateCacheVariables id = 0, display = Display id 0: DisplayInfo{"Built-in Screen, displayId 0", uniqueId "local:0", app 1080 x 2131, real 1080 x 2340, largest app 2131 x 2131, smallest app 1080 x 1017, mode 1, defaultMode 1, modes [{id=1, width=1080, height=2340, fps=60.000004}], colorMode 0, supportedColorModes [0], hdrCapabilities android.view.Display$HdrCapabilities@40f16308, rotation 0, density 420 (403.411 x 404.326) dpi, layerStack 0, appVsyncOff 1000000, presDeadline 16666666, type BUILT_IN, address {port=0}, state DOZE, FLAG_SECURE, FLAG_SUPPORTS_PROTECTED_BUFFERS, removeMode 0}, DisplayMetrics{density=2.625, width=1080, height=2131, scaledDensity=2.625, xdpi=403.411, ydpi=404.326}, isValid=true, size = Point(1080, 2131), realSize = Point(1080, 2340)
05-12 20:45:32.769 4299 5297 D MotionRecognitionService: [EARHOVER_MOTION] inject screen on / off : 0
05-12 20:45:32.770 4299 5297 D SensorService: [EARHOVER_LITE] : setMotionDataLocked
05-12 20:45:32.770 4299 5297 D SensorService: [EARHOVER_LITE] : INJECT_SCREEN_OFF
05-12 20:45:32.773 4299 10048 I BiometricServiceBase: onTaskStackChangedForFingerprint: Allow background auth,
05-12 20:45:32.773 4299 10048 I chatty : uid=1000(system) biometrics.fp identical 8 lines
05-12 20:45:32.773 4299 10246 V WindowManager: Relayout Window{e90e744 u0 ScreenDecorOverlay}: viewVisibility=0 req=1079x151
05-12 20:45:32.773 4299 10048 I BiometricServiceBase: onTaskStackChangedForFingerprint: Allow background auth,
05-12 20:45:32.774 4299 10048 I BiometricServiceBase: onTaskStackChangedForFingerprint: Allow background auth,
05-12 20:45:32.780 4299 10246 V WindowManager: Relayout 10137: mAttrs={(0,0)(fillxwrap) gr=TOP LEFT CENTER sim={adjust=pan} layoutInDisplayCutoutMode=always ty=NAVIGATION_BAR_PANEL fmt=TRANSLUCENT
05-12 20:45:32.780 4299 10246 V WindowManager: fl=20800128
05-12 20:45:32.780 4299 10246 V WindowManager: pfl=1100050
05-12 20:45:32.780 4299 10246 V WindowManager: vsysui=100 naviIconColor=0}
05-12 20:45:32.783 10137 10867 D ViewRootImpl@ed5b6a[ScreenDecorOverlay]: Relayout returned: old=(0,0,1080,151) new=(0,0,1080,151) req=(1079,151)0 dur=12 res=0x3 s={true 478310035456} ch=false
05-12 20:45:32.785 10137 10137 D AOD_LIVE_CLOCK@LiveClockController: updateDisplayState: DISPLAY_STATE_DOZE
05-12 20:45:32.786 10137 10137 D DisplayLifecycle: updateDisplay id = 0
05-12 20:45:32.791 10137 10137 D DisplayLifecycle: updateCacheVariables id = 0, display = Display id 0: DisplayInfo{"Built-in Screen, displayId 0", uniqueId "local:0", app 1080 x 2131, real 1080 x 2340, largest app 2131 x 2131, smallest app 1080 x 1017, mode 1, defaultMode 1, modes [{id=1, width=1080, height=2340, fps=60.000004}], colorMode 0, supportedColorModes [0], hdrCapabilities android.view.Display$HdrCapabilities@40f16308, rotation 0, density 420 (403.411 x 404.326) dpi, layerStack 0, appVsyncOff 1000000, presDeadline 16666666, type BUILT_IN, address {port=0}, state DOZE, FLAG_SECURE, FLAG_SUPPORTS_PROTECTED_BUFFERS, removeMode 0}, DisplayMetrics{density=2.625, width=1080, height=2131, scaledDensity=2.625, xdpi=403.411, ydpi=404.326}, isValid=true, size = Point(1080, 2131), realSize = Point(1080, 2340)
05-12 20:45:32.794 4299 12328 V WindowManager: Relayout Window{9819af3 u0 ScreenDecorOverlayBottom}: viewVisibility=0 req=1079x151
05-12 20:45:32.801 10137 10137 D AOD_LIVE_CLOCK@LiveClockController: updateDisplayState: DISPLAY_STATE_DOZE
05-12 20:45:32.805 4299 12328 V WindowManager: Relayout 10137: mAttrs={(0,0)(fillxwrap) gr=BOTTOM RIGHT CENTER sim={adjust=pan} layoutInDisplayCutoutMode=always ty=NAVIGATION_BAR_PANEL fmt=TRANSLUCENT
05-12 20:45:32.805 4299 12328 V WindowManager: fl=20800128
05-12 20:45:32.805 4299 12328 V WindowManager: pfl=1100050
05-12 20:45:32.805 4299 12328 V WindowManager: vsysui=100 naviIconColor=0}
05-12 20:45:32.807 10137 10867 D ViewRootImpl@2e58a0d[ScreenDecorOverlayBottom]: Relayout returned: old=(0,2189,1080,2340) new=(0,2189,1080,2340) req=(1079,151)0 dur=13 res=0x3 s={true 478310068224} ch=false
05-12 20:45:32.836 4299 12328 V WindowManager: Relayout Window{e90e744 u0 ScreenDecorOverlay}: viewVisibility=0 req=1079x151
05-12 20:45:32.841 3844 3872 I Sensors : [AMS] lux : 1, brightness: 1
05-12 20:45:32.841 10137 10137 D AODUiController: onChargingLightSensorChanged lux : 1.0 appliedBrightness = 0 currentBrightness = 1
05-12 20:45:32.841 10137 10137 D AOD_BRIGHTNESS@BrightnessManager: mCurrentBrightness : HighNit[false], NitMode[[HLPM]_2NIT_ON], isForceState[0, ForceStateReason[{}, , mAppliedBrightness[0]
05-12 20:45:32.842 10137 10137 D AOD_BRIGHTNESS@AlwaysOnDisplayEx: updateDozeBrightness: doze [2] last [[HLPM]_2NIT_ON] change to [[HLPM]_2NIT_ON]
05-12 20:45:32.842 10137 10137 I AOD_WAKELOCK@WakeLockManager: acquireIfExists: tag - AOD_DRAW, timeout - 100, reason - set Doze Brightness updateDozeBrightness, wakeLock = WakeLock{c1ae7d8 held=true, refCount=1}
05-12 20:45:32.843 4299 12328 V WindowManager: Relayout 10137: mAttrs={(0,0)(fillxwrap) gr=TOP LEFT CENTER sim={adjust=pan} layoutInDisplayCutoutMode=always ty=NAVIGATION_BAR_PANEL fmt=TRANSLUCENT
05-12 20:45:32.843 4299 12328 V WindowManager: fl=20800128
05-12 20:45:32.843 4299 12328 V WindowManager: pfl=1100050
05-12 20:45:32.843 4299 12328 V WindowManager: vsysui=100 naviIconColor=0}
05-12 20:45:32.845 10137 10867 D ViewRootImpl@ed5b6a[ScreenDecorOverlay]: Relayout returned: old=(0,0,1080,151) new=(0,0,1080,151) req=(1079,151)0 dur=12 res=0x3 s={true 478310035456} ch=false
05-12 20:45:32.852 4299 12328 V WindowManager: Relayout Window{9819af3 u0 ScreenDecorOverlayBottom}: viewVisibility=0 req=1079x151
05-12 20:45:32.859 4299 12328 V WindowManager: Relayout 10137: mAttrs={(0,0)(fillxwrap) gr=BOTTOM RIGHT CENTER sim={adjust=pan} layoutInDisplayCutoutMode=always ty=NAVIGATION_BAR_PANEL fmt=TRANSLUCENT
05-12 20:45:32.859 4299 12328 V WindowManager: fl=20800128
05-12 20:45:32.859 4299 12328 V WindowManager: pfl=1100050
05-12 20:45:32.859 4299 12328 V WindowManager: vsysui=100 naviIconColor=0}
05-12 20:45:32.862 10137 10867 D ViewRootImpl@2e58a0d[ScreenDecorOverlayBottom]: Relayout returned: old=(0,2189,1080,2340) new=(0,2189,1080,2340) req=(1079,151)0 dur=10 res=0x3 s={true 478310068224} ch=false
05-12 20:45:32.946 3871 3871 D SurfaceFlinger: Setting power mode 3 on display 0
05-12 20:45:32.947 3841 3885 E display : DOZE or Power off called twice, mPowerModeState : 1
05-12 20:45:32.947 3841 3885 D display : setPowerMode:: FBIOBLANK mode(3), blank(-1)
05-12 20:45:32.947 10137 10137 D AODUiController: onChargingLightSensorChanged lux : 1.0 appliedBrightness = 0 currentBrightness = 1
05-12 20:45:32.947 10137 10137 D AOD_BRIGHTNESS@BrightnessManager: mCurrentBrightness : HighNit[false], NitMode[[HLPM]_2NIT_ON], isForceState[0, ForceStateReason[{}, , mAppliedBrightness[0]
05-12 20:45:32.948 10137 10137 D AOD_BRIGHTNESS@AlwaysOnDisplayEx: updateDozeBrightness: doze [2] last [[HLPM]_2NIT_ON] change to [[HLPM]_2NIT_ON]
05-12 20:45:32.948 10137 10137 I AOD_WAKELOCK@WakeLockManager: acquireIfExists: tag - AOD_DRAW, timeout - 100, reason - set Doze Brightness updateDozeBrightness, wakeLock = WakeLock{c1ae7d8 held=false, refCount=0}
05-12 20:45:32.951 3841 3885 D display : setPowerMode:: S3CFB_POWER_MODE mode(3), blank(-1)
05-12 20:45:32.951 3871 3871 D SurfaceFlinger: Finished setting power mode 3 on display 0
05-12 20:45:32.956 4299 5297 D MotionRecognitionService: [EARHOVER_MOTION] inject screen on / off : 0
05-12 20:45:32.957 4299 5297 D SensorService: [EARHOVER_LITE] : setMotionDataLocked
05-12 20:45:32.957 4299 5297 D SensorService: [EARHOVER_LITE] : INJECT_SCREEN_OFF
05-12 20:45:32.961 4299 10048 I BiometricServiceBase: onTaskStackChangedForFingerprint: Allow background auth,
05-12 20:45:32.965 4299 10048 I chatty : uid=1000(system) biometrics.fp identical 9 lines
05-12 20:45:32.965 4299 10048 I BiometricServiceBase: onTaskStackChangedForFingerprint: Allow background auth,
05-12 20:45:32.967 10137 10137 D DisplayLifecycle: updateDisplay id = 0
05-12 20:45:32.967 3871 3871 D SurfaceFlinger: Setting power mode 1 on display 0
05-12 20:45:32.968 3841 3885 E display : DOZE or Power off called twice, mPowerModeState : 3
05-12 20:45:32.968 3841 3885 D display : setPowerMode:: FBIOBLANK mode(1), blank(-1)
05-12 20:45:32.972 3841 3885 D display : setPowerMode:: S3CFB_POWER_MODE mode(1), blank(-1)
05-12 20:45:32.973 3871 3871 D SurfaceFlinger: Finished setting power mode 1 on display 0
05-12 20:45:32.978 10137 10137 D DisplayLifecycle: updateCacheVariables id = 0, display = Display id 0: DisplayInfo{"Built-in Screen, displayId 0", uniqueId "local:0", app 1080 x 2131, real 1080 x 2340, largest app 2131 x 2131, smallest app 1080 x 1017, mode 1, defaultMode 1, modes [{id=1, width=1080, height=2340, fps=60.000004}], colorMode 0, supportedColorModes [0], hdrCapabilities android.view.Display$HdrCapabilities@40f16308, rotation 0, density 420 (403.411 x 404.326) dpi, layerStack 0, appVsyncOff 1000000, presDeadline 16666666, type BUILT_IN, address {port=0}, state DOZE_SUSPEND, FLAG_SECURE, FLAG_SUPPORTS_PROTECTED_BUFFERS, removeMode 0}, DisplayMetrics{density=2.625, width=1080, height=2131, scaledDensity=2.625, xdpi=403.411, ydpi=404.326}, isValid=true, size = Point(1080, 2131), realSize = Point(1080, 2340)
05-12 20:45:32.991 4299 5297 D MotionRecognitionService: [EARHOVER_MOTION] inject screen on / off : 0
05-12 20:45:32.991 4299 5297 D SensorService: [EARHOVER_LITE] : setMotionDataLocked
05-12 20:45:32.991 4299 5297 D SensorService: [EARHOVER_LITE] : INJECT_SCREEN_OFF
05-12 20:45:32.992 4299 10048 I BiometricServiceBase: onTaskStackChangedForFingerprint: Allow background auth,
05-12 20:45:32.993 4299 10048 I chatty : uid=1000(system) biometrics.fp identical 9 lines
05-12 20:45:32.993 4299 10048 I BiometricServiceBase: onTaskStackChangedForFingerprint: Allow background auth,
05-12 20:45:33.010 10137 10137 D AOD_LIVE_CLOCK@LiveClockController: updateDisplayState: DISPLAY_STATE_DOZE
05-12 20:45:33.013 10137 10137 D DisplayLifecycle: updateDisplay id = 0
05-12 20:45:33.015 3970 10055 D bauth_FPBAuthService: pcf : 0x1012, 0 ,1 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,0,
05-12 20:45:33.015 3970 10055 D bauth_FPBAuthService: thread id : 1, preenroll_flag : 0, nd cnt : 0, cso : 0, et : 0
05-12 20:45:33.015 3970 10055 D bauth_FPBAuthService: FPBAuthService, 10983
05-12 20:45:33.021 4299 11692 V WindowManager: Relayout Window{e90e744 u0 ScreenDecorOverlay}: viewVisibility=0 req=1079x151
05-12 20:45:33.021 10137 10137 D DisplayLifecycle: updateCacheVariables id = 0, display = Display id 0: DisplayInfo{"Built-in Screen, displayId 0", uniqueId "local:0", app 1080 x 2131, real 1080 x 2340, largest app 2131 x 2131, smallest app 1080 x 1017, mode 1, defaultMode 1, modes [{id=1, width=1080, height=2340, fps=60.000004}], colorMode 0, supportedColorModes [0], hdrCapabilities android.view.Display$HdrCapabilities@40f16308, rotation 0, density 420 (403.411 x 404.326) dpi, layerStack 0, appVsyncOff 1000000, presDeadline 16666666, type BUILT_IN, address {port=0}, state DOZE, FLAG_SECURE, FLAG_SUPPORTS_PROTECTED_BUFFERS, removeMode 0}, DisplayMetrics{density=2.625, width=1080, height=2131, scaledDensity=2.625, xdpi=403.411, ydpi=404.326}, isValid=true, size = Point(1080, 2131), realSize = Point(1080, 2340)
05-12 20:45:33.029 4299 11692 V WindowManager: Relayout 10137: mAttrs={(0,0)(fillxwrap) gr=TOP LEFT CENTER sim={adjust=pan} layoutInDisplayCutoutMode=always ty=NAVIGATION_BAR_PANEL fmt=TRANSLUCENT
05-12 20:45:33.029 4299 11692 V WindowManager: fl=20800128
05-12 20:45:33.029 4299 11692 V WindowManager: pfl=1100050
05-12 20:45:33.029 4299 11692 V WindowManager: vsysui=100 naviIconColor=0}
05-12 20:45:33.031 10137 10867 D ViewRootImpl@ed5b6a[ScreenDecorOverlay]: Relayout returned: old=(0,0,1080,151) new=(0,0,1080,151) req=(1079,151)0 dur=11 res=0x3 s={true 478310035456} ch=false
05-12 20:45:33.033 10137 10137 D AOD_LIVE_CLOCK@LiveClockController: updateDisplayState: DISPLAY_STATE_DOZE
05-12 20:45:33.041 4299 10404 V WindowManager: Relayout Window{9819af3 u0 ScreenDecorOverlayBottom}: viewVisibility=0 req=1079x151
05-12 20:45:33.047 4299 10404 V WindowManager: Relayout 10137: mAttrs={(0,0)(fillxwrap) gr=BOTTOM RIGHT CENTER sim={adjust=pan} layoutInDisplayCutoutMode=always ty=NAVIGATION_BAR_PANEL fmt=TRANSLUCENT
05-12 20:45:33.047 4299 10404 V WindowManager: fl=20800128
05-12 20:45:33.047 4299 10404 V WindowManager: pfl=1100050
05-12 20:45:33.047 4299 10404 V WindowManager: vsysui=100 naviIconColor=0}
05-12 20:45:33.049 10137 10137 D AODUiController: onChargingLightSensorChanged lux : 1.0 appliedBrightness = 0 currentBrightness = 1
05-12 20:45:33.049 10137 10137 D AOD_BRIGHTNESS@BrightnessManager: mCurrentBrightness : HighNit[false], NitMode[[HLPM]_2NIT_ON], isForceState[0, ForceStateReason[{}, , mAppliedBrightness[0]
05-12 20:45:33.049 10137 10137 D AOD_BRIGHTNESS@AlwaysOnDisplayEx: updateDozeBrightness: doze [2] last [[HLPM]_2NIT_ON] change to [[HLPM]_2NIT_ON]
05-12 20:45:33.049 10137 10867 D ViewRootImpl@2e58a0d[ScreenDecorOverlayBottom]: Relayout returned: old=(0,2189,1080,2340) new=(0,2189,1080,2340) req=(1079,151)0 dur=9 res=0x3 s={true 478310068224} ch=false
05-12 20:45:33.049 10137 10137 I AOD_WAKELOCK@WakeLockManager: acquireIfExists: tag - AOD_DRAW, timeout - 100, reason - set Doze Brightness updateDozeBrightness, wakeLock = WakeLock{c1ae7d8 held=true, refCount=1}
05-12 20:45:33.163 10137 10137 D AODUiController: onChargingLightSensorChanged lux : 1.0 appliedBrightness = 0 currentBrightness = 1
05-12 20:45:33.163 10137 10137 D AOD_BRIGHTNESS@BrightnessManager: mCurrentBrightness : HighNit[false], NitMode[[HLPM]_2NIT_ON], isForceState[0, ForceStateReason[{}, , mAppliedBrightness[0]
05-12 20:45:33.163 10137 10137 D AOD_BRIGHTNESS@AlwaysOnDisplayEx: updateDozeBrightness: doze [2] last [[HLPM]_2NIT_ON] change to [[HLPM]_2NIT_ON]
05-12 20:45:33.163 10137 10137 I AOD_WAKELOCK@WakeLockManager: acquireIfExists: tag - AOD_DRAW, timeout - 100, reason - set Doze Brightness updateDozeBrightness, wakeLock = WakeLock{c1ae7d8 held=false, refCount=0}
05-12 20:45:33.170 4299 10048 I BiometricServiceBase: onTaskStackChangedForFingerprint: Allow background auth,
05-12 20:45:33.171 3871 3871 D SurfaceFlinger: Setting power mode 3 on display 0
05-12 20:45:33.171 3841 3885 E display : DOZE or Power off called twice, mPowerModeState : 1
05-12 20:45:33.171 3841 3885 D display : setPowerMode:: FBIOBLANK mode(3), blank(-1)
05-12 20:45:33.173 4299 5297 D MotionRecognitionService: [EARHOVER_MOTION] inject screen on / off : 0
05-12 20:45:33.175 3841 3885 D display : setPowerMode:: S3CFB_POWER_MODE mode(3), blank(-1)
05-12 20:45:33.175 3871 3871 D SurfaceFlinger: Finished setting power mode 3 on display 0
05-12 20:45:33.175 4299 5297 D SensorService: [EARHOVER_LITE] : setMotionDataLocked
05-12 20:45:33.175 4299 5297 D SensorService: [EARHOVER_LITE] : INJECT_SCREEN_OFF
05-12 20:45:33.176 4299 10048 I BiometricServiceBase: onTaskStackChangedForFingerprint: Allow background auth,
05-12 20:45:33.177 4299 10048 I chatty : uid=1000(system) biometrics.fp identical 8 lines
05-12 20:45:33.177 4299 10048 I BiometricServiceBase: onTaskStackChangedForFingerprint: Allow background auth,
05-12 20:45:33.205 4299 11692 V WindowManager: Relayout Window{e90e744 u0 ScreenDecorOverlay}: viewVisibility=0 req=1079x151
05-12 20:45:33.209 3871 3871 D SurfaceFlinger: Setting power mode 1 on display 0
05-12 20:45:33.209 3841 9377 E display : DOZE or Power off called twice, mPowerModeState : 3
05-12 20:45:33.209 3841 9377 D display : setPowerMode:: FBIOBLANK mode(1), blank(-1)
05-12 20:45:33.212 4299 11692 V WindowManager: Relayout 10137: mAttrs={(0,0)(fillxwrap) gr=TOP LEFT CENTER sim={adjust=pan} layoutInDisplayCutoutMode=always ty=NAVIGATION_BAR_PANEL fmt=TRANSLUCENT
05-12 20:45:33.212 4299 11692 V WindowManager: fl=20800128
05-12 20:45:33.212 4299 11692 V WindowManager: pfl=1100050
05-12 20:45:33.212 4299 11692 V WindowManager: vsysui=100 naviIconColor=0}
05-12 20:45:33.213 10137 10137 D DisplayLifecycle: updateDisplay id = 0
05-12 20:45:33.214 3841 9377 D display : setPowerMode:: S3CFB_POWER_MODE mode(1), blank(-1)
05-12 20:45:33.214 3871 3871 D SurfaceFlinger: Finished setting power mode 1 on display 0
05-12 20:45:33.214 4299 5297 D MotionRecognitionService: [EARHOVER_MOTION] inject screen on / off : 0
05-12 20:45:33.215 4299 5297 D SensorService: [EARHOVER_LITE] : setMotionDataLocked
05-12 20:45:33.215 4299 5297 D SensorService: [EARHOVER_LITE] : INJECT_SCREEN_OFF
05-12 20:45:33.216 4299 10048 I BiometricServiceBase: onTaskStackChangedForFingerprint: Allow background auth,
05-12 20:45:33.217 4299 10048 I chatty : uid=1000(system) biometrics.fp identical 9 lines
05-12 20:45:33.217 4299 10048 I BiometricServiceBase: onTaskStackChangedForFingerprint: Allow background auth,
05-12 20:45:33.220 10137 10867 D ViewRootImpl@ed5b6a[ScreenDecorOverlay]: Relayout returned: old=(0,0,1080,151) new=(0,0,1080,151) req=(1079,151)0 dur=16 res=0x3 s={true 478310035456} ch=false
05-12 20:45:33.227 10137 10137 D DisplayLifecycle: updateCacheVariables id = 0, display = Display id 0: DisplayInfo{"Built-in Screen, displayId 0", uniqueId "local:0", app 1080 x 2131, real 1080 x 2340, largest app 2131 x 2131, smallest app 1080 x 1017, mode 1, defaultMode 1, modes [{id=1, width=1080, height=2340, fps=60.000004}], colorMode 0, supportedColorModes [0], hdrCapabilities android.view.Display$HdrCapabilities@40f16308, rotation 0, density 420 (403.411 x 404.326) dpi, layerStack 0, appVsyncOff 1000000, presDeadline 16666666, type BUILT_IN, address {port=0}, state DOZE, FLAG_SECURE, FLAG_SUPPORTS_PROTECTED_BUFFERS, removeMode 0}, DisplayMetrics{density=2.625, width=1080, height=2131, scaledDensity=2.625, xdpi=403.411, ydpi=404.326}, isValid=true, size = Point(1080, 2131), realSize = Point(1080, 2340)
05-12 20:45:33.237 4299 11692 V WindowManager: Relayout Window{9819af3 u0 ScreenDecorOverlayBottom}: viewVisibility=0 req=1079x151
05-12 20:45:33.243 10137 10137 D AOD_LIVE_CLOCK@LiveClockController: updateDisplayState: DISPLAY_STATE_DOZE
05-12 20:45:33.244 4299 11692 V WindowManager: Relayout 10137: mAttrs={(0,0)(fillxwrap) gr=BOTTOM RIGHT CENTER sim={adjust=pan} layoutInDisplayCutoutMode=always ty=NAVIGATION_BAR_PANEL fmt=TRANSLUCENT
05-12 20:45:33.244 4299 11692 V WindowManager: fl=20800128
05-12 20:45:33.244 4299 11692 V WindowManager: pfl=1100050
05-12 20:45:33.244 4299 11692 V WindowManager: vsysui=100 naviIconColor=0}
05-12 20:45:33.244 10137 10137 D DisplayLifecycle: updateDisplay id = 0
05-12 20:45:33.245 10137 10867 D ViewRootImpl@2e58a0d[ScreenDecorOverlayBottom]: Relayout returned: old=(0,2189,1080,2340) new=(0,2189,1080,2340) req=(1079,151)0 dur=10 res=0x3 s={true 478310068224} ch=false
05-12 20:45:33.248 10137 10137 D DisplayLifecycle: updateCacheVariables id = 0, display = Display id 0: DisplayInfo{"Built-in Screen, displayId 0", uniqueId "local:0", app 1080 x 2131, real 1080 x 2340, largest app 2131 x 2131, smallest app 1080 x 1017, mode 1, defaultMode 1, modes [{id=1, width=1080, height=2340, fps=60.000004}], colorMode 0, supportedColorModes [0], hdrCapabilities android.view.Display$HdrCapabilities@40f16308, rotation 0, density 420 (403.411 x 404.326) dpi, layerStack 0, appVsyncOff 1000000, presDeadline 16666666, type BUILT_IN, address {port=0}, state DOZE, FLAG_SECURE, FLAG_SUPPORTS_PROTECTED_BUFFERS, removeMode 0}, DisplayMetrics{density=2.625, width=1080, height=2131, scaledDensity=2.625, xdpi=403.411, ydpi=404.326}, isValid=true, size = Point(1080, 2131), realSize = Point(1080, 2340)
05-12 20:45:33.259 10137 10137 D AODUiController: onChargingLightSensorChanged lux : 2.0 appliedBrightness = 0 currentBrightness = 1
05-12 20:45:33.259 10137 10137 D AOD_BRIGHTNESS@BrightnessManager: mCurrentBrightness : HighNit[false], NitMode[[HLPM]_2NIT_ON], isForceState[0, ForceStateReason[{}, , mAppliedBrightness[0]
05-12 20:45:33.260 10137 10137 D AOD_BRIGHTNESS@AlwaysOnDisplayEx: updateDozeBrightness: doze [2] last [[HLPM]_2NIT_ON] change to [[HLPM]_2NIT_ON]
05-12 20:45:33.260 10137 10137 I AOD_WAKELOCK@WakeLockManager: acquireIfExists: tag - AOD_DRAW, timeout - 100, reason - set Doze Brightness updateDozeBrightness, wakeLock = WakeLock{c1ae7d8 held=true, refCount=1}
05-12 20:45:33.262 10137 10137 D AOD_LIVE_CLOCK@LiveClockController: updateDisplayState: DISPLAY_STATE_DOZE
05-12 20:45:33.270 4299 11692 V WindowManager: Relayout Window{e90e744 u0 ScreenDecorOverlay}: viewVisibility=0 req=1079x151
05-12 20:45:33.276 4299 11692 V WindowManager: Relayout 10137: mAttrs={(0,0)(fillxwrap) gr=TOP LEFT CENTER sim={adjust=pan} layoutInDisplayCutoutMode=always ty=NAVIGATION_BAR_PANEL fmt=TRANSLUCENT
05-12 20:45:33.276 4299 11692 V WindowManager: fl=20800128
05-12 20:45:33.276 4299 11692 V WindowManager: pfl=1100050
05-12 20:45:33.276 4299 11692 V WindowManager: vsysui=100 naviIconColor=0}
05-12 20:45:33.278 10137 10867 D ViewRootImpl@ed5b6a[ScreenDecorOverlay]: Relayout returned: old=(0,0,1080,151) new=(0,0,1080,151) req=(1079,151)0 dur=9 res=0x3 s={true 478310035456} ch=false
05-12 20:45:33.284 4299 11692 V WindowManager: Relayout Window{9819af3 u0 ScreenDecorOverlayBottom}: viewVisibility=0 req=1079x151
05-12 20:45:33.291 4299 11692 V WindowManager: Relayout 10137: mAttrs={(0,0)(fillxwrap) gr=BOTTOM RIGHT CENTER sim={adjust=pan} layoutInDisplayCutoutMode=always ty=NAVIGATION_BAR_PANEL fmt=TRANSLUCENT
05-12 20:45:33.291 4299 11692 V WindowManager: fl=20800128
05-12 20:45:33.291 4299 11692 V WindowManager: pfl=1100050
05-12 20:45:33.291 4299 11692 V WindowManager: vsysui=100 naviIconColor=0}
05-12 20:45:33.293 10137 10867 D ViewRootImpl@2e58a0d[ScreenDecorOverlayBottom]: Relayout returned: old=(0,2189,1080,2340) new=(0,2189,1080,2340) req=(1079,151)0 dur=9 res=0x3 s={true 478310068224} ch=false
05-12 20:45:33.359 10137 10137 D AODUiController: onChargingLightSensorChanged lux : 1.0 appliedBrightness = 0 currentBrightness = 1
05-12 20:45:33.359 10137 10137 D AOD_BRIGHTNESS@BrightnessManager: mCurrentBrightness : HighNit[false], NitMode[[HLPM]_2NIT_ON], isForceState[0, ForceStateReason[{}, , mAppliedBrightness[0]
05-12 20:45:33.359 10137 10137 D AOD_BRIGHTNESS@AlwaysOnDisplayEx: updateDozeBrightness: doze [2] last [[HLPM]_2NIT_ON] change to [[HLPM]_2NIT_ON]
05-12 20:45:33.359 10137 10137 I AOD_WAKELOCK@WakeLockManager: acquireIfExists: tag - AOD_DRAW, timeout - 100, reason - set Doze Brightness updateDozeBrightness, wakeLock = WakeLock{c1ae7d8 held=true, refCount=1}
05-12 20:45:33.469 10137 10137 D AODUiController: onChargingLightSensorChanged lux : 2.0 appliedBrightness = 0 currentBrightness = 1
05-12 20:45:33.469 10137 10137 D AOD_BRIGHTNESS@BrightnessManager: mCurrentBrightness : HighNit[false], NitMode[[HLPM]_2NIT_ON], isForceState[0, ForceStateReason[{}, , mAppliedBrightness[0]
05-12 20:45:33.470 10137 10137 D AOD_BRIGHTNESS@AlwaysOnDisplayEx: updateDozeBrightness: doze [2] last [[HLPM]_2NIT_ON] change to [[HLPM]_2NIT_ON]
05-12 20:45:33.470 10137 10137 I AOD_WAKELOCK@WakeLockManager: acquireIfExists: tag - AOD_DRAW, timeout - 100, reason - set Doze Brightness updateDozeBrightness, wakeLock = WakeLock{c1ae7d8 held=false, refCount=0}
05-12 20:45:33.475 3871 3871 D SurfaceFlinger: Setting power mode 3 on display 0
05-12 20:45:33.475 3841 9377 E display : DOZE or Power off called twice, mPowerModeState : 1
05-12 20:45:33.475 3841 9377 D display : setPowerMode:: FBIOBLANK mode(3), blank(-1)
05-12 20:45:33.478 3841 9377 D display : setPowerMode:: S3CFB_POWER_MODE mode(3), blank(-1)
05-12 20:45:33.479 3871 3871 D SurfaceFlinger: Finished setting power mode 3 on display 0
05-12 20:45:33.482 4299 10048 I BiometricServiceBase: onTaskStackChangedForFingerprint: Allow background auth,
05-12 20:45:33.484 4299 10048 I chatty : uid=1000(system) biometrics.fp identical 9 lines
05-12 20:45:33.484 4299 10048 I BiometricServiceBase: onTaskStackChangedForFingerprint: Allow background auth,
05-12 20:45:33.486 4299 5297 D MotionRecognitionService: [EARHOVER_MOTION] inject screen on / off : 0
05-12 20:45:33.487 4299 5297 D SensorService: [EARHOVER_LITE] : setMotionDataLocked
05-12 20:45:33.487 4299 5297 D SensorService: [EARHOVER_LITE] : INJECT_SCREEN_OFF
05-12 20:45:33.503 3871 3871 D SurfaceFlinger: Setting power mode 1 on display 0
05-12 20:45:33.503 3841 3885 E display : DOZE or Power off called twice, mPowerModeState : 3
05-12 20:45:33.503 3841 3885 D display : setPowerMode:: FBIOBLANK mode(1), blank(-1)
05-12 20:45:33.508 3841 3885 D display : setPowerMode:: S3CFB_POWER_MODE mode(1), blank(-1)
05-12 20:45:33.508 3871 3871 D SurfaceFlinger: Finished setting power mode 1 on display 0
05-12 20:45:33.513 10137 10137 D DisplayLifecycle: updateDisplay id = 0
05-12 20:45:33.517 4299 5297 D MotionRecognitionService: [EARHOVER_MOTION] inject screen on / off : 0
05-12 20:45:33.518 4299 5297 D SensorService: [EARHOVER_LITE] : setMotionDataLocked
05-12 20:45:33.518 4299 5297 D SensorService: [EARHOVER_LITE] : INJECT_SCREEN_OFF
05-12 20:45:33.520 4299 10048 I BiometricServiceBase: onTaskStackChangedForFingerprint: Allow background auth,
05-12 20:45:33.521 4299 10048 I chatty : uid=1000(system) biometrics.fp identical 9 lines
05-12 20:45:33.521 4299 10048 I BiometricServiceBase: onTaskStackChangedForFingerprint: Allow background auth,
05-12 20:45:33.523 3951 10369 I GNSS_MEMS: TGT_MEMS SCSCMemsReportSensorDrops: dropped 0 events (spam) 3 events (rate limit) out of 51 total for sensor 0 since last report
05-12 20:45:33.527 10137 10137 D DisplayLifecycle: updateCacheVariables id = 0, display = Display id 0: DisplayInfo{"Built-in Screen, displayId 0", uniqueId "local:0", app 1080 x 2131, real 1080 x 2340, largest app 2131 x 2131, smallest app 1080 x 1017, mode 1, defaultMode 1, modes [{id=1, width=1080, height=2340, fps=60.000004}], colorMode 0, supportedColorModes [0], hdrCapabilities android.view.Display$HdrCapabilities@40f16308, rotation 0, density 420 (403.411 x 404.326) dpi, layerStack 0, appVsyncOff 1000000, presDeadline 16666666, type BUILT_IN, address {port=0}, state DOZE, FLAG_SECURE, FLAG_SUPPORTS_PROTECTED_BUFFERS, removeMode 0}, DisplayMetrics{density=2.625, width=1080, height=2131, scaledDensity=2.625, xdpi=403.411, ydpi=404.326}, isValid=true, size = Point(1080, 2131), realSize = Point(1080, 2340)
05-12 20:45:33.545 10137 10137 D AOD_LIVE_CLOCK@LiveClockController: updateDisplayState: DISPLAY_STATE_DOZE
05-12 20:45:33.547 10137 10137 D DisplayLifecycle: updateDisplay id = 0
05-12 20:45:33.552 10137 10137 D DisplayLifecycle: updateCacheVariables id = 0, display = Display id 0: DisplayInfo{"Built-in Screen, displayId 0", uniqueId "local:0", app 1080 x 2131, real 1080 x 2340, largest app 2131 x 2131, smallest app 1080 x 1017, mode 1, defaultMode 1, modes [{id=1, width=1080, height=2340, fps=60.000004}], colorMode 0, supportedColorModes [0], hdrCapabilities android.view.Display$HdrCapabilities@40f16308, rotation 0, density 420 (403.411 x 404.326) dpi, layerStack 0, appVsyncOff 1000000, presDeadline 16666666, type BUILT_IN, address {port=0}, state DOZE, FLAG_SECURE, FLAG_SUPPORTS_PROTECTED_BUFFERS, removeMode 0}, DisplayMetrics{density=2.625, width=1080, height=2131, scaledDensity=2.625, xdpi=403.411, ydpi=404.326}, isValid=true, size = Point(1080, 2131), realSize = Point(1080, 2340)
05-12 20:45:33.552 4299 10246 V WindowManager: Relayout Window{e90e744 u0 ScreenDecorOverlay}: viewVisibility=0 req=1079x151
05-12 20:45:33.559 4299 10246 V WindowManager: Relayout 10137: mAttrs={(0,0)(fillxwrap) gr=TOP LEFT CENTER sim={adjust=pan} layoutInDisplayCutoutMode=always ty=NAVIGATION_BAR_PANEL fmt=TRANSLUCENT
05-12 20:45:33.559 4299 10246 V WindowManager: fl=20800128
05-12 20:45:33.559 4299 10246 V WindowManager: pfl=1100050
05-12 20:45:33.559 4299 10246 V WindowManager: vsysui=100 naviIconColor=0}
05-12 20:45:33.561 10137 10867 D ViewRootImpl@ed5b6a[ScreenDecorOverlay]: Relayout returned: old=(0,0,1080,151) new=(0,0,1080,151) req=(1079,151)0 dur=10 res=0x3 s={true 478310035456} ch=false
05-12 20:45:33.564 10137 10137 D AOD_LIVE_CLOCK@LiveClockController: updateDisplayState: DISPLAY_STATE_DOZE
05-12 20:45:33.565 10137 10137 D AODUiController: onChargingLightSensorChanged lux : 2.0 appliedBrightness = 0 currentBrightness = 1
05-12 20:45:33.565 10137 10137 D AOD_BRIGHTNESS@BrightnessManager: mCurrentBrightness : HighNit[false], NitMode[[HLPM]_2NIT_ON], isForceState[0, ForceStateReason[{}, , mAppliedBrightness[0]
05-12 20:45:33.565 10137 10137 D AOD_BRIGHTNESS@AlwaysOnDisplayEx: updateDozeBrightness: doze [2] last [[HLPM]_2NIT_ON] change to [[HLPM]_2NIT_ON]
05-12 20:45:33.566 10137 10137 I AOD_WAKELOCK@WakeLockManager: acquireIfExists: tag - AOD_DRAW, timeout - 100, reason - set Doze Brightness updateDozeBrightness, wakeLock = WakeLock{c1ae7d8 held=true, refCount=1}
05-12 20:45:33.575 4299 10246 V WindowManager: Relayout Window{9819af3 u0 ScreenDecorOverlayBottom}: viewVisibility=0 req=1079x151
05-12 20:45:33.581 4299 10246 V WindowManager: Relayout 10137: mAttrs={(0,0)(fillxwrap) gr=BOTTOM RIGHT CENTER sim={adjust=pan} layoutInDisplayCutoutMode=always ty=NAVIGATION_BAR_PANEL fmt=TRANSLUCENT
05-12 20:45:33.581 4299 10246 V WindowManager: fl=20800128
05-12 20:45:33.581 4299 10246 V WindowManager: pfl=1100050
05-12 20:45:33.581 4299 10246 V WindowManager: vsysui=100 naviIconColor=0}
05-12 20:45:33.584 10137 10867 D ViewRootImpl@2e58a0d[ScreenDecorOverlayBottom]: Relayout returned: old=(0,2189,1080,2340) new=(0,2189,1080,2340) req=(1079,151)0 dur=9 res=0x3 s={true 478310068224} ch=false
05-12 20:45:33.621 10458 10488 W Reducing the number of considered missed Gc histogram windows from 104 to 100
05-12 20:45:33.665 10137 10137 D AODUiController: onChargingLightSensorChanged lux : 2.0 appliedBrightness = 0 currentBrightness = 1
05-12 20:45:33.665 10137 10137 D AOD_BRIGHTNESS@BrightnessManager: mCurrentBrightness : HighNit[false], NitMode[[HLPM]_2NIT_ON], isForceState[0, ForceStateReason[{}, , mAppliedBrightness[0]
05-12 20:45:33.665 10137 10137 D AOD_BRIGHTNESS@AlwaysOnDisplayEx: updateDozeBrightness: doze [2] last [[HLPM]_2NIT_ON] change to [[HLPM]_2NIT_ON]
05-12 20:45:33.666 10137 10137 I AOD_WAKELOCK@WakeLockManager: acquireIfExists: tag - AOD_DRAW, timeout - 100, reason - set Doze Brightness updateDozeBrightness, wakeLock = WakeLock{c1ae7d8 held=true, refCount=1}
05-12 20:45:33.775 3871 3871 D SurfaceFlinger: Setting power mode 3 on display 0
05-12 20:45:33.775 3841 3885 E display : DOZE or Power off called twice, mPowerModeState : 1
05-12 20:45:33.775 3841 3885 D display : setPowerMode:: FBIOBLANK mode(3), blank(-1)
05-12 20:45:33.778 3841 3885 D display : setPowerMode:: S3CFB_POWER_MODE mode(3), blank(-1)
05-12 20:45:33.778 3871 3871 D SurfaceFlinger: Finished setting power mode 3 on display 0
05-12 20:45:33.781 10137 10137 D AODUiController: onChargingLightSensorChanged lux : 2.0 appliedBrightness = 0 currentBrightness = 1
05-12 20:45:33.781 10137 10137 D AOD_BRIGHTNESS@BrightnessManager: mCurrentBrightness : HighNit[false], NitMode[[HLPM]_2NIT_ON], isForceState[0, ForceStateReason[{}, , mAppliedBrightness[0]
05-12 20:45:33.782 10137 10137 D AOD_BRIGHTNESS@AlwaysOnDisplayEx: updateDozeBrightness: doze [2] last [[HLPM]_2NIT_ON] change to [[HLPM]_2NIT_ON]
05-12 20:45:33.782 10137 10137 I AOD_WAKELOCK@WakeLockManager: acquireIfExists: tag - AOD_DRAW, timeout - 100, reason - set Doze Brightness updateDozeBrightness, wakeLock = WakeLock{c1ae7d8 held=false, refCount=0}
05-12 20:45:33.786 4299 5297 D MotionRecognitionService: [EARHOVER_MOTION] inject screen on / off : 0
05-12 20:45:33.786 4299 5297 D SensorService: [EARHOVER_LITE] : setMotionDataLocked
05-12 20:45:33.787 4299 5297 D SensorService: [EARHOVER_LITE] : INJECT_SCREEN_OFF
05-12 20:45:33.790 4299 10048 I BiometricServiceBase: onTaskStackChangedForFingerprint: Allow background auth,
05-12 20:45:33.792 4299 10048 I chatty : uid=1000(system) biometrics.fp identical 9 lines
05-12 20:45:33.792 4299 10048 I BiometricServiceBase: onTaskStackChangedForFingerprint: Allow background auth,
05-12 20:45:33.810 3871 3871 D SurfaceFlinger: Setting power mode 1 on display 0
05-12 20:45:33.811 3841 3885 E display : DOZE or Power off called twice, mPowerModeState : 3
05-12 20:45:33.811 3841 3885 D display : setPowerMode:: FBIOBLANK mode(1), blank(-1)
05-12 20:45:33.816 10137 10137 D DisplayLifecycle: updateDisplay id = 0
05-12 20:45:33.816 3841 3885 D display : setPowerMode:: S3CFB_POWER_MODE mode(1), blank(-1)
05-12 20:45:33.817 3871 3871 D SurfaceFlinger: Finished setting power mode 1 on display 0
05-12 20:45:33.825 10137 10137 D DisplayLifecycle: updateCacheVariables id = 0, display = Display id 0: DisplayInfo{"Built-in Screen, displayId 0", uniqueId "local:0", app 1080 x 2131, real 1080 x 2340, largest app 2131 x 2131, smallest app 1080 x 1017, mode 1, defaultMode 1, modes [{id=1, width=1080, height=2340, fps=60.000004}], colorMode 0, supportedColorModes [0], hdrCapabilities android.view.Display$HdrCapabilities@40f16308, rotation 0, density 420 (403.411 x 404.326) dpi, layerStack 0, appVsyncOff 1000000, presDeadline 16666666, type BUILT_IN, address {port=0}, state DOZE_SUSPEND, FLAG_SECURE, FLAG_SUPPORTS_PROTECTED_BUFFERS, removeMode 0}, DisplayMetrics{density=2.625, width=1080, height=2131, scaledDensity=2.625, xdpi=403.411, ydpi=404.326}, isValid=true, size = Point(1080, 2131), realSize = Point(1080, 2340)
05-12 20:45:33.830 4299 5297 D MotionRecognitionService: [EARHOVER_MOTION] inject screen on / off : 0
05-12 20:45:33.830 4299 5297 D SensorService: [EARHOVER_LITE] : setMotionDataLocked
05-12 20:45:33.831 4299 5297 D SensorService: [EARHOVER_LITE] : INJECT_SCREEN_OFF
05-12 20:45:33.831 4299 10048 I BiometricServiceBase: onTaskStackChangedForFingerprint: Allow background auth,
05-12 20:45:33.833 4299 10048 I chatty : uid=1000(system) biometrics.fp identical 9 lines
05-12 20:45:33.833 4299 10048 I BiometricServiceBase: onTaskStackChangedForFingerprint: Allow background auth,
05-12 20:45:33.845 4299 11692 V WindowManager: Relayout Window{e90e744 u0 ScreenDecorOverlay}: viewVisibility=0 req=1079x151
05-12 20:45:33.853 4299 11692 V WindowManager: Relayout 10137: mAttrs={(0,0)(fillxwrap) gr=TOP LEFT CENTER sim={adjust=pan} layoutInDisplayCutoutMode=always ty=NAVIGATION_BAR_PANEL fmt=TRANSLUCENT
05-12 20:45:33.853 4299 11692 V WindowManager: fl=20800128
05-12 20:45:33.853 4299 11692 V WindowManager: pfl=1100050
05-12 20:45:33.853 4299 11692 V WindowManager: vsysui=100 naviIconColor=0}
05-12 20:45:33.856 10137 10137 D AOD_LIVE_CLOCK@LiveClockController: updateDisplayState: DISPLAY_STATE_DOZE
05-12 20:45:33.857 10137 10867 D ViewRootImpl@ed5b6a[ScreenDecorOverlay]: Relayout returned: old=(0,0,1080,151) new=(0,0,1080,151) req=(1079,151)0 dur=17 res=0x3 s={true 478310035456} ch=false
05-12 20:45:33.859 10137 10137 D DisplayLifecycle: updateDisplay id = 0
05-12 20:45:33.864 10137 10137 D DisplayLifecycle: updateCacheVariables id = 0, display = Display id 0: DisplayInfo{"Built-in Screen, displayId 0", uniqueId "local:0", app 1080 x 2131, real 1080 x 2340, largest app 2131 x 2131, smallest app 1080 x 1017, mode 1, defaultMode 1, modes [{id=1, width=1080, height=2340, fps=60.000004}], colorMode 0, supportedColorModes [0], hdrCapabilities android.view.Display$HdrCapabilities@40f16308, rotation 0, density 420 (403.411 x 404.326) dpi, layerStack 0, appVsyncOff 1000000, presDeadline 16666666, type BUILT_IN, address {port=0}, state DOZE, FLAG_SECURE, FLAG_SUPPORTS_PROTECTED_BUFFERS, removeMode 0}, DisplayMetrics{density=2.625, width=1080, height=2131, scaledDensity=2.625, xdpi=403.411, ydpi=404.326}, isValid=true, size = Point(1080, 2131), realSize = Point(1080, 2340)
05-12 20:45:33.871 4299 10275 V WindowManager: Relayout Window{9819af3 u0 ScreenDecorOverlayBottom}: viewVisibility=0 req=1079x151
05-12 20:45:33.878 10137 10137 D AOD_LIVE_CLOCK@LiveClockController: updateDisplayState: DISPLAY_STATE_DOZE
05-12 20:45:33.879 10137 10137 D AODUiController: onChargingLightSensorChanged lux : 2.0 appliedBrightness = 0 currentBrightness = 1
05-12 20:45:33.879 10137 10137 D AOD_BRIGHTNESS@BrightnessManager: mCurrentBrightness : HighNit[false], NitMode[[HLPM]_2NIT_ON], isForceState[0, ForceStateReason[{}, , mAppliedBrightness[0]
05-12 20:45:33.879 4299 10275 V WindowManager: Relayout 10137: mAttrs={(0,0)(fillxwrap) gr=BOTTOM RIGHT CENTER sim={adjust=pan} layoutInDisplayCutoutMode=always ty=NAVIGATION_BAR_PANEL fmt=TRANSLUCENT
05-12 20:45:33.879 4299 10275 V WindowManager: fl=20800128
05-12 20:45:33.879 4299 10275 V WindowManager: pfl=1100050
05-12 20:45:33.879 4299 10275 V WindowManager: vsysui=100 naviIconColor=0}
05-12 20:45:33.879 10137 10137 D AOD_BRIGHTNESS@AlwaysOnDisplayEx: updateDozeBrightness: doze [2] last [[HLPM]_2NIT_ON] change to [[HLPM]_2NIT_ON]
05-12 20:45:33.879 10137 10137 I AOD_WAKELOCK@WakeLockManager: acquireIfExists: tag - AOD_DRAW, timeout - 100, reason - set Doze Brightness updateDozeBrightness, wakeLock = WakeLock{c1ae7d8 held=true, refCount=1}
05-12 20:45:33.880 10137 10867 D ViewRootImpl@2e58a0d[ScreenDecorOverlayBottom]: Relayout returned: old=(0,2189,1080,2340) new=(0,2189,1080,2340) req=(1079,151)0 dur=13 res=0x3 s={true 478310068224} ch=false
05-12 20:45:33.904 4299 10275 V WindowManager: Relayout Window{e90e744 u0 ScreenDecorOverlay}: viewVisibility=0 req=1079x151
05-12 20:45:33.910 4299 10275 V WindowManager: Relayout 10137: mAttrs={(0,0)(fillxwrap) gr=TOP LEFT CENTER sim={adjust=pan} layoutInDisplayCutoutMode=always ty=NAVIGATION_BAR_PANEL fmt=TRANSLUCENT
05-12 20:45:33.910 4299 10275 V WindowManager: fl=20800128
05-12 20:45:33.910 4299 10275 V WindowManager: pfl=1100050
05-12 20:45:33.910 4299 10275 V WindowManager: vsysui=100 naviIconColor=0}
05-12 20:45:33.912 10137 10867 D ViewRootImpl@ed5b6a[ScreenDecorOverlay]: Relayout returned: old=(0,0,1080,151) new=(0,0,1080,151) req=(1079,151)0 dur=9 res=0x3 s={true 478310035456} ch=false
05-12 20:45:33.919 4299 10275 V WindowManager: Relayout Window{9819af3 u0 ScreenDecorOverlayBottom}: viewVisibility=0 req=1079x151
05-12 20:45:33.926 4299 10275 V WindowManager: Relayout 10137: mAttrs={(0,0)(fillxwrap) gr=BOTTOM RIGHT CENTER sim={adjust=pan} layoutInDisplayCutoutMode=always ty=NAVIGATION_BAR_PANEL fmt=TRANSLUCENT
05-12 20:45:33.926 4299 10275 V WindowManager: fl=20800128
05-12 20:45:33.926 4299 10275 V WindowManager: pfl=1100050
05-12 20:45:33.926 4299 10275 V WindowManager: vsysui=100 naviIconColor=0}
05-12 20:45:33.928 10137 10867 D ViewRootImpl@2e58a0d[ScreenDecorOverlayBottom]: Relayout returned: old=(0,2189,1080,2340) new=(0,2189,1080,2340) req=(1079,151)0 dur=9 res=0x3 s={true 478310068224} ch=false
05-12 20:45:33.991 10137 10137 D AODUiController: onChargingLightSensorChanged lux : 2.0 appliedBrightness = 0 currentBrightness = 1
05-12 20:45:33.991 10137 10137 D AOD_BRIGHTNESS@BrightnessManager: mCurrentBrightness : HighNit[false], NitMode[[HLPM]_2NIT_ON], isForceState[0, ForceStateReason[{}, , mAppliedBrightness[0]
05-12 20:45:33.991 10137 10137 D AOD_BRIGHTNESS@AlwaysOnDisplayEx: updateDozeBrightness: doze [2] last [[HLPM]_2NIT_ON] change to [[HLPM]_2NIT_ON]
05-12 20:45:33.991 10137 10137 I AOD_WAKELOCK@WakeLockManager: acquireIfExists: tag - AOD_DRAW, timeout - 100, reason - set Doze Brightness updateDozeBrightness, wakeLock = WakeLock{c1ae7d8 held=false, refCount=0}
05-12 20:45:33.992 3871 3871 D SurfaceFlinger: Setting power mode 3 on display 0
05-12 20:45:33.992 3841 9377 E display : DOZE or Power off called twice, mPowerModeState : 1
05-12 20:45:33.992 3841 9377 D display : setPowerMode:: FBIOBLANK mode(3), blank(-1)
05-12 20:45:33.995 4299 5297 D MotionRecognitionService: [EARHOVER_MOTION] inject screen on / off : 0
05-12 20:45:33.995 4299 5297 D SensorService: [EARHOVER_LITE] : setMotionDataLocked
05-12 20:45:33.995 4299 5297 D SensorService: [EARHOVER_LITE] : INJECT_SCREEN_OFF
05-12 20:45:33.999 4299 10048 I BiometricServiceBase: onTaskStackChangedForFingerprint: Allow background auth,
05-12 20:45:34.000 4299 10048 I chatty : uid=1000(system) biometrics.fp identical 9 lines
05-12 20:45:34.000 4299 10048 I BiometricServiceBase: onTaskStackChangedForFingerprint: Allow background auth,
05-12 20:45:34.011 10137 10137 D DisplayLifecycle: updateDisplay id = 0
05-12 20:45:34.012 3841 9377 D display : setPowerMode:: S3CFB_POWER_MODE mode(3), blank(-1)
05-12 20:45:34.012 3871 3871 D SurfaceFlinger: Finished setting power mode 3 on display 0
05-12 20:45:34.014 3871 3871 D SurfaceFlinger: Setting power mode 1 on display 0
05-12 20:45:34.015 3841 9377 E display : DOZE or Power off called twice, mPowerModeState : 3
05-12 20:45:34.015 3841 9377 D display : setPowerMode:: FBIOBLANK mode(1), blank(-1)
05-12 20:45:34.015 3970 10055 D bauth_FPBAuthService: pcf : 0x1012, 0 ,1 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,0,
05-12 20:45:34.016 3970 10055 D bauth_FPBAuthService: thread id : 1, preenroll_flag : 0, nd cnt : 0, cso : 0, et : 0
05-12 20:45:34.016 3970 10055 D bauth_FPBAuthService: FPBAuthService, 10983
05-12 20:45:34.017 10137 10137 D DisplayLifecycle: updateCacheVariables id = 0, display = Display id 0: DisplayInfo{"Built-in Screen, displayId 0", uniqueId "local:0", app 1080 x 2131, real 1080 x 2340, largest app 2131 x 2131, smallest app 1080 x 1017, mode 1, defaultMode 1, modes [{id=1, width=1080, height=2340, fps=60.000004}], colorMode 0, supportedColorModes [0], hdrCapabilities android.view.Display$HdrCapabilities@40f16308, rotation 0, density 420 (403.411 x 404.326) dpi, layerStack 0, appVsyncOff 1000000, presDeadline 16666666, type BUILT_IN, address {port=0}, state DOZE_SUSPEND, FLAG_SECURE, FLAG_SUPPORTS_PROTECTED_BUFFERS, removeMode 0}, DisplayMetrics{density=2.625, width=1080, height=2131, scaledDensity=2.625, xdpi=403.411, ydpi=404.326}, isValid=true, size = Point(1080, 2131), realSize = Point(1080, 2340)
05-12 20:45:34.020 3841 9377 D display : setPowerMode:: S3CFB_POWER_MODE mode(1), blank(-1)
05-12 20:45:34.020 3871 3871 D SurfaceFlinger: Finished setting power mode 1 on display 0
05-12 20:45:34.032 4299 10048 I BiometricServiceBase: onTaskStackChangedForFingerprint: Allow background auth,
05-12 20:45:34.032 4299 10048 I chatty : uid=1000(system) biometrics.fp identical 2 lines
05-12 20:45:34.032 4299 10048 I BiometricServiceBase: onTaskStackChangedForFingerprint: Allow background auth,
05-12 20:45:34.032 4299 10048 I BiometricServiceBase: onTaskStackChangedForFingerprint: Allow background auth,
05-12 20:45:34.033 4299 5297 D MotionRecognitionService: [EARHOVER_MOTION] inject screen on / off : 0
05-12 20:45:34.033 4299 5297 D SensorService: [EARHOVER_LITE] : setMotionDataLocked
05-12 20:45:34.033 4299 5297 D SensorService: [EARHOVER_LITE] : INJECT_SCREEN_OFF
05-12 20:45:34.039 4299 10048 I chatty : uid=1000(system) biometrics.fp expire 5 lines
05-12 20:45:34.039 4299 10048 I BiometricServiceBase: onTaskStackChangedForFingerprint: Allow background auth,
05-12 20:45:34.044 10137 10137 D AOD_LIVE_CLOCK@LiveClockController: updateDisplayState: DISPLAY_STATE_DOZE
05-12 20:45:34.045 10137 10137 D DisplayLifecycle: updateDisplay id = 0
05-12 20:45:34.049 4299 10551 V WindowManager: Relayout Window{e90e744 u0 ScreenDecorOverlay}: viewVisibility=0 req=1079x151
05-12 20:45:34.053 10137 10137 D DisplayLifecycle: updateCacheVariables id = 0, display = Display id 0: DisplayInfo{"Built-in Screen, displayId 0", uniqueId "local:0", app 1080 x 2131, real 1080 x 2340, largest app 2131 x 2131, smallest app 1080 x 1017, mode 1, defaultMode 1, modes [{id=1, width=1080, height=2340, fps=60.000004}], colorMode 0, supportedColorModes [0], hdrCapabilities android.view.Display$HdrCapabilities@40f16308, rotation 0, density 420 (403.411 x 404.326) dpi, layerStack 0, appVsyncOff 1000000, presDeadline 16666666, type BUILT_IN, address {port=0}, state DOZE, FLAG_SECURE, FLAG_SUPPORTS_PROTECTED_BUFFERS, removeMode 0}, DisplayMetrics{density=2.625, width=1080, height=2131, scaledDensity=2.625, xdpi=403.411, ydpi=404.326}, isValid=true, size = Point(1080, 2131), realSize = Point(1080, 2340)
05-12 20:45:34.056 4299 10551 V WindowManager: Relayout 10137: mAttrs={(0,0)(fillxwrap) gr=TOP LEFT CENTER sim={adjust=pan} layoutInDisplayCutoutMode=always ty=NAVIGATION_BAR_PANEL fmt=TRANSLUCENT
05-12 20:45:34.056 4299 10551 V WindowManager: fl=20800128
05-12 20:45:34.056 4299 10551 V WindowManager: pfl=1100050
05-12 20:45:34.056 4299 10551 V WindowManager: vsysui=100 naviIconColor=0}
05-12 20:45:34.058 10137 10867 D ViewRootImpl@ed5b6a[ScreenDecorOverlay]: Relayout returned: old=(0,0,1080,151) new=(0,0,1080,151) req=(1079,151)0 dur=18 res=0x3 s={true 478310035456} ch=false
05-12 20:45:34.064 10137 10137 D AOD_LIVE_CLOCK@LiveClockController: updateDisplayState: DISPLAY_STATE_DOZE
05-12 20:45:34.067 4299 11689 V WindowManager: Relayout Window{9819af3 u0 ScreenDecorOverlayBottom}: viewVisibility=0 req=1079x151
05-12 20:45:34.074 4299 11689 V WindowManager: Relayout 10137: mAttrs={(0,0)(fillxwrap) gr=BOTTOM RIGHT CENTER sim={adjust=pan} layoutInDisplayCutoutMode=always ty=NAVIGATION_BAR_PANEL fmt=TRANSLUCENT
05-12 20:45:34.074 4299 11689 V WindowManager: fl=20800128
05-12 20:45:34.074 4299 11689 V WindowManager: pfl=1100050
05-12 20:45:34.074 4299 11689 V WindowManager: vsysui=100 naviIconColor=0}
05-12 20:45:34.075 10137 10867 D ViewRootImpl@2e58a0d[ScreenDecorOverlayBottom]: Relayout returned: old=(0,2189,1080,2340) new=(0,2189,1080,2340) req=(1079,151)0 dur=9 res=0x3 s={true 478310068224} ch=false
05-12 20:45:34.089 10137 10137 D AODUiController: onChargingLightSensorChanged lux : 1.0 appliedBrightness = 0 currentBrightness = 1
05-12 20:45:34.089 10137 10137 D AOD_BRIGHTNESS@BrightnessManager: mCurrentBrightness : HighNit[false], NitMode[[HLPM]_2NIT_ON], isForceState[0, ForceStateReason[{}, , mAppliedBrightness[0]
05-12 20:45:34.090 10137 10137 D AOD_BRIGHTNESS@AlwaysOnDisplayEx: updateDozeBrightness: doze [2] last [[HLPM]_2NIT_ON] change to [[HLPM]_2NIT_ON]
05-12 20:45:34.090 10137 10137 I AOD_WAKELOCK@WakeLockManager: acquireIfExists: tag - AOD_DRAW, timeout - 100, reason - set Doze Brightness updateDozeBrightness, wakeLock = WakeLock{c1ae7d8 held=true, refCount=1}
05-12 20:45:34.100 4299 11689 V WindowManager: Relayout Window{e90e744 u0 ScreenDecorOverlay}: viewVisibility=0 req=1079x151
05-12 20:45:34.108 4299 11689 V WindowManager: Relayout 10137: mAttrs={(0,0)(fillxwrap) gr=TOP LEFT CENTER sim={adjust=pan} layoutInDisplayCutoutMode=always ty=NAVIGATION_BAR_PANEL fmt=TRANSLUCENT
05-12 20:45:34.108 4299 11689 V WindowManager: fl=20800128
05-12 20:45:34.108 4299 11689 V WindowManager: pfl=1100050
05-12 20:45:34.108 4299 11689 V WindowManager: vsysui=100 naviIconColor=0}
05-12 20:45:34.110 10137 10867 D ViewRootImpl@ed5b6a[ScreenDecorOverlay]: Relayout returned: old=(0,0,1080,151) new=(0,0,1080,151) req=(1079,151)0 dur=10 res=0x3 s={true 478310035456} ch=false
05-12 20:45:34.116 4299 12326 V WindowManager: Relayout Window{9819af3 u0 ScreenDecorOverlayBottom}: viewVisibility=0 req=1079x151
05-12 20:45:34.124 4299 12326 V WindowManager: Relayout 10137: mAttrs={(0,0)(fillxwrap) gr=BOTTOM RIGHT CENTER sim={adjust=pan} layoutInDisplayCutoutMode=always ty=NAVIGATION_BAR_PANEL fmt=TRANSLUCENT
05-12 20:45:34.124 4299 12326 V WindowManager: fl=20800128
05-12 20:45:34.124 4299 12326 V WindowManager: pfl=1100050
05-12 20:45:34.124 4299 12326 V WindowManager: vsysui=100 naviIconColor=0}
05-12 20:45:34.126 10137 10867 D ViewRootImpl@2e58a0d[ScreenDecorOverlayBottom]: Relayout returned: old=(0,2189,1080,2340) new=(0,2189,1080,2340) req=(1079,151)0 dur=10 res=0x3 s={true 478310068224} ch=false
05-12 20:45:34.205 10137 10137 D AODUiController: onChargingLightSensorChanged lux : 2.0 appliedBrightness = 0 currentBrightness = 1
05-12 20:45:34.205 10137 10137 D AOD_BRIGHTNESS@BrightnessManager: mCurrentBrightness : HighNit[false], NitMode[[HLPM]_2NIT_ON], isForceState[0, ForceStateReason[{}, , mAppliedBrightness[0]
05-12 20:45:34.205 10137 10137 D AOD_BRIGHTNESS@AlwaysOnDisplayEx: updateDozeBrightness: doze [2] last [[HLPM]_2NIT_ON] change to [[HLPM]_2NIT_ON]
05-12 20:45:34.205 10137 10137 I AOD_WAKELOCK@WakeLockManager: acquireIfExists: tag - AOD_DRAW, timeout - 100, reason - set Doze Brightness updateDozeBrightness, wakeLock = WakeLock{c1ae7d8 held=false, refCount=0}
05-12 20:45:34.210 4299 5297 D MotionRecognitionService: [EARHOVER_MOTION] inject screen on / off : 0
05-12 20:45:34.211 4299 5297 D SensorService: [EARHOVER_LITE] : setMotionDataLocked
05-12 20:45:34.211 4299 5297 D SensorService: [EARHOVER_LITE] : INJECT_SCREEN_OFF
05-12 20:45:34.211 3871 3871 D SurfaceFlinger: Setting power mode 3 on display 0
05-12 20:45:34.211 3841 3885 E display : DOZE or Power off called twice, mPowerModeState : 1
05-12 20:45:34.212 3841 3885 D display : setPowerMode:: FBIOBLANK mode(3), blank(-1)
05-12 20:45:34.213 4299 10048 I BiometricServiceBase: onTaskStackChangedForFingerprint: Allow background auth,
05-12 20:45:34.215 4299 10048 I chatty : uid=1000(system) biometrics.fp identical 9 lines
05-12 20:45:34.215 4299 10048 I BiometricServiceBase: onTaskStackChangedForFingerprint: Allow background auth,
05-12 20:45:34.219 3841 3885 D display : setPowerMode:: S3CFB_POWER_MODE mode(3), blank(-1)
05-12 20:45:34.220 3871 3871 D SurfaceFlinger: Finished setting power mode 3 on display 0
05-12 20:45:34.256 4299 10404 V WindowManager: Relayout Window{e90e744 u0 ScreenDecorOverlay}: viewVisibility=0 req=1079x151
05-12 20:45:34.257 3871 3871 D SurfaceFlinger: Setting power mode 1 on display 0
05-12 20:45:34.257 10137 10137 D DisplayLifecycle: updateDisplay id = 0
05-12 20:45:34.257 3841 3885 E display : DOZE or Power off called twice, mPowerModeState : 3
05-12 20:45:34.257 3841 3885 D display : setPowerMode:: FBIOBLANK mode(1), blank(-1)
05-12 20:45:34.261 10137 10137 D DisplayLifecycle: updateCacheVariables id = 0, display = Display id 0: DisplayInfo{"Built-in Screen, displayId 0", uniqueId "local:0", app 1080 x 2131, real 1080 x 2340, largest app 2131 x 2131, smallest app 1080 x 1017, mode 1, defaultMode 1, modes [{id=1, width=1080, height=2340, fps=60.000004}], colorMode 0, supportedColorModes [0], hdrCapabilities android.view.Display$HdrCapabilities@40f16308, rotation 0, density 420 (403.411 x 404.326) dpi, layerStack 0, appVsyncOff 1000000, presDeadline 16666666, type BUILT_IN, address {port=0}, state DOZE_SUSPEND, FLAG_SECURE, FLAG_SUPPORTS_PROTECTED_BUFFERS, removeMode 0}, DisplayMetrics{density=2.625, width=1080, height=2131, scaledDensity=2.625, xdpi=403.411, ydpi=404.326}, isValid=true, size = Point(1080, 2131), realSize = Point(1080, 2340)
05-12 20:45:34.262 3841 3885 D display : setPowerMode:: S3CFB_POWER_MODE mode(1), blank(-1)
05-12 20:45:34.263 3871 3871 D SurfaceFlinger: Finished setting power mode 1 on display 0
05-12 20:45:34.265 4299 10404 V WindowManager: Relayout 10137: mAttrs={(0,0)(fillxwrap) gr=TOP LEFT CENTER sim={adjust=pan} layoutInDisplayCutoutMode=always ty=NAVIGATION_BAR_PANEL fmt=TRANSLUCENT
05-12 20:45:34.265 4299 10404 V WindowManager: fl=20800128
05-12 20:45:34.265 4299 10404 V WindowManager: pfl=1100050
05-12 20:45:34.265 4299 10404 V WindowManager: vsysui=100 naviIconColor=0}
05-12 20:45:34.271 10137 10867 D ViewRootImpl@ed5b6a[ScreenDecorOverlay]: Relayout returned: old=(0,0,1080,151) new=(0,0,1080,151) req=(1079,151)0 dur=16 res=0x3 s={true 478310035456} ch=false
05-12 20:45:34.276 4299 5297 D MotionRecognitionService: [EARHOVER_MOTION] inject screen on / off : 0
05-12 20:45:34.276 4299 5297 D SensorService: [EARHOVER_LITE] : setMotionDataLocked
05-12 20:45:34.276 4299 5297 D SensorService: [EARHOVER_LITE] : INJECT_SCREEN_OFF
05-12 20:45:34.277 4299 10048 I BiometricServiceBase: onTaskStackChangedForFingerprint: Allow background auth,
05-12 20:45:34.280 4299 10048 I chatty : uid=1000(system) biometrics.fp identical 9 lines
05-12 20:45:34.280 4299 10048 I BiometricServiceBase: onTaskStackChangedForFingerprint: Allow background auth,
05-12 20:45:34.282 10137 10137 D AOD_LIVE_CLOCK@LiveClockController: updateDisplayState: DISPLAY_STATE_DOZE
05-12 20:45:34.287 10137 10137 D DisplayLifecycle: updateDisplay id = 0
05-12 20:45:34.291 10137 10137 D DisplayLifecycle: updateCacheVariables id = 0, display = Display id 0: DisplayInfo{"Built-in Screen, displayId 0", uniqueId "local:0", app 1080 x 2131, real 1080 x 2340, largest app 2131 x 2131, smallest app 1080 x 1017, mode 1, defaultMode 1, modes [{id=1, width=1080, height=2340, fps=60.000004}], colorMode 0, supportedColorModes [0], hdrCapabilities android.view.Display$HdrCapabilities@40f16308, rotation 0, density 420 (403.411 x 404.326) dpi, layerStack 0, appVsyncOff 1000000, presDeadline 16666666, type BUILT_IN, address {port=0}, state DOZE, FLAG_SECURE, FLAG_SUPPORTS_PROTECTED_BUFFERS, removeMode 0}, DisplayMetrics{density=2.625, width=1080, height=2131, scaledDensity=2.625, xdpi=403.411, ydpi=404.326}, isValid=true, size = Point(1080, 2131), realSize = Point(1080, 2340)
05-12 20:45:34.293 4299 10404 V WindowManager: Relayout Window{9819af3 u0 ScreenDecorOverlayBottom}: viewVisibility=0 req=1079x151
05-12 20:45:34.297 10137 10137 D AODUiController: onChargingLightSensorChanged lux : 2.0 appliedBrightness = 0 currentBrightness = 1
05-12 20:45:34.297 10137 10137 D AOD_BRIGHTNESS@BrightnessManager: mCurrentBrightness : HighNit[false], NitMode[[HLPM]_2NIT_ON], isForceState[0, ForceStateReason[{}, , mAppliedBrightness[0]
05-12 20:45:34.298 10137 10137 D AOD_BRIGHTNESS@AlwaysOnDisplayEx: updateDozeBrightness: doze [2] last [[HLPM]_2NIT_ON] change to [[HLPM]_2NIT_ON]
05-12 20:45:34.298 10137 10137 I AOD_WAKELOCK@WakeLockManager: acquireIfExists: tag - AOD_DRAW, timeout - 100, reason - set Doze Brightness updateDozeBrightness, wakeLock = WakeLock{c1ae7d8 held=true, refCount=1}
05-12 20:45:34.299 4299 10404 V WindowManager: Relayout 10137: mAttrs={(0,0)(fillxwrap) gr=BOTTOM RIGHT CENTER sim={adjust=pan} layoutInDisplayCutoutMode=always ty=NAVIGATION_BAR_PANEL fmt=TRANSLUCENT
05-12 20:45:34.299 4299 10404 V WindowManager: fl=20800128
05-12 20:45:34.299 4299 10404 V WindowManager: pfl=1100050
05-12 20:45:34.299 4299 10404 V WindowManager: vsysui=100 naviIconColor=0}
05-12 20:45:34.301 10137 10867 D ViewRootImpl@2e58a0d[ScreenDecorOverlayBottom]: Relayout returned: old=(0,2189,1080,2340) new=(0,2189,1080,2340) req=(1079,151)0 dur=13 res=0x3 s={true 478310068224} ch=false
05-12 20:45:34.304 10137 10137 D AOD_LIVE_CLOCK@LiveClockController: updateDisplayState: DISPLAY_STATE_DOZE
05-12 20:45:34.334 4299 4320 V WindowManager: Relayout Window{e90e744 u0 ScreenDecorOverlay}: viewVisibility=0 req=1079x151
05-12 20:45:34.341 4299 4320 V WindowManager: Relayout 10137: mAttrs={(0,0)(fillxwrap) gr=TOP LEFT CENTER sim={adjust=pan} layoutInDisplayCutoutMode=always ty=NAVIGATION_BAR_PANEL fmt=TRANSLUCENT
05-12 20:45:34.341 4299 4320 V WindowManager: fl=20800128
05-12 20:45:34.341 4299 4320 V WindowManager: pfl=1100050
05-12 20:45:34.341 4299 4320 V WindowManager: vsysui=100 naviIconColor=0}
05-12 20:45:34.343 10137 10867 D ViewRootImpl@ed5b6a[ScreenDecorOverlay]: Relayout returned: old=(0,0,1080,151) new=(0,0,1080,151) req=(1079,151)0 dur=10 res=0x3 s={true 478310035456} ch=false
05-12 20:45:34.350 4299 4320 V WindowManager: Relayout Window{9819af3 u0 ScreenDecorOverlayBottom}: viewVisibility=0 req=1079x151
05-12 20:45:34.358 4299 4320 V WindowManager: Relayout 10137: mAttrs={(0,0)(fillxwrap) gr=BOTTOM RIGHT CENTER sim={adjust=pan} layoutInDisplayCutoutMode=always ty=NAVIGATION_BAR_PANEL fmt=TRANSLUCENT
05-12 20:45:34.358 4299 4320 V WindowManager: fl=20800128
05-12 20:45:34.358 4299 4320 V WindowManager: pfl=1100050
05-12 20:45:34.358 4299 4320 V WindowManager: vsysui=100 naviIconColor=0}
05-12 20:45:34.360 10137 10867 D ViewRootImpl@2e58a0d[ScreenDecorOverlayBottom]: Relayout returned: old=(0,2189,1080,2340) new=(0,2189,1080,2340) req=(1079,151)0 dur=10 res=0x3 s={true 478310068224} ch=false
05-12 20:45:34.405 3871 3871 D SurfaceFlinger: Setting power mode 3 on display 0
05-12 20:45:34.405 3841 3885 E display : DOZE or Power off called twice, mPowerModeState : 1
05-12 20:45:34.405 3841 3885 D display : setPowerMode:: FBIOBLANK mode(3), blank(-1)
05-12 20:45:34.408 4299 5297 D MotionRecognitionService: [EARHOVER_MOTION] inject screen on / off : 0
05-12 20:45:34.408 4299 5297 D SensorService: [EARHOVER_LITE] : setMotionDataLocked
05-12 20:45:34.408 4299 5297 D SensorService: [EARHOVER_LITE] : INJECT_SCREEN_OFF
05-12 20:45:34.410 10137 10137 D AODUiController: onChargingLightSensorChanged lux : 2.0 appliedBrightness = 0 currentBrightness = 1
05-12 20:45:34.410 10137 10137 D AOD_BRIGHTNESS@BrightnessManager: mCurrentBrightness : HighNit[false], NitMode[[HLPM]_2NIT_ON], isForceState[0, ForceStateReason[{}, , mAppliedBrightness[0]
05-12 20:45:34.411 10137 10137 D AOD_BRIGHTNESS@AlwaysOnDisplayEx: updateDozeBrightness: doze [2] last [[HLPM]_2NIT_ON] change to [[HLPM]_2NIT_ON]
05-12 20:45:34.411 10137 10137 I AOD_WAKELOCK@WakeLockManager: acquireIfExists: tag - AOD_DRAW, timeout - 100, reason - set Doze Brightness updateDozeBrightness, wakeLock = WakeLock{c1ae7d8 held=false, refCount=0}
05-12 20:45:34.412 4299 10048 I BiometricServiceBase: onTaskStackChangedForFingerprint: Allow background auth,
05-12 20:45:34.416 4299 10048 I chatty : uid=1000(system) biometrics.fp identical 9 lines
05-12 20:45:34.416 4299 10048 I BiometricServiceBase: onTaskStackChangedForFingerprint: Allow background auth,
05-12 20:45:34.426 10137 10137 D DisplayLifecycle: updateDisplay id = 0
05-12 20:45:34.433 10137 10137 D DisplayLifecycle: updateCacheVariables id = 0, display = Display id 0: DisplayInfo{"Built-in Screen, displayId 0", uniqueId "local:0", app 1080 x 2131, real 1080 x 2340, largest app 2131 x 2131, smallest app 1080 x 1017, mode 1, defaultMode 1, modes [{id=1, width=1080, height=2340, fps=60.000004}], colorMode 0, supportedColorModes [0], hdrCapabilities android.view.Display$HdrCapabilities@40f16308, rotation 0, density 420 (403.411 x 404.326) dpi, layerStack 0, appVsyncOff 1000000, presDeadline 16666666, type BUILT_IN, address {port=0}, state DOZE_SUSPEND, FLAG_SECURE, FLAG_SUPPORTS_PROTECTED_BUFFERS, removeMode 0}, DisplayMetrics{density=2.625, width=1080, height=2131, scaledDensity=2.625, xdpi=403.411, ydpi=404.326}, isValid=true, size = Point(1080, 2131), realSize = Point(1080, 2340)
05-12 20:45:34.443 4299 12326 V WindowManager: Relayout Window{e90e744 u0 ScreenDecorOverlay}: viewVisibility=0 req=1079x151
05-12 20:45:34.445 3841 3885 D display : setPowerMode:: S3CFB_POWER_MODE mode(3), blank(-1)
05-12 20:45:34.446 3871 3871 D SurfaceFlinger: Finished setting power mode 3 on display 0
05-12 20:45:34.446 10137 10137 D AOD_LIVE_CLOCK@LiveClockController: updateDisplayState: DISPLAY_STATE_DOZE_SUSPEND
05-12 20:45:34.448 3871 3871 D SurfaceFlinger: Setting power mode 1 on display 0
05-12 20:45:34.448 3841 3885 E display : DOZE or Power off called twice, mPowerModeState : 3
05-12 20:45:34.448 3841 3885 D display : setPowerMode:: FBIOBLANK mode(1), blank(-1)
05-12 20:45:34.450 4299 12326 V WindowManager: Relayout 10137: mAttrs={(0,0)(fillxwrap) gr=TOP LEFT CENTER sim={adjust=pan} layoutInDisplayCutoutMode=always ty=NAVIGATION_BAR_PANEL fmt=TRANSLUCENT
05-12 20:45:34.450 4299 12326 V WindowManager: fl=20800128
05-12 20:45:34.450 4299 12326 V WindowManager: pfl=1100050
05-12 20:45:34.450 4299 12326 V WindowManager: vsysui=100 naviIconColor=0}
05-12 20:45:34.453 3841 3885 D display : setPowerMode:: S3CFB_POWER_MODE mode(1), blank(-1)
05-12 20:45:34.453 3871 3871 D SurfaceFlinger: Finished setting power mode 1 on display 0
05-12 20:45:34.453 10137 10867 D ViewRootImpl@ed5b6a[ScreenDecorOverlay]: Relayout returned: old=(0,0,1080,151) new=(0,0,1080,151) req=(1079,151)0 dur=11 res=0x3 s={true 478310035456} ch=false
05-12 20:45:34.459 4299 10048 I BiometricServiceBase: onTaskStackChangedForFingerprint: Allow background auth,
05-12 20:45:34.460 4299 5297 D MotionRecognitionService: [EARHOVER_MOTION] inject screen on / off : 0
05-12 20:45:34.460 4299 10048 I BiometricServiceBase: onTaskStackChangedForFingerprint: Allow background auth,
05-12 20:45:34.460 4299 5297 D SensorService: [EARHOVER_LITE] : setMotionDataLocked
05-12 20:45:34.460 4299 5297 D SensorService: [EARHOVER_LITE] : INJECT_SCREEN_OFF
05-12 20:45:34.460 4299 10048 I BiometricServiceBase: onTaskStackChangedForFingerprint: Allow background auth,
05-12 20:45:34.460 4299 10048 I chatty : uid=1000(system) biometrics.fp identical 7 lines
05-12 20:45:34.461 4299 10048 I BiometricServiceBase: onTaskStackChangedForFingerprint: Allow background auth,
05-12 20:45:34.462 10137 10137 D DisplayLifecycle: updateDisplay id = 0
05-12 20:45:34.470 10137 10137 D DisplayLifecycle: updateCacheVariables id = 0, display = Display id 0: DisplayInfo{"Built-in Screen, displayId 0", uniqueId "local:0", app 1080 x 2131, real 1080 x 2340, largest app 2131 x 2131, smallest app 1080 x 1017, mode 1, defaultMode 1, modes [{id=1, width=1080, height=2340, fps=60.000004}], colorMode 0, supportedColorModes [0], hdrCapabilities android.view.Display$HdrCapabilities@40f16308, rotation 0, density 420 (403.411 x 404.326) dpi, layerStack 0, appVsyncOff 1000000, presDeadline 16666666, type BUILT_IN, address {port=0}, state DOZE, FLAG_SECURE, FLAG_SUPPORTS_PROTECTED_BUFFERS, removeMode 0}, DisplayMetrics{density=2.625, width=1080, height=2131, scaledDensity=2.625, xdpi=403.411, ydpi=404.326}, isValid=true, size = Point(1080, 2131), realSize = Point(1080, 2340)
05-12 20:45:34.473 4299 10535 V WindowManager: Relayout Window{9819af3 u0 ScreenDecorOverlayBottom}: viewVisibility=0 req=1079x151
05-12 20:45:34.480 4299 10535 V WindowManager: Relayout 10137: mAttrs={(0,0)(fillxwrap) gr=BOTTOM RIGHT CENTER sim={adjust=pan} layoutInDisplayCutoutMode=always ty=NAVIGATION_BAR_PANEL fmt=TRANSLUCENT
05-12 20:45:34.480 4299 10535 V WindowManager: fl=20800128
05-12 20:45:34.480 4299 10535 V WindowManager: pfl=1100050
05-12 20:45:34.480 4299 10535 V WindowManager: vsysui=100 naviIconColor=0}
05-12 20:45:34.481 10137 10867 D ViewRootImpl@2e58a0d[ScreenDecorOverlayBottom]: Relayout returned: old=(0,2189,1080,2340) new=(0,2189,1080,2340) req=(1079,151)0 dur=9 res=0x3 s={true 478310068224} ch=false
05-12 20:45:34.486 10137 10137 D AOD_LIVE_CLOCK@LiveClockController: updateDisplayState: DISPLAY_STATE_DOZE
05-12 20:45:34.501 4299 12328 V WindowManager: Relayout Window{e90e744 u0 ScreenDecorOverlay}: viewVisibility=0 req=1079x151
05-12 20:45:34.506 10137 10137 D AODUiController: onChargingLightSensorChanged lux : 2.0 appliedBrightness = 0 currentBrightness = 1
05-12 20:45:34.506 10137 10137 D AOD_BRIGHTNESS@BrightnessManager: mCurrentBrightness : HighNit[false], NitMode[[HLPM]_2NIT_ON], isForceState[0, ForceStateReason[{}, , mAppliedBrightness[0]
05-12 20:45:34.507 10137 10137 D AOD_BRIGHTNESS@AlwaysOnDisplayEx: updateDozeBrightness: doze [2] last [[HLPM]_2NIT_ON] change to [[HLPM]_2NIT_ON]
05-12 20:45:34.507 10137 10137 I AOD_WAKELOCK@WakeLockManager: acquireIfExists: tag - AOD_DRAW, timeout - 100, reason - set Doze Brightness updateDozeBrightness, wakeLock = WakeLock{c1ae7d8 held=true, refCount=1}
05-12 20:45:34.508 4299 12328 V WindowManager: Relayout 10137: mAttrs={(0,0)(fillxwrap) gr=TOP LEFT CENTER sim={adjust=pan} layoutInDisplayCutoutMode=always ty=NAVIGATION_BAR_PANEL fmt=TRANSLUCENT
05-12 20:45:34.508 4299 12328 V WindowManager: fl=20800128
05-12 20:45:34.508 4299 12328 V WindowManager: pfl=1100050
05-12 20:45:34.508 4299 12328 V WindowManager: vsysui=100 naviIconColor=0}
05-12 20:45:34.510 10137 10867 D ViewRootImpl@ed5b6a[ScreenDecorOverlay]: Relayout returned: old=(0,0,1080,151) new=(0,0,1080,151) req=(1079,151)0 dur=10 res=0x3 s={true 478310035456} ch=false
05-12 20:45:34.516 4299 12328 V WindowManager: Relayout Window{9819af3 u0 ScreenDecorOverlayBottom}: viewVisibility=0 req=1079x151
05-12 20:45:34.523 4299 12328 V WindowManager: Relayout 10137: mAttrs={(0,0)(fillxwrap) gr=BOTTOM RIGHT CENTER sim={adjust=pan} layoutInDisplayCutoutMode=always ty=NAVIGATION_BAR_PANEL fmt=TRANSLUCENT
05-12 20:45:34.523 4299 12328 V WindowManager: fl=20800128
05-12 20:45:34.523 4299 12328 V WindowManager: pfl=1100050
05-12 20:45:34.523 4299 12328 V WindowManager: vsysui=100 naviIconColor=0}
05-12 20:45:34.525 10137 10867 D ViewRootImpl@2e58a0d[ScreenDecorOverlayBottom]: Relayout returned: old=(0,2189,1080,2340) new=(0,2189,1080,2340) req=(1079,151)0 dur=9 res=0x3 s={true 478310068224} ch=false
05-12 20:45:34.538 3951 10369 I GNSS_MEMS: TGT_MEMS SCSCMemsReportSensorDrops: dropped 0 events (spam) 3 events (rate limit) out of 50 total for sensor 0 since last report
05-12 20:45:34.605 10137 10137 D AODUiController: onChargingLightSensorChanged lux : 2.0 appliedBrightness = 0 currentBrightness = 1
05-12 20:45:34.605 10137 10137 D AOD_BRIGHTNESS@BrightnessManager: mCurrentBrightness : HighNit[false], NitMode[[HLPM]_2NIT_ON], isForceState[0, ForceStateReason[{}, , mAppliedBrightness[0]
05-12 20:45:34.606 10137 10137 D AOD_BRIGHTNESS@AlwaysOnDisplayEx: updateDozeBrightness: doze [2] last [[HLPM]_2NIT_ON] change to [[HLPM]_2NIT_ON]
05-12 20:45:34.606 10137 10137 I AOD_WAKELOCK@WakeLockManager: acquireIfExists: tag - AOD_DRAW, timeout - 100, reason - set Doze Brightness updateDozeBrightness, wakeLock = WakeLock{c1ae7d8 held=true, refCount=1}
05-12 20:45:34.713 10137 10137 D AODUiController: onChargingLightSensorChanged lux : 2.0 appliedBrightness = 0 currentBrightness = 1
05-12 20:45:34.713 10137 10137 D AOD_BRIGHTNESS@BrightnessManager: mCurrentBrightness : HighNit[false], NitMode[[HLPM]_2NIT_ON], isForceState[0, ForceStateReason[{}, , mAppliedBrightness[0]
05-12 20:45:34.714 10137 10137 D AOD_BRIGHTNESS@AlwaysOnDisplayEx: updateDozeBrightness: doze [2] last [[HLPM]_2NIT_ON] change to [[HLPM]_2NIT_ON]
05-12 20:45:34.714 10137 10137 I AOD_WAKELOCK@WakeLockManager: acquireIfExists: tag - AOD_DRAW, timeout - 100, reason - set Doze Brightness updateDozeBrightness, wakeLock = WakeLock{c1ae7d8 held=false, refCount=0}
05-12 20:45:34.715 3871 3871 D SurfaceFlinger: Setting power mode 3 on display 0
05-12 20:45:34.715 3841 3885 E display : DOZE or Power off called twice, mPowerModeState : 1
05-12 20:45:34.715 3841 3885 D display : setPowerMode:: FBIOBLANK mode(3), blank(-1)
05-12 20:45:34.718 3841 3885 D display : setPowerMode:: S3CFB_POWER_MODE mode(3), blank(-1)
05-12 20:45:34.718 3871 3871 D SurfaceFlinger: Finished setting power mode 3 on display 0
05-12 20:45:34.724 4299 5297 D MotionRecognitionService: [EARHOVER_MOTION] inject screen on / off : 0
05-12 20:45:34.724 4299 5297 D SensorService: [EARHOVER_LITE] : setMotionDataLocked
05-12 20:45:34.724 4299 5297 D SensorService: [EARHOVER_LITE] : INJECT_SCREEN_OFF
05-12 20:45:34.729 4299 10048 I BiometricServiceBase: onTaskStackChangedForFingerprint: Allow background auth,
05-12 20:45:34.732 4299 10048 I chatty : uid=1000(system) biometrics.fp identical 9 lines
05-12 20:45:34.732 4299 10048 I BiometricServiceBase: onTaskStackChangedForFingerprint: Allow background auth,
05-12 20:45:34.740 3871 3871 D SurfaceFlinger: Setting power mode 1 on display 0
05-12 20:45:34.740 3841 3885 E display : DOZE or Power off called twice, mPowerModeState : 3
05-12 20:45:34.740 3841 3885 D display : setPowerMode:: FBIOBLANK mode(1), blank(-1)
05-12 20:45:34.745 3841 3885 D display : setPowerMode:: S3CFB_POWER_MODE mode(1), blank(-1)
05-12 20:45:34.746 3871 3871 D SurfaceFlinger: Finished setting power mode 1 on display 0
05-12 20:45:34.749 10137 10137 D DisplayLifecycle: updateDisplay id = 0
05-12 20:45:34.755 10137 10137 D DisplayLifecycle: updateCacheVariables id = 0, display = Display id 0: DisplayInfo{"Built-in Screen, displayId 0", uniqueId "local:0", app 1080 x 2131, real 1080 x 2340, largest app 2131 x 2131, smallest app 1080 x 1017, mode 1, defaultMode 1, modes [{id=1, width=1080, height=2340, fps=60.000004}], colorMode 0, supportedColorModes [0], hdrCapabilities android.view.Display$HdrCapabilities@40f16308, rotation 0, density 420 (403.411 x 404.326) dpi, layerStack 0, appVsyncOff 1000000, presDeadline 16666666, type BUILT_IN, address {port=0}, state DOZE, FLAG_SECURE, FLAG_SUPPORTS_PROTECTED_BUFFERS, removeMode 0}, DisplayMetrics{density=2.625, width=1080, height=2131, scaledDensity=2.625, xdpi=403.411, ydpi=404.326}, isValid=true, size = Point(1080, 2131), realSize = Point(1080, 2340)
05-12 20:45:34.757 4299 5297 D MotionRecognitionService: [EARHOVER_MOTION] inject screen on / off : 0
05-12 20:45:34.758 4299 5297 D SensorService: [EARHOVER_LITE] : setMotionDataLocked
05-12 20:45:34.758 4299 5297 D SensorService: [EARHOVER_LITE] : INJECT_SCREEN_OFF
05-12 20:45:34.761 4299 10048 I BiometricServiceBase: onTaskStackChangedForFingerprint: Allow background auth,
05-12 20:45:34.762 4299 10048 I chatty : uid=1000(system) biometrics.fp identical 9 lines
05-12 20:45:34.762 4299 10048 I BiometricServiceBase: onTaskStackChangedForFingerprint: Allow background auth,
05-12 20:45:34.773 4299 11692 V WindowManager: Relayout Window{e90e744 u0 ScreenDecorOverlay}: viewVisibility=0 req=1079x151
05-12 20:45:34.781 4299 11692 V WindowManager: Relayout 10137: mAttrs={(0,0)(fillxwrap) gr=TOP LEFT CENTER sim={adjust=pan} layoutInDisplayCutoutMode=always ty=NAVIGATION_BAR_PANEL fmt=TRANSLUCENT
05-12 20:45:34.781 4299 11692 V WindowManager: fl=20800128
05-12 20:45:34.781 4299 11692 V WindowManager: pfl=1100050
05-12 20:45:34.781 4299 11692 V WindowManager: vsysui=100 naviIconColor=0}
05-12 20:45:34.784 10137 10867 D ViewRootImpl@ed5b6a[ScreenDecorOverlay]: Relayout returned: old=(0,0,1080,151) new=(0,0,1080,151) req=(1079,151)0 dur=14 res=0x3 s={true 478310035456} ch=false
05-12 20:45:34.784 10137 10137 D AOD_LIVE_CLOCK@LiveClockController: updateDisplayState: DISPLAY_STATE_DOZE
05-12 20:45:34.786 10137 10137 D DisplayLifecycle: updateDisplay id = 0
05-12 20:45:34.790 10137 10137 D DisplayLifecycle: updateCacheVariables id = 0, display = Display id 0: DisplayInfo{"Built-in Screen, displayId 0", uniqueId "local:0", app 1080 x 2131, real 1080 x 2340, largest app 2131 x 2131, smallest app 1080 x 1017, mode 1, defaultMode 1, modes [{id=1, width=1080, height=2340, fps=60.000004}], colorMode 0, supportedColorModes [0], hdrCapabilities android.view.Display$HdrCapabilities@40f16308, rotation 0, density 420 (403.411 x 404.326) dpi, layerStack 0, appVsyncOff 1000000, presDeadline 16666666, type BUILT_IN, address {port=0}, state DOZE, FLAG_SECURE, FLAG_SUPPORTS_PROTECTED_BUFFERS, removeMode 0}, DisplayMetrics{density=2.625, width=1080, height=2131, scaledDensity=2.625, xdpi=403.411, ydpi=404.326}, isValid=true, size = Point(1080, 2131), realSize = Point(1080, 2340)
05-12 20:45:34.792 4299 10275 V WindowManager: Relayout Window{9819af3 u0 ScreenDecorOverlayBottom}: viewVisibility=0 req=1079x151
05-12 20:45:34.800 4299 10275 V WindowManager: Relayout 10137: mAttrs={(0,0)(fillxwrap) gr=BOTTOM RIGHT CENTER sim={adjust=pan} layoutInDisplayCutoutMode=always ty=NAVIGATION_BAR_PANEL fmt=TRANSLUCENT
05-12 20:45:34.800 4299 10275 V WindowManager: fl=20800128
05-12 20:45:34.800 4299 10275 V WindowManager: pfl=1100050
05-12 20:45:34.800 4299 10275 V WindowManager: vsysui=100 naviIconColor=0}
05-12 20:45:34.802 10137 10867 D ViewRootImpl@2e58a0d[ScreenDecorOverlayBottom]: Relayout returned: old=(0,2189,1080,2340) new=(0,2189,1080,2340) req=(1079,151)0 dur=11 res=0x3 s={true 478310068224} ch=false
05-12 20:45:34.807 10137 10137 D AOD_LIVE_CLOCK@LiveClockController: updateDisplayState: DISPLAY_STATE_DOZE
05-12 20:45:34.807 10137 10137 D AODUiController: onChargingLightSensorChanged lux : 2.0 appliedBrightness = 0 currentBrightness = 1
05-12 20:45:34.807 10137 10137 D AOD_BRIGHTNESS@BrightnessManager: mCurrentBrightness : HighNit[false], NitMode[[HLPM]_2NIT_ON], isForceState[0, ForceStateReason[{}, , mAppliedBrightness[0]
05-12 20:45:34.807 10137 10137 D AOD_BRIGHTNESS@AlwaysOnDisplayEx: updateDozeBrightness: doze [2] last [[HLPM]_2NIT_ON] change to [[HLPM]_2NIT_ON]
05-12 20:45:34.807 10137 10137 I AOD_WAKELOCK@WakeLockManager: acquireIfExists: tag - AOD_DRAW, timeout - 100, reason - set Doze Brightness updateDozeBrightness, wakeLock = WakeLock{c1ae7d8 held=true, refCount=1}
05-12 20:45:34.834 4299 10275 V WindowManager: Relayout Window{e90e744 u0 ScreenDecorOverlay}: viewVisibility=0 req=1079x151
05-12 20:45:34.841 4299 10275 V WindowManager: Relayout 10137: mAttrs={(0,0)(fillxwrap) gr=TOP LEFT CENTER sim={adjust=pan} layoutInDisplayCutoutMode=always ty=NAVIGATION_BAR_PANEL fmt=TRANSLUCENT
05-12 20:45:34.841 4299 10275 V WindowManager: fl=20800128
05-12 20:45:34.841 4299 10275 V WindowManager: pfl=1100050
05-12 20:45:34.841 4299 10275 V WindowManager: vsysui=100 naviIconColor=0}
05-12 20:45:34.843 10137 10867 D ViewRootImpl@ed5b6a[ScreenDecorOverlay]: Relayout returned: old=(0,0,1080,151) new=(0,0,1080,151) req=(1079,151)0 dur=10 res=0x3 s={true 478310035456} ch=false
05-12 20:45:34.851 4299 10275 V WindowManager: Relayout Window{9819af3 u0 ScreenDecorOverlayBottom}: viewVisibility=0 req=1079x151
05-12 20:45:34.859 4299 10275 V WindowManager: Relayout 10137: mAttrs={(0,0)(fillxwrap) gr=BOTTOM RIGHT CENTER sim={adjust=pan} layoutInDisplayCutoutMode=always ty=NAVIGATION_BAR_PANEL fmt=TRANSLUCENT
05-12 20:45:34.859 4299 10275 V WindowManager: fl=20800128
05-12 20:45:34.859 4299 10275 V WindowManager: pfl=1100050
05-12 20:45:34.859 4299 10275 V WindowManager: vsysui=100 naviIconColor=0}
05-12 20:45:34.861 10137 10867 D ViewRootImpl@2e58a0d[ScreenDecorOverlayBottom]: Relayout returned: old=(0,2189,1080,2340) new=(0,2189,1080,2340) req=(1079,151)0 dur=10 res=0x3 s={true 478310068224} ch=false
05-12 20:45:34.906 10137 10137 D AODUiController: onChargingLightSensorChanged lux : 2.0 appliedBrightness = 0 currentBrightness = 1
05-12 20:45:34.906 10137 10137 D AOD_BRIGHTNESS@BrightnessManager: mCurrentBrightness : HighNit[false], NitMode[[HLPM]_2NIT_ON], isForceState[0, ForceStateReason[{}, , mAppliedBrightness[0]
05-12 20:45:34.907 10137 10137 D AOD_BRIGHTNESS@AlwaysOnDisplayEx: updateDozeBrightness: doze [2] last [[HLPM]_2NIT_ON] change to [[HLPM]_2NIT_ON]
05-12 20:45:34.907 10137 10137 I AOD_WAKELOCK@WakeLockManager: acquireIfExists: tag - AOD_DRAW, timeout - 100, reason - set Doze Brightness updateDozeBrightness, wakeLock = WakeLock{c1ae7d8 held=true, refCount=1}
05-12 20:45:35.011 3871 3871 D SurfaceFlinger: Setting power mode 3 on display 0
05-12 20:45:35.012 3841 3885 E display : DOZE or Power off called twice, mPowerModeState : 1
05-12 20:45:35.012 3841 3885 D display : setPowerMode:: FBIOBLANK mode(3), blank(-1)
05-12 20:45:35.013 10137 10137 D AODUiController: onChargingLightSensorChanged lux : 2.0 appliedBrightness = 0 currentBrightness = 1
05-12 20:45:35.013 10137 10137 D AOD_BRIGHTNESS@BrightnessManager: mCurrentBrightness : HighNit[false], NitMode[[HLPM]_2NIT_ON], isForceState[0, ForceStateReason[{}, , mAppliedBrightness[0]
05-12 20:45:35.013 10137 10137 D AOD_BRIGHTNESS@AlwaysOnDisplayEx: updateDozeBrightness: doze [2] last [[HLPM]_2NIT_ON] change to [[HLPM]_2NIT_ON]
05-12 20:45:35.013 10137 10137 I AOD_WAKELOCK@WakeLockManager: acquireIfExists: tag - AOD_DRAW, timeout - 100, reason - set Doze Brightness updateDozeBrightness, wakeLock = WakeLock{c1ae7d8 held=false, refCount=0}
05-12 20:45:35.013 3841 3885 D display : setPowerMode:: S3CFB_POWER_MODE mode(3), blank(-1)
05-12 20:45:35.014 3871 3871 D SurfaceFlinger: Finished setting power mode 3 on display 0
05-12 20:45:35.016 4299 5297 D MotionRecognitionService: [EARHOVER_MOTION] inject screen on / off : 0
05-12 20:45:35.016 4299 5297 D SensorService: [EARHOVER_LITE] : setMotionDataLocked
05-12 20:45:35.016 4299 5297 D SensorService: [EARHOVER_LITE] : INJECT_SCREEN_OFF
05-12 20:45:35.016 3970 10055 D bauth_FPBAuthService: pcf : 0x1012, 0 ,1 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,0,
05-12 20:45:35.016 3970 10055 D bauth_FPBAuthService: thread id : 1, preenroll_flag : 0, nd cnt : 0, cso : 0, et : 0
05-12 20:45:35.016 3970 10055 D bauth_FPBAuthService: FPBAuthService, 10983
05-12 20:45:35.020 4299 10048 I BiometricServiceBase: onTaskStackChangedForFingerprint: Allow background auth,
05-12 20:45:35.021 4299 10048 I chatty : uid=1000(system) biometrics.fp identical 9 lines
05-12 20:45:35.021 4299 10048 I BiometricServiceBase: onTaskStackChangedForFingerprint: Allow background auth,
05-12 20:45:35.027 3871 3871 D SurfaceFlinger: Setting power mode 1 on display 0
05-12 20:45:35.027 3841 9377 E display : DOZE or Power off called twice, mPowerModeState : 3
05-12 20:45:35.027 3841 9377 D display : setPowerMode:: FBIOBLANK mode(1), blank(-1)
05-12 20:45:35.031 10137 10137 D DisplayLifecycle: updateDisplay id = 0
05-12 20:45:35.032 3841 9377 D display : setPowerMode:: S3CFB_POWER_MODE mode(1), blank(-1)
05-12 20:45:35.032 3871 3871 D SurfaceFlinger: Finished setting power mode 1 on display 0
05-12 20:45:35.039 10137 10137 D DisplayLifecycle: updateCacheVariables id = 0, display = Display id 0: DisplayInfo{"Built-in Screen, displayId 0", uniqueId "local:0", app 1080 x 2131, real 1080 x 2340, largest app 2131 x 2131, smallest app 1080 x 1017, mode 1, defaultMode 1, modes [{id=1, width=1080, height=2340, fps=60.000004}], colorMode 0, supportedColorModes [0], hdrCapabilities android.view.Display$HdrCapabilities@40f16308, rotation 0, density 420 (403.411 x 404.326) dpi, layerStack 0, appVsyncOff 1000000, presDeadline 16666666, type BUILT_IN, address {port=0}, state DOZE_SUSPEND, FLAG_SECURE, FLAG_SUPPORTS_PROTECTED_BUFFERS, removeMode 0}, DisplayMetrics{density=2.625, width=1080, height=2131, scaledDensity=2.625, xdpi=403.411, ydpi=404.326}, isValid=true, size = Point(1080, 2131), realSize = Point(1080, 2340)
05-12 20:45:35.047 4299 10535 V WindowManager: Relayout Window{e90e744 u0 ScreenDecorOverlay}: viewVisibility=0 req=1079x151
05-12 20:45:35.048 4299 5297 D MotionRecognitionService: [EARHOVER_MOTION] inject screen on / off : 0
05-12 20:45:35.048 4299 5297 D SensorService: [EARHOVER_LITE] : setMotionDataLocked
05-12 20:45:35.048 4299 5297 D SensorService: [EARHOVER_LITE] : INJECT_SCREEN_OFF
05-12 20:45:35.057 10137 10137 D AOD_LIVE_CLOCK@LiveClockController: updateDisplayState: DISPLAY_STATE_DOZE
05-12 20:45:35.058 4299 10048 I BiometricServiceBase: onTaskStackChangedForFingerprint: Allow background auth,
05-12 20:45:35.059 4299 10048 I chatty : uid=1000(system) biometrics.fp identical 9 lines
05-12 20:45:35.059 10137 10137 D DisplayLifecycle: updateDisplay id = 0
05-12 20:45:35.059 4299 10048 I BiometricServiceBase: onTaskStackChangedForFingerprint: Allow background auth,
05-12 20:45:35.060 4299 10535 V WindowManager: Relayout 10137: mAttrs={(0,0)(fillxwrap) gr=TOP LEFT CENTER sim={adjust=pan} layoutInDisplayCutoutMode=always ty=NAVIGATION_BAR_PANEL fmt=TRANSLUCENT
05-12 20:45:35.060 4299 10535 V WindowManager: fl=20800128
05-12 20:45:35.060 4299 10535 V WindowManager: pfl=1100050
05-12 20:45:35.060 4299 10535 V WindowManager: vsysui=100 naviIconColor=0}
05-12 20:45:35.063 10137 10867 D ViewRootImpl@ed5b6a[ScreenDecorOverlay]: Relayout returned: old=(0,0,1080,151) new=(0,0,1080,151) req=(1079,151)0 dur=16 res=0x3 s={true 478310035456} ch=false
05-12 20:45:35.064 10137 10137 D DisplayLifecycle: updateCacheVariables id = 0, display = Display id 0: DisplayInfo{"Built-in Screen, displayId 0", uniqueId "local:0", app 1080 x 2131, real 1080 x 2340, largest app 2131 x 2131, smallest app 1080 x 1017, mode 1, defaultMode 1, modes [{id=1, width=1080, height=2340, fps=60.000004}], colorMode 0, supportedColorModes [0], hdrCapabilities android.view.Display$HdrCapabilities@40f16308, rotation 0, density 420 (403.411 x 404.326) dpi, layerStack 0, appVsyncOff 1000000, presDeadline 16666666, type BUILT_IN, address {port=0}, state DOZE, FLAG_SECURE, FLAG_SUPPORTS_PROTECTED_BUFFERS, removeMode 0}, DisplayMetrics{density=2.625, width=1080, height=2131, scaledDensity=2.625, xdpi=403.411, ydpi=404.326}, isValid=true, size = Point(1080, 2131), realSize = Point(1080, 2340)
05-12 20:45:35.080 4299 11689 V WindowManager: Relayout Window{9819af3 u0 ScreenDecorOverlayBottom}: viewVisibility=0 req=1079x151
05-12 20:45:35.082 10137 10137 D AOD_LIVE_CLOCK@LiveClockController: updateDisplayState: DISPLAY_STATE_DOZE
05-12 20:45:35.086 4299 11689 V WindowManager: Relayout 10137: mAttrs={(0,0)(fillxwrap) gr=BOTTOM RIGHT CENTER sim={adjust=pan} layoutInDisplayCutoutMode=always ty=NAVIGATION_BAR_PANEL fmt=TRANSLUCENT
05-12 20:45:35.086 4299 11689 V WindowManager: fl=20800128
05-12 20:45:35.086 4299 11689 V WindowManager: pfl=1100050
05-12 20:45:35.086 4299 11689 V WindowManager: vsysui=100 naviIconColor=0}
05-12 20:45:35.088 10137 10867 D ViewRootImpl@2e58a0d[ScreenDecorOverlayBottom]: Relayout returned: old=(0,2189,1080,2340) new=(0,2189,1080,2340) req=(1079,151)0 dur=9 res=0x3 s={true 478310068224} ch=false
05-12 20:45:35.118 10137 10137 D AODUiController: onChargingLightSensorChanged lux : 2.0 appliedBrightness = 0 currentBrightness = 1
05-12 20:45:35.118 10137 10137 D AOD_BRIGHTNESS@BrightnessManager: mCurrentBrightness : HighNit[false], NitMode[[HLPM]_2NIT_ON], isForceState[0, ForceStateReason[{}, , mAppliedBrightness[0]
05-12 20:45:35.118 10137 10137 D AOD_BRIGHTNESS@AlwaysOnDisplayEx: updateDozeBrightness: doze [2] last [[HLPM]_2NIT_ON] change to [[HLPM]_2NIT_ON]
05-12 20:45:35.118 10137 10137 I AOD_WAKELOCK@WakeLockManager: acquireIfExists: tag - AOD_DRAW, timeout - 100, reason - set Doze Brightness updateDozeBrightness, wakeLock = WakeLock{c1ae7d8 held=true, refCount=1}
05-12 20:45:35.135 4299 11689 V WindowManager: Relayout Window{e90e744 u0 ScreenDecorOverlay}: viewVisibility=0 req=1079x151
05-12 20:45:35.148 4299 11689 V WindowManager: Relayout 10137: mAttrs={(0,0)(fillxwrap) gr=TOP LEFT CENTER sim={adjust=pan} layoutInDisplayCutoutMode=always ty=NAVIGATION_BAR_PANEL fmt=TRANSLUCENT
05-12 20:45:35.148 4299 11689 V WindowManager: fl=20800128
05-12 20:45:35.148 4299 11689 V WindowManager: pfl=1100050
05-12 20:45:35.148 4299 11689 V WindowManager: vsysui=100 naviIconColor=0}
05-12 20:45:35.151 10137 10867 D ViewRootImpl@ed5b6a[ScreenDecorOverlay]: Relayout returned: old=(0,0,1080,151) new=(0,0,1080,151) req=(1079,151)0 dur=17 res=0x3 s={true 478310035456} ch=false
05-12 20:45:35.167 4299 11689 V WindowManager: Relayout Window{9819af3 u0 ScreenDecorOverlayBottom}: viewVisibility=0 req=1079x151
05-12 20:45:35.181 4299 11689 V WindowManager: Relayout 10137: mAttrs={(0,0)(fillxwrap) gr=BOTTOM RIGHT CENTER sim={adjust=pan} layoutInDisplayCutoutMode=always ty=NAVIGATION_BAR_PANEL fmt=TRANSLUCENT
05-12 20:45:35.181 4299 11689 V WindowManager: fl=20800128
05-12 20:45:35.181 4299 11689 V WindowManager: pfl=1100050
05-12 20:45:35.181 4299 11689 V WindowManager: vsysui=100 naviIconColor=0}
05-12 20:45:35.185 10137 10867 D ViewRootImpl@2e58a0d[ScreenDecorOverlayBottom]: Relayout returned: old=(0,2189,1080,2340) new=(0,2189,1080,2340) req=(1079,151)0 dur=20 res=0x3 s={true 478310068224} ch=false
05-12 20:45:35.226 3871 3871 D SurfaceFlinger: Setting power mode 3 on display 0
05-12 20:45:35.227 3841 9377 E display : DOZE or Power off called twice, mPowerModeState : 1
05-12 20:45:35.227 3841 9377 D display : setPowerMode:: FBIOBLANK mode(3), blank(-1)
05-12 20:45:35.235 4299 5297 D MotionRecognitionService: [EARHOVER_MOTION] inject screen on / off : 0
05-12 20:45:35.235 4299 5297 D SensorService: [EARHOVER_LITE] : setMotionDataLocked
05-12 20:45:35.236 4299 5297 D SensorService: [EARHOVER_LITE] : INJECT_SCREEN_OFF
05-12 20:45:35.239 4299 10048 I BiometricServiceBase: onTaskStackChangedForFingerprint: Allow background auth,
05-12 20:45:35.240 4299 10048 I BiometricServiceBase: onTaskStackChangedForFingerprint: Allow background auth,
05-12 20:45:35.240 10137 10137 D AODUiController: onChargingLightSensorChanged lux : 2.0 appliedBrightness = 0 currentBrightness = 1
05-12 20:45:35.240 4299 10048 I BiometricServiceBase: onTaskStackChangedForFingerprint: Allow background auth,
05-12 20:45:35.240 10137 10137 D AOD_BRIGHTNESS@BrightnessManager: mCurrentBrightness : HighNit[false], NitMode[[HLPM]_2NIT_ON], isForceState[0, ForceStateReason[{}, , mAppliedBrightness[0]
05-12 20:45:35.240 4299 10048 I BiometricServiceBase: onTaskStackChangedForFingerprint: Allow background auth,
05-12 20:45:35.240 10137 10137 D AOD_BRIGHTNESS@AlwaysOnDisplayEx: updateDozeBrightness: doze [2] last [[HLPM]_2NIT_ON] change to [[HLPM]_2NIT_ON]
05-12 20:45:35.241 4299 10048 I BiometricServiceBase: onTaskStackChangedForFingerprint: Allow background auth,
05-12 20:45:35.241 10137 10137 I AOD_WAKELOCK@WakeLockManager: acquireIfExists: tag - AOD_DRAW, timeout - 100, reason - set Doze Brightness updateDozeBrightness, wakeLock = WakeLock{c1ae7d8 held=false, refCount=0}
05-12 20:45:35.243 4299 10048 I chatty : uid=1000(system) biometrics.fp expire 5 lines
05-12 20:45:35.243 4299 10048 I BiometricServiceBase: onTaskStackChangedForFingerprint: Allow background auth,
05-12 20:45:35.246 3841 9377 D display : setPowerMode:: S3CFB_POWER_MODE mode(3), blank(-1)
05-12 20:45:35.247 3871 3871 D SurfaceFlinger: Finished setting power mode 3 on display 0
05-12 20:45:35.280 3871 3871 D SurfaceFlinger: Setting power mode 1 on display 0
05-12 20:45:35.280 3841 3885 E display : DOZE or Power off called twice, mPowerModeState : 3
05-12 20:45:35.280 3841 3885 D display : setPowerMode:: FBIOBLANK mode(1), blank(-1)
05-12 20:45:35.280 10137 10137 D DisplayLifecycle: updateDisplay id = 0
05-12 20:45:35.285 3841 3885 D display : setPowerMode:: S3CFB_POWER_MODE mode(1), blank(-1)
05-12 20:45:35.286 3871 3871 D SurfaceFlinger: Finished setting power mode 1 on display 0
05-12 20:45:35.291 10137 10137 D DisplayLifecycle: updateCacheVariables id = 0, display = Display id 0: DisplayInfo{"Built-in Screen, displayId 0", uniqueId "local:0", app 1080 x 2131, real 1080 x 2340, largest app 2131 x 2131, smallest app 1080 x 1017, mode 1, defaultMode 1, modes [{id=1, width=1080, height=2340, fps=60.000004}], colorMode 0, supportedColorModes [0], hdrCapabilities android.view.Display$HdrCapabilities@40f16308, rotation 0, density 420 (403.411 x 404.326) dpi, layerStack 0, appVsyncOff 1000000, presDeadline 16666666, type BUILT_IN, address {port=0}, state DOZE, FLAG_SECURE, FLAG_SUPPORTS_PROTECTED_BUFFERS, removeMode 0}, DisplayMetrics{density=2.625, width=1080, height=2131, scaledDensity=2.625, xdpi=403.411, ydpi=404.326}, isValid=true, size = Point(1080, 2131), realSize = Point(1080, 2340)
05-12 20:45:35.292 4299 5297 D MotionRecognitionService: [EARHOVER_MOTION] inject screen on / off : 0
05-12 20:45:35.292 4299 5297 D SensorService: [EARHOVER_LITE] : setMotionDataLocked
05-12 20:45:35.292 4299 5297 D SensorService: [EARHOVER_LITE] : INJECT_SCREEN_OFF
05-12 20:45:35.292 4299 10048 I BiometricServiceBase: onTaskStackChangedForFingerprint: Allow background auth,
05-12 20:45:35.293 4299 10048 I chatty : uid=1000(system) biometrics.fp identical 9 lines
05-12 20:45:35.293 4299 10048 I BiometricServiceBase: onTaskStackChangedForFingerprint: Allow background auth,
05-12 20:45:35.297 4299 10404 V WindowManager: Relayout Window{e90e744 u0 ScreenDecorOverlay}: viewVisibility=0 req=1079x151
05-12 20:45:35.304 4299 10404 V WindowManager: Relayout 10137: mAttrs={(0,0)(fillxwrap) gr=TOP LEFT CENTER sim={adjust=pan} layoutInDisplayCutoutMode=always ty=NAVIGATION_BAR_PANEL fmt=TRANSLUCENT
05-12 20:45:35.304 4299 10404 V WindowManager: fl=20800128
05-12 20:45:35.304 4299 10404 V WindowManager: pfl=1100050
05-12 20:45:35.304 4299 10404 V WindowManager: vsysui=100 naviIconColor=0}
05-12 20:45:35.306 10137 10867 D ViewRootImpl@ed5b6a[ScreenDecorOverlay]: Relayout returned: old=(0,0,1080,151) new=(0,0,1080,151) req=(1079,151)0 dur=20 res=0x3 s={true 478310035456} ch=false
05-12 20:45:35.307 10137 10137 D AOD_LIVE_CLOCK@LiveClockController: updateDisplayState: DISPLAY_STATE_DOZE
05-12 20:45:35.309 10137 10137 D DisplayLifecycle: updateDisplay id = 0
05-12 20:45:35.312 10137 10137 D DisplayLifecycle: updateCacheVariables id = 0, display = Display id 0: DisplayInfo{"Built-in Screen, displayId 0", uniqueId "local:0", app 1080 x 2131, real 1080 x 2340, largest app 2131 x 2131, smallest app 1080 x 1017, mode 1, defaultMode 1, modes [{id=1, width=1080, height=2340, fps=60.000004}], colorMode 0, supportedColorModes [0], hdrCapabilities android.view.Display$HdrCapabilities@40f16308, rotation 0, density 420 (403.411 x 404.326) dpi, layerStack 0, appVsyncOff 1000000, presDeadline 16666666, type BUILT_IN, address {port=0}, state DOZE, FLAG_SECURE, FLAG_SUPPORTS_PROTECTED_BUFFERS, removeMode 0}, DisplayMetrics{density=2.625, width=1080, height=2131, scaledDensity=2.625, xdpi=403.411, ydpi=404.326}, isValid=true, size = Point(1080, 2131), realSize = Point(1080, 2340)
05-12 20:45:35.316 4299 11683 V WindowManager: Relayout Window{9819af3 u0 ScreenDecorOverlayBottom}: viewVisibility=0 req=1079x151
05-12 20:45:35.322 4299 11683 V WindowManager: Relayout 10137: mAttrs={(0,0)(fillxwrap) gr=BOTTOM RIGHT CENTER sim={adjust=pan} layoutInDisplayCutoutMode=always ty=NAVIGATION_BAR_PANEL fmt=TRANSLUCENT
05-12 20:45:35.322 4299 11683 V WindowManager: fl=20800128
05-12 20:45:35.322 4299 11683 V WindowManager: pfl=1100050
05-12 20:45:35.322 4299 11683 V WindowManager: vsysui=100 naviIconColor=0}
05-12 20:45:35.323 10137 10137 D AOD_LIVE_CLOCK@LiveClockController: updateDisplayState: DISPLAY_STATE_DOZE
05-12 20:45:35.324 10137 10867 D ViewRootImpl@2e58a0d[ScreenDecorOverlayBottom]: Relayout returned: old=(0,2189,1080,2340) new=(0,2189,1080,2340) req=(1079,151)0 dur=9 res=0x3 s={true 478310068224} ch=false
05-12 20:45:35.339 10137 10137 D AODUiController: onChargingLightSensorChanged lux : 2.0 appliedBrightness = 0 currentBrightness = 1
05-12 20:45:35.339 10137 10137 D AOD_BRIGHTNESS@BrightnessManager: mCurrentBrightness : HighNit[false], NitMode[[HLPM]_2NIT_ON], isForceState[0, ForceStateReason[{}, , mAppliedBrightness[0]
05-12 20:45:35.339 10137 10137 D AOD_BRIGHTNESS@AlwaysOnDisplayEx: updateDozeBrightness: doze [2] last [[HLPM]_2NIT_ON] change to [[HLPM]_2NIT_ON]
05-12 20:45:35.339 10137 10137 I AOD_WAKELOCK@WakeLockManager: acquireIfExists: tag - AOD_DRAW, timeout - 100, reason - set Doze Brightness updateDozeBrightness, wakeLock = WakeLock{c1ae7d8 held=true, refCount=1}
05-12 20:45:35.368 4299 12327 V WindowManager: Relayout Window{e90e744 u0 ScreenDecorOverlay}: viewVisibility=0 req=1079x151
05-12 20:45:35.376 4299 12327 V WindowManager: Relayout 10137: mAttrs={(0,0)(fillxwrap) gr=TOP LEFT CENTER sim={adjust=pan} layoutInDisplayCutoutMode=always ty=NAVIGATION_BAR_PANEL fmt=TRANSLUCENT
05-12 20:45:35.376 4299 12327 V WindowManager: fl=20800128
05-12 20:45:35.376 4299 12327 V WindowManager: pfl=1100050
05-12 20:45:35.376 4299 12327 V WindowManager: vsysui=100 naviIconColor=0}
05-12 20:45:35.378 10137 10867 D ViewRootImpl@ed5b6a[ScreenDecorOverlay]: Relayout returned: old=(0,0,1080,151) new=(0,0,1080,151) req=(1079,151)0 dur=11 res=0x3 s={true 478310035456} ch=false
05-12 20:45:35.388 4299 12327 V WindowManager: Relayout Window{9819af3 u0 ScreenDecorOverlayBottom}: viewVisibility=0 req=1079x151
05-12 20:45:35.395 4299 12327 V WindowManager: Relayout 10137: mAttrs={(0,0)(fillxwrap) gr=BOTTOM RIGHT CENTER sim={adjust=pan} layoutInDisplayCutoutMode=always ty=NAVIGATION_BAR_PANEL fmt=TRANSLUCENT
05-12 20:45:35.395 4299 12327 V WindowManager: fl=20800128
05-12 20:45:35.395 4299 12327 V WindowManager: pfl=1100050
05-12 20:45:35.395 4299 12327 V WindowManager: vsysui=100 naviIconColor=0}
05-12 20:45:35.397 10137 10867 D ViewRootImpl@2e58a0d[ScreenDecorOverlayBottom]: Relayout returned: old=(0,2189,1080,2340) new=(0,2189,1080,2340) req=(1079,151)0 dur=10 res=0x3 s={true 478310068224} ch=false
05-12 20:45:35.444 3871 3871 D SurfaceFlinger: Setting power mode 3 on display 0
05-12 20:45:35.445 3841 3885 E display : DOZE or Power off called twice, mPowerModeState : 1
05-12 20:45:35.445 3841 3885 D display : setPowerMode:: FBIOBLANK mode(3), blank(-1)
05-12 20:45:35.446 10137 10137 D AODUiController: onChargingLightSensorChanged lux : 2.0 appliedBrightness = 0 currentBrightness = 1
05-12 20:45:35.446 10137 10137 D AOD_BRIGHTNESS@BrightnessManager: mCurrentBrightness : HighNit[false], NitMode[[HLPM]_2NIT_ON], isForceState[0, ForceStateReason[{}, , mAppliedBrightness[0]
05-12 20:45:35.446 10137 10137 D AOD_BRIGHTNESS@AlwaysOnDisplayEx: updateDozeBrightness: doze [2] last [[HLPM]_2NIT_ON] change to [[HLPM]_2NIT_ON]
05-12 20:45:35.447 10137 10137 I AOD_WAKELOCK@WakeLockManager: acquireIfExists: tag - AOD_DRAW, timeout - 100, reason - set Doze Brightness updateDozeBrightness, wakeLock = WakeLock{c1ae7d8 held=false, refCount=0}
05-12 20:45:35.450 4299 5297 D MotionRecognitionService: [EARHOVER_MOTION] inject screen on / off : 0
05-12 20:45:35.451 4299 5297 D SensorService: [EARHOVER_LITE] : setMotionDataLocked
05-12 20:45:35.451 4299 5297 D SensorService: [EARHOVER_LITE] : INJECT_SCREEN_OFF
05-12 20:45:35.452 4299 10048 I BiometricServiceBase: onTaskStackChangedForFingerprint: Allow background auth,
05-12 20:45:35.453 4299 10048 I chatty : uid=1000(system) biometrics.fp identical 9 lines
05-12 20:45:35.453 4299 10048 I BiometricServiceBase: onTaskStackChangedForFingerprint: Allow background auth,
05-12 20:45:35.461 10137 10137 D DisplayLifecycle: updateDisplay id = 0
05-12 20:45:35.468 10137 10137 D DisplayLifecycle: updateCacheVariables id = 0, display = Display id 0: DisplayInfo{"Built-in Screen, displayId 0", uniqueId "local:0", app 1080 x 2131, real 1080 x 2340, largest app 2131 x 2131, smallest app 1080 x 1017, mode 1, defaultMode 1, modes [{id=1, width=1080, height=2340, fps=60.000004}], colorMode 0, supportedColorModes [0], hdrCapabilities android.view.Display$HdrCapabilities@40f16308, rotation 0, density 420 (403.411 x 404.326) dpi, layerStack 0, appVsyncOff 1000000, presDeadline 16666666, type BUILT_IN, address {port=0}, state DOZE_SUSPEND, FLAG_SECURE, FLAG_SUPPORTS_PROTECTED_BUFFERS, removeMode 0}, DisplayMetrics{density=2.625, width=1080, height=2131, scaledDensity=2.625, xdpi=403.411, ydpi=404.326}, isValid=true, size = Point(1080, 2131), realSize = Point(1080, 2340)
05-12 20:45:35.478 4299 10404 V WindowManager: Relayout Window{e90e744 u0 ScreenDecorOverlay}: viewVisibility=0 req=1079x151
05-12 20:45:35.479 3841 3885 D display : setPowerMode:: S3CFB_POWER_MODE mode(3), blank(-1)
05-12 20:45:35.479 3871 3871 D SurfaceFlinger: Finished setting power mode 3 on display 0
05-12 20:45:35.481 3871 3871 D SurfaceFlinger: Setting power mode 1 on display 0
05-12 20:45:35.481 10137 10137 D AOD_LIVE_CLOCK@LiveClockController: updateDisplayState: DISPLAY_STATE_DOZE_SUSPEND
05-12 20:45:35.481 3841 3885 E display : DOZE or Power off called twice, mPowerModeState : 3
05-12 20:45:35.482 3841 3885 D display : setPowerMode:: FBIOBLANK mode(1), blank(-1)
05-12 20:45:35.486 4299 5297 D MotionRecognitionService: [EARHOVER_MOTION] inject screen on / off : 0
05-12 20:45:35.486 4299 5297 D SensorService: [EARHOVER_LITE] : setMotionDataLocked
05-12 20:45:35.486 4299 5297 D SensorService: [EARHOVER_LITE] : INJECT_SCREEN_OFF
05-12 20:45:35.486 3841 3885 D display : setPowerMode:: S3CFB_POWER_MODE mode(1), blank(-1)
05-12 20:45:35.487 3871 3871 D SurfaceFlinger: Finished setting power mode 1 on display 0
05-12 20:45:35.489 4299 10404 V WindowManager: Relayout 10137: mAttrs={(0,0)(fillxwrap) gr=TOP LEFT CENTER sim={adjust=pan} layoutInDisplayCutoutMode=always ty=NAVIGATION_BAR_PANEL fmt=TRANSLUCENT
05-12 20:45:35.489 4299 10404 V WindowManager: fl=20800128
05-12 20:45:35.489 4299 10404 V WindowManager: pfl=1100050
05-12 20:45:35.489 4299 10404 V WindowManager: vsysui=100 naviIconColor=0}
05-12 20:45:35.489 4299 10048 I BiometricServiceBase: onTaskStackChangedForFingerprint: Allow background auth,
05-12 20:45:35.490 4299 10048 I chatty : uid=1000(system) biometrics.fp identical 9 lines
05-12 20:45:35.490 4299 10048 I BiometricServiceBase: onTaskStackChangedForFingerprint: Allow background auth,
05-12 20:45:35.492 10137 10137 D DisplayLifecycle: updateDisplay id = 0
05-12 20:45:35.497 10137 10867 D ViewRootImpl@ed5b6a[ScreenDecorOverlay]: Relayout returned: old=(0,0,1080,151) new=(0,0,1080,151) req=(1079,151)0 dur=20 res=0x3 s={true 478310035456} ch=false
05-12 20:45:35.498 10137 10137 D DisplayLifecycle: updateCacheVariables id = 0, display = Display id 0: DisplayInfo{"Built-in Screen, displayId 0", uniqueId "local:0", app 1080 x 2131, real 1080 x 2340, largest app 2131 x 2131, smallest app 1080 x 1017, mode 1, defaultMode 1, modes [{id=1, width=1080, height=2340, fps=60.000004}], colorMode 0, supportedColorModes [0], hdrCapabilities android.view.Display$HdrCapabilities@40f16308, rotation 0, density 420 (403.411 x 404.326) dpi, layerStack 0, appVsyncOff 1000000, presDeadline 16666666, type BUILT_IN, address {port=0}, state DOZE, FLAG_SECURE, FLAG_SUPPORTS_PROTECTED_BUFFERS, removeMode 0}, DisplayMetrics{density=2.625, width=1080, height=2131, scaledDensity=2.625, xdpi=403.411, ydpi=404.326}, isValid=true, size = Point(1080, 2131), realSize = Point(1080, 2340)
05-12 20:45:35.512 4299 10246 V WindowManager: Relayout Window{9819af3 u0 ScreenDecorOverlayBottom}: viewVisibility=0 req=1079x151
05-12 20:45:35.518 10137 10137 D AOD_LIVE_CLOCK@LiveClockController: updateDisplayState: DISPLAY_STATE_DOZE
05-12 20:45:35.519 4299 10246 V WindowManager: Relayout 10137: mAttrs={(0,0)(fillxwrap) gr=BOTTOM RIGHT CENTER sim={adjust=pan} layoutInDisplayCutoutMode=always ty=NAVIGATION_BAR_PANEL fmt=TRANSLUCENT
05-12 20:45:35.519 4299 10246 V WindowManager: fl=20800128
05-12 20:45:35.519 4299 10246 V WindowManager: pfl=1100050
05-12 20:45:35.519 4299 10246 V WindowManager: vsysui=100 naviIconColor=0}
05-12 20:45:35.521 10137 10867 D ViewRootImpl@2e58a0d[ScreenDecorOverlayBottom]: Relayout returned: old=(0,2189,1080,2340) new=(0,2189,1080,2340) req=(1079,151)0 dur=10 res=0x3 s={true 478310068224} ch=false
05-12 20:45:35.539 4299 10246 V WindowManager: Relayout Window{e90e744 u0 ScreenDecorOverlay}: viewVisibility=0 req=1079x151
05-12 20:45:35.545 10137 10137 D AODUiController: onChargingLightSensorChanged lux : 2.0 appliedBrightness = 0 currentBrightness = 1
05-12 20:45:35.545 10137 10137 D AOD_BRIGHTNESS@BrightnessManager: mCurrentBrightness : HighNit[false], NitMode[[HLPM]_2NIT_ON], isForceState[0, ForceStateReason[{}, , mAppliedBrightness[0]
05-12 20:45:35.545 10137 10137 D AOD_BRIGHTNESS@AlwaysOnDisplayEx: updateDozeBrightness: doze [2] last [[HLPM]_2NIT_ON] change to [[HLPM]_2NIT_ON]
05-12 20:45:35.545 10137 10137 I AOD_WAKELOCK@WakeLockManager: acquireIfExists: tag - AOD_DRAW, timeout - 100, reason - set Doze Brightness updateDozeBrightness, wakeLock = WakeLock{c1ae7d8 held=true, refCount=1}
05-12 20:45:35.546 4299 10246 V WindowManager: Relayout 10137: mAttrs={(0,0)(fillxwrap) gr=TOP LEFT CENTER sim={adjust=pan} layoutInDisplayCutoutMode=always ty=NAVIGATION_BAR_PANEL fmt=TRANSLUCENT
05-12 20:45:35.546 4299 10246 V WindowManager: fl=20800128
05-12 20:45:35.546 4299 10246 V WindowManager: pfl=1100050
05-12 20:45:35.546 4299 10246 V WindowManager: vsysui=100 naviIconColor=0}
05-12 20:45:35.547 10137 10867 D ViewRootImpl@ed5b6a[ScreenDecorOverlay]: Relayout returned: old=(0,0,1080,151) new=(0,0,1080,151) req=(1079,151)0 dur=8 res=0x3 s={true 478310035456} ch=false
05-12 20:45:35.554 4299 10246 V WindowManager: Relayout Window{9819af3 u0 ScreenDecorOverlayBottom}: viewVisibility=0 req=1079x151
05-12 20:45:35.560 4299 10246 V WindowManager: Relayout 10137: mAttrs={(0,0)(fillxwrap) gr=BOTTOM RIGHT CENTER sim={adjust=pan} layoutInDisplayCutoutMode=always ty=NAVIGATION_BAR_PANEL fmt=TRANSLUCENT
05-12 20:45:35.560 4299 10246 V WindowManager: fl=20800128
05-12 20:45:35.560 4299 10246 V WindowManager: pfl=1100050
05-12 20:45:35.560 4299 10246 V WindowManager: vsysui=100 naviIconColor=0}
05-12 20:45:35.562 10137 10867 D ViewRootImpl@2e58a0d[ScreenDecorOverlayBottom]: Relayout returned: old=(0,2189,1080,2340) new=(0,2189,1080,2340) req=(1079,151)0 dur=9 res=0x3 s={true 478310068224} ch=false
05-12 20:45:35.657 10137 10137 D AODUiController: onChargingLightSensorChanged lux : 2.0 appliedBrightness = 0 currentBrightness = 1
05-12 20:45:35.657 10137 10137 D AOD_BRIGHTNESS@BrightnessManager: mCurrentBrightness : HighNit[false], NitMode[[HLPM]_2NIT_ON], isForceState[0, ForceStateReason[{}, , mAppliedBrightness[0]
05-12 20:45:35.658 10137 10137 D AOD_BRIGHTNESS@AlwaysOnDisplayEx: updateDozeBrightness: doze [2] last [[HLPM]_2NIT_ON] change to [[HLPM]_2NIT_ON]
05-12 20:45:35.658 10137 10137 I AOD_WAKELOCK@WakeLockManager: acquireIfExists: tag - AOD_DRAW, timeout - 100, reason - set Doze Brightness updateDozeBrightness, wakeLock = WakeLock{c1ae7d8 held=false, refCount=0}
05-12 20:45:35.661 3871 3871 D SurfaceFlinger: Setting power mode 3 on display 0
05-12 20:45:35.662 3841 9377 E display : DOZE or Power off called twice, mPowerModeState : 1
05-12 20:45:35.662 3841 9377 D display : setPowerMode:: FBIOBLANK mode(3), blank(-1)
05-12 20:45:35.664 3841 9377 D display : setPowerMode:: S3CFB_POWER_MODE mode(3), blank(-1)
05-12 20:45:35.665 3871 3871 D SurfaceFlinger: Finished setting power mode 3 on display 0
05-12 20:45:35.671 4299 5297 D MotionRecognitionService: [EARHOVER_MOTION] inject screen on / off : 0
05-12 20:45:35.672 4299 5297 D SensorService: [EARHOVER_LITE] : setMotionDataLocked
05-12 20:45:35.672 4299 5297 D SensorService: [EARHOVER_LITE] : INJECT_SCREEN_OFF
05-12 20:45:35.676 4299 10048 I BiometricServiceBase: onTaskStackChangedForFingerprint: Allow background auth,
05-12 20:45:35.677 4299 10048 I chatty : uid=1000(system) biometrics.fp identical 9 lines
05-12 20:45:35.677 4299 10048 I BiometricServiceBase: onTaskStackChangedForFingerprint: Allow background auth,
05-12 20:45:35.687 3871 3871 D SurfaceFlinger: Setting power mode 1 on display 0
05-12 20:45:35.688 3841 3885 E display : DOZE or Power off called twice, mPowerModeState : 3
05-12 20:45:35.688 3841 3885 D display : setPowerMode:: FBIOBLANK mode(1), blank(-1)
05-12 20:45:35.688 10137 10137 D DisplayLifecycle: updateDisplay id = 0
05-12 20:45:35.692 3841 3885 D display : setPowerMode:: S3CFB_POWER_MODE mode(1), blank(-1)
05-12 20:45:35.693 3871 3871 D SurfaceFlinger: Finished setting power mode 1 on display 0
05-12 20:45:35.696 4299 5297 D MotionRecognitionService: [EARHOVER_MOTION] inject screen on / off : 0
05-12 20:45:35.696 4299 5297 D SensorService: [EARHOVER_LITE] : setMotionDataLocked
05-12 20:45:35.696 4299 5297 D SensorService: [EARHOVER_LITE] : INJECT_SCREEN_OFF
05-12 20:45:35.697 4299 10048 I BiometricServiceBase: onTaskStackChangedForFingerprint: Allow background auth,
05-12 20:45:35.698 4299 10048 I chatty : uid=1000(system) biometrics.fp identical 9 lines
05-12 20:45:35.698 4299 10048 I BiometricServiceBase: onTaskStackChangedForFingerprint: Allow background auth,
05-12 20:45:35.698 10137 10137 D DisplayLifecycle: updateCacheVariables id = 0, display = Display id 0: DisplayInfo{"Built-in Screen, displayId 0", uniqueId "local:0", app 1080 x 2131, real 1080 x 2340, largest app 2131 x 2131, smallest app 1080 x 1017, mode 1, defaultMode 1, modes [{id=1, width=1080, height=2340, fps=60.000004}], colorMode 0, supportedColorModes [0], hdrCapabilities android.view.Display$HdrCapabilities@40f16308, rotation 0, density 420 (403.411 x 404.326) dpi, layerStack 0, appVsyncOff 1000000, presDeadline 16666666, type BUILT_IN, address {port=0}, state DOZE, FLAG_SECURE, FLAG_SUPPORTS_PROTECTED_BUFFERS, removeMode 0}, DisplayMetrics{density=2.625, width=1080, height=2131, scaledDensity=2.625, xdpi=403.411, ydpi=404.326}, isValid=true, size = Point(1080, 2131), realSize = Point(1080, 2340)
05-12 20:45:35.699 3951 10369 I GNSS_MEMS: TGT_MEMS SCSCMemsReportSensorDrops: dropped 0 events (spam) 1 events (rate limit) out of 58 total for sensor 0 since last report
05-12 20:45:35.712 4299 11683 V WindowManager: Relayout Window{e90e744 u0 ScreenDecorOverlay}: viewVisibility=0 req=1079x151
05-12 20:45:35.720 4299 11683 V WindowManager: Relayout 10137: mAttrs={(0,0)(fillxwrap) gr=TOP LEFT CENTER sim={adjust=pan} layoutInDisplayCutoutMode=always ty=NAVIGATION_BAR_PANEL fmt=TRANSLUCENT
05-12 20:45:35.720 4299 11683 V WindowManager: fl=20800128
05-12 20:45:35.720 4299 11683 V WindowManager: pfl=1100050
05-12 20:45:35.720 4299 11683 V WindowManager: vsysui=100 naviIconColor=0}
05-12 20:45:35.720 10137 10137 D AOD_LIVE_CLOCK@LiveClockController: updateDisplayState: DISPLAY_STATE_DOZE
05-12 20:45:35.721 10137 10137 D DisplayLifecycle: updateDisplay id = 0
05-12 20:45:35.722 10137 10867 D ViewRootImpl@ed5b6a[ScreenDecorOverlay]: Relayout returned: old=(0,0,1080,151) new=(0,0,1080,151) req=(1079,151)0 dur=15 res=0x3 s={true 478310035456} ch=false
05-12 20:45:35.726 10137 10137 D DisplayLifecycle: updateCacheVariables id = 0, display = Display id 0: DisplayInfo{"Built-in Screen, displayId 0", uniqueId "local:0", app 1080 x 2131, real 1080 x 2340, largest app 2131 x 2131, smallest app 1080 x 1017, mode 1, defaultMode 1, modes [{id=1, width=1080, height=2340, fps=60.000004}], colorMode 0, supportedColorModes [0], hdrCapabilities android.view.Display$HdrCapabilities@40f16308, rotation 0, density 420 (403.411 x 404.326) dpi, layerStack 0, appVsyncOff 1000000, presDeadline 16666666, type BUILT_IN, address {port=0}, state DOZE, FLAG_SECURE, FLAG_SUPPORTS_PROTECTED_BUFFERS, removeMode 0}, DisplayMetrics{density=2.625, width=1080, height=2131, scaledDensity=2.625, xdpi=403.411, ydpi=404.326}, isValid=true, size = Point(1080, 2131), realSize = Point(1080, 2340)
05-12 20:45:35.733 4299 11689 V WindowManager: Relayout Window{9819af3 u0 ScreenDecorOverlayBottom}: viewVisibility=0 req=1079x151
05-12 20:45:35.738 10137 10137 D AOD_LIVE_CLOCK@LiveClockController: updateDisplayState: DISPLAY_STATE_DOZE
05-12 20:45:35.741 4299 11689 V WindowManager: Relayout 10137: mAttrs={(0,0)(fillxwrap) gr=BOTTOM RIGHT CENTER sim={adjust=pan} layoutInDisplayCutoutMode=always ty=NAVIGATION_BAR_PANEL fmt=TRANSLUCENT
05-12 20:45:35.741 4299 11689 V WindowManager: fl=20800128
05-12 20:45:35.741 4299 11689 V WindowManager: pfl=1100050
05-12 20:45:35.741 4299 11689 V WindowManager: vsysui=100 naviIconColor=0}
05-12 20:45:35.743 10137 10867 D ViewRootImpl@2e58a0d[ScreenDecorOverlayBottom]: Relayout returned: old=(0,2189,1080,2340) new=(0,2189,1080,2340) req=(1079,151)0 dur=11 res=0x3 s={true 478310068224} ch=false
05-12 20:45:35.750 10137 10137 D AODUiController: onChargingLightSensorChanged lux : 2.0 appliedBrightness = 0 currentBrightness = 1
05-12 20:45:35.750 10137 10137 D AOD_BRIGHTNESS@BrightnessManager: mCurrentBrightness : HighNit[false], NitMode[[HLPM]_2NIT_ON], isForceState[0, ForceStateReason[{}, , mAppliedBrightness[0]
05-12 20:45:35.751 10137 10137 D AOD_BRIGHTNESS@AlwaysOnDisplayEx: updateDozeBrightness: doze [2] last [[HLPM]_2NIT_ON] change to [[HLPM]_2NIT_ON]
05-12 20:45:35.751 10137 10137 I AOD_WAKELOCK@WakeLockManager: acquireIfExists: tag - AOD_DRAW, timeout - 100, reason - set Doze Brightness updateDozeBrightness, wakeLock = WakeLock{c1ae7d8 held=true, refCount=1}
05-12 20:45:35.771 4299 11689 V WindowManager: Relayout Window{e90e744 u0 ScreenDecorOverlay}: viewVisibility=0 req=1079x151
05-12 20:45:35.778 4299 11689 V WindowManager: Relayout 10137: mAttrs={(0,0)(fillxwrap) gr=TOP LEFT CENTER sim={adjust=pan} layoutInDisplayCutoutMode=always ty=NAVIGATION_BAR_PANEL fmt=TRANSLUCENT
05-12 20:45:35.778 4299 11689 V WindowManager: fl=20800128
05-12 20:45:35.778 4299 11689 V WindowManager: pfl=1100050
05-12 20:45:35.778 4299 11689 V WindowManager: vsysui=100 naviIconColor=0}
05-12 20:45:35.780 10137 10867 D ViewRootImpl@ed5b6a[ScreenDecorOverlay]: Relayout returned: old=(0,0,1080,151) new=(0,0,1080,151) req=(1079,151)0 dur=13 res=0x3 s={true 478310035456} ch=false
05-12 20:45:35.787 4299 11689 V WindowManager: Relayout Window{9819af3 u0 ScreenDecorOverlayBottom}: viewVisibility=0 req=1079x151
05-12 20:45:35.794 4299 11689 V WindowManager: Relayout 10137: mAttrs={(0,0)(fillxwrap) gr=BOTTOM RIGHT CENTER sim={adjust=pan} layoutInDisplayCutoutMode=always ty=NAVIGATION_BAR_PANEL fmt=TRANSLUCENT
05-12 20:45:35.794 4299 11689 V WindowManager: fl=20800128
05-12 20:45:35.794 4299 11689 V WindowManager: pfl=1100050
05-12 20:45:35.794 4299 11689 V WindowManager: vsysui=100 naviIconColor=0}
05-12 20:45:35.796 10137 10867 D ViewRootImpl@2e58a0d[ScreenDecorOverlayBottom]: Relayout returned: old=(0,2189,1080,2340) new=(0,2189,1080,2340) req=(1079,151)0 dur=10 res=0x3 s={true 478310068224} ch=false
05-12 20:45:35.855 10137 10137 D AODUiController: onChargingLightSensorChanged lux : 1.0 appliedBrightness = 0 currentBrightness = 1
05-12 20:45:35.855 10137 10137 D AOD_BRIGHTNESS@BrightnessManager: mCurrentBrightness : HighNit[false], NitMode[[HLPM]_2NIT_ON], isForceState[0, ForceStateReason[{}, , mAppliedBrightness[0]
05-12 20:45:35.855 10137 10137 D AOD_BRIGHTNESS@AlwaysOnDisplayEx: updateDozeBrightness: doze [2] last [[HLPM]_2NIT_ON] change to [[HLPM]_2NIT_ON]
05-12 20:45:35.855 3871 3871 D SurfaceFlinger: Setting power mode 3 on display 0
05-12 20:45:35.855 10137 10137 I AOD_WAKELOCK@WakeLockManager: acquireIfExists: tag - AOD_DRAW, timeout - 100, reason - set Doze Brightness updateDozeBrightness, wakeLock = WakeLock{c1ae7d8 held=false, refCount=0}
05-12 20:45:35.856 3841 9377 E display : DOZE or Power off called twice, mPowerModeState : 1
05-12 20:45:35.856 3841 9377 D display : setPowerMode:: FBIOBLANK mode(3), blank(-1)
05-12 20:45:35.859 4299 5297 D MotionRecognitionService: [EARHOVER_MOTION] inject screen on / off : 0
05-12 20:45:35.859 4299 5297 D SensorService: [EARHOVER_LITE] : setMotionDataLocked
05-12 20:45:35.859 4299 5297 D SensorService: [EARHOVER_LITE] : INJECT_SCREEN_OFF
05-12 20:45:35.862 4299 10048 I BiometricServiceBase: onTaskStackChangedForFingerprint: Allow background auth,
05-12 20:45:35.865 4299 10048 I chatty : uid=1000(system) biometrics.fp identical 9 lines
05-12 20:45:35.865 4299 10048 I BiometricServiceBase: onTaskStackChangedForFingerprint: Allow background auth,
05-12 20:45:35.875 10137 10137 D DisplayLifecycle: updateDisplay id = 0
05-12 20:45:35.879 3841 9377 D display : setPowerMode:: S3CFB_POWER_MODE mode(3), blank(-1)
05-12 20:45:35.880 3871 3871 D SurfaceFlinger: Finished setting power mode 3 on display 0
05-12 20:45:35.880 10137 10137 D DisplayLifecycle: updateCacheVariables id = 0, display = Display id 0: DisplayInfo{"Built-in Screen, displayId 0", uniqueId "local:0", app 1080 x 2131, real 1080 x 2340, largest app 2131 x 2131, smallest app 1080 x 1017, mode 1, defaultMode 1, modes [{id=1, width=1080, height=2340, fps=60.000004}], colorMode 0, supportedColorModes [0], hdrCapabilities android.view.Display$HdrCapabilities@40f16308, rotation 0, density 420 (403.411 x 404.326) dpi, layerStack 0, appVsyncOff 1000000, presDeadline 16666666, type BUILT_IN, address {port=0}, state DOZE_SUSPEND, FLAG_SECURE, FLAG_SUPPORTS_PROTECTED_BUFFERS, removeMode 0}, DisplayMetrics{density=2.625, width=1080, height=2131, scaledDensity=2.625, xdpi=403.411, ydpi=404.326}, isValid=true, size = Point(1080, 2131), realSize = Point(1080, 2340)
05-12 20:45:35.881 3871 3871 D SurfaceFlinger: Setting power mode 1 on display 0
05-12 20:45:35.881 3841 9377 E display : DOZE or Power off called twice, mPowerModeState : 3
05-12 20:45:35.881 3841 9377 D display : setPowerMode:: FBIOBLANK mode(1), blank(-1)
05-12 20:45:35.886 3841 9377 D display : setPowerMode:: S3CFB_POWER_MODE mode(1), blank(-1)
05-12 20:45:35.887 3871 3871 D SurfaceFlinger: Finished setting power mode 1 on display 0
05-12 20:45:35.892 4299 10048 I BiometricServiceBase: onTaskStackChangedForFingerprint: Allow background auth,
05-12 20:45:35.892 4299 10048 I chatty : uid=1000(system) biometrics.fp identical 1 line
05-12 20:45:35.892 4299 10048 I BiometricServiceBase: onTaskStackChangedForFingerprint: Allow background auth,
05-12 20:45:35.892 4299 5297 D MotionRecognitionService: [EARHOVER_MOTION] inject screen on / off : 0
05-12 20:45:35.892 4299 10048 I BiometricServiceBase: onTaskStackChangedForFingerprint: Allow background auth,
05-12 20:45:35.892 4299 10048 I chatty : uid=1000(system) biometrics.fp identical 1 line
05-12 20:45:35.892 4299 5297 D SensorService: [EARHOVER_LITE] : setMotionDataLocked
05-12 20:45:35.892 4299 10048 I BiometricServiceBase: onTaskStackChangedForFingerprint: Allow background auth,
05-12 20:45:35.892 4299 5297 D SensorService: [EARHOVER_LITE] : INJECT_SCREEN_OFF
05-12 20:45:35.893 4299 10048 I BiometricServiceBase: onTaskStackChangedForFingerprint: Allow background auth,
05-12 20:45:35.893 4299 10048 I chatty : uid=1000(system) biometrics.fp identical 3 lines
05-12 20:45:35.893 4299 10048 I BiometricServiceBase: onTaskStackChangedForFingerprint: Allow background auth,
05-12 20:45:35.902 4299 11689 V WindowManager: Relayout Window{e90e744 u0 ScreenDecorOverlay}: viewVisibility=0 req=1079x151
05-12 20:45:35.903 10137 10137 D AOD_LIVE_CLOCK@LiveClockController: updateDisplayState: DISPLAY_STATE_DOZE
05-12 20:45:35.905 10137 10137 D DisplayLifecycle: updateDisplay id = 0
05-12 20:45:35.909 10137 10137 D DisplayLifecycle: updateCacheVariables id = 0, display = Display id 0: DisplayInfo{"Built-in Screen, displayId 0", uniqueId "local:0", app 1080 x 2131, real 1080 x 2340, largest app 2131 x 2131, smallest app 1080 x 1017, mode 1, defaultMode 1, modes [{id=1, width=1080, height=2340, fps=60.000004}], colorMode 0, supportedColorModes [0], hdrCapabilities android.view.Display$HdrCapabilities@40f16308, rotation 0, density 420 (403.411 x 404.326) dpi, layerStack 0, appVsyncOff 1000000, presDeadline 16666666, type BUILT_IN, address {port=0}, state DOZE, FLAG_SECURE, FLAG_SUPPORTS_PROTECTED_BUFFERS, removeMode 0}, DisplayMetrics{density=2.625, width=1080, height=2131, scaledDensity=2.625, xdpi=403.411, ydpi=404.326}, isValid=true, size = Point(1080, 2131), realSize = Point(1080, 2340)
05-12 20:45:35.913 4299 11689 V WindowManager: Relayout 10137: mAttrs={(0,0)(fillxwrap) gr=TOP LEFT CENTER sim={adjust=pan} layoutInDisplayCutoutMode=always ty=NAVIGATION_BAR_PANEL fmt=TRANSLUCENT
05-12 20:45:35.913 4299 11689 V WindowManager: fl=20800128
05-12 20:45:35.913 4299 11689 V WindowManager: pfl=1100050
05-12 20:45:35.913 4299 11689 V WindowManager: vsysui=100 naviIconColor=0}
05-12 20:45:35.915 10137 10867 D ViewRootImpl@ed5b6a[ScreenDecorOverlay]: Relayout returned: old=(0,0,1080,151) new=(0,0,1080,151) req=(1079,151)0 dur=13 res=0x3 s={true 478310035456} ch=false
05-12 20:45:35.920 10137 10137 D AOD_LIVE_CLOCK@LiveClockController: updateDisplayState: DISPLAY_STATE_DOZE
05-12 20:45:35.924 4299 11689 V WindowManager: Relayout Window{9819af3 u0 ScreenDecorOverlayBottom}: viewVisibility=0 req=1079x151
05-12 20:45:35.931 4299 11689 V WindowManager: Relayout 10137: mAttrs={(0,0)(fillxwrap) gr=BOTTOM RIGHT CENTER sim={adjust=pan} layoutInDisplayCutoutMode=always ty=NAVIGATION_BAR_PANEL fmt=TRANSLUCENT
05-12 20:45:35.931 4299 11689 V WindowManager: fl=20800128
05-12 20:45:35.931 4299 11689 V WindowManager: pfl=1100050
05-12 20:45:35.931 4299 11689 V WindowManager: vsysui=100 naviIconColor=0}
05-12 20:45:35.933 10137 10867 D ViewRootImpl@2e58a0d[ScreenDecorOverlayBottom]: Relayout returned: old=(0,2189,1080,2340) new=(0,2189,1080,2340) req=(1079,151)0 dur=10 res=0x3 s={true 478310068224} ch=false
05-12 20:45:35.958 10137 10137 D AODUiController: onChargingLightSensorChanged lux : 1.0 appliedBrightness = 0 currentBrightness = 1
05-12 20:45:35.958 10137 10137 D AOD_BRIGHTNESS@BrightnessManager: mCurrentBrightness : HighNit[false], NitMode[[HLPM]_2NIT_ON], isForceState[0, ForceStateReason[{}, , mAppliedBrightness[0]
05-12 20:45:35.958 10137 10137 D AOD_BRIGHTNESS@AlwaysOnDisplayEx: updateDozeBrightness: doze [2] last [[HLPM]_2NIT_ON] change to [[HLPM]_2NIT_ON]
05-12 20:45:35.958 10137 10137 I AOD_WAKELOCK@WakeLockManager: acquireIfExists: tag - AOD_DRAW, timeout - 100, reason - set Doze Brightness updateDozeBrightness, wakeLock = WakeLock{c1ae7d8 held=true, refCount=1}
05-12 20:45:35.968 4299 11689 V WindowManager: Relayout Window{e90e744 u0 ScreenDecorOverlay}: viewVisibility=0 req=1079x151
05-12 20:45:35.979 4299 11689 V WindowManager: Relayout 10137: mAttrs={(0,0)(fillxwrap) gr=TOP LEFT CENTER sim={adjust=pan} layoutInDisplayCutoutMode=always ty=NAVIGATION_BAR_PANEL fmt=TRANSLUCENT
05-12 20:45:35.979 4299 11689 V WindowManager: fl=20800128
05-12 20:45:35.979 4299 11689 V WindowManager: pfl=1100050
05-12 20:45:35.979 4299 11689 V WindowManager: vsysui=100 naviIconColor=0}
05-12 20:45:35.983 10137 10867 D ViewRootImpl@ed5b6a[ScreenDecorOverlay]: Relayout returned: old=(0,0,1080,151) new=(0,0,1080,151) req=(1079,151)0 dur=16 res=0x3 s={true 478310035456} ch=false
05-12 20:45:35.998 4299 11689 V WindowManager: Relayout Window{9819af3 u0 ScreenDecorOverlayBottom}: viewVisibility=0 req=1079x151
05-12 20:45:36.015 4299 11689 V WindowManager: Relayout 10137: mAttrs={(0,0)(fillxwrap) gr=BOTTOM RIGHT CENTER sim={adjust=pan} layoutInDisplayCutoutMode=always ty=NAVIGATION_BAR_PANEL fmt=TRANSLUCENT
05-12 20:45:36.015 4299 11689 V WindowManager: fl=20800128
05-12 20:45:36.015 4299 11689 V WindowManager: pfl=1100050
05-12 20:45:36.015 4299 11689 V WindowManager: vsysui=100 naviIconColor=0}
05-12 20:45:36.016 3970 10055 D bauth_FPBAuthService: pcf : 0x1012, 0 ,1 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,0,
05-12 20:45:36.017 3970 10055 D bauth_FPBAuthService: thread id : 1, preenroll_flag : 0, nd cnt : 0, cso : 0, et : 0
05-12 20:45:36.017 3970 10055 D bauth_FPBAuthService: FPBAuthService, 10983
05-12 20:45:36.019 10137 10867 D ViewRootImpl@2e58a0d[ScreenDecorOverlayBottom]: Relayout returned: old=(0,2189,1080,2340) new=(0,2189,1080,2340) req=(1079,151)0 dur=22 res=0x3 s={true 478310068224} ch=false
05-12 20:45:36.072 10137 10137 D AODUiController: onChargingLightSensorChanged lux : 2.0 appliedBrightness = 0 currentBrightness = 1
05-12 20:45:36.072 10137 10137 D AOD_BRIGHTNESS@BrightnessManager: mCurrentBrightness : HighNit[false], NitMode[[HLPM]_2NIT_ON], isForceState[0, ForceStateReason[{}, , mAppliedBrightness[0]
05-12 20:45:36.074 3871 3871 D SurfaceFlinger: Setting power mode 3 on display 0
05-12 20:45:36.074 10137 10137 D AOD_BRIGHTNESS@AlwaysOnDisplayEx: updateDozeBrightness: doze [2] last [[HLPM]_2NIT_ON] change to [[HLPM]_2NIT_ON]
05-12 20:45:36.074 10137 10137 I AOD_WAKELOCK@WakeLockManager: acquireIfExists: tag - AOD_DRAW, timeout - 100, reason - set Doze Brightness updateDozeBrightness, wakeLock = WakeLock{c1ae7d8 held=false, refCount=0}
05-12 20:45:36.075 3841 9377 E display : DOZE or Power off called twice, mPowerModeState : 1
05-12 20:45:36.075 3841 9377 D display : setPowerMode:: FBIOBLANK mode(3), blank(-1)
05-12 20:45:36.081 4299 5297 D MotionRecognitionService: [EARHOVER_MOTION] inject screen on / off : 0
05-12 20:45:36.082 4299 5297 D SensorService: [EARHOVER_LITE] : setMotionDataLocked
05-12 20:45:36.082 4299 5297 D SensorService: [EARHOVER_LITE] : INJECT_SCREEN_OFF
05-12 20:45:36.097 4299 10048 I BiometricServiceBase: onTaskStackChangedForFingerprint: Allow background auth,
05-12 20:45:36.099 4299 10048 I chatty : uid=1000(system) biometrics.fp identical 9 lines
05-12 20:45:36.099 4299 10048 I BiometricServiceBase: onTaskStackChangedForFingerprint: Allow background auth,
05-12 20:45:36.102 10137 10137 D DisplayLifecycle: updateDisplay id = 0
05-12 20:45:36.111 10137 10137 D DisplayLifecycle: updateCacheVariables id = 0, display = Display id 0: DisplayInfo{"Built-in Screen, displayId 0", uniqueId "local:0", app 1080 x 2131, real 1080 x 2340, largest app 2131 x 2131, smallest app 1080 x 1017, mode 1, defaultMode 1, modes [{id=1, width=1080, height=2340, fps=60.000004}], colorMode 0, supportedColorModes [0], hdrCapabilities android.view.Display$HdrCapabilities@40f16308, rotation 0, density 420 (403.411 x 404.326) dpi, layerStack 0, appVsyncOff 1000000, presDeadline 16666666, type BUILT_IN, address {port=0}, state DOZE_SUSPEND, FLAG_SECURE, FLAG_SUPPORTS_PROTECTED_BUFFERS, removeMode 0}, DisplayMetrics{density=2.625, width=1080, height=2131, scaledDensity=2.625, xdpi=403.411, ydpi=404.326}, isValid=true, size = Point(1080, 2131), realSize = Point(1080, 2340)
05-12 20:45:36.113 3841 9377 D display : setPowerMode:: S3CFB_POWER_MODE mode(3), blank(-1)
05-12 20:45:36.113 3871 3871 D SurfaceFlinger: Finished setting power mode 3 on display 0
05-12 20:45:36.115 3871 3871 D SurfaceFlinger: Setting power mode 1 on display 0
05-12 20:45:36.115 3841 9377 E display : DOZE or Power off called twice, mPowerModeState : 3
05-12 20:45:36.115 3841 9377 D display : setPowerMode:: FBIOBLANK mode(1), blank(-1)
05-12 20:45:36.120 3841 9377 D display : setPowerMode:: S3CFB_POWER_MODE mode(1), blank(-1)
05-12 20:45:36.120 3871 3871 D SurfaceFlinger: Finished setting power mode 1 on display 0
05-12 20:45:36.129 4299 5297 D MotionRecognitionService: [EARHOVER_MOTION] inject screen on / off : 0
05-12 20:45:36.129 4299 5297 D SensorService: [EARHOVER_LITE] : setMotionDataLocked
05-12 20:45:36.129 4299 5297 D SensorService: [EARHOVER_LITE] : INJECT_SCREEN_OFF
05-12 20:45:36.132 4299 10048 I BiometricServiceBase: onTaskStackChangedForFingerprint: Allow background auth,
05-12 20:45:36.135 4299 10048 I chatty : uid=1000(system) biometrics.fp identical 9 lines
05-12 20:45:36.135 4299 10048 I BiometricServiceBase: onTaskStackChangedForFingerprint: Allow background auth,
05-12 20:45:36.143 10137 10137 D AOD_LIVE_CLOCK@LiveClockController: updateDisplayState: DISPLAY_STATE_DOZE
05-12 20:45:36.145 10137 10137 D DisplayLifecycle: updateDisplay id = 0
05-12 20:45:36.151 10137 10137 D DisplayLifecycle: updateCacheVariables id = 0, display = Display id 0: DisplayInfo{"Built-in Screen, displayId 0", uniqueId "local:0", app 1080 x 2131, real 1080 x 2340, largest app 2131 x 2131, smallest app 1080 x 1017, mode 1, defaultMode 1, modes [{id=1, width=1080, height=2340, fps=60.000004}], colorMode 0, supportedColorModes [0], hdrCapabilities android.view.Display$HdrCapabilities@40f16308, rotation 0, density 420 (403.411 x 404.326) dpi, layerStack 0, appVsyncOff 1000000, presDeadline 16666666, type BUILT_IN, address {port=0}, state DOZE, FLAG_SECURE, FLAG_SUPPORTS_PROTECTED_BUFFERS, removeMode 0}, DisplayMetrics{density=2.625, width=1080, height=2131, scaledDensity=2.625, xdpi=403.411, ydpi=404.326}, isValid=true, size = Point(1080, 2131), realSize = Point(1080, 2340)
05-12 20:45:36.156 4299 11683 V WindowManager: Relayout Window{e90e744 u0 ScreenDecorOverlay}: viewVisibility=0 req=1079x151
05-12 20:45:36.163 10137 10137 D AOD_LIVE_CLOCK@LiveClockController: updateDisplayState: DISPLAY_STATE_DOZE
05-12 20:45:36.165 4299 11683 V WindowManager: Relayout 10137: mAttrs={(0,0)(fillxwrap) gr=TOP LEFT CENTER sim={adjust=pan} layoutInDisplayCutoutMode=always ty=NAVIGATION_BAR_PANEL fmt=TRANSLUCENT
05-12 20:45:36.165 4299 11683 V WindowManager: fl=20800128
05-12 20:45:36.165 4299 11683 V WindowManager: pfl=1100050
05-12 20:45:36.165 4299 11683 V WindowManager: vsysui=100 naviIconColor=0}
05-12 20:45:36.165 10137 10137 D AODUiController: onChargingLightSensorChanged lux : 2.0 appliedBrightness = 0 currentBrightness = 1
05-12 20:45:36.165 10137 10137 D AOD_BRIGHTNESS@BrightnessManager: mCurrentBrightness : HighNit[false], NitMode[[HLPM]_2NIT_ON], isForceState[0, ForceStateReason[{}, , mAppliedBrightness[0]
05-12 20:45:36.166 10137 10137 D AOD_BRIGHTNESS@AlwaysOnDisplayEx: updateDozeBrightness: doze [2] last [[HLPM]_2NIT_ON] change to [[HLPM]_2NIT_ON]
05-12 20:45:36.166 10137 10137 I AOD_WAKELOCK@WakeLockManager: acquireIfExists: tag - AOD_DRAW, timeout - 100, reason - set Doze Brightness updateDozeBrightness, wakeLock = WakeLock{c1ae7d8 held=true, refCount=1}
05-12 20:45:36.170 10137 10867 D ViewRootImpl@ed5b6a[ScreenDecorOverlay]: Relayout returned: old=(0,0,1080,151) new=(0,0,1080,151) req=(1079,151)0 dur=15 res=0x3 s={true 478310035456} ch=false
05-12 20:45:36.179 4299 11683 V WindowManager: Relayout Window{9819af3 u0 ScreenDecorOverlayBottom}: viewVisibility=0 req=1079x151
05-12 20:45:36.186 4299 11683 V WindowManager: Relayout 10137: mAttrs={(0,0)(fillxwrap) gr=BOTTOM RIGHT CENTER sim={adjust=pan} layoutInDisplayCutoutMode=always ty=NAVIGATION_BAR_PANEL fmt=TRANSLUCENT
05-12 20:45:36.186 4299 11683 V WindowManager: fl=20800128
05-12 20:45:36.186 4299 11683 V WindowManager: pfl=1100050
05-12 20:45:36.186 4299 11683 V WindowManager: vsysui=100 naviIconColor=0}
05-12 20:45:36.189 10137 10867 D ViewRootImpl@2e58a0d[ScreenDecorOverlayBottom]: Relayout returned: old=(0,2189,1080,2340) new=(0,2189,1080,2340) req=(1079,151)0 dur=10 res=0x3 s={true 478310068224} ch=false
05-12 20:45:36.270 10137 10137 D AODUiController: onChargingLightSensorChanged lux : 2.0 appliedBrightness = 0 currentBrightness = 1
05-12 20:45:36.271 10137 10137 D AOD_BRIGHTNESS@BrightnessManager: mCurrentBrightness : HighNit[false], NitMode[[HLPM]_2NIT_ON], isForceState[0, ForceStateReason[{}, , mAppliedBrightness[0]
05-12 20:45:36.271 10137 10137 D AOD_BRIGHTNESS@AlwaysOnDisplayEx: updateDozeBrightness: doze [2] last [[HLPM]_2NIT_ON] change to [[HLPM]_2NIT_ON]
05-12 20:45:36.271 10137 10137 I AOD_WAKELOCK@WakeLockManager: acquireIfExists: tag - AOD_DRAW, timeout - 100, reason - set Doze Brightness updateDozeBrightness, wakeLock = WakeLock{c1ae7d8 held=false, refCount=0}
05-12 20:45:36.272 3871 3871 D SurfaceFlinger: Setting power mode 3 on display 0
05-12 20:45:36.272 3841 9377 E display : DOZE or Power off called twice, mPowerModeState : 1
05-12 20:45:36.272 3841 9377 D display : setPowerMode:: FBIOBLANK mode(3), blank(-1)
05-12 20:45:36.275 4299 5297 D MotionRecognitionService: [EARHOVER_MOTION] inject screen on / off : 0
05-12 20:45:36.275 4299 5297 D SensorService: [EARHOVER_LITE] : setMotionDataLocked
05-12 20:45:36.275 4299 5297 D SensorService: [EARHOVER_LITE] : INJECT_SCREEN_OFF
05-12 20:45:36.276 4299 10048 I BiometricServiceBase: onTaskStackChangedForFingerprint: Allow background auth,
05-12 20:45:36.277 4299 10048 I chatty : uid=1000(system) biometrics.fp identical 9 lines
05-12 20:45:36.277 4299 10048 I BiometricServiceBase: onTaskStackChangedForFingerprint: Allow background auth,
05-12 20:45:36.280 3841 9377 D display : setPowerMode:: S3CFB_POWER_MODE mode(3), blank(-1)
05-12 20:45:36.280 3871 3871 D SurfaceFlinger: Finished setting power mode 3 on display 0
05-12 20:45:36.310 4299 10246 V WindowManager: Relayout Window{e90e744 u0 ScreenDecorOverlay}: viewVisibility=0 req=1079x151
05-12 20:45:36.316 3871 3871 D SurfaceFlinger: Setting power mode 1 on display 0
05-12 20:45:36.316 4299 10246 V WindowManager: Relayout 10137: mAttrs={(0,0)(fillxwrap) gr=TOP LEFT CENTER sim={adjust=pan} layoutInDisplayCutoutMode=always ty=NAVIGATION_BAR_PANEL fmt=TRANSLUCENT
05-12 20:45:36.316 4299 10246 V WindowManager: fl=20800128
05-12 20:45:36.316 4299 10246 V WindowManager: pfl=1100050
05-12 20:45:36.316 4299 10246 V WindowManager: vsysui=100 naviIconColor=0}
05-12 20:45:36.316 3841 9377 E display : DOZE or Power off called twice, mPowerModeState : 3
05-12 20:45:36.316 3841 9377 D display : setPowerMode:: FBIOBLANK mode(1), blank(-1)
05-12 20:45:36.319 10137 10137 D DisplayLifecycle: updateDisplay id = 0
05-12 20:45:36.321 3841 9377 D display : setPowerMode:: S3CFB_POWER_MODE mode(1), blank(-1)
05-12 20:45:36.322 3871 3871 D SurfaceFlinger: Finished setting power mode 1 on display 0
05-12 20:45:36.323 10137 10867 D ViewRootImpl@ed5b6a[ScreenDecorOverlay]: Relayout returned: old=(0,0,1080,151) new=(0,0,1080,151) req=(1079,151)0 dur=14 res=0x3 s={true 478310035456} ch=false
05-12 20:45:36.324 4299 5297 D MotionRecognitionService: [EARHOVER_MOTION] inject screen on / off : 0
05-12 20:45:36.324 4299 5297 D SensorService: [EARHOVER_LITE] : setMotionDataLocked
05-12 20:45:36.325 4299 5297 D SensorService: [EARHOVER_LITE] : INJECT_SCREEN_OFF
05-12 20:45:36.326 4299 10048 I BiometricServiceBase: onTaskStackChangedForFingerprint: Allow background auth,
05-12 20:45:36.327 4299 10048 I chatty : uid=1000(system) biometrics.fp identical 9 lines
05-12 20:45:36.328 4299 10048 I BiometricServiceBase: onTaskStackChangedForFingerprint: Allow background auth,
05-12 20:45:36.328 10137 10137 D DisplayLifecycle: updateCacheVariables id = 0, display = Display id 0: DisplayInfo{"Built-in Screen, displayId 0", uniqueId "local:0", app 1080 x 2131, real 1080 x 2340, largest app 2131 x 2131, smallest app 1080 x 1017, mode 1, defaultMode 1, modes [{id=1, width=1080, height=2340, fps=60.000004}], colorMode 0, supportedColorModes [0], hdrCapabilities android.view.Display$HdrCapabilities@40f16308, rotation 0, density 420 (403.411 x 404.326) dpi, layerStack 0, appVsyncOff 1000000, presDeadline 16666666, type BUILT_IN, address {port=0}, state DOZE, FLAG_SECURE, FLAG_SUPPORTS_PROTECTED_BUFFERS, removeMode 0}, DisplayMetrics{density=2.625, width=1080, height=2131, scaledDensity=2.625, xdpi=403.411, ydpi=404.326}, isValid=true, size = Point(1080, 2131), realSize = Point(1080, 2340)
05-12 20:45:36.349 10137 10137 D AOD_LIVE_CLOCK@LiveClockController: updateDisplayState: DISPLAY_STATE_DOZE
05-12 20:45:36.349 4299 12326 V WindowManager: Relayout Window{9819af3 u0 ScreenDecorOverlayBottom}: viewVisibility=0 req=1079x151
05-12 20:45:36.350 10137 10137 D DisplayLifecycle: updateDisplay id = 0
05-12 20:45:36.353 10137 10137 D DisplayLifecycle: updateCacheVariables id = 0, display = Display id 0: DisplayInfo{"Built-in Screen, displayId 0", uniqueId "local:0", app 1080 x 2131, real 1080 x 2340, largest app 2131 x 2131, smallest app 1080 x 1017, mode 1, defaultMode 1, modes [{id=1, width=1080, height=2340, fps=60.000004}], colorMode 0, supportedColorModes [0], hdrCapabilities android.view.Display$HdrCapabilities@40f16308, rotation 0, density 420 (403.411 x 404.326) dpi, layerStack 0, appVsyncOff 1000000, presDeadline 16666666, type BUILT_IN, address {port=0}, state DOZE, FLAG_SECURE, FLAG_SUPPORTS_PROTECTED_BUFFERS, removeMode 0}, DisplayMetrics{density=2.625, width=1080, height=2131, scaledDensity=2.625, xdpi=403.411, ydpi=404.326}, isValid=true, size = Point(1080, 2131), realSize = Point(1080, 2340)
05-12 20:45:36.356 4299 12326 V WindowManager: Relayout 10137: mAttrs={(0,0)(fillxwrap) gr=BOTTOM RIGHT CENTER sim={adjust=pan} layoutInDisplayCutoutMode=always ty=NAVIGATION_BAR_PANEL fmt=TRANSLUCENT
05-12 20:45:36.356 4299 12326 V WindowManager: fl=20800128
05-12 20:45:36.356 4299 12326 V WindowManager: pfl=1100050
05-12 20:45:36.356 4299 12326 V WindowManager: vsysui=100 naviIconColor=0}
05-12 20:45:36.357 10137 10867 D ViewRootImpl@2e58a0d[ScreenDecorOverlayBottom]: Relayout returned: old=(0,2189,1080,2340) new=(0,2189,1080,2340) req=(1079,151)0 dur=11 res=0x3 s={true 478310068224} ch=false
05-12 20:45:36.364 10137 10137 D AOD_LIVE_CLOCK@LiveClockController: updateDisplayState: DISPLAY_STATE_DOZE
05-12 20:45:36.369 10137 10137 D AODUiController: onChargingLightSensorChanged lux : 2.0 appliedBrightness = 0 currentBrightness = 1
05-12 20:45:36.369 10137 10137 D AOD_BRIGHTNESS@BrightnessManager: mCurrentBrightness : HighNit[false], NitMode[[HLPM]_2NIT_ON], isForceState[0, ForceStateReason[{}, , mAppliedBrightness[0]
05-12 20:45:36.369 10137 10137 D AOD_BRIGHTNESS@AlwaysOnDisplayEx: updateDozeBrightness: doze [2] last [[HLPM]_2NIT_ON] change to [[HLPM]_2NIT_ON]
05-12 20:45:36.370 10137 10137 I AOD_WAKELOCK@WakeLockManager: acquireIfExists: tag - AOD_DRAW, timeout - 100, reason - set Doze Brightness updateDozeBrightness, wakeLock = WakeLock{c1ae7d8 held=true, refCount=1}
05-12 20:45:36.401 4299 12326 V WindowManager: Relayout Window{e90e744 u0 ScreenDecorOverlay}: viewVisibility=0 req=1079x151
05-12 20:45:36.408 4299 12326 V WindowManager: Relayout 10137: mAttrs={(0,0)(fillxwrap) gr=TOP LEFT CENTER sim={adjust=pan} layoutInDisplayCutoutMode=always ty=NAVIGATION_BAR_PANEL fmt=TRANSLUCENT
05-12 20:45:36.408 4299 12326 V WindowManager: fl=20800128
05-12 20:45:36.408 4299 12326 V WindowManager: pfl=1100050
05-12 20:45:36.408 4299 12326 V WindowManager: vsysui=100 naviIconColor=0}
05-12 20:45:36.410 10137 10867 D ViewRootImpl@ed5b6a[ScreenDecorOverlay]: Relayout returned: old=(0,0,1080,151) new=(0,0,1080,151) req=(1079,151)0 dur=9 res=0x3 s={true 478310035456} ch=false
05-12 20:45:36.418 4299 12326 V WindowManager: Relayout Window{9819af3 u0 ScreenDecorOverlayBottom}: viewVisibility=0 req=1079x151
05-12 20:45:36.425 4299 12326 V WindowManager: Relayout 10137: mAttrs={(0,0)(fillxwrap) gr=BOTTOM RIGHT CENTER sim={adjust=pan} layoutInDisplayCutoutMode=always ty=NAVIGATION_BAR_PANEL fmt=TRANSLUCENT
05-12 20:45:36.425 4299 12326 V WindowManager: fl=20800128
05-12 20:45:36.425 4299 12326 V WindowManager: pfl=1100050
05-12 20:45:36.425 4299 12326 V WindowManager: vsysui=100 naviIconColor=0}
05-12 20:45:36.427 10137 10867 D ViewRootImpl@2e58a0d[ScreenDecorOverlayBottom]: Relayout returned: old=(0,2189,1080,2340) new=(0,2189,1080,2340) req=(1079,151)0 dur=10 res=0x3 s={true 478310068224} ch=false
05-12 20:45:36.470 10137 10137 D AODUiController: onChargingLightSensorChanged lux : 2.0 appliedBrightness = 0 currentBrightness = 1
05-12 20:45:36.470 10137 10137 D AOD_BRIGHTNESS@BrightnessManager: mCurrentBrightness : HighNit[false], NitMode[[HLPM]_2NIT_ON], isForceState[0, ForceStateReason[{}, , mAppliedBrightness[0]
05-12 20:45:36.471 10137 10137 D AOD_BRIGHTNESS@AlwaysOnDisplayEx: updateDozeBrightness: doze [2] last [[HLPM]_2NIT_ON] change to [[HLPM]_2NIT_ON]
05-12 20:45:36.471 10137 10137 I AOD_WAKELOCK@WakeLockManager: acquireIfExists: tag - AOD_DRAW, timeout - 100, reason - set Doze Brightness updateDozeBrightness, wakeLock = WakeLock{c1ae7d8 held=true, refCount=1}
05-12 20:45:36.583 10137 10137 D AODUiController: onChargingLightSensorChanged lux : 2.0 appliedBrightness = 0 currentBrightness = 1
05-12 20:45:36.583 3871 3871 D SurfaceFlinger: Setting power mode 3 on display 0
05-12 20:45:36.583 10137 10137 D AOD_BRIGHTNESS@BrightnessManager: mCurrentBrightness : HighNit[false], NitMode[[HLPM]_2NIT_ON], isForceState[0, ForceStateReason[{}, , mAppliedBrightness[0]
05-12 20:45:36.584 10137 10137 D AOD_BRIGHTNESS@AlwaysOnDisplayEx: updateDozeBrightness: doze [2] last [[HLPM]_2NIT_ON] change to [[HLPM]_2NIT_ON]
05-12 20:45:36.584 3841 3885 E display : DOZE or Power off called twice, mPowerModeState : 1
05-12 20:45:36.584 3841 3885 D display : setPowerMode:: FBIOBLANK mode(3), blank(-1)
05-12 20:45:36.584 10137 10137 I AOD_WAKELOCK@WakeLockManager: acquireIfExists: tag - AOD_DRAW, timeout - 100, reason - set Doze Brightness updateDozeBrightness, wakeLock = WakeLock{c1ae7d8 held=false, refCount=0}
05-12 20:45:36.587 3841 3885 D display : setPowerMode:: S3CFB_POWER_MODE mode(3), blank(-1)
05-12 20:45:36.587 3871 3871 D SurfaceFlinger: Finished setting power mode 3 on display 0
05-12 20:45:36.591 4299 5297 D MotionRecognitionService: [EARHOVER_MOTION] inject screen on / off : 0
05-12 20:45:36.591 4299 5297 D SensorService: [EARHOVER_LITE] : setMotionDataLocked
05-12 20:45:36.591 4299 5297 D SensorService: [EARHOVER_LITE] : INJECT_SCREEN_OFF
05-12 20:45:36.592 4299 10048 I BiometricServiceBase: onTaskStackChangedForFingerprint: Allow background auth,
05-12 20:45:36.594 4299 10048 I chatty : uid=1000(system) biometrics.fp identical 9 lines
05-12 20:45:36.595 4299 10048 I BiometricServiceBase: onTaskStackChangedForFingerprint: Allow background auth,
05-12 20:45:36.613 3871 3871 D SurfaceFlinger: Setting power mode 1 on display 0
05-12 20:45:36.614 3841 9377 E display : DOZE or Power off called twice, mPowerModeState : 3
05-12 20:45:36.614 3841 9377 D display : setPowerMode:: FBIOBLANK mode(1), blank(-1)
05-12 20:45:36.615 10137 10137 D DisplayLifecycle: updateDisplay id = 0
05-12 20:45:36.618 3841 9377 D display : setPowerMode:: S3CFB_POWER_MODE mode(1), blank(-1)
05-12 20:45:36.619 3871 3871 D SurfaceFlinger: Finished setting power mode 1 on display 0
05-12 20:45:36.626 10137 10137 D DisplayLifecycle: updateCacheVariables id = 0, display = Display id 0: DisplayInfo{"Built-in Screen, displayId 0", uniqueId "local:0", app 1080 x 2131, real 1080 x 2340, largest app 2131 x 2131, smallest app 1080 x 1017, mode 1, defaultMode 1, modes [{id=1, width=1080, height=2340, fps=60.000004}], colorMode 0, supportedColorModes [0], hdrCapabilities android.view.Display$HdrCapabilities@40f16308, rotation 0, density 420 (403.411 x 404.326) dpi, layerStack 0, appVsyncOff 1000000, presDeadline 16666666, type BUILT_IN, address {port=0}, state DOZE, FLAG_SECURE, FLAG_SUPPORTS_PROTECTED_BUFFERS, removeMode 0}, DisplayMetrics{density=2.625, width=1080, height=2131, scaledDensity=2.625, xdpi=403.411, ydpi=404.326}, isValid=true, size = Point(1080, 2131), realSize = Point(1080, 2340)
05-12 20:45:36.628 4299 10048 I BiometricServiceBase: onTaskStackChangedForFingerprint: Allow background auth,
05-12 20:45:36.629 4299 10048 I chatty : uid=1000(system) biometrics.fp identical 9 lines
05-12 20:45:36.629 4299 10048 I BiometricServiceBase: onTaskStackChangedForFingerprint: Allow background auth,
05-12 20:45:36.629 4299 5297 D MotionRecognitionService: [EARHOVER_MOTION] inject screen on / off : 0
05-12 20:45:36.630 4299 5297 D SensorService: [EARHOVER_LITE] : setMotionDataLocked
05-12 20:45:36.630 4299 5297 D SensorService: [EARHOVER_LITE] : INJECT_SCREEN_OFF
05-12 20:45:36.641 4299 12326 V WindowManager: Relayout Window{e90e744 u0 ScreenDecorOverlay}: viewVisibility=0 req=1079x151
05-12 20:45:36.648 4299 12326 V WindowManager: Relayout 10137: mAttrs={(0,0)(fillxwrap) gr=TOP LEFT CENTER sim={adjust=pan} layoutInDisplayCutoutMode=always ty=NAVIGATION_BAR_PANEL fmt=TRANSLUCENT
05-12 20:45:36.648 4299 12326 V WindowManager: fl=20800128
05-12 20:45:36.648 4299 12326 V WindowManager: pfl=1100050
05-12 20:45:36.648 4299 12326 V WindowManager: vsysui=100 naviIconColor=0}
05-12 20:45:36.649 10137 10137 D AOD_LIVE_CLOCK@LiveClockController: updateDisplayState: DISPLAY_STATE_DOZE
05-12 20:45:36.649 10137 10137 D DisplayLifecycle: updateDisplay id = 0
05-12 20:45:36.650 10137 10867 D ViewRootImpl@ed5b6a[ScreenDecorOverlay]: Relayout returned: old=(0,0,1080,151) new=(0,0,1080,151) req=(1079,151)0 dur=15 res=0x3 s={true 478310035456} ch=false
05-12 20:45:36.656 10137 10137 D DisplayLifecycle: updateCacheVariables id = 0, display = Display id 0: DisplayInfo{"Built-in Screen, displayId 0", uniqueId "local:0", app 1080 x 2131, real 1080 x 2340, largest app 2131 x 2131, smallest app 1080 x 1017, mode 1, defaultMode 1, modes [{id=1, width=1080, height=2340, fps=60.000004}], colorMode 0, supportedColorModes [0], hdrCapabilities android.view.Display$HdrCapabilities@40f16308, rotation 0, density 420 (403.411 x 404.326) dpi, layerStack 0, appVsyncOff 1000000, presDeadline 16666666, type BUILT_IN, address {port=0}, state DOZE, FLAG_SECURE, FLAG_SUPPORTS_PROTECTED_BUFFERS, removeMode 0}, DisplayMetrics{density=2.625, width=1080, height=2131, scaledDensity=2.625, xdpi=403.411, ydpi=404.326}, isValid=true, size = Point(1080, 2131), realSize = Point(1080, 2340)
05-12 20:45:36.662 4299 12326 V WindowManager: Relayout Window{9819af3 u0 ScreenDecorOverlayBottom}: viewVisibility=0 req=1079x151
05-12 20:45:36.668 10137 10137 D AOD_LIVE_CLOCK@LiveClockController: updateDisplayState: DISPLAY_STATE_DOZE
05-12 20:45:36.670 4299 12326 V WindowManager: Relayout 10137: mAttrs={(0,0)(fillxwrap) gr=BOTTOM RIGHT CENTER sim={adjust=pan} layoutInDisplayCutoutMode=always ty=NAVIGATION_BAR_PANEL fmt=TRANSLUCENT
05-12 20:45:36.670 4299 12326 V WindowManager: fl=20800128
05-12 20:45:36.670 4299 12326 V WindowManager: pfl=1100050
05-12 20:45:36.670 4299 12326 V WindowManager: vsysui=100 naviIconColor=0}
05-12 20:45:36.672 10137 10867 D ViewRootImpl@2e58a0d[ScreenDecorOverlayBottom]: Relayout returned: old=(0,2189,1080,2340) new=(0,2189,1080,2340) req=(1079,151)0 dur=11 res=0x3 s={true 478310068224} ch=false
05-12 20:45:36.673 10137 10137 D AODUiController: onChargingLightSensorChanged lux : 2.0 appliedBrightness = 0 currentBrightness = 1
05-12 20:45:36.673 10137 10137 D AOD_BRIGHTNESS@BrightnessManager: mCurrentBrightness : HighNit[false], NitMode[[HLPM]_2NIT_ON], isForceState[0, ForceStateReason[{}, , mAppliedBrightness[0]
05-12 20:45:36.673 10137 10137 D AOD_BRIGHTNESS@AlwaysOnDisplayEx: updateDozeBrightness: doze [2] last [[HLPM]_2NIT_ON] change to [[HLPM]_2NIT_ON]
05-12 20:45:36.673 10137 10137 I AOD_WAKELOCK@WakeLockManager: acquireIfExists: tag - AOD_DRAW, timeout - 100, reason - set Doze Brightness updateDozeBrightness, wakeLock = WakeLock{c1ae7d8 held=true, refCount=1}
05-12 20:45:36.705 4299 12326 V WindowManager: Relayout Window{e90e744 u0 ScreenDecorOverlay}: viewVisibility=0 req=1079x151
05-12 20:45:36.712 4299 12326 V WindowManager: Relayout 10137: mAttrs={(0,0)(fillxwrap) gr=TOP LEFT CENTER sim={adjust=pan} layoutInDisplayCutoutMode=always ty=NAVIGATION_BAR_PANEL fmt=TRANSLUCENT
05-12 20:45:36.712 4299 12326 V WindowManager: fl=20800128
05-12 20:45:36.712 4299 12326 V WindowManager: pfl=1100050
05-12 20:45:36.712 4299 12326 V WindowManager: vsysui=100 naviIconColor=0}
05-12 20:45:36.713 10137 10867 D ViewRootImpl@ed5b6a[ScreenDecorOverlay]: Relayout returned: old=(0,0,1080,151) new=(0,0,1080,151) req=(1079,151)0 dur=11 res=0x3 s={true 478310035456} ch=false
05-12 20:45:36.725 4299 12326 V WindowManager: Relayout Window{9819af3 u0 ScreenDecorOverlayBottom}: viewVisibility=0 req=1079x151
05-12 20:45:36.734 4299 12326 V WindowManager: Relayout 10137: mAttrs={(0,0)(fillxwrap) gr=BOTTOM RIGHT CENTER sim={adjust=pan} layoutInDisplayCutoutMode=always ty=NAVIGATION_BAR_PANEL fmt=TRANSLUCENT
05-12 20:45:36.734 4299 12326 V WindowManager: fl=20800128
05-12 20:45:36.734 4299 12326 V WindowManager: pfl=1100050
05-12 20:45:36.734 4299 12326 V WindowManager: vsysui=100 naviIconColor=0}
05-12 20:45:36.738 10137 10867 D ViewRootImpl@2e58a0d[ScreenDecorOverlayBottom]: Relayout returned: old=(0,2189,1080,2340) new=(0,2189,1080,2340) req=(1079,151)0 dur=14 res=0x3 s={true 478310068224} ch=false
05-12 20:45:36.778 3871 3871 D SurfaceFlinger: Setting power mode 3 on display 0
05-12 20:45:36.779 3841 9377 E display : DOZE or Power off called twice, mPowerModeState : 1
05-12 20:45:36.779 3841 9377 D display : setPowerMode:: FBIOBLANK mode(3), blank(-1)
05-12 20:45:36.783 4299 5297 D MotionRecognitionService: [EARHOVER_MOTION] inject screen on / off : 0
05-12 20:45:36.783 4299 5297 D SensorService: [EARHOVER_LITE] : setMotionDataLocked
05-12 20:45:36.784 4299 5297 D SensorService: [EARHOVER_LITE] : INJECT_SCREEN_OFF
05-12 20:45:36.784 10137 10137 D AODUiController: onChargingLightSensorChanged lux : 2.0 appliedBrightness = 0 currentBrightness = 1
05-12 20:45:36.784 10137 10137 D AOD_BRIGHTNESS@BrightnessManager: mCurrentBrightness : HighNit[false], NitMode[[HLPM]_2NIT_ON], isForceState[0, ForceStateReason[{}, , mAppliedBrightness[0]
05-12 20:45:36.784 10137 10137 D AOD_BRIGHTNESS@AlwaysOnDisplayEx: updateDozeBrightness: doze [2] last [[HLPM]_2NIT_ON] change to [[HLPM]_2NIT_ON]
05-12 20:45:36.784 10137 10137 I AOD_WAKELOCK@WakeLockManager: acquireIfExists: tag - AOD_DRAW, timeout - 100, reason - set Doze Brightness updateDozeBrightness, wakeLock = WakeLock{c1ae7d8 held=false, refCount=0}
05-12 20:45:36.786 4299 10048 I BiometricServiceBase: onTaskStackChangedForFingerprint: Allow background auth,
05-12 20:45:36.787 4299 10048 I chatty : uid=1000(system) biometrics.fp identical 9 lines
05-12 20:45:36.787 4299 10048 I BiometricServiceBase: onTaskStackChangedForFingerprint: Allow background auth,
05-12 20:45:36.794 10137 10137 D DisplayLifecycle: updateDisplay id = 0
05-12 20:45:36.801 10137 10137 D DisplayLifecycle: updateCacheVariables id = 0, display = Display id 0: DisplayInfo{"Built-in Screen, displayId 0", uniqueId "local:0", app 1080 x 2131, real 1080 x 2340, largest app 2131 x 2131, smallest app 1080 x 1017, mode 1, defaultMode 1, modes [{id=1, width=1080, height=2340, fps=60.000004}], colorMode 0, supportedColorModes [0], hdrCapabilities android.view.Display$HdrCapabilities@40f16308, rotation 0, density 420 (403.411 x 404.326) dpi, layerStack 0, appVsyncOff 1000000, presDeadline 16666666, type BUILT_IN, address {port=0}, state DOZE_SUSPEND, FLAG_SECURE, FLAG_SUPPORTS_PROTECTED_BUFFERS, removeMode 0}, DisplayMetrics{density=2.625, width=1080, height=2131, scaledDensity=2.625, xdpi=403.411, ydpi=404.326}, isValid=true, size = Point(1080, 2131), realSize = Point(1080, 2340)
05-12 20:45:36.810 10137 10137 D AOD_LIVE_CLOCK@LiveClockController: updateDisplayState: DISPLAY_STATE_DOZE_SUSPEND
05-12 20:45:36.813 3841 9377 D display : setPowerMode:: S3CFB_POWER_MODE mode(3), blank(-1)
05-12 20:45:36.813 3871 3871 D SurfaceFlinger: Finished setting power mode 3 on display 0
05-12 20:45:36.814 3871 3871 D SurfaceFlinger: Setting power mode 1 on display 0
05-12 20:45:36.815 3841 3885 E display : DOZE or Power off called twice, mPowerModeState : 3
05-12 20:45:36.815 3841 3885 D display : setPowerMode:: FBIOBLANK mode(1), blank(-1)
05-12 20:45:36.819 3841 3885 D display : setPowerMode:: S3CFB_POWER_MODE mode(1), blank(-1)
05-12 20:45:36.820 3871 3871 D SurfaceFlinger: Finished setting power mode 1 on display 0
05-12 20:45:36.828 4299 12327 V WindowManager: Relayout Window{e90e744 u0 ScreenDecorOverlay}: viewVisibility=0 req=1079x151
05-12 20:45:36.835 4299 12327 V WindowManager: Relayout 10137: mAttrs={(0,0)(fillxwrap) gr=TOP LEFT CENTER sim={adjust=pan} layoutInDisplayCutoutMode=always ty=NAVIGATION_BAR_PANEL fmt=TRANSLUCENT
05-12 20:45:36.835 4299 12327 V WindowManager: fl=20800128
05-12 20:45:36.835 4299 12327 V WindowManager: pfl=1100050
05-12 20:45:36.835 4299 12327 V WindowManager: vsysui=100 naviIconColor=0}
05-12 20:45:36.838 10137 10867 D ViewRootImpl@ed5b6a[ScreenDecorOverlay]: Relayout returned: old=(0,0,1080,151) new=(0,0,1080,151) req=(1079,151)0 dur=13 res=0x3 s={true 478310035456} ch=false
05-12 20:45:36.846 4299 5297 D MotionRecognitionService: [EARHOVER_MOTION] inject screen on / off : 0
05-12 20:45:36.846 4299 5297 D SensorService: [EARHOVER_LITE] : setMotionDataLocked
05-12 20:45:36.846 4299 5297 D SensorService: [EARHOVER_LITE] : INJECT_SCREEN_OFF
05-12 20:45:36.850 4299 10048 I BiometricServiceBase: onTaskStackChangedForFingerprint: Allow background auth,
05-12 20:45:36.850 4299 10048 I BiometricServiceBase: onTaskStackChangedForFingerprint: Allow background auth,
05-12 20:45:36.850 10137 10137 D DisplayLifecycle: updateDisplay id = 0
05-12 20:45:36.850 4299 10048 I BiometricServiceBase: onTaskStackChangedForFingerprint: Allow background auth,
05-12 20:45:36.851 4299 10048 I chatty : uid=1000(system) biometrics.fp identical 7 lines
05-12 20:45:36.851 4299 10048 I BiometricServiceBase: onTaskStackChangedForFingerprint: Allow background auth,
05-12 20:45:36.855 4299 12326 V WindowManager: Relayout Window{9819af3 u0 ScreenDecorOverlayBottom}: viewVisibility=0 req=1079x151
05-12 20:45:36.857 10137 10137 D DisplayLifecycle: updateCacheVariables id = 0, display = Display id 0: DisplayInfo{"Built-in Screen, displayId 0", uniqueId "local:0", app 1080 x 2131, real 1080 x 2340, largest app 2131 x 2131, smallest app 1080 x 1017, mode 1, defaultMode 1, modes [{id=1, width=1080, height=2340, fps=60.000004}], colorMode 0, supportedColorModes [0], hdrCapabilities android.view.Display$HdrCapabilities@40f16308, rotation 0, density 420 (403.411 x 404.326) dpi, layerStack 0, appVsyncOff 1000000, presDeadline 16666666, type BUILT_IN, address {port=0}, state DOZE, FLAG_SECURE, FLAG_SUPPORTS_PROTECTED_BUFFERS, removeMode 0}, DisplayMetrics{density=2.625, width=1080, height=2131, scaledDensity=2.625, xdpi=403.411, ydpi=404.326}, isValid=true, size = Point(1080, 2131), realSize = Point(1080, 2340)
05-12 20:45:36.861 4299 12326 V WindowManager: Relayout 10137: mAttrs={(0,0)(fillxwrap) gr=BOTTOM RIGHT CENTER sim={adjust=pan} layoutInDisplayCutoutMode=always ty=NAVIGATION_BAR_PANEL fmt=TRANSLUCENT
05-12 20:45:36.861 4299 12326 V WindowManager: fl=20800128
05-12 20:45:36.861 4299 12326 V WindowManager: pfl=1100050
05-12 20:45:36.861 4299 12326 V WindowManager: vsysui=100 naviIconColor=0}
05-12 20:45:36.863 10137 10867 D ViewRootImpl@2e58a0d[ScreenDecorOverlayBottom]: Relayout returned: old=(0,2189,1080,2340) new=(0,2189,1080,2340) req=(1079,151)0 dur=11 res=0x3 s={true 478310068224} ch=false
05-12 20:45:36.873 10137 10137 D AOD_LIVE_CLOCK@LiveClockController: updateDisplayState: DISPLAY_STATE_DOZE
05-12 20:45:36.885 10137 10137 D AODUiController: onChargingLightSensorChanged lux : 2.0 appliedBrightness = 0 currentBrightness = 1
05-12 20:45:36.885 10137 10137 D AOD_BRIGHTNESS@BrightnessManager: mCurrentBrightness : HighNit[false], NitMode[[HLPM]_2NIT_ON], isForceState[0, ForceStateReason[{}, , mAppliedBrightness[0]
05-12 20:45:36.885 10137 10137 D AOD_BRIGHTNESS@AlwaysOnDisplayEx: updateDozeBrightness: doze [2] last [[HLPM]_2NIT_ON] change to [[HLPM]_2NIT_ON]
05-12 20:45:36.885 10137 10137 I AOD_WAKELOCK@WakeLockManager: acquireIfExists: tag - AOD_DRAW, timeout - 100, reason - set Doze Brightness updateDozeBrightness, wakeLock = WakeLock{c1ae7d8 held=true, refCount=1}
05-12 20:45:36.901 4299 10246 V WindowManager: Relayout Window{e90e744 u0 ScreenDecorOverlay}: viewVisibility=0 req=1079x151
05-12 20:45:36.909 4299 10246 V WindowManager: Relayout 10137: mAttrs={(0,0)(fillxwrap) gr=TOP LEFT CENTER sim={adjust=pan} layoutInDisplayCutoutMode=always ty=NAVIGATION_BAR_PANEL fmt=TRANSLUCENT
05-12 20:45:36.909 4299 10246 V WindowManager: fl=20800128
05-12 20:45:36.909 4299 10246 V WindowManager: pfl=1100050
05-12 20:45:36.909 4299 10246 V WindowManager: vsysui=100 naviIconColor=0}
05-12 20:45:36.910 10137 10867 D ViewRootImpl@ed5b6a[ScreenDecorOverlay]: Relayout returned: old=(0,0,1080,151) new=(0,0,1080,151) req=(1079,151)0 dur=9 res=0x3 s={true 478310035456} ch=false
05-12 20:45:36.917 4299 10246 V WindowManager: Relayout Window{9819af3 u0 ScreenDecorOverlayBottom}: viewVisibility=0 req=1079x151
05-12 20:45:36.925 4299 10246 V WindowManager: Relayout 10137: mAttrs={(0,0)(fillxwrap) gr=BOTTOM RIGHT CENTER sim={adjust=pan} layoutInDisplayCutoutMode=always ty=NAVIGATION_BAR_PANEL fmt=TRANSLUCENT
05-12 20:45:36.925 4299 10246 V WindowManager: fl=20800128
05-12 20:45:36.925 4299 10246 V WindowManager: pfl=1100050
05-12 20:45:36.925 4299 10246 V WindowManager: vsysui=100 naviIconColor=0}
05-12 20:45:36.927 10137 10867 D ViewRootImpl@2e58a0d[ScreenDecorOverlayBottom]: Relayout returned: old=(0,2189,1080,2340) new=(0,2189,1080,2340) req=(1079,151)0 dur=10 res=0x3 s={true 478310068224} ch=false
05-12 20:45:36.993 10137 10137 D AODUiController: onChargingLightSensorChanged lux : 2.0 appliedBrightness = 0 currentBrightness = 1
05-12 20:45:36.993 10137 10137 D AOD_BRIGHTNESS@BrightnessManager: mCurrentBrightness : HighNit[false], NitMode[[HLPM]_2NIT_ON], isForceState[0, ForceStateReason[{}, , mAppliedBrightness[0]
05-12 20:45:36.993 10137 10137 D AOD_BRIGHTNESS@AlwaysOnDisplayEx: updateDozeBrightness: doze [2] last [[HLPM]_2NIT_ON] change to [[HLPM]_2NIT_ON]
05-12 20:45:36.993 10137 10137 I AOD_WAKELOCK@WakeLockManager: acquireIfExists: tag - AOD_DRAW, timeout - 100, reason - set Doze Brightness updateDozeBrightness, wakeLock = WakeLock{c1ae7d8 held=false, refCount=0}
05-12 20:45:36.996 3871 3871 D SurfaceFlinger: Setting power mode 3 on display 0
05-12 20:45:36.996 3841 3885 E display : DOZE or Power off called twice, mPowerModeState : 1
05-12 20:45:36.997 3841 3885 D display : setPowerMode:: FBIOBLANK mode(3), blank(-1)
05-12 20:45:37.008 4299 5297 D MotionRecognitionService: [EARHOVER_MOTION] inject screen on / off : 0
05-12 20:45:37.008 4299 5297 D SensorService: [EARHOVER_LITE] : setMotionDataLocked
05-12 20:45:37.008 4299 5297 D SensorService: [EARHOVER_LITE] : INJECT_SCREEN_OFF
05-12 20:45:37.010 4299 10048 I BiometricServiceBase: onTaskStackChangedForFingerprint: Allow background auth,
05-12 20:45:37.011 4299 10048 I chatty : uid=1000(system) biometrics.fp identical 2 lines
05-12 20:45:37.012 4299 10048 I BiometricServiceBase: onTaskStackChangedForFingerprint: Allow background auth,
05-12 20:45:37.014 3841 3885 D display : setPowerMode:: S3CFB_POWER_MODE mode(3), blank(-1)
05-12 20:45:37.015 3871 3871 D SurfaceFlinger: Finished setting power mode 3 on display 0
05-12 20:45:37.015 4299 10048 I BiometricServiceBase: onTaskStackChangedForFingerprint: Allow background auth,
05-12 20:45:37.016 4299 10048 I chatty : uid=1000(system) biometrics.fp identical 5 lines
05-12 20:45:37.016 4299 10048 I BiometricServiceBase: onTaskStackChangedForFingerprint: Allow background auth,
05-12 20:45:37.017 3970 10055 D bauth_FPBAuthService: pcf : 0x1012, 0 ,1 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,0,
05-12 20:45:37.017 3970 10055 D bauth_FPBAuthService: thread id : 1, preenroll_flag : 0, nd cnt : 0, cso : 0, et : 0
05-12 20:45:37.017 3970 10055 D bauth_FPBAuthService: FPBAuthService, 10983
05-12 20:45:37.021 3871 3871 D SurfaceFlinger: Setting power mode 1 on display 0
05-12 20:45:37.021 3841 3885 E display : DOZE or Power off called twice, mPowerModeState : 3
05-12 20:45:37.021 3841 3885 D display : setPowerMode:: FBIOBLANK mode(1), blank(-1)
05-12 20:45:37.024 10137 10137 D DisplayLifecycle: updateDisplay id = 0
05-12 20:45:37.026 3841 3885 D display : setPowerMode:: S3CFB_POWER_MODE mode(1), blank(-1)
05-12 20:45:37.027 3871 3871 D SurfaceFlinger: Finished setting power mode 1 on display 0
05-12 20:45:37.032 10137 10137 D DisplayLifecycle: updateCacheVariables id = 0, display = Display id 0: DisplayInfo{"Built-in Screen, displayId 0", uniqueId "local:0", app 1080 x 2131, real 1080 x 2340, largest app 2131 x 2131, smallest app 1080 x 1017, mode 1, defaultMode 1, modes [{id=1, width=1080, height=2340, fps=60.000004}], colorMode 0, supportedColorModes [0], hdrCapabilities android.view.Display$HdrCapabilities@40f16308, rotation 0, density 420 (403.411 x 404.326) dpi, layerStack 0, appVsyncOff 1000000, presDeadline 16666666, type BUILT_IN, address {port=0}, state DOZE_SUSPEND, FLAG_SECURE, FLAG_SUPPORTS_PROTECTED_BUFFERS, removeMode 0}, DisplayMetrics{density=2.625, width=1080, height=2131, scaledDensity=2.625, xdpi=403.411, ydpi=404.326}, isValid=true, size = Point(1080, 2131), realSize = Point(1080, 2340)
05-12 20:45:37.042 4299 5297 D MotionRecognitionService: [EARHOVER_MOTION] inject screen on / off : 0
05-12 20:45:37.043 4299 5297 D SensorService: [EARHOVER_LITE] : setMotionDataLocked
05-12 20:45:37.043 4299 5297 D SensorService: [EARHOVER_LITE] : INJECT_SCREEN_OFF
05-12 20:45:37.045 4299 10048 I BiometricServiceBase: onTaskStackChangedForFingerprint: Allow background auth,
05-12 20:45:37.046 4299 10048 I chatty : uid=1000(system) biometrics.fp identical 9 lines
05-12 20:45:37.046 4299 10048 I BiometricServiceBase: onTaskStackChangedForFingerprint: Allow background auth,
05-12 20:45:37.053 4299 11683 V WindowManager: Relayout Window{e90e744 u0 ScreenDecorOverlay}: viewVisibility=0 req=1079x151
05-12 20:45:37.054 10137 10137 D AOD_LIVE_CLOCK@LiveClockController: updateDisplayState: DISPLAY_STATE_DOZE
05-12 20:45:37.056 10137 10137 D DisplayLifecycle: updateDisplay id = 0
05-12 20:45:37.060 4299 11683 V WindowManager: Relayout 10137: mAttrs={(0,0)(fillxwrap) gr=TOP LEFT CENTER sim={adjust=pan} layoutInDisplayCutoutMode=always ty=NAVIGATION_BAR_PANEL fmt=TRANSLUCENT
05-12 20:45:37.060 4299 11683 V WindowManager: fl=20800128
05-12 20:45:37.060 4299 11683 V WindowManager: pfl=1100050
05-12 20:45:37.060 4299 11683 V WindowManager: vsysui=100 naviIconColor=0}
05-12 20:45:37.061 10137 10867 D ViewRootImpl@ed5b6a[ScreenDecorOverlay]: Relayout returned: old=(0,0,1080,151) new=(0,0,1080,151) req=(1079,151)0 dur=12 res=0x3 s={true 478310035456} ch=false
05-12 20:45:37.064 10137 10137 D DisplayLifecycle: updateCacheVariables id = 0, display = Display id 0: DisplayInfo{"Built-in Screen, displayId 0", uniqueId "local:0", app 1080 x 2131, real 1080 x 2340, largest app 2131 x 2131, smallest app 1080 x 1017, mode 1, defaultMode 1, modes [{id=1, width=1080, height=2340, fps=60.000004}], colorMode 0, supportedColorModes [0], hdrCapabilities android.view.Display$HdrCapabilities@40f16308, rotation 0, density 420 (403.411 x 404.326) dpi, layerStack 0, appVsyncOff 1000000, presDeadline 16666666, type BUILT_IN, address {port=0}, state DOZE, FLAG_SECURE, FLAG_SUPPORTS_PROTECTED_BUFFERS, removeMode 0}, DisplayMetrics{density=2.625, width=1080, height=2131, scaledDensity=2.625, xdpi=403.411, ydpi=404.326}, isValid=true, size = Point(1080, 2131), realSize = Point(1080, 2340)
05-12 20:45:37.073 4299 12327 V WindowManager: Relayout Window{9819af3 u0 ScreenDecorOverlayBottom}: viewVisibility=0 req=1079x151
05-12 20:45:37.079 10137 10137 D AOD_LIVE_CLOCK@LiveClockController: updateDisplayState: DISPLAY_STATE_DOZE
05-12 20:45:37.080 4299 12327 V WindowManager: Relayout 10137: mAttrs={(0,0)(fillxwrap) gr=BOTTOM RIGHT CENTER sim={adjust=pan} layoutInDisplayCutoutMode=always ty=NAVIGATION_BAR_PANEL fmt=TRANSLUCENT
05-12 20:45:37.080 4299 12327 V WindowManager: fl=20800128
05-12 20:45:37.080 4299 12327 V WindowManager: pfl=1100050
05-12 20:45:37.080 4299 12327 V WindowManager: vsysui=100 naviIconColor=0}
05-12 20:45:37.081 10137 10867 D ViewRootImpl@2e58a0d[ScreenDecorOverlayBottom]: Relayout returned: old=(0,2189,1080,2340) new=(0,2189,1080,2340) req=(1079,151)0 dur=9 res=0x3 s={true 478310068224} ch=false
05-12 20:45:37.088 3844 3872 I Sensors : [AMS] lux : 2, brightness: 1
05-12 20:45:37.089 10137 10137 D AODUiController: onChargingLightSensorChanged lux : 2.0 appliedBrightness = 0 currentBrightness = 1
05-12 20:45:37.089 10137 10137 D AOD_BRIGHTNESS@BrightnessManager: mCurrentBrightness : HighNit[false], NitMode[[HLPM]_2NIT_ON], isForceState[0, ForceStateReason[{}, , mAppliedBrightness[0]
05-12 20:45:37.089 10137 10137 D AOD_BRIGHTNESS@AlwaysOnDisplayEx: updateDozeBrightness: doze [2] last [[HLPM]_2NIT_ON] change to [[HLPM]_2NIT_ON]
05-12 20:45:37.089 10137 10137 I AOD_WAKELOCK@WakeLockManager: acquireIfExists: tag - AOD_DRAW, timeout - 100, reason - set Doze Brightness updateDozeBrightness, wakeLock = WakeLock{c1ae7d8 held=true, refCount=1}
05-12 20:45:37.101 4299 12327 V WindowManager: Relayout Window{e90e744 u0 ScreenDecorOverlay}: viewVisibility=0 req=1079x151
05-12 20:45:37.109 4299 12327 V WindowManager: Relayout 10137: mAttrs={(0,0)(fillxwrap) gr=TOP LEFT CENTER sim={adjust=pan} layoutInDisplayCutoutMode=always ty=NAVIGATION_BAR_PANEL fmt=TRANSLUCENT
05-12 20:45:37.109 4299 12327 V WindowManager: fl=20800128
05-12 20:45:37.109 4299 12327 V WindowManager: pfl=1100050
05-12 20:45:37.109 4299 12327 V WindowManager: vsysui=100 naviIconColor=0}
05-12 20:45:37.111 10137 10867 D ViewRootImpl@ed5b6a[ScreenDecorOverlay]: Relayout returned: old=(0,0,1080,151) new=(0,0,1080,151) req=(1079,151)0 dur=10 res=0x3 s={true 478310035456} ch=false
05-12 20:45:37.119 4299 12327 V WindowManager: Relayout Window{9819af3 u0 ScreenDecorOverlayBottom}: viewVisibility=0 req=1079x151
05-12 20:45:37.126 4299 12327 V WindowManager: Relayout 10137: mAttrs={(0,0)(fillxwrap) gr=BOTTOM RIGHT CENTER sim={adjust=pan} layoutInDisplayCutoutMode=always ty=NAVIGATION_BAR_PANEL fmt=TRANSLUCENT
05-12 20:45:37.126 4299 12327 V WindowManager: fl=20800128
05-12 20:45:37.126 4299 12327 V WindowManager: pfl=1100050
05-12 20:45:37.126 4299 12327 V WindowManager: vsysui=100 naviIconColor=0}
05-12 20:45:37.128 10137 10867 D ViewRootImpl@2e58a0d[ScreenDecorOverlayBottom]: Relayout returned: old=(0,2189,1080,2340) new=(0,2189,1080,2340) req=(1079,151)0 dur=10 res=0x3 s={true 478310068224} ch=false
05-12 20:45:37.190 10137 10137 D AODUiController: onChargingLightSensorChanged lux : 1.0 appliedBrightness = 0 currentBrightness = 1
05-12 20:45:37.190 10137 10137 D AOD_BRIGHTNESS@BrightnessManager: mCurrentBrightness : HighNit[false], NitMode[[HLPM]_2NIT_ON], isForceState[0, ForceStateReason[{}, , mAppliedBrightness[0]
05-12 20:45:37.191 10137 10137 D AOD_BRIGHTNESS@AlwaysOnDisplayEx: updateDozeBrightness: doze [2] last [[HLPM]_2NIT_ON] change to [[HLPM]_2NIT_ON]
05-12 20:45:37.191 10137 10137 I AOD_WAKELOCK@WakeLockManager: acquireIfExists: tag - AOD_DRAW, timeout - 100, reason - set Doze Brightness updateDozeBrightness, wakeLock = WakeLock{c1ae7d8 held=true, refCount=1}
05-12 20:45:37.291 10137 10137 D AODUiController: onChargingLightSensorChanged lux : 2.0 appliedBrightness = 0 currentBrightness = 1
05-12 20:45:37.291 10137 10137 D AOD_BRIGHTNESS@BrightnessManager: mCurrentBrightness : HighNit[false], NitMode[[HLPM]_2NIT_ON], isForceState[0, ForceStateReason[{}, , mAppliedBrightness[0]
05-12 20:45:37.292 10137 10137 D AOD_BRIGHTNESS@AlwaysOnDisplayEx: updateDozeBrightness: doze [2] last [[HLPM]_2NIT_ON] change to [[HLPM]_2NIT_ON]
05-12 20:45:37.292 10137 10137 I AOD_WAKELOCK@WakeLockManager: acquireIfExists: tag - AOD_DRAW, timeout - 100, reason - set Doze Brightness updateDozeBrightness, wakeLock = WakeLock{c1ae7d8 held=true, refCount=1}
05-12 20:45:37.391 10137 10137 D AODUiController: onChargingLightSensorChanged lux : 2.0 appliedBrightness = 0 currentBrightness = 1
05-12 20:45:37.391 10137 10137 D AOD_BRIGHTNESS@BrightnessManager: mCurrentBrightness : HighNit[false], NitMode[[HLPM]_2NIT_ON], isForceState[0, ForceStateReason[{}, , mAppliedBrightness[0]
05-12 20:45:37.392 10137 10137 D AOD_BRIGHTNESS@AlwaysOnDisplayEx: updateDozeBrightness: doze [2] last [[HLPM]_2NIT_ON] change to [[HLPM]_2NIT_ON]
05-12 20:45:37.392 10137 10137 I AOD_WAKELOCK@WakeLockManager: acquireIfExists: tag - AOD_DRAW, timeout - 100, reason - set Doze Brightness updateDozeBrightness, wakeLock = WakeLock{c1ae7d8 held=true, refCount=1}
05-12 20:45:37.398 4299 12327 I LocationManagerService: getGPSUsingApps() called
05-12 20:45:37.398 4299 12327 I NSLocationMonitor: getGPSUsingApps() called
05-12 20:45:37.461 10284 1718 V NSLocationManager_FLP: getGPSUsingApps, NO_FREEZE={5013}/ FREEZE={}
05-12 20:45:37.489 10137 10137 D AODUiController: onChargingLightSensorChanged lux : 2.0 appliedBrightness = 0 currentBrightness = 1
05-12 20:45:37.490 10137 10137 D AOD_BRIGHTNESS@BrightnessManager: mCurrentBrightness : HighNit[false], NitMode[[HLPM]_2NIT_ON], isForceState[0, ForceStateReason[{}, , mAppliedBrightness[0]
05-12 20:45:37.490 10137 10137 D AOD_BRIGHTNESS@AlwaysOnDisplayEx: updateDozeBrightness: doze [2] last [[HLPM]_2NIT_ON] change to [[HLPM]_2NIT_ON]
05-12 20:45:37.490 10137 10137 I AOD_WAKELOCK@WakeLockManager: acquireIfExists: tag - AOD_DRAW, timeout - 100, reason - set Doze Brightness updateDozeBrightness, wakeLock = WakeLock{c1ae7d8 held=true, refCount=1}
05-12 20:45:37.605 10137 10137 D AODUiController: onChargingLightSensorChanged lux : 1.0 appliedBrightness = 0 currentBrightness = 1
05-12 20:45:37.606 10137 10137 D AOD_BRIGHTNESS@BrightnessManager: mCurrentBrightness : HighNit[false], NitMode[[HLPM]_2NIT_ON], isForceState[0, ForceStateReason[{}, , mAppliedBrightness[0]
05-12 20:45:37.606 10137 10137 D AOD_BRIGHTNESS@AlwaysOnDisplayEx: updateDozeBrightness: doze [2] last [[HLPM]_2NIT_ON] change to [[HLPM]_2NIT_ON]
05-12 20:45:37.607 10137 10137 I AOD_WAKELOCK@WakeLockManager: acquireIfExists: tag - AOD_DRAW, timeout - 100, reason - set Doze Brightness updateDozeBrightness, wakeLock = WakeLock{c1ae7d8 held=false, refCount=0}
05-12 20:45:37.607 3871 3871 D SurfaceFlinger: Setting power mode 3 on display 0
05-12 20:45:37.608 3841 3885 E display : DOZE or Power off called twice, mPowerModeState : 1
05-12 20:45:37.608 3841 3885 D display : setPowerMode:: FBIOBLANK mode(3), blank(-1)
05-12 20:45:37.615 4299 5297 D MotionRecognitionService: [EARHOVER_MOTION] inject screen on / off : 0
05-12 20:45:37.616 4299 5297 D SensorService: [EARHOVER_LITE] : setMotionDataLocked
05-12 20:45:37.616 4299 5297 D SensorService: [EARHOVER_LITE] : INJECT_SCREEN_OFF
05-12 20:45:37.617 3841 3885 D display : setPowerMode:: S3CFB_POWER_MODE mode(3), blank(-1)
05-12 20:45:37.618 3871 3871 D SurfaceFlinger: Finished setting power mode 3 on display 0
05-12 20:45:37.619 4299 10048 I BiometricServiceBase: onTaskStackChangedForFingerprint: Allow background auth,
05-12 20:45:37.620 4299 10048 I chatty : uid=1000(system) biometrics.fp identical 9 lines
05-12 20:45:37.621 4299 10048 I BiometricServiceBase: onTaskStackChangedForFingerprint: Allow background auth,
05-12 20:45:37.646 4299 10404 V WindowManager: Relayout Window{e90e744 u0 ScreenDecorOverlay}: viewVisibility=0 req=1079x151
05-12 20:45:37.653 4299 10404 V WindowManager: Relayout 10137: mAttrs={(0,0)(fillxwrap) gr=TOP LEFT CENTER sim={adjust=pan} layoutInDisplayCutoutMode=always ty=NAVIGATION_BAR_PANEL fmt=TRANSLUCENT
05-12 20:45:37.653 4299 10404 V WindowManager: fl=20800128
05-12 20:45:37.653 4299 10404 V WindowManager: pfl=1100050
05-12 20:45:37.653 4299 10404 V WindowManager: vsysui=100 naviIconColor=0}
05-12 20:45:37.655 10137 10867 D ViewRootImpl@ed5b6a[ScreenDecorOverlay]: Relayout returned: old=(0,0,1080,151) new=(0,0,1080,151) req=(1079,151)0 dur=10 res=0x3 s={true 478310035456} ch=false
05-12 20:45:37.659 3871 3871 D SurfaceFlinger: Setting power mode 1 on display 0
05-12 20:45:37.659 3841 9377 E display : DOZE or Power off called twice, mPowerModeState : 3
05-12 20:45:37.659 3841 9377 D display : setPowerMode:: FBIOBLANK mode(1), blank(-1)
05-12 20:45:37.661 10137 10137 D DisplayLifecycle: updateDisplay id = 0
05-12 20:45:37.664 3841 9377 D display : setPowerMode:: S3CFB_POWER_MODE mode(1), blank(-1)
05-12 20:45:37.665 3871 3871 D SurfaceFlinger: Finished setting power mode 1 on display 0
05-12 20:45:37.670 4299 5297 D MotionRecognitionService: [EARHOVER_MOTION] inject screen on / off : 0
05-12 20:45:37.671 4299 5297 D SensorService: [EARHOVER_LITE] : setMotionDataLocked
05-12 20:45:37.671 4299 5297 D SensorService: [EARHOVER_LITE] : INJECT_SCREEN_OFF
05-12 20:45:37.676 10137 10137 D DisplayLifecycle: updateCacheVariables id = 0, display = Display id 0: DisplayInfo{"Built-in Screen, displayId 0", uniqueId "local:0", app 1080 x 2131, real 1080 x 2340, largest app 2131 x 2131, smallest app 1080 x 1017, mode 1, defaultMode 1, modes [{id=1, width=1080, height=2340, fps=60.000004}], colorMode 0, supportedColorModes [0], hdrCapabilities android.view.Display$HdrCapabilities@40f16308, rotation 0, density 420 (403.411 x 404.326) dpi, layerStack 0, appVsyncOff 1000000, presDeadline 16666666, type BUILT_IN, address {port=0}, state DOZE, FLAG_SECURE, FLAG_SUPPORTS_PROTECTED_BUFFERS, removeMode 0}, DisplayMetrics{density=2.625, width=1080, height=2131, scaledDensity=2.625, xdpi=403.411, ydpi=404.326}, isValid=true, size = Point(1080, 2131), realSize = Point(1080, 2340)
05-12 20:45:37.677 4299 10404 V WindowManager: Relayout Window{9819af3 u0 ScreenDecorOverlayBottom}: viewVisibility=0 req=1079x151
05-12 20:45:37.684 4299 10048 I BiometricServiceBase: onTaskStackChangedForFingerprint: Allow background auth,
05-12 20:45:37.685 4299 10048 I chatty : uid=1000(system) biometrics.fp identical 9 lines
05-12 20:45:37.685 4299 10048 I BiometricServiceBase: onTaskStackChangedForFingerprint: Allow background auth,
05-12 20:45:37.686 4299 10404 V WindowManager: Relayout 10137: mAttrs={(0,0)(fillxwrap) gr=BOTTOM RIGHT CENTER sim={adjust=pan} layoutInDisplayCutoutMode=always ty=NAVIGATION_BAR_PANEL fmt=TRANSLUCENT
05-12 20:45:37.686 4299 10404 V WindowManager: fl=20800128
05-12 20:45:37.686 4299 10404 V WindowManager: pfl=1100050
05-12 20:45:37.686 4299 10404 V WindowManager: vsysui=100 naviIconColor=0}
05-12 20:45:37.688 10137 10867 D ViewRootImpl@2e58a0d[ScreenDecorOverlayBottom]: Relayout returned: old=(0,2189,1080,2340) new=(0,2189,1080,2340) req=(1079,151)0 dur=19 res=0x3 s={true 478310068224} ch=false
05-12 20:45:37.689 10137 10137 D AOD_LIVE_CLOCK@LiveClockController: updateDisplayState: DISPLAY_STATE_DOZE
05-12 20:45:37.691 10137 10137 D DisplayLifecycle: updateDisplay id = 0
05-12 20:45:37.695 10137 10137 D DisplayLifecycle: updateCacheVariables id = 0, display = Display id 0: DisplayInfo{"Built-in Screen, displayId 0", uniqueId "local:0", app 1080 x 2131, real 1080 x 2340, largest app 2131 x 2131, smallest app 1080 x 1017, mode 1, defaultMode 1, modes [{id=1, width=1080, height=2340, fps=60.000004}], colorMode 0, supportedColorModes [0], hdrCapabilities android.view.Display$HdrCapabilities@40f16308, rotation 0, density 420 (403.411 x 404.326) dpi, layerStack 0, appVsyncOff 1000000, presDeadline 16666666, type BUILT_IN, address {port=0}, state DOZE, FLAG_SECURE, FLAG_SUPPORTS_PROTECTED_BUFFERS, removeMode 0}, DisplayMetrics{density=2.625, width=1080, height=2131, scaledDensity=2.625, xdpi=403.411, ydpi=404.326}, isValid=true, size = Point(1080, 2131), realSize = Point(1080, 2340)
05-12 20:45:37.709 10137 10137 D AODUiController: onChargingLightSensorChanged lux : 2.0 appliedBrightness = 0 currentBrightness = 1
05-12 20:45:37.709 10137 10137 D AOD_BRIGHTNESS@BrightnessManager: mCurrentBrightness : HighNit[false], NitMode[[HLPM]_2NIT_ON], isForceState[0, ForceStateReason[{}, , mAppliedBrightness[0]
05-12 20:45:37.710 10137 10137 D AOD_BRIGHTNESS@AlwaysOnDisplayEx: updateDozeBrightness: doze [2] last [[HLPM]_2NIT_ON] change to [[HLPM]_2NIT_ON]
05-12 20:45:37.710 10137 10137 I AOD_WAKELOCK@WakeLockManager: acquireIfExists: tag - AOD_DRAW, timeout - 100, reason - set Doze Brightness updateDozeBrightness, wakeLock = WakeLock{c1ae7d8 held=true, refCount=1}
05-12 20:45:37.714 10137 10137 D AOD_LIVE_CLOCK@LiveClockController: updateDisplayState: DISPLAY_STATE_DOZE
05-12 20:45:37.735 4299 10404 V WindowManager: Relayout Window{e90e744 u0 ScreenDecorOverlay}: viewVisibility=0 req=1079x151
05-12 20:45:37.743 4299 10404 V WindowManager: Relayout 10137: mAttrs={(0,0)(fillxwrap) gr=TOP LEFT CENTER sim={adjust=pan} layoutInDisplayCutoutMode=always ty=NAVIGATION_BAR_PANEL fmt=TRANSLUCENT
05-12 20:45:37.743 4299 10404 V WindowManager: fl=20800128
05-12 20:45:37.743 4299 10404 V WindowManager: pfl=1100050
05-12 20:45:37.743 4299 10404 V WindowManager: vsysui=100 naviIconColor=0}
05-12 20:45:37.745 10137 10867 D ViewRootImpl@ed5b6a[ScreenDecorOverlay]: Relayout returned: old=(0,0,1080,151) new=(0,0,1080,151) req=(1079,151)0 dur=10 res=0x3 s={true 478310035456} ch=false
05-12 20:45:37.754 4299 10404 V WindowManager: Relayout Window{9819af3 u0 ScreenDecorOverlayBottom}: viewVisibility=0 req=1079x151
05-12 20:45:37.761 4299 10404 V WindowManager: Relayout 10137: mAttrs={(0,0)(fillxwrap) gr=BOTTOM RIGHT CENTER sim={adjust=pan} layoutInDisplayCutoutMode=always ty=NAVIGATION_BAR_PANEL fmt=TRANSLUCENT
05-12 20:45:37.761 4299 10404 V WindowManager: fl=20800128
05-12 20:45:37.761 4299 10404 V WindowManager: pfl=1100050
05-12 20:45:37.761 4299 10404 V WindowManager: vsysui=100 naviIconColor=0}
05-12 20:45:37.763 10137 10867 D ViewRootImpl@2e58a0d[ScreenDecorOverlayBottom]: Relayout returned: old=(0,2189,1080,2340) new=(0,2189,1080,2340) req=(1079,151)0 dur=10 res=0x3 s={true 478310068224} ch=false
05-12 20:45:37.815 3871 3871 D SurfaceFlinger: Setting power mode 3 on display 0
05-12 20:45:37.815 3841 3885 E display : DOZE or Power off called twice, mPowerModeState : 1
05-12 20:45:37.815 3841 3885 D display : setPowerMode:: FBIOBLANK mode(3), blank(-1)
05-12 20:45:37.819 4299 5297 D MotionRecognitionService: [EARHOVER_MOTION] inject screen on / off : 0
05-12 20:45:37.819 4299 5297 D SensorService: [EARHOVER_LITE] : setMotionDataLocked
05-12 20:45:37.819 4299 5297 D SensorService: [EARHOVER_LITE] : INJECT_SCREEN_OFF
05-12 20:45:37.821 4299 10048 I BiometricServiceBase: onTaskStackChangedForFingerprint: Allow background auth,
05-12 20:45:37.822 4299 10048 I chatty : uid=1000(system) biometrics.fp identical 9 lines
05-12 20:45:37.822 4299 10048 I BiometricServiceBase: onTaskStackChangedForFingerprint: Allow background auth,
05-12 20:45:37.824 10137 10137 D DisplayLifecycle: updateDisplay id = 0
05-12 20:45:37.834 10137 10137 D DisplayLifecycle: updateCacheVariables id = 0, display = Display id 0: DisplayInfo{"Built-in Screen, displayId 0", uniqueId "local:0", app 1080 x 2131, real 1080 x 2340, largest app 2131 x 2131, smallest app 1080 x 1017, mode 1, defaultMode 1, modes [{id=1, width=1080, height=2340, fps=60.000004}], colorMode 0, supportedColorModes [0], hdrCapabilities android.view.Display$HdrCapabilities@40f16308, rotation 0, density 420 (403.411 x 404.326) dpi, layerStack 0, appVsyncOff 1000000, presDeadline 16666666, type BUILT_IN, address {port=0}, state DOZE_SUSPEND, FLAG_SECURE, FLAG_SUPPORTS_PROTECTED_BUFFERS, removeMode 0}, DisplayMetrics{density=2.625, width=1080, height=2131, scaledDensity=2.625, xdpi=403.411, ydpi=404.326}, isValid=true, size = Point(1080, 2131), realSize = Point(1080, 2340)
05-12 20:45:37.838 10137 10137 D AODUiController: onChargingLightSensorChanged lux : 2.0 appliedBrightness = 0 currentBrightness = 1
05-12 20:45:37.838 10137 10137 D AOD_BRIGHTNESS@BrightnessManager: mCurrentBrightness : HighNit[false], NitMode[[HLPM]_2NIT_ON], isForceState[0, ForceStateReason[{}, , mAppliedBrightness[0]
05-12 20:45:37.838 10137 10137 D AOD_BRIGHTNESS@AlwaysOnDisplayEx: updateDozeBrightness: doze [2] last [[HLPM]_2NIT_ON] change to [[HLPM]_2NIT_ON]
05-12 20:45:37.838 10137 10137 I AOD_WAKELOCK@WakeLockManager: acquireIfExists: tag - AOD_DRAW, timeout - 100, reason - set Doze Brightness updateDozeBrightness, wakeLock = WakeLock{c1ae7d8 held=false, refCount=0}
05-12 20:45:37.847 3841 3885 D display : setPowerMode:: S3CFB_POWER_MODE mode(3), blank(-1)
05-12 20:45:37.847 3871 3871 D SurfaceFlinger: Finished setting power mode 3 on display 0
05-12 20:45:37.848 3871 3871 D SurfaceFlinger: Setting power mode 1 on display 0
05-12 20:45:37.848 3841 3885 E display : DOZE or Power off called twice, mPowerModeState : 3
05-12 20:45:37.849 3841 3885 D display : setPowerMode:: FBIOBLANK mode(1), blank(-1)
05-12 20:45:37.851 4299 5297 D MotionRecognitionService: [EARHOVER_MOTION] inject screen on / off : 0
05-12 20:45:37.851 4299 5297 D SensorService: [EARHOVER_LITE] : setMotionDataLocked
05-12 20:45:37.851 4299 5297 D SensorService: [EARHOVER_LITE] : INJECT_SCREEN_OFF
05-12 20:45:37.853 4299 10048 I BiometricServiceBase: onTaskStackChangedForFingerprint: Allow background auth,
05-12 20:45:37.853 4299 10048 I chatty : uid=1000(system) biometrics.fp identical 3 lines
05-12 20:45:37.853 4299 10048 I BiometricServiceBase: onTaskStackChangedForFingerprint: Allow background auth,
05-12 20:45:37.853 3841 3885 D display : setPowerMode:: S3CFB_POWER_MODE mode(1), blank(-1)
05-12 20:45:37.853 4299 10048 I BiometricServiceBase: onTaskStackChangedForFingerprint: Allow background auth,
05-12 20:45:37.853 4299 10048 I chatty : uid=1000(system) biometrics.fp identical 4 lines
05-12 20:45:37.853 4299 10048 I BiometricServiceBase: onTaskStackChangedForFingerprint: Allow background auth,
05-12 20:45:37.854 3871 3871 D SurfaceFlinger: Finished setting power mode 1 on display 0
05-12 20:45:37.855 4299 12327 V WindowManager: Relayout Window{e90e744 u0 ScreenDecorOverlay}: viewVisibility=0 req=1079x151
05-12 20:45:37.859 3951 10369 I GNSS_MEMS: TGT_MEMS SCSCMemsReportSensorDrops: dropped 0 events (spam) 1 events (rate limit) out of 108 total for sensor 0 since last report
05-12 20:45:37.863 4299 12327 V WindowManager: Relayout 10137: mAttrs={(0,0)(fillxwrap) gr=TOP LEFT CENTER sim={adjust=pan} layoutInDisplayCutoutMode=always ty=NAVIGATION_BAR_PANEL fmt=TRANSLUCENT
05-12 20:45:37.863 4299 12327 V WindowManager: fl=20800128
05-12 20:45:37.863 4299 12327 V WindowManager: pfl=1100050
05-12 20:45:37.863 4299 12327 V WindowManager: vsysui=100 naviIconColor=0}
05-12 20:45:37.864 10137 10137 D AOD_LIVE_CLOCK@LiveClockController: updateDisplayState: DISPLAY_STATE_DOZE
05-12 20:45:37.866 10137 10867 D ViewRootImpl@ed5b6a[ScreenDecorOverlay]: Relayout returned: old=(0,0,1080,151) new=(0,0,1080,151) req=(1079,151)0 dur=13 res=0x3 s={true 478310035456} ch=false
05-12 20:45:37.867 10137 10137 D DisplayLifecycle: updateDisplay id = 0
05-12 20:45:37.872 10137 10137 D DisplayLifecycle: updateCacheVariables id = 0, display = Display id 0: DisplayInfo{"Built-in Screen, displayId 0", uniqueId "local:0", app 1080 x 2131, real 1080 x 2340, largest app 2131 x 2131, smallest app 1080 x 1017, mode 1, defaultMode 1, modes [{id=1, width=1080, height=2340, fps=60.000004}], colorMode 0, supportedColorModes [0], hdrCapabilities android.view.Display$HdrCapabilities@40f16308, rotation 0, density 420 (403.411 x 404.326) dpi, layerStack 0, appVsyncOff 1000000, presDeadline 16666666, type BUILT_IN, address {port=0}, state DOZE, FLAG_SECURE, FLAG_SUPPORTS_PROTECTED_BUFFERS, removeMode 0}, DisplayMetrics{density=2.625, width=1080, height=2131, scaledDensity=2.625, xdpi=403.411, ydpi=404.326}, isValid=true, size = Point(1080, 2131), realSize = Point(1080, 2340)
05-12 20:45:37.878 4299 10551 V WindowManager: Relayout Window{9819af3 u0 ScreenDecorOverlayBottom}: viewVisibility=0 req=1079x151
05-12 20:45:37.883 10137 10137 D AOD_LIVE_CLOCK@LiveClockController: updateDisplayState: DISPLAY_STATE_DOZE
05-12 20:45:37.885 4299 10551 V WindowManager: Relayout 10137: mAttrs={(0,0)(fillxwrap) gr=BOTTOM RIGHT CENTER sim={adjust=pan} layoutInDisplayCutoutMode=always ty=NAVIGATION_BAR_PANEL fmt=TRANSLUCENT
05-12 20:45:37.885 4299 10551 V WindowManager: fl=20800128
05-12 20:45:37.885 4299 10551 V WindowManager: pfl=1100050
05-12 20:45:37.885 4299 10551 V WindowManager: vsysui=100 naviIconColor=0}
05-12 20:45:37.886 10137 10867 D ViewRootImpl@2e58a0d[ScreenDecorOverlayBottom]: Relayout returned: old=(0,2189,1080,2340) new=(0,2189,1080,2340) req=(1079,151)0 dur=8 res=0x3 s={true 478310068224} ch=false
05-12 20:45:37.905 4299 10551 V WindowManager: Relayout Window{e90e744 u0 ScreenDecorOverlay}: viewVisibility=0 req=1079x151
05-12 20:45:37.911 4299 10551 V WindowManager: Relayout 10137: mAttrs={(0,0)(fillxwrap) gr=TOP LEFT CENTER sim={adjust=pan} layoutInDisplayCutoutMode=always ty=NAVIGATION_BAR_PANEL fmt=TRANSLUCENT
05-12 20:45:37.911 4299 10551 V WindowManager: fl=20800128
05-12 20:45:37.911 4299 10551 V WindowManager: pfl=1100050
05-12 20:45:37.911 4299 10551 V WindowManager: vsysui=100 naviIconColor=0}
05-12 20:45:37.912 10137 10867 D ViewRootImpl@ed5b6a[ScreenDecorOverlay]: Relayout returned: old=(0,0,1080,151) new=(0,0,1080,151) req=(1079,151)0 dur=11 res=0x3 s={true 478310035456} ch=false
05-12 20:45:37.919 4299 10551 V WindowManager: Relayout Window{9819af3 u0 ScreenDecorOverlayBottom}: viewVisibility=0 req=1079x151
05-12 20:45:37.926 4299 10551 V WindowManager: Relayout 10137: mAttrs={(0,0)(fillxwrap) gr=BOTTOM RIGHT CENTER sim={adjust=pan} layoutInDisplayCutoutMode=always ty=NAVIGATION_BAR_PANEL fmt=TRANSLUCENT
05-12 20:45:37.926 4299 10551 V WindowManager: fl=20800128
05-12 20:45:37.926 4299 10551 V WindowManager: pfl=1100050
05-12 20:45:37.926 4299 10551 V WindowManager: vsysui=100 naviIconColor=0}
05-12 20:45:37.926 10137 10137 D AODUiController: onChargingLightSensorChanged lux : 2.0 appliedBrightness = 0 currentBrightness = 1
05-12 20:45:37.927 10137 10137 D AOD_BRIGHTNESS@BrightnessManager: mCurrentBrightness : HighNit[false], NitMode[[HLPM]_2NIT_ON], isForceState[0, ForceStateReason[{}, , mAppliedBrightness[0]
05-12 20:45:37.927 10137 10137 D AOD_BRIGHTNESS@AlwaysOnDisplayEx: updateDozeBrightness: doze [2] last [[HLPM]_2NIT_ON] change to [[HLPM]_2NIT_ON]
05-12 20:45:37.927 10137 10137 I AOD_WAKELOCK@WakeLockManager: acquireIfExists: tag - AOD_DRAW, timeout - 100, reason - set Doze Brightness updateDozeBrightness, wakeLock = WakeLock{c1ae7d8 held=true, refCount=1}
05-12 20:45:37.928 10137 10867 D ViewRootImpl@2e58a0d[ScreenDecorOverlayBottom]: Relayout returned: old=(0,2189,1080,2340) new=(0,2189,1080,2340) req=(1079,151)0 dur=10 res=0x3 s={true 478310068224} ch=false
05-12 20:45:38.017 3970 10055 D bauth_FPBAuthService: pcf : 0x1012, 0 ,1 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,0,
05-12 20:45:38.017 3970 10055 D bauth_FPBAuthService: thread id : 1, preenroll_flag : 0, nd cnt : 0, cso : 0, et : 0
05-12 20:45:38.017 3970 10055 D bauth_FPBAuthService: FPBAuthService, 10983
05-12 20:45:38.026 10137 10137 D AODUiController: onChargingLightSensorChanged lux : 2.0 appliedBrightness = 0 currentBrightness = 1
05-12 20:45:38.026 10137 10137 D AOD_BRIGHTNESS@BrightnessManager: mCurrentBrightness : HighNit[false], NitMode[[HLPM]_2NIT_ON], isForceState[0, ForceStateReason[{}, , mAppliedBrightness[0]
05-12 20:45:38.026 10137 10137 D AOD_BRIGHTNESS@AlwaysOnDisplayEx: updateDozeBrightness: doze [2] last [[HLPM]_2NIT_ON] change to [[HLPM]_2NIT_ON]
05-12 20:45:38.026 10137 10137 I AOD_WAKELOCK@WakeLockManager: acquireIfExists: tag - AOD_DRAW, timeout - 100, reason - set Doze Brightness updateDozeBrightness, wakeLock = WakeLock{c1ae7d8 held=true, refCount=1}
05-12 20:45:38.135 10137 10137 D AODUiController: onChargingLightSensorChanged lux : 1.0 appliedBrightness = 0 currentBrightness = 1
05-12 20:45:38.135 10137 10137 D AOD_BRIGHTNESS@BrightnessManager: mCurrentBrightness : HighNit[false], NitMode[[HLPM]_2NIT_ON], isForceState[0, ForceStateReason[{}, , mAppliedBrightness[0]
05-12 20:45:38.136 3871 3871 D SurfaceFlinger: Setting power mode 3 on display 0
05-12 20:45:38.136 10137 10137 D AOD_BRIGHTNESS@AlwaysOnDisplayEx: updateDozeBrightness: doze [2] last [[HLPM]_2NIT_ON] change to [[HLPM]_2NIT_ON]
05-12 20:45:38.137 10137 10137 I AOD_WAKELOCK@WakeLockManager: acquireIfExists: tag - AOD_DRAW, timeout - 100, reason - set Doze Brightness updateDozeBrightness, wakeLock = WakeLock{c1ae7d8 held=false, refCount=0}
05-12 20:45:38.137 3841 3885 E display : DOZE or Power off called twice, mPowerModeState : 1
05-12 20:45:38.137 3841 3885 D display : setPowerMode:: FBIOBLANK mode(3), blank(-1)
05-12 20:45:38.144 4299 10048 I BiometricServiceBase: onTaskStackChangedForFingerprint: Allow background auth,
05-12 20:45:38.146 4299 10048 I chatty : uid=1000(system) biometrics.fp identical 6 lines
05-12 20:45:38.146 4299 10048 I BiometricServiceBase: onTaskStackChangedForFingerprint: Allow background auth,
05-12 20:45:38.146 4299 5297 D MotionRecognitionService: [EARHOVER_MOTION] inject screen on / off : 0
05-12 20:45:38.146 4299 10048 I BiometricServiceBase: onTaskStackChangedForFingerprint: Allow background auth,
05-12 20:45:38.147 4299 10048 I chatty : uid=1000(system) biometrics.fp identical 1 line
05-12 20:45:38.147 4299 5297 D SensorService: [EARHOVER_LITE] : setMotionDataLocked
05-12 20:45:38.147 4299 10048 I BiometricServiceBase: onTaskStackChangedForFingerprint: Allow background auth,
05-12 20:45:38.147 4299 5297 D SensorService: [EARHOVER_LITE] : INJECT_SCREEN_OFF
05-12 20:45:38.149 3841 3885 D display : setPowerMode:: S3CFB_POWER_MODE mode(3), blank(-1)
05-12 20:45:38.149 3871 3871 D SurfaceFlinger: Finished setting power mode 3 on display 0
05-12 20:45:38.160 3871 3871 D SurfaceFlinger: Setting power mode 1 on display 0
05-12 20:45:38.160 3841 9377 E display : DOZE or Power off called twice, mPowerModeState : 3
05-12 20:45:38.160 3841 9377 D display : setPowerMode:: FBIOBLANK mode(1), blank(-1)
05-12 20:45:38.161 10137 10137 D DisplayLifecycle: updateDisplay id = 0
05-12 20:45:38.165 3841 9377 D display : setPowerMode:: S3CFB_POWER_MODE mode(1), blank(-1)
05-12 20:45:38.166 3871 3871 D SurfaceFlinger: Finished setting power mode 1 on display 0
05-12 20:45:38.174 10137 10137 D DisplayLifecycle: updateCacheVariables id = 0, display = Display id 0: DisplayInfo{"Built-in Screen, displayId 0", uniqueId "local:0", app 1080 x 2131, real 1080 x 2340, largest app 2131 x 2131, smallest app 1080 x 1017, mode 1, defaultMode 1, modes [{id=1, width=1080, height=2340, fps=60.000004}], colorMode 0, supportedColorModes [0], hdrCapabilities android.view.Display$HdrCapabilities@40f16308, rotation 0, density 420 (403.411 x 404.326) dpi, layerStack 0, appVsyncOff 1000000, presDeadline 16666666, type BUILT_IN, address {port=0}, state DOZE_SUSPEND, FLAG_SECURE, FLAG_SUPPORTS_PROTECTED_BUFFERS, removeMode 0}, DisplayMetrics{density=2.625, width=1080, height=2131, scaledDensity=2.625, xdpi=403.411, ydpi=404.326}, isValid=true, size = Point(1080, 2131), realSize = Point(1080, 2340)
05-12 20:45:38.182 4299 10404 V WindowManager: Relayout Window{e90e744 u0 ScreenDecorOverlay}: viewVisibility=0 req=1079x151
05-12 20:45:38.185 4299 5297 D MotionRecognitionService: [EARHOVER_MOTION] inject screen on / off : 0
05-12 20:45:38.185 4299 5297 D SensorService: [EARHOVER_LITE] : setMotionDataLocked
05-12 20:45:38.185 4299 5297 D SensorService: [EARHOVER_LITE] : INJECT_SCREEN_OFF
05-12 20:45:38.191 4299 10048 I BiometricServiceBase: onTaskStackChangedForFingerprint: Allow background auth,
05-12 20:45:38.192 4299 10048 I chatty : uid=1000(system) biometrics.fp identical 9 lines
05-12 20:45:38.192 4299 10048 I BiometricServiceBase: onTaskStackChangedForFingerprint: Allow background auth,
05-12 20:45:38.195 4299 10404 V WindowManager: Relayout 10137: mAttrs={(0,0)(fillxwrap) gr=TOP LEFT CENTER sim={adjust=pan} layoutInDisplayCutoutMode=always ty=NAVIGATION_BAR_PANEL fmt=TRANSLUCENT
05-12 20:45:38.195 4299 10404 V WindowManager: fl=20800128
05-12 20:45:38.195 4299 10404 V WindowManager: pfl=1100050
05-12 20:45:38.195 4299 10404 V WindowManager: vsysui=100 naviIconColor=0}
05-12 20:45:38.197 10137 10867 D ViewRootImpl@ed5b6a[ScreenDecorOverlay]: Relayout returned: old=(0,0,1080,151) new=(0,0,1080,151) req=(1079,151)0 dur=16 res=0x3 s={true 478310035456} ch=false
05-12 20:45:38.199 10137 10137 D AOD_LIVE_CLOCK@LiveClockController: updateDisplayState: DISPLAY_STATE_DOZE
05-12 20:45:38.206 10137 10137 D DisplayLifecycle: updateDisplay id = 0
05-12 20:45:38.209 4299 11689 V WindowManager: Relayout Window{9819af3 u0 ScreenDecorOverlayBottom}: viewVisibility=0 req=1079x151
05-12 20:45:38.210 10137 10137 D DisplayLifecycle: updateCacheVariables id = 0, display = Display id 0: DisplayInfo{"Built-in Screen, displayId 0", uniqueId "local:0", app 1080 x 2131, real 1080 x 2340, largest app 2131 x 2131, smallest app 1080 x 1017, mode 1, defaultMode 1, modes [{id=1, width=1080, height=2340, fps=60.000004}], colorMode 0, supportedColorModes [0], hdrCapabilities android.view.Display$HdrCapabilities@40f16308, rotation 0, density 420 (403.411 x 404.326) dpi, layerStack 0, appVsyncOff 1000000, presDeadline 16666666, type BUILT_IN, address {port=0}, state DOZE, FLAG_SECURE, FLAG_SUPPORTS_PROTECTED_BUFFERS, removeMode 0}, DisplayMetrics{density=2.625, width=1080, height=2131, scaledDensity=2.625, xdpi=403.411, ydpi=404.326}, isValid=true, size = Point(1080, 2131), realSize = Point(1080, 2340)
05-12 20:45:38.215 4299 11689 V WindowManager: Relayout 10137: mAttrs={(0,0)(fillxwrap) gr=BOTTOM RIGHT CENTER sim={adjust=pan} layoutInDisplayCutoutMode=always ty=NAVIGATION_BAR_PANEL fmt=TRANSLUCENT
05-12 20:45:38.215 4299 11689 V WindowManager: fl=20800128
05-12 20:45:38.215 4299 11689 V WindowManager: pfl=1100050
05-12 20:45:38.215 4299 11689 V WindowManager: vsysui=100 naviIconColor=0}
05-12 20:45:38.217 10137 10867 D ViewRootImpl@2e58a0d[ScreenDecorOverlayBottom]: Relayout returned: old=(0,2189,1080,2340) new=(0,2189,1080,2340) req=(1079,151)0 dur=9 res=0x3 s={true 478310068224} ch=false
05-12 20:45:38.221 10137 10137 D AOD_LIVE_CLOCK@LiveClockController: updateDisplayState: DISPLAY_STATE_DOZE
05-12 20:45:38.225 10137 10137 D AODUiController: onChargingLightSensorChanged lux : 1.0 appliedBrightness = 0 currentBrightness = 1
05-12 20:45:38.225 10137 10137 D AOD_BRIGHTNESS@BrightnessManager: mCurrentBrightness : HighNit[false], NitMode[[HLPM]_2NIT_ON], isForceState[0, ForceStateReason[{}, , mAppliedBrightness[0]
05-12 20:45:38.226 10137 10137 D AOD_BRIGHTNESS@AlwaysOnDisplayEx: updateDozeBrightness: doze [2] last [[HLPM]_2NIT_ON] change to [[HLPM]_2NIT_ON]
05-12 20:45:38.226 10137 10137 I AOD_WAKELOCK@WakeLockManager: acquireIfExists: tag - AOD_DRAW, timeout - 100, reason - set Doze Brightness updateDozeBrightness, wakeLock = WakeLock{c1ae7d8 held=true, refCount=1}
05-12 20:45:38.239 4299 10404 V WindowManager: Relayout Window{e90e744 u0 ScreenDecorOverlay}: viewVisibility=0 req=1079x151
05-12 20:45:38.246 4299 10404 V WindowManager: Relayout 10137: mAttrs={(0,0)(fillxwrap) gr=TOP LEFT CENTER sim={adjust=pan} layoutInDisplayCutoutMode=always ty=NAVIGATION_BAR_PANEL fmt=TRANSLUCENT
05-12 20:45:38.246 4299 10404 V WindowManager: fl=20800128
05-12 20:45:38.246 4299 10404 V WindowManager: pfl=1100050
05-12 20:45:38.246 4299 10404 V WindowManager: vsysui=100 naviIconColor=0}
05-12 20:45:38.248 10137 10867 D ViewRootImpl@ed5b6a[ScreenDecorOverlay]: Relayout returned: old=(0,0,1080,151) new=(0,0,1080,151) req=(1079,151)0 dur=10 res=0x3 s={true 478310035456} ch=false
05-12 20:45:38.254 4299 10404 V WindowManager: Relayout Window{9819af3 u0 ScreenDecorOverlayBottom}: viewVisibility=0 req=1079x151
05-12 20:45:38.262 4299 10404 V WindowManager: Relayout 10137: mAttrs={(0,0)(fillxwrap) gr=BOTTOM RIGHT CENTER sim={adjust=pan} layoutInDisplayCutoutMode=always ty=NAVIGATION_BAR_PANEL fmt=TRANSLUCENT
05-12 20:45:38.262 4299 10404 V WindowManager: fl=20800128
05-12 20:45:38.262 4299 10404 V WindowManager: pfl=1100050
05-12 20:45:38.262 4299 10404 V WindowManager: vsysui=100 naviIconColor=0}
05-12 20:45:38.264 10137 10867 D ViewRootImpl@2e58a0d[ScreenDecorOverlayBottom]: Relayout returned: old=(0,2189,1080,2340) new=(0,2189,1080,2340) req=(1079,151)0 dur=10 res=0x3 s={true 478310068224} ch=false
05-12 20:45:38.326 10137 10137 D AODUiController: onChargingLightSensorChanged lux : 1.0 appliedBrightness = 0 currentBrightness = 1
05-12 20:45:38.326 10137 10137 D AOD_BRIGHTNESS@BrightnessManager: mCurrentBrightness : HighNit[false], NitMode[[HLPM]_2NIT_ON], isForceState[0, ForceStateReason[{}, , mAppliedBrightness[0]
05-12 20:45:38.326 10137 10137 D AOD_BRIGHTNESS@AlwaysOnDisplayEx: updateDozeBrightness: doze [2] last [[HLPM]_2NIT_ON] change to [[HLPM]_2NIT_ON]
05-12 20:45:38.327 10137 10137 I AOD_WAKELOCK@WakeLockManager: acquireIfExists: tag - AOD_DRAW, timeout - 100, reason - set Doze Brightness updateDozeBrightness, wakeLock = WakeLock{c1ae7d8 held=true, refCount=1}
05-12 20:45:38.427 10137 10137 D AODUiController: onChargingLightSensorChanged lux : 1.0 appliedBrightness = 0 currentBrightness = 1
05-12 20:45:38.427 10137 10137 D AOD_BRIGHTNESS@BrightnessManager: mCurrentBrightness : HighNit[false], NitMode[[HLPM]_2NIT_ON], isForceState[0, ForceStateReason[{}, , mAppliedBrightness[0]
05-12 20:45:38.428 10137 10137 D AOD_BRIGHTNESS@AlwaysOnDisplayEx: updateDozeBrightness: doze [2] last [[HLPM]_2NIT_ON] change to [[HLPM]_2NIT_ON]
05-12 20:45:38.428 10137 10137 I AOD_WAKELOCK@WakeLockManager: acquireIfExists: tag - AOD_DRAW, timeout - 100, reason - set Doze Brightness updateDozeBrightness, wakeLock = WakeLock{c1ae7d8 held=true, refCount=1}
05-12 20:45:38.538 3871 3871 D SurfaceFlinger: Setting power mode 3 on display 0
05-12 20:45:38.539 3841 3885 E display : DOZE or Power off called twice, mPowerModeState : 1
05-12 20:45:38.539 3841 3885 D display : setPowerMode:: FBIOBLANK mode(3), blank(-1)
05-12 20:45:38.542 10137 10137 D AODUiController: onChargingLightSensorChanged lux : 1.0 appliedBrightness = 0 currentBrightness = 1
05-12 20:45:38.543 10137 10137 D AOD_BRIGHTNESS@BrightnessManager: mCurrentBrightness : HighNit[false], NitMode[[HLPM]_2NIT_ON], isForceState[0, ForceStateReason[{}, , mAppliedBrightness[0]
05-12 20:45:38.544 10137 10137 D AOD_BRIGHTNESS@AlwaysOnDisplayEx: updateDozeBrightness: doze [2] last [[HLPM]_2NIT_ON] change to [[HLPM]_2NIT_ON]
05-12 20:45:38.544 10137 10137 I AOD_WAKELOCK@WakeLockManager: acquireIfExists: tag - AOD_DRAW, timeout - 100, reason - set Doze Brightness updateDozeBrightness, wakeLock = WakeLock{c1ae7d8 held=false, refCount=0}
05-12 20:45:38.545 3841 3885 D display : setPowerMode:: S3CFB_POWER_MODE mode(3), blank(-1)
05-12 20:45:38.546 3871 3871 D SurfaceFlinger: Finished setting power mode 3 on display 0
05-12 20:45:38.552 4299 10048 I BiometricServiceBase: onTaskStackChangedForFingerprint: Allow background auth,
05-12 20:45:38.554 4299 10048 I chatty : uid=1000(system) biometrics.fp identical 6 lines
05-12 20:45:38.554 4299 10048 I BiometricServiceBase: onTaskStackChangedForFingerprint: Allow background auth,
05-12 20:45:38.554 4299 5297 D MotionRecognitionService: [EARHOVER_MOTION] inject screen on / off : 0
05-12 20:45:38.555 4299 10048 I BiometricServiceBase: onTaskStackChangedForFingerprint: Allow background auth,
05-12 20:45:38.555 4299 10048 I BiometricServiceBase: onTaskStackChangedForFingerprint: Allow background auth,
05-12 20:45:38.555 4299 5297 D SensorService: [EARHOVER_LITE] : setMotionDataLocked
05-12 20:45:38.555 4299 5297 D SensorService: [EARHOVER_LITE] : INJECT_SCREEN_OFF
05-12 20:45:38.555 4299 10048 I BiometricServiceBase: onTaskStackChangedForFingerprint: Allow background auth,
05-12 20:45:38.568 10137 10137 D DisplayLifecycle: updateDisplay id = 0
05-12 20:45:38.570 3871 3871 D SurfaceFlinger: Setting power mode 1 on display 0
05-12 20:45:38.570 3841 3885 E display : DOZE or Power off called twice, mPowerModeState : 3
05-12 20:45:38.570 3841 3885 D display : setPowerMode:: FBIOBLANK mode(1), blank(-1)
05-12 20:45:38.575 3841 3885 D display : setPowerMode:: S3CFB_POWER_MODE mode(1), blank(-1)
05-12 20:45:38.576 3871 3871 D SurfaceFlinger: Finished setting power mode 1 on display 0
05-12 20:45:38.578 10137 10137 D DisplayLifecycle: updateCacheVariables id = 0, display = Display id 0: DisplayInfo{"Built-in Screen, displayId 0", uniqueId "local:0", app 1080 x 2131, real 1080 x 2340, largest app 2131 x 2131, smallest app 1080 x 1017, mode 1, defaultMode 1, modes [{id=1, width=1080, height=2340, fps=60.000004}], colorMode 0, supportedColorModes [0], hdrCapabilities android.view.Display$HdrCapabilities@40f16308, rotation 0, density 420 (403.411 x 404.326) dpi, layerStack 0, appVsyncOff 1000000, presDeadline 16666666, type BUILT_IN, address {port=0}, state DOZE_SUSPEND, FLAG_SECURE, FLAG_SUPPORTS_PROTECTED_BUFFERS, removeMode 0}, DisplayMetrics{density=2.625, width=1080, height=2131, scaledDensity=2.625, xdpi=403.411, ydpi=404.326}, isValid=true, size = Point(1080, 2131), realSize = Point(1080, 2340)
05-12 20:45:38.584 4299 5297 D MotionRecognitionService: [EARHOVER_MOTION] inject screen on / off : 0
05-12 20:45:38.584 4299 5297 D SensorService: [EARHOVER_LITE] : setMotionDataLocked
05-12 20:45:38.584 4299 5297 D SensorService: [EARHOVER_LITE] : INJECT_SCREEN_OFF
05-12 20:45:38.585 4299 10048 I BiometricServiceBase: onTaskStackChangedForFingerprint: Allow background auth,
05-12 20:45:38.585 4299 10048 I chatty : uid=1000(system) biometrics.fp identical 9 lines
05-12 20:45:38.586 4299 10048 I BiometricServiceBase: onTaskStackChangedForFingerprint: Allow background auth,
05-12 20:45:38.606 10137 10137 D AOD_LIVE_CLOCK@LiveClockController: updateDisplayState: DISPLAY_STATE_DOZE
05-12 20:45:38.607 10137 10137 D DisplayLifecycle: updateDisplay id = 0
05-12 20:45:38.614 10137 10137 D DisplayLifecycle: updateCacheVariables id = 0, display = Display id 0: DisplayInfo{"Built-in Screen, displayId 0", uniqueId "local:0", app 1080 x 2131, real 1080 x 2340, largest app 2131 x 2131, smallest app 1080 x 1017, mode 1, defaultMode 1, modes [{id=1, width=1080, height=2340, fps=60.000004}], colorMode 0, supportedColorModes [0], hdrCapabilities android.view.Display$HdrCapabilities@40f16308, rotation 0, density 420 (403.411 x 404.326) dpi, layerStack 0, appVsyncOff 1000000, presDeadline 16666666, type BUILT_IN, address {port=0}, state DOZE, FLAG_SECURE, FLAG_SUPPORTS_PROTECTED_BUFFERS, removeMode 0}, DisplayMetrics{density=2.625, width=1080, height=2131, scaledDensity=2.625, xdpi=403.411, ydpi=404.326}, isValid=true, size = Point(1080, 2131), realSize = Point(1080, 2340)
05-12 20:45:38.619 4299 12327 V WindowManager: Relayout Window{e90e744 u0 ScreenDecorOverlay}: viewVisibility=0 req=1079x151
05-12 20:45:38.626 4299 12327 V WindowManager: Relayout 10137: mAttrs={(0,0)(fillxwrap) gr=TOP LEFT CENTER sim={adjust=pan} layoutInDisplayCutoutMode=always ty=NAVIGATION_BAR_PANEL fmt=TRANSLUCENT
05-12 20:45:38.626 4299 12327 V WindowManager: fl=20800128
05-12 20:45:38.626 4299 12327 V WindowManager: pfl=1100050
05-12 20:45:38.626 4299 12327 V WindowManager: vsysui=100 naviIconColor=0}
05-12 20:45:38.626 10137 10137 D AOD_LIVE_CLOCK@LiveClockController: updateDisplayState: DISPLAY_STATE_DOZE
05-12 20:45:38.628 10137 10867 D ViewRootImpl@ed5b6a[ScreenDecorOverlay]: Relayout returned: old=(0,0,1080,151) new=(0,0,1080,151) req=(1079,151)0 dur=9 res=0x3 s={true 478310035456} ch=false
05-12 20:45:38.639 10137 10137 D AODUiController: onChargingLightSensorChanged lux : 1.0 appliedBrightness = 0 currentBrightness = 1
05-12 20:45:38.639 10137 10137 D AOD_BRIGHTNESS@BrightnessManager: mCurrentBrightness : HighNit[false], NitMode[[HLPM]_2NIT_ON], isForceState[0, ForceStateReason[{}, , mAppliedBrightness[0]
05-12 20:45:38.639 10137 10137 D AOD_BRIGHTNESS@AlwaysOnDisplayEx: updateDozeBrightness: doze [2] last [[HLPM]_2NIT_ON] change to [[HLPM]_2NIT_ON]
05-12 20:45:38.639 10137 10137 I AOD_WAKELOCK@WakeLockManager: acquireIfExists: tag - AOD_DRAW, timeout - 100, reason - set Doze Brightness updateDozeBrightness, wakeLock = WakeLock{c1ae7d8 held=true, refCount=1}
05-12 20:45:38.641 4299 12326 V WindowManager: Relayout Window{9819af3 u0 ScreenDecorOverlayBottom}: viewVisibility=0 req=1079x151
05-12 20:45:38.648 4299 12326 V WindowManager: Relayout 10137: mAttrs={(0,0)(fillxwrap) gr=BOTTOM RIGHT CENTER sim={adjust=pan} layoutInDisplayCutoutMode=always ty=NAVIGATION_BAR_PANEL fmt=TRANSLUCENT
05-12 20:45:38.648 4299 12326 V WindowManager: fl=20800128
05-12 20:45:38.648 4299 12326 V WindowManager: pfl=1100050
05-12 20:45:38.648 4299 12326 V WindowManager: vsysui=100 naviIconColor=0}
05-12 20:45:38.650 10137 10867 D ViewRootImpl@2e58a0d[ScreenDecorOverlayBottom]: Relayout returned: old=(0,2189,1080,2340) new=(0,2189,1080,2340) req=(1079,151)0 dur=13 res=0x3 s={true 478310068224} ch=false
05-12 20:45:38.674 10137 10137 D KeyguardUpdateMonitor: received broadcast android.intent.action.BATTERY_CHANGED
05-12 20:45:38.674 10137 10137 D KeyguardUpdateMonitor: handleBatteryUpdate
05-12 20:45:38.675 4299 4299 I MotionRecognitionService: Plugged
05-12 20:45:38.675 4299 4299 D MotionRecognitionService: mCableConnection= 1
05-12 20:45:38.675 4299 4299 D MotionRecognitionService: set cable connected : mGripEnabled = false
05-12 20:45:38.680 10458 10458 D BigDataInfoController: Intent : android.intent.action.BATTERY_CHANGED
05-12 20:45:38.680 10474 10902 D EPDG -- SIM0 [EpdgSubScription]: android.intent.action.BATTERY_CHANGED intent received.
05-12 20:45:38.702 10137 10137 D QSContainerImpl: getDisplayHeight portrait? true displayHeight= 2340
05-12 20:45:38.715 10137 10137 D PowerUI : priorPlugType = 2 mPlugType = 2 priorBatteryStatus = 2 mBatteryStatus = 2
05-12 20:45:38.716 10137 10137 D PowerUI.Notification: showChargingNotice oldChargingType : 1 currentChargingType : 1 oldChargingTime : 0 mChargingTime : 0
05-12 20:45:38.716 10137 10137 D PowerUI.Notification: There is no change about charging status, so return!
05-12 20:45:38.716 10137 10137 D PowerUI : Battery swelling mode - priorBatterySwellingMode = 0 mBatterySwellingMode = 0 mBatteryStatus = 2
05-12 20:45:38.716 10137 10137 D AODBatteryManager: updateBatteryData: ACTION_BATTERY_CHANGED
05-12 20:45:38.717 10137 10137 I CommonUtils: Build.VERSION.SDK_INT=29 Build.VERSION.SEM_FIRST_SDK_INT=28
05-12 20:45:38.718 10137 10137 D AODBatteryManager: saveBatteryData : AOD BatteryData [mBatteryLevel=93, mBatteryStatus=CHARGING, mBatteryPlugType=USB, mBatteryPlugged=true, mIsPowerSupplied=false, mRemainingChargeTime=2488493, mBatteryChargingType=1, mBatteryChargerType=NORMAL, mBatteryOnline=USB]
05-12 20:45:38.737 10137 10137 D AODUiController: onChargingLightSensorChanged lux : 1.0 appliedBrightness = 0 currentBrightness = 1
05-12 20:45:38.738 10137 10137 D AOD_BRIGHTNESS@BrightnessManager: mCurrentBrightness : HighNit[false], NitMode[[HLPM]_2NIT_ON], isForceState[0, ForceStateReason[{}, , mAppliedBrightness[0]
05-12 20:45:38.738 10137 10137 D AOD_BRIGHTNESS@AlwaysOnDisplayEx: updateDozeBrightness: doze [2] last [[HLPM]_2NIT_ON] change to [[HLPM]_2NIT_ON]
05-12 20:45:38.739 10137 10137 I AOD_WAKELOCK@WakeLockManager: acquireIfExists: tag - AOD_DRAW, timeout - 100, reason - set Doze Brightness updateDozeBrightness, wakeLock = WakeLock{c1ae7d8 held=true, refCount=1}
05-12 20:45:38.852 3871 3871 D SurfaceFlinger: Setting power mode 3 on display 0
05-12 20:45:38.854 3841 9377 E display : DOZE or Power off called twice, mPowerModeState : 1
05-12 20:45:38.854 3841 9377 D display : setPowerMode:: FBIOBLANK mode(3), blank(-1)
05-12 20:45:38.857 4299 5297 D MotionRecognitionService: [EARHOVER_MOTION] inject screen on / off : 0
05-12 20:45:38.857 3841 9377 D display : setPowerMode:: S3CFB_POWER_MODE mode(3), blank(-1)
05-12 20:45:38.857 3871 3871 D SurfaceFlinger: Finished setting power mode 3 on display 0
05-12 20:45:38.858 10137 10137 D AODUiController: onChargingLightSensorChanged lux : 1.0 appliedBrightness = 0 currentBrightness = 1
05-12 20:45:38.858 10137 10137 D AOD_BRIGHTNESS@BrightnessManager: mCurrentBrightness : HighNit[false], NitMode[[HLPM]_2NIT_ON], isForceState[0, ForceStateReason[{}, , mAppliedBrightness[0]
05-12 20:45:38.859 10137 10137 D AOD_BRIGHTNESS@AlwaysOnDisplayEx: updateDozeBrightness: doze [2] last [[HLPM]_2NIT_ON] change to [[HLPM]_2NIT_ON]
05-12 20:45:38.859 10137 10137 I AOD_WAKELOCK@WakeLockManager: acquireIfExists: tag - AOD_DRAW, timeout - 100, reason - set Doze Brightness updateDozeBrightness, wakeLock = WakeLock{c1ae7d8 held=false, refCount=0}
05-12 20:45:38.861 4299 5297 D SensorService: [EARHOVER_LITE] : setMotionDataLocked
05-12 20:45:38.861 4299 5297 D SensorService: [EARHOVER_LITE] : INJECT_SCREEN_OFF
05-12 20:45:38.866 4299 10048 I BiometricServiceBase: onTaskStackChangedForFingerprint: Allow background auth,
05-12 20:45:38.868 4299 10048 I chatty : uid=1000(system) biometrics.fp identical 9 lines
05-12 20:45:38.868 4299 10048 I BiometricServiceBase: onTaskStackChangedForFingerprint: Allow background auth,
05-12 20:45:38.896 4299 12327 V WindowManager: Relayout Window{e90e744 u0 ScreenDecorOverlay}: viewVisibility=0 req=1079x151
05-12 20:45:38.905 4299 12327 V WindowManager: Relayout 10137: mAttrs={(0,0)(fillxwrap) gr=TOP LEFT CENTER sim={adjust=pan} layoutInDisplayCutoutMode=always ty=NAVIGATION_BAR_PANEL fmt=TRANSLUCENT
05-12 20:45:38.905 4299 12327 V WindowManager: fl=20800128
05-12 20:45:38.905 4299 12327 V WindowManager: pfl=1100050
05-12 20:45:38.905 4299 12327 V WindowManager: vsysui=100 naviIconColor=0}
05-12 20:45:38.907 10137 10867 D ViewRootImpl@ed5b6a[ScreenDecorOverlay]: Relayout returned: old=(0,0,1080,151) new=(0,0,1080,151) req=(1079,151)0 dur=11 res=0x3 s={true 478310035456} ch=false
05-12 20:45:38.911 10137 10137 D DisplayLifecycle: updateDisplay id = 0
05-12 20:45:38.911 3871 3871 D SurfaceFlinger: Setting power mode 1 on display 0
05-12 20:45:38.912 3841 9377 E display : DOZE or Power off called twice, mPowerModeState : 3
05-12 20:45:38.912 3841 9377 D display : setPowerMode:: FBIOBLANK mode(1), blank(-1)
05-12 20:45:38.915 10137 10137 D DisplayLifecycle: updateCacheVariables id = 0, display = Display id 0: DisplayInfo{"Built-in Screen, displayId 0", uniqueId "local:0", app 1080 x 2131, real 1080 x 2340, largest app 2131 x 2131, smallest app 1080 x 1017, mode 1, defaultMode 1, modes [{id=1, width=1080, height=2340, fps=60.000004}], colorMode 0, supportedColorModes [0], hdrCapabilities android.view.Display$HdrCapabilities@40f16308, rotation 0, density 420 (403.411 x 404.326) dpi, layerStack 0, appVsyncOff 1000000, presDeadline 16666666, type BUILT_IN, address {port=0}, state DOZE_SUSPEND, FLAG_SECURE, FLAG_SUPPORTS_PROTECTED_BUFFERS, removeMode 0}, DisplayMetrics{density=2.625, width=1080, height=2131, scaledDensity=2.625, xdpi=403.411, ydpi=404.326}, isValid=true, size = Point(1080, 2131), realSize = Point(1080, 2340)
05-12 20:45:38.916 3841 9377 D display : setPowerMode:: S3CFB_POWER_MODE mode(1), blank(-1)
05-12 20:45:38.917 3871 3871 D SurfaceFlinger: Finished setting power mode 1 on display 0
05-12 20:45:38.920 4299 12327 V WindowManager: Relayout Window{9819af3 u0 ScreenDecorOverlayBottom}: viewVisibility=0 req=1079x151
05-12 20:45:38.923 4299 5297 D MotionRecognitionService: [EARHOVER_MOTION] inject screen on / off : 0
05-12 20:45:38.926 4299 5297 D SensorService: [EARHOVER_LITE] : setMotionDataLocked
05-12 20:45:38.926 4299 5297 D SensorService: [EARHOVER_LITE] : INJECT_SCREEN_OFF
05-12 20:45:38.928 4299 12327 V WindowManager: Relayout 10137: mAttrs={(0,0)(fillxwrap) gr=BOTTOM RIGHT CENTER sim={adjust=pan} layoutInDisplayCutoutMode=always ty=NAVIGATION_BAR_PANEL fmt=TRANSLUCENT
05-12 20:45:38.928 4299 12327 V WindowManager: fl=20800128
05-12 20:45:38.928 4299 12327 V WindowManager: pfl=1100050
05-12 20:45:38.928 4299 12327 V WindowManager: vsysui=100 naviIconColor=0}
05-12 20:45:38.929 4299 10048 I BiometricServiceBase: onTaskStackChangedForFingerprint: Allow background auth,
05-12 20:45:38.931 4299 10048 I BiometricServiceBase: onTaskStackChangedForFingerprint: Allow background auth,
05-12 20:45:38.932 4299 10048 I chatty : uid=1000(system) biometrics.fp identical 4 lines
05-12 20:45:38.932 4299 10048 I BiometricServiceBase: onTaskStackChangedForFingerprint: Allow background auth,
05-12 20:45:38.934 10137 10867 D ViewRootImpl@2e58a0d[ScreenDecorOverlayBottom]: Relayout returned: old=(0,2189,1080,2340) new=(0,2189,1080,2340) req=(1079,151)0 dur=13 res=0x3 s={true 478310068224} ch=false
05-12 20:45:38.934 4299 10048 I BiometricServiceBase: onTaskStackChangedForFingerprint: Allow background auth,
05-12 20:45:38.935 4299 10048 I chatty : uid=1000(system) biometrics.fp identical 2 lines
05-12 20:45:38.935 4299 10048 I BiometricServiceBase: onTaskStackChangedForFingerprint: Allow background auth,
05-12 20:45:38.938 10137 10137 D AOD_LIVE_CLOCK@LiveClockController: updateDisplayState: DISPLAY_STATE_DOZE
05-12 20:45:38.940 10137 10137 D DisplayLifecycle: updateDisplay id = 0
05-12 20:45:38.944 10137 10137 D DisplayLifecycle: updateCacheVariables id = 0, display = Display id 0: DisplayInfo{"Built-in Screen, displayId 0", uniqueId "local:0", app 1080 x 2131, real 1080 x 2340, largest app 2131 x 2131, smallest app 1080 x 1017, mode 1, defaultMode 1, modes [{id=1, width=1080, height=2340, fps=60.000004}], colorMode 0, supportedColorModes [0], hdrCapabilities android.view.Display$HdrCapabilities@40f16308, rotation 0, density 420 (403.411 x 404.326) dpi, layerStack 0, appVsyncOff 1000000, presDeadline 16666666, type BUILT_IN, address {port=0}, state DOZE, FLAG_SECURE, FLAG_SUPPORTS_PROTECTED_BUFFERS, removeMode 0}, DisplayMetrics{density=2.625, width=1080, height=2131, scaledDensity=2.625, xdpi=403.411, ydpi=404.326}, isValid=true, size = Point(1080, 2131), realSize = Point(1080, 2340)
05-12 20:45:38.951 10137 10137 D AODUiController: onChargingLightSensorChanged lux : 1.0 appliedBrightness = 0 currentBrightness = 1
05-12 20:45:38.951 10137 10137 D AOD_BRIGHTNESS@BrightnessManager: mCurrentBrightness : HighNit[false], NitMode[[HLPM]_2NIT_ON], isForceState[0, ForceStateReason[{}, , mAppliedBrightness[0]
05-12 20:45:38.951 10137 10137 D AOD_BRIGHTNESS@AlwaysOnDisplayEx: updateDozeBrightness: doze [2] last [[HLPM]_2NIT_ON] change to [[HLPM]_2NIT_ON]
05-12 20:45:38.951 10137 10137 I AOD_WAKELOCK@WakeLockManager: acquireIfExists: tag - AOD_DRAW, timeout - 100, reason - set Doze Brightness updateDozeBrightness, wakeLock = WakeLock{c1ae7d8 held=true, refCount=1}
05-12 20:45:38.963 10137 10137 D AOD_LIVE_CLOCK@LiveClockController: updateDisplayState: DISPLAY_STATE_DOZE
05-12 20:45:38.973 4299 10246 V WindowManager: Relayout Window{e90e744 u0 ScreenDecorOverlay}: viewVisibility=0 req=1079x151
05-12 20:45:38.979 4299 10246 V WindowManager: Relayout 10137: mAttrs={(0,0)(fillxwrap) gr=TOP LEFT CENTER sim={adjust=pan} layoutInDisplayCutoutMode=always ty=NAVIGATION_BAR_PANEL fmt=TRANSLUCENT
05-12 20:45:38.979 4299 10246 V WindowManager: fl=20800128
05-12 20:45:38.979 4299 10246 V WindowManager: pfl=1100050
05-12 20:45:38.979 4299 10246 V WindowManager: vsysui=100 naviIconColor=0}
05-12 20:45:38.981 10137 10867 D ViewRootImpl@ed5b6a[ScreenDecorOverlay]: Relayout returned: old=(0,0,1080,151) new=(0,0,1080,151) req=(1079,151)0 dur=12 res=0x3 s={true 478310035456} ch=false
05-12 20:45:38.988 4299 10246 V WindowManager: Relayout Window{9819af3 u0 ScreenDecorOverlayBottom}: viewVisibility=0 req=1079x151
05-12 20:45:38.995 4299 10246 V WindowManager: Relayout 10137: mAttrs={(0,0)(fillxwrap) gr=BOTTOM RIGHT CENTER sim={adjust=pan} layoutInDisplayCutoutMode=always ty=NAVIGATION_BAR_PANEL fmt=TRANSLUCENT
05-12 20:45:38.995 4299 10246 V WindowManager: fl=20800128
05-12 20:45:38.995 4299 10246 V WindowManager: pfl=1100050
05-12 20:45:38.995 4299 10246 V WindowManager: vsysui=100 naviIconColor=0}
05-12 20:45:38.997 10137 10867 D ViewRootImpl@2e58a0d[ScreenDecorOverlayBottom]: Relayout returned: old=(0,2189,1080,2340) new=(0,2189,1080,2340) req=(1079,151)0 dur=10 res=0x3 s={true 478310068224} ch=false
05-12 20:45:39.017 3970 10055 D bauth_FPBAuthService: pcf : 0x1012, 0 ,1 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,0,
05-12 20:45:39.018 3970 10055 D bauth_FPBAuthService: thread id : 1, preenroll_flag : 0, nd cnt : 0, cso : 0, et : 0
05-12 20:45:39.018 3970 10055 D bauth_FPBAuthService: FPBAuthService, 10983
05-12 20:45:39.049 10137 10137 D AODUiController: onChargingLightSensorChanged lux : 1.0 appliedBrightness = 0 currentBrightness = 1
05-12 20:45:39.050 10137 10137 D AOD_BRIGHTNESS@BrightnessManager: mCurrentBrightness : HighNit[false], NitMode[[HLPM]_2NIT_ON], isForceState[0, ForceStateReason[{}, , mAppliedBrightness[0]
05-12 20:45:39.050 10137 10137 D AOD_BRIGHTNESS@AlwaysOnDisplayEx: updateDozeBrightness: doze [2] last [[HLPM]_2NIT_ON] change to [[HLPM]_2NIT_ON]
05-12 20:45:39.050 10137 10137 I AOD_WAKELOCK@WakeLockManager: acquireIfExists: tag - AOD_DRAW, timeout - 100, reason - set Doze Brightness updateDozeBrightness, wakeLock = WakeLock{c1ae7d8 held=true, refCount=1}
05-12 20:45:39.161 3871 3871 D SurfaceFlinger: Setting power mode 3 on display 0
05-12 20:45:39.161 3841 9377 E display : DOZE or Power off called twice, mPowerModeState : 1
05-12 20:45:39.161 3841 9377 D display : setPowerMode:: FBIOBLANK mode(3), blank(-1)
05-12 20:45:39.163 10137 10137 D AODUiController: onChargingLightSensorChanged lux : 1.0 appliedBrightness = 0 currentBrightness = 1
05-12 20:45:39.164 10137 10137 D AOD_BRIGHTNESS@BrightnessManager: mCurrentBrightness : HighNit[false], NitMode[[HLPM]_2NIT_ON], isForceState[0, ForceStateReason[{}, , mAppliedBrightness[0]
05-12 20:45:39.164 3841 9377 D display : setPowerMode:: S3CFB_POWER_MODE mode(3), blank(-1)
05-12 20:45:39.164 3871 3871 D SurfaceFlinger: Finished setting power mode 3 on display 0
05-12 20:45:39.164 10137 10137 D AOD_BRIGHTNESS@AlwaysOnDisplayEx: updateDozeBrightness: doze [2] last [[HLPM]_2NIT_ON] change to [[HLPM]_2NIT_ON]
05-12 20:45:39.165 10137 10137 I AOD_WAKELOCK@WakeLockManager: acquireIfExists: tag - AOD_DRAW, timeout - 100, reason - set Doze Brightness updateDozeBrightness, wakeLock = WakeLock{c1ae7d8 held=false, refCount=0}
05-12 20:45:39.169 4299 5297 D MotionRecognitionService: [EARHOVER_MOTION] inject screen on / off : 0
05-12 20:45:39.170 4299 5297 D SensorService: [EARHOVER_LITE] : setMotionDataLocked
05-12 20:45:39.170 4299 5297 D SensorService: [EARHOVER_LITE] : INJECT_SCREEN_OFF
05-12 20:45:39.178 4299 10048 I BiometricServiceBase: onTaskStackChangedForFingerprint: Allow background auth,
05-12 20:45:39.180 4299 10048 I chatty : uid=1000(system) biometrics.fp identical 9 lines
05-12 20:45:39.180 4299 10048 I BiometricServiceBase: onTaskStackChangedForFingerprint: Allow background auth,
05-12 20:45:39.184 3871 3871 D SurfaceFlinger: Setting power mode 1 on display 0
05-12 20:45:39.184 3841 3885 E display : DOZE or Power off called twice, mPowerModeState : 3
05-12 20:45:39.184 3841 3885 D display : setPowerMode:: FBIOBLANK mode(1), blank(-1)
05-12 20:45:39.189 3841 3885 D display : setPowerMode:: S3CFB_POWER_MODE mode(1), blank(-1)
05-12 20:45:39.191 3871 3871 D SurfaceFlinger: Finished setting power mode 1 on display 0
05-12 20:45:39.194 10137 10137 D DisplayLifecycle: updateDisplay id = 0
05-12 20:45:39.201 10137 10137 D DisplayLifecycle: updateCacheVariables id = 0, display = Display id 0: DisplayInfo{"Built-in Screen, displayId 0", uniqueId "local:0", app 1080 x 2131, real 1080 x 2340, largest app 2131 x 2131, smallest app 1080 x 1017, mode 1, defaultMode 1, modes [{id=1, width=1080, height=2340, fps=60.000004}], colorMode 0, supportedColorModes [0], hdrCapabilities android.view.Display$HdrCapabilities@40f16308, rotation 0, density 420 (403.411 x 404.326) dpi, layerStack 0, appVsyncOff 1000000, presDeadline 16666666, type BUILT_IN, address {port=0}, state DOZE_SUSPEND, FLAG_SECURE, FLAG_SUPPORTS_PROTECTED_BUFFERS, removeMode 0}, DisplayMetrics{density=2.625, width=1080, height=2131, scaledDensity=2.625, xdpi=403.411, ydpi=404.326}, isValid=true, size = Point(1080, 2131), realSize = Point(1080, 2340)
05-12 20:45:39.212 4299 5297 D MotionRecognitionService: [EARHOVER_MOTION] inject screen on / off : 0
05-12 20:45:39.212 4299 5297 D SensorService: [EARHOVER_LITE] : setMotionDataLocked
05-12 20:45:39.212 4299 5297 D SensorService: [EARHOVER_LITE] : INJECT_SCREEN_OFF
05-12 20:45:39.213 4299 10048 I BiometricServiceBase: onTaskStackChangedForFingerprint: Allow background auth,
05-12 20:45:39.213 4299 10048 I chatty : uid=1000(system) biometrics.fp identical 3 lines
05-12 20:45:39.217 4299 10048 I BiometricServiceBase: onTaskStackChangedForFingerprint: Allow background auth,
05-12 20:45:39.218 3951 10369 I GNSS_MEMS: TGT_MEMS SCSCMemsReportSensorDrops: dropped 0 events (spam) 1 events (rate limit) out of 67 total for sensor 0 since last report
05-12 20:45:39.218 4299 10048 I BiometricServiceBase: onTaskStackChangedForFingerprint: Allow background auth,
05-12 20:45:39.219 4299 10048 I chatty : uid=1000(system) biometrics.fp identical 4 lines
05-12 20:45:39.220 4299 10048 I BiometricServiceBase: onTaskStackChangedForFingerprint: Allow background auth,
05-12 20:45:39.229 10137 10137 D AOD_LIVE_CLOCK@LiveClockController: updateDisplayState: DISPLAY_STATE_DOZE
05-12 20:45:39.231 10137 10137 D DisplayLifecycle: updateDisplay id = 0
05-12 20:45:39.236 10137 10137 D DisplayLifecycle: updateCacheVariables id = 0, display = Display id 0: DisplayInfo{"Built-in Screen, displayId 0", uniqueId "local:0", app 1080 x 2131, real 1080 x 2340, largest app 2131 x 2131, smallest app 1080 x 1017, mode 1, defaultMode 1, modes [{id=1, width=1080, height=2340, fps=60.000004}], colorMode 0, supportedColorModes [0], hdrCapabilities android.view.Display$HdrCapabilities@40f16308, rotation 0, density 420 (403.411 x 404.326) dpi, layerStack 0, appVsyncOff 1000000, presDeadline 16666666, type BUILT_IN, address {port=0}, state DOZE, FLAG_SECURE, FLAG_SUPPORTS_PROTECTED_BUFFERS, removeMode 0}, DisplayMetrics{density=2.625, width=1080, height=2131, scaledDensity=2.625, xdpi=403.411, ydpi=404.326}, isValid=true, size = Point(1080, 2131), realSize = Point(1080, 2340)
05-12 20:45:39.249 4299 10551 V WindowManager: Relayout Window{e90e744 u0 ScreenDecorOverlay}: viewVisibility=0 req=1079x151
05-12 20:45:39.251 10137 10137 D AOD_LIVE_CLOCK@LiveClockController: updateDisplayState: DISPLAY_STATE_DOZE
05-12 20:45:39.256 4299 10551 V WindowManager: Relayout 10137: mAttrs={(0,0)(fillxwrap) gr=TOP LEFT CENTER sim={adjust=pan} layoutInDisplayCutoutMode=always ty=NAVIGATION_BAR_PANEL fmt=TRANSLUCENT
05-12 20:45:39.256 4299 10551 V WindowManager: fl=20800128
05-12 20:45:39.256 4299 10551 V WindowManager: pfl=1100050
05-12 20:45:39.256 4299 10551 V WindowManager: vsysui=100 naviIconColor=0}
05-12 20:45:39.257 10137 10137 D AODUiController: onChargingLightSensorChanged lux : 1.0 appliedBrightness = 0 currentBrightness = 1
05-12 20:45:39.257 10137 10137 D AOD_BRIGHTNESS@BrightnessManager: mCurrentBrightness : HighNit[false], NitMode[[HLPM]_2NIT_ON], isForceState[0, ForceStateReason[{}, , mAppliedBrightness[0]
05-12 20:45:39.257 10137 10137 D AOD_BRIGHTNESS@AlwaysOnDisplayEx: updateDozeBrightness: doze [2] last [[HLPM]_2NIT_ON] change to [[HLPM]_2NIT_ON]
05-12 20:45:39.257 10137 10137 I AOD_WAKELOCK@WakeLockManager: acquireIfExists: tag - AOD_DRAW, timeout - 100, reason - set Doze Brightness updateDozeBrightness, wakeLock = WakeLock{c1ae7d8 held=true, refCount=1}
05-12 20:45:39.259 10137 10867 D ViewRootImpl@ed5b6a[ScreenDecorOverlay]: Relayout returned: old=(0,0,1080,151) new=(0,0,1080,151) req=(1079,151)0 dur=11 res=0x3 s={true 478310035456} ch=false
05-12 20:45:39.266 4299 10551 V WindowManager: Relayout Window{9819af3 u0 ScreenDecorOverlayBottom}: viewVisibility=0 req=1079x151
05-12 20:45:39.275 4299 10551 V WindowManager: Relayout 10137: mAttrs={(0,0)(fillxwrap) gr=BOTTOM RIGHT CENTER sim={adjust=pan} layoutInDisplayCutoutMode=always ty=NAVIGATION_BAR_PANEL fmt=TRANSLUCENT
05-12 20:45:39.275 4299 10551 V WindowManager: fl=20800128
05-12 20:45:39.275 4299 10551 V WindowManager: pfl=1100050
05-12 20:45:39.275 4299 10551 V WindowManager: vsysui=100 naviIconColor=0}
05-12 20:45:39.278 10137 10867 D ViewRootImpl@2e58a0d[ScreenDecorOverlayBottom]: Relayout returned: old=(0,2189,1080,2340) new=(0,2189,1080,2340) req=(1079,151)0 dur=12 res=0x3 s={true 478310068224} ch=false
05-12 20:45:39.357 10137 10137 D AODUiController: onChargingLightSensorChanged lux : 1.0 appliedBrightness = 0 currentBrightness = 1
05-12 20:45:39.357 10137 10137 D AOD_BRIGHTNESS@BrightnessManager: mCurrentBrightness : HighNit[false], NitMode[[HLPM]_2NIT_ON], isForceState[0, ForceStateReason[{}, , mAppliedBrightness[0]
05-12 20:45:39.358 10137 10137 D AOD_BRIGHTNESS@AlwaysOnDisplayEx: updateDozeBrightness: doze [2] last [[HLPM]_2NIT_ON] change to [[HLPM]_2NIT_ON]
05-12 20:45:39.358 10137 10137 I AOD_WAKELOCK@WakeLockManager: acquireIfExists: tag - AOD_DRAW, timeout - 100, reason - set Doze Brightness updateDozeBrightness, wakeLock = WakeLock{c1ae7d8 held=true, refCount=1}
05-12 20:45:39.457 10137 10137 D AODUiController: onChargingLightSensorChanged lux : 1.0 appliedBrightness = 0 currentBrightness = 1
05-12 20:45:39.457 10137 10137 D AOD_BRIGHTNESS@BrightnessManager: mCurrentBrightness : HighNit[false], NitMode[[HLPM]_2NIT_ON], isForceState[0, ForceStateReason[{}, , mAppliedBrightness[0]
05-12 20:45:39.458 10137 10137 D AOD_BRIGHTNESS@AlwaysOnDisplayEx: updateDozeBrightness: doze [2] last [[HLPM]_2NIT_ON] change to [[HLPM]_2NIT_ON]
05-12 20:45:39.458 10137 10137 I AOD_WAKELOCK@WakeLockManager: acquireIfExists: tag - AOD_DRAW, timeout - 100, reason - set Doze Brightness updateDozeBrightness, wakeLock = WakeLock{c1ae7d8 held=true, refCount=1}
05-12 20:45:39.569 3871 3871 D SurfaceFlinger: Setting power mode 3 on display 0
05-12 20:45:39.570 3841 3885 E display : DOZE or Power off called twice, mPowerModeState : 1
05-12 20:45:39.570 3841 3885 D display : setPowerMode:: FBIOBLANK mode(3), blank(-1)
05-12 20:45:39.576 3841 3885 D display : setPowerMode:: S3CFB_POWER_MODE mode(3), blank(-1)
05-12 20:45:39.577 3871 3871 D SurfaceFlinger: Finished setting power mode 3 on display 0
05-12 20:45:39.579 10137 10137 D AODUiController: onChargingLightSensorChanged lux : 1.0 appliedBrightness = 0 currentBrightness = 1
05-12 20:45:39.579 10137 10137 D AOD_BRIGHTNESS@BrightnessManager: mCurrentBrightness : HighNit[false], NitMode[[HLPM]_2NIT_ON], isForceState[0, ForceStateReason[{}, , mAppliedBrightness[0]
05-12 20:45:39.580 10137 10137 D AOD_BRIGHTNESS@AlwaysOnDisplayEx: updateDozeBrightness: doze [2] last [[HLPM]_2NIT_ON] change to [[HLPM]_2NIT_ON]
05-12 20:45:39.580 10137 10137 I AOD_WAKELOCK@WakeLockManager: acquireIfExists: tag - AOD_DRAW, timeout - 100, reason - set Doze Brightness updateDozeBrightness, wakeLock = WakeLock{c1ae7d8 held=false, refCount=0}
05-12 20:45:39.590 4299 10048 I BiometricServiceBase: onTaskStackChangedForFingerprint: Allow background auth,
05-12 20:45:39.592 4299 10048 I chatty : uid=1000(system) biometrics.fp identical 8 lines
05-12 20:45:39.592 4299 5297 D MotionRecognitionService: [EARHOVER_MOTION] inject screen on / off : 0
05-12 20:45:39.592 4299 10048 I BiometricServiceBase: onTaskStackChangedForFingerprint: Allow background auth,
05-12 20:45:39.592 4299 10048 I BiometricServiceBase: onTaskStackChangedForFingerprint: Allow background auth,
05-12 20:45:39.594 4299 5297 D SensorService: [EARHOVER_LITE] : setMotionDataLocked
05-12 20:45:39.594 4299 5297 D SensorService: [EARHOVER_LITE] : INJECT_SCREEN_OFF
05-12 20:45:39.603 3871 3871 D SurfaceFlinger: Setting power mode 1 on display 0
05-12 20:45:39.603 3841 3885 E display : DOZE or Power off called twice, mPowerModeState : 3
05-12 20:45:39.603 3841 3885 D display : setPowerMode:: FBIOBLANK mode(1), blank(-1)
05-12 20:45:39.608 3841 3885 D display : setPowerMode:: S3CFB_POWER_MODE mode(1), blank(-1)
05-12 20:45:39.608 3871 3871 D SurfaceFlinger: Finished setting power mode 1 on display 0
05-12 20:45:39.615 10137 10137 D DisplayLifecycle: updateDisplay id = 0
05-12 20:45:39.623 4299 5297 D MotionRecognitionService: [EARHOVER_MOTION] inject screen on / off : 0
05-12 20:45:39.623 4299 5297 D SensorService: [EARHOVER_LITE] : setMotionDataLocked
05-12 20:45:39.623 4299 5297 D SensorService: [EARHOVER_LITE] : INJECT_SCREEN_OFF
05-12 20:45:39.626 4299 10048 I BiometricServiceBase: onTaskStackChangedForFingerprint: Allow background auth,
05-12 20:45:39.627 4299 10048 I chatty : uid=1000(system) biometrics.fp identical 9 lines
05-12 20:45:39.627 4299 10048 I BiometricServiceBase: onTaskStackChangedForFingerprint: Allow background auth,
05-12 20:45:39.629 10137 10137 D DisplayLifecycle: updateCacheVariables id = 0, display = Display id 0: DisplayInfo{"Built-in Screen, displayId 0", uniqueId "local:0", app 1080 x 2131, real 1080 x 2340, largest app 2131 x 2131, smallest app 1080 x 1017, mode 1, defaultMode 1, modes [{id=1, width=1080, height=2340, fps=60.000004}], colorMode 0, supportedColorModes [0], hdrCapabilities android.view.Display$HdrCapabilities@40f16308, rotation 0, density 420 (403.411 x 404.326) dpi, layerStack 0, appVsyncOff 1000000, presDeadline 16666666, type BUILT_IN, address {port=0}, state DOZE, FLAG_SECURE, FLAG_SUPPORTS_PROTECTED_BUFFERS, removeMode 0}, DisplayMetrics{density=2.625, width=1080, height=2131, scaledDensity=2.625, xdpi=403.411, ydpi=404.326}, isValid=true, size = Point(1080, 2131), realSize = Point(1080, 2340)
05-12 20:45:39.645 10137 10137 D AOD_LIVE_CLOCK@LiveClockController: updateDisplayState: DISPLAY_STATE_DOZE
05-12 20:45:39.647 10137 10137 D DisplayLifecycle: updateDisplay id = 0
05-12 20:45:39.652 10137 10137 D DisplayLifecycle: updateCacheVariables id = 0, display = Display id 0: DisplayInfo{"Built-in Screen, displayId 0", uniqueId "local:0", app 1080 x 2131, real 1080 x 2340, largest app 2131 x 2131, smallest app 1080 x 1017, mode 1, defaultMode 1, modes [{id=1, width=1080, height=2340, fps=60.000004}], colorMode 0, supportedColorModes [0], hdrCapabilities android.view.Display$HdrCapabilities@40f16308, rotation 0, density 420 (403.411 x 404.326) dpi, layerStack 0, appVsyncOff 1000000, presDeadline 16666666, type BUILT_IN, address {port=0}, state DOZE, FLAG_SECURE, FLAG_SUPPORTS_PROTECTED_BUFFERS, removeMode 0}, DisplayMetrics{density=2.625, width=1080, height=2131, scaledDensity=2.625, xdpi=403.411, ydpi=404.326}, isValid=true, size = Point(1080, 2131), realSize = Point(1080, 2340)
05-12 20:45:39.655 4299 12327 V WindowManager: Relayout Window{e90e744 u0 ScreenDecorOverlay}: viewVisibility=0 req=1079x151
05-12 20:45:39.663 10137 10137 D AOD_LIVE_CLOCK@LiveClockController: updateDisplayState: DISPLAY_STATE_DOZE
05-12 20:45:39.663 4299 12327 V WindowManager: Relayout 10137: mAttrs={(0,0)(fillxwrap) gr=TOP LEFT CENTER sim={adjust=pan} layoutInDisplayCutoutMode=always ty=NAVIGATION_BAR_PANEL fmt=TRANSLUCENT
05-12 20:45:39.663 4299 12327 V WindowManager: fl=20800128
05-12 20:45:39.663 4299 12327 V WindowManager: pfl=1100050
05-12 20:45:39.663 4299 12327 V WindowManager: vsysui=100 naviIconColor=0}
05-12 20:45:39.665 10137 10867 D ViewRootImpl@ed5b6a[ScreenDecorOverlay]: Relayout returned: old=(0,0,1080,151) new=(0,0,1080,151) req=(1079,151)0 dur=10 res=0x3 s={true 478310035456} ch=false
05-12 20:45:39.674 4299 12327 V WindowManager: Relayout Window{9819af3 u0 ScreenDecorOverlayBottom}: viewVisibility=0 req=1079x151
05-12 20:45:39.681 4299 12327 V WindowManager: Relayout 10137: mAttrs={(0,0)(fillxwrap) gr=BOTTOM RIGHT CENTER sim={adjust=pan} layoutInDisplayCutoutMode=always ty=NAVIGATION_BAR_PANEL fmt=TRANSLUCENT
05-12 20:45:39.681 4299 12327 V WindowManager: fl=20800128
05-12 20:45:39.681 4299 12327 V WindowManager: pfl=1100050
05-12 20:45:39.681 4299 12327 V WindowManager: vsysui=100 naviIconColor=0}
05-12 20:45:39.683 10137 10867 D ViewRootImpl@2e58a0d[ScreenDecorOverlayBottom]: Relayout returned: old=(0,2189,1080,2340) new=(0,2189,1080,2340) req=(1079,151)0 dur=10 res=0x3 s={true 478310068224} ch=false
05-12 20:45:39.689 10137 10137 D AODUiController: onChargingLightSensorChanged lux : 1.0 appliedBrightness = 0 currentBrightness = 1
05-12 20:45:39.690 10137 10137 D AOD_BRIGHTNESS@BrightnessManager: mCurrentBrightness : HighNit[false], NitMode[[HLPM]_2NIT_ON], isForceState[0, ForceStateReason[{}, , mAppliedBrightness[0]
05-12 20:45:39.690 10137 10137 D AOD_BRIGHTNESS@AlwaysOnDisplayEx: updateDozeBrightness: doze [2] last [[HLPM]_2NIT_ON] change to [[HLPM]_2NIT_ON]
05-12 20:45:39.690 10137 10137 I AOD_WAKELOCK@WakeLockManager: acquireIfExists: tag - AOD_DRAW, timeout - 100, reason - set Doze Brightness updateDozeBrightness, wakeLock = WakeLock{c1ae7d8 held=true, refCount=1}
05-12 20:45:39.789 10137 10137 D AODUiController: onChargingLightSensorChanged lux : 1.0 appliedBrightness = 0 currentBrightness = 1
05-12 20:45:39.789 10137 10137 D AOD_BRIGHTNESS@BrightnessManager: mCurrentBrightness : HighNit[false], NitMode[[HLPM]_2NIT_ON], isForceState[0, ForceStateReason[{}, , mAppliedBrightness[0]
05-12 20:45:39.790 10137 10137 D AOD_BRIGHTNESS@AlwaysOnDisplayEx: updateDozeBrightness: doze [2] last [[HLPM]_2NIT_ON] change to [[HLPM]_2NIT_ON]
05-12 20:45:39.790 10137 10137 I AOD_WAKELOCK@WakeLockManager: acquireIfExists: tag - AOD_DRAW, timeout - 100, reason - set Doze Brightness updateDozeBrightness, wakeLock = WakeLock{c1ae7d8 held=true, refCount=1}
05-12 20:45:39.890 10137 10137 D AODUiController: onChargingLightSensorChanged lux : 1.0 appliedBrightness = 0 currentBrightness = 1
05-12 20:45:39.890 10137 10137 D AOD_BRIGHTNESS@BrightnessManager: mCurrentBrightness : HighNit[false], NitMode[[HLPM]_2NIT_ON], isForceState[0, ForceStateReason[{}, , mAppliedBrightness[0]
05-12 20:45:39.891 10137 10137 D AOD_BRIGHTNESS@AlwaysOnDisplayEx: updateDozeBrightness: doze [2] last [[HLPM]_2NIT_ON] change to [[HLPM]_2NIT_ON]
05-12 20:45:39.891 10137 10137 I AOD_WAKELOCK@WakeLockManager: acquireIfExists: tag - AOD_DRAW, timeout - 100, reason - set Doze Brightness updateDozeBrightness, wakeLock = WakeLock{c1ae7d8 held=true, refCount=1}
05-12 20:45:39.989 10137 10137 D AODUiController: onChargingLightSensorChanged lux : 1.0 appliedBrightness = 0 currentBrightness = 1
05-12 20:45:39.990 10137 10137 D AOD_BRIGHTNESS@BrightnessManager: mCurrentBrightness : HighNit[false], NitMode[[HLPM]_2NIT_ON], isForceState[0, ForceStateReason[{}, , mAppliedBrightness[0]
05-12 20:45:39.990 10137 10137 D AOD_BRIGHTNESS@AlwaysOnDisplayEx: updateDozeBrightness: doze [2] last [[HLPM]_2NIT_ON] change to [[HLPM]_2NIT_ON]
05-12 20:45:39.990 10137 10137 I AOD_WAKELOCK@WakeLockManager: acquireIfExists: tag - AOD_DRAW, timeout - 100, reason - set Doze Brightness updateDozeBrightness, wakeLock = WakeLock{c1ae7d8 held=true, refCount=1}
05-12 20:45:40.018 3970 10055 D bauth_FPBAuthService: pcf : 0x1012, 0 ,1 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,0,
05-12 20:45:40.018 3970 10055 D bauth_FPBAuthService: thread id : 1, preenroll_flag : 0, nd cnt : 0, cso : 0, et : 0
05-12 20:45:40.018 3970 10055 D bauth_FPBAuthService: FPBAuthService, 10983
05-12 20:45:40.101 10137 10137 D AODUiController: onChargingLightSensorChanged lux : 1.0 appliedBrightness = 0 currentBrightness = 1
05-12 20:45:40.101 10137 10137 D AOD_BRIGHTNESS@BrightnessManager: mCurrentBrightness : HighNit[false], NitMode[[HLPM]_2NIT_ON], isForceState[0, ForceStateReason[{}, , mAppliedBrightness[0]
05-12 20:45:40.101 10137 10137 D AOD_BRIGHTNESS@AlwaysOnDisplayEx: updateDozeBrightness: doze [2] last [[HLPM]_2NIT_ON] change to [[HLPM]_2NIT_ON]
05-12 20:45:40.102 10137 10137 I AOD_WAKELOCK@WakeLockManager: acquireIfExists: tag - AOD_DRAW, timeout - 100, reason - set Doze Brightness updateDozeBrightness, wakeLock = WakeLock{c1ae7d8 held=false, refCount=0}
05-12 20:45:40.107 3871 3871 D SurfaceFlinger: Setting power mode 3 on display 0
05-12 20:45:40.107 3841 9377 E display : DOZE or Power off called twice, mPowerModeState : 1
05-12 20:45:40.108 3841 9377 D display : setPowerMode:: FBIOBLANK mode(3), blank(-1)
05-12 20:45:40.114 4299 5297 D MotionRecognitionService: [EARHOVER_MOTION] inject screen on / off : 0
05-12 20:45:40.114 3841 9377 D display : setPowerMode:: S3CFB_POWER_MODE mode(3), blank(-1)
05-12 20:45:40.114 3871 3871 D SurfaceFlinger: Finished setting power mode 3 on display 0
05-12 20:45:40.115 4299 5297 D SensorService: [EARHOVER_LITE] : setMotionDataLocked
05-12 20:45:40.115 4299 5297 D SensorService: [EARHOVER_LITE] : INJECT_SCREEN_OFF
05-12 20:45:40.119 4299 10048 I BiometricServiceBase: onTaskStackChangedForFingerprint: Allow background auth,
05-12 20:45:40.120 4299 10048 I chatty : uid=1000(system) biometrics.fp identical 9 lines
05-12 20:45:40.120 4299 10048 I BiometricServiceBase: onTaskStackChangedForFingerprint: Allow background auth,
05-12 20:45:40.146 4299 11683 V WindowManager: Relayout Window{e90e744 u0 ScreenDecorOverlay}: viewVisibility=0 req=1079x151
05-12 20:45:40.153 4299 11683 V WindowManager: Relayout 10137: mAttrs={(0,0)(fillxwrap) gr=TOP LEFT CENTER sim={adjust=pan} layoutInDisplayCutoutMode=always ty=NAVIGATION_BAR_PANEL fmt=TRANSLUCENT
05-12 20:45:40.153 4299 11683 V WindowManager: fl=20800128
05-12 20:45:40.153 4299 11683 V WindowManager: pfl=1100050
05-12 20:45:40.153 4299 11683 V WindowManager: vsysui=100 naviIconColor=0}
05-12 20:45:40.155 10137 10867 D ViewRootImpl@ed5b6a[ScreenDecorOverlay]: Relayout returned: old=(0,0,1080,151) new=(0,0,1080,151) req=(1079,151)0 dur=9 res=0x3 s={true 478310035456} ch=false
05-12 20:45:40.157 3871 3871 D SurfaceFlinger: Setting power mode 1 on display 0
05-12 20:45:40.158 3841 3885 E display : DOZE or Power off called twice, mPowerModeState : 3
05-12 20:45:40.158 3841 3885 D display : setPowerMode:: FBIOBLANK mode(1), blank(-1)
05-12 20:45:40.160 10137 10137 D DisplayLifecycle: updateDisplay id = 0
05-12 20:45:40.162 3841 3885 D display : setPowerMode:: S3CFB_POWER_MODE mode(1), blank(-1)
05-12 20:45:40.163 3871 3871 D SurfaceFlinger: Finished setting power mode 1 on display 0
05-12 20:45:40.166 10137 10137 D DisplayLifecycle: updateCacheVariables id = 0, display = Display id 0: DisplayInfo{"Built-in Screen, displayId 0", uniqueId "local:0", app 1080 x 2131, real 1080 x 2340, largest app 2131 x 2131, smallest app 1080 x 1017, mode 1, defaultMode 1, modes [{id=1, width=1080, height=2340, fps=60.000004}], colorMode 0, supportedColorModes [0], hdrCapabilities android.view.Display$HdrCapabilities@40f16308, rotation 0, density 420 (403.411 x 404.326) dpi, layerStack 0, appVsyncOff 1000000, presDeadline 16666666, type BUILT_IN, address {port=0}, state DOZE_SUSPEND, FLAG_SECURE, FLAG_SUPPORTS_PROTECTED_BUFFERS, removeMode 0}, DisplayMetrics{density=2.625, width=1080, height=2131, scaledDensity=2.625, xdpi=403.411, ydpi=404.326}, isValid=true, size = Point(1080, 2131), realSize = Point(1080, 2340)
05-12 20:45:40.168 4299 12327 V WindowManager: Relayout Window{9819af3 u0 ScreenDecorOverlayBottom}: viewVisibility=0 req=1079x151
05-12 20:45:40.170 4299 5297 D MotionRecognitionService: [EARHOVER_MOTION] inject screen on / off : 0
05-12 20:45:40.171 4299 5297 D SensorService: [EARHOVER_LITE] : setMotionDataLocked
05-12 20:45:40.171 4299 5297 D SensorService: [EARHOVER_LITE] : INJECT_SCREEN_OFF
05-12 20:45:40.182 4299 12327 V WindowManager: Relayout 10137: mAttrs={(0,0)(fillxwrap) gr=BOTTOM RIGHT CENTER sim={adjust=pan} layoutInDisplayCutoutMode=always ty=NAVIGATION_BAR_PANEL fmt=TRANSLUCENT
05-12 20:45:40.182 4299 12327 V WindowManager: fl=20800128
05-12 20:45:40.182 4299 12327 V WindowManager: pfl=1100050
05-12 20:45:40.182 4299 12327 V WindowManager: vsysui=100 naviIconColor=0}
05-12 20:45:40.184 10137 10867 D ViewRootImpl@2e58a0d[ScreenDecorOverlayBottom]: Relayout returned: old=(0,2189,1080,2340) new=(0,2189,1080,2340) req=(1079,151)0 dur=17 res=0x3 s={true 478310068224} ch=false
05-12 20:45:40.187 4299 10048 I BiometricServiceBase: onTaskStackChangedForFingerprint: Allow background auth,
05-12 20:45:40.188 4299 10048 I chatty : uid=1000(system) biometrics.fp identical 9 lines
05-12 20:45:40.188 4299 10048 I BiometricServiceBase: onTaskStackChangedForFingerprint: Allow background auth,
05-12 20:45:40.190 10137 10137 D AOD_LIVE_CLOCK@LiveClockController: updateDisplayState: DISPLAY_STATE_DOZE
05-12 20:45:40.192 10137 10137 D DisplayLifecycle: updateDisplay id = 0
05-12 20:45:40.197 10137 10137 D DisplayLifecycle: updateCacheVariables id = 0, display = Display id 0: DisplayInfo{"Built-in Screen, displayId 0", uniqueId "local:0", app 1080 x 2131, real 1080 x 2340, largest app 2131 x 2131, smallest app 1080 x 1017, mode 1, defaultMode 1, modes [{id=1, width=1080, height=2340, fps=60.000004}], colorMode 0, supportedColorModes [0], hdrCapabilities android.view.Display$HdrCapabilities@40f16308, rotation 0, density 420 (403.411 x 404.326) dpi, layerStack 0, appVsyncOff 1000000, presDeadline 16666666, type BUILT_IN, address {port=0}, state DOZE, FLAG_SECURE, FLAG_SUPPORTS_PROTECTED_BUFFERS, removeMode 0}, DisplayMetrics{density=2.625, width=1080, height=2131, scaledDensity=2.625, xdpi=403.411, ydpi=404.326}, isValid=true, size = Point(1080, 2131), realSize = Point(1080, 2340)
05-12 20:45:40.207 10137 10137 D AODUiController: onChargingLightSensorChanged lux : 1.0 appliedBrightness = 0 currentBrightness = 1
05-12 20:45:40.207 10137 10137 D AOD_BRIGHTNESS@BrightnessManager: mCurrentBrightness : HighNit[false], NitMode[[HLPM]_2NIT_ON], isForceState[0, ForceStateReason[{}, , mAppliedBrightness[0]
05-12 20:45:40.208 10137 10137 D AOD_BRIGHTNESS@AlwaysOnDisplayEx: updateDozeBrightness: doze [2] last [[HLPM]_2NIT_ON] change to [[HLPM]_2NIT_ON]
05-12 20:45:40.208 10137 10137 I AOD_WAKELOCK@WakeLockManager: acquireIfExists: tag - AOD_DRAW, timeout - 100, reason - set Doze Brightness updateDozeBrightness, wakeLock = WakeLock{c1ae7d8 held=true, refCount=1}
05-12 20:45:40.213 10137 10137 D AOD_LIVE_CLOCK@LiveClockController: updateDisplayState: DISPLAY_STATE_DOZE
05-12 20:45:40.237 4299 12326 V WindowManager: Relayout Window{e90e744 u0 ScreenDecorOverlay}: viewVisibility=0 req=1079x151
05-12 20:45:40.238 3951 10369 I GNSS_MEMS: TGT_MEMS SCSCMemsReportSensorDrops: dropped 0 events (spam) 2 events (rate limit) out of 52 total for sensor 0 since last report
05-12 20:45:40.244 4299 12326 V WindowManager: Relayout 10137: mAttrs={(0,0)(fillxwrap) gr=TOP LEFT CENTER sim={adjust=pan} layoutInDisplayCutoutMode=always ty=NAVIGATION_BAR_PANEL fmt=TRANSLUCENT
05-12 20:45:40.244 4299 12326 V WindowManager: fl=20800128
05-12 20:45:40.244 4299 12326 V WindowManager: pfl=1100050
05-12 20:45:40.244 4299 12326 V WindowManager: vsysui=100 naviIconColor=0}
05-12 20:45:40.246 10137 10867 D ViewRootImpl@ed5b6a[ScreenDecorOverlay]: Relayout returned: old=(0,0,1080,151) new=(0,0,1080,151) req=(1079,151)0 dur=10 res=0x3 s={true 478310035456} ch=false
05-12 20:45:40.255 4299 12326 V WindowManager: Relayout Window{9819af3 u0 ScreenDecorOverlayBottom}: viewVisibility=0 req=1079x151
05-12 20:45:40.262 4299 12326 V WindowManager: Relayout 10137: mAttrs={(0,0)(fillxwrap) gr=BOTTOM RIGHT CENTER sim={adjust=pan} layoutInDisplayCutoutMode=always ty=NAVIGATION_BAR_PANEL fmt=TRANSLUCENT
05-12 20:45:40.262 4299 12326 V WindowManager: fl=20800128
05-12 20:45:40.262 4299 12326 V WindowManager: pfl=1100050
05-12 20:45:40.262 4299 12326 V WindowManager: vsysui=100 naviIconColor=0}
05-12 20:45:40.264 10137 10867 D ViewRootImpl@2e58a0d[ScreenDecorOverlayBottom]: Relayout returned: old=(0,2189,1080,2340) new=(0,2189,1080,2340) req=(1079,151)0 dur=10 res=0x3 s={true 478310068224} ch=false
05-12 20:45:40.312 3871 3871 D SurfaceFlinger: Setting power mode 3 on display 0
05-12 20:45:40.312 3841 3885 E display : DOZE or Power off called twice, mPowerModeState : 1
05-12 20:45:40.312 3841 3885 D display : setPowerMode:: FBIOBLANK mode(3), blank(-1)
05-12 20:45:40.313 10137 10137 D AODUiController: onChargingLightSensorChanged lux : 1.0 appliedBrightness = 0 currentBrightness = 1
05-12 20:45:40.313 10137 10137 D AOD_BRIGHTNESS@BrightnessManager: mCurrentBrightness : HighNit[false], NitMode[[HLPM]_2NIT_ON], isForceState[0, ForceStateReason[{}, , mAppliedBrightness[0]
05-12 20:45:40.314 10137 10137 D AOD_BRIGHTNESS@AlwaysOnDisplayEx: updateDozeBrightness: doze [2] last [[HLPM]_2NIT_ON] change to [[HLPM]_2NIT_ON]
05-12 20:45:40.314 10137 10137 I AOD_WAKELOCK@WakeLockManager: acquireIfExists: tag - AOD_DRAW, timeout - 100, reason - set Doze Brightness updateDozeBrightness, wakeLock = WakeLock{c1ae7d8 held=false, refCount=0}
05-12 20:45:40.315 4299 10048 I BiometricServiceBase: onTaskStackChangedForFingerprint: Allow background auth,
05-12 20:45:40.316 4299 10048 I chatty : uid=1000(system) biometrics.fp identical 9 lines
05-12 20:45:40.316 4299 10048 I BiometricServiceBase: onTaskStackChangedForFingerprint: Allow background auth,
05-12 20:45:40.316 4299 5297 D MotionRecognitionService: [EARHOVER_MOTION] inject screen on / off : 0
05-12 20:45:40.317 4299 5297 D SensorService: [EARHOVER_LITE] : setMotionDataLocked
05-12 20:45:40.317 4299 5297 D SensorService: [EARHOVER_LITE] : INJECT_SCREEN_OFF
05-12 20:45:40.335 10137 10137 D DisplayLifecycle: updateDisplay id = 0
05-12 20:45:40.339 10137 10137 D DisplayLifecycle: updateCacheVariables id = 0, display = Display id 0: DisplayInfo{"Built-in Screen, displayId 0", uniqueId "local:0", app 1080 x 2131, real 1080 x 2340, largest app 2131 x 2131, smallest app 1080 x 1017, mode 1, defaultMode 1, modes [{id=1, width=1080, height=2340, fps=60.000004}], colorMode 0, supportedColorModes [0], hdrCapabilities android.view.Display$HdrCapabilities@40f16308, rotation 0, density 420 (403.411 x 404.326) dpi, layerStack 0, appVsyncOff 1000000, presDeadline 16666666, type BUILT_IN, address {port=0}, state DOZE_SUSPEND, FLAG_SECURE, FLAG_SUPPORTS_PROTECTED_BUFFERS, removeMode 0}, DisplayMetrics{density=2.625, width=1080, height=2131, scaledDensity=2.625, xdpi=403.411, ydpi=404.326}, isValid=true, size = Point(1080, 2131), realSize = Point(1080, 2340)
05-12 20:45:40.348 10137 10137 D AOD_LIVE_CLOCK@LiveClockController: updateDisplayState: DISPLAY_STATE_DOZE_SUSPEND
05-12 20:45:40.348 3841 3885 D display : setPowerMode:: S3CFB_POWER_MODE mode(3), blank(-1)
05-12 20:45:40.349 3871 3871 D SurfaceFlinger: Finished setting power mode 3 on display 0
05-12 20:45:40.350 3871 3871 D SurfaceFlinger: Setting power mode 1 on display 0
05-12 20:45:40.351 3841 3885 E display : DOZE or Power off called twice, mPowerModeState : 3
05-12 20:45:40.351 3841 3885 D display : setPowerMode:: FBIOBLANK mode(1), blank(-1)
05-12 20:45:40.352 4299 10551 V WindowManager: Relayout Window{e90e744 u0 ScreenDecorOverlay}: viewVisibility=0 req=1079x151
05-12 20:45:40.353 4299 5297 D MotionRecognitionService: [EARHOVER_MOTION] inject screen on / off : 0
05-12 20:45:40.354 4299 5297 D SensorService: [EARHOVER_LITE] : setMotionDataLocked
05-12 20:45:40.354 4299 5297 D SensorService: [EARHOVER_LITE] : INJECT_SCREEN_OFF
05-12 20:45:40.355 3841 3885 D display : setPowerMode:: S3CFB_POWER_MODE mode(1), blank(-1)
05-12 20:45:40.356 3871 3871 D SurfaceFlinger: Finished setting power mode 1 on display 0
05-12 20:45:40.360 10137 10137 D DisplayLifecycle: updateDisplay id = 0
05-12 20:45:40.362 4299 10048 I BiometricServiceBase: onTaskStackChangedForFingerprint: Allow background auth,
05-12 20:45:40.363 4299 10048 I chatty : uid=1000(system) biometrics.fp identical 9 lines
05-12 20:45:40.363 4299 10048 I BiometricServiceBase: onTaskStackChangedForFingerprint: Allow background auth,
05-12 20:45:40.363 4299 10551 V WindowManager: Relayout 10137: mAttrs={(0,0)(fillxwrap) gr=TOP LEFT CENTER sim={adjust=pan} layoutInDisplayCutoutMode=always ty=NAVIGATION_BAR_PANEL fmt=TRANSLUCENT
05-12 20:45:40.363 4299 10551 V WindowManager: fl=20800128
05-12 20:45:40.363 4299 10551 V WindowManager: pfl=1100050
05-12 20:45:40.363 4299 10551 V WindowManager: vsysui=100 naviIconColor=0}
05-12 20:45:40.367 10137 10867 D ViewRootImpl@ed5b6a[ScreenDecorOverlay]: Relayout returned: old=(0,0,1080,151) new=(0,0,1080,151) req=(1079,151)0 dur=15 res=0x3 s={true 478310035456} ch=false
05-12 20:45:40.371 10137 10137 D DisplayLifecycle: updateCacheVariables id = 0, display = Display id 0: DisplayInfo{"Built-in Screen, displayId 0", uniqueId "local:0", app 1080 x 2131, real 1080 x 2340, largest app 2131 x 2131, smallest app 1080 x 1017, mode 1, defaultMode 1, modes [{id=1, width=1080, height=2340, fps=60.000004}], colorMode 0, supportedColorModes [0], hdrCapabilities android.view.Display$HdrCapabilities@40f16308, rotation 0, density 420 (403.411 x 404.326) dpi, layerStack 0, appVsyncOff 1000000, presDeadline 16666666, type BUILT_IN, address {port=0}, state DOZE, FLAG_SECURE, FLAG_SUPPORTS_PROTECTED_BUFFERS, removeMode 0}, DisplayMetrics{density=2.625, width=1080, height=2131, scaledDensity=2.625, xdpi=403.411, ydpi=404.326}, isValid=true, size = Point(1080, 2131), realSize = Point(1080, 2340)
05-12 20:45:40.379 4299 10535 V WindowManager: Relayout Window{9819af3 u0 ScreenDecorOverlayBottom}: viewVisibility=0 req=1079x151
05-12 20:45:40.384 10137 10137 D AOD_LIVE_CLOCK@LiveClockController: updateDisplayState: DISPLAY_STATE_DOZE
05-12 20:45:40.386 4299 10535 V WindowManager: Relayout 10137: mAttrs={(0,0)(fillxwrap) gr=BOTTOM RIGHT CENTER sim={adjust=pan} layoutInDisplayCutoutMode=always ty=NAVIGATION_BAR_PANEL fmt=TRANSLUCENT
05-12 20:45:40.386 4299 10535 V WindowManager: fl=20800128
05-12 20:45:40.386 4299 10535 V WindowManager: pfl=1100050
05-12 20:45:40.386 4299 10535 V WindowManager: vsysui=100 naviIconColor=0}
05-12 20:45:40.388 10137 10867 D ViewRootImpl@2e58a0d[ScreenDecorOverlayBottom]: Relayout returned: old=(0,2189,1080,2340) new=(0,2189,1080,2340) req=(1079,151)0 dur=9 res=0x3 s={true 478310068224} ch=false
05-12 20:45:40.406 4299 10535 V WindowManager: Relayout Window{e90e744 u0 ScreenDecorOverlay}: viewVisibility=0 req=1079x151
05-12 20:45:40.412 4299 10535 V WindowManager: Relayout 10137: mAttrs={(0,0)(fillxwrap) gr=TOP LEFT CENTER sim={adjust=pan} layoutInDisplayCutoutMode=always ty=NAVIGATION_BAR_PANEL fmt=TRANSLUCENT
05-12 20:45:40.412 4299 10535 V WindowManager: fl=20800128
05-12 20:45:40.412 4299 10535 V WindowManager: pfl=1100050
05-12 20:45:40.412 4299 10535 V WindowManager: vsysui=100 naviIconColor=0}
05-12 20:45:40.414 10137 10867 D ViewRootImpl@ed5b6a[ScreenDecorOverlay]: Relayout returned: old=(0,0,1080,151) new=(0,0,1080,151) req=(1079,151)0 dur=10 res=0x3 s={true 478310035456} ch=false
05-12 20:45:40.418 10137 10137 D AODUiController: onChargingLightSensorChanged lux : 1.0 appliedBrightness = 0 currentBrightness = 1
05-12 20:45:40.418 10137 10137 D AOD_BRIGHTNESS@BrightnessManager: mCurrentBrightness : HighNit[false], NitMode[[HLPM]_2NIT_ON], isForceState[0, ForceStateReason[{}, , mAppliedBrightness[0]
05-12 20:45:40.419 10137 10137 D AOD_BRIGHTNESS@AlwaysOnDisplayEx: updateDozeBrightness: doze [2] last [[HLPM]_2NIT_ON] change to [[HLPM]_2NIT_ON]
05-12 20:45:40.419 10137 10137 I AOD_WAKELOCK@WakeLockManager: acquireIfExists: tag - AOD_DRAW, timeout - 100, reason - set Doze Brightness updateDozeBrightness, wakeLock = WakeLock{c1ae7d8 held=true, refCount=1}
05-12 20:45:40.421 4299 10535 V WindowManager: Relayout Window{9819af3 u0 ScreenDecorOverlayBottom}: viewVisibility=0 req=1079x151
05-12 20:45:40.427 4299 10535 V WindowManager: Relayout 10137: mAttrs={(0,0)(fillxwrap) gr=BOTTOM RIGHT CENTER sim={adjust=pan} layoutInDisplayCutoutMode=always ty=NAVIGATION_BAR_PANEL fmt=TRANSLUCENT
05-12 20:45:40.427 4299 10535 V WindowManager: fl=20800128
05-12 20:45:40.427 4299 10535 V WindowManager: pfl=1100050
05-12 20:45:40.427 4299 10535 V WindowManager: vsysui=100 naviIconColor=0}
05-12 20:45:40.429 10137 10867 D ViewRootImpl@2e58a0d[ScreenDecorOverlayBottom]: Relayout returned: old=(0,2189,1080,2340) new=(0,2189,1080,2340) req=(1079,151)0 dur=9 res=0x3 s={true 478310068224} ch=false
05-12 20:45:40.518 10137 10137 D AODUiController: onChargingLightSensorChanged lux : 1.0 appliedBrightness = 0 currentBrightness = 1
05-12 20:45:40.518 10137 10137 D AOD_BRIGHTNESS@BrightnessManager: mCurrentBrightness : HighNit[false], NitMode[[HLPM]_2NIT_ON], isForceState[0, ForceStateReason[{}, , mAppliedBrightness[0]
05-12 20:45:40.518 10137 10137 D AOD_BRIGHTNESS@AlwaysOnDisplayEx: updateDozeBrightness: doze [2] last [[HLPM]_2NIT_ON] change to [[HLPM]_2NIT_ON]
05-12 20:45:40.519 10137 10137 I AOD_WAKELOCK@WakeLockManager: acquireIfExists: tag - AOD_DRAW, timeout - 100, reason - set Doze Brightness updateDozeBrightness, wakeLock = WakeLock{c1ae7d8 held=true, refCount=1}
05-12 20:45:40.618 10137 10137 D AODUiController: onChargingLightSensorChanged lux : 1.0 appliedBrightness = 0 currentBrightness = 1
05-12 20:45:40.618 10137 10137 D AOD_BRIGHTNESS@BrightnessManager: mCurrentBrightness : HighNit[false], NitMode[[HLPM]_2NIT_ON], isForceState[0, ForceStateReason[{}, , mAppliedBrightness[0]
05-12 20:45:40.619 10137 10137 D AOD_BRIGHTNESS@AlwaysOnDisplayEx: updateDozeBrightness: doze [2] last [[HLPM]_2NIT_ON] change to [[HLPM]_2NIT_ON]
05-12 20:45:40.620 10137 10137 I AOD_WAKELOCK@WakeLockManager: acquireIfExists: tag - AOD_DRAW, timeout - 100, reason - set Doze Brightness updateDozeBrightness, wakeLock = WakeLock{c1ae7d8 held=true, refCount=1}
05-12 20:45:40.730 3871 3871 D SurfaceFlinger: Setting power mode 3 on display 0
05-12 20:45:40.731 3841 3885 E display : DOZE or Power off called twice, mPowerModeState : 1
05-12 20:45:40.731 3841 3885 D display : setPowerMode:: FBIOBLANK mode(3), blank(-1)
05-12 20:45:40.732 10137 10137 D AODUiController: onChargingLightSensorChanged lux : 1.0 appliedBrightness = 0 currentBrightness = 1
05-12 20:45:40.733 10137 10137 D AOD_BRIGHTNESS@BrightnessManager: mCurrentBrightness : HighNit[false], NitMode[[HLPM]_2NIT_ON], isForceState[0, ForceStateReason[{}, , mAppliedBrightness[0]
05-12 20:45:40.733 10137 10137 D AOD_BRIGHTNESS@AlwaysOnDisplayEx: updateDozeBrightness: doze [2] last [[HLPM]_2NIT_ON] change to [[HLPM]_2NIT_ON]
05-12 20:45:40.734 10137 10137 I AOD_WAKELOCK@WakeLockManager: acquireIfExists: tag - AOD_DRAW, timeout - 100, reason - set Doze Brightness updateDozeBrightness, wakeLock = WakeLock{c1ae7d8 held=false, refCount=0}
05-12 20:45:40.737 3841 3885 D display : setPowerMode:: S3CFB_POWER_MODE mode(3), blank(-1)
05-12 20:45:40.737 3871 3871 D SurfaceFlinger: Finished setting power mode 3 on display 0
05-12 20:45:40.740 4299 5297 D MotionRecognitionService: [EARHOVER_MOTION] inject screen on / off : 0
05-12 20:45:40.740 4299 5297 D SensorService: [EARHOVER_LITE] : setMotionDataLocked
05-12 20:45:40.741 4299 5297 D SensorService: [EARHOVER_LITE] : INJECT_SCREEN_OFF
05-12 20:45:40.742 4299 10048 I BiometricServiceBase: onTaskStackChangedForFingerprint: Allow background auth,
05-12 20:45:40.747 4299 10048 I chatty : uid=1000(system) biometrics.fp identical 9 lines
05-12 20:45:40.747 4299 10048 I BiometricServiceBase: onTaskStackChangedForFingerprint: Allow background auth,
05-12 20:45:40.755 3871 3871 D SurfaceFlinger: Setting power mode 1 on display 0
05-12 20:45:40.756 3841 3885 E display : DOZE or Power off called twice, mPowerModeState : 3
05-12 20:45:40.756 3841 3885 D display : setPowerMode:: FBIOBLANK mode(1), blank(-1)
05-12 20:45:40.759 10137 10137 D DisplayLifecycle: updateDisplay id = 0
05-12 20:45:40.761 3841 3885 D display : setPowerMode:: S3CFB_POWER_MODE mode(1), blank(-1)
05-12 20:45:40.761 3871 3871 D SurfaceFlinger: Finished setting power mode 1 on display 0
05-12 20:45:40.773 10137 10137 D DisplayLifecycle: updateCacheVariables id = 0, display = Display id 0: DisplayInfo{"Built-in Screen, displayId 0", uniqueId "local:0", app 1080 x 2131, real 1080 x 2340, largest app 2131 x 2131, smallest app 1080 x 1017, mode 1, defaultMode 1, modes [{id=1, width=1080, height=2340, fps=60.000004}], colorMode 0, supportedColorModes [0], hdrCapabilities android.view.Display$HdrCapabilities@40f16308, rotation 0, density 420 (403.411 x 404.326) dpi, layerStack 0, appVsyncOff 1000000, presDeadline 16666666, type BUILT_IN, address {port=0}, state DOZE, FLAG_SECURE, FLAG_SUPPORTS_PROTECTED_BUFFERS, removeMode 0}, DisplayMetrics{density=2.625, width=1080, height=2131, scaledDensity=2.625, xdpi=403.411, ydpi=404.326}, isValid=true, size = Point(1080, 2131), realSize = Point(1080, 2340)
05-12 20:45:40.776 4299 5297 D MotionRecognitionService: [EARHOVER_MOTION] inject screen on / off : 0
05-12 20:45:40.776 4299 5297 D SensorService: [EARHOVER_LITE] : setMotionDataLocked
05-12 20:45:40.777 4299 5297 D SensorService: [EARHOVER_LITE] : INJECT_SCREEN_OFF
05-12 20:45:40.784 4299 10048 I BiometricServiceBase: onTaskStackChangedForFingerprint: Allow background auth,
05-12 20:45:40.785 4299 10048 I chatty : uid=1000(system) biometrics.fp identical 9 lines
05-12 20:45:40.785 4299 10048 I BiometricServiceBase: onTaskStackChangedForFingerprint: Allow background auth,
05-12 20:45:40.798 4299 10246 V WindowManager: Relayout Window{e90e744 u0 ScreenDecorOverlay}: viewVisibility=0 req=1079x151
05-12 20:45:40.798 10137 10137 D AOD_LIVE_CLOCK@LiveClockController: updateDisplayState: DISPLAY_STATE_DOZE
05-12 20:45:40.800 10137 10137 D DisplayLifecycle: updateDisplay id = 0
05-12 20:45:40.804 10137 10137 D DisplayLifecycle: updateCacheVariables id = 0, display = Display id 0: DisplayInfo{"Built-in Screen, displayId 0", uniqueId "local:0", app 1080 x 2131, real 1080 x 2340, largest app 2131 x 2131, smallest app 1080 x 1017, mode 1, defaultMode 1, modes [{id=1, width=1080, height=2340, fps=60.000004}], colorMode 0, supportedColorModes [0], hdrCapabilities android.view.Display$HdrCapabilities@40f16308, rotation 0, density 420 (403.411 x 404.326) dpi, layerStack 0, appVsyncOff 1000000, presDeadline 16666666, type BUILT_IN, address {port=0}, state DOZE, FLAG_SECURE, FLAG_SUPPORTS_PROTECTED_BUFFERS, removeMode 0}, DisplayMetrics{density=2.625, width=1080, height=2131, scaledDensity=2.625, xdpi=403.411, ydpi=404.326}, isValid=true, size = Point(1080, 2131), realSize = Point(1080, 2340)
05-12 20:45:40.806 4299 10246 V WindowManager: Relayout 10137: mAttrs={(0,0)(fillxwrap) gr=TOP LEFT CENTER sim={adjust=pan} layoutInDisplayCutoutMode=always ty=NAVIGATION_BAR_PANEL fmt=TRANSLUCENT
05-12 20:45:40.806 4299 10246 V WindowManager: fl=20800128
05-12 20:45:40.806 4299 10246 V WindowManager: pfl=1100050
05-12 20:45:40.806 4299 10246 V WindowManager: vsysui=100 naviIconColor=0}
05-12 20:45:40.809 10137 10867 D ViewRootImpl@ed5b6a[ScreenDecorOverlay]: Relayout returned: old=(0,0,1080,151) new=(0,0,1080,151) req=(1079,151)0 dur=11 res=0x3 s={true 478310035456} ch=false
05-12 20:45:40.819 10137 10137 D AOD_LIVE_CLOCK@LiveClockController: updateDisplayState: DISPLAY_STATE_DOZE
05-12 20:45:40.821 4299 10246 V WindowManager: Relayout Window{9819af3 u0 ScreenDecorOverlayBottom}: viewVisibility=0 req=1079x151
05-12 20:45:40.825 10137 10137 D AODUiController: onChargingLightSensorChanged lux : 1.0 appliedBrightness = 0 currentBrightness = 1
05-12 20:45:40.825 10137 10137 D AOD_BRIGHTNESS@BrightnessManager: mCurrentBrightness : HighNit[false], NitMode[[HLPM]_2NIT_ON], isForceState[0, ForceStateReason[{}, , mAppliedBrightness[0]
05-12 20:45:40.825 10137 10137 D AOD_BRIGHTNESS@AlwaysOnDisplayEx: updateDozeBrightness: doze [2] last [[HLPM]_2NIT_ON] change to [[HLPM]_2NIT_ON]
05-12 20:45:40.825 10137 10137 I AOD_WAKELOCK@WakeLockManager: acquireIfExists: tag - AOD_DRAW, timeout - 100, reason - set Doze Brightness updateDozeBrightness, wakeLock = WakeLock{c1ae7d8 held=true, refCount=1}
05-12 20:45:40.827 4299 10246 V WindowManager: Relayout 10137: mAttrs={(0,0)(fillxwrap) gr=BOTTOM RIGHT CENTER sim={adjust=pan} layoutInDisplayCutoutMode=always ty=NAVIGATION_BAR_PANEL fmt=TRANSLUCENT
05-12 20:45:40.827 4299 10246 V WindowManager: fl=20800128
05-12 20:45:40.827 4299 10246 V WindowManager: pfl=1100050
05-12 20:45:40.827 4299 10246 V WindowManager: vsysui=100 naviIconColor=0}
05-12 20:45:40.829 10137 10867 D ViewRootImpl@2e58a0d[ScreenDecorOverlayBottom]: Relayout returned: old=(0,2189,1080,2340) new=(0,2189,1080,2340) req=(1079,151)0 dur=9 res=0x3 s={true 478310068224} ch=false
05-12 20:45:40.871 4299 10246 V WindowManager: Relayout Window{e90e744 u0 ScreenDecorOverlay}: viewVisibility=0 req=1079x151
05-12 20:45:40.878 4299 10246 V WindowManager: Relayout 10137: mAttrs={(0,0)(fillxwrap) gr=TOP LEFT CENTER sim={adjust=pan} layoutInDisplayCutoutMode=always ty=NAVIGATION_BAR_PANEL fmt=TRANSLUCENT
05-12 20:45:40.878 4299 10246 V WindowManager: fl=20800128
05-12 20:45:40.878 4299 10246 V WindowManager: pfl=1100050
05-12 20:45:40.878 4299 10246 V WindowManager: vsysui=100 naviIconColor=0}
05-12 20:45:40.880 10137 10867 D ViewRootImpl@ed5b6a[ScreenDecorOverlay]: Relayout returned: old=(0,0,1080,151) new=(0,0,1080,151) req=(1079,151)0 dur=10 res=0x3 s={true 478310035456} ch=false
05-12 20:45:40.888 4299 10246 V WindowManager: Relayout Window{9819af3 u0 ScreenDecorOverlayBottom}: viewVisibility=0 req=1079x151
05-12 20:45:40.896 4299 10246 V WindowManager: Relayout 10137: mAttrs={(0,0)(fillxwrap) gr=BOTTOM RIGHT CENTER sim={adjust=pan} layoutInDisplayCutoutMode=always ty=NAVIGATION_BAR_PANEL fmt=TRANSLUCENT
05-12 20:45:40.896 4299 10246 V WindowManager: fl=20800128
05-12 20:45:40.896 4299 10246 V WindowManager: pfl=1100050
05-12 20:45:40.896 4299 10246 V WindowManager: vsysui=100 naviIconColor=0}
05-12 20:45:40.898 10137 10867 D ViewRootImpl@2e58a0d[ScreenDecorOverlayBottom]: Relayout returned: old=(0,2189,1080,2340) new=(0,2189,1080,2340) req=(1079,151)0 dur=11 res=0x3 s={true 478310068224} ch=false
05-12 20:45:40.931 10137 10137 D AODUiController: onChargingLightSensorChanged lux : 1.0 appliedBrightness = 0 currentBrightness = 1
05-12 20:45:40.931 10137 10137 D AOD_BRIGHTNESS@BrightnessManager: mCurrentBrightness : HighNit[false], NitMode[[HLPM]_2NIT_ON], isForceState[0, ForceStateReason[{}, , mAppliedBrightness[0]
05-12 20:45:40.931 10137 10137 D AOD_BRIGHTNESS@AlwaysOnDisplayEx: updateDozeBrightness: doze [2] last [[HLPM]_2NIT_ON] change to [[HLPM]_2NIT_ON]
05-12 20:45:40.932 10137 10137 I AOD_WAKELOCK@WakeLockManager: acquireIfExists: tag - AOD_DRAW, timeout - 100, reason - set Doze Brightness updateDozeBrightness, wakeLock = WakeLock{c1ae7d8 held=false, refCount=0}
05-12 20:45:40.932 3871 3871 D SurfaceFlinger: Setting power mode 3 on display 0
05-12 20:45:40.933 3841 3885 E display : DOZE or Power off called twice, mPowerModeState : 1
05-12 20:45:40.933 3841 3885 D display : setPowerMode:: FBIOBLANK mode(3), blank(-1)
05-12 20:45:40.938 4299 10048 I BiometricServiceBase: onTaskStackChangedForFingerprint: Allow background auth,
05-12 20:45:40.939 4299 10048 I chatty : uid=1000(system) biometrics.fp identical 9 lines
05-12 20:45:40.939 4299 10048 I BiometricServiceBase: onTaskStackChangedForFingerprint: Allow background auth,
05-12 20:45:40.941 4299 5297 D MotionRecognitionService: [EARHOVER_MOTION] inject screen on / off : 0
05-12 20:45:40.941 4299 5297 D SensorService: [EARHOVER_LITE] : setMotionDataLocked
05-12 20:45:40.941 4299 5297 D SensorService: [EARHOVER_LITE] : INJECT_SCREEN_OFF
05-12 20:45:40.949 3841 3885 D display : setPowerMode:: S3CFB_POWER_MODE mode(3), blank(-1)
05-12 20:45:40.949 3871 3871 D SurfaceFlinger: Finished setting power mode 3 on display 0
05-12 20:45:40.951 3871 3871 D SurfaceFlinger: Setting power mode 1 on display 0
05-12 20:45:40.952 3841 9377 E display : DOZE or Power off called twice, mPowerModeState : 3
05-12 20:45:40.952 3841 9377 D display : setPowerMode:: FBIOBLANK mode(1), blank(-1)
05-12 20:45:40.954 10137 10137 D DisplayLifecycle: updateDisplay id = 0
05-12 20:45:40.956 3841 9377 D display : setPowerMode:: S3CFB_POWER_MODE mode(1), blank(-1)
05-12 20:45:40.957 3871 3871 D SurfaceFlinger: Finished setting power mode 1 on display 0
05-12 20:45:40.962 10137 10137 D DisplayLifecycle: updateCacheVariables id = 0, display = Display id 0: DisplayInfo{"Built-in Screen, displayId 0", uniqueId "local:0", app 1080 x 2131, real 1080 x 2340, largest app 2131 x 2131, smallest app 1080 x 1017, mode 1, defaultMode 1, modes [{id=1, width=1080, height=2340, fps=60.000004}], colorMode 0, supportedColorModes [0], hdrCapabilities android.view.Display$HdrCapabilities@40f16308, rotation 0, density 420 (403.411 x 404.326) dpi, layerStack 0, appVsyncOff 1000000, presDeadline 16666666, type BUILT_IN, address {port=0}, state DOZE_SUSPEND, FLAG_SECURE, FLAG_SUPPORTS_PROTECTED_BUFFERS, removeMode 0}, DisplayMetrics{density=2.625, width=1080, height=2131, scaledDensity=2.625, xdpi=403.411, ydpi=404.326}, isValid=true, size = Point(1080, 2131), realSize = Point(1080, 2340)
05-12 20:45:40.966 4299 5297 D MotionRecognitionService: [EARHOVER_MOTION] inject screen on / off : 0
05-12 20:45:40.967 4299 5297 D SensorService: [EARHOVER_LITE] : setMotionDataLocked
05-12 20:45:40.967 4299 5297 D SensorService: [EARHOVER_LITE] : INJECT_SCREEN_OFF
05-12 20:45:40.967 4299 10048 I BiometricServiceBase: onTaskStackChangedForFingerprint: Allow background auth,
05-12 20:45:40.968 4299 10048 I chatty : uid=1000(system) biometrics.fp identical 9 lines
05-12 20:45:40.968 4299 10048 I BiometricServiceBase: onTaskStackChangedForFingerprint: Allow background auth,
05-12 20:45:40.985 10137 10137 D AOD_LIVE_CLOCK@LiveClockController: updateDisplayState: DISPLAY_STATE_DOZE
05-12 20:45:40.987 10137 10137 D DisplayLifecycle: updateDisplay id = 0
05-12 20:45:40.993 10137 10137 D DisplayLifecycle: updateCacheVariables id = 0, display = Display id 0: DisplayInfo{"Built-in Screen, displayId 0", uniqueId "local:0", app 1080 x 2131, real 1080 x 2340, largest app 2131 x 2131, smallest app 1080 x 1017, mode 1, defaultMode 1, modes [{id=1, width=1080, height=2340, fps=60.000004}], colorMode 0, supportedColorModes [0], hdrCapabilities android.view.Display$HdrCapabilities@40f16308, rotation 0, density 420 (403.411 x 404.326) dpi, layerStack 0, appVsyncOff 1000000, presDeadline 16666666, type BUILT_IN, address {port=0}, state DOZE, FLAG_SECURE, FLAG_SUPPORTS_PROTECTED_BUFFERS, removeMode 0}, DisplayMetrics{density=2.625, width=1080, height=2131, scaledDensity=2.625, xdpi=403.411, ydpi=404.326}, isValid=true, size = Point(1080, 2131), realSize = Point(1080, 2340)
05-12 20:45:40.993 4299 11683 V WindowManager: Relayout Window{e90e744 u0 ScreenDecorOverlay}: viewVisibility=0 req=1079x151
05-12 20:45:41.000 4299 11683 V WindowManager: Relayout 10137: mAttrs={(0,0)(fillxwrap) gr=TOP LEFT CENTER sim={adjust=pan} layoutInDisplayCutoutMode=always ty=NAVIGATION_BAR_PANEL fmt=TRANSLUCENT
05-12 20:45:41.000 4299 11683 V WindowManager: fl=20800128
05-12 20:45:41.000 4299 11683 V WindowManager: pfl=1100050
05-12 20:45:41.000 4299 11683 V WindowManager: vsysui=100 naviIconColor=0}
05-12 20:45:41.002 10137 10137 D AOD_LIVE_CLOCK@LiveClockController: updateDisplayState: DISPLAY_STATE_DOZE
05-12 20:45:41.002 10137 10867 D ViewRootImpl@ed5b6a[ScreenDecorOverlay]: Relayout returned: old=(0,0,1080,151) new=(0,0,1080,151) req=(1079,151)0 dur=9 res=0x3 s={true 478310035456} ch=false
05-12 20:45:41.011 4299 11683 V WindowManager: Relayout Window{9819af3 u0 ScreenDecorOverlayBottom}: viewVisibility=0 req=1079x151
05-12 20:45:41.016 4299 11683 V WindowManager: Relayout 10137: mAttrs={(0,0)(fillxwrap) gr=BOTTOM RIGHT CENTER sim={adjust=pan} layoutInDisplayCutoutMode=always ty=NAVIGATION_BAR_PANEL fmt=TRANSLUCENT
05-12 20:45:41.016 4299 11683 V WindowManager: fl=20800128
05-12 20:45:41.016 4299 11683 V WindowManager: pfl=1100050
05-12 20:45:41.016 4299 11683 V WindowManager: vsysui=100 naviIconColor=0}
05-12 20:45:41.018 3970 10055 D bauth_FPBAuthService: pcf : 0x1012, 0 ,1 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,0,
05-12 20:45:41.018 3970 10055 D bauth_FPBAuthService: thread id : 1, preenroll_flag : 0, nd cnt : 0, cso : 0, et : 0
05-12 20:45:41.018 3970 10055 D bauth_FPBAuthService: FPBAuthService, 10983
05-12 20:45:41.019 10137 10867 D ViewRootImpl@2e58a0d[ScreenDecorOverlayBottom]: Relayout returned: old=(0,2189,1080,2340) new=(0,2189,1080,2340) req=(1079,151)0 dur=9 res=0x3 s={true 478310068224} ch=false
05-12 20:45:41.033 10137 10137 D AODUiController: onChargingLightSensorChanged lux : 1.0 appliedBrightness = 0 currentBrightness = 1
05-12 20:45:41.033 10137 10137 D AOD_BRIGHTNESS@BrightnessManager: mCurrentBrightness : HighNit[false], NitMode[[HLPM]_2NIT_ON], isForceState[0, ForceStateReason[{}, , mAppliedBrightness[0]
05-12 20:45:41.034 10137 10137 D AOD_BRIGHTNESS@AlwaysOnDisplayEx: updateDozeBrightness: doze [2] last [[HLPM]_2NIT_ON] change to [[HLPM]_2NIT_ON]
05-12 20:45:41.034 10137 10137 I AOD_WAKELOCK@WakeLockManager: acquireIfExists: tag - AOD_DRAW, timeout - 100, reason - set Doze Brightness updateDozeBrightness, wakeLock = WakeLock{c1ae7d8 held=true, refCount=1}
05-12 20:45:41.133 10137 10137 D AODUiController: onChargingLightSensorChanged lux : 1.0 appliedBrightness = 0 currentBrightness = 1
05-12 20:45:41.134 10137 10137 D AOD_BRIGHTNESS@BrightnessManager: mCurrentBrightness : HighNit[false], NitMode[[HLPM]_2NIT_ON], isForceState[0, ForceStateReason[{}, , mAppliedBrightness[0]
05-12 20:45:41.134 10137 10137 D AOD_BRIGHTNESS@AlwaysOnDisplayEx: updateDozeBrightness: doze [2] last [[HLPM]_2NIT_ON] change to [[HLPM]_2NIT_ON]
05-12 20:45:41.134 10137 10137 I AOD_WAKELOCK@WakeLockManager: acquireIfExists: tag - AOD_DRAW, timeout - 100, reason - set Doze Brightness updateDozeBrightness, wakeLock = WakeLock{c1ae7d8 held=true, refCount=1}
05-12 20:45:41.241 3951 10369 I GNSS_MEMS: TGT_MEMS SCSCMemsReportSensorDrops: dropped 0 events (spam) 2 events (rate limit) out of 51 total for sensor 0 since last report
05-12 20:45:41.247 3871 3871 D SurfaceFlinger: Setting power mode 3 on display 0
05-12 20:45:41.247 3841 9377 E display : DOZE or Power off called twice, mPowerModeState : 1
05-12 20:45:41.247 3841 9377 D display : setPowerMode:: FBIOBLANK mode(3), blank(-1)
05-12 20:45:41.253 10137 10137 D AODUiController: onChargingLightSensorChanged lux : 1.0 appliedBrightness = 0 currentBrightness = 1
05-12 20:45:41.253 10137 10137 D AOD_BRIGHTNESS@BrightnessManager: mCurrentBrightness : HighNit[false], NitMode[[HLPM]_2NIT_ON], isForceState[0, ForceStateReason[{}, , mAppliedBrightness[0]
05-12 20:45:41.254 10137 10137 D AOD_BRIGHTNESS@AlwaysOnDisplayEx: updateDozeBrightness: doze [2] last [[HLPM]_2NIT_ON] change to [[HLPM]_2NIT_ON]
05-12 20:45:41.254 3841 9377 D display : setPowerMode:: S3CFB_POWER_MODE mode(3), blank(-1)
05-12 20:45:41.254 10137 10137 I AOD_WAKELOCK@WakeLockManager: acquireIfExists: tag - AOD_DRAW, timeout - 100, reason - set Doze Brightness updateDozeBrightness, wakeLock = WakeLock{c1ae7d8 held=false, refCount=0}
05-12 20:45:41.255 3871 3871 D SurfaceFlinger: Finished setting power mode 3 on display 0
05-12 20:45:41.261 4299 5297 D MotionRecognitionService: [EARHOVER_MOTION] inject screen on / off : 0
05-12 20:45:41.261 4299 5297 D SensorService: [EARHOVER_LITE] : setMotionDataLocked
05-12 20:45:41.261 4299 5297 D SensorService: [EARHOVER_LITE] : INJECT_SCREEN_OFF
05-12 20:45:41.265 4299 10048 I BiometricServiceBase: onTaskStackChangedForFingerprint: Allow background auth,
05-12 20:45:41.268 4299 10048 I chatty : uid=1000(system) biometrics.fp identical 9 lines
05-12 20:45:41.268 4299 10048 I BiometricServiceBase: onTaskStackChangedForFingerprint: Allow background auth,
05-12 20:45:41.295 4299 10551 V WindowManager: Relayout Window{e90e744 u0 ScreenDecorOverlay}: viewVisibility=0 req=1079x151
05-12 20:45:41.305 4299 10551 V WindowManager: Relayout 10137: mAttrs={(0,0)(fillxwrap) gr=TOP LEFT CENTER sim={adjust=pan} layoutInDisplayCutoutMode=always ty=NAVIGATION_BAR_PANEL fmt=TRANSLUCENT
05-12 20:45:41.305 4299 10551 V WindowManager: fl=20800128
05-12 20:45:41.305 4299 10551 V WindowManager: pfl=1100050
05-12 20:45:41.305 4299 10551 V WindowManager: vsysui=100 naviIconColor=0}
05-12 20:45:41.308 10137 10137 D DisplayLifecycle: updateDisplay id = 0
05-12 20:45:41.309 3871 3871 D SurfaceFlinger: Setting power mode 1 on display 0
05-12 20:45:41.309 3841 3885 E display : DOZE or Power off called twice, mPowerModeState : 3
05-12 20:45:41.309 3841 3885 D display : setPowerMode:: FBIOBLANK mode(1), blank(-1)
05-12 20:45:41.310 10137 10867 D ViewRootImpl@ed5b6a[ScreenDecorOverlay]: Relayout returned: old=(0,0,1080,151) new=(0,0,1080,151) req=(1079,151)0 dur=15 res=0x3 s={true 478310035456} ch=false
05-12 20:45:41.314 3841 3885 D display : setPowerMode:: S3CFB_POWER_MODE mode(1), blank(-1)
05-12 20:45:41.315 3871 3871 D SurfaceFlinger: Finished setting power mode 1 on display 0
05-12 20:45:41.345 3844 3844 I Sensors : [AMS] lux : 1, brightness: 1
05-12 20:45:41.368 4299 5297 D MotionRecognitionService: [EARHOVER_MOTION] inject screen on / off : 0
05-12 20:45:41.368 4299 5297 D SensorService: [EARHOVER_LITE] : setMotionDataLocked
05-12 20:45:41.368 4299 5297 D SensorService: [EARHOVER_LITE] : INJECT_SCREEN_OFF
05-12 20:45:41.369 4299 10048 I BiometricServiceBase: onTaskStackChangedForFingerprint: Allow background auth,
05-12 20:45:41.371 4299 10048 I chatty : uid=1000(system) biometrics.fp identical 9 lines
05-12 20:45:41.371 4299 10048 I BiometricServiceBase: onTaskStackChangedForFingerprint: Allow background auth,
05-12 20:45:41.376 10137 10137 D DisplayLifecycle: updateCacheVariables id = 0, display = Display id 0: DisplayInfo{"Built-in Screen, displayId 0", uniqueId "local:0", app 1080 x 2131, real 1080 x 2340, largest app 2131 x 2131, smallest app 1080 x 1017, mode 1, defaultMode 1, modes [{id=1, width=1080, height=2340, fps=60.000004}], colorMode 0, supportedColorModes [0], hdrCapabilities android.view.Display$HdrCapabilities@40f16308, rotation 0, density 420 (403.411 x 404.326) dpi, layerStack 0, appVsyncOff 1000000, presDeadline 16666666, type BUILT_IN, address {port=0}, state DOZE, FLAG_SECURE, FLAG_SUPPORTS_PROTECTED_BUFFERS, removeMode 0}, DisplayMetrics{density=2.625, width=1080, height=2131, scaledDensity=2.625, xdpi=403.411, ydpi=404.326}, isValid=true, size = Point(1080, 2131), realSize = Point(1080, 2340)
05-12 20:45:41.384 10137 10137 D AODUiController: onChargingLightSensorChanged lux : 1.0 appliedBrightness = 0 currentBrightness = 1
05-12 20:45:41.384 10137 10137 D AOD_BRIGHTNESS@BrightnessManager: mCurrentBrightness : HighNit[false], NitMode[[HLPM]_2NIT_ON], isForceState[0, ForceStateReason[{}, , mAppliedBrightness[0]
05-12 20:45:41.384 10137 10137 D AOD_BRIGHTNESS@AlwaysOnDisplayEx: updateDozeBrightness: doze [2] last [[HLPM]_2NIT_ON] change to [[HLPM]_2NIT_ON]
05-12 20:45:41.385 10137 10137 I AOD_WAKELOCK@WakeLockManager: acquireIfExists: tag - AOD_DRAW, timeout - 100, reason - set Doze Brightness updateDozeBrightness, wakeLock = WakeLock{c1ae7d8 held=true, refCount=1}
05-12 20:45:41.390 4299 12331 V WindowManager: Relayout Window{9819af3 u0 ScreenDecorOverlayBottom}: viewVisibility=0 req=1079x151
05-12 20:45:41.396 10137 10137 D AOD_LIVE_CLOCK@LiveClockController: updateDisplayState: DISPLAY_STATE_DOZE
05-12 20:45:41.398 10137 10137 D DisplayLifecycle: updateDisplay id = 0
05-12 20:45:41.399 4299 12331 V WindowManager: Relayout 10137: mAttrs={(0,0)(fillxwrap) gr=BOTTOM RIGHT CENTER sim={adjust=pan} layoutInDisplayCutoutMode=always ty=NAVIGATION_BAR_PANEL fmt=TRANSLUCENT
05-12 20:45:41.399 4299 12331 V WindowManager: fl=20800128
05-12 20:45:41.399 4299 12331 V WindowManager: pfl=1100050
05-12 20:45:41.399 4299 12331 V WindowManager: vsysui=100 naviIconColor=0}
05-12 20:45:41.400 10137 10867 D ViewRootImpl@2e58a0d[ScreenDecorOverlayBottom]: Relayout returned: old=(0,2189,1080,2340) new=(0,2189,1080,2340) req=(1079,151)0 dur=10 res=0x3 s={true 478310068224} ch=false
05-12 20:45:41.403 10137 10137 D DisplayLifecycle: updateCacheVariables id = 0, display = Display id 0: DisplayInfo{"Built-in Screen, displayId 0", uniqueId "local:0", app 1080 x 2131, real 1080 x 2340, largest app 2131 x 2131, smallest app 1080 x 1017, mode 1, defaultMode 1, modes [{id=1, width=1080, height=2340, fps=60.000004}], colorMode 0, supportedColorModes [0], hdrCapabilities android.view.Display$HdrCapabilities@40f16308, rotation 0, density 420 (403.411 x 404.326) dpi, layerStack 0, appVsyncOff 1000000, presDeadline 16666666, type BUILT_IN, address {port=0}, state DOZE, FLAG_SECURE, FLAG_SUPPORTS_PROTECTED_BUFFERS, removeMode 0}, DisplayMetrics{density=2.625, width=1080, height=2131, scaledDensity=2.625, xdpi=403.411, ydpi=404.326}, isValid=true, size = Point(1080, 2131), realSize = Point(1080, 2340)
05-12 20:45:41.418 10137 10137 D AOD_LIVE_CLOCK@LiveClockController: updateDisplayState: DISPLAY_STATE_DOZE
05-12 20:45:41.437 4299 12328 V WindowManager: Relayout Window{e90e744 u0 ScreenDecorOverlay}: viewVisibility=0 req=1079x151
05-12 20:45:41.445 4299 12328 V WindowManager: Relayout 10137: mAttrs={(0,0)(fillxwrap) gr=TOP LEFT CENTER sim={adjust=pan} layoutInDisplayCutoutMode=always ty=NAVIGATION_BAR_PANEL fmt=TRANSLUCENT
05-12 20:45:41.445 4299 12328 V WindowManager: fl=20800128
05-12 20:45:41.445 4299 12328 V WindowManager: pfl=1100050
05-12 20:45:41.445 4299 12328 V WindowManager: vsysui=100 naviIconColor=0}
05-12 20:45:41.447 10137 10867 D ViewRootImpl@ed5b6a[ScreenDecorOverlay]: Relayout returned: old=(0,0,1080,151) new=(0,0,1080,151) req=(1079,151)0 dur=10 res=0x3 s={true 478310035456} ch=false
05-12 20:45:41.449 10137 10137 D AODUiController: onChargingLightSensorChanged lux : 2.0 appliedBrightness = 0 currentBrightness = 1
05-12 20:45:41.450 10137 10137 D AOD_BRIGHTNESS@BrightnessManager: mCurrentBrightness : HighNit[false], NitMode[[HLPM]_2NIT_ON], isForceState[0, ForceStateReason[{}, , mAppliedBrightness[0]
05-12 20:45:41.450 10137 10137 D AOD_BRIGHTNESS@AlwaysOnDisplayEx: updateDozeBrightness: doze [2] last [[HLPM]_2NIT_ON] change to [[HLPM]_2NIT_ON]
05-12 20:45:41.450 10137 10137 I AOD_WAKELOCK@WakeLockManager: acquireIfExists: tag - AOD_DRAW, timeout - 100, reason - set Doze Brightness updateDozeBrightness, wakeLock = WakeLock{c1ae7d8 held=true, refCount=1}
05-12 20:45:41.452 4299 12328 V WindowManager: Relayout Window{9819af3 u0 ScreenDecorOverlayBottom}: viewVisibility=0 req=1079x151
05-12 20:45:41.459 4299 12328 V WindowManager: Relayout 10137: mAttrs={(0,0)(fillxwrap) gr=BOTTOM RIGHT CENTER sim={adjust=pan} layoutInDisplayCutoutMode=always ty=NAVIGATION_BAR_PANEL fmt=TRANSLUCENT
05-12 20:45:41.459 4299 12328 V WindowManager: fl=20800128
05-12 20:45:41.459 4299 12328 V WindowManager: pfl=1100050
05-12 20:45:41.459 4299 12328 V WindowManager: vsysui=100 naviIconColor=0}
05-12 20:45:41.461 10137 10867 D ViewRootImpl@2e58a0d[ScreenDecorOverlayBottom]: Relayout returned: old=(0,2189,1080,2340) new=(0,2189,1080,2340) req=(1079,151)0 dur=9 res=0x3 s={true 478310068224} ch=false
05-12 20:45:41.550 10137 10137 D AODUiController: onChargingLightSensorChanged lux : 1.0 appliedBrightness = 0 currentBrightness = 1
05-12 20:45:41.550 10137 10137 D AOD_BRIGHTNESS@BrightnessManager: mCurrentBrightness : HighNit[false], NitMode[[HLPM]_2NIT_ON], isForceState[0, ForceStateReason[{}, , mAppliedBrightness[0]
05-12 20:45:41.550 10137 10137 D AOD_BRIGHTNESS@AlwaysOnDisplayEx: updateDozeBrightness: doze [2] last [[HLPM]_2NIT_ON] change to [[HLPM]_2NIT_ON]
05-12 20:45:41.551 10137 10137 I AOD_WAKELOCK@WakeLockManager: acquireIfExists: tag - AOD_DRAW, timeout - 100, reason - set Doze Brightness updateDozeBrightness, wakeLock = WakeLock{c1ae7d8 held=true, refCount=1}
05-12 20:45:41.659 3871 3871 D SurfaceFlinger: Setting power mode 3 on display 0
05-12 20:45:41.659 3841 3885 E display : DOZE or Power off called twice, mPowerModeState : 1
05-12 20:45:41.659 3841 3885 D display : setPowerMode:: FBIOBLANK mode(3), blank(-1)
05-12 20:45:41.661 10137 10137 D AODUiController: onChargingLightSensorChanged lux : 1.0 appliedBrightness = 0 currentBrightness = 1
05-12 20:45:41.661 10137 10137 D AOD_BRIGHTNESS@BrightnessManager: mCurrentBrightness : HighNit[false], NitMode[[HLPM]_2NIT_ON], isForceState[0, ForceStateReason[{}, , mAppliedBrightness[0]
05-12 20:45:41.661 10137 10137 D AOD_BRIGHTNESS@AlwaysOnDisplayEx: updateDozeBrightness: doze [2] last [[HLPM]_2NIT_ON] change to [[HLPM]_2NIT_ON]
05-12 20:45:41.662 3841 3885 D display : setPowerMode:: S3CFB_POWER_MODE mode(3), blank(-1)
05-12 20:45:41.662 10137 10137 I AOD_WAKELOCK@WakeLockManager: acquireIfExists: tag - AOD_DRAW, timeout - 100, reason - set Doze Brightness updateDozeBrightness, wakeLock = WakeLock{c1ae7d8 held=false, refCount=0}
05-12 20:45:41.662 3871 3871 D SurfaceFlinger: Finished setting power mode 3 on display 0
05-12 20:45:41.677 4299 5297 D MotionRecognitionService: [EARHOVER_MOTION] inject screen on / off : 0
05-12 20:45:41.678 4299 5297 D SensorService: [EARHOVER_LITE] : setMotionDataLocked
05-12 20:45:41.678 4299 5297 D SensorService: [EARHOVER_LITE] : INJECT_SCREEN_OFF
05-12 20:45:41.678 4299 10048 I BiometricServiceBase: onTaskStackChangedForFingerprint: Allow background auth,
05-12 20:45:41.680 4299 10048 I chatty : uid=1000(system) biometrics.fp identical 9 lines
05-12 20:45:41.680 4299 10048 I BiometricServiceBase: onTaskStackChangedForFingerprint: Allow background auth,
05-12 20:45:41.689 3871 3871 D SurfaceFlinger: Setting power mode 1 on display 0
05-12 20:45:41.690 3841 3885 E display : DOZE or Power off called twice, mPowerModeState : 3
05-12 20:45:41.690 3841 3885 D display : setPowerMode:: FBIOBLANK mode(1), blank(-1)
05-12 20:45:41.690 10137 10137 D DisplayLifecycle: updateDisplay id = 0
05-12 20:45:41.695 3841 3885 D display : setPowerMode:: S3CFB_POWER_MODE mode(1), blank(-1)
05-12 20:45:41.696 3871 3871 D SurfaceFlinger: Finished setting power mode 1 on display 0
05-12 20:45:41.701 10137 10137 D DisplayLifecycle: updateCacheVariables id = 0, display = Display id 0: DisplayInfo{"Built-in Screen, displayId 0", uniqueId "local:0", app 1080 x 2131, real 1080 x 2340, largest app 2131 x 2131, smallest app 1080 x 1017, mode 1, defaultMode 1, modes [{id=1, width=1080, height=2340, fps=60.000004}], colorMode 0, supportedColorModes [0], hdrCapabilities android.view.Display$HdrCapabilities@40f16308, rotation 0, density 420 (403.411 x 404.326) dpi, layerStack 0, appVsyncOff 1000000, presDeadline 16666666, type BUILT_IN, address {port=0}, state DOZE_SUSPEND, FLAG_SECURE, FLAG_SUPPORTS_PROTECTED_BUFFERS, removeMode 0}, DisplayMetrics{density=2.625, width=1080, height=2131, scaledDensity=2.625, xdpi=403.411, ydpi=404.326}, isValid=true, size = Point(1080, 2131), realSize = Point(1080, 2340)
05-12 20:45:41.706 4299 5297 D MotionRecognitionService: [EARHOVER_MOTION] inject screen on / off : 0
05-12 20:45:41.706 4299 5297 D SensorService: [EARHOVER_LITE] : setMotionDataLocked
05-12 20:45:41.706 4299 5297 D SensorService: [EARHOVER_LITE] : INJECT_SCREEN_OFF
05-12 20:45:41.707 4299 4312 I system_server: Background concurrent copying GC freed 582865(16MB) AllocSpace objects, 295(7228KB) LOS objects, 25% free, 68MB/92MB, paused 794us total 398.199ms
05-12 20:45:41.711 4299 10048 I BiometricServiceBase: onTaskStackChangedForFingerprint: Allow background auth,
05-12 20:45:41.712 4299 10048 I chatty : uid=1000(system) biometrics.fp identical 9 lines
05-12 20:45:41.712 4299 10048 I BiometricServiceBase: onTaskStackChangedForFingerprint: Allow background auth,
05-12 20:45:41.724 10137 10137 D AOD_LIVE_CLOCK@LiveClockController: updateDisplayState: DISPLAY_STATE_DOZE
05-12 20:45:41.726 10137 10137 D DisplayLifecycle: updateDisplay id = 0
05-12 20:45:41.730 10137 10137 D DisplayLifecycle: updateCacheVariables id = 0, display = Display id 0: DisplayInfo{"Built-in Screen, displayId 0", uniqueId "local:0", app 1080 x 2131, real 1080 x 2340, largest app 2131 x 2131, smallest app 1080 x 1017, mode 1, defaultMode 1, modes [{id=1, width=1080, height=2340, fps=60.000004}], colorMode 0, supportedColorModes [0], hdrCapabilities android.view.Display$HdrCapabilities@40f16308, rotation 0, density 420 (403.411 x 404.326) dpi, layerStack 0, appVsyncOff 1000000, presDeadline 16666666, type BUILT_IN, address {port=0}, state DOZE, FLAG_SECURE, FLAG_SUPPORTS_PROTECTED_BUFFERS, removeMode 0}, DisplayMetrics{density=2.625, width=1080, height=2131, scaledDensity=2.625, xdpi=403.411, ydpi=404.326}, isValid=true, size = Point(1080, 2131), realSize = Point(1080, 2340)
05-12 20:45:41.745 4299 10551 V WindowManager: Relayout Window{e90e744 u0 ScreenDecorOverlay}: viewVisibility=0 req=1079x151
05-12 20:45:41.746 10137 10137 D AOD_LIVE_CLOCK@LiveClockController: updateDisplayState: DISPLAY_STATE_DOZE
05-12 20:45:41.751 4299 10551 V WindowManager: Relayout 10137: mAttrs={(0,0)(fillxwrap) gr=TOP LEFT CENTER sim={adjust=pan} layoutInDisplayCutoutMode=always ty=NAVIGATION_BAR_PANEL fmt=TRANSLUCENT
05-12 20:45:41.751 4299 10551 V WindowManager: fl=20800128
05-12 20:45:41.751 4299 10551 V WindowManager: pfl=1100050
05-12 20:45:41.751 4299 10551 V WindowManager: vsysui=100 naviIconColor=0}
05-12 20:45:41.753 10137 10867 D ViewRootImpl@ed5b6a[ScreenDecorOverlay]: Relayout returned: old=(0,0,1080,151) new=(0,0,1080,151) req=(1079,151)0 dur=9 res=0x3 s={true 478310035456} ch=false
05-12 20:45:41.761 4299 10551 V WindowManager: Relayout Window{9819af3 u0 ScreenDecorOverlayBottom}: viewVisibility=0 req=1079x151
05-12 20:45:41.761 10137 10137 D AODUiController: onChargingLightSensorChanged lux : 1.0 appliedBrightness = 0 currentBrightness = 1
05-12 20:45:41.761 10137 10137 D AOD_BRIGHTNESS@BrightnessManager: mCurrentBrightness : HighNit[false], NitMode[[HLPM]_2NIT_ON], isForceState[0, ForceStateReason[{}, , mAppliedBrightness[0]
05-12 20:45:41.762 10137 10137 D AOD_BRIGHTNESS@AlwaysOnDisplayEx: updateDozeBrightness: doze [2] last [[HLPM]_2NIT_ON] change to [[HLPM]_2NIT_ON]
05-12 20:45:41.762 10137 10137 I AOD_WAKELOCK@WakeLockManager: acquireIfExists: tag - AOD_DRAW, timeout - 100, reason - set Doze Brightness updateDozeBrightness, wakeLock = WakeLock{c1ae7d8 held=true, refCount=1}
05-12 20:45:41.769 4299 10551 V WindowManager: Relayout 10137: mAttrs={(0,0)(fillxwrap) gr=BOTTOM RIGHT CENTER sim={adjust=pan} layoutInDisplayCutoutMode=always ty=NAVIGATION_BAR_PANEL fmt=TRANSLUCENT
05-12 20:45:41.769 4299 10551 V WindowManager: fl=20800128
05-12 20:45:41.769 4299 10551 V WindowManager: pfl=1100050
05-12 20:45:41.769 4299 10551 V WindowManager: vsysui=100 naviIconColor=0}
05-12 20:45:41.771 10137 10867 D ViewRootImpl@2e58a0d[ScreenDecorOverlayBottom]: Relayout returned: old=(0,2189,1080,2340) new=(0,2189,1080,2340) req=(1079,151)0 dur=11 res=0x3 s={true 478310068224} ch=false
05-12 20:45:41.862 10137 10137 D AODUiController: onChargingLightSensorChanged lux : 1.0 appliedBrightness = 0 currentBrightness = 1
05-12 20:45:41.862 10137 10137 D AOD_BRIGHTNESS@BrightnessManager: mCurrentBrightness : HighNit[false], NitMode[[HLPM]_2NIT_ON], isForceState[0, ForceStateReason[{}, , mAppliedBrightness[0]
05-12 20:45:41.862 10137 10137 D AOD_BRIGHTNESS@AlwaysOnDisplayEx: updateDozeBrightness: doze [2] last [[HLPM]_2NIT_ON] change to [[HLPM]_2NIT_ON]
05-12 20:45:41.862 10137 10137 I AOD_WAKELOCK@WakeLockManager: acquireIfExists: tag - AOD_DRAW, timeout - 100, reason - set Doze Brightness updateDozeBrightness, wakeLock = WakeLock{c1ae7d8 held=true, refCount=1}
05-12 20:45:41.961 10137 10137 D AODUiController: onChargingLightSensorChanged lux : 1.0 appliedBrightness = 0 currentBrightness = 1
05-12 20:45:41.961 10137 10137 D AOD_BRIGHTNESS@BrightnessManager: mCurrentBrightness : HighNit[false], NitMode[[HLPM]_2NIT_ON], isForceState[0, ForceStateReason[{}, , mAppliedBrightness[0]
05-12 20:45:41.962 10137 10137 D AOD_BRIGHTNESS@AlwaysOnDisplayEx: updateDozeBrightness: doze [2] last [[HLPM]_2NIT_ON] change to [[HLPM]_2NIT_ON]
05-12 20:45:41.962 10137 10137 I AOD_WAKELOCK@WakeLockManager: acquireIfExists: tag - AOD_DRAW, timeout - 100, reason - set Doze Brightness updateDozeBrightness, wakeLock = WakeLock{c1ae7d8 held=true, refCount=1}
05-12 20:45:42.018 3970 10055 D bauth_FPBAuthService: pcf : 0x1012, 0 ,1 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,0,
05-12 20:45:42.019 3970 10055 D bauth_FPBAuthService: thread id : 1, preenroll_flag : 0, nd cnt : 0, cso : 0, et : 0
05-12 20:45:42.019 3970 10055 D bauth_FPBAuthService: FPBAuthService, 10983
05-12 20:45:42.073 3871 3871 D SurfaceFlinger: Setting power mode 3 on display 0
05-12 20:45:42.074 3841 3885 E display : DOZE or Power off called twice, mPowerModeState : 1
05-12 20:45:42.074 3841 3885 D display : setPowerMode:: FBIOBLANK mode(3), blank(-1)
05-12 20:45:42.075 10137 10137 D AODUiController: onChargingLightSensorChanged lux : 1.0 appliedBrightness = 0 currentBrightness = 1
05-12 20:45:42.075 10137 10137 D AOD_BRIGHTNESS@BrightnessManager: mCurrentBrightness : HighNit[false], NitMode[[HLPM]_2NIT_ON], isForceState[0, ForceStateReason[{}, , mAppliedBrightness[0]
05-12 20:45:42.077 10137 10137 D AOD_BRIGHTNESS@AlwaysOnDisplayEx: updateDozeBrightness: doze [2] last [[HLPM]_2NIT_ON] change to [[HLPM]_2NIT_ON]
05-12 20:45:42.077 10137 10137 I AOD_WAKELOCK@WakeLockManager: acquireIfExists: tag - AOD_DRAW, timeout - 100, reason - set Doze Brightness updateDozeBrightness, wakeLock = WakeLock{c1ae7d8 held=false, refCount=0}
05-12 20:45:42.080 4299 10048 I BiometricServiceBase: onTaskStackChangedForFingerprint: Allow background auth,
05-12 20:45:42.084 4299 10048 I chatty : uid=1000(system) biometrics.fp identical 9 lines
05-12 20:45:42.084 4299 10048 I BiometricServiceBase: onTaskStackChangedForFingerprint: Allow background auth,
05-12 20:45:42.085 3841 3885 D display : setPowerMode:: S3CFB_POWER_MODE mode(3), blank(-1)
05-12 20:45:42.085 3871 3871 D SurfaceFlinger: Finished setting power mode 3 on display 0
05-12 20:45:42.087 4299 5297 D MotionRecognitionService: [EARHOVER_MOTION] inject screen on / off : 0
05-12 20:45:42.088 4299 5297 D SensorService: [EARHOVER_LITE] : setMotionDataLocked
05-12 20:45:42.088 4299 5297 D SensorService: [EARHOVER_LITE] : INJECT_SCREEN_OFF
05-12 20:45:42.099 3871 3871 D SurfaceFlinger: Setting power mode 1 on display 0
05-12 20:45:42.099 10137 10137 D DisplayLifecycle: updateDisplay id = 0
05-12 20:45:42.100 3841 3885 E display : DOZE or Power off called twice, mPowerModeState : 3
05-12 20:45:42.100 3841 3885 D display : setPowerMode:: FBIOBLANK mode(1), blank(-1)
05-12 20:45:42.104 3841 3885 D display : setPowerMode:: S3CFB_POWER_MODE mode(1), blank(-1)
05-12 20:45:42.105 3871 3871 D SurfaceFlinger: Finished setting power mode 1 on display 0
05-12 20:45:42.107 10137 10137 D DisplayLifecycle: updateCacheVariables id = 0, display = Display id 0: DisplayInfo{"Built-in Screen, displayId 0", uniqueId "local:0", app 1080 x 2131, real 1080 x 2340, largest app 2131 x 2131, smallest app 1080 x 1017, mode 1, defaultMode 1, modes [{id=1, width=1080, height=2340, fps=60.000004}], colorMode 0, supportedColorModes [0], hdrCapabilities android.view.Display$HdrCapabilities@40f16308, rotation 0, density 420 (403.411 x 404.326) dpi, layerStack 0, appVsyncOff 1000000, presDeadline 16666666, type BUILT_IN, address {port=0}, state DOZE_SUSPEND, FLAG_SECURE, FLAG_SUPPORTS_PROTECTED_BUFFERS, removeMode 0}, DisplayMetrics{density=2.625, width=1080, height=2131, scaledDensity=2.625, xdpi=403.411, ydpi=404.326}, isValid=true, size = Point(1080, 2131), realSize = Point(1080, 2340)
05-12 20:45:42.116 4299 5297 D MotionRecognitionService: [EARHOVER_MOTION] inject screen on / off : 0
05-12 20:45:42.116 4299 5297 D SensorService: [EARHOVER_LITE] : setMotionDataLocked
05-12 20:45:42.116 4299 5297 D SensorService: [EARHOVER_LITE] : INJECT_SCREEN_OFF
05-12 20:45:42.117 4299 10048 I BiometricServiceBase: onTaskStackChangedForFingerprint: Allow background auth,
05-12 20:45:42.118 4299 10048 I chatty : uid=1000(system) biometrics.fp identical 9 lines
05-12 20:45:42.118 4299 10048 I BiometricServiceBase: onTaskStackChangedForFingerprint: Allow background auth,
05-12 20:45:42.137 10137 10137 D AOD_LIVE_CLOCK@LiveClockController: updateDisplayState: DISPLAY_STATE_DOZE
05-12 20:45:42.139 10137 10137 D DisplayLifecycle: updateDisplay id = 0
05-12 20:45:42.147 4299 11513 V WindowManager: Relayout Window{e90e744 u0 ScreenDecorOverlay}: viewVisibility=0 req=1079x151
05-12 20:45:42.147 10137 10137 D DisplayLifecycle: updateCacheVariables id = 0, display = Display id 0: DisplayInfo{"Built-in Screen, displayId 0", uniqueId "local:0", app 1080 x 2131, real 1080 x 2340, largest app 2131 x 2131, smallest app 1080 x 1017, mode 1, defaultMode 1, modes [{id=1, width=1080, height=2340, fps=60.000004}], colorMode 0, supportedColorModes [0], hdrCapabilities android.view.Display$HdrCapabilities@40f16308, rotation 0, density 420 (403.411 x 404.326) dpi, layerStack 0, appVsyncOff 1000000, presDeadline 16666666, type BUILT_IN, address {port=0}, state DOZE, FLAG_SECURE, FLAG_SUPPORTS_PROTECTED_BUFFERS, removeMode 0}, DisplayMetrics{density=2.625, width=1080, height=2131, scaledDensity=2.625, xdpi=403.411, ydpi=404.326}, isValid=true, size = Point(1080, 2131), realSize = Point(1080, 2340)
05-12 20:45:42.154 4299 11513 V WindowManager: Relayout 10137: mAttrs={(0,0)(fillxwrap) gr=TOP LEFT CENTER sim={adjust=pan} layoutInDisplayCutoutMode=always ty=NAVIGATION_BAR_PANEL fmt=TRANSLUCENT
05-12 20:45:42.154 4299 11513 V WindowManager: fl=20800128
05-12 20:45:42.154 4299 11513 V WindowManager: pfl=1100050
05-12 20:45:42.154 4299 11513 V WindowManager: vsysui=100 naviIconColor=0}
05-12 20:45:42.156 10137 10867 D ViewRootImpl@ed5b6a[ScreenDecorOverlay]: Relayout returned: old=(0,0,1080,151) new=(0,0,1080,151) req=(1079,151)0 dur=10 res=0x3 s={true 478310035456} ch=false
05-12 20:45:42.159 10137 10137 D AOD_LIVE_CLOCK@LiveClockController: updateDisplayState: DISPLAY_STATE_DOZE
05-12 20:45:42.165 4299 11692 V WindowManager: Relayout Window{9819af3 u0 ScreenDecorOverlayBottom}: viewVisibility=0 req=1079x151
05-12 20:45:42.173 10137 10137 D AODUiController: onChargingLightSensorChanged lux : 1.0 appliedBrightness = 0 currentBrightness = 1
05-12 20:45:42.173 10137 10137 D AOD_BRIGHTNESS@BrightnessManager: mCurrentBrightness : HighNit[false], NitMode[[HLPM]_2NIT_ON], isForceState[0, ForceStateReason[{}, , mAppliedBrightness[0]
05-12 20:45:42.173 10137 10137 D AOD_BRIGHTNESS@AlwaysOnDisplayEx: updateDozeBrightness: doze [2] last [[HLPM]_2NIT_ON] change to [[HLPM]_2NIT_ON]
05-12 20:45:42.174 10137 10137 I AOD_WAKELOCK@WakeLockManager: acquireIfExists: tag - AOD_DRAW, timeout - 100, reason - set Doze Brightness updateDozeBrightness, wakeLock = WakeLock{c1ae7d8 held=true, refCount=1}
05-12 20:45:42.176 4299 11692 V WindowManager: Relayout 10137: mAttrs={(0,0)(fillxwrap) gr=BOTTOM RIGHT CENTER sim={adjust=pan} layoutInDisplayCutoutMode=always ty=NAVIGATION_BAR_PANEL fmt=TRANSLUCENT
05-12 20:45:42.176 4299 11692 V WindowManager: fl=20800128
05-12 20:45:42.176 4299 11692 V WindowManager: pfl=1100050
05-12 20:45:42.176 4299 11692 V WindowManager: vsysui=100 naviIconColor=0}
05-12 20:45:42.179 10137 10867 D ViewRootImpl@2e58a0d[ScreenDecorOverlayBottom]: Relayout returned: old=(0,2189,1080,2340) new=(0,2189,1080,2340) req=(1079,151)0 dur=14 res=0x3 s={true 478310068224} ch=false
05-12 20:45:42.274 10137 10137 D AODUiController: onChargingLightSensorChanged lux : 1.0 appliedBrightness = 0 currentBrightness = 1
05-12 20:45:42.274 10137 10137 D AOD_BRIGHTNESS@BrightnessManager: mCurrentBrightness : HighNit[false], NitMode[[HLPM]_2NIT_ON], isForceState[0, ForceStateReason[{}, , mAppliedBrightness[0]
05-12 20:45:42.274 10137 10137 D AOD_BRIGHTNESS@AlwaysOnDisplayEx: updateDozeBrightness: doze [2] last [[HLPM]_2NIT_ON] change to [[HLPM]_2NIT_ON]
05-12 20:45:42.274 10137 10137 I AOD_WAKELOCK@WakeLockManager: acquireIfExists: tag - AOD_DRAW, timeout - 100, reason - set Doze Brightness updateDozeBrightness, wakeLock = WakeLock{c1ae7d8 held=true, refCount=1}
05-12 20:45:42.374 10137 10137 D AODUiController: onChargingLightSensorChanged lux : 1.0 appliedBrightness = 0 currentBrightness = 1
05-12 20:45:42.374 10137 10137 D AOD_BRIGHTNESS@BrightnessManager: mCurrentBrightness : HighNit[false], NitMode[[HLPM]_2NIT_ON], isForceState[0, ForceStateReason[{}, , mAppliedBrightness[0]
05-12 20:45:42.374 10137 10137 D AOD_BRIGHTNESS@AlwaysOnDisplayEx: updateDozeBrightness: doze [2] last [[HLPM]_2NIT_ON] change to [[HLPM]_2NIT_ON]
05-12 20:45:42.374 10137 10137 I AOD_WAKELOCK@WakeLockManager: acquireIfExists: tag - AOD_DRAW, timeout - 100, reason - set Doze Brightness updateDozeBrightness, wakeLock = WakeLock{c1ae7d8 held=true, refCount=1}
05-12 20:45:42.475 10137 10137 D AODUiController: onChargingLightSensorChanged lux : 1.0 appliedBrightness = 0 currentBrightness = 1
05-12 20:45:42.475 10137 10137 D AOD_BRIGHTNESS@BrightnessManager: mCurrentBrightness : HighNit[false], NitMode[[HLPM]_2NIT_ON], isForceState[0, ForceStateReason[{}, , mAppliedBrightness[0]
05-12 20:45:42.476 10137 10137 D AOD_BRIGHTNESS@AlwaysOnDisplayEx: updateDozeBrightness: doze [2] last [[HLPM]_2NIT_ON] change to [[HLPM]_2NIT_ON]
05-12 20:45:42.476 10137 10137 I AOD_WAKELOCK@WakeLockManager: acquireIfExists: tag - AOD_DRAW, timeout - 100, reason - set Doze Brightness updateDozeBrightness, wakeLock = WakeLock{c1ae7d8 held=true, refCount=1}
05-12 20:45:42.587 3871 3871 D SurfaceFlinger: Setting power mode 3 on display 0
05-12 20:45:42.588 10137 10137 D AODUiController: onChargingLightSensorChanged lux : 1.0 appliedBrightness = 0 currentBrightness = 1
05-12 20:45:42.588 3841 3885 E display : DOZE or Power off called twice, mPowerModeState : 1
05-12 20:45:42.588 3841 3885 D display : setPowerMode:: FBIOBLANK mode(3), blank(-1)
05-12 20:45:42.588 10137 10137 D AOD_BRIGHTNESS@BrightnessManager: mCurrentBrightness : HighNit[false], NitMode[[HLPM]_2NIT_ON], isForceState[0, ForceStateReason[{}, , mAppliedBrightness[0]
05-12 20:45:42.591 10137 10137 D AOD_BRIGHTNESS@AlwaysOnDisplayEx: updateDozeBrightness: doze [2] last [[HLPM]_2NIT_ON] change to [[HLPM]_2NIT_ON]
05-12 20:45:42.591 10137 10137 I AOD_WAKELOCK@WakeLockManager: acquireIfExists: tag - AOD_DRAW, timeout - 100, reason - set Doze Brightness updateDozeBrightness, wakeLock = WakeLock{c1ae7d8 held=false, refCount=0}
05-12 20:45:42.595 3841 3885 D display : setPowerMode:: S3CFB_POWER_MODE mode(3), blank(-1)
05-12 20:45:42.598 4299 5297 D MotionRecognitionService: [EARHOVER_MOTION] inject screen on / off : 0
05-12 20:45:42.599 4299 5297 D SensorService: [EARHOVER_LITE] : setMotionDataLocked
05-12 20:45:42.599 4299 5297 D SensorService: [EARHOVER_LITE] : INJECT_SCREEN_OFF
05-12 20:45:42.600 3871 3871 D SurfaceFlinger: Finished setting power mode 3 on display 0
05-12 20:45:42.607 4299 10048 I BiometricServiceBase: onTaskStackChangedForFingerprint: Allow background auth,
05-12 20:45:42.608 4299 10048 I chatty : uid=1000(system) biometrics.fp identical 9 lines
05-12 20:45:42.608 4299 10048 I BiometricServiceBase: onTaskStackChangedForFingerprint: Allow background auth,
05-12 20:45:42.632 4299 12331 V WindowManager: Relayout Window{e90e744 u0 ScreenDecorOverlay}: viewVisibility=0 req=1079x151
05-12 20:45:42.638 3951 10369 I GNSS_MEMS: TGT_MEMS SCSCMemsReportSensorDrops: dropped 0 events (spam) 1 events (rate limit) out of 70 total for sensor 0 since last report
05-12 20:45:42.640 4299 12331 V WindowManager: Relayout 10137: mAttrs={(0,0)(fillxwrap) gr=TOP LEFT CENTER sim={adjust=pan} layoutInDisplayCutoutMode=always ty=NAVIGATION_BAR_PANEL fmt=TRANSLUCENT
05-12 20:45:42.640 4299 12331 V WindowManager: fl=20800128
05-12 20:45:42.640 4299 12331 V WindowManager: pfl=1100050
05-12 20:45:42.640 4299 12331 V WindowManager: vsysui=100 naviIconColor=0}
05-12 20:45:42.643 10137 10867 D ViewRootImpl@ed5b6a[ScreenDecorOverlay]: Relayout returned: old=(0,0,1080,151) new=(0,0,1080,151) req=(1079,151)0 dur=12 res=0x3 s={true 478310035456} ch=false
05-12 20:45:42.647 3871 3871 D SurfaceFlinger: Setting power mode 1 on display 0
05-12 20:45:42.647 3841 3885 E display : DOZE or Power off called twice, mPowerModeState : 3
05-12 20:45:42.647 3841 3885 D display : setPowerMode:: FBIOBLANK mode(1), blank(-1)
05-12 20:45:42.652 3841 3885 D display : setPowerMode:: S3CFB_POWER_MODE mode(1), blank(-1)
05-12 20:45:42.652 3871 3871 D SurfaceFlinger: Finished setting power mode 1 on display 0
05-12 20:45:42.653 10137 10137 D DisplayLifecycle: updateDisplay id = 0
05-12 20:45:42.653 4299 5297 D MotionRecognitionService: [EARHOVER_MOTION] inject screen on / off : 0
05-12 20:45:42.654 4299 5297 D SensorService: [EARHOVER_LITE] : setMotionDataLocked
05-12 20:45:42.654 4299 5297 D SensorService: [EARHOVER_LITE] : INJECT_SCREEN_OFF
05-12 20:45:42.656 4299 10048 I BiometricServiceBase: onTaskStackChangedForFingerprint: Allow background auth,
05-12 20:45:42.657 4299 10048 I chatty : uid=1000(system) biometrics.fp identical 9 lines
05-12 20:45:42.657 4299 10048 I BiometricServiceBase: onTaskStackChangedForFingerprint: Allow background auth,
05-12 20:45:42.669 10137 10137 D DisplayLifecycle: updateCacheVariables id = 0, display = Display id 0: DisplayInfo{"Built-in Screen, displayId 0", uniqueId "local:0", app 1080 x 2131, real 1080 x 2340, largest app 2131 x 2131, smallest app 1080 x 1017, mode 1, defaultMode 1, modes [{id=1, width=1080, height=2340, fps=60.000004}], colorMode 0, supportedColorModes [0], hdrCapabilities android.view.Display$HdrCapabilities@40f16308, rotation 0, density 420 (403.411 x 404.326) dpi, layerStack 0, appVsyncOff 1000000, presDeadline 16666666, type BUILT_IN, address {port=0}, state DOZE, FLAG_SECURE, FLAG_SUPPORTS_PROTECTED_BUFFERS, removeMode 0}, DisplayMetrics{density=2.625, width=1080, height=2131, scaledDensity=2.625, xdpi=403.411, ydpi=404.326}, isValid=true, size = Point(1080, 2131), realSize = Point(1080, 2340)
05-12 20:45:42.669 4299 10246 V WindowManager: Relayout Window{9819af3 u0 ScreenDecorOverlayBottom}: viewVisibility=0 req=1079x151
05-12 20:45:42.677 4299 10246 V WindowManager: Relayout 10137: mAttrs={(0,0)(fillxwrap) gr=BOTTOM RIGHT CENTER sim={adjust=pan} layoutInDisplayCutoutMode=always ty=NAVIGATION_BAR_PANEL fmt=TRANSLUCENT
05-12 20:45:42.677 4299 10246 V WindowManager: fl=20800128
05-12 20:45:42.677 4299 10246 V WindowManager: pfl=1100050
05-12 20:45:42.677 4299 10246 V WindowManager: vsysui=100 naviIconColor=0}
05-12 20:45:42.679 10137 10867 D ViewRootImpl@2e58a0d[ScreenDecorOverlayBottom]: Relayout returned: old=(0,2189,1080,2340) new=(0,2189,1080,2340) req=(1079,151)0 dur=15 res=0x3 s={true 478310068224} ch=false
05-12 20:45:42.685 10137 10137 D AODUiController: onChargingLightSensorChanged lux : 1.0 appliedBrightness = 0 currentBrightness = 1
05-12 20:45:42.685 10137 10137 D AOD_BRIGHTNESS@BrightnessManager: mCurrentBrightness : HighNit[false], NitMode[[HLPM]_2NIT_ON], isForceState[0, ForceStateReason[{}, , mAppliedBrightness[0]
05-12 20:45:42.685 10137 10137 D AOD_BRIGHTNESS@AlwaysOnDisplayEx: updateDozeBrightness: doze [2] last [[HLPM]_2NIT_ON] change to [[HLPM]_2NIT_ON]
05-12 20:45:42.685 10137 10137 I AOD_WAKELOCK@WakeLockManager: acquireIfExists: tag - AOD_DRAW, timeout - 100, reason - set Doze Brightness updateDozeBrightness, wakeLock = WakeLock{c1ae7d8 held=true, refCount=1}
05-12 20:45:42.689 10137 10137 D AOD_LIVE_CLOCK@LiveClockController: updateDisplayState: DISPLAY_STATE_DOZE
05-12 20:45:42.690 10137 10137 D DisplayLifecycle: updateDisplay id = 0
05-12 20:45:42.696 10137 10137 D DisplayLifecycle: updateCacheVariables id = 0, display = Display id 0: DisplayInfo{"Built-in Screen, displayId 0", uniqueId "local:0", app 1080 x 2131, real 1080 x 2340, largest app 2131 x 2131, smallest app 1080 x 1017, mode 1, defaultMode 1, modes [{id=1, width=1080, height=2340, fps=60.000004}], colorMode 0, supportedColorModes [0], hdrCapabilities android.view.Display$HdrCapabilities@40f16308, rotation 0, density 420 (403.411 x 404.326) dpi, layerStack 0, appVsyncOff 1000000, presDeadline 16666666, type BUILT_IN, address {port=0}, state DOZE, FLAG_SECURE, FLAG_SUPPORTS_PROTECTED_BUFFERS, removeMode 0}, DisplayMetrics{density=2.625, width=1080, height=2131, scaledDensity=2.625, xdpi=403.411, ydpi=404.326}, isValid=true, size = Point(1080, 2131), realSize = Point(1080, 2340)
05-12 20:45:42.708 10137 10137 D AOD_LIVE_CLOCK@LiveClockController: updateDisplayState: DISPLAY_STATE_DOZE
05-12 20:45:42.708 4299 12331 V WindowManager: Relayout Window{e90e744 u0 ScreenDecorOverlay}: viewVisibility=0 req=1079x151
05-12 20:45:42.714 4299 12331 V WindowManager: Relayout 10137: mAttrs={(0,0)(fillxwrap) gr=TOP LEFT CENTER sim={adjust=pan} layoutInDisplayCutoutMode=always ty=NAVIGATION_BAR_PANEL fmt=TRANSLUCENT
05-12 20:45:42.714 4299 12331 V WindowManager: fl=20800128
05-12 20:45:42.714 4299 12331 V WindowManager: pfl=1100050
05-12 20:45:42.714 4299 12331 V WindowManager: vsysui=100 naviIconColor=0}
05-12 20:45:42.716 10137 10867 D ViewRootImpl@ed5b6a[ScreenDecorOverlay]: Relayout returned: old=(0,0,1080,151) new=(0,0,1080,151) req=(1079,151)0 dur=12 res=0x3 s={true 478310035456} ch=false
05-12 20:45:42.723 4299 12331 V WindowManager: Relayout Window{9819af3 u0 ScreenDecorOverlayBottom}: viewVisibility=0 req=1079x151
05-12 20:45:42.730 4299 12331 V WindowManager: Relayout 10137: mAttrs={(0,0)(fillxwrap) gr=BOTTOM RIGHT CENTER sim={adjust=pan} layoutInDisplayCutoutMode=always ty=NAVIGATION_BAR_PANEL fmt=TRANSLUCENT
05-12 20:45:42.730 4299 12331 V WindowManager: fl=20800128
05-12 20:45:42.730 4299 12331 V WindowManager: pfl=1100050
05-12 20:45:42.730 4299 12331 V WindowManager: vsysui=100 naviIconColor=0}
05-12 20:45:42.732 10137 10867 D ViewRootImpl@2e58a0d[ScreenDecorOverlayBottom]: Relayout returned: old=(0,2189,1080,2340) new=(0,2189,1080,2340) req=(1079,151)0 dur=10 res=0x3 s={true 478310068224} ch=false
05-12 20:45:42.794 4299 5297 D MotionRecognitionService: [EARHOVER_MOTION] inject screen on / off : 0
05-12 20:45:42.794 4299 5297 D SensorService: [EARHOVER_LITE] : setMotionDataLocked
05-12 20:45:42.794 4299 5297 D SensorService: [EARHOVER_LITE] : INJECT_SCREEN_OFF
05-12 20:45:42.797 10137 10137 D AODUiController: onChargingLightSensorChanged lux : 1.0 appliedBrightness = 0 currentBrightness = 1
05-12 20:45:42.797 10137 10137 D AOD_BRIGHTNESS@BrightnessManager: mCurrentBrightness : HighNit[false], NitMode[[HLPM]_2NIT_ON], isForceState[0, ForceStateReason[{}, , mAppliedBrightness[0]
05-12 20:45:42.798 3871 3871 D SurfaceFlinger: Setting power mode 3 on display 0
05-12 20:45:42.798 10137 10137 D AOD_BRIGHTNESS@AlwaysOnDisplayEx: updateDozeBrightness: doze [2] last [[HLPM]_2NIT_ON] change to [[HLPM]_2NIT_ON]
05-12 20:45:42.798 10137 10137 I AOD_WAKELOCK@WakeLockManager: acquireIfExists: tag - AOD_DRAW, timeout - 100, reason - set Doze Brightness updateDozeBrightness, wakeLock = WakeLock{c1ae7d8 held=false, refCount=0}
05-12 20:45:42.798 3841 9377 E display : DOZE or Power off called twice, mPowerModeState : 1
05-12 20:45:42.798 3841 9377 D display : setPowerMode:: FBIOBLANK mode(3), blank(-1)
05-12 20:45:42.800 4299 10048 I BiometricServiceBase: onTaskStackChangedForFingerprint: Allow background auth,
05-12 20:45:42.800 4299 10048 I chatty : uid=1000(system) biometrics.fp identical 9 lines
05-12 20:45:42.800 4299 10048 I BiometricServiceBase: onTaskStackChangedForFingerprint: Allow background auth,
05-12 20:45:42.810 10137 10137 D DisplayLifecycle: updateDisplay id = 0
05-12 20:45:42.813 10137 10137 D DisplayLifecycle: updateCacheVariables id = 0, display = Display id 0: DisplayInfo{"Built-in Screen, displayId 0", uniqueId "local:0", app 1080 x 2131, real 1080 x 2340, largest app 2131 x 2131, smallest app 1080 x 1017, mode 1, defaultMode 1, modes [{id=1, width=1080, height=2340, fps=60.000004}], colorMode 0, supportedColorModes [0], hdrCapabilities android.view.Display$HdrCapabilities@40f16308, rotation 0, density 420 (403.411 x 404.326) dpi, layerStack 0, appVsyncOff 1000000, presDeadline 16666666, type BUILT_IN, address {port=0}, state DOZE_SUSPEND, FLAG_SECURE, FLAG_SUPPORTS_PROTECTED_BUFFERS, removeMode 0}, DisplayMetrics{density=2.625, width=1080, height=2131, scaledDensity=2.625, xdpi=403.411, ydpi=404.326}, isValid=true, size = Point(1080, 2131), realSize = Point(1080, 2340)
05-12 20:45:42.816 3841 9377 D display : setPowerMode:: S3CFB_POWER_MODE mode(3), blank(-1)
05-12 20:45:42.816 3871 3871 D SurfaceFlinger: Finished setting power mode 3 on display 0
05-12 20:45:42.821 3871 3871 D SurfaceFlinger: Setting power mode 1 on display 0
05-12 20:45:42.821 3841 9377 E display : DOZE or Power off called twice, mPowerModeState : 3
05-12 20:45:42.821 3841 9377 D display : setPowerMode:: FBIOBLANK mode(1), blank(-1)
05-12 20:45:42.826 3841 9377 D display : setPowerMode:: S3CFB_POWER_MODE mode(1), blank(-1)
05-12 20:45:42.827 3871 3871 D SurfaceFlinger: Finished setting power mode 1 on display 0
05-12 20:45:42.829 10137 10137 D AOD_LIVE_CLOCK@LiveClockController: updateDisplayState: DISPLAY_STATE_DOZE_SUSPEND
05-12 20:45:42.833 4299 12326 V WindowManager: Relayout Window{e90e744 u0 ScreenDecorOverlay}: viewVisibility=0 req=1079x151
05-12 20:45:42.835 4299 5297 D MotionRecognitionService: [EARHOVER_MOTION] inject screen on / off : 0
05-12 20:45:42.835 4299 5297 D SensorService: [EARHOVER_LITE] : setMotionDataLocked
05-12 20:45:42.835 4299 5297 D SensorService: [EARHOVER_LITE] : INJECT_SCREEN_OFF
05-12 20:45:42.841 10137 10137 D DisplayLifecycle: updateDisplay id = 0
05-12 20:45:42.843 4299 10048 I BiometricServiceBase: onTaskStackChangedForFingerprint: Allow background auth,
05-12 20:45:42.844 4299 10048 I chatty : uid=1000(system) biometrics.fp identical 9 lines
05-12 20:45:42.844 4299 10048 I BiometricServiceBase: onTaskStackChangedForFingerprint: Allow background auth,
05-12 20:45:42.845 4299 12326 V WindowManager: Relayout 10137: mAttrs={(0,0)(fillxwrap) gr=TOP LEFT CENTER sim={adjust=pan} layoutInDisplayCutoutMode=always ty=NAVIGATION_BAR_PANEL fmt=TRANSLUCENT
05-12 20:45:42.845 4299 12326 V WindowManager: fl=20800128
05-12 20:45:42.845 4299 12326 V WindowManager: pfl=1100050
05-12 20:45:42.845 4299 12326 V WindowManager: vsysui=100 naviIconColor=0}
05-12 20:45:42.847 10137 10867 D ViewRootImpl@ed5b6a[ScreenDecorOverlay]: Relayout returned: old=(0,0,1080,151) new=(0,0,1080,151) req=(1079,151)0 dur=15 res=0x3 s={true 478310035456} ch=false
05-12 20:45:42.849 10137 10137 D DisplayLifecycle: updateCacheVariables id = 0, display = Display id 0: DisplayInfo{"Built-in Screen, displayId 0", uniqueId "local:0", app 1080 x 2131, real 1080 x 2340, largest app 2131 x 2131, smallest app 1080 x 1017, mode 1, defaultMode 1, modes [{id=1, width=1080, height=2340, fps=60.000004}], colorMode 0, supportedColorModes [0], hdrCapabilities android.view.Display$HdrCapabilities@40f16308, rotation 0, density 420 (403.411 x 404.326) dpi, layerStack 0, appVsyncOff 1000000, presDeadline 16666666, type BUILT_IN, address {port=0}, state DOZE, FLAG_SECURE, FLAG_SUPPORTS_PROTECTED_BUFFERS, removeMode 0}, DisplayMetrics{density=2.625, width=1080, height=2131, scaledDensity=2.625, xdpi=403.411, ydpi=404.326}, isValid=true, size = Point(1080, 2131), realSize = Point(1080, 2340)
05-12 20:45:42.860 4299 4320 V WindowManager: Relayout Window{9819af3 u0 ScreenDecorOverlayBottom}: viewVisibility=0 req=1079x151
05-12 20:45:42.863 10137 10137 D AOD_LIVE_CLOCK@LiveClockController: updateDisplayState: DISPLAY_STATE_DOZE
05-12 20:45:42.867 4299 4320 V WindowManager: Relayout 10137: mAttrs={(0,0)(fillxwrap) gr=BOTTOM RIGHT CENTER sim={adjust=pan} layoutInDisplayCutoutMode=always ty=NAVIGATION_BAR_PANEL fmt=TRANSLUCENT
05-12 20:45:42.867 4299 4320 V WindowManager: fl=20800128
05-12 20:45:42.867 4299 4320 V WindowManager: pfl=1100050
05-12 20:45:42.867 4299 4320 V WindowManager: vsysui=100 naviIconColor=0}
05-12 20:45:42.869 10137 10867 D ViewRootImpl@2e58a0d[ScreenDecorOverlayBottom]: Relayout returned: old=(0,2189,1080,2340) new=(0,2189,1080,2340) req=(1079,151)0 dur=9 res=0x3 s={true 478310068224} ch=false
05-12 20:45:42.889 10137 10137 D AODUiController: onChargingLightSensorChanged lux : 1.0 appliedBrightness = 0 currentBrightness = 1
05-12 20:45:42.889 10137 10137 D AOD_BRIGHTNESS@BrightnessManager: mCurrentBrightness : HighNit[false], NitMode[[HLPM]_2NIT_ON], isForceState[0, ForceStateReason[{}, , mAppliedBrightness[0]
05-12 20:45:42.889 10137 10137 D AOD_BRIGHTNESS@AlwaysOnDisplayEx: updateDozeBrightness: doze [2] last [[HLPM]_2NIT_ON] change to [[HLPM]_2NIT_ON]
05-12 20:45:42.889 10137 10137 I AOD_WAKELOCK@WakeLockManager: acquireIfExists: tag - AOD_DRAW, timeout - 100, reason - set Doze Brightness updateDozeBrightness, wakeLock = WakeLock{c1ae7d8 held=true, refCount=1}
05-12 20:45:42.905 4299 4320 V WindowManager: Relayout Window{e90e744 u0 ScreenDecorOverlay}: viewVisibility=0 req=1079x151
05-12 20:45:42.912 4299 4320 V WindowManager: Relayout 10137: mAttrs={(0,0)(fillxwrap) gr=TOP LEFT CENTER sim={adjust=pan} layoutInDisplayCutoutMode=always ty=NAVIGATION_BAR_PANEL fmt=TRANSLUCENT
05-12 20:45:42.912 4299 4320 V WindowManager: fl=20800128
05-12 20:45:42.912 4299 4320 V WindowManager: pfl=1100050
05-12 20:45:42.912 4299 4320 V WindowManager: vsysui=100 naviIconColor=0}
05-12 20:45:42.914 10137 10867 D ViewRootImpl@ed5b6a[ScreenDecorOverlay]: Relayout returned: old=(0,0,1080,151) new=(0,0,1080,151) req=(1079,151)0 dur=10 res=0x3 s={true 478310035456} ch=false
05-12 20:45:42.921 4299 4320 V WindowManager: Relayout Window{9819af3 u0 ScreenDecorOverlayBottom}: viewVisibility=0 req=1079x151
05-12 20:45:42.927 4299 4320 V WindowManager: Relayout 10137: mAttrs={(0,0)(fillxwrap) gr=BOTTOM RIGHT CENTER sim={adjust=pan} layoutInDisplayCutoutMode=always ty=NAVIGATION_BAR_PANEL fmt=TRANSLUCENT
05-12 20:45:42.927 4299 4320 V WindowManager: fl=20800128
05-12 20:45:42.927 4299 4320 V WindowManager: pfl=1100050
05-12 20:45:42.927 4299 4320 V WindowManager: vsysui=100 naviIconColor=0}
05-12 20:45:42.929 10137 10867 D ViewRootImpl@2e58a0d[ScreenDecorOverlayBottom]: Relayout returned: old=(0,2189,1080,2340) new=(0,2189,1080,2340) req=(1079,151)0 dur=9 res=0x3 s={true 478310068224} ch=false
05-12 20:45:42.995 10137 10137 D AODUiController: onChargingLightSensorChanged lux : 1.0 appliedBrightness = 0 currentBrightness = 1
05-12 20:45:42.995 10137 10137 D AOD_BRIGHTNESS@BrightnessManager: mCurrentBrightness : HighNit[false], NitMode[[HLPM]_2NIT_ON], isForceState[0, ForceStateReason[{}, , mAppliedBrightness[0]
05-12 20:45:42.995 10137 10137 D AOD_BRIGHTNESS@AlwaysOnDisplayEx: updateDozeBrightness: doze [2] last [[HLPM]_2NIT_ON] change to [[HLPM]_2NIT_ON]
05-12 20:45:42.995 10137 10137 I AOD_WAKELOCK@WakeLockManager: acquireIfExists: tag - AOD_DRAW, timeout - 100, reason - set Doze Brightness updateDozeBrightness, wakeLock = WakeLock{c1ae7d8 held=false, refCount=0}
05-12 20:45:43.000 4299 5297 D MotionRecognitionService: [EARHOVER_MOTION] inject screen on / off : 0
05-12 20:45:43.001 4299 5297 D SensorService: [EARHOVER_LITE] : setMotionDataLocked
05-12 20:45:43.001 4299 5297 D SensorService: [EARHOVER_LITE] : INJECT_SCREEN_OFF
05-12 20:45:43.002 4299 10048 I BiometricServiceBase: onTaskStackChangedForFingerprint: Allow background auth,
05-12 20:45:43.003 4299 10048 I chatty : uid=1000(system) biometrics.fp identical 9 lines
05-12 20:45:43.003 4299 10048 I BiometricServiceBase: onTaskStackChangedForFingerprint: Allow background auth,
05-12 20:45:43.005 3871 3871 D SurfaceFlinger: Setting power mode 3 on display 0
05-12 20:45:43.006 3841 9377 E display : DOZE or Power off called twice, mPowerModeState : 1
05-12 20:45:43.006 3841 9377 D display : setPowerMode:: FBIOBLANK mode(3), blank(-1)
05-12 20:45:43.016 3841 9377 D display : setPowerMode:: S3CFB_POWER_MODE mode(3), blank(-1)
05-12 20:45:43.017 3871 3871 D SurfaceFlinger: Finished setting power mode 3 on display 0
05-12 20:45:43.019 3970 10055 D bauth_FPBAuthService: pcf : 0x1012, 0 ,1 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,0,
05-12 20:45:43.019 3970 10055 D bauth_FPBAuthService: thread id : 1, preenroll_flag : 0, nd cnt : 0, cso : 0, et : 0
05-12 20:45:43.019 3970 10055 D bauth_FPBAuthService: FPBAuthService, 10983
05-12 20:45:43.020 3871 3871 D SurfaceFlinger: Setting power mode 1 on display 0
05-12 20:45:43.020 3841 9377 E display : DOZE or Power off called twice, mPowerModeState : 3
05-12 20:45:43.020 3841 9377 D display : setPowerMode:: FBIOBLANK mode(1), blank(-1)
05-12 20:45:43.025 3841 9377 D display : setPowerMode:: S3CFB_POWER_MODE mode(1), blank(-1)
05-12 20:45:43.025 3871 3871 D SurfaceFlinger: Finished setting power mode 1 on display 0
05-12 20:45:43.025 4299 5297 D MotionRecognitionService: [EARHOVER_MOTION] inject screen on / off : 0
05-12 20:45:43.025 4299 5297 D SensorService: [EARHOVER_LITE] : setMotionDataLocked
05-12 20:45:43.026 4299 5297 D SensorService: [EARHOVER_LITE] : INJECT_SCREEN_OFF
05-12 20:45:43.026 10137 10137 D DisplayLifecycle: updateDisplay id = 0
05-12 20:45:43.027 4299 10048 I BiometricServiceBase: onTaskStackChangedForFingerprint: Allow background auth,
05-12 20:45:43.028 4299 10048 I chatty : uid=1000(system) biometrics.fp identical 9 lines
05-12 20:45:43.028 4299 10048 I BiometricServiceBase: onTaskStackChangedForFingerprint: Allow background auth,
05-12 20:45:43.043 10137 10137 D DisplayLifecycle: updateCacheVariables id = 0, display = Display id 0: DisplayInfo{"Built-in Screen, displayId 0", uniqueId "local:0", app 1080 x 2131, real 1080 x 2340, largest app 2131 x 2131, smallest app 1080 x 1017, mode 1, defaultMode 1, modes [{id=1, width=1080, height=2340, fps=60.000004}], colorMode 0, supportedColorModes [0], hdrCapabilities android.view.Display$HdrCapabilities@40f16308, rotation 0, density 420 (403.411 x 404.326) dpi, layerStack 0, appVsyncOff 1000000, presDeadline 16666666, type BUILT_IN, address {port=0}, state DOZE, FLAG_SECURE, FLAG_SUPPORTS_PROTECTED_BUFFERS, removeMode 0}, DisplayMetrics{density=2.625, width=1080, height=2131, scaledDensity=2.625, xdpi=403.411, ydpi=404.326}, isValid=true, size = Point(1080, 2131), realSize = Point(1080, 2340)
05-12 20:45:43.045 4299 11689 V WindowManager: Relayout Window{e90e744 u0 ScreenDecorOverlay}: viewVisibility=0 req=1079x151
05-12 20:45:43.052 4299 11689 V WindowManager: Relayout 10137: mAttrs={(0,0)(fillxwrap) gr=TOP LEFT CENTER sim={adjust=pan} layoutInDisplayCutoutMode=always ty=NAVIGATION_BAR_PANEL fmt=TRANSLUCENT
05-12 20:45:43.052 4299 11689 V WindowManager: fl=20800128
05-12 20:45:43.052 4299 11689 V WindowManager: pfl=1100050
05-12 20:45:43.052 4299 11689 V WindowManager: vsysui=100 naviIconColor=0}
05-12 20:45:43.053 10137 10137 D AOD_LIVE_CLOCK@LiveClockController: updateDisplayState: DISPLAY_STATE_DOZE
05-12 20:45:43.053 10137 10867 D ViewRootImpl@ed5b6a[ScreenDecorOverlay]: Relayout returned: old=(0,0,1080,151) new=(0,0,1080,151) req=(1079,151)0 dur=15 res=0x3 s={true 478310035456} ch=false
05-12 20:45:43.054 10137 10137 D DisplayLifecycle: updateDisplay id = 0
05-12 20:45:43.059 10137 10137 D DisplayLifecycle: updateCacheVariables id = 0, display = Display id 0: DisplayInfo{"Built-in Screen, displayId 0", uniqueId "local:0", app 1080 x 2131, real 1080 x 2340, largest app 2131 x 2131, smallest app 1080 x 1017, mode 1, defaultMode 1, modes [{id=1, width=1080, height=2340, fps=60.000004}], colorMode 0, supportedColorModes [0], hdrCapabilities android.view.Display$HdrCapabilities@40f16308, rotation 0, density 420 (403.411 x 404.326) dpi, layerStack 0, appVsyncOff 1000000, presDeadline 16666666, type BUILT_IN, address {port=0}, state DOZE, FLAG_SECURE, FLAG_SUPPORTS_PROTECTED_BUFFERS, removeMode 0}, DisplayMetrics{density=2.625, width=1080, height=2131, scaledDensity=2.625, xdpi=403.411, ydpi=404.326}, isValid=true, size = Point(1080, 2131), realSize = Point(1080, 2340)
05-12 20:45:43.061 4299 11692 V WindowManager: Relayout Window{9819af3 u0 ScreenDecorOverlayBottom}: viewVisibility=0 req=1079x151
05-12 20:45:43.068 10137 10137 D AOD_LIVE_CLOCK@LiveClockController: updateDisplayState: DISPLAY_STATE_DOZE
05-12 20:45:43.068 4299 11692 V WindowManager: Relayout 10137: mAttrs={(0,0)(fillxwrap) gr=BOTTOM RIGHT CENTER sim={adjust=pan} layoutInDisplayCutoutMode=always ty=NAVIGATION_BAR_PANEL fmt=TRANSLUCENT
05-12 20:45:43.068 4299 11692 V WindowManager: fl=20800128
05-12 20:45:43.068 4299 11692 V WindowManager: pfl=1100050
05-12 20:45:43.068 4299 11692 V WindowManager: vsysui=100 naviIconColor=0}
05-12 20:45:43.070 10137 10867 D ViewRootImpl@2e58a0d[ScreenDecorOverlayBottom]: Relayout returned: old=(0,2189,1080,2340) new=(0,2189,1080,2340) req=(1079,151)0 dur=9 res=0x3 s={true 478310068224} ch=false
05-12 20:45:43.094 10137 10137 D AODUiController: onChargingLightSensorChanged lux : 1.0 appliedBrightness = 0 currentBrightness = 1
05-12 20:45:43.094 10137 10137 D AOD_BRIGHTNESS@BrightnessManager: mCurrentBrightness : HighNit[false], NitMode[[HLPM]_2NIT_ON], isForceState[0, ForceStateReason[{}, , mAppliedBrightness[0]
05-12 20:45:43.094 10137 10137 D AOD_BRIGHTNESS@AlwaysOnDisplayEx: updateDozeBrightness: doze [2] last [[HLPM]_2NIT_ON] change to [[HLPM]_2NIT_ON]
05-12 20:45:43.094 10137 10137 I AOD_WAKELOCK@WakeLockManager: acquireIfExists: tag - AOD_DRAW, timeout - 100, reason - set Doze Brightness updateDozeBrightness, wakeLock = WakeLock{c1ae7d8 held=true, refCount=1}
05-12 20:45:43.105 4299 11692 V WindowManager: Relayout Window{e90e744 u0 ScreenDecorOverlay}: viewVisibility=0 req=1079x151
05-12 20:45:43.112 4299 11692 V WindowManager: Relayout 10137: mAttrs={(0,0)(fillxwrap) gr=TOP LEFT CENTER sim={adjust=pan} layoutInDisplayCutoutMode=always ty=NAVIGATION_BAR_PANEL fmt=TRANSLUCENT
05-12 20:45:43.112 4299 11692 V WindowManager: fl=20800128
05-12 20:45:43.112 4299 11692 V WindowManager: pfl=1100050
05-12 20:45:43.112 4299 11692 V WindowManager: vsysui=100 naviIconColor=0}
05-12 20:45:43.114 10137 10867 D ViewRootImpl@ed5b6a[ScreenDecorOverlay]: Relayout returned: old=(0,0,1080,151) new=(0,0,1080,151) req=(1079,151)0 dur=9 res=0x3 s={true 478310035456} ch=false
05-12 20:45:43.120 4299 11692 V WindowManager: Relayout Window{9819af3 u0 ScreenDecorOverlayBottom}: viewVisibility=0 req=1079x151
05-12 20:45:43.128 4299 11692 V WindowManager: Relayout 10137: mAttrs={(0,0)(fillxwrap) gr=BOTTOM RIGHT CENTER sim={adjust=pan} layoutInDisplayCutoutMode=always ty=NAVIGATION_BAR_PANEL fmt=TRANSLUCENT
05-12 20:45:43.128 4299 11692 V WindowManager: fl=20800128
05-12 20:45:43.128 4299 11692 V WindowManager: pfl=1100050
05-12 20:45:43.128 4299 11692 V WindowManager: vsysui=100 naviIconColor=0}
05-12 20:45:43.129 10137 10867 D ViewRootImpl@2e58a0d[ScreenDecorOverlayBottom]: Relayout returned: old=(0,2189,1080,2340) new=(0,2189,1080,2340) req=(1079,151)0 dur=9 res=0x3 s={true 478310068224} ch=false
05-12 20:45:43.194 10137 10137 D AODUiController: onChargingLightSensorChanged lux : 2.0 appliedBrightness = 0 currentBrightness = 1
05-12 20:45:43.194 10137 10137 D AOD_BRIGHTNESS@BrightnessManager: mCurrentBrightness : HighNit[false], NitMode[[HLPM]_2NIT_ON], isForceState[0, ForceStateReason[{}, , mAppliedBrightness[0]
05-12 20:45:43.194 10137 10137 D AOD_BRIGHTNESS@AlwaysOnDisplayEx: updateDozeBrightness: doze [2] last [[HLPM]_2NIT_ON] change to [[HLPM]_2NIT_ON]
05-12 20:45:43.194 10137 10137 I AOD_WAKELOCK@WakeLockManager: acquireIfExists: tag - AOD_DRAW, timeout - 100, reason - set Doze Brightness updateDozeBrightness, wakeLock = WakeLock{c1ae7d8 held=true, refCount=1}
05-12 20:45:43.308 10137 10137 D AODUiController: onChargingLightSensorChanged lux : 2.0 appliedBrightness = 0 currentBrightness = 1
05-12 20:45:43.309 10137 10137 D AOD_BRIGHTNESS@BrightnessManager: mCurrentBrightness : HighNit[false], NitMode[[HLPM]_2NIT_ON], isForceState[0, ForceStateReason[{}, , mAppliedBrightness[0]
05-12 20:45:43.309 10137 10137 D AOD_BRIGHTNESS@AlwaysOnDisplayEx: updateDozeBrightness: doze [2] last [[HLPM]_2NIT_ON] change to [[HLPM]_2NIT_ON]
05-12 20:45:43.309 10137 10137 I AOD_WAKELOCK@WakeLockManager: acquireIfExists: tag - AOD_DRAW, timeout - 100, reason - set Doze Brightness updateDozeBrightness, wakeLock = WakeLock{c1ae7d8 held=false, refCount=0}
05-12 20:45:43.313 3871 3871 D SurfaceFlinger: Setting power mode 3 on display 0
05-12 20:45:43.313 3841 9377 E display : DOZE or Power off called twice, mPowerModeState : 1
05-12 20:45:43.313 3841 9377 D display : setPowerMode:: FBIOBLANK mode(3), blank(-1)
05-12 20:45:43.316 3841 9377 D display : setPowerMode:: S3CFB_POWER_MODE mode(3), blank(-1)
05-12 20:45:43.317 3871 3871 D SurfaceFlinger: Finished setting power mode 3 on display 0
05-12 20:45:43.321 3871 3871 D SurfaceFlinger: Setting power mode 1 on display 0
05-12 20:45:43.321 3841 9377 E display : DOZE or Power off called twice, mPowerModeState : 3
05-12 20:45:43.322 3841 9377 D display : setPowerMode:: FBIOBLANK mode(1), blank(-1)
05-12 20:45:43.322 4299 5297 D MotionRecognitionService: [EARHOVER_MOTION] inject screen on / off : 0
05-12 20:45:43.322 4299 5297 D SensorService: [EARHOVER_LITE] : setMotionDataLocked
05-12 20:45:43.322 4299 5297 D SensorService: [EARHOVER_LITE] : INJECT_SCREEN_OFF
05-12 20:45:43.323 4299 10048 I BiometricServiceBase: onTaskStackChangedForFingerprint: Allow background auth,
05-12 20:45:43.323 4299 10048 I chatty : uid=1000(system) biometrics.fp identical 9 lines
05-12 20:45:43.324 4299 10048 I BiometricServiceBase: onTaskStackChangedForFingerprint: Allow background auth,
05-12 20:45:43.326 10137 10137 D DisplayLifecycle: updateDisplay id = 0
05-12 20:45:43.326 3841 9377 D display : setPowerMode:: S3CFB_POWER_MODE mode(1), blank(-1)
05-12 20:45:43.327 3871 3871 D SurfaceFlinger: Finished setting power mode 1 on display 0
05-12 20:45:43.344 10137 10137 D DisplayLifecycle: updateCacheVariables id = 0, display = Display id 0: DisplayInfo{"Built-in Screen, displayId 0", uniqueId "local:0", app 1080 x 2131, real 1080 x 2340, largest app 2131 x 2131, smallest app 1080 x 1017, mode 1, defaultMode 1, modes [{id=1, width=1080, height=2340, fps=60.000004}], colorMode 0, supportedColorModes [0], hdrCapabilities android.view.Display$HdrCapabilities@40f16308, rotation 0, density 420 (403.411 x 404.326) dpi, layerStack 0, appVsyncOff 1000000, presDeadline 16666666, type BUILT_IN, address {port=0}, state DOZE, FLAG_SECURE, FLAG_SUPPORTS_PROTECTED_BUFFERS, removeMode 0}, DisplayMetrics{density=2.625, width=1080, height=2131, scaledDensity=2.625, xdpi=403.411, ydpi=404.326}, isValid=true, size = Point(1080, 2131), realSize = Point(1080, 2340)
05-12 20:45:43.350 4299 5297 D MotionRecognitionService: [EARHOVER_MOTION] inject screen on / off : 0
05-12 20:45:43.351 4299 5297 D SensorService: [EARHOVER_LITE] : setMotionDataLocked
05-12 20:45:43.351 4299 5297 D SensorService: [EARHOVER_LITE] : INJECT_SCREEN_OFF
05-12 20:45:43.352 4299 10048 I BiometricServiceBase: onTaskStackChangedForFingerprint: Allow background auth,
05-12 20:45:43.353 4299 10048 I chatty : uid=1000(system) biometrics.fp identical 9 lines
05-12 20:45:43.353 4299 10048 I BiometricServiceBase: onTaskStackChangedForFingerprint: Allow background auth,
05-12 20:45:43.365 10137 10137 D AOD_LIVE_CLOCK@LiveClockController: updateDisplayState: DISPLAY_STATE_DOZE
05-12 20:45:43.366 10137 10137 D DisplayLifecycle: updateDisplay id = 0
05-12 20:45:43.374 10137 10137 D DisplayLifecycle: updateCacheVariables id = 0, display = Display id 0: DisplayInfo{"Built-in Screen, displayId 0", uniqueId "local:0", app 1080 x 2131, real 1080 x 2340, largest app 2131 x 2131, smallest app 1080 x 1017, mode 1, defaultMode 1, modes [{id=1, width=1080, height=2340, fps=60.000004}], colorMode 0, supportedColorModes [0], hdrCapabilities android.view.Display$HdrCapabilities@40f16308, rotation 0, density 420 (403.411 x 404.326) dpi, layerStack 0, appVsyncOff 1000000, presDeadline 16666666, type BUILT_IN, address {port=0}, state DOZE, FLAG_SECURE, FLAG_SUPPORTS_PROTECTED_BUFFERS, removeMode 0}, DisplayMetrics{density=2.625, width=1080, height=2131, scaledDensity=2.625, xdpi=403.411, ydpi=404.326}, isValid=true, size = Point(1080, 2131), realSize = Point(1080, 2340)
05-12 20:45:43.383 4299 4320 V WindowManager: Relayout Window{e90e744 u0 ScreenDecorOverlay}: viewVisibility=0 req=1079x151
05-12 20:45:43.387 10137 10137 D AOD_LIVE_CLOCK@LiveClockController: updateDisplayState: DISPLAY_STATE_DOZE
05-12 20:45:43.390 4299 4320 V WindowManager: Relayout 10137: mAttrs={(0,0)(fillxwrap) gr=TOP LEFT CENTER sim={adjust=pan} layoutInDisplayCutoutMode=always ty=NAVIGATION_BAR_PANEL fmt=TRANSLUCENT
05-12 20:45:43.390 4299 4320 V WindowManager: fl=20800128
05-12 20:45:43.390 4299 4320 V WindowManager: pfl=1100050
05-12 20:45:43.390 4299 4320 V WindowManager: vsysui=100 naviIconColor=0}
05-12 20:45:43.392 10137 10867 D ViewRootImpl@ed5b6a[ScreenDecorOverlay]: Relayout returned: old=(0,0,1080,151) new=(0,0,1080,151) req=(1079,151)0 dur=9 res=0x3 s={true 478310035456} ch=false
05-12 20:45:43.400 4299 4320 V WindowManager: Relayout Window{9819af3 u0 ScreenDecorOverlayBottom}: viewVisibility=0 req=1079x151
05-12 20:45:43.401 10137 10137 D AODUiController: onChargingLightSensorChanged lux : 2.0 appliedBrightness = 0 currentBrightness = 1
05-12 20:45:43.401 10137 10137 D AOD_BRIGHTNESS@BrightnessManager: mCurrentBrightness : HighNit[false], NitMode[[HLPM]_2NIT_ON], isForceState[0, ForceStateReason[{}, , mAppliedBrightness[0]
05-12 20:45:43.401 10137 10137 D AOD_BRIGHTNESS@AlwaysOnDisplayEx: updateDozeBrightness: doze [2] last [[HLPM]_2NIT_ON] change to [[HLPM]_2NIT_ON]
05-12 20:45:43.401 10137 10137 I AOD_WAKELOCK@WakeLockManager: acquireIfExists: tag - AOD_DRAW, timeout - 100, reason - set Doze Brightness updateDozeBrightness, wakeLock = WakeLock{c1ae7d8 held=true, refCount=1}
05-12 20:45:43.408 4299 4320 V WindowManager: Relayout 10137: mAttrs={(0,0)(fillxwrap) gr=BOTTOM RIGHT CENTER sim={adjust=pan} layoutInDisplayCutoutMode=always ty=NAVIGATION_BAR_PANEL fmt=TRANSLUCENT
05-12 20:45:43.408 4299 4320 V WindowManager: fl=20800128
05-12 20:45:43.408 4299 4320 V WindowManager: pfl=1100050
05-12 20:45:43.408 4299 4320 V WindowManager: vsysui=100 naviIconColor=0}
05-12 20:45:43.410 10137 10867 D ViewRootImpl@2e58a0d[ScreenDecorOverlayBottom]: Relayout returned: old=(0,2189,1080,2340) new=(0,2189,1080,2340) req=(1079,151)0 dur=11 res=0x3 s={true 478310068224} ch=false
05-12 20:45:43.510 3871 3871 D SurfaceFlinger: Setting power mode 3 on display 0
05-12 20:45:43.511 3841 9377 E display : DOZE or Power off called twice, mPowerModeState : 1
05-12 20:45:43.511 3841 9377 D display : setPowerMode:: FBIOBLANK mode(3), blank(-1)
05-12 20:45:43.517 3841 9377 D display : setPowerMode:: S3CFB_POWER_MODE mode(3), blank(-1)
05-12 20:45:43.518 3871 3871 D SurfaceFlinger: Finished setting power mode 3 on display 0
05-12 20:45:43.518 4299 5297 D MotionRecognitionService: [EARHOVER_MOTION] inject screen on / off : 0
05-12 20:45:43.519 4299 5297 D SensorService: [EARHOVER_LITE] : setMotionDataLocked
05-12 20:45:43.519 4299 5297 D SensorService: [EARHOVER_LITE] : INJECT_SCREEN_OFF
05-12 20:45:43.524 10137 10137 D AODUiController: onChargingLightSensorChanged lux : 2.0 appliedBrightness = 0 currentBrightness = 1
05-12 20:45:43.525 10137 10137 D AOD_BRIGHTNESS@BrightnessManager: mCurrentBrightness : HighNit[false], NitMode[[HLPM]_2NIT_ON], isForceState[0, ForceStateReason[{}, , mAppliedBrightness[0]
05-12 20:45:43.525 10137 10137 D AOD_BRIGHTNESS@AlwaysOnDisplayEx: updateDozeBrightness: doze [2] last [[HLPM]_2NIT_ON] change to [[HLPM]_2NIT_ON]
05-12 20:45:43.525 10137 10137 I AOD_WAKELOCK@WakeLockManager: acquireIfExists: tag - AOD_DRAW, timeout - 100, reason - set Doze Brightness updateDozeBrightness, wakeLock = WakeLock{c1ae7d8 held=false, refCount=0}
05-12 20:45:43.526 4299 10048 I BiometricServiceBase: onTaskStackChangedForFingerprint: Allow background auth,
05-12 20:45:43.528 4299 10048 I chatty : uid=1000(system) biometrics.fp identical 9 lines
05-12 20:45:43.529 4299 10048 I BiometricServiceBase: onTaskStackChangedForFingerprint: Allow background auth,
05-12 20:45:43.535 3871 3871 D SurfaceFlinger: Setting power mode 1 on display 0
05-12 20:45:43.536 3841 9377 E display : DOZE or Power off called twice, mPowerModeState : 3
05-12 20:45:43.536 3841 9377 D display : setPowerMode:: FBIOBLANK mode(1), blank(-1)
05-12 20:45:43.540 3841 9377 D display : setPowerMode:: S3CFB_POWER_MODE mode(1), blank(-1)
05-12 20:45:43.541 3871 3871 D SurfaceFlinger: Finished setting power mode 1 on display 0
05-12 20:45:43.548 10137 10137 D DisplayLifecycle: updateDisplay id = 0
05-12 20:45:43.554 10137 10137 D DisplayLifecycle: updateCacheVariables id = 0, display = Display id 0: DisplayInfo{"Built-in Screen, displayId 0", uniqueId "local:0", app 1080 x 2131, real 1080 x 2340, largest app 2131 x 2131, smallest app 1080 x 1017, mode 1, defaultMode 1, modes [{id=1, width=1080, height=2340, fps=60.000004}], colorMode 0, supportedColorModes [0], hdrCapabilities android.view.Display$HdrCapabilities@40f16308, rotation 0, density 420 (403.411 x 404.326) dpi, layerStack 0, appVsyncOff 1000000, presDeadline 16666666, type BUILT_IN, address {port=0}, state DOZE, FLAG_SECURE, FLAG_SUPPORTS_PROTECTED_BUFFERS, removeMode 0}, DisplayMetrics{density=2.625, width=1080, height=2131, scaledDensity=2.625, xdpi=403.411, ydpi=404.326}, isValid=true, size = Point(1080, 2131), realSize = Point(1080, 2340)
05-12 20:45:43.555 4299 5297 D MotionRecognitionService: [EARHOVER_MOTION] inject screen on / off : 0
05-12 20:45:43.555 4299 5297 D SensorService: [EARHOVER_LITE] : setMotionDataLocked
05-12 20:45:43.555 4299 5297 D SensorService: [EARHOVER_LITE] : INJECT_SCREEN_OFF
05-12 20:45:43.557 4299 10048 I BiometricServiceBase: onTaskStackChangedForFingerprint: Allow background auth,
05-12 20:45:43.558 4299 10048 I chatty : uid=1000(system) biometrics.fp identical 9 lines
05-12 20:45:43.558 4299 10048 I BiometricServiceBase: onTaskStackChangedForFingerprint: Allow background auth,
05-12 20:45:43.576 10137 10137 D AOD_LIVE_CLOCK@LiveClockController: updateDisplayState: DISPLAY_STATE_DOZE
05-12 20:45:43.578 10137 10137 D DisplayLifecycle: updateDisplay id = 0
05-12 20:45:43.584 4299 12326 V WindowManager: Relayout Window{e90e744 u0 ScreenDecorOverlay}: viewVisibility=0 req=1079x151
05-12 20:45:43.585 10137 10137 D DisplayLifecycle: updateCacheVariables id = 0, display = Display id 0: DisplayInfo{"Built-in Screen, displayId 0", uniqueId "local:0", app 1080 x 2131, real 1080 x 2340, largest app 2131 x 2131, smallest app 1080 x 1017, mode 1, defaultMode 1, modes [{id=1, width=1080, height=2340, fps=60.000004}], colorMode 0, supportedColorModes [0], hdrCapabilities android.view.Display$HdrCapabilities@40f16308, rotation 0, density 420 (403.411 x 404.326) dpi, layerStack 0, appVsyncOff 1000000, presDeadline 16666666, type BUILT_IN, address {port=0}, state DOZE, FLAG_SECURE, FLAG_SUPPORTS_PROTECTED_BUFFERS, removeMode 0}, DisplayMetrics{density=2.625, width=1080, height=2131, scaledDensity=2.625, xdpi=403.411, ydpi=404.326}, isValid=true, size = Point(1080, 2131), realSize = Point(1080, 2340)
05-12 20:45:43.590 4299 12326 V WindowManager: Relayout 10137: mAttrs={(0,0)(fillxwrap) gr=TOP LEFT CENTER sim={adjust=pan} layoutInDisplayCutoutMode=always ty=NAVIGATION_BAR_PANEL fmt=TRANSLUCENT
05-12 20:45:43.590 4299 12326 V WindowManager: fl=20800128
05-12 20:45:43.590 4299 12326 V WindowManager: pfl=1100050
05-12 20:45:43.590 4299 12326 V WindowManager: vsysui=100 naviIconColor=0}
05-12 20:45:43.592 10137 10867 D ViewRootImpl@ed5b6a[ScreenDecorOverlay]: Relayout returned: old=(0,0,1080,151) new=(0,0,1080,151) req=(1079,151)0 dur=9 res=0x3 s={true 478310035456} ch=false
05-12 20:45:43.595 10137 10137 D AOD_LIVE_CLOCK@LiveClockController: updateDisplayState: DISPLAY_STATE_DOZE
05-12 20:45:43.600 4299 12326 V WindowManager: Relayout Window{9819af3 u0 ScreenDecorOverlayBottom}: viewVisibility=0 req=1079x151
05-12 20:45:43.605 10137 10137 D AODUiController: onChargingLightSensorChanged lux : 2.0 appliedBrightness = 0 currentBrightness = 1
05-12 20:45:43.605 10137 10137 D AOD_BRIGHTNESS@BrightnessManager: mCurrentBrightness : HighNit[false], NitMode[[HLPM]_2NIT_ON], isForceState[0, ForceStateReason[{}, , mAppliedBrightness[0]
05-12 20:45:43.606 10137 10137 D AOD_BRIGHTNESS@AlwaysOnDisplayEx: updateDozeBrightness: doze [2] last [[HLPM]_2NIT_ON] change to [[HLPM]_2NIT_ON]
05-12 20:45:43.606 10137 10137 I AOD_WAKELOCK@WakeLockManager: acquireIfExists: tag - AOD_DRAW, timeout - 100, reason - set Doze Brightness updateDozeBrightness, wakeLock = WakeLock{c1ae7d8 held=true, refCount=1}
05-12 20:45:43.611 4299 12326 V WindowManager: Relayout 10137: mAttrs={(0,0)(fillxwrap) gr=BOTTOM RIGHT CENTER sim={adjust=pan} layoutInDisplayCutoutMode=always ty=NAVIGATION_BAR_PANEL fmt=TRANSLUCENT
05-12 20:45:43.611 4299 12326 V WindowManager: fl=20800128
05-12 20:45:43.611 4299 12326 V WindowManager: pfl=1100050
05-12 20:45:43.611 4299 12326 V WindowManager: vsysui=100 naviIconColor=0}
05-12 20:45:43.613 10137 10867 D ViewRootImpl@2e58a0d[ScreenDecorOverlayBottom]: Relayout returned: old=(0,2189,1080,2340) new=(0,2189,1080,2340) req=(1079,151)0 dur=14 res=0x3 s={true 478310068224} ch=false
05-12 20:45:43.658 3951 10369 I GNSS_MEMS: TGT_MEMS SCSCMemsReportSensorDrops: dropped 0 events (spam) 1 events (rate limit) out of 51 total for sensor 0 since last report
05-12 20:45:43.717 3871 3871 D SurfaceFlinger: Setting power mode 3 on display 0
05-12 20:45:43.720 3841 9377 E display : DOZE or Power off called twice, mPowerModeState : 1
05-12 20:45:43.720 3841 9377 D display : setPowerMode:: FBIOBLANK mode(3), blank(-1)
05-12 20:45:43.721 10137 10137 D AODUiController: onChargingLightSensorChanged lux : 2.0 appliedBrightness = 0 currentBrightness = 1
05-12 20:45:43.721 10137 10137 D AOD_BRIGHTNESS@BrightnessManager: mCurrentBrightness : HighNit[false], NitMode[[HLPM]_2NIT_ON], isForceState[0, ForceStateReason[{}, , mAppliedBrightness[0]
05-12 20:45:43.721 10137 10137 D AOD_BRIGHTNESS@AlwaysOnDisplayEx: updateDozeBrightness: doze [2] last [[HLPM]_2NIT_ON] change to [[HLPM]_2NIT_ON]
05-12 20:45:43.722 10137 10137 I AOD_WAKELOCK@WakeLockManager: acquireIfExists: tag - AOD_DRAW, timeout - 100, reason - set Doze Brightness updateDozeBrightness, wakeLock = WakeLock{c1ae7d8 held=false, refCount=0}
05-12 20:45:43.722 4299 5297 D MotionRecognitionService: [EARHOVER_MOTION] inject screen on / off : 0
05-12 20:45:43.723 4299 5297 D SensorService: [EARHOVER_LITE] : setMotionDataLocked
05-12 20:45:43.723 4299 5297 D SensorService: [EARHOVER_LITE] : INJECT_SCREEN_OFF
05-12 20:45:43.723 3841 9377 D display : setPowerMode:: S3CFB_POWER_MODE mode(3), blank(-1)
05-12 20:45:43.724 3871 3871 D SurfaceFlinger: Finished setting power mode 3 on display 0
05-12 20:45:43.728 4299 10048 I BiometricServiceBase: onTaskStackChangedForFingerprint: Allow background auth,
05-12 20:45:43.733 4299 10048 I chatty : uid=1000(system) biometrics.fp identical 9 lines
05-12 20:45:43.733 4299 10048 I BiometricServiceBase: onTaskStackChangedForFingerprint: Allow background auth,
05-12 20:45:43.763 4299 10246 V WindowManager: Relayout Window{e90e744 u0 ScreenDecorOverlay}: viewVisibility=0 req=1079x151
05-12 20:45:43.770 4299 10246 V WindowManager: Relayout 10137: mAttrs={(0,0)(fillxwrap) gr=TOP LEFT CENTER sim={adjust=pan} layoutInDisplayCutoutMode=always ty=NAVIGATION_BAR_PANEL fmt=TRANSLUCENT
05-12 20:45:43.770 4299 10246 V WindowManager: fl=20800128
05-12 20:45:43.770 4299 10246 V WindowManager: pfl=1100050
05-12 20:45:43.770 4299 10246 V WindowManager: vsysui=100 naviIconColor=0}
05-12 20:45:43.776 10137 10867 D ViewRootImpl@ed5b6a[ScreenDecorOverlay]: Relayout returned: old=(0,0,1080,151) new=(0,0,1080,151) req=(1079,151)0 dur=14 res=0x3 s={true 478310035456} ch=false
05-12 20:45:43.777 3871 3871 D SurfaceFlinger: Setting power mode 1 on display 0
05-12 20:45:43.778 3841 9377 E display : DOZE or Power off called twice, mPowerModeState : 3
05-12 20:45:43.778 3841 9377 D display : setPowerMode:: FBIOBLANK mode(1), blank(-1)
05-12 20:45:43.779 10137 10137 D DisplayLifecycle: updateDisplay id = 0
05-12 20:45:43.782 3841 9377 D display : setPowerMode:: S3CFB_POWER_MODE mode(1), blank(-1)
05-12 20:45:43.783 4299 5297 D MotionRecognitionService: [EARHOVER_MOTION] inject screen on / off : 0
05-12 20:45:43.783 3871 3871 D SurfaceFlinger: Finished setting power mode 1 on display 0
05-12 20:45:43.783 4299 5297 D SensorService: [EARHOVER_LITE] : setMotionDataLocked
05-12 20:45:43.783 4299 5297 D SensorService: [EARHOVER_LITE] : INJECT_SCREEN_OFF
05-12 20:45:43.785 4299 10048 I BiometricServiceBase: onTaskStackChangedForFingerprint: Allow background auth,
05-12 20:45:43.786 4299 10048 I chatty : uid=1000(system) biometrics.fp identical 9 lines
05-12 20:45:43.786 4299 10048 I BiometricServiceBase: onTaskStackChangedForFingerprint: Allow background auth,
05-12 20:45:43.794 10137 10137 D DisplayLifecycle: updateCacheVariables id = 0, display = Display id 0: DisplayInfo{"Built-in Screen, displayId 0", uniqueId "local:0", app 1080 x 2131, real 1080 x 2340, largest app 2131 x 2131, smallest app 1080 x 1017, mode 1, defaultMode 1, modes [{id=1, width=1080, height=2340, fps=60.000004}], colorMode 0, supportedColorModes [0], hdrCapabilities android.view.Display$HdrCapabilities@40f16308, rotation 0, density 420 (403.411 x 404.326) dpi, layerStack 0, appVsyncOff 1000000, presDeadline 16666666, type BUILT_IN, address {port=0}, state DOZE, FLAG_SECURE, FLAG_SUPPORTS_PROTECTED_BUFFERS, removeMode 0}, DisplayMetrics{density=2.625, width=1080, height=2131, scaledDensity=2.625, xdpi=403.411, ydpi=404.326}, isValid=true, size = Point(1080, 2131), realSize = Point(1080, 2340)
05-12 20:45:43.803 4299 11692 V WindowManager: Relayout Window{9819af3 u0 ScreenDecorOverlayBottom}: viewVisibility=0 req=1079x151
05-12 20:45:43.806 10137 10137 D AOD_LIVE_CLOCK@LiveClockController: updateDisplayState: DISPLAY_STATE_DOZE
05-12 20:45:43.808 10137 10137 D DisplayLifecycle: updateDisplay id = 0
05-12 20:45:43.812 4299 11692 V WindowManager: Relayout 10137: mAttrs={(0,0)(fillxwrap) gr=BOTTOM RIGHT CENTER sim={adjust=pan} layoutInDisplayCutoutMode=always ty=NAVIGATION_BAR_PANEL fmt=TRANSLUCENT
05-12 20:45:43.812 4299 11692 V WindowManager: fl=20800128
05-12 20:45:43.812 4299 11692 V WindowManager: pfl=1100050
05-12 20:45:43.812 4299 11692 V WindowManager: vsysui=100 naviIconColor=0}
05-12 20:45:43.812 10137 10137 D DisplayLifecycle: updateCacheVariables id = 0, display = Display id 0: DisplayInfo{"Built-in Screen, displayId 0", uniqueId "local:0", app 1080 x 2131, real 1080 x 2340, largest app 2131 x 2131, smallest app 1080 x 1017, mode 1, defaultMode 1, modes [{id=1, width=1080, height=2340, fps=60.000004}], colorMode 0, supportedColorModes [0], hdrCapabilities android.view.Display$HdrCapabilities@40f16308, rotation 0, density 420 (403.411 x 404.326) dpi, layerStack 0, appVsyncOff 1000000, presDeadline 16666666, type BUILT_IN, address {port=0}, state DOZE, FLAG_SECURE, FLAG_SUPPORTS_PROTECTED_BUFFERS, removeMode 0}, DisplayMetrics{density=2.625, width=1080, height=2131, scaledDensity=2.625, xdpi=403.411, ydpi=404.326}, isValid=true, size = Point(1080, 2131), realSize = Point(1080, 2340)
05-12 20:45:43.813 10137 10867 D ViewRootImpl@2e58a0d[ScreenDecorOverlayBottom]: Relayout returned: old=(0,2189,1080,2340) new=(0,2189,1080,2340) req=(1079,151)0 dur=17 res=0x3 s={true 478310068224} ch=false
05-12 20:45:43.816 10137 10137 D AODUiController: onChargingLightSensorChanged lux : 2.0 appliedBrightness = 0 currentBrightness = 1
05-12 20:45:43.816 10137 10137 D AOD_BRIGHTNESS@BrightnessManager: mCurrentBrightness : HighNit[false], NitMode[[HLPM]_2NIT_ON], isForceState[0, ForceStateReason[{}, , mAppliedBrightness[0]
05-12 20:45:43.816 10137 10137 D AOD_BRIGHTNESS@AlwaysOnDisplayEx: updateDozeBrightness: doze [2] last [[HLPM]_2NIT_ON] change to [[HLPM]_2NIT_ON]
05-12 20:45:43.817 10137 10137 I AOD_WAKELOCK@WakeLockManager: acquireIfExists: tag - AOD_DRAW, timeout - 100, reason - set Doze Brightness updateDozeBrightness, wakeLock = WakeLock{c1ae7d8 held=true, refCount=1}
05-12 20:45:43.826 10137 10137 D AOD_LIVE_CLOCK@LiveClockController: updateDisplayState: DISPLAY_STATE_DOZE
05-12 20:45:43.842 4299 12326 V WindowManager: Relayout Window{e90e744 u0 ScreenDecorOverlay}: viewVisibility=0 req=1079x151
05-12 20:45:43.848 4299 12326 V WindowManager: Relayout 10137: mAttrs={(0,0)(fillxwrap) gr=TOP LEFT CENTER sim={adjust=pan} layoutInDisplayCutoutMode=always ty=NAVIGATION_BAR_PANEL fmt=TRANSLUCENT
05-12 20:45:43.848 4299 12326 V WindowManager: fl=20800128
05-12 20:45:43.848 4299 12326 V WindowManager: pfl=1100050
05-12 20:45:43.848 4299 12326 V WindowManager: vsysui=100 naviIconColor=0}
05-12 20:45:43.850 10137 10867 D ViewRootImpl@ed5b6a[ScreenDecorOverlay]: Relayout returned: old=(0,0,1080,151) new=(0,0,1080,151) req=(1079,151)0 dur=9 res=0x3 s={true 478310035456} ch=false
05-12 20:45:43.857 4299 12326 V WindowManager: Relayout Window{9819af3 u0 ScreenDecorOverlayBottom}: viewVisibility=0 req=1079x151
05-12 20:45:43.865 4299 12326 V WindowManager: Relayout 10137: mAttrs={(0,0)(fillxwrap) gr=BOTTOM RIGHT CENTER sim={adjust=pan} layoutInDisplayCutoutMode=always ty=NAVIGATION_BAR_PANEL fmt=TRANSLUCENT
05-12 20:45:43.865 4299 12326 V WindowManager: fl=20800128
05-12 20:45:43.865 4299 12326 V WindowManager: pfl=1100050
05-12 20:45:43.865 4299 12326 V WindowManager: vsysui=100 naviIconColor=0}
05-12 20:45:43.867 10137 10867 D ViewRootImpl@2e58a0d[ScreenDecorOverlayBottom]: Relayout returned: old=(0,2189,1080,2340) new=(0,2189,1080,2340) req=(1079,151)0 dur=11 res=0x3 s={true 478310068224} ch=false
05-12 20:45:43.909 10137 10137 D AODUiController: onChargingLightSensorChanged lux : 2.0 appliedBrightness = 0 currentBrightness = 1
05-12 20:45:43.910 10137 10137 D AOD_BRIGHTNESS@BrightnessManager: mCurrentBrightness : HighNit[false], NitMode[[HLPM]_2NIT_ON], isForceState[0, ForceStateReason[{}, , mAppliedBrightness[0]
05-12 20:45:43.910 10137 10137 D AOD_BRIGHTNESS@AlwaysOnDisplayEx: updateDozeBrightness: doze [2] last [[HLPM]_2NIT_ON] change to [[HLPM]_2NIT_ON]
05-12 20:45:43.910 10137 10137 I AOD_WAKELOCK@WakeLockManager: acquireIfExists: tag - AOD_DRAW, timeout - 100, reason - set Doze Brightness updateDozeBrightness, wakeLock = WakeLock{c1ae7d8 held=true, refCount=1}
05-12 20:45:44.018 10137 10137 D AODUiController: onChargingLightSensorChanged lux : 2.0 appliedBrightness = 0 currentBrightness = 1
05-12 20:45:44.018 10137 10137 D AOD_BRIGHTNESS@BrightnessManager: mCurrentBrightness : HighNit[false], NitMode[[HLPM]_2NIT_ON], isForceState[0, ForceStateReason[{}, , mAppliedBrightness[0]
05-12 20:45:44.019 10137 10137 D AOD_BRIGHTNESS@AlwaysOnDisplayEx: updateDozeBrightness: doze [2] last [[HLPM]_2NIT_ON] change to [[HLPM]_2NIT_ON]
05-12 20:45:44.019 10137 10137 I AOD_WAKELOCK@WakeLockManager: acquireIfExists: tag - AOD_DRAW, timeout - 100, reason - set Doze Brightness updateDozeBrightness, wakeLock = WakeLock{c1ae7d8 held=false, refCount=0}
05-12 20:45:44.020 3970 10055 D bauth_FPBAuthService: pcf : 0x1012, 0 ,1 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,0,
05-12 20:45:44.020 3970 10055 D bauth_FPBAuthService: thread id : 1, preenroll_flag : 0, nd cnt : 0, cso : 0, et : 0
05-12 20:45:44.021 3970 10055 D bauth_FPBAuthService: FPBAuthService, 10983
05-12 20:45:44.021 3871 3871 D SurfaceFlinger: Setting power mode 3 on display 0
05-12 20:45:44.022 3841 9377 E display : DOZE or Power off called twice, mPowerModeState : 1
05-12 20:45:44.022 3841 9377 D display : setPowerMode:: FBIOBLANK mode(3), blank(-1)
05-12 20:45:44.025 3841 9377 D display : setPowerMode:: S3CFB_POWER_MODE mode(3), blank(-1)
05-12 20:45:44.025 3871 3871 D SurfaceFlinger: Finished setting power mode 3 on display 0
05-12 20:45:44.027 4299 5297 D MotionRecognitionService: [EARHOVER_MOTION] inject screen on / off : 0
05-12 20:45:44.027 4299 5297 D SensorService: [EARHOVER_LITE] : setMotionDataLocked
05-12 20:45:44.027 4299 5297 D SensorService: [EARHOVER_LITE] : INJECT_SCREEN_OFF
05-12 20:45:44.030 4299 10048 I BiometricServiceBase: onTaskStackChangedForFingerprint: Allow background auth,
05-12 20:45:44.032 4299 10048 I chatty : uid=1000(system) biometrics.fp identical 9 lines
05-12 20:45:44.032 4299 10048 I BiometricServiceBase: onTaskStackChangedForFingerprint: Allow background auth,
05-12 20:45:44.049 10137 10137 D DisplayLifecycle: updateDisplay id = 0
05-12 20:45:44.050 3871 3871 D SurfaceFlinger: Setting power mode 1 on display 0
05-12 20:45:44.050 3841 9377 E display : DOZE or Power off called twice, mPowerModeState : 3
05-12 20:45:44.050 3841 9377 D display : setPowerMode:: FBIOBLANK mode(1), blank(-1)
05-12 20:45:44.055 3841 9377 D display : setPowerMode:: S3CFB_POWER_MODE mode(1), blank(-1)
05-12 20:45:44.056 3871 3871 D SurfaceFlinger: Finished setting power mode 1 on display 0
05-12 20:45:44.066 10137 10137 D DisplayLifecycle: updateCacheVariables id = 0, display = Display id 0: DisplayInfo{"Built-in Screen, displayId 0", uniqueId "local:0", app 1080 x 2131, real 1080 x 2340, largest app 2131 x 2131, smallest app 1080 x 1017, mode 1, defaultMode 1, modes [{id=1, width=1080, height=2340, fps=60.000004}], colorMode 0, supportedColorModes [0], hdrCapabilities android.view.Display$HdrCapabilities@40f16308, rotation 0, density 420 (403.411 x 404.326) dpi, layerStack 0, appVsyncOff 1000000, presDeadline 16666666, type BUILT_IN, address {port=0}, state DOZE_SUSPEND, FLAG_SECURE, FLAG_SUPPORTS_PROTECTED_BUFFERS, removeMode 0}, DisplayMetrics{density=2.625, width=1080, height=2131, scaledDensity=2.625, xdpi=403.411, ydpi=404.326}, isValid=true, size = Point(1080, 2131), realSize = Point(1080, 2340)
05-12 20:45:44.073 4299 5297 D MotionRecognitionService: [EARHOVER_MOTION] inject screen on / off : 0
05-12 20:45:44.073 4299 5297 D SensorService: [EARHOVER_LITE] : setMotionDataLocked
05-12 20:45:44.073 4299 5297 D SensorService: [EARHOVER_LITE] : INJECT_SCREEN_OFF
05-12 20:45:44.081 4299 10048 I BiometricServiceBase: onTaskStackChangedForFingerprint: Allow background auth,
05-12 20:45:44.081 4299 10048 I chatty : uid=1000(system) biometrics.fp identical 9 lines
05-12 20:45:44.082 4299 10048 I BiometricServiceBase: onTaskStackChangedForFingerprint: Allow background auth,
05-12 20:45:44.093 4299 12331 V WindowManager: Relayout Window{e90e744 u0 ScreenDecorOverlay}: viewVisibility=0 req=1079x151
05-12 20:45:44.093 10137 10137 D AOD_LIVE_CLOCK@LiveClockController: updateDisplayState: DISPLAY_STATE_DOZE
05-12 20:45:44.095 10137 10137 D DisplayLifecycle: updateDisplay id = 0
05-12 20:45:44.100 10137 10137 D DisplayLifecycle: updateCacheVariables id = 0, display = Display id 0: DisplayInfo{"Built-in Screen, displayId 0", uniqueId "local:0", app 1080 x 2131, real 1080 x 2340, largest app 2131 x 2131, smallest app 1080 x 1017, mode 1, defaultMode 1, modes [{id=1, width=1080, height=2340, fps=60.000004}], colorMode 0, supportedColorModes [0], hdrCapabilities android.view.Display$HdrCapabilities@40f16308, rotation 0, density 420 (403.411 x 404.326) dpi, layerStack 0, appVsyncOff 1000000, presDeadline 16666666, type BUILT_IN, address {port=0}, state DOZE, FLAG_SECURE, FLAG_SUPPORTS_PROTECTED_BUFFERS, removeMode 0}, DisplayMetrics{density=2.625, width=1080, height=2131, scaledDensity=2.625, xdpi=403.411, ydpi=404.326}, isValid=true, size = Point(1080, 2131), realSize = Point(1080, 2340)
05-12 20:45:44.101 4299 12331 V WindowManager: Relayout 10137: mAttrs={(0,0)(fillxwrap) gr=TOP LEFT CENTER sim={adjust=pan} layoutInDisplayCutoutMode=always ty=NAVIGATION_BAR_PANEL fmt=TRANSLUCENT
05-12 20:45:44.101 4299 12331 V WindowManager: fl=20800128
05-12 20:45:44.101 4299 12331 V WindowManager: pfl=1100050
05-12 20:45:44.101 4299 12331 V WindowManager: vsysui=100 naviIconColor=0}
05-12 20:45:44.104 10137 10867 D ViewRootImpl@ed5b6a[ScreenDecorOverlay]: Relayout returned: old=(0,0,1080,151) new=(0,0,1080,151) req=(1079,151)0 dur=16 res=0x3 s={true 478310035456} ch=false
05-12 20:45:44.114 10137 10137 D AOD_LIVE_CLOCK@LiveClockController: updateDisplayState: DISPLAY_STATE_DOZE
05-12 20:45:44.115 4299 12331 V WindowManager: Relayout Window{9819af3 u0 ScreenDecorOverlayBottom}: viewVisibility=0 req=1079x151
05-12 20:45:44.122 4299 12331 V WindowManager: Relayout 10137: mAttrs={(0,0)(fillxwrap) gr=BOTTOM RIGHT CENTER sim={adjust=pan} layoutInDisplayCutoutMode=always ty=NAVIGATION_BAR_PANEL fmt=TRANSLUCENT
05-12 20:45:44.122 4299 12331 V WindowManager: fl=20800128
05-12 20:45:44.122 4299 12331 V WindowManager: pfl=1100050
05-12 20:45:44.122 4299 12331 V WindowManager: vsysui=100 naviIconColor=0}
05-12 20:45:44.124 10137 10867 D ViewRootImpl@2e58a0d[ScreenDecorOverlayBottom]: Relayout returned: old=(0,2189,1080,2340) new=(0,2189,1080,2340) req=(1079,151)0 dur=9 res=0x3 s={true 478310068224} ch=false
05-12 20:45:44.133 10137 10137 D AODUiController: onChargingLightSensorChanged lux : 2.0 appliedBrightness = 0 currentBrightness = 1
05-12 20:45:44.134 10137 10137 D AOD_BRIGHTNESS@BrightnessManager: mCurrentBrightness : HighNit[false], NitMode[[HLPM]_2NIT_ON], isForceState[0, ForceStateReason[{}, , mAppliedBrightness[0]
05-12 20:45:44.134 10137 10137 D AOD_BRIGHTNESS@AlwaysOnDisplayEx: updateDozeBrightness: doze [2] last [[HLPM]_2NIT_ON] change to [[HLPM]_2NIT_ON]
05-12 20:45:44.134 10137 10137 I AOD_WAKELOCK@WakeLockManager: acquireIfExists: tag - AOD_DRAW, timeout - 100, reason - set Doze Brightness updateDozeBrightness, wakeLock = WakeLock{c1ae7d8 held=true, refCount=1}
05-12 20:45:44.145 4299 10246 V WindowManager: Relayout Window{e90e744 u0 ScreenDecorOverlay}: viewVisibility=0 req=1079x151
05-12 20:45:44.152 4299 10246 V WindowManager: Relayout 10137: mAttrs={(0,0)(fillxwrap) gr=TOP LEFT CENTER sim={adjust=pan} layoutInDisplayCutoutMode=always ty=NAVIGATION_BAR_PANEL fmt=TRANSLUCENT
05-12 20:45:44.152 4299 10246 V WindowManager: fl=20800128
05-12 20:45:44.152 4299 10246 V WindowManager: pfl=1100050
05-12 20:45:44.152 4299 10246 V WindowManager: vsysui=100 naviIconColor=0}
05-12 20:45:44.154 10137 10867 D ViewRootImpl@ed5b6a[ScreenDecorOverlay]: Relayout returned: old=(0,0,1080,151) new=(0,0,1080,151) req=(1079,151)0 dur=9 res=0x3 s={true 478310035456} ch=false
05-12 20:45:44.161 4299 10246 V WindowManager: Relayout Window{9819af3 u0 ScreenDecorOverlayBottom}: viewVisibility=0 req=1079x151
05-12 20:45:44.169 4299 10246 V WindowManager: Relayout 10137: mAttrs={(0,0)(fillxwrap) gr=BOTTOM RIGHT CENTER sim={adjust=pan} layoutInDisplayCutoutMode=always ty=NAVIGATION_BAR_PANEL fmt=TRANSLUCENT
05-12 20:45:44.169 4299 10246 V WindowManager: fl=20800128
05-12 20:45:44.169 4299 10246 V WindowManager: pfl=1100050
05-12 20:45:44.169 4299 10246 V WindowManager: vsysui=100 naviIconColor=0}
05-12 20:45:44.174 10137 10867 D ViewRootImpl@2e58a0d[ScreenDecorOverlayBottom]: Relayout returned: old=(0,2189,1080,2340) new=(0,2189,1080,2340) req=(1079,151)0 dur=13 res=0x3 s={true 478310068224} ch=false
05-12 20:45:44.233 10137 10137 D AODUiController: onChargingLightSensorChanged lux : 2.0 appliedBrightness = 0 currentBrightness = 1
05-12 20:45:44.233 10137 10137 D AOD_BRIGHTNESS@BrightnessManager: mCurrentBrightness : HighNit[false], NitMode[[HLPM]_2NIT_ON], isForceState[0, ForceStateReason[{}, , mAppliedBrightness[0]
05-12 20:45:44.234 10137 10137 D AOD_BRIGHTNESS@AlwaysOnDisplayEx: updateDozeBrightness: doze [2] last [[HLPM]_2NIT_ON] change to [[HLPM]_2NIT_ON]
05-12 20:45:44.234 10137 10137 I AOD_WAKELOCK@WakeLockManager: acquireIfExists: tag - AOD_DRAW, timeout - 100, reason - set Doze Brightness updateDozeBrightness, wakeLock = WakeLock{c1ae7d8 held=true, refCount=1}
05-12 20:45:44.333 10137 10137 D AODUiController: onChargingLightSensorChanged lux : 2.0 appliedBrightness = 0 currentBrightness = 1
05-12 20:45:44.333 10137 10137 D AOD_BRIGHTNESS@BrightnessManager: mCurrentBrightness : HighNit[false], NitMode[[HLPM]_2NIT_ON], isForceState[0, ForceStateReason[{}, , mAppliedBrightness[0]
05-12 20:45:44.334 10137 10137 D AOD_BRIGHTNESS@AlwaysOnDisplayEx: updateDozeBrightness: doze [2] last [[HLPM]_2NIT_ON] change to [[HLPM]_2NIT_ON]
05-12 20:45:44.334 10137 10137 I AOD_WAKELOCK@WakeLockManager: acquireIfExists: tag - AOD_DRAW, timeout - 100, reason - set Doze Brightness updateDozeBrightness, wakeLock = WakeLock{c1ae7d8 held=true, refCount=1}
05-12 20:45:44.445 10137 10137 D AODUiController: onChargingLightSensorChanged lux : 2.0 appliedBrightness = 0 currentBrightness = 1
05-12 20:45:44.445 10137 10137 D AOD_BRIGHTNESS@BrightnessManager: mCurrentBrightness : HighNit[false], NitMode[[HLPM]_2NIT_ON], isForceState[0, ForceStateReason[{}, , mAppliedBrightness[0]
05-12 20:45:44.445 3871 3871 D SurfaceFlinger: Setting power mode 3 on display 0
05-12 20:45:44.446 10137 10137 D AOD_BRIGHTNESS@AlwaysOnDisplayEx: updateDozeBrightness: doze [2] last [[HLPM]_2NIT_ON] change to [[HLPM]_2NIT_ON]
05-12 20:45:44.446 3841 9377 E display : DOZE or Power off called twice, mPowerModeState : 1
05-12 20:45:44.446 10137 10137 I AOD_WAKELOCK@WakeLockManager: acquireIfExists: tag - AOD_DRAW, timeout - 100, reason - set Doze Brightness updateDozeBrightness, wakeLock = WakeLock{c1ae7d8 held=false, refCount=0}
05-12 20:45:44.446 3841 9377 D display : setPowerMode:: FBIOBLANK mode(3), blank(-1)
05-12 20:45:44.452 3841 9377 D display : setPowerMode:: S3CFB_POWER_MODE mode(3), blank(-1)
05-12 20:45:44.452 4299 10048 I BiometricServiceBase: onTaskStackChangedForFingerprint: Allow background auth,
05-12 20:45:44.453 3871 3871 D SurfaceFlinger: Finished setting power mode 3 on display 0
05-12 20:45:44.453 4299 10048 I BiometricServiceBase: onTaskStackChangedForFingerprint: Allow background auth,
05-12 20:45:44.455 4299 10048 I chatty : uid=1000(system) biometrics.fp identical 5 lines
05-12 20:45:44.455 4299 10048 I BiometricServiceBase: onTaskStackChangedForFingerprint: Allow background auth,
05-12 20:45:44.455 4299 10048 I BiometricServiceBase: onTaskStackChangedForFingerprint: Allow background auth,
05-12 20:45:44.458 4299 5297 D MotionRecognitionService: [EARHOVER_MOTION] inject screen on / off : 0
05-12 20:45:44.459 4299 10048 I chatty : uid=1000(system) biometrics.fp expire 1 line
05-12 20:45:44.459 4299 10048 I BiometricServiceBase: onTaskStackChangedForFingerprint: Allow background auth,
05-12 20:45:44.462 4299 5297 D SensorService: [EARHOVER_LITE] : setMotionDataLocked
05-12 20:45:44.462 4299 5297 D SensorService: [EARHOVER_LITE] : INJECT_SCREEN_OFF
05-12 20:45:44.469 3871 3871 D SurfaceFlinger: Setting power mode 1 on display 0
05-12 20:45:44.469 3841 3885 E display : DOZE or Power off called twice, mPowerModeState : 3
05-12 20:45:44.469 3841 3885 D display : setPowerMode:: FBIOBLANK mode(1), blank(-1)
05-12 20:45:44.472 10137 10137 D DisplayLifecycle: updateDisplay id = 0
05-12 20:45:44.474 3841 3885 D display : setPowerMode:: S3CFB_POWER_MODE mode(1), blank(-1)
05-12 20:45:44.475 3871 3871 D SurfaceFlinger: Finished setting power mode 1 on display 0
05-12 20:45:44.483 4299 5297 D MotionRecognitionService: [EARHOVER_MOTION] inject screen on / off : 0
05-12 20:45:44.483 4299 5297 D SensorService: [EARHOVER_LITE] : setMotionDataLocked
05-12 20:45:44.483 4299 5297 D SensorService: [EARHOVER_LITE] : INJECT_SCREEN_OFF
05-12 20:45:44.486 10137 10137 D DisplayLifecycle: updateCacheVariables id = 0, display = Display id 0: DisplayInfo{"Built-in Screen, displayId 0", uniqueId "local:0", app 1080 x 2131, real 1080 x 2340, largest app 2131 x 2131, smallest app 1080 x 1017, mode 1, defaultMode 1, modes [{id=1, width=1080, height=2340, fps=60.000004}], colorMode 0, supportedColorModes [0], hdrCapabilities android.view.Display$HdrCapabilities@40f16308, rotation 0, density 420 (403.411 x 404.326) dpi, layerStack 0, appVsyncOff 1000000, presDeadline 16666666, type BUILT_IN, address {port=0}, state DOZE, FLAG_SECURE, FLAG_SUPPORTS_PROTECTED_BUFFERS, removeMode 0}, DisplayMetrics{density=2.625, width=1080, height=2131, scaledDensity=2.625, xdpi=403.411, ydpi=404.326}, isValid=true, size = Point(1080, 2131), realSize = Point(1080, 2340)
05-12 20:45:44.487 4299 10048 I BiometricServiceBase: onTaskStackChangedForFingerprint: Allow background auth,
05-12 20:45:44.488 4299 10048 I chatty : uid=1000(system) biometrics.fp identical 9 lines
05-12 20:45:44.488 4299 10048 I BiometricServiceBase: onTaskStackChangedForFingerprint: Allow background auth,
05-12 20:45:44.508 10137 10137 D AOD_LIVE_CLOCK@LiveClockController: updateDisplayState: DISPLAY_STATE_DOZE
05-12 20:45:44.509 10137 10137 D DisplayLifecycle: updateDisplay id = 0
05-12 20:45:44.515 4299 12326 V WindowManager: Relayout Window{e90e744 u0 ScreenDecorOverlay}: viewVisibility=0 req=1079x151
05-12 20:45:44.516 10137 10137 D DisplayLifecycle: updateCacheVariables id = 0, display = Display id 0: DisplayInfo{"Built-in Screen, displayId 0", uniqueId "local:0", app 1080 x 2131, real 1080 x 2340, largest app 2131 x 2131, smallest app 1080 x 1017, mode 1, defaultMode 1, modes [{id=1, width=1080, height=2340, fps=60.000004}], colorMode 0, supportedColorModes [0], hdrCapabilities android.view.Display$HdrCapabilities@40f16308, rotation 0, density 420 (403.411 x 404.326) dpi, layerStack 0, appVsyncOff 1000000, presDeadline 16666666, type BUILT_IN, address {port=0}, state DOZE, FLAG_SECURE, FLAG_SUPPORTS_PROTECTED_BUFFERS, removeMode 0}, DisplayMetrics{density=2.625, width=1080, height=2131, scaledDensity=2.625, xdpi=403.411, ydpi=404.326}, isValid=true, size = Point(1080, 2131), realSize = Point(1080, 2340)
05-12 20:45:44.522 4299 12326 V WindowManager: Relayout 10137: mAttrs={(0,0)(fillxwrap) gr=TOP LEFT CENTER sim={adjust=pan} layoutInDisplayCutoutMode=always ty=NAVIGATION_BAR_PANEL fmt=TRANSLUCENT
05-12 20:45:44.522 4299 12326 V WindowManager: fl=20800128
05-12 20:45:44.522 4299 12326 V WindowManager: pfl=1100050
05-12 20:45:44.522 4299 12326 V WindowManager: vsysui=100 naviIconColor=0}
05-12 20:45:44.524 10137 10867 D ViewRootImpl@ed5b6a[ScreenDecorOverlay]: Relayout returned: old=(0,0,1080,151) new=(0,0,1080,151) req=(1079,151)0 dur=9 res=0x3 s={true 478310035456} ch=false
05-12 20:45:44.527 10137 10137 D AOD_LIVE_CLOCK@LiveClockController: updateDisplayState: DISPLAY_STATE_DOZE
05-12 20:45:44.533 4299 12326 V WindowManager: Relayout Window{9819af3 u0 ScreenDecorOverlayBottom}: viewVisibility=0 req=1079x151
05-12 20:45:44.544 4299 12326 V WindowManager: Relayout 10137: mAttrs={(0,0)(fillxwrap) gr=BOTTOM RIGHT CENTER sim={adjust=pan} layoutInDisplayCutoutMode=always ty=NAVIGATION_BAR_PANEL fmt=TRANSLUCENT
05-12 20:45:44.544 4299 12326 V WindowManager: fl=20800128
05-12 20:45:44.544 4299 12326 V WindowManager: pfl=1100050
05-12 20:45:44.544 4299 12326 V WindowManager: vsysui=100 naviIconColor=0}
05-12 20:45:44.546 10137 10867 D ViewRootImpl@2e58a0d[ScreenDecorOverlayBottom]: Relayout returned: old=(0,2189,1080,2340) new=(0,2189,1080,2340) req=(1079,151)0 dur=13 res=0x3 s={true 478310068224} ch=false
05-12 20:45:44.553 10137 10137 D AODUiController: onChargingLightSensorChanged lux : 2.0 appliedBrightness = 0 currentBrightness = 1
05-12 20:45:44.553 10137 10137 D AOD_BRIGHTNESS@BrightnessManager: mCurrentBrightness : HighNit[false], NitMode[[HLPM]_2NIT_ON], isForceState[0, ForceStateReason[{}, , mAppliedBrightness[0]
05-12 20:45:44.554 10137 10137 D AOD_BRIGHTNESS@AlwaysOnDisplayEx: updateDozeBrightness: doze [2] last [[HLPM]_2NIT_ON] change to [[HLPM]_2NIT_ON]
05-12 20:45:44.554 10137 10137 I AOD_WAKELOCK@WakeLockManager: acquireIfExists: tag - AOD_DRAW, timeout - 100, reason - set Doze Brightness updateDozeBrightness, wakeLock = WakeLock{c1ae7d8 held=true, refCount=1}
05-12 20:45:44.658 3871 3871 D SurfaceFlinger: Setting power mode 3 on display 0
05-12 20:45:44.659 3841 3885 E display : DOZE or Power off called twice, mPowerModeState : 1
05-12 20:45:44.659 3841 3885 D display : setPowerMode:: FBIOBLANK mode(3), blank(-1)
05-12 20:45:44.661 3841 3885 D display : setPowerMode:: S3CFB_POWER_MODE mode(3), blank(-1)
05-12 20:45:44.661 4299 5297 D MotionRecognitionService: [EARHOVER_MOTION] inject screen on / off : 0
05-12 20:45:44.661 3871 3871 D SurfaceFlinger: Finished setting power mode 3 on display 0
05-12 20:45:44.662 4299 5297 D SensorService: [EARHOVER_LITE] : setMotionDataLocked
05-12 20:45:44.662 4299 5297 D SensorService: [EARHOVER_LITE] : INJECT_SCREEN_OFF
05-12 20:45:44.663 4299 10048 I BiometricServiceBase: onTaskStackChangedForFingerprint: Allow background auth,
05-12 20:45:44.663 4299 10048 I chatty : uid=1000(system) biometrics.fp identical 4 lines
05-12 20:45:44.663 10137 10137 D AODUiController: onChargingLightSensorChanged lux : 2.0 appliedBrightness = 0 currentBrightness = 1
05-12 20:45:44.663 4299 10048 I BiometricServiceBase: onTaskStackChangedForFingerprint: Allow background auth,
05-12 20:45:44.663 10137 10137 D AOD_BRIGHTNESS@BrightnessManager: mCurrentBrightness : HighNit[false], NitMode[[HLPM]_2NIT_ON], isForceState[0, ForceStateReason[{}, , mAppliedBrightness[0]
05-12 20:45:44.664 10137 10137 D AOD_BRIGHTNESS@AlwaysOnDisplayEx: updateDozeBrightness: doze [2] last [[HLPM]_2NIT_ON] change to [[HLPM]_2NIT_ON]
05-12 20:45:44.664 10137 10137 I AOD_WAKELOCK@WakeLockManager: acquireIfExists: tag - AOD_DRAW, timeout - 100, reason - set Doze Brightness updateDozeBrightness, wakeLock = WakeLock{c1ae7d8 held=false, refCount=0}
05-12 20:45:44.665 4299 10048 I BiometricServiceBase: onTaskStackChangedForFingerprint: Allow background auth,
05-12 20:45:44.666 4299 10048 I chatty : uid=1000(system) biometrics.fp identical 3 lines
05-12 20:45:44.667 4299 10048 I BiometricServiceBase: onTaskStackChangedForFingerprint: Allow background auth,
05-12 20:45:44.676 3871 3871 D SurfaceFlinger: Setting power mode 1 on display 0
05-12 20:45:44.676 3841 3885 E display : DOZE or Power off called twice, mPowerModeState : 3
05-12 20:45:44.676 3841 3885 D display : setPowerMode:: FBIOBLANK mode(1), blank(-1)
05-12 20:45:44.677 10137 10137 D DisplayLifecycle: updateDisplay id = 0
05-12 20:45:44.678 3951 10369 I GNSS_MEMS: TGT_MEMS SCSCMemsReportSensorDrops: dropped 0 events (spam) 1 events (rate limit) out of 52 total for sensor 0 since last report
05-12 20:45:44.681 3841 3885 D display : setPowerMode:: S3CFB_POWER_MODE mode(1), blank(-1)
05-12 20:45:44.681 3871 3871 D SurfaceFlinger: Finished setting power mode 1 on display 0
05-12 20:45:44.685 10137 10137 D DisplayLifecycle: updateCacheVariables id = 0, display = Display id 0: DisplayInfo{"Built-in Screen, displayId 0", uniqueId "local:0", app 1080 x 2131, real 1080 x 2340, largest app 2131 x 2131, smallest app 1080 x 1017, mode 1, defaultMode 1, modes [{id=1, width=1080, height=2340, fps=60.000004}], colorMode 0, supportedColorModes [0], hdrCapabilities android.view.Display$HdrCapabilities@40f16308, rotation 0, density 420 (403.411 x 404.326) dpi, layerStack 0, appVsyncOff 1000000, presDeadline 16666666, type BUILT_IN, address {port=0}, state DOZE_SUSPEND, FLAG_SECURE, FLAG_SUPPORTS_PROTECTED_BUFFERS, removeMode 0}, DisplayMetrics{density=2.625, width=1080, height=2131, scaledDensity=2.625, xdpi=403.411, ydpi=404.326}, isValid=true, size = Point(1080, 2131), realSize = Point(1080, 2340)
05-12 20:45:44.690 4299 5297 D MotionRecognitionService: [EARHOVER_MOTION] inject screen on / off : 0
05-12 20:45:44.690 4299 5297 D SensorService: [EARHOVER_LITE] : setMotionDataLocked
05-12 20:45:44.690 4299 5297 D SensorService: [EARHOVER_LITE] : INJECT_SCREEN_OFF
05-12 20:45:44.693 4299 10048 I BiometricServiceBase: onTaskStackChangedForFingerprint: Allow background auth,
05-12 20:45:44.695 4299 10048 I chatty : uid=1000(system) biometrics.fp identical 9 lines
05-12 20:45:44.695 4299 10048 I BiometricServiceBase: onTaskStackChangedForFingerprint: Allow background auth,
05-12 20:45:44.710 10137 10137 D AOD_LIVE_CLOCK@LiveClockController: updateDisplayState: DISPLAY_STATE_DOZE
05-12 20:45:44.711 10137 10137 D DisplayLifecycle: updateDisplay id = 0
05-12 20:45:44.718 10137 10137 D DisplayLifecycle: updateCacheVariables id = 0, display = Display id 0: DisplayInfo{"Built-in Screen, displayId 0", uniqueId "local:0", app 1080 x 2131, real 1080 x 2340, largest app 2131 x 2131, smallest app 1080 x 1017, mode 1, defaultMode 1, modes [{id=1, width=1080, height=2340, fps=60.000004}], colorMode 0, supportedColorModes [0], hdrCapabilities android.view.Display$HdrCapabilities@40f16308, rotation 0, density 420 (403.411 x 404.326) dpi, layerStack 0, appVsyncOff 1000000, presDeadline 16666666, type BUILT_IN, address {port=0}, state DOZE, FLAG_SECURE, FLAG_SUPPORTS_PROTECTED_BUFFERS, removeMode 0}, DisplayMetrics{density=2.625, width=1080, height=2131, scaledDensity=2.625, xdpi=403.411, ydpi=404.326}, isValid=true, size = Point(1080, 2131), realSize = Point(1080, 2340)
05-12 20:45:44.721 4299 12328 V WindowManager: Relayout Window{e90e744 u0 ScreenDecorOverlay}: viewVisibility=0 req=1079x151
05-12 20:45:44.728 4299 12328 V WindowManager: Relayout 10137: mAttrs={(0,0)(fillxwrap) gr=TOP LEFT CENTER sim={adjust=pan} layoutInDisplayCutoutMode=always ty=NAVIGATION_BAR_PANEL fmt=TRANSLUCENT
05-12 20:45:44.728 4299 12328 V WindowManager: fl=20800128
05-12 20:45:44.728 4299 12328 V WindowManager: pfl=1100050
05-12 20:45:44.728 4299 12328 V WindowManager: vsysui=100 naviIconColor=0}
05-12 20:45:44.729 10137 10137 D AOD_LIVE_CLOCK@LiveClockController: updateDisplayState: DISPLAY_STATE_DOZE
05-12 20:45:44.730 10137 10867 D ViewRootImpl@ed5b6a[ScreenDecorOverlay]: Relayout returned: old=(0,0,1080,151) new=(0,0,1080,151) req=(1079,151)0 dur=9 res=0x3 s={true 478310035456} ch=false
05-12 20:45:44.742 4299 10535 V WindowManager: Relayout Window{9819af3 u0 ScreenDecorOverlayBottom}: viewVisibility=0 req=1079x151
05-12 20:45:44.748 4299 10535 V WindowManager: Relayout 10137: mAttrs={(0,0)(fillxwrap) gr=BOTTOM RIGHT CENTER sim={adjust=pan} layoutInDisplayCutoutMode=always ty=NAVIGATION_BAR_PANEL fmt=TRANSLUCENT
05-12 20:45:44.748 4299 10535 V WindowManager: fl=20800128
05-12 20:45:44.748 4299 10535 V WindowManager: pfl=1100050
05-12 20:45:44.748 4299 10535 V WindowManager: vsysui=100 naviIconColor=0}
05-12 20:45:44.750 10137 10867 D ViewRootImpl@2e58a0d[ScreenDecorOverlayBottom]: Relayout returned: old=(0,2189,1080,2340) new=(0,2189,1080,2340) req=(1079,151)0 dur=13 res=0x3 s={true 478310068224} ch=false
05-12 20:45:44.761 10137 10137 D AODUiController: onChargingLightSensorChanged lux : 2.0 appliedBrightness = 0 currentBrightness = 1
05-12 20:45:44.761 10137 10137 D AOD_BRIGHTNESS@BrightnessManager: mCurrentBrightness : HighNit[false], NitMode[[HLPM]_2NIT_ON], isForceState[0, ForceStateReason[{}, , mAppliedBrightness[0]
05-12 20:45:44.761 10137 10137 D AOD_BRIGHTNESS@AlwaysOnDisplayEx: updateDozeBrightness: doze [2] last [[HLPM]_2NIT_ON] change to [[HLPM]_2NIT_ON]
05-12 20:45:44.762 10137 10137 I AOD_WAKELOCK@WakeLockManager: acquireIfExists: tag - AOD_DRAW, timeout - 100, reason - set Doze Brightness updateDozeBrightness, wakeLock = WakeLock{c1ae7d8 held=true, refCount=1}
05-12 20:45:44.861 10137 10137 D AODUiController: onChargingLightSensorChanged lux : 2.0 appliedBrightness = 0 currentBrightness = 1
05-12 20:45:44.861 10137 10137 D AOD_BRIGHTNESS@BrightnessManager: mCurrentBrightness : HighNit[false], NitMode[[HLPM]_2NIT_ON], isForceState[0, ForceStateReason[{}, , mAppliedBrightness[0]
05-12 20:45:44.862 10137 10137 D AOD_BRIGHTNESS@AlwaysOnDisplayEx: updateDozeBrightness: doze [2] last [[HLPM]_2NIT_ON] change to [[HLPM]_2NIT_ON]
05-12 20:45:44.862 10137 10137 I AOD_WAKELOCK@WakeLockManager: acquireIfExists: tag - AOD_DRAW, timeout - 100, reason - set Doze Brightness updateDozeBrightness, wakeLock = WakeLock{c1ae7d8 held=true, refCount=1}
05-12 20:45:44.976 3871 3871 D SurfaceFlinger: Setting power mode 3 on display 0
05-12 20:45:44.977 3841 3885 E display : DOZE or Power off called twice, mPowerModeState : 1
05-12 20:45:44.977 3841 3885 D display : setPowerMode:: FBIOBLANK mode(3), blank(-1)
05-12 20:45:44.979 10137 10137 D AODUiController: onChargingLightSensorChanged lux : 2.0 appliedBrightness = 0 currentBrightness = 1
05-12 20:45:44.980 10137 10137 D AOD_BRIGHTNESS@BrightnessManager: mCurrentBrightness : HighNit[false], NitMode[[HLPM]_2NIT_ON], isForceState[0, ForceStateReason[{}, , mAppliedBrightness[0]
05-12 20:45:44.980 10137 10137 D AOD_BRIGHTNESS@AlwaysOnDisplayEx: updateDozeBrightness: doze [2] last [[HLPM]_2NIT_ON] change to [[HLPM]_2NIT_ON]
05-12 20:45:44.980 10137 10137 I AOD_WAKELOCK@WakeLockManager: acquireIfExists: tag - AOD_DRAW, timeout - 100, reason - set Doze Brightness updateDozeBrightness, wakeLock = WakeLock{c1ae7d8 held=false, refCount=0}
05-12 20:45:44.982 4299 5297 D MotionRecognitionService: [EARHOVER_MOTION] inject screen on / off : 0
05-12 20:45:44.983 4299 5297 D SensorService: [EARHOVER_LITE] : setMotionDataLocked
05-12 20:45:44.983 4299 5297 D SensorService: [EARHOVER_LITE] : INJECT_SCREEN_OFF
05-12 20:45:44.985 3841 3885 D display : setPowerMode:: S3CFB_POWER_MODE mode(3), blank(-1)
05-12 20:45:44.985 3871 3871 D SurfaceFlinger: Finished setting power mode 3 on display 0
05-12 20:45:44.988 4299 10048 I BiometricServiceBase: onTaskStackChangedForFingerprint: Allow background auth,
05-12 20:45:44.993 4299 10048 I chatty : uid=1000(system) biometrics.fp identical 9 lines
05-12 20:45:44.993 4299 10048 I BiometricServiceBase: onTaskStackChangedForFingerprint: Allow background auth,
05-12 20:45:45.021 3970 10055 D bauth_FPBAuthService: pcf : 0x1012, 0 ,1 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,0,
05-12 20:45:45.021 3970 10055 D bauth_FPBAuthService: thread id : 1, preenroll_flag : 0, nd cnt : 0, cso : 0, et : 0
05-12 20:45:45.021 3970 10055 D bauth_FPBAuthService: FPBAuthService, 10983
05-12 20:45:45.027 4299 12328 V WindowManager: Relayout Window{e90e744 u0 ScreenDecorOverlay}: viewVisibility=0 req=1079x151
05-12 20:45:45.027 3871 3871 D SurfaceFlinger: Setting power mode 1 on display 0
05-12 20:45:45.028 3841 3885 E display : DOZE or Power off called twice, mPowerModeState : 3
05-12 20:45:45.028 3841 3885 D display : setPowerMode:: FBIOBLANK mode(1), blank(-1)
05-12 20:45:45.028 10137 10137 D DisplayLifecycle: updateDisplay id = 0
05-12 20:45:45.032 10137 10137 D DisplayLifecycle: updateCacheVariables id = 0, display = Display id 0: DisplayInfo{"Built-in Screen, displayId 0", uniqueId "local:0", app 1080 x 2131, real 1080 x 2340, largest app 2131 x 2131, smallest app 1080 x 1017, mode 1, defaultMode 1, modes [{id=1, width=1080, height=2340, fps=60.000004}], colorMode 0, supportedColorModes [0], hdrCapabilities android.view.Display$HdrCapabilities@40f16308, rotation 0, density 420 (403.411 x 404.326) dpi, layerStack 0, appVsyncOff 1000000, presDeadline 16666666, type BUILT_IN, address {port=0}, state DOZE_SUSPEND, FLAG_SECURE, FLAG_SUPPORTS_PROTECTED_BUFFERS, removeMode 0}, DisplayMetrics{density=2.625, width=1080, height=2131, scaledDensity=2.625, xdpi=403.411, ydpi=404.326}, isValid=true, size = Point(1080, 2131), realSize = Point(1080, 2340)
05-12 20:45:45.032 3841 3885 D display : setPowerMode:: S3CFB_POWER_MODE mode(1), blank(-1)
05-12 20:45:45.033 3871 3871 D SurfaceFlinger: Finished setting power mode 1 on display 0
05-12 20:45:45.035 4299 12328 V WindowManager: Relayout 10137: mAttrs={(0,0)(fillxwrap) gr=TOP LEFT CENTER sim={adjust=pan} layoutInDisplayCutoutMode=always ty=NAVIGATION_BAR_PANEL fmt=TRANSLUCENT
05-12 20:45:45.035 4299 12328 V WindowManager: fl=20800128
05-12 20:45:45.035 4299 12328 V WindowManager: pfl=1100050
05-12 20:45:45.035 4299 12328 V WindowManager: vsysui=100 naviIconColor=0}
05-12 20:45:45.037 10137 10867 D ViewRootImpl@ed5b6a[ScreenDecorOverlay]: Relayout returned: old=(0,0,1080,151) new=(0,0,1080,151) req=(1079,151)0 dur=10 res=0x3 s={true 478310035456} ch=false
05-12 20:45:45.046 4299 5297 D MotionRecognitionService: [EARHOVER_MOTION] inject screen on / off : 0
05-12 20:45:45.046 4299 5297 D SensorService: [EARHOVER_LITE] : setMotionDataLocked
05-12 20:45:45.046 4299 5297 D SensorService: [EARHOVER_LITE] : INJECT_SCREEN_OFF
05-12 20:45:45.049 4299 10048 I BiometricServiceBase: onTaskStackChangedForFingerprint: Allow background auth,
05-12 20:45:45.049 4299 10048 I chatty : uid=1000(system) biometrics.fp identical 9 lines
05-12 20:45:45.049 4299 10048 I BiometricServiceBase: onTaskStackChangedForFingerprint: Allow background auth,
05-12 20:45:45.060 4299 10246 V WindowManager: Relayout Window{9819af3 u0 ScreenDecorOverlayBottom}: viewVisibility=0 req=1079x151
05-12 20:45:45.061 10137 10137 D AOD_LIVE_CLOCK@LiveClockController: updateDisplayState: DISPLAY_STATE_DOZE
05-12 20:45:45.063 10137 10137 D DisplayLifecycle: updateDisplay id = 0
05-12 20:45:45.067 10137 10137 D DisplayLifecycle: updateCacheVariables id = 0, display = Display id 0: DisplayInfo{"Built-in Screen, displayId 0", uniqueId "local:0", app 1080 x 2131, real 1080 x 2340, largest app 2131 x 2131, smallest app 1080 x 1017, mode 1, defaultMode 1, modes [{id=1, width=1080, height=2340, fps=60.000004}], colorMode 0, supportedColorModes [0], hdrCapabilities android.view.Display$HdrCapabilities@40f16308, rotation 0, density 420 (403.411 x 404.326) dpi, layerStack 0, appVsyncOff 1000000, presDeadline 16666666, type BUILT_IN, address {port=0}, state DOZE, FLAG_SECURE, FLAG_SUPPORTS_PROTECTED_BUFFERS, removeMode 0}, DisplayMetrics{density=2.625, width=1080, height=2131, scaledDensity=2.625, xdpi=403.411, ydpi=404.326}, isValid=true, size = Point(1080, 2131), realSize = Point(1080, 2340)
05-12 20:45:45.069 4299 10246 V WindowManager: Relayout 10137: mAttrs={(0,0)(fillxwrap) gr=BOTTOM RIGHT CENTER sim={adjust=pan} layoutInDisplayCutoutMode=always ty=NAVIGATION_BAR_PANEL fmt=TRANSLUCENT
05-12 20:45:45.069 4299 10246 V WindowManager: fl=20800128
05-12 20:45:45.069 4299 10246 V WindowManager: pfl=1100050
05-12 20:45:45.069 4299 10246 V WindowManager: vsysui=100 naviIconColor=0}
05-12 20:45:45.069 10137 10137 D AODUiController: onChargingLightSensorChanged lux : 1.0 appliedBrightness = 0 currentBrightness = 1
05-12 20:45:45.069 10137 10137 D AOD_BRIGHTNESS@BrightnessManager: mCurrentBrightness : HighNit[false], NitMode[[HLPM]_2NIT_ON], isForceState[0, ForceStateReason[{}, , mAppliedBrightness[0]
05-12 20:45:45.069 10137 10137 D AOD_BRIGHTNESS@AlwaysOnDisplayEx: updateDozeBrightness: doze [2] last [[HLPM]_2NIT_ON] change to [[HLPM]_2NIT_ON]
05-12 20:45:45.070 10137 10137 I AOD_WAKELOCK@WakeLockManager: acquireIfExists: tag - AOD_DRAW, timeout - 100, reason - set Doze Brightness updateDozeBrightness, wakeLock = WakeLock{c1ae7d8 held=true, refCount=1}
05-12 20:45:45.071 10137 10867 D ViewRootImpl@2e58a0d[ScreenDecorOverlayBottom]: Relayout returned: old=(0,2189,1080,2340) new=(0,2189,1080,2340) req=(1079,151)0 dur=15 res=0x3 s={true 478310068224} ch=false
05-12 20:45:45.079 10137 10137 D AOD_LIVE_CLOCK@LiveClockController: updateDisplayState: DISPLAY_STATE_DOZE
05-12 20:45:45.106 4299 11692 V WindowManager: Relayout Window{e90e744 u0 ScreenDecorOverlay}: viewVisibility=0 req=1079x151
05-12 20:45:45.112 4299 11692 V WindowManager: Relayout 10137: mAttrs={(0,0)(fillxwrap) gr=TOP LEFT CENTER sim={adjust=pan} layoutInDisplayCutoutMode=always ty=NAVIGATION_BAR_PANEL fmt=TRANSLUCENT
05-12 20:45:45.112 4299 11692 V WindowManager: fl=20800128
05-12 20:45:45.112 4299 11692 V WindowManager: pfl=1100050
05-12 20:45:45.112 4299 11692 V WindowManager: vsysui=100 naviIconColor=0}
05-12 20:45:45.114 10137 10867 D ViewRootImpl@ed5b6a[ScreenDecorOverlay]: Relayout returned: old=(0,0,1080,151) new=(0,0,1080,151) req=(1079,151)0 dur=9 res=0x3 s={true 478310035456} ch=false
05-12 20:45:45.121 4299 11692 V WindowManager: Relayout Window{9819af3 u0 ScreenDecorOverlayBottom}: viewVisibility=0 req=1079x151
05-12 20:45:45.129 4299 11692 V WindowManager: Relayout 10137: mAttrs={(0,0)(fillxwrap) gr=BOTTOM RIGHT CENTER sim={adjust=pan} layoutInDisplayCutoutMode=always ty=NAVIGATION_BAR_PANEL fmt=TRANSLUCENT
05-12 20:45:45.129 4299 11692 V WindowManager: fl=20800128
05-12 20:45:45.129 4299 11692 V WindowManager: pfl=1100050
05-12 20:45:45.129 4299 11692 V WindowManager: vsysui=100 naviIconColor=0}
05-12 20:45:45.132 10137 10867 D ViewRootImpl@2e58a0d[ScreenDecorOverlayBottom]: Relayout returned: old=(0,2189,1080,2340) new=(0,2189,1080,2340) req=(1079,151)0 dur=11 res=0x3 s={true 478310068224} ch=false
05-12 20:45:45.175 10137 10137 D AODUiController: onChargingLightSensorChanged lux : 1.0 appliedBrightness = 0 currentBrightness = 1
05-12 20:45:45.176 10137 10137 D AOD_BRIGHTNESS@BrightnessManager: mCurrentBrightness : HighNit[false], NitMode[[HLPM]_2NIT_ON], isForceState[0, ForceStateReason[{}, , mAppliedBrightness[0]
05-12 20:45:45.176 10137 10137 D AOD_BRIGHTNESS@AlwaysOnDisplayEx: updateDozeBrightness: doze [2] last [[HLPM]_2NIT_ON] change to [[HLPM]_2NIT_ON]
05-12 20:45:45.176 10137 10137 I AOD_WAKELOCK@WakeLockManager: acquireIfExists: tag - AOD_DRAW, timeout - 100, reason - set Doze Brightness updateDozeBrightness, wakeLock = WakeLock{c1ae7d8 held=false, refCount=0}
05-12 20:45:45.177 3871 3871 D SurfaceFlinger: Setting power mode 3 on display 0
05-12 20:45:45.178 3841 9377 E display : DOZE or Power off called twice, mPowerModeState : 1
05-12 20:45:45.178 3841 9377 D display : setPowerMode:: FBIOBLANK mode(3), blank(-1)
05-12 20:45:45.182 4299 5297 D MotionRecognitionService: [EARHOVER_MOTION] inject screen on / off : 0
05-12 20:45:45.182 4299 5297 D SensorService: [EARHOVER_LITE] : setMotionDataLocked
05-12 20:45:45.182 4299 5297 D SensorService: [EARHOVER_LITE] : INJECT_SCREEN_OFF
05-12 20:45:45.185 4299 10048 I BiometricServiceBase: onTaskStackChangedForFingerprint: Allow background auth,
05-12 20:45:45.186 4299 10048 I chatty : uid=1000(system) biometrics.fp identical 9 lines
05-12 20:45:45.186 4299 10048 I BiometricServiceBase: onTaskStackChangedForFingerprint: Allow background auth,
05-12 20:45:45.198 10137 10137 D DisplayLifecycle: updateDisplay id = 0
05-12 20:45:45.203 10137 10137 D DisplayLifecycle: updateCacheVariables id = 0, display = Display id 0: DisplayInfo{"Built-in Screen, displayId 0", uniqueId "local:0", app 1080 x 2131, real 1080 x 2340, largest app 2131 x 2131, smallest app 1080 x 1017, mode 1, defaultMode 1, modes [{id=1, width=1080, height=2340, fps=60.000004}], colorMode 0, supportedColorModes [0], hdrCapabilities android.view.Display$HdrCapabilities@40f16308, rotation 0, density 420 (403.411 x 404.326) dpi, layerStack 0, appVsyncOff 1000000, presDeadline 16666666, type BUILT_IN, address {port=0}, state DOZE_SUSPEND, FLAG_SECURE, FLAG_SUPPORTS_PROTECTED_BUFFERS, removeMode 0}, DisplayMetrics{density=2.625, width=1080, height=2131, scaledDensity=2.625, xdpi=403.411, ydpi=404.326}, isValid=true, size = Point(1080, 2131), realSize = Point(1080, 2340)
05-12 20:45:45.215 4299 10535 V WindowManager: Relayout Window{e90e744 u0 ScreenDecorOverlay}: viewVisibility=0 req=1079x151
05-12 20:45:45.217 3841 9377 D display : setPowerMode:: S3CFB_POWER_MODE mode(3), blank(-1)
05-12 20:45:45.218 3871 3871 D SurfaceFlinger: Finished setting power mode 3 on display 0
05-12 20:45:45.220 10137 10137 D AOD_LIVE_CLOCK@LiveClockController: updateDisplayState: DISPLAY_STATE_DOZE_SUSPEND
05-12 20:45:45.220 3871 3871 D SurfaceFlinger: Setting power mode 1 on display 0
05-12 20:45:45.220 3841 9377 E display : DOZE or Power off called twice, mPowerModeState : 3
05-12 20:45:45.220 3841 9377 D display : setPowerMode:: FBIOBLANK mode(1), blank(-1)
05-12 20:45:45.224 4299 10535 V WindowManager: Relayout 10137: mAttrs={(0,0)(fillxwrap) gr=TOP LEFT CENTER sim={adjust=pan} layoutInDisplayCutoutMode=always ty=NAVIGATION_BAR_PANEL fmt=TRANSLUCENT
05-12 20:45:45.224 4299 10535 V WindowManager: fl=20800128
05-12 20:45:45.224 4299 10535 V WindowManager: pfl=1100050
05-12 20:45:45.224 4299 10535 V WindowManager: vsysui=100 naviIconColor=0}
05-12 20:45:45.225 3841 9377 D display : setPowerMode:: S3CFB_POWER_MODE mode(1), blank(-1)
05-12 20:45:45.226 3871 3871 D SurfaceFlinger: Finished setting power mode 1 on display 0
05-12 20:45:45.226 4299 5297 D MotionRecognitionService: [EARHOVER_MOTION] inject screen on / off : 0
05-12 20:45:45.226 4299 5297 D SensorService: [EARHOVER_LITE] : setMotionDataLocked
05-12 20:45:45.226 4299 5297 D SensorService: [EARHOVER_LITE] : INJECT_SCREEN_OFF
05-12 20:45:45.229 4299 10048 I BiometricServiceBase: onTaskStackChangedForFingerprint: Allow background auth,
05-12 20:45:45.230 4299 10048 I BiometricServiceBase: onTaskStackChangedForFingerprint: Allow background auth,
05-12 20:45:45.230 10137 10867 D ViewRootImpl@ed5b6a[ScreenDecorOverlay]: Relayout returned: old=(0,0,1080,151) new=(0,0,1080,151) req=(1079,151)0 dur=16 res=0x3 s={true 478310035456} ch=false
05-12 20:45:45.232 4299 10048 I chatty : uid=1000(system) biometrics.fp expire 8 lines
05-12 20:45:45.232 4299 10048 I BiometricServiceBase: onTaskStackChangedForFingerprint: Allow background auth,
05-12 20:45:45.233 10137 10137 D DisplayLifecycle: updateDisplay id = 0
05-12 20:45:45.243 10137 10137 D DisplayLifecycle: updateCacheVariables id = 0, display = Display id 0: DisplayInfo{"Built-in Screen, displayId 0", uniqueId "local:0", app 1080 x 2131, real 1080 x 2340, largest app 2131 x 2131, smallest app 1080 x 1017, mode 1, defaultMode 1, modes [{id=1, width=1080, height=2340, fps=60.000004}], colorMode 0, supportedColorModes [0], hdrCapabilities android.view.Display$HdrCapabilities@40f16308, rotation 0, density 420 (403.411 x 404.326) dpi, layerStack 0, appVsyncOff 1000000, presDeadline 16666666, type BUILT_IN, address {port=0}, state DOZE, FLAG_SECURE, FLAG_SUPPORTS_PROTECTED_BUFFERS, removeMode 0}, DisplayMetrics{density=2.625, width=1080, height=2131, scaledDensity=2.625, xdpi=403.411, ydpi=404.326}, isValid=true, size = Point(1080, 2131), realSize = Point(1080, 2340)
05-12 20:45:45.249 4299 11513 V WindowManager: Relayout Window{9819af3 u0 ScreenDecorOverlayBottom}: viewVisibility=0 req=1079x151
05-12 20:45:45.254 10137 10137 D AOD_LIVE_CLOCK@LiveClockController: updateDisplayState: DISPLAY_STATE_DOZE
05-12 20:45:45.256 4299 11513 V WindowManager: Relayout 10137: mAttrs={(0,0)(fillxwrap) gr=BOTTOM RIGHT CENTER sim={adjust=pan} layoutInDisplayCutoutMode=always ty=NAVIGATION_BAR_PANEL fmt=TRANSLUCENT
05-12 20:45:45.256 4299 11513 V WindowManager: fl=20800128
05-12 20:45:45.256 4299 11513 V WindowManager: pfl=1100050
05-12 20:45:45.256 4299 11513 V WindowManager: vsysui=100 naviIconColor=0}
05-12 20:45:45.259 10137 10867 D ViewRootImpl@2e58a0d[ScreenDecorOverlayBottom]: Relayout returned: old=(0,2189,1080,2340) new=(0,2189,1080,2340) req=(1079,151)0 dur=12 res=0x3 s={true 478310068224} ch=false
05-12 20:45:45.269 10137 10137 D AODUiController: onChargingLightSensorChanged lux : 1.0 appliedBrightness = 0 currentBrightness = 1
05-12 20:45:45.269 10137 10137 D AOD_BRIGHTNESS@BrightnessManager: mCurrentBrightness : HighNit[false], NitMode[[HLPM]_2NIT_ON], isForceState[0, ForceStateReason[{}, , mAppliedBrightness[0]
05-12 20:45:45.270 10137 10137 D AOD_BRIGHTNESS@AlwaysOnDisplayEx: updateDozeBrightness: doze [2] last [[HLPM]_2NIT_ON] change to [[HLPM]_2NIT_ON]
05-12 20:45:45.270 10137 10137 I AOD_WAKELOCK@WakeLockManager: acquireIfExists: tag - AOD_DRAW, timeout - 100, reason - set Doze Brightness updateDozeBrightness, wakeLock = WakeLock{c1ae7d8 held=true, refCount=1}
05-12 20:45:45.280 4299 10535 V WindowManager: Relayout Window{e90e744 u0 ScreenDecorOverlay}: viewVisibility=0 req=1079x151
05-12 20:45:45.287 4299 10535 V WindowManager: Relayout 10137: mAttrs={(0,0)(fillxwrap) gr=TOP LEFT CENTER sim={adjust=pan} layoutInDisplayCutoutMode=always ty=NAVIGATION_BAR_PANEL fmt=TRANSLUCENT
05-12 20:45:45.287 4299 10535 V WindowManager: fl=20800128
05-12 20:45:45.287 4299 10535 V WindowManager: pfl=1100050
05-12 20:45:45.287 4299 10535 V WindowManager: vsysui=100 naviIconColor=0}
05-12 20:45:45.289 10137 10867 D ViewRootImpl@ed5b6a[ScreenDecorOverlay]: Relayout returned: old=(0,0,1080,151) new=(0,0,1080,151) req=(1079,151)0 dur=9 res=0x3 s={true 478310035456} ch=false
05-12 20:45:45.296 4299 10535 V WindowManager: Relayout Window{9819af3 u0 ScreenDecorOverlayBottom}: viewVisibility=0 req=1079x151
05-12 20:45:45.305 4299 10535 V WindowManager: Relayout 10137: mAttrs={(0,0)(fillxwrap) gr=BOTTOM RIGHT CENTER sim={adjust=pan} layoutInDisplayCutoutMode=always ty=NAVIGATION_BAR_PANEL fmt=TRANSLUCENT
05-12 20:45:45.305 4299 10535 V WindowManager: fl=20800128
05-12 20:45:45.305 4299 10535 V WindowManager: pfl=1100050
05-12 20:45:45.305 4299 10535 V WindowManager: vsysui=100 naviIconColor=0}
05-12 20:45:45.308 10137 10867 D ViewRootImpl@2e58a0d[ScreenDecorOverlayBottom]: Relayout returned: old=(0,2189,1080,2340) new=(0,2189,1080,2340) req=(1079,151)0 dur=12 res=0x3 s={true 478310068224} ch=false
05-12 20:45:45.370 10137 10137 D AODUiController: onChargingLightSensorChanged lux : 1.0 appliedBrightness = 0 currentBrightness = 1
05-12 20:45:45.370 10137 10137 D AOD_BRIGHTNESS@BrightnessManager: mCurrentBrightness : HighNit[false], NitMode[[HLPM]_2NIT_ON], isForceState[0, ForceStateReason[{}, , mAppliedBrightness[0]
05-12 20:45:45.370 10137 10137 D AOD_BRIGHTNESS@AlwaysOnDisplayEx: updateDozeBrightness: doze [2] last [[HLPM]_2NIT_ON] change to [[HLPM]_2NIT_ON]
05-12 20:45:45.371 10137 10137 I AOD_WAKELOCK@WakeLockManager: acquireIfExists: tag - AOD_DRAW, timeout - 100, reason - set Doze Brightness updateDozeBrightness, wakeLock = WakeLock{c1ae7d8 held=true, refCount=1}
05-12 20:45:45.480 3871 3871 D SurfaceFlinger: Setting power mode 3 on display 0
05-12 20:45:45.481 3841 9377 E display : DOZE or Power off called twice, mPowerModeState : 1
05-12 20:45:45.481 3841 9377 D display : setPowerMode:: FBIOBLANK mode(3), blank(-1)
05-12 20:45:45.484 3841 9377 D display : setPowerMode:: S3CFB_POWER_MODE mode(3), blank(-1)
05-12 20:45:45.484 3871 3871 D SurfaceFlinger: Finished setting power mode 3 on display 0
05-12 20:45:45.487 4299 5297 D MotionRecognitionService: [EARHOVER_MOTION] inject screen on / off : 0
05-12 20:45:45.487 4299 5297 D SensorService: [EARHOVER_LITE] : setMotionDataLocked
05-12 20:45:45.487 4299 5297 D SensorService: [EARHOVER_LITE] : INJECT_SCREEN_OFF
05-12 20:45:45.489 10137 10137 D AODUiController: onChargingLightSensorChanged lux : 1.0 appliedBrightness = 0 currentBrightness = 1
05-12 20:45:45.489 10137 10137 D AOD_BRIGHTNESS@BrightnessManager: mCurrentBrightness : HighNit[false], NitMode[[HLPM]_2NIT_ON], isForceState[0, ForceStateReason[{}, , mAppliedBrightness[0]
05-12 20:45:45.490 10137 10137 D AOD_BRIGHTNESS@AlwaysOnDisplayEx: updateDozeBrightness: doze [2] last [[HLPM]_2NIT_ON] change to [[HLPM]_2NIT_ON]
05-12 20:45:45.490 10137 10137 I AOD_WAKELOCK@WakeLockManager: acquireIfExists: tag - AOD_DRAW, timeout - 100, reason - set Doze Brightness updateDozeBrightness, wakeLock = WakeLock{c1ae7d8 held=false, refCount=0}
05-12 20:45:45.492 4299 10048 I BiometricServiceBase: onTaskStackChangedForFingerprint: Allow background auth,
05-12 20:45:45.496 4299 10048 I chatty : uid=1000(system) biometrics.fp identical 9 lines
05-12 20:45:45.496 4299 10048 I BiometricServiceBase: onTaskStackChangedForFingerprint: Allow background auth,
05-12 20:45:45.503 3871 3871 D SurfaceFlinger: Setting power mode 1 on display 0
05-12 20:45:45.504 3841 9377 E display : DOZE or Power off called twice, mPowerModeState : 3
05-12 20:45:45.504 3841 9377 D display : setPowerMode:: FBIOBLANK mode(1), blank(-1)
05-12 20:45:45.508 3841 9377 D display : setPowerMode:: S3CFB_POWER_MODE mode(1), blank(-1)
05-12 20:45:45.509 3871 3871 D SurfaceFlinger: Finished setting power mode 1 on display 0
05-12 20:45:45.510 10137 10137 D DisplayLifecycle: updateDisplay id = 0
05-12 20:45:45.516 10137 10137 D DisplayLifecycle: updateCacheVariables id = 0, display = Display id 0: DisplayInfo{"Built-in Screen, displayId 0", uniqueId "local:0", app 1080 x 2131, real 1080 x 2340, largest app 2131 x 2131, smallest app 1080 x 1017, mode 1, defaultMode 1, modes [{id=1, width=1080, height=2340, fps=60.000004}], colorMode 0, supportedColorModes [0], hdrCapabilities android.view.Display$HdrCapabilities@40f16308, rotation 0, density 420 (403.411 x 404.326) dpi, layerStack 0, appVsyncOff 1000000, presDeadline 16666666, type BUILT_IN, address {port=0}, state DOZE_SUSPEND, FLAG_SECURE, FLAG_SUPPORTS_PROTECTED_BUFFERS, removeMode 0}, DisplayMetrics{density=2.625, width=1080, height=2131, scaledDensity=2.625, xdpi=403.411, ydpi=404.326}, isValid=true, size = Point(1080, 2131), realSize = Point(1080, 2340)
05-12 20:45:45.521 4299 10048 I BiometricServiceBase: onTaskStackChangedForFingerprint: Allow background auth,
05-12 20:45:45.521 4299 5297 D MotionRecognitionService: [EARHOVER_MOTION] inject screen on / off : 0
05-12 20:45:45.521 4299 10048 I BiometricServiceBase: onTaskStackChangedForFingerprint: Allow background auth,
05-12 20:45:45.521 4299 5297 D SensorService: [EARHOVER_LITE] : setMotionDataLocked
05-12 20:45:45.522 4299 5297 D SensorService: [EARHOVER_LITE] : INJECT_SCREEN_OFF
05-12 20:45:45.522 4299 10048 I BiometricServiceBase: onTaskStackChangedForFingerprint: Allow background auth,
05-12 20:45:45.524 4299 10048 I chatty : uid=1000(system) biometrics.fp identical 7 lines
05-12 20:45:45.524 4299 10048 I BiometricServiceBase: onTaskStackChangedForFingerprint: Allow background auth,
05-12 20:45:45.538 10137 10137 D AOD_LIVE_CLOCK@LiveClockController: updateDisplayState: DISPLAY_STATE_DOZE
05-12 20:45:45.540 10137 10137 D DisplayLifecycle: updateDisplay id = 0
05-12 20:45:45.548 10137 10137 D DisplayLifecycle: updateCacheVariables id = 0, display = Display id 0: DisplayInfo{"Built-in Screen, displayId 0", uniqueId "local:0", app 1080 x 2131, real 1080 x 2340, largest app 2131 x 2131, smallest app 1080 x 1017, mode 1, defaultMode 1, modes [{id=1, width=1080, height=2340, fps=60.000004}], colorMode 0, supportedColorModes [0], hdrCapabilities android.view.Display$HdrCapabilities@40f16308, rotation 0, density 420 (403.411 x 404.326) dpi, layerStack 0, appVsyncOff 1000000, presDeadline 16666666, type BUILT_IN, address {port=0}, state DOZE, FLAG_SECURE, FLAG_SUPPORTS_PROTECTED_BUFFERS, removeMode 0}, DisplayMetrics{density=2.625, width=1080, height=2131, scaledDensity=2.625, xdpi=403.411, ydpi=404.326}, isValid=true, size = Point(1080, 2131), realSize = Point(1080, 2340)
05-12 20:45:45.559 4299 10404 V WindowManager: Relayout Window{e90e744 u0 ScreenDecorOverlay}: viewVisibility=0 req=1079x151
05-12 20:45:45.561 10137 10137 D AOD_LIVE_CLOCK@LiveClockController: updateDisplayState: DISPLAY_STATE_DOZE
05-12 20:45:45.566 4299 10404 V WindowManager: Relayout 10137: mAttrs={(0,0)(fillxwrap) gr=TOP LEFT CENTER sim={adjust=pan} layoutInDisplayCutoutMode=always ty=NAVIGATION_BAR_PANEL fmt=TRANSLUCENT
05-12 20:45:45.566 4299 10404 V WindowManager: fl=20800128
05-12 20:45:45.566 4299 10404 V WindowManager: pfl=1100050
05-12 20:45:45.566 4299 10404 V WindowManager: vsysui=100 naviIconColor=0}
05-12 20:45:45.568 10137 10867 D ViewRootImpl@ed5b6a[ScreenDecorOverlay]: Relayout returned: old=(0,0,1080,151) new=(0,0,1080,151) req=(1079,151)0 dur=9 res=0x3 s={true 478310035456} ch=false
05-12 20:45:45.577 4299 10404 V WindowManager: Relayout Window{9819af3 u0 ScreenDecorOverlayBottom}: viewVisibility=0 req=1079x151
05-12 20:45:45.584 4299 10404 V WindowManager: Relayout 10137: mAttrs={(0,0)(fillxwrap) gr=BOTTOM RIGHT CENTER sim={adjust=pan} layoutInDisplayCutoutMode=always ty=NAVIGATION_BAR_PANEL fmt=TRANSLUCENT
05-12 20:45:45.584 4299 10404 V WindowManager: fl=20800128
05-12 20:45:45.584 4299 10404 V WindowManager: pfl=1100050
05-12 20:45:45.584 4299 10404 V WindowManager: vsysui=100 naviIconColor=0}
05-12 20:45:45.584 3844 3844 I Sensors : [AMS] lux : 1, brightness: 1
05-12 20:45:45.585 10137 10137 D AODUiController: onChargingLightSensorChanged lux : 1.0 appliedBrightness = 0 currentBrightness = 1
05-12 20:45:45.585 10137 10137 D AOD_BRIGHTNESS@BrightnessManager: mCurrentBrightness : HighNit[false], NitMode[[HLPM]_2NIT_ON], isForceState[0, ForceStateReason[{}, , mAppliedBrightness[0]
05-12 20:45:45.586 10137 10137 D AOD_BRIGHTNESS@AlwaysOnDisplayEx: updateDozeBrightness: doze [2] last [[HLPM]_2NIT_ON] change to [[HLPM]_2NIT_ON]
05-12 20:45:45.586 10137 10137 I AOD_WAKELOCK@WakeLockManager: acquireIfExists: tag - AOD_DRAW, timeout - 100, reason - set Doze Brightness updateDozeBrightness, wakeLock = WakeLock{c1ae7d8 held=true, refCount=1}
05-12 20:45:45.587 10137 10867 D ViewRootImpl@2e58a0d[ScreenDecorOverlayBottom]: Relayout returned: old=(0,2189,1080,2340) new=(0,2189,1080,2340) req=(1079,151)0 dur=9 res=0x3 s={true 478310068224} ch=false
05-12 20:45:45.685 10137 10137 D AODUiController: onChargingLightSensorChanged lux : 1.0 appliedBrightness = 0 currentBrightness = 1
05-12 20:45:45.685 10137 10137 D AOD_BRIGHTNESS@BrightnessManager: mCurrentBrightness : HighNit[false], NitMode[[HLPM]_2NIT_ON], isForceState[0, ForceStateReason[{}, , mAppliedBrightness[0]
05-12 20:45:45.686 10137 10137 D AOD_BRIGHTNESS@AlwaysOnDisplayEx: updateDozeBrightness: doze [2] last [[HLPM]_2NIT_ON] change to [[HLPM]_2NIT_ON]
05-12 20:45:45.686 10137 10137 I AOD_WAKELOCK@WakeLockManager: acquireIfExists: tag - AOD_DRAW, timeout - 100, reason - set Doze Brightness updateDozeBrightness, wakeLock = WakeLock{c1ae7d8 held=true, refCount=1}
05-12 20:45:45.787 10137 10137 D AODUiController: onChargingLightSensorChanged lux : 2.0 appliedBrightness = 0 currentBrightness = 1
05-12 20:45:45.787 10137 10137 D AOD_BRIGHTNESS@BrightnessManager: mCurrentBrightness : HighNit[false], NitMode[[HLPM]_2NIT_ON], isForceState[0, ForceStateReason[{}, , mAppliedBrightness[0]
05-12 20:45:45.788 10137 10137 D AOD_BRIGHTNESS@AlwaysOnDisplayEx: updateDozeBrightness: doze [2] last [[HLPM]_2NIT_ON] change to [[HLPM]_2NIT_ON]
05-12 20:45:45.788 10137 10137 I AOD_WAKELOCK@WakeLockManager: acquireIfExists: tag - AOD_DRAW, timeout - 100, reason - set Doze Brightness updateDozeBrightness, wakeLock = WakeLock{c1ae7d8 held=true, refCount=1}
05-12 20:45:45.901 10137 10137 D AODUiController: onChargingLightSensorChanged lux : 2.0 appliedBrightness = 0 currentBrightness = 1
05-12 20:45:45.901 10137 10137 D AOD_BRIGHTNESS@BrightnessManager: mCurrentBrightness : HighNit[false], NitMode[[HLPM]_2NIT_ON], isForceState[0, ForceStateReason[{}, , mAppliedBrightness[0]
05-12 20:45:45.902 10137 10137 D AOD_BRIGHTNESS@AlwaysOnDisplayEx: updateDozeBrightness: doze [2] last [[HLPM]_2NIT_ON] change to [[HLPM]_2NIT_ON]
05-12 20:45:45.902 10137 10137 I AOD_WAKELOCK@WakeLockManager: acquireIfExists: tag - AOD_DRAW, timeout - 100, reason - set Doze Brightness updateDozeBrightness, wakeLock = WakeLock{c1ae7d8 held=false, refCount=0}
05-12 20:45:45.902 3871 3871 D SurfaceFlinger: Setting power mode 3 on display 0
05-12 20:45:45.903 3841 9377 E display : DOZE or Power off called twice, mPowerModeState : 1
05-12 20:45:45.903 3841 9377 D display : setPowerMode:: FBIOBLANK mode(3), blank(-1)
05-12 20:45:45.910 4299 5297 D MotionRecognitionService: [EARHOVER_MOTION] inject screen on / off : 0
05-12 20:45:45.910 3841 9377 D display : setPowerMode:: S3CFB_POWER_MODE mode(3), blank(-1)
05-12 20:45:45.910 4299 5297 D SensorService: [EARHOVER_LITE] : setMotionDataLocked
05-12 20:45:45.910 3871 3871 D SurfaceFlinger: Finished setting power mode 3 on display 0
05-12 20:45:45.910 4299 5297 D SensorService: [EARHOVER_LITE] : INJECT_SCREEN_OFF
05-12 20:45:45.912 4299 10048 I BiometricServiceBase: onTaskStackChangedForFingerprint: Allow background auth,
05-12 20:45:45.915 4299 10048 I chatty : uid=1000(system) biometrics.fp identical 9 lines
05-12 20:45:45.915 4299 10048 I BiometricServiceBase: onTaskStackChangedForFingerprint: Allow background auth,
05-12 20:45:45.921 3871 3871 D SurfaceFlinger: Setting power mode 1 on display 0
05-12 20:45:45.921 3841 9377 E display : DOZE or Power off called twice, mPowerModeState : 3
05-12 20:45:45.921 3841 9377 D display : setPowerMode:: FBIOBLANK mode(1), blank(-1)
05-12 20:45:45.926 3841 9377 D display : setPowerMode:: S3CFB_POWER_MODE mode(1), blank(-1)
05-12 20:45:45.927 3871 3871 D SurfaceFlinger: Finished setting power mode 1 on display 0
05-12 20:45:45.927 10137 10137 D DisplayLifecycle: updateDisplay id = 0
05-12 20:45:45.934 10137 10137 D DisplayLifecycle: updateCacheVariables id = 0, display = Display id 0: DisplayInfo{"Built-in Screen, displayId 0", uniqueId "local:0", app 1080 x 2131, real 1080 x 2340, largest app 2131 x 2131, smallest app 1080 x 1017, mode 1, defaultMode 1, modes [{id=1, width=1080, height=2340, fps=60.000004}], colorMode 0, supportedColorModes [0], hdrCapabilities android.view.Display$HdrCapabilities@40f16308, rotation 0, density 420 (403.411 x 404.326) dpi, layerStack 0, appVsyncOff 1000000, presDeadline 16666666, type BUILT_IN, address {port=0}, state DOZE_SUSPEND, FLAG_SECURE, FLAG_SUPPORTS_PROTECTED_BUFFERS, removeMode 0}, DisplayMetrics{density=2.625, width=1080, height=2131, scaledDensity=2.625, xdpi=403.411, ydpi=404.326}, isValid=true, size = Point(1080, 2131), realSize = Point(1080, 2340)
05-12 20:45:45.945 4299 10535 V WindowManager: Relayout Window{e90e744 u0 ScreenDecorOverlay}: viewVisibility=0 req=1079x151
05-12 20:45:45.948 4299 5297 D MotionRecognitionService: [EARHOVER_MOTION] inject screen on / off : 0
05-12 20:45:45.948 4299 5297 D SensorService: [EARHOVER_LITE] : setMotionDataLocked
05-12 20:45:45.948 4299 5297 D SensorService: [EARHOVER_LITE] : INJECT_SCREEN_OFF
05-12 20:45:45.952 4299 10048 I BiometricServiceBase: onTaskStackChangedForFingerprint: Allow background auth,
05-12 20:45:45.953 4299 10048 I chatty : uid=1000(system) biometrics.fp identical 9 lines
05-12 20:45:45.953 4299 10048 I BiometricServiceBase: onTaskStackChangedForFingerprint: Allow background auth,
05-12 20:45:45.957 4299 10535 V WindowManager: Relayout 10137: mAttrs={(0,0)(fillxwrap) gr=TOP LEFT CENTER sim={adjust=pan} layoutInDisplayCutoutMode=always ty=NAVIGATION_BAR_PANEL fmt=TRANSLUCENT
05-12 20:45:45.957 4299 10535 V WindowManager: fl=20800128
05-12 20:45:45.957 4299 10535 V WindowManager: pfl=1100050
05-12 20:45:45.957 4299 10535 V WindowManager: vsysui=100 naviIconColor=0}
05-12 20:45:45.960 10137 10137 D AOD_LIVE_CLOCK@LiveClockController: updateDisplayState: DISPLAY_STATE_DOZE
05-12 20:45:45.961 10137 10867 D ViewRootImpl@ed5b6a[ScreenDecorOverlay]: Relayout returned: old=(0,0,1080,151) new=(0,0,1080,151) req=(1079,151)0 dur=21 res=0x3 s={true 478310035456} ch=false
05-12 20:45:45.963 10137 10137 D DisplayLifecycle: updateDisplay id = 0
05-12 20:45:45.969 10137 10137 D DisplayLifecycle: updateCacheVariables id = 0, display = Display id 0: DisplayInfo{"Built-in Screen, displayId 0", uniqueId "local:0", app 1080 x 2131, real 1080 x 2340, largest app 2131 x 2131, smallest app 1080 x 1017, mode 1, defaultMode 1, modes [{id=1, width=1080, height=2340, fps=60.000004}], colorMode 0, supportedColorModes [0], hdrCapabilities android.view.Display$HdrCapabilities@40f16308, rotation 0, density 420 (403.411 x 404.326) dpi, layerStack 0, appVsyncOff 1000000, presDeadline 16666666, type BUILT_IN, address {port=0}, state DOZE, FLAG_SECURE, FLAG_SUPPORTS_PROTECTED_BUFFERS, removeMode 0}, DisplayMetrics{density=2.625, width=1080, height=2131, scaledDensity=2.625, xdpi=403.411, ydpi=404.326}, isValid=true, size = Point(1080, 2131), realSize = Point(1080, 2340)
05-12 20:45:45.977 4299 10275 V WindowManager: Relayout Window{9819af3 u0 ScreenDecorOverlayBottom}: viewVisibility=0 req=1079x151
05-12 20:45:45.981 10137 10137 D AOD_LIVE_CLOCK@LiveClockController: updateDisplayState: DISPLAY_STATE_DOZE
05-12 20:45:45.985 4299 10275 V WindowManager: Relayout 10137: mAttrs={(0,0)(fillxwrap) gr=BOTTOM RIGHT CENTER sim={adjust=pan} layoutInDisplayCutoutMode=always ty=NAVIGATION_BAR_PANEL fmt=TRANSLUCENT
05-12 20:45:45.985 4299 10275 V WindowManager: fl=20800128
05-12 20:45:45.985 4299 10275 V WindowManager: pfl=1100050
05-12 20:45:45.985 4299 10275 V WindowManager: vsysui=100 naviIconColor=0}
05-12 20:45:45.987 10137 10867 D ViewRootImpl@2e58a0d[ScreenDecorOverlayBottom]: Relayout returned: old=(0,2189,1080,2340) new=(0,2189,1080,2340) req=(1079,151)0 dur=14 res=0x3 s={true 478310068224} ch=false
05-12 20:45:45.997 10137 10137 D AODUiController: onChargingLightSensorChanged lux : 2.0 appliedBrightness = 0 currentBrightness = 1
05-12 20:45:45.997 10137 10137 D AOD_BRIGHTNESS@BrightnessManager: mCurrentBrightness : HighNit[false], NitMode[[HLPM]_2NIT_ON], isForceState[0, ForceStateReason[{}, , mAppliedBrightness[0]
05-12 20:45:45.998 10137 10137 D AOD_BRIGHTNESS@AlwaysOnDisplayEx: updateDozeBrightness: doze [2] last [[HLPM]_2NIT_ON] change to [[HLPM]_2NIT_ON]
05-12 20:45:45.998 10137 10137 I AOD_WAKELOCK@WakeLockManager: acquireIfExists: tag - AOD_DRAW, timeout - 100, reason - set Doze Brightness updateDozeBrightness, wakeLock = WakeLock{c1ae7d8 held=true, refCount=1}
05-12 20:45:46.010 4299 10275 V WindowManager: Relayout Window{e90e744 u0 ScreenDecorOverlay}: viewVisibility=0 req=1079x151
05-12 20:45:46.018 4299 10275 V WindowManager: Relayout 10137: mAttrs={(0,0)(fillxwrap) gr=TOP LEFT CENTER sim={adjust=pan} layoutInDisplayCutoutMode=always ty=NAVIGATION_BAR_PANEL fmt=TRANSLUCENT
05-12 20:45:46.018 4299 10275 V WindowManager: fl=20800128
05-12 20:45:46.018 4299 10275 V WindowManager: pfl=1100050
05-12 20:45:46.018 4299 10275 V WindowManager: vsysui=100 naviIconColor=0}
05-12 20:45:46.020 10137 10867 D ViewRootImpl@ed5b6a[ScreenDecorOverlay]: Relayout returned: old=(0,0,1080,151) new=(0,0,1080,151) req=(1079,151)0 dur=13 res=0x3 s={true 478310035456} ch=false
05-12 20:45:46.021 3970 10055 D bauth_FPBAuthService: pcf : 0x1012, 0 ,1 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,0,
05-12 20:45:46.021 3970 10055 D bauth_FPBAuthService: thread id : 1, preenroll_flag : 0, nd cnt : 0, cso : 0, et : 0
05-12 20:45:46.021 3970 10055 D bauth_FPBAuthService: FPBAuthService, 10983
05-12 20:45:46.027 4299 10275 V WindowManager: Relayout Window{9819af3 u0 ScreenDecorOverlayBottom}: viewVisibility=0 req=1079x151
05-12 20:45:46.034 4299 10275 V WindowManager: Relayout 10137: mAttrs={(0,0)(fillxwrap) gr=BOTTOM RIGHT CENTER sim={adjust=pan} layoutInDisplayCutoutMode=always ty=NAVIGATION_BAR_PANEL fmt=TRANSLUCENT
05-12 20:45:46.034 4299 10275 V WindowManager: fl=20800128
05-12 20:45:46.034 4299 10275 V WindowManager: pfl=1100050
05-12 20:45:46.034 4299 10275 V WindowManager: vsysui=100 naviIconColor=0}
05-12 20:45:46.037 10137 10867 D ViewRootImpl@2e58a0d[ScreenDecorOverlayBottom]: Relayout returned: old=(0,2189,1080,2340) new=(0,2189,1080,2340) req=(1079,151)0 dur=11 res=0x3 s={true 478310068224} ch=false
05-12 20:45:46.098 10137 10137 D AODUiController: onChargingLightSensorChanged lux : 2.0 appliedBrightness = 0 currentBrightness = 1
05-12 20:45:46.098 10137 10137 D AOD_BRIGHTNESS@BrightnessManager: mCurrentBrightness : HighNit[false], NitMode[[HLPM]_2NIT_ON], isForceState[0, ForceStateReason[{}, , mAppliedBrightness[0]
05-12 20:45:46.099 10137 10137 D AOD_BRIGHTNESS@AlwaysOnDisplayEx: updateDozeBrightness: doze [2] last [[HLPM]_2NIT_ON] change to [[HLPM]_2NIT_ON]
05-12 20:45:46.099 10137 10137 I AOD_WAKELOCK@WakeLockManager: acquireIfExists: tag - AOD_DRAW, timeout - 100, reason - set Doze Brightness updateDozeBrightness, wakeLock = WakeLock{c1ae7d8 held=true, refCount=1}
05-12 20:45:46.209 3871 3871 D SurfaceFlinger: Setting power mode 3 on display 0
05-12 20:45:46.210 3841 9377 E display : DOZE or Power off called twice, mPowerModeState : 1
05-12 20:45:46.211 3841 9377 D display : setPowerMode:: FBIOBLANK mode(3), blank(-1)
05-12 20:45:46.213 3841 9377 D display : setPowerMode:: S3CFB_POWER_MODE mode(3), blank(-1)
05-12 20:45:46.214 3871 3871 D SurfaceFlinger: Finished setting power mode 3 on display 0
05-12 20:45:46.214 10137 10137 D AODUiController: onChargingLightSensorChanged lux : 2.0 appliedBrightness = 0 currentBrightness = 1
05-12 20:45:46.215 10137 10137 D AOD_BRIGHTNESS@BrightnessManager: mCurrentBrightness : HighNit[false], NitMode[[HLPM]_2NIT_ON], isForceState[0, ForceStateReason[{}, , mAppliedBrightness[0]
05-12 20:45:46.215 10137 10137 D AOD_BRIGHTNESS@AlwaysOnDisplayEx: updateDozeBrightness: doze [2] last [[HLPM]_2NIT_ON] change to [[HLPM]_2NIT_ON]
05-12 20:45:46.216 10137 10137 I AOD_WAKELOCK@WakeLockManager: acquireIfExists: tag - AOD_DRAW, timeout - 100, reason - set Doze Brightness updateDozeBrightness, wakeLock = WakeLock{c1ae7d8 held=false, refCount=0}
05-12 20:45:46.223 4299 5297 D MotionRecognitionService: [EARHOVER_MOTION] inject screen on / off : 0
05-12 20:45:46.224 4299 5297 D SensorService: [EARHOVER_LITE] : setMotionDataLocked
05-12 20:45:46.224 4299 5297 D SensorService: [EARHOVER_LITE] : INJECT_SCREEN_OFF
05-12 20:45:46.228 4299 10048 I BiometricServiceBase: onTaskStackChangedForFingerprint: Allow background auth,
05-12 20:45:46.230 4299 10048 I chatty : uid=1000(system) biometrics.fp identical 9 lines
05-12 20:45:46.230 4299 10048 I BiometricServiceBase: onTaskStackChangedForFingerprint: Allow background auth,
05-12 20:45:46.263 4299 12331 V WindowManager: Relayout Window{e90e744 u0 ScreenDecorOverlay}: viewVisibility=0 req=1079x151
05-12 20:45:46.273 4299 12331 V WindowManager: Relayout 10137: mAttrs={(0,0)(fillxwrap) gr=TOP LEFT CENTER sim={adjust=pan} layoutInDisplayCutoutMode=always ty=NAVIGATION_BAR_PANEL fmt=TRANSLUCENT
05-12 20:45:46.273 4299 12331 V WindowManager: fl=20800128
05-12 20:45:46.273 4299 12331 V WindowManager: pfl=1100050
05-12 20:45:46.273 4299 12331 V WindowManager: vsysui=100 naviIconColor=0}
05-12 20:45:46.275 10137 10137 D DisplayLifecycle: updateDisplay id = 0
05-12 20:45:46.277 3871 3871 D SurfaceFlinger: Setting power mode 1 on display 0
05-12 20:45:46.278 3841 9377 E display : DOZE or Power off called twice, mPowerModeState : 3
05-12 20:45:46.278 3951 10369 I GNSS_MEMS: TGT_MEMS SCSCMemsReportSensorDrops: dropped 0 events (spam) 1 events (rate limit) out of 80 total for sensor 0 since last report
05-12 20:45:46.278 3841 9377 D display : setPowerMode:: FBIOBLANK mode(1), blank(-1)
05-12 20:45:46.280 10137 10867 D ViewRootImpl@ed5b6a[ScreenDecorOverlay]: Relayout returned: old=(0,0,1080,151) new=(0,0,1080,151) req=(1079,151)0 dur=17 res=0x3 s={true 478310035456} ch=false
05-12 20:45:46.281 10137 10137 D DisplayLifecycle: updateCacheVariables id = 0, display = Display id 0: DisplayInfo{"Built-in Screen, displayId 0", uniqueId "local:0", app 1080 x 2131, real 1080 x 2340, largest app 2131 x 2131, smallest app 1080 x 1017, mode 1, defaultMode 1, modes [{id=1, width=1080, height=2340, fps=60.000004}], colorMode 0, supportedColorModes [0], hdrCapabilities android.view.Display$HdrCapabilities@40f16308, rotation 0, density 420 (403.411 x 404.326) dpi, layerStack 0, appVsyncOff 1000000, presDeadline 16666666, type BUILT_IN, address {port=0}, state DOZE, FLAG_SECURE, FLAG_SUPPORTS_PROTECTED_BUFFERS, removeMode 0}, DisplayMetrics{density=2.625, width=1080, height=2131, scaledDensity=2.625, xdpi=403.411, ydpi=404.326}, isValid=true, size = Point(1080, 2131), realSize = Point(1080, 2340)
05-12 20:45:46.282 3841 9377 D display : setPowerMode:: S3CFB_POWER_MODE mode(1), blank(-1)
05-12 20:45:46.283 3871 3871 D SurfaceFlinger: Finished setting power mode 1 on display 0
05-12 20:45:46.286 4299 5297 D MotionRecognitionService: [EARHOVER_MOTION] inject screen on / off : 0
05-12 20:45:46.286 4299 5297 D SensorService: [EARHOVER_LITE] : setMotionDataLocked
05-12 20:45:46.286 4299 5297 D SensorService: [EARHOVER_LITE] : INJECT_SCREEN_OFF
05-12 20:45:46.287 4299 10048 I BiometricServiceBase: onTaskStackChangedForFingerprint: Allow background auth,
05-12 20:45:46.289 4299 10048 I chatty : uid=1000(system) biometrics.fp identical 9 lines
05-12 20:45:46.289 4299 10048 I BiometricServiceBase: onTaskStackChangedForFingerprint: Allow background auth,
05-12 20:45:46.300 10137 10137 D AOD_LIVE_CLOCK@LiveClockController: updateDisplayState: DISPLAY_STATE_DOZE
05-12 20:45:46.302 10137 10137 D DisplayLifecycle: updateDisplay id = 0
05-12 20:45:46.305 4299 10275 V WindowManager: Relayout Window{9819af3 u0 ScreenDecorOverlayBottom}: viewVisibility=0 req=1079x151
05-12 20:45:46.310 10137 10137 D DisplayLifecycle: updateCacheVariables id = 0, display = Display id 0: DisplayInfo{"Built-in Screen, displayId 0", uniqueId "local:0", app 1080 x 2131, real 1080 x 2340, largest app 2131 x 2131, smallest app 1080 x 1017, mode 1, defaultMode 1, modes [{id=1, width=1080, height=2340, fps=60.000004}], colorMode 0, supportedColorModes [0], hdrCapabilities android.view.Display$HdrCapabilities@40f16308, rotation 0, density 420 (403.411 x 404.326) dpi, layerStack 0, appVsyncOff 1000000, presDeadline 16666666, type BUILT_IN, address {port=0}, state DOZE, FLAG_SECURE, FLAG_SUPPORTS_PROTECTED_BUFFERS, removeMode 0}, DisplayMetrics{density=2.625, width=1080, height=2131, scaledDensity=2.625, xdpi=403.411, ydpi=404.326}, isValid=true, size = Point(1080, 2131), realSize = Point(1080, 2340)
05-12 20:45:46.314 4299 10275 V WindowManager: Relayout 10137: mAttrs={(0,0)(fillxwrap) gr=BOTTOM RIGHT CENTER sim={adjust=pan} layoutInDisplayCutoutMode=always ty=NAVIGATION_BAR_PANEL fmt=TRANSLUCENT
05-12 20:45:46.314 4299 10275 V WindowManager: fl=20800128
05-12 20:45:46.314 4299 10275 V WindowManager: pfl=1100050
05-12 20:45:46.314 4299 10275 V WindowManager: vsysui=100 naviIconColor=0}
05-12 20:45:46.314 10137 10137 D AODUiController: onChargingLightSensorChanged lux : 2.0 appliedBrightness = 0 currentBrightness = 1
05-12 20:45:46.315 10137 10137 D AOD_BRIGHTNESS@BrightnessManager: mCurrentBrightness : HighNit[false], NitMode[[HLPM]_2NIT_ON], isForceState[0, ForceStateReason[{}, , mAppliedBrightness[0]
05-12 20:45:46.315 10137 10137 D AOD_BRIGHTNESS@AlwaysOnDisplayEx: updateDozeBrightness: doze [2] last [[HLPM]_2NIT_ON] change to [[HLPM]_2NIT_ON]
05-12 20:45:46.315 10137 10137 I AOD_WAKELOCK@WakeLockManager: acquireIfExists: tag - AOD_DRAW, timeout - 100, reason - set Doze Brightness updateDozeBrightness, wakeLock = WakeLock{c1ae7d8 held=true, refCount=1}
05-12 20:45:46.316 10137 10867 D ViewRootImpl@2e58a0d[ScreenDecorOverlayBottom]: Relayout returned: old=(0,2189,1080,2340) new=(0,2189,1080,2340) req=(1079,151)0 dur=18 res=0x3 s={true 478310068224} ch=false
05-12 20:45:46.324 10137 10137 D AOD_LIVE_CLOCK@LiveClockController: updateDisplayState: DISPLAY_STATE_DOZE
05-12 20:45:46.340 4299 11692 V WindowManager: Relayout Window{e90e744 u0 ScreenDecorOverlay}: viewVisibility=0 req=1079x151
05-12 20:45:46.348 4299 11692 V WindowManager: Relayout 10137: mAttrs={(0,0)(fillxwrap) gr=TOP LEFT CENTER sim={adjust=pan} layoutInDisplayCutoutMode=always ty=NAVIGATION_BAR_PANEL fmt=TRANSLUCENT
05-12 20:45:46.348 4299 11692 V WindowManager: fl=20800128
05-12 20:45:46.348 4299 11692 V WindowManager: pfl=1100050
05-12 20:45:46.348 4299 11692 V WindowManager: vsysui=100 naviIconColor=0}
05-12 20:45:46.350 10137 10867 D ViewRootImpl@ed5b6a[ScreenDecorOverlay]: Relayout returned: old=(0,0,1080,151) new=(0,0,1080,151) req=(1079,151)0 dur=11 res=0x3 s={true 478310035456} ch=false
05-12 20:45:46.357 4299 11692 V WindowManager: Relayout Window{9819af3 u0 ScreenDecorOverlayBottom}: viewVisibility=0 req=1079x151
05-12 20:45:46.365 4299 11692 V WindowManager: Relayout 10137: mAttrs={(0,0)(fillxwrap) gr=BOTTOM RIGHT CENTER sim={adjust=pan} layoutInDisplayCutoutMode=always ty=NAVIGATION_BAR_PANEL fmt=TRANSLUCENT
05-12 20:45:46.365 4299 11692 V WindowManager: fl=20800128
05-12 20:45:46.365 4299 11692 V WindowManager: pfl=1100050
05-12 20:45:46.365 4299 11692 V WindowManager: vsysui=100 naviIconColor=0}
05-12 20:45:46.367 10137 10867 D ViewRootImpl@2e58a0d[ScreenDecorOverlayBottom]: Relayout returned: old=(0,2189,1080,2340) new=(0,2189,1080,2340) req=(1079,151)0 dur=10 res=0x3 s={true 478310068224} ch=false
05-12 20:45:46.420 3871 3871 D SurfaceFlinger: Setting power mode 3 on display 0
05-12 20:45:46.420 10137 10137 D AODUiController: onChargingLightSensorChanged lux : 2.0 appliedBrightness = 0 currentBrightness = 1
05-12 20:45:46.420 3841 9377 E display : DOZE or Power off called twice, mPowerModeState : 1
05-12 20:45:46.420 3841 9377 D display : setPowerMode:: FBIOBLANK mode(3), blank(-1)
05-12 20:45:46.420 10137 10137 D AOD_BRIGHTNESS@BrightnessManager: mCurrentBrightness : HighNit[false], NitMode[[HLPM]_2NIT_ON], isForceState[0, ForceStateReason[{}, , mAppliedBrightness[0]
05-12 20:45:46.421 10137 10137 D AOD_BRIGHTNESS@AlwaysOnDisplayEx: updateDozeBrightness: doze [2] last [[HLPM]_2NIT_ON] change to [[HLPM]_2NIT_ON]
05-12 20:45:46.421 10137 10137 I AOD_WAKELOCK@WakeLockManager: acquireIfExists: tag - AOD_DRAW, timeout - 100, reason - set Doze Brightness updateDozeBrightness, wakeLock = WakeLock{c1ae7d8 held=false, refCount=0}
05-12 20:45:46.423 4299 5297 D MotionRecognitionService: [EARHOVER_MOTION] inject screen on / off : 0
05-12 20:45:46.423 4299 5297 D SensorService: [EARHOVER_LITE] : setMotionDataLocked
05-12 20:45:46.424 4299 5297 D SensorService: [EARHOVER_LITE] : INJECT_SCREEN_OFF
05-12 20:45:46.425 4299 10048 I BiometricServiceBase: onTaskStackChangedForFingerprint: Allow background auth,
05-12 20:45:46.425 4299 10048 I chatty : uid=1000(system) biometrics.fp identical 9 lines
05-12 20:45:46.425 4299 10048 I BiometricServiceBase: onTaskStackChangedForFingerprint: Allow background auth,
05-12 20:45:46.437 10137 10137 D DisplayLifecycle: updateDisplay id = 0
05-12 20:45:46.441 10137 10137 D DisplayLifecycle: updateCacheVariables id = 0, display = Display id 0: DisplayInfo{"Built-in Screen, displayId 0", uniqueId "local:0", app 1080 x 2131, real 1080 x 2340, largest app 2131 x 2131, smallest app 1080 x 1017, mode 1, defaultMode 1, modes [{id=1, width=1080, height=2340, fps=60.000004}], colorMode 0, supportedColorModes [0], hdrCapabilities android.view.Display$HdrCapabilities@40f16308, rotation 0, density 420 (403.411 x 404.326) dpi, layerStack 0, appVsyncOff 1000000, presDeadline 16666666, type BUILT_IN, address {port=0}, state DOZE_SUSPEND, FLAG_SECURE, FLAG_SUPPORTS_PROTECTED_BUFFERS, removeMode 0}, DisplayMetrics{density=2.625, width=1080, height=2131, scaledDensity=2.625, xdpi=403.411, ydpi=404.326}, isValid=true, size = Point(1080, 2131), realSize = Point(1080, 2340)
05-12 20:45:46.449 10137 10137 D AOD_LIVE_CLOCK@LiveClockController: updateDisplayState: DISPLAY_STATE_DOZE_SUSPEND
05-12 20:45:46.451 3841 9377 D display : setPowerMode:: S3CFB_POWER_MODE mode(3), blank(-1)
05-12 20:45:46.452 3871 3871 D SurfaceFlinger: Finished setting power mode 3 on display 0
05-12 20:45:46.453 3871 3871 D SurfaceFlinger: Setting power mode 1 on display 0
05-12 20:45:46.453 3841 9377 E display : DOZE or Power off called twice, mPowerModeState : 3
05-12 20:45:46.453 3841 9377 D display : setPowerMode:: FBIOBLANK mode(1), blank(-1)
05-12 20:45:46.458 3841 9377 D display : setPowerMode:: S3CFB_POWER_MODE mode(1), blank(-1)
05-12 20:45:46.459 3871 3871 D SurfaceFlinger: Finished setting power mode 1 on display 0
05-12 20:45:46.466 4299 11692 V WindowManager: Relayout Window{e90e744 u0 ScreenDecorOverlay}: viewVisibility=0 req=1079x151
05-12 20:45:46.473 4299 11692 V WindowManager: Relayout 10137: mAttrs={(0,0)(fillxwrap) gr=TOP LEFT CENTER sim={adjust=pan} layoutInDisplayCutoutMode=always ty=NAVIGATION_BAR_PANEL fmt=TRANSLUCENT
05-12 20:45:46.473 4299 11692 V WindowManager: fl=20800128
05-12 20:45:46.473 4299 11692 V WindowManager: pfl=1100050
05-12 20:45:46.473 4299 11692 V WindowManager: vsysui=100 naviIconColor=0}
05-12 20:45:46.475 10137 10867 D ViewRootImpl@ed5b6a[ScreenDecorOverlay]: Relayout returned: old=(0,0,1080,151) new=(0,0,1080,151) req=(1079,151)0 dur=10 res=0x3 s={true 478310035456} ch=false
05-12 20:45:46.483 4299 10048 I BiometricServiceBase: onTaskStackChangedForFingerprint: Allow background auth,
05-12 20:45:46.484 4299 10048 I chatty : uid=1000(system) biometrics.fp identical 9 lines
05-12 20:45:46.484 4299 10048 I BiometricServiceBase: onTaskStackChangedForFingerprint: Allow background auth,
05-12 20:45:46.487 4299 5297 D MotionRecognitionService: [EARHOVER_MOTION] inject screen on / off : 0
05-12 20:45:46.488 4299 5297 D SensorService: [EARHOVER_LITE] : setMotionDataLocked
05-12 20:45:46.488 4299 5297 D SensorService: [EARHOVER_LITE] : INJECT_SCREEN_OFF
05-12 20:45:46.489 10137 10137 D DisplayLifecycle: updateDisplay id = 0
05-12 20:45:46.492 4299 10275 V WindowManager: Relayout Window{9819af3 u0 ScreenDecorOverlayBottom}: viewVisibility=0 req=1079x151
05-12 20:45:46.494 10137 10137 D DisplayLifecycle: updateCacheVariables id = 0, display = Display id 0: DisplayInfo{"Built-in Screen, displayId 0", uniqueId "local:0", app 1080 x 2131, real 1080 x 2340, largest app 2131 x 2131, smallest app 1080 x 1017, mode 1, defaultMode 1, modes [{id=1, width=1080, height=2340, fps=60.000004}], colorMode 0, supportedColorModes [0], hdrCapabilities android.view.Display$HdrCapabilities@40f16308, rotation 0, density 420 (403.411 x 404.326) dpi, layerStack 0, appVsyncOff 1000000, presDeadline 16666666, type BUILT_IN, address {port=0}, state DOZE, FLAG_SECURE, FLAG_SUPPORTS_PROTECTED_BUFFERS, removeMode 0}, DisplayMetrics{density=2.625, width=1080, height=2131, scaledDensity=2.625, xdpi=403.411, ydpi=404.326}, isValid=true, size = Point(1080, 2131), realSize = Point(1080, 2340)
05-12 20:45:46.500 4299 10275 V WindowManager: Relayout 10137: mAttrs={(0,0)(fillxwrap) gr=BOTTOM RIGHT CENTER sim={adjust=pan} layoutInDisplayCutoutMode=always ty=NAVIGATION_BAR_PANEL fmt=TRANSLUCENT
05-12 20:45:46.500 4299 10275 V WindowManager: fl=20800128
05-12 20:45:46.500 4299 10275 V WindowManager: pfl=1100050
05-12 20:45:46.500 4299 10275 V WindowManager: vsysui=100 naviIconColor=0}
05-12 20:45:46.502 10137 10867 D ViewRootImpl@2e58a0d[ScreenDecorOverlayBottom]: Relayout returned: old=(0,2189,1080,2340) new=(0,2189,1080,2340) req=(1079,151)0 dur=10 res=0x3 s={true 478310068224} ch=false
05-12 20:45:46.508 10137 10137 D AOD_LIVE_CLOCK@LiveClockController: updateDisplayState: DISPLAY_STATE_DOZE
05-12 20:45:46.521 10137 10137 D AODUiController: onChargingLightSensorChanged lux : 2.0 appliedBrightness = 0 currentBrightness = 1
05-12 20:45:46.521 10137 10137 D AOD_BRIGHTNESS@BrightnessManager: mCurrentBrightness : HighNit[false], NitMode[[HLPM]_2NIT_ON], isForceState[0, ForceStateReason[{}, , mAppliedBrightness[0]
05-12 20:45:46.521 10137 10137 D AOD_BRIGHTNESS@AlwaysOnDisplayEx: updateDozeBrightness: doze [2] last [[HLPM]_2NIT_ON] change to [[HLPM]_2NIT_ON]
05-12 20:45:46.521 10137 10137 I AOD_WAKELOCK@WakeLockManager: acquireIfExists: tag - AOD_DRAW, timeout - 100, reason - set Doze Brightness updateDozeBrightness, wakeLock = WakeLock{c1ae7d8 held=true, refCount=1}
05-12 20:45:46.542 4299 12327 V WindowManager: Relayout Window{e90e744 u0 ScreenDecorOverlay}: viewVisibility=0 req=1079x151
05-12 20:45:46.548 4299 12327 V WindowManager: Relayout 10137: mAttrs={(0,0)(fillxwrap) gr=TOP LEFT CENTER sim={adjust=pan} layoutInDisplayCutoutMode=always ty=NAVIGATION_BAR_PANEL fmt=TRANSLUCENT
05-12 20:45:46.548 4299 12327 V WindowManager: fl=20800128
05-12 20:45:46.548 4299 12327 V WindowManager: pfl=1100050
05-12 20:45:46.548 4299 12327 V WindowManager: vsysui=100 naviIconColor=0}
05-12 20:45:46.550 10137 10867 D ViewRootImpl@ed5b6a[ScreenDecorOverlay]: Relayout returned: old=(0,0,1080,151) new=(0,0,1080,151) req=(1079,151)0 dur=8 res=0x3 s={true 478310035456} ch=false
05-12 20:45:46.557 4299 12327 V WindowManager: Relayout Window{9819af3 u0 ScreenDecorOverlayBottom}: viewVisibility=0 req=1079x151
05-12 20:45:46.564 4299 12327 V WindowManager: Relayout 10137: mAttrs={(0,0)(fillxwrap) gr=BOTTOM RIGHT CENTER sim={adjust=pan} layoutInDisplayCutoutMode=always ty=NAVIGATION_BAR_PANEL fmt=TRANSLUCENT
05-12 20:45:46.564 4299 12327 V WindowManager: fl=20800128
05-12 20:45:46.564 4299 12327 V WindowManager: pfl=1100050
05-12 20:45:46.564 4299 12327 V WindowManager: vsysui=100 naviIconColor=0}
05-12 20:45:46.566 10137 10867 D ViewRootImpl@2e58a0d[ScreenDecorOverlayBottom]: Relayout returned: old=(0,2189,1080,2340) new=(0,2189,1080,2340) req=(1079,151)0 dur=10 res=0x3 s={true 478310068224} ch=false
05-12 20:45:46.621 10137 10137 D AODUiController: onChargingLightSensorChanged lux : 2.0 appliedBrightness = 0 currentBrightness = 1
05-12 20:45:46.621 10137 10137 D AOD_BRIGHTNESS@BrightnessManager: mCurrentBrightness : HighNit[false], NitMode[[HLPM]_2NIT_ON], isForceState[0, ForceStateReason[{}, , mAppliedBrightness[0]
05-12 20:45:46.622 10137 10137 D AOD_BRIGHTNESS@AlwaysOnDisplayEx: updateDozeBrightness: doze [2] last [[HLPM]_2NIT_ON] change to [[HLPM]_2NIT_ON]
05-12 20:45:46.622 10137 10137 I AOD_WAKELOCK@WakeLockManager: acquireIfExists: tag - AOD_DRAW, timeout - 100, reason - set Doze Brightness updateDozeBrightness, wakeLock = WakeLock{c1ae7d8 held=true, refCount=1}
05-12 20:45:46.729 10137 10137 D AODUiController: onChargingLightSensorChanged lux : 2.0 appliedBrightness = 0 currentBrightness = 1
05-12 20:45:46.730 10137 10137 D AOD_BRIGHTNESS@BrightnessManager: mCurrentBrightness : HighNit[false], NitMode[[HLPM]_2NIT_ON], isForceState[0, ForceStateReason[{}, , mAppliedBrightness[0]
05-12 20:45:46.730 10137 10137 D AOD_BRIGHTNESS@AlwaysOnDisplayEx: updateDozeBrightness: doze [2] last [[HLPM]_2NIT_ON] change to [[HLPM]_2NIT_ON]
05-12 20:45:46.731 10137 10137 I AOD_WAKELOCK@WakeLockManager: acquireIfExists: tag - AOD_DRAW, timeout - 100, reason - set Doze Brightness updateDozeBrightness, wakeLock = WakeLock{c1ae7d8 held=false, refCount=0}
05-12 20:45:46.731 3871 3871 D SurfaceFlinger: Setting power mode 3 on display 0
05-12 20:45:46.732 3841 9377 E display : DOZE or Power off called twice, mPowerModeState : 1
05-12 20:45:46.732 3841 9377 D display : setPowerMode:: FBIOBLANK mode(3), blank(-1)
05-12 20:45:46.734 3841 9377 D display : setPowerMode:: S3CFB_POWER_MODE mode(3), blank(-1)
05-12 20:45:46.735 3871 3871 D SurfaceFlinger: Finished setting power mode 3 on display 0
05-12 20:45:46.738 4299 5297 D MotionRecognitionService: [EARHOVER_MOTION] inject screen on / off : 0
05-12 20:45:46.738 4299 5297 D SensorService: [EARHOVER_LITE] : setMotionDataLocked
05-12 20:45:46.739 4299 5297 D SensorService: [EARHOVER_LITE] : INJECT_SCREEN_OFF
05-12 20:45:46.744 4299 10048 I BiometricServiceBase: onTaskStackChangedForFingerprint: Allow background auth,
05-12 20:45:46.746 4299 10048 I chatty : uid=1000(system) biometrics.fp identical 9 lines
05-12 20:45:46.747 4299 10048 I BiometricServiceBase: onTaskStackChangedForFingerprint: Allow background auth,
05-12 20:45:46.764 3871 3871 D SurfaceFlinger: Setting power mode 1 on display 0
05-12 20:45:46.764 3841 9377 E display : DOZE or Power off called twice, mPowerModeState : 3
05-12 20:45:46.764 3841 9377 D display : setPowerMode:: FBIOBLANK mode(1), blank(-1)
05-12 20:45:46.769 3841 9377 D display : setPowerMode:: S3CFB_POWER_MODE mode(1), blank(-1)
05-12 20:45:46.770 3871 3871 D SurfaceFlinger: Finished setting power mode 1 on display 0
05-12 20:45:46.773 10137 10137 D DisplayLifecycle: updateDisplay id = 0
05-12 20:45:46.781 4299 10048 I BiometricServiceBase: onTaskStackChangedForFingerprint: Allow background auth,
05-12 20:45:46.782 4299 10048 I chatty : uid=1000(system) biometrics.fp identical 1 line
05-12 20:45:46.782 4299 10048 I BiometricServiceBase: onTaskStackChangedForFingerprint: Allow background auth,
05-12 20:45:46.782 4299 5297 D MotionRecognitionService: [EARHOVER_MOTION] inject screen on / off : 0
05-12 20:45:46.782 4299 5297 D SensorService: [EARHOVER_LITE] : setMotionDataLocked
05-12 20:45:46.783 4299 5297 D SensorService: [EARHOVER_LITE] : INJECT_SCREEN_OFF
05-12 20:45:46.786 4299 10048 I BiometricServiceBase: onTaskStackChangedForFingerprint: Allow background auth,
05-12 20:45:46.787 4299 10048 I chatty : uid=1000(system) biometrics.fp identical 6 lines
05-12 20:45:46.787 4299 10048 I BiometricServiceBase: onTaskStackChangedForFingerprint: Allow background auth,
05-12 20:45:46.795 10137 10137 D DisplayLifecycle: updateCacheVariables id = 0, display = Display id 0: DisplayInfo{"Built-in Screen, displayId 0", uniqueId "local:0", app 1080 x 2131, real 1080 x 2340, largest app 2131 x 2131, smallest app 1080 x 1017, mode 1, defaultMode 1, modes [{id=1, width=1080, height=2340, fps=60.000004}], colorMode 0, supportedColorModes [0], hdrCapabilities android.view.Display$HdrCapabilities@40f16308, rotation 0, density 420 (403.411 x 404.326) dpi, layerStack 0, appVsyncOff 1000000, presDeadline 16666666, type BUILT_IN, address {port=0}, state DOZE, FLAG_SECURE, FLAG_SUPPORTS_PROTECTED_BUFFERS, removeMode 0}, DisplayMetrics{density=2.625, width=1080, height=2131, scaledDensity=2.625, xdpi=403.411, ydpi=404.326}, isValid=true, size = Point(1080, 2131), realSize = Point(1080, 2340)
05-12 20:45:46.803 4299 11683 V WindowManager: Relayout Window{e90e744 u0 ScreenDecorOverlay}: viewVisibility=0 req=1079x151
05-12 20:45:46.810 4299 11683 V WindowManager: Relayout 10137: mAttrs={(0,0)(fillxwrap) gr=TOP LEFT CENTER sim={adjust=pan} layoutInDisplayCutoutMode=always ty=NAVIGATION_BAR_PANEL fmt=TRANSLUCENT
05-12 20:45:46.810 4299 11683 V WindowManager: fl=20800128
05-12 20:45:46.810 4299 11683 V WindowManager: pfl=1100050
05-12 20:45:46.810 4299 11683 V WindowManager: vsysui=100 naviIconColor=0}
05-12 20:45:46.812 10137 10867 D ViewRootImpl@ed5b6a[ScreenDecorOverlay]: Relayout returned: old=(0,0,1080,151) new=(0,0,1080,151) req=(1079,151)0 dur=10 res=0x3 s={true 478310035456} ch=false
05-12 20:45:46.813 10137 10137 D AOD_LIVE_CLOCK@LiveClockController: updateDisplayState: DISPLAY_STATE_DOZE
05-12 20:45:46.815 10137 10137 D DisplayLifecycle: updateDisplay id = 0
05-12 20:45:46.819 10137 10137 D DisplayLifecycle: updateCacheVariables id = 0, display = Display id 0: DisplayInfo{"Built-in Screen, displayId 0", uniqueId "local:0", app 1080 x 2131, real 1080 x 2340, largest app 2131 x 2131, smallest app 1080 x 1017, mode 1, defaultMode 1, modes [{id=1, width=1080, height=2340, fps=60.000004}], colorMode 0, supportedColorModes [0], hdrCapabilities android.view.Display$HdrCapabilities@40f16308, rotation 0, density 420 (403.411 x 404.326) dpi, layerStack 0, appVsyncOff 1000000, presDeadline 16666666, type BUILT_IN, address {port=0}, state DOZE, FLAG_SECURE, FLAG_SUPPORTS_PROTECTED_BUFFERS, removeMode 0}, DisplayMetrics{density=2.625, width=1080, height=2131, scaledDensity=2.625, xdpi=403.411, ydpi=404.326}, isValid=true, size = Point(1080, 2131), realSize = Point(1080, 2340)
05-12 20:45:46.821 4299 11683 V WindowManager: Relayout Window{9819af3 u0 ScreenDecorOverlayBottom}: viewVisibility=0 req=1079x151
05-12 20:45:46.828 4299 11683 V WindowManager: Relayout 10137: mAttrs={(0,0)(fillxwrap) gr=BOTTOM RIGHT CENTER sim={adjust=pan} layoutInDisplayCutoutMode=always ty=NAVIGATION_BAR_PANEL fmt=TRANSLUCENT
05-12 20:45:46.828 4299 11683 V WindowManager: fl=20800128
05-12 20:45:46.828 4299 11683 V WindowManager: pfl=1100050
05-12 20:45:46.828 4299 11683 V WindowManager: vsysui=100 naviIconColor=0}
05-12 20:45:46.830 10137 10867 D ViewRootImpl@2e58a0d[ScreenDecorOverlayBottom]: Relayout returned: old=(0,2189,1080,2340) new=(0,2189,1080,2340) req=(1079,151)0 dur=9 res=0x3 s={true 478310068224} ch=false
05-12 20:45:46.830 10137 10137 D AOD_LIVE_CLOCK@LiveClockController: updateDisplayState: DISPLAY_STATE_DOZE
05-12 20:45:46.833 10137 10137 D AODUiController: onChargingLightSensorChanged lux : 2.0 appliedBrightness = 0 currentBrightness = 1
05-12 20:45:46.833 10137 10137 D AOD_BRIGHTNESS@BrightnessManager: mCurrentBrightness : HighNit[false], NitMode[[HLPM]_2NIT_ON], isForceState[0, ForceStateReason[{}, , mAppliedBrightness[0]
05-12 20:45:46.834 10137 10137 D AOD_BRIGHTNESS@AlwaysOnDisplayEx: updateDozeBrightness: doze [2] last [[HLPM]_2NIT_ON] change to [[HLPM]_2NIT_ON]
05-12 20:45:46.834 10137 10137 I AOD_WAKELOCK@WakeLockManager: acquireIfExists: tag - AOD_DRAW, timeout - 100, reason - set Doze Brightness updateDozeBrightness, wakeLock = WakeLock{c1ae7d8 held=true, refCount=1}
05-12 20:45:46.874 4299 11683 V WindowManager: Relayout Window{e90e744 u0 ScreenDecorOverlay}: viewVisibility=0 req=1079x151
05-12 20:45:46.882 4299 11683 V WindowManager: Relayout 10137: mAttrs={(0,0)(fillxwrap) gr=TOP LEFT CENTER sim={adjust=pan} layoutInDisplayCutoutMode=always ty=NAVIGATION_BAR_PANEL fmt=TRANSLUCENT
05-12 20:45:46.882 4299 11683 V WindowManager: fl=20800128
05-12 20:45:46.882 4299 11683 V WindowManager: pfl=1100050
05-12 20:45:46.882 4299 11683 V WindowManager: vsysui=100 naviIconColor=0}
05-12 20:45:46.885 10137 10867 D ViewRootImpl@ed5b6a[ScreenDecorOverlay]: Relayout returned: old=(0,0,1080,151) new=(0,0,1080,151) req=(1079,151)0 dur=12 res=0x3 s={true 478310035456} ch=false
05-12 20:45:46.895 4299 11683 V WindowManager: Relayout Window{9819af3 u0 ScreenDecorOverlayBottom}: viewVisibility=0 req=1079x151
05-12 20:45:46.903 4299 11683 V WindowManager: Relayout 10137: mAttrs={(0,0)(fillxwrap) gr=BOTTOM RIGHT CENTER sim={adjust=pan} layoutInDisplayCutoutMode=always ty=NAVIGATION_BAR_PANEL fmt=TRANSLUCENT
05-12 20:45:46.903 4299 11683 V WindowManager: fl=20800128
05-12 20:45:46.903 4299 11683 V WindowManager: pfl=1100050
05-12 20:45:46.903 4299 11683 V WindowManager: vsysui=100 naviIconColor=0}
05-12 20:45:46.905 10137 10867 D ViewRootImpl@2e58a0d[ScreenDecorOverlayBottom]: Relayout returned: old=(0,2189,1080,2340) new=(0,2189,1080,2340) req=(1079,151)0 dur=11 res=0x3 s={true 478310068224} ch=false
05-12 20:45:46.941 3871 3871 D SurfaceFlinger: Setting power mode 3 on display 0
05-12 20:45:46.941 3841 9377 E display : DOZE or Power off called twice, mPowerModeState : 1
05-12 20:45:46.941 3841 9377 D display : setPowerMode:: FBIOBLANK mode(3), blank(-1)
05-12 20:45:46.944 10137 10137 D AODUiController: onChargingLightSensorChanged lux : 1.0 appliedBrightness = 0 currentBrightness = 1
05-12 20:45:46.944 10137 10137 D AOD_BRIGHTNESS@BrightnessManager: mCurrentBrightness : HighNit[false], NitMode[[HLPM]_2NIT_ON], isForceState[0, ForceStateReason[{}, , mAppliedBrightness[0]
05-12 20:45:46.945 10137 10137 D AOD_BRIGHTNESS@AlwaysOnDisplayEx: updateDozeBrightness: doze [2] last [[HLPM]_2NIT_ON] change to [[HLPM]_2NIT_ON]
05-12 20:45:46.945 10137 10137 I AOD_WAKELOCK@WakeLockManager: acquireIfExists: tag - AOD_DRAW, timeout - 100, reason - set Doze Brightness updateDozeBrightness, wakeLock = WakeLock{c1ae7d8 held=false, refCount=0}
05-12 20:45:46.951 4299 10048 I BiometricServiceBase: onTaskStackChangedForFingerprint: Allow background auth,
05-12 20:45:46.952 4299 10048 I chatty : uid=1000(system) biometrics.fp identical 9 lines
05-12 20:45:46.952 4299 10048 I BiometricServiceBase: onTaskStackChangedForFingerprint: Allow background auth,
05-12 20:45:46.952 3841 9377 D display : setPowerMode:: S3CFB_POWER_MODE mode(3), blank(-1)
05-12 20:45:46.952 3871 3871 D SurfaceFlinger: Finished setting power mode 3 on display 0
05-12 20:45:46.955 4299 5297 D MotionRecognitionService: [EARHOVER_MOTION] inject screen on / off : 0
05-12 20:45:46.956 4299 5297 D SensorService: [EARHOVER_LITE] : setMotionDataLocked
05-12 20:45:46.956 4299 5297 D SensorService: [EARHOVER_LITE] : INJECT_SCREEN_OFF
05-12 20:45:46.958 3871 3871 D SurfaceFlinger: Setting power mode 1 on display 0
05-12 20:45:46.958 3841 3885 E display : DOZE or Power off called twice, mPowerModeState : 3
05-12 20:45:46.959 3841 3885 D display : setPowerMode:: FBIOBLANK mode(1), blank(-1)
05-12 20:45:46.963 3841 3885 D display : setPowerMode:: S3CFB_POWER_MODE mode(1), blank(-1)
05-12 20:45:46.964 3871 3871 D SurfaceFlinger: Finished setting power mode 1 on display 0
05-12 20:45:46.967 10137 10137 D DisplayLifecycle: updateDisplay id = 0
05-12 20:45:46.973 10137 10137 D DisplayLifecycle: updateCacheVariables id = 0, display = Display id 0: DisplayInfo{"Built-in Screen, displayId 0", uniqueId "local:0", app 1080 x 2131, real 1080 x 2340, largest app 2131 x 2131, smallest app 1080 x 1017, mode 1, defaultMode 1, modes [{id=1, width=1080, height=2340, fps=60.000004}], colorMode 0, supportedColorModes [0], hdrCapabilities android.view.Display$HdrCapabilities@40f16308, rotation 0, density 420 (403.411 x 404.326) dpi, layerStack 0, appVsyncOff 1000000, presDeadline 16666666, type BUILT_IN, address {port=0}, state DOZE_SUSPEND, FLAG_SECURE, FLAG_SUPPORTS_PROTECTED_BUFFERS, removeMode 0}, DisplayMetrics{density=2.625, width=1080, height=2131, scaledDensity=2.625, xdpi=403.411, ydpi=404.326}, isValid=true, size = Point(1080, 2131), realSize = Point(1080, 2340)
05-12 20:45:46.979 4299 5297 D MotionRecognitionService: [EARHOVER_MOTION] inject screen on / off : 0
05-12 20:45:46.979 4299 5297 D SensorService: [EARHOVER_LITE] : setMotionDataLocked
05-12 20:45:46.979 4299 5297 D SensorService: [EARHOVER_LITE] : INJECT_SCREEN_OFF
05-12 20:45:46.984 4299 10048 I BiometricServiceBase: onTaskStackChangedForFingerprint: Allow background auth,
05-12 20:45:46.985 4299 10048 I chatty : uid=1000(system) biometrics.fp identical 9 lines
05-12 20:45:46.985 4299 10048 I BiometricServiceBase: onTaskStackChangedForFingerprint: Allow background auth,
05-12 20:45:46.996 4299 11513 V WindowManager: Relayout Window{e90e744 u0 ScreenDecorOverlay}: viewVisibility=0 req=1079x151
05-12 20:45:46.998 10137 10137 D AOD_LIVE_CLOCK@LiveClockController: updateDisplayState: DISPLAY_STATE_DOZE
05-12 20:45:46.999 10137 10137 D DisplayLifecycle: updateDisplay id = 0
05-12 20:45:47.003 4299 11513 V WindowManager: Relayout 10137: mAttrs={(0,0)(fillxwrap) gr=TOP LEFT CENTER sim={adjust=pan} layoutInDisplayCutoutMode=always ty=NAVIGATION_BAR_PANEL fmt=TRANSLUCENT
05-12 20:45:47.003 4299 11513 V WindowManager: fl=20800128
05-12 20:45:47.003 4299 11513 V WindowManager: pfl=1100050
05-12 20:45:47.003 4299 11513 V WindowManager: vsysui=100 naviIconColor=0}
05-12 20:45:47.004 10137 10137 D DisplayLifecycle: updateCacheVariables id = 0, display = Display id 0: DisplayInfo{"Built-in Screen, displayId 0", uniqueId "local:0", app 1080 x 2131, real 1080 x 2340, largest app 2131 x 2131, smallest app 1080 x 1017, mode 1, defaultMode 1, modes [{id=1, width=1080, height=2340, fps=60.000004}], colorMode 0, supportedColorModes [0], hdrCapabilities android.view.Display$HdrCapabilities@40f16308, rotation 0, density 420 (403.411 x 404.326) dpi, layerStack 0, appVsyncOff 1000000, presDeadline 16666666, type BUILT_IN, address {port=0}, state DOZE, FLAG_SECURE, FLAG_SUPPORTS_PROTECTED_BUFFERS, removeMode 0}, DisplayMetrics{density=2.625, width=1080, height=2131, scaledDensity=2.625, xdpi=403.411, ydpi=404.326}, isValid=true, size = Point(1080, 2131), realSize = Point(1080, 2340)
05-12 20:45:47.006 10137 10867 D ViewRootImpl@ed5b6a[ScreenDecorOverlay]: Relayout returned: old=(0,0,1080,151) new=(0,0,1080,151) req=(1079,151)0 dur=15 res=0x3 s={true 478310035456} ch=false
05-12 20:45:47.016 4299 4320 V WindowManager: Relayout Window{9819af3 u0 ScreenDecorOverlayBottom}: viewVisibility=0 req=1079x151
05-12 20:45:47.019 10137 10137 D AOD_LIVE_CLOCK@LiveClockController: updateDisplayState: DISPLAY_STATE_DOZE
05-12 20:45:47.021 3970 10055 D bauth_FPBAuthService: pcf : 0x1012, 0 ,1 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,0,
05-12 20:45:47.021 3970 10055 D bauth_FPBAuthService: thread id : 1, preenroll_flag : 0, nd cnt : 0, cso : 0, et : 0
05-12 20:45:47.021 3970 10055 D bauth_FPBAuthService: FPBAuthService, 10983
05-12 20:45:47.023 4299 4320 V WindowManager: Relayout 10137: mAttrs={(0,0)(fillxwrap) gr=BOTTOM RIGHT CENTER sim={adjust=pan} layoutInDisplayCutoutMode=always ty=NAVIGATION_BAR_PANEL fmt=TRANSLUCENT
05-12 20:45:47.023 4299 4320 V WindowManager: fl=20800128
05-12 20:45:47.023 4299 4320 V WindowManager: pfl=1100050
05-12 20:45:47.023 4299 4320 V WindowManager: vsysui=100 naviIconColor=0}
05-12 20:45:47.025 10137 10867 D ViewRootImpl@2e58a0d[ScreenDecorOverlayBottom]: Relayout returned: old=(0,2189,1080,2340) new=(0,2189,1080,2340) req=(1079,151)0 dur=9 res=0x3 s={true 478310068224} ch=false
05-12 20:45:47.044 4299 4320 V WindowManager: Relayout Window{e90e744 u0 ScreenDecorOverlay}: viewVisibility=0 req=1079x151
05-12 20:45:47.050 10137 10137 D AODUiController: onChargingLightSensorChanged lux : 2.0 appliedBrightness = 0 currentBrightness = 1
05-12 20:45:47.050 10137 10137 D AOD_BRIGHTNESS@BrightnessManager: mCurrentBrightness : HighNit[false], NitMode[[HLPM]_2NIT_ON], isForceState[0, ForceStateReason[{}, , mAppliedBrightness[0]
05-12 20:45:47.050 4299 4320 V WindowManager: Relayout 10137: mAttrs={(0,0)(fillxwrap) gr=TOP LEFT CENTER sim={adjust=pan} layoutInDisplayCutoutMode=always ty=NAVIGATION_BAR_PANEL fmt=TRANSLUCENT
05-12 20:45:47.050 4299 4320 V WindowManager: fl=20800128
05-12 20:45:47.050 4299 4320 V WindowManager: pfl=1100050
05-12 20:45:47.050 4299 4320 V WindowManager: vsysui=100 naviIconColor=0}
05-12 20:45:47.050 10137 10137 D AOD_BRIGHTNESS@AlwaysOnDisplayEx: updateDozeBrightness: doze [2] last [[HLPM]_2NIT_ON] change to [[HLPM]_2NIT_ON]
05-12 20:45:47.051 10137 10137 I AOD_WAKELOCK@WakeLockManager: acquireIfExists: tag - AOD_DRAW, timeout - 100, reason - set Doze Brightness updateDozeBrightness, wakeLock = WakeLock{c1ae7d8 held=true, refCount=1}
05-12 20:45:47.052 10137 10867 D ViewRootImpl@ed5b6a[ScreenDecorOverlay]: Relayout returned: old=(0,0,1080,151) new=(0,0,1080,151) req=(1079,151)0 dur=11 res=0x3 s={true 478310035456} ch=false
05-12 20:45:47.060 4299 4320 V WindowManager: Relayout Window{9819af3 u0 ScreenDecorOverlayBottom}: viewVisibility=0 req=1079x151
05-12 20:45:47.068 4299 4320 V WindowManager: Relayout 10137: mAttrs={(0,0)(fillxwrap) gr=BOTTOM RIGHT CENTER sim={adjust=pan} layoutInDisplayCutoutMode=always ty=NAVIGATION_BAR_PANEL fmt=TRANSLUCENT
05-12 20:45:47.068 4299 4320 V WindowManager: fl=20800128
05-12 20:45:47.068 4299 4320 V WindowManager: pfl=1100050
05-12 20:45:47.068 4299 4320 V WindowManager: vsysui=100 naviIconColor=0}
05-12 20:45:47.070 10137 10867 D ViewRootImpl@2e58a0d[ScreenDecorOverlayBottom]: Relayout returned: old=(0,2189,1080,2340) new=(0,2189,1080,2340) req=(1079,151)0 dur=11 res=0x3 s={true 478310068224} ch=false
05-12 20:45:47.155 3871 3871 D SurfaceFlinger: Setting power mode 3 on display 0
05-12 20:45:47.156 3841 3885 E display : DOZE or Power off called twice, mPowerModeState : 1
05-12 20:45:47.156 3841 3885 D display : setPowerMode:: FBIOBLANK mode(3), blank(-1)
05-12 20:45:47.156 10137 10137 D AODUiController: onChargingLightSensorChanged lux : 1.0 appliedBrightness = 0 currentBrightness = 1
05-12 20:45:47.156 10137 10137 D AOD_BRIGHTNESS@BrightnessManager: mCurrentBrightness : HighNit[false], NitMode[[HLPM]_2NIT_ON], isForceState[0, ForceStateReason[{}, , mAppliedBrightness[0]
05-12 20:45:47.157 10137 10137 D AOD_BRIGHTNESS@AlwaysOnDisplayEx: updateDozeBrightness: doze [2] last [[HLPM]_2NIT_ON] change to [[HLPM]_2NIT_ON]
05-12 20:45:47.157 10137 10137 I AOD_WAKELOCK@WakeLockManager: acquireIfExists: tag - AOD_DRAW, timeout - 100, reason - set Doze Brightness updateDozeBrightness, wakeLock = WakeLock{c1ae7d8 held=false, refCount=0}
05-12 20:45:47.159 3841 3885 D display : setPowerMode:: S3CFB_POWER_MODE mode(3), blank(-1)
05-12 20:45:47.159 3871 3871 D SurfaceFlinger: Finished setting power mode 3 on display 0
05-12 20:45:47.161 4299 5297 D MotionRecognitionService: [EARHOVER_MOTION] inject screen on / off : 0
05-12 20:45:47.162 4299 5297 D SensorService: [EARHOVER_LITE] : setMotionDataLocked
05-12 20:45:47.162 4299 5297 D SensorService: [EARHOVER_LITE] : INJECT_SCREEN_OFF
05-12 20:45:47.166 3871 3871 D SurfaceFlinger: Setting power mode 1 on display 0
05-12 20:45:47.166 3841 9377 E display : DOZE or Power off called twice, mPowerModeState : 3
05-12 20:45:47.166 3841 9377 D display : setPowerMode:: FBIOBLANK mode(1), blank(-1)
05-12 20:45:47.171 3841 9377 D display : setPowerMode:: S3CFB_POWER_MODE mode(1), blank(-1)
05-12 20:45:47.171 3871 3871 D SurfaceFlinger: Finished setting power mode 1 on display 0
05-12 20:45:47.172 4299 10048 I BiometricServiceBase: onTaskStackChangedForFingerprint: Allow background auth,
05-12 20:45:47.172 4299 10048 I chatty : uid=1000(system) biometrics.fp identical 1 line
05-12 20:45:47.172 4299 10048 I BiometricServiceBase: onTaskStackChangedForFingerprint: Allow background auth,
05-12 20:45:47.173 10137 10137 D DisplayLifecycle: updateDisplay id = 0
05-12 20:45:47.173 4299 10048 I BiometricServiceBase: onTaskStackChangedForFingerprint: Allow background auth,
05-12 20:45:47.174 4299 10048 I chatty : uid=1000(system) biometrics.fp identical 6 lines
05-12 20:45:47.174 4299 10048 I BiometricServiceBase: onTaskStackChangedForFingerprint: Allow background auth,
05-12 20:45:47.178 10137 10137 D DisplayLifecycle: updateCacheVariables id = 0, display = Display id 0: DisplayInfo{"Built-in Screen, displayId 0", uniqueId "local:0", app 1080 x 2131, real 1080 x 2340, largest app 2131 x 2131, smallest app 1080 x 1017, mode 1, defaultMode 1, modes [{id=1, width=1080, height=2340, fps=60.000004}], colorMode 0, supportedColorModes [0], hdrCapabilities android.view.Display$HdrCapabilities@40f16308, rotation 0, density 420 (403.411 x 404.326) dpi, layerStack 0, appVsyncOff 1000000, presDeadline 16666666, type BUILT_IN, address {port=0}, state DOZE_SUSPEND, FLAG_SECURE, FLAG_SUPPORTS_PROTECTED_BUFFERS, removeMode 0}, DisplayMetrics{density=2.625, width=1080, height=2131, scaledDensity=2.625, xdpi=403.411, ydpi=404.326}, isValid=true, size = Point(1080, 2131), realSize = Point(1080, 2340)
05-12 20:45:47.191 10137 10137 D AOD_LIVE_CLOCK@LiveClockController: updateDisplayState: DISPLAY_STATE_DOZE
05-12 20:45:47.192 4299 5297 D MotionRecognitionService: [EARHOVER_MOTION] inject screen on / off : 0
05-12 20:45:47.192 4299 5297 D SensorService: [EARHOVER_LITE] : setMotionDataLocked
05-12 20:45:47.192 4299 5297 D SensorService: [EARHOVER_LITE] : INJECT_SCREEN_OFF
05-12 20:45:47.196 4299 10048 I BiometricServiceBase: onTaskStackChangedForFingerprint: Allow background auth,
05-12 20:45:47.197 4299 10048 I chatty : uid=1000(system) biometrics.fp identical 9 lines
05-12 20:45:47.197 4299 10048 I BiometricServiceBase: onTaskStackChangedForFingerprint: Allow background auth,
05-12 20:45:47.200 4299 11689 V WindowManager: Relayout Window{e90e744 u0 ScreenDecorOverlay}: viewVisibility=0 req=1079x151
05-12 20:45:47.204 10137 10137 D DisplayLifecycle: updateDisplay id = 0
05-12 20:45:47.211 10137 10137 D DisplayLifecycle: updateCacheVariables id = 0, display = Display id 0: DisplayInfo{"Built-in Screen, displayId 0", uniqueId "local:0", app 1080 x 2131, real 1080 x 2340, largest app 2131 x 2131, smallest app 1080 x 1017, mode 1, defaultMode 1, modes [{id=1, width=1080, height=2340, fps=60.000004}], colorMode 0, supportedColorModes [0], hdrCapabilities android.view.Display$HdrCapabilities@40f16308, rotation 0, density 420 (403.411 x 404.326) dpi, layerStack 0, appVsyncOff 1000000, presDeadline 16666666, type BUILT_IN, address {port=0}, state DOZE, FLAG_SECURE, FLAG_SUPPORTS_PROTECTED_BUFFERS, removeMode 0}, DisplayMetrics{density=2.625, width=1080, height=2131, scaledDensity=2.625, xdpi=403.411, ydpi=404.326}, isValid=true, size = Point(1080, 2131), realSize = Point(1080, 2340)
05-12 20:45:47.212 4299 11689 V WindowManager: Relayout 10137: mAttrs={(0,0)(fillxwrap) gr=TOP LEFT CENTER sim={adjust=pan} layoutInDisplayCutoutMode=always ty=NAVIGATION_BAR_PANEL fmt=TRANSLUCENT
05-12 20:45:47.212 4299 11689 V WindowManager: fl=20800128
05-12 20:45:47.212 4299 11689 V WindowManager: pfl=1100050
05-12 20:45:47.212 4299 11689 V WindowManager: vsysui=100 naviIconColor=0}
05-12 20:45:47.214 10137 10867 D ViewRootImpl@ed5b6a[ScreenDecorOverlay]: Relayout returned: old=(0,0,1080,151) new=(0,0,1080,151) req=(1079,151)0 dur=17 res=0x3 s={true 478310035456} ch=false
05-12 20:45:47.222 10137 10137 D AOD_LIVE_CLOCK@LiveClockController: updateDisplayState: DISPLAY_STATE_DOZE
05-12 20:45:47.223 4299 4320 V WindowManager: Relayout Window{9819af3 u0 ScreenDecorOverlayBottom}: viewVisibility=0 req=1079x151
05-12 20:45:47.229 4299 4320 V WindowManager: Relayout 10137: mAttrs={(0,0)(fillxwrap) gr=BOTTOM RIGHT CENTER sim={adjust=pan} layoutInDisplayCutoutMode=always ty=NAVIGATION_BAR_PANEL fmt=TRANSLUCENT
05-12 20:45:47.229 4299 4320 V WindowManager: fl=20800128
05-12 20:45:47.229 4299 4320 V WindowManager: pfl=1100050
05-12 20:45:47.229 4299 4320 V WindowManager: vsysui=100 naviIconColor=0}
05-12 20:45:47.231 10137 10867 D ViewRootImpl@2e58a0d[ScreenDecorOverlayBottom]: Relayout returned: old=(0,2189,1080,2340) new=(0,2189,1080,2340) req=(1079,151)0 dur=9 res=0x3 s={true 478310068224} ch=false
05-12 20:45:47.261 10137 10137 D AODUiController: onChargingLightSensorChanged lux : 1.0 appliedBrightness = 0 currentBrightness = 1
05-12 20:45:47.261 10137 10137 D AOD_BRIGHTNESS@BrightnessManager: mCurrentBrightness : HighNit[false], NitMode[[HLPM]_2NIT_ON], isForceState[0, ForceStateReason[{}, , mAppliedBrightness[0]
05-12 20:45:47.261 10137 10137 D AOD_BRIGHTNESS@AlwaysOnDisplayEx: updateDozeBrightness: doze [2] last [[HLPM]_2NIT_ON] change to [[HLPM]_2NIT_ON]
05-12 20:45:47.261 10137 10137 I AOD_WAKELOCK@WakeLockManager: acquireIfExists: tag - AOD_DRAW, timeout - 100, reason - set Doze Brightness updateDozeBrightness, wakeLock = WakeLock{c1ae7d8 held=true, refCount=1}
05-12 20:45:47.274 4299 11689 V WindowManager: Relayout Window{e90e744 u0 ScreenDecorOverlay}: viewVisibility=0 req=1079x151
05-12 20:45:47.282 4299 11689 V WindowManager: Relayout 10137: mAttrs={(0,0)(fillxwrap) gr=TOP LEFT CENTER sim={adjust=pan} layoutInDisplayCutoutMode=always ty=NAVIGATION_BAR_PANEL fmt=TRANSLUCENT
05-12 20:45:47.282 4299 11689 V WindowManager: fl=20800128
05-12 20:45:47.282 4299 11689 V WindowManager: pfl=1100050
05-12 20:45:47.282 4299 11689 V WindowManager: vsysui=100 naviIconColor=0}
05-12 20:45:47.284 10137 10867 D ViewRootImpl@ed5b6a[ScreenDecorOverlay]: Relayout returned: old=(0,0,1080,151) new=(0,0,1080,151) req=(1079,151)0 dur=11 res=0x3 s={true 478310035456} ch=false
05-12 20:45:47.292 4299 11689 V WindowManager: Relayout Window{9819af3 u0 ScreenDecorOverlayBottom}: viewVisibility=0 req=1079x151
05-12 20:45:47.298 3951 10369 I GNSS_MEMS: TGT_MEMS SCSCMemsReportSensorDrops: dropped 0 events (spam) 1 events (rate limit) out of 52 total for sensor 0 since last report
05-12 20:45:47.301 4299 11689 V WindowManager: Relayout 10137: mAttrs={(0,0)(fillxwrap) gr=BOTTOM RIGHT CENTER sim={adjust=pan} layoutInDisplayCutoutMode=always ty=NAVIGATION_BAR_PANEL fmt=TRANSLUCENT
05-12 20:45:47.301 4299 11689 V WindowManager: fl=20800128
05-12 20:45:47.301 4299 11689 V WindowManager: pfl=1100050
05-12 20:45:47.301 4299 11689 V WindowManager: vsysui=100 naviIconColor=0}
05-12 20:45:47.303 10137 10867 D ViewRootImpl@2e58a0d[ScreenDecorOverlayBottom]: Relayout returned: old=(0,2189,1080,2340) new=(0,2189,1080,2340) req=(1079,151)0 dur=12 res=0x3 s={true 478310068224} ch=false
05-12 20:45:47.369 10137 10137 D AODUiController: onChargingLightSensorChanged lux : 1.0 appliedBrightness = 0 currentBrightness = 1
05-12 20:45:47.370 10137 10137 D AOD_BRIGHTNESS@BrightnessManager: mCurrentBrightness : HighNit[false], NitMode[[HLPM]_2NIT_ON], isForceState[0, ForceStateReason[{}, , mAppliedBrightness[0]
05-12 20:45:47.370 10137 10137 D AOD_BRIGHTNESS@AlwaysOnDisplayEx: updateDozeBrightness: doze [2] last [[HLPM]_2NIT_ON] change to [[HLPM]_2NIT_ON]
05-12 20:45:47.370 10137 10137 I AOD_WAKELOCK@WakeLockManager: acquireIfExists: tag - AOD_DRAW, timeout - 100, reason - set Doze Brightness updateDozeBrightness, wakeLock = WakeLock{c1ae7d8 held=false, refCount=0}
05-12 20:45:47.375 3871 3871 D SurfaceFlinger: Setting power mode 3 on display 0
05-12 20:45:47.376 3841 9377 E display : DOZE or Power off called twice, mPowerModeState : 1
05-12 20:45:47.376 3841 9377 D display : setPowerMode:: FBIOBLANK mode(3), blank(-1)
05-12 20:45:47.379 4299 5297 D MotionRecognitionService: [EARHOVER_MOTION] inject screen on / off : 0
05-12 20:45:47.380 4299 5297 D SensorService: [EARHOVER_LITE] : setMotionDataLocked
05-12 20:45:47.380 4299 5297 D SensorService: [EARHOVER_LITE] : INJECT_SCREEN_OFF
05-12 20:45:47.381 4299 10048 I BiometricServiceBase: onTaskStackChangedForFingerprint: Allow background auth,
05-12 20:45:47.385 4299 10048 I chatty : uid=1000(system) biometrics.fp identical 6 lines
05-12 20:45:47.386 4299 10048 I BiometricServiceBase: onTaskStackChangedForFingerprint: Allow background auth,
05-12 20:45:47.386 3841 9377 D display : setPowerMode:: S3CFB_POWER_MODE mode(3), blank(-1)
05-12 20:45:47.386 4299 10048 I BiometricServiceBase: onTaskStackChangedForFingerprint: Allow background auth,
05-12 20:45:47.387 3871 3871 D SurfaceFlinger: Finished setting power mode 3 on display 0
05-12 20:45:47.387 4299 10048 I BiometricServiceBase: onTaskStackChangedForFingerprint: Allow background auth,
05-12 20:45:47.387 4299 10048 I BiometricServiceBase: onTaskStackChangedForFingerprint: Allow background auth,
05-12 20:45:47.425 4299 11456 V WindowManager: Relayout Window{e90e744 u0 ScreenDecorOverlay}: viewVisibility=0 req=1079x151
05-12 20:45:47.433 4299 11456 V WindowManager: Relayout 10137: mAttrs={(0,0)(fillxwrap) gr=TOP LEFT CENTER sim={adjust=pan} layoutInDisplayCutoutMode=always ty=NAVIGATION_BAR_PANEL fmt=TRANSLUCENT
05-12 20:45:47.433 4299 11456 V WindowManager: fl=20800128
05-12 20:45:47.433 4299 11456 V WindowManager: pfl=1100050
05-12 20:45:47.433 4299 11456 V WindowManager: vsysui=100 naviIconColor=0}
05-12 20:45:47.435 10137 10867 D ViewRootImpl@ed5b6a[ScreenDecorOverlay]: Relayout returned: old=(0,0,1080,151) new=(0,0,1080,151) req=(1079,151)0 dur=11 res=0x3 s={true 478310035456} ch=false
05-12 20:45:47.447 3871 3871 D SurfaceFlinger: Setting power mode 1 on display 0
05-12 20:45:47.447 3841 9377 E display : DOZE or Power off called twice, mPowerModeState : 3
05-12 20:45:47.447 3841 9377 D display : setPowerMode:: FBIOBLANK mode(1), blank(-1)
05-12 20:45:47.448 10137 10137 D DisplayLifecycle: updateDisplay id = 0
05-12 20:45:47.450 4299 11689 V WindowManager: Relayout Window{9819af3 u0 ScreenDecorOverlayBottom}: viewVisibility=0 req=1079x151
05-12 20:45:47.452 3841 9377 D display : setPowerMode:: S3CFB_POWER_MODE mode(1), blank(-1)
05-12 20:45:47.452 3871 3871 D SurfaceFlinger: Finished setting power mode 1 on display 0
05-12 20:45:47.452 10137 10137 D DisplayLifecycle: updateCacheVariables id = 0, display = Display id 0: DisplayInfo{"Built-in Screen, displayId 0", uniqueId "local:0", app 1080 x 2131, real 1080 x 2340, largest app 2131 x 2131, smallest app 1080 x 1017, mode 1, defaultMode 1, modes [{id=1, width=1080, height=2340, fps=60.000004}], colorMode 0, supportedColorModes [0], hdrCapabilities android.view.Display$HdrCapabilities@40f16308, rotation 0, density 420 (403.411 x 404.326) dpi, layerStack 0, appVsyncOff 1000000, presDeadline 16666666, type BUILT_IN, address {port=0}, state DOZE, FLAG_SECURE, FLAG_SUPPORTS_PROTECTED_BUFFERS, removeMode 0}, DisplayMetrics{density=2.625, width=1080, height=2131, scaledDensity=2.625, xdpi=403.411, ydpi=404.326}, isValid=true, size = Point(1080, 2131), realSize = Point(1080, 2340)
05-12 20:45:47.453 4299 5297 D MotionRecognitionService: [EARHOVER_MOTION] inject screen on / off : 0
05-12 20:45:47.453 4299 5297 D SensorService: [EARHOVER_LITE] : setMotionDataLocked
05-12 20:45:47.453 4299 5297 D SensorService: [EARHOVER_LITE] : INJECT_SCREEN_OFF
05-12 20:45:47.466 10137 10137 D AODUiController: onChargingLightSensorChanged lux : 1.0 appliedBrightness = 0 currentBrightness = 1
05-12 20:45:47.466 10137 10137 D AOD_BRIGHTNESS@BrightnessManager: mCurrentBrightness : HighNit[false], NitMode[[HLPM]_2NIT_ON], isForceState[0, ForceStateReason[{}, , mAppliedBrightness[0]
05-12 20:45:47.466 10137 10137 D AOD_BRIGHTNESS@AlwaysOnDisplayEx: updateDozeBrightness: doze [2] last [[HLPM]_2NIT_ON] change to [[HLPM]_2NIT_ON]
05-12 20:45:47.466 10137 10137 I AOD_WAKELOCK@WakeLockManager: acquireIfExists: tag - AOD_DRAW, timeout - 100, reason - set Doze Brightness updateDozeBrightness, wakeLock = WakeLock{c1ae7d8 held=true, refCount=1}
05-12 20:45:47.468 4299 10048 I BiometricServiceBase: onTaskStackChangedForFingerprint: Allow background auth,
05-12 20:45:47.469 4299 10048 I chatty : uid=1000(system) biometrics.fp identical 9 lines
05-12 20:45:47.469 4299 10048 I BiometricServiceBase: onTaskStackChangedForFingerprint: Allow background auth,
05-12 20:45:47.470 4299 11689 V WindowManager: Relayout 10137: mAttrs={(0,0)(fillxwrap) gr=BOTTOM RIGHT CENTER sim={adjust=pan} layoutInDisplayCutoutMode=always ty=NAVIGATION_BAR_PANEL fmt=TRANSLUCENT
05-12 20:45:47.470 4299 11689 V WindowManager: fl=20800128
05-12 20:45:47.470 4299 11689 V WindowManager: pfl=1100050
05-12 20:45:47.470 4299 11689 V WindowManager: vsysui=100 naviIconColor=0}
05-12 20:45:47.472 10137 10137 D AOD_LIVE_CLOCK@LiveClockController: updateDisplayState: DISPLAY_STATE_DOZE
05-12 20:45:47.472 10137 10867 D ViewRootImpl@2e58a0d[ScreenDecorOverlayBottom]: Relayout returned: old=(0,2189,1080,2340) new=(0,2189,1080,2340) req=(1079,151)0 dur=23 res=0x3 s={true 478310068224} ch=false
05-12 20:45:47.473 10137 10137 D DisplayLifecycle: updateDisplay id = 0
05-12 20:45:47.480 10137 10137 D DisplayLifecycle: updateCacheVariables id = 0, display = Display id 0: DisplayInfo{"Built-in Screen, displayId 0", uniqueId "local:0", app 1080 x 2131, real 1080 x 2340, largest app 2131 x 2131, smallest app 1080 x 1017, mode 1, defaultMode 1, modes [{id=1, width=1080, height=2340, fps=60.000004}], colorMode 0, supportedColorModes [0], hdrCapabilities android.view.Display$HdrCapabilities@40f16308, rotation 0, density 420 (403.411 x 404.326) dpi, layerStack 0, appVsyncOff 1000000, presDeadline 16666666, type BUILT_IN, address {port=0}, state DOZE, FLAG_SECURE, FLAG_SUPPORTS_PROTECTED_BUFFERS, removeMode 0}, DisplayMetrics{density=2.625, width=1080, height=2131, scaledDensity=2.625, xdpi=403.411, ydpi=404.326}, isValid=true, size = Point(1080, 2131), realSize = Point(1080, 2340)
05-12 20:45:47.489 10137 10137 D AOD_LIVE_CLOCK@LiveClockController: updateDisplayState: DISPLAY_STATE_DOZE
05-12 20:45:47.507 4299 11683 V WindowManager: Relayout Window{e90e744 u0 ScreenDecorOverlay}: viewVisibility=0 req=1079x151
05-12 20:45:47.515 4299 11683 V WindowManager: Relayout 10137: mAttrs={(0,0)(fillxwrap) gr=TOP LEFT CENTER sim={adjust=pan} layoutInDisplayCutoutMode=always ty=NAVIGATION_BAR_PANEL fmt=TRANSLUCENT
05-12 20:45:47.515 4299 11683 V WindowManager: fl=20800128
05-12 20:45:47.515 4299 11683 V WindowManager: pfl=1100050
05-12 20:45:47.515 4299 11683 V WindowManager: vsysui=100 naviIconColor=0}
05-12 20:45:47.518 4299 11683 I LocationManagerService: getGPSUsingApps() called
05-12 20:45:47.518 4299 11683 I NSLocationMonitor: getGPSUsingApps() called
05-12 20:45:47.518 10137 10867 D ViewRootImpl@ed5b6a[ScreenDecorOverlay]: Relayout returned: old=(0,0,1080,151) new=(0,0,1080,151) req=(1079,151)0 dur=11 res=0x3 s={true 478310035456} ch=false
05-12 20:45:47.526 4299 11456 V WindowManager: Relayout Window{9819af3 u0 ScreenDecorOverlayBottom}: viewVisibility=0 req=1079x151
05-12 20:45:47.533 4299 11456 V WindowManager: Relayout 10137: mAttrs={(0,0)(fillxwrap) gr=BOTTOM RIGHT CENTER sim={adjust=pan} layoutInDisplayCutoutMode=always ty=NAVIGATION_BAR_PANEL fmt=TRANSLUCENT
05-12 20:45:47.533 4299 11456 V WindowManager: fl=20800128
05-12 20:45:47.533 4299 11456 V WindowManager: pfl=1100050
05-12 20:45:47.533 4299 11456 V WindowManager: vsysui=100 naviIconColor=0}
05-12 20:45:47.535 10137 10867 D ViewRootImpl@2e58a0d[ScreenDecorOverlayBottom]: Relayout returned: old=(0,2189,1080,2340) new=(0,2189,1080,2340) req=(1079,151)0 dur=10 res=0x3 s={true 478310068224} ch=false
05-12 20:45:47.558 10284 1718 V NSLocationManager_FLP: getGPSUsingApps, NO_FREEZE={5013}/ FREEZE={}
05-12 20:45:47.566 10137 10137 D AODUiController: onChargingLightSensorChanged lux : 1.0 appliedBrightness = 0 currentBrightness = 1
05-12 20:45:47.566 10137 10137 D AOD_BRIGHTNESS@BrightnessManager: mCurrentBrightness : HighNit[false], NitMode[[HLPM]_2NIT_ON], isForceState[0, ForceStateReason[{}, , mAppliedBrightness[0]
05-12 20:45:47.566 10137 10137 D AOD_BRIGHTNESS@AlwaysOnDisplayEx: updateDozeBrightness: doze [2] last [[HLPM]_2NIT_ON] change to [[HLPM]_2NIT_ON]
05-12 20:45:47.566 10137 10137 I AOD_WAKELOCK@WakeLockManager: acquireIfExists: tag - AOD_DRAW, timeout - 100, reason - set Doze Brightness updateDozeBrightness, wakeLock = WakeLock{c1ae7d8 held=true, refCount=1}
05-12 20:45:47.666 10137 10137 D AODUiController: onChargingLightSensorChanged lux : 2.0 appliedBrightness = 0 currentBrightness = 1
05-12 20:45:47.666 10137 10137 D AOD_BRIGHTNESS@BrightnessManager: mCurrentBrightness : HighNit[false], NitMode[[HLPM]_2NIT_ON], isForceState[0, ForceStateReason[{}, , mAppliedBrightness[0]
05-12 20:45:47.666 10137 10137 D AOD_BRIGHTNESS@AlwaysOnDisplayEx: updateDozeBrightness: doze [2] last [[HLPM]_2NIT_ON] change to [[HLPM]_2NIT_ON]
05-12 20:45:47.666 10137 10137 I AOD_WAKELOCK@WakeLockManager: acquireIfExists: tag - AOD_DRAW, timeout - 100, reason - set Doze Brightness updateDozeBrightness, wakeLock = WakeLock{c1ae7d8 held=true, refCount=1}
05-12 20:45:47.774 10137 10137 D AODUiController: onChargingLightSensorChanged lux : 2.0 appliedBrightness = 0 currentBrightness = 1
05-12 20:45:47.775 10137 10137 D AOD_BRIGHTNESS@BrightnessManager: mCurrentBrightness : HighNit[false], NitMode[[HLPM]_2NIT_ON], isForceState[0, ForceStateReason[{}, , mAppliedBrightness[0]
05-12 20:45:47.775 10137 10137 D AOD_BRIGHTNESS@AlwaysOnDisplayEx: updateDozeBrightness: doze [2] last [[HLPM]_2NIT_ON] change to [[HLPM]_2NIT_ON]
05-12 20:45:47.776 10137 10137 I AOD_WAKELOCK@WakeLockManager: acquireIfExists: tag - AOD_DRAW, timeout - 100, reason - set Doze Brightness updateDozeBrightness, wakeLock = WakeLock{c1ae7d8 held=false, refCount=0}
05-12 20:45:47.776 3871 3871 D SurfaceFlinger: Setting power mode 3 on display 0
05-12 20:45:47.777 3841 3885 E display : DOZE or Power off called twice, mPowerModeState : 1
05-12 20:45:47.777 3841 3885 D display : setPowerMode:: FBIOBLANK mode(3), blank(-1)
05-12 20:45:47.783 3841 3885 D display : setPowerMode:: S3CFB_POWER_MODE mode(3), blank(-1)
05-12 20:45:47.783 3871 3871 D SurfaceFlinger: Finished setting power mode 3 on display 0
05-12 20:45:47.789 4299 10048 I BiometricServiceBase: onTaskStackChangedForFingerprint: Allow background auth,
05-12 20:45:47.791 4299 10048 I chatty : uid=1000(system) biometrics.fp identical 9 lines
05-12 20:45:47.792 4299 10048 I BiometricServiceBase: onTaskStackChangedForFingerprint: Allow background auth,
05-12 20:45:47.795 3871 3871 D SurfaceFlinger: Setting power mode 1 on display 0
05-12 20:45:47.795 3841 3885 E display : DOZE or Power off called twice, mPowerModeState : 3
05-12 20:45:47.795 3841 3885 D display : setPowerMode:: FBIOBLANK mode(1), blank(-1)
05-12 20:45:47.801 3841 3885 D display : setPowerMode:: S3CFB_POWER_MODE mode(1), blank(-1)
05-12 20:45:47.801 10137 10137 D DisplayLifecycle: updateDisplay id = 0
05-12 20:45:47.802 3871 3871 D SurfaceFlinger: Finished setting power mode 1 on display 0
05-12 20:45:47.802 4299 5297 D MotionRecognitionService: [EARHOVER_MOTION] inject screen on / off : 0
05-12 20:45:47.803 4299 5297 D SensorService: [EARHOVER_LITE] : setMotionDataLocked
05-12 20:45:47.803 4299 5297 D SensorService: [EARHOVER_LITE] : INJECT_SCREEN_OFF
05-12 20:45:47.824 10137 10137 D DisplayLifecycle: updateCacheVariables id = 0, display = Display id 0: DisplayInfo{"Built-in Screen, displayId 0", uniqueId "local:0", app 1080 x 2131, real 1080 x 2340, largest app 2131 x 2131, smallest app 1080 x 1017, mode 1, defaultMode 1, modes [{id=1, width=1080, height=2340, fps=60.000004}], colorMode 0, supportedColorModes [0], hdrCapabilities android.view.Display$HdrCapabilities@40f16308, rotation 0, density 420 (403.411 x 404.326) dpi, layerStack 0, appVsyncOff 1000000, presDeadline 16666666, type BUILT_IN, address {port=0}, state DOZE_SUSPEND, FLAG_SECURE, FLAG_SUPPORTS_PROTECTED_BUFFERS, removeMode 0}, DisplayMetrics{density=2.625, width=1080, height=2131, scaledDensity=2.625, xdpi=403.411, ydpi=404.326}, isValid=true, size = Point(1080, 2131), realSize = Point(1080, 2340)
05-12 20:45:47.833 4299 5297 D MotionRecognitionService: [EARHOVER_MOTION] inject screen on / off : 0
05-12 20:45:47.834 4299 5297 D SensorService: [EARHOVER_LITE] : setMotionDataLocked
05-12 20:45:47.834 4299 5297 D SensorService: [EARHOVER_LITE] : INJECT_SCREEN_OFF
05-12 20:45:47.836 4299 10048 I BiometricServiceBase: onTaskStackChangedForFingerprint: Allow background auth,
05-12 20:45:47.837 4299 10048 I chatty : uid=1000(system) biometrics.fp identical 9 lines
05-12 20:45:47.837 4299 10048 I BiometricServiceBase: onTaskStackChangedForFingerprint: Allow background auth,
05-12 20:45:47.850 10137 10137 D AOD_LIVE_CLOCK@LiveClockController: updateDisplayState: DISPLAY_STATE_DOZE
05-12 20:45:47.853 10137 10137 D DisplayLifecycle: updateDisplay id = 0
05-12 20:45:47.854 4299 11456 V WindowManager: Relayout Window{e90e744 u0 ScreenDecorOverlay}: viewVisibility=0 req=1079x151
05-12 20:45:47.860 10137 10137 D DisplayLifecycle: updateCacheVariables id = 0, display = Display id 0: DisplayInfo{"Built-in Screen, displayId 0", uniqueId "local:0", app 1080 x 2131, real 1080 x 2340, largest app 2131 x 2131, smallest app 1080 x 1017, mode 1, defaultMode 1, modes [{id=1, width=1080, height=2340, fps=60.000004}], colorMode 0, supportedColorModes [0], hdrCapabilities android.view.Display$HdrCapabilities@40f16308, rotation 0, density 420 (403.411 x 404.326) dpi, layerStack 0, appVsyncOff 1000000, presDeadline 16666666, type BUILT_IN, address {port=0}, state DOZE, FLAG_SECURE, FLAG_SUPPORTS_PROTECTED_BUFFERS, removeMode 0}, DisplayMetrics{density=2.625, width=1080, height=2131, scaledDensity=2.625, xdpi=403.411, ydpi=404.326}, isValid=true, size = Point(1080, 2131), realSize = Point(1080, 2340)
05-12 20:45:47.862 4299 11456 V WindowManager: Relayout 10137: mAttrs={(0,0)(fillxwrap) gr=TOP LEFT CENTER sim={adjust=pan} layoutInDisplayCutoutMode=always ty=NAVIGATION_BAR_PANEL fmt=TRANSLUCENT
05-12 20:45:47.862 4299 11456 V WindowManager: fl=20800128
05-12 20:45:47.862 4299 11456 V WindowManager: pfl=1100050
05-12 20:45:47.862 4299 11456 V WindowManager: vsysui=100 naviIconColor=0}
05-12 20:45:47.864 10137 10867 D ViewRootImpl@ed5b6a[ScreenDecorOverlay]: Relayout returned: old=(0,0,1080,151) new=(0,0,1080,151) req=(1079,151)0 dur=22 res=0x3 s={true 478310035456} ch=false
05-12 20:45:47.872 10137 10137 D AOD_LIVE_CLOCK@LiveClockController: updateDisplayState: DISPLAY_STATE_DOZE
05-12 20:45:47.873 10137 10137 D AODUiController: onChargingLightSensorChanged lux : 2.0 appliedBrightness = 0 currentBrightness = 1
05-12 20:45:47.873 10137 10137 D AOD_BRIGHTNESS@BrightnessManager: mCurrentBrightness : HighNit[false], NitMode[[HLPM]_2NIT_ON], isForceState[0, ForceStateReason[{}, , mAppliedBrightness[0]
05-12 20:45:47.874 10137 10137 D AOD_BRIGHTNESS@AlwaysOnDisplayEx: updateDozeBrightness: doze [2] last [[HLPM]_2NIT_ON] change to [[HLPM]_2NIT_ON]
05-12 20:45:47.874 10137 10137 I AOD_WAKELOCK@WakeLockManager: acquireIfExists: tag - AOD_DRAW, timeout - 100, reason - set Doze Brightness updateDozeBrightness, wakeLock = WakeLock{c1ae7d8 held=true, refCount=1}
05-12 20:45:47.878 4299 11456 V WindowManager: Relayout Window{9819af3 u0 ScreenDecorOverlayBottom}: viewVisibility=0 req=1079x151
05-12 20:45:47.884 4299 11456 V WindowManager: Relayout 10137: mAttrs={(0,0)(fillxwrap) gr=BOTTOM RIGHT CENTER sim={adjust=pan} layoutInDisplayCutoutMode=always ty=NAVIGATION_BAR_PANEL fmt=TRANSLUCENT
05-12 20:45:47.884 4299 11456 V WindowManager: fl=20800128
05-12 20:45:47.884 4299 11456 V WindowManager: pfl=1100050
05-12 20:45:47.884 4299 11456 V WindowManager: vsysui=100 naviIconColor=0}
05-12 20:45:47.886 10137 10867 D ViewRootImpl@2e58a0d[ScreenDecorOverlayBottom]: Relayout returned: old=(0,2189,1080,2340) new=(0,2189,1080,2340) req=(1079,151)0 dur=12 res=0x3 s={true 478310068224} ch=false
05-12 20:45:47.911 4299 11456 V WindowManager: Relayout Window{e90e744 u0 ScreenDecorOverlay}: viewVisibility=0 req=1079x151
05-12 20:45:47.919 4299 11456 V WindowManager: Relayout 10137: mAttrs={(0,0)(fillxwrap) gr=TOP LEFT CENTER sim={adjust=pan} layoutInDisplayCutoutMode=always ty=NAVIGATION_BAR_PANEL fmt=TRANSLUCENT
05-12 20:45:47.919 4299 11456 V WindowManager: fl=20800128
05-12 20:45:47.919 4299 11456 V WindowManager: pfl=1100050
05-12 20:45:47.919 4299 11456 V WindowManager: vsysui=100 naviIconColor=0}
05-12 20:45:47.921 10137 10867 D ViewRootImpl@ed5b6a[ScreenDecorOverlay]: Relayout returned: old=(0,0,1080,151) new=(0,0,1080,151) req=(1079,151)0 dur=12 res=0x3 s={true 478310035456} ch=false
05-12 20:45:47.929 4299 11456 V WindowManager: Relayout Window{9819af3 u0 ScreenDecorOverlayBottom}: viewVisibility=0 req=1079x151
05-12 20:45:47.937 4299 11456 V WindowManager: Relayout 10137: mAttrs={(0,0)(fillxwrap) gr=BOTTOM RIGHT CENTER sim={adjust=pan} layoutInDisplayCutoutMode=always ty=NAVIGATION_BAR_PANEL fmt=TRANSLUCENT
05-12 20:45:47.937 4299 11456 V WindowManager: fl=20800128
05-12 20:45:47.937 4299 11456 V WindowManager: pfl=1100050
05-12 20:45:47.937 4299 11456 V WindowManager: vsysui=100 naviIconColor=0}
05-12 20:45:47.940 10137 10867 D ViewRootImpl@2e58a0d[ScreenDecorOverlayBottom]: Relayout returned: old=(0,2189,1080,2340) new=(0,2189,1080,2340) req=(1079,151)0 dur=12 res=0x3 s={true 478310068224} ch=false
05-12 20:45:47.974 10137 10137 D AODUiController: onChargingLightSensorChanged lux : 2.0 appliedBrightness = 0 currentBrightness = 1
05-12 20:45:47.974 10137 10137 D AOD_BRIGHTNESS@BrightnessManager: mCurrentBrightness : HighNit[false], NitMode[[HLPM]_2NIT_ON], isForceState[0, ForceStateReason[{}, , mAppliedBrightness[0]
05-12 20:45:47.974 10137 10137 D AOD_BRIGHTNESS@AlwaysOnDisplayEx: updateDozeBrightness: doze [2] last [[HLPM]_2NIT_ON] change to [[HLPM]_2NIT_ON]
05-12 20:45:47.974 10137 10137 I AOD_WAKELOCK@WakeLockManager: acquireIfExists: tag - AOD_DRAW, timeout - 100, reason - set Doze Brightness updateDozeBrightness, wakeLock = WakeLock{c1ae7d8 held=true, refCount=1}
05-12 20:45:48.021 3970 10055 D bauth_FPBAuthService: pcf : 0x1012, 0 ,1 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,0,
05-12 20:45:48.021 3970 10055 D bauth_FPBAuthService: thread id : 1, preenroll_flag : 0, nd cnt : 0, cso : 0, et : 0
05-12 20:45:48.021 3970 10055 D bauth_FPBAuthService: FPBAuthService, 10983
05-12 20:45:48.074 10137 10137 D AODUiController: onChargingLightSensorChanged lux : 2.0 appliedBrightness = 0 currentBrightness = 1
05-12 20:45:48.074 10137 10137 D AOD_BRIGHTNESS@BrightnessManager: mCurrentBrightness : HighNit[false], NitMode[[HLPM]_2NIT_ON], isForceState[0, ForceStateReason[{}, , mAppliedBrightness[0]
05-12 20:45:48.075 10137 10137 D AOD_BRIGHTNESS@AlwaysOnDisplayEx: updateDozeBrightness: doze [2] last [[HLPM]_2NIT_ON] change to [[HLPM]_2NIT_ON]
05-12 20:45:48.075 10137 10137 I AOD_WAKELOCK@WakeLockManager: acquireIfExists: tag - AOD_DRAW, timeout - 100, reason - set Doze Brightness updateDozeBrightness, wakeLock = WakeLock{c1ae7d8 held=true, refCount=1}
05-12 20:45:48.104 10474 13996 D EPDG -- [NETMGMT]: Interface Data activity changed : label: 1 : active: false
05-12 20:45:48.105 10474 16059 D EPDG -- [NETMGMT]: Interface Data activity changed : label: 1 : active: false
05-12 20:45:48.105 10474 13996 D EPDG -- [NETMGMT]: Interface Data activity changed : label: 1 : active: false
05-12 20:45:48.173 10137 10137 D AODUiController: onChargingLightSensorChanged lux : 2.0 appliedBrightness = 0 currentBrightness = 1
05-12 20:45:48.173 10137 10137 D AOD_BRIGHTNESS@BrightnessManager: mCurrentBrightness : HighNit[false], NitMode[[HLPM]_2NIT_ON], isForceState[0, ForceStateReason[{}, , mAppliedBrightness[0]
05-12 20:45:48.174 10137 10137 D AOD_BRIGHTNESS@AlwaysOnDisplayEx: updateDozeBrightness: doze [2] last [[HLPM]_2NIT_ON] change to [[HLPM]_2NIT_ON]
05-12 20:45:48.174 10137 10137 I AOD_WAKELOCK@WakeLockManager: acquireIfExists: tag - AOD_DRAW, timeout - 100, reason - set Doze Brightness updateDozeBrightness, wakeLock = WakeLock{c1ae7d8 held=true, refCount=1}
05-12 20:45:48.284 3871 3871 D SurfaceFlinger: Setting power mode 3 on display 0
05-12 20:45:48.285 3841 3885 E display : DOZE or Power off called twice, mPowerModeState : 1
05-12 20:45:48.285 3841 3885 D display : setPowerMode:: FBIOBLANK mode(3), blank(-1)
05-12 20:45:48.290 4299 5297 D MotionRecognitionService: [EARHOVER_MOTION] inject screen on / off : 0
05-12 20:45:48.291 4299 5297 D SensorService: [EARHOVER_LITE] : setMotionDataLocked
05-12 20:45:48.291 4299 5297 D SensorService: [EARHOVER_LITE] : INJECT_SCREEN_OFF
05-12 20:45:48.291 3841 3885 D display : setPowerMode:: S3CFB_POWER_MODE mode(3), blank(-1)
05-12 20:45:48.292 3871 3871 D SurfaceFlinger: Finished setting power mode 3 on display 0
05-12 20:45:48.293 10137 10137 D AODUiController: onChargingLightSensorChanged lux : 2.0 appliedBrightness = 0 currentBrightness = 1
05-12 20:45:48.293 10137 10137 D AOD_BRIGHTNESS@BrightnessManager: mCurrentBrightness : HighNit[false], NitMode[[HLPM]_2NIT_ON], isForceState[0, ForceStateReason[{}, , mAppliedBrightness[0]
05-12 20:45:48.293 10137 10137 D AOD_BRIGHTNESS@AlwaysOnDisplayEx: updateDozeBrightness: doze [2] last [[HLPM]_2NIT_ON] change to [[HLPM]_2NIT_ON]
05-12 20:45:48.294 10137 10137 I AOD_WAKELOCK@WakeLockManager: acquireIfExists: tag - AOD_DRAW, timeout - 100, reason - set Doze Brightness updateDozeBrightness, wakeLock = WakeLock{c1ae7d8 held=false, refCount=0}
05-12 20:45:48.298 4299 10048 I BiometricServiceBase: onTaskStackChangedForFingerprint: Allow background auth,
05-12 20:45:48.300 4299 10048 I chatty : uid=1000(system) biometrics.fp identical 9 lines
05-12 20:45:48.300 4299 10048 I BiometricServiceBase: onTaskStackChangedForFingerprint: Allow background auth,
05-12 20:45:48.302 3951 10369 I GNSS_MEMS: TGT_MEMS SCSCMemsReportSensorDrops: dropped 0 events (spam) 1 events (rate limit) out of 51 total for sensor 0 since last report
05-12 20:45:48.319 3871 3871 D SurfaceFlinger: Setting power mode 1 on display 0
05-12 20:45:48.320 3841 3885 E display : DOZE or Power off called twice, mPowerModeState : 3
05-12 20:45:48.320 3841 3885 D display : setPowerMode:: FBIOBLANK mode(1), blank(-1)
05-12 20:45:48.321 10137 10137 D DisplayLifecycle: updateDisplay id = 0
05-12 20:45:48.324 3841 3885 D display : setPowerMode:: S3CFB_POWER_MODE mode(1), blank(-1)
05-12 20:45:48.325 3871 3871 D SurfaceFlinger: Finished setting power mode 1 on display 0
05-12 20:45:48.326 10137 10137 D DisplayLifecycle: updateCacheVariables id = 0, display = Display id 0: DisplayInfo{"Built-in Screen, displayId 0", uniqueId "local:0", app 1080 x 2131, real 1080 x 2340, largest app 2131 x 2131, smallest app 1080 x 1017, mode 1, defaultMode 1, modes [{id=1, width=1080, height=2340, fps=60.000004}], colorMode 0, supportedColorModes [0], hdrCapabilities android.view.Display$HdrCapabilities@40f16308, rotation 0, density 420 (403.411 x 404.326) dpi, layerStack 0, appVsyncOff 1000000, presDeadline 16666666, type BUILT_IN, address {port=0}, state DOZE, FLAG_SECURE, FLAG_SUPPORTS_PROTECTED_BUFFERS, removeMode 0}, DisplayMetrics{density=2.625, width=1080, height=2131, scaledDensity=2.625, xdpi=403.411, ydpi=404.326}, isValid=true, size = Point(1080, 2131), realSize = Point(1080, 2340)
05-12 20:45:48.328 4299 5297 D MotionRecognitionService: [EARHOVER_MOTION] inject screen on / off : 0
05-12 20:45:48.328 4299 10048 I BiometricServiceBase: onTaskStackChangedForFingerprint: Allow background auth,
05-12 20:45:48.328 4299 5297 D SensorService: [EARHOVER_LITE] : setMotionDataLocked
05-12 20:45:48.328 4299 5297 D SensorService: [EARHOVER_LITE] : INJECT_SCREEN_OFF
05-12 20:45:48.328 4299 10048 I BiometricServiceBase: onTaskStackChangedForFingerprint: Allow background auth,
05-12 20:45:48.330 4299 10048 I chatty : uid=1000(system) biometrics.fp identical 8 lines
05-12 20:45:48.330 4299 10048 I BiometricServiceBase: onTaskStackChangedForFingerprint: Allow background auth,
05-12 20:45:48.348 4299 12326 V WindowManager: Relayout Window{e90e744 u0 ScreenDecorOverlay}: viewVisibility=0 req=1079x151
05-12 20:45:48.353 10137 10137 D AOD_LIVE_CLOCK@LiveClockController: updateDisplayState: DISPLAY_STATE_DOZE
05-12 20:45:48.355 10137 10137 D DisplayLifecycle: updateDisplay id = 0
05-12 20:45:48.358 4299 12326 V WindowManager: Relayout 10137: mAttrs={(0,0)(fillxwrap) gr=TOP LEFT CENTER sim={adjust=pan} layoutInDisplayCutoutMode=always ty=NAVIGATION_BAR_PANEL fmt=TRANSLUCENT
05-12 20:45:48.358 4299 12326 V WindowManager: fl=20800128
05-12 20:45:48.358 4299 12326 V WindowManager: pfl=1100050
05-12 20:45:48.358 4299 12326 V WindowManager: vsysui=100 naviIconColor=0}
05-12 20:45:48.360 10137 10137 D DisplayLifecycle: updateCacheVariables id = 0, display = Display id 0: DisplayInfo{"Built-in Screen, displayId 0", uniqueId "local:0", app 1080 x 2131, real 1080 x 2340, largest app 2131 x 2131, smallest app 1080 x 1017, mode 1, defaultMode 1, modes [{id=1, width=1080, height=2340, fps=60.000004}], colorMode 0, supportedColorModes [0], hdrCapabilities android.view.Display$HdrCapabilities@40f16308, rotation 0, density 420 (403.411 x 404.326) dpi, layerStack 0, appVsyncOff 1000000, presDeadline 16666666, type BUILT_IN, address {port=0}, state DOZE, FLAG_SECURE, FLAG_SUPPORTS_PROTECTED_BUFFERS, removeMode 0}, DisplayMetrics{density=2.625, width=1080, height=2131, scaledDensity=2.625, xdpi=403.411, ydpi=404.326}, isValid=true, size = Point(1080, 2131), realSize = Point(1080, 2340)
05-12 20:45:48.360 10137 10867 D ViewRootImpl@ed5b6a[ScreenDecorOverlay]: Relayout returned: old=(0,0,1080,151) new=(0,0,1080,151) req=(1079,151)0 dur=19 res=0x3 s={true 478310035456} ch=false
05-12 20:45:48.371 4299 12326 V WindowManager: Relayout Window{9819af3 u0 ScreenDecorOverlayBottom}: viewVisibility=0 req=1079x151
05-12 20:45:48.376 10137 10137 D AOD_LIVE_CLOCK@LiveClockController: updateDisplayState: DISPLAY_STATE_DOZE
05-12 20:45:48.381 4299 12326 V WindowManager: Relayout 10137: mAttrs={(0,0)(fillxwrap) gr=BOTTOM RIGHT CENTER sim={adjust=pan} layoutInDisplayCutoutMode=always ty=NAVIGATION_BAR_PANEL fmt=TRANSLUCENT
05-12 20:45:48.381 4299 12326 V WindowManager: fl=20800128
05-12 20:45:48.381 4299 12326 V WindowManager: pfl=1100050
05-12 20:45:48.381 4299 12326 V WindowManager: vsysui=100 naviIconColor=0}
05-12 20:45:48.383 10137 10867 D ViewRootImpl@2e58a0d[ScreenDecorOverlayBottom]: Relayout returned: old=(0,2189,1080,2340) new=(0,2189,1080,2340) req=(1079,151)0 dur=13 res=0x3 s={true 478310068224} ch=false
05-12 20:45:48.402 10137 10137 D AODUiController: onChargingLightSensorChanged lux : 2.0 appliedBrightness = 0 currentBrightness = 1
05-12 20:45:48.402 10137 10137 D AOD_BRIGHTNESS@BrightnessManager: mCurrentBrightness : HighNit[false], NitMode[[HLPM]_2NIT_ON], isForceState[0, ForceStateReason[{}, , mAppliedBrightness[0]
05-12 20:45:48.402 10137 10137 D AOD_BRIGHTNESS@AlwaysOnDisplayEx: updateDozeBrightness: doze [2] last [[HLPM]_2NIT_ON] change to [[HLPM]_2NIT_ON]
05-12 20:45:48.402 10137 10137 I AOD_WAKELOCK@WakeLockManager: acquireIfExists: tag - AOD_DRAW, timeout - 100, reason - set Doze Brightness updateDozeBrightness, wakeLock = WakeLock{c1ae7d8 held=true, refCount=1}
05-12 20:45:48.411 4299 12326 V WindowManager: Relayout Window{e90e744 u0 ScreenDecorOverlay}: viewVisibility=0 req=1079x151
05-12 20:45:48.418 4299 12326 V WindowManager: Relayout 10137: mAttrs={(0,0)(fillxwrap) gr=TOP LEFT CENTER sim={adjust=pan} layoutInDisplayCutoutMode=always ty=NAVIGATION_BAR_PANEL fmt=TRANSLUCENT
05-12 20:45:48.418 4299 12326 V WindowManager: fl=20800128
05-12 20:45:48.418 4299 12326 V WindowManager: pfl=1100050
05-12 20:45:48.418 4299 12326 V WindowManager: vsysui=100 naviIconColor=0}
05-12 20:45:48.420 10137 10867 D ViewRootImpl@ed5b6a[ScreenDecorOverlay]: Relayout returned: old=(0,0,1080,151) new=(0,0,1080,151) req=(1079,151)0 dur=13 res=0x3 s={true 478310035456} ch=false
05-12 20:45:48.427 4299 12326 V WindowManager: Relayout Window{9819af3 u0 ScreenDecorOverlayBottom}: viewVisibility=0 req=1079x151
05-12 20:45:48.435 4299 12326 V WindowManager: Relayout 10137: mAttrs={(0,0)(fillxwrap) gr=BOTTOM RIGHT CENTER sim={adjust=pan} layoutInDisplayCutoutMode=always ty=NAVIGATION_BAR_PANEL fmt=TRANSLUCENT
05-12 20:45:48.435 4299 12326 V WindowManager: fl=20800128
05-12 20:45:48.435 4299 12326 V WindowManager: pfl=1100050
05-12 20:45:48.435 4299 12326 V WindowManager: vsysui=100 naviIconColor=0}
05-12 20:45:48.438 10137 10867 D ViewRootImpl@2e58a0d[ScreenDecorOverlayBottom]: Relayout returned: old=(0,2189,1080,2340) new=(0,2189,1080,2340) req=(1079,151)0 dur=11 res=0x3 s={true 478310068224} ch=false
05-12 20:45:48.508 3871 3871 D SurfaceFlinger: Setting power mode 3 on display 0
05-12 20:45:48.508 10137 10137 D AODUiController: onChargingLightSensorChanged lux : 2.0 appliedBrightness = 0 currentBrightness = 1
05-12 20:45:48.508 10137 10137 D AOD_BRIGHTNESS@BrightnessManager: mCurrentBrightness : HighNit[false], NitMode[[HLPM]_2NIT_ON], isForceState[0, ForceStateReason[{}, , mAppliedBrightness[0]
05-12 20:45:48.508 10137 10137 D AOD_BRIGHTNESS@AlwaysOnDisplayEx: updateDozeBrightness: doze [2] last [[HLPM]_2NIT_ON] change to [[HLPM]_2NIT_ON]
05-12 20:45:48.509 3841 3885 E display : DOZE or Power off called twice, mPowerModeState : 1
05-12 20:45:48.509 10137 10137 I AOD_WAKELOCK@WakeLockManager: acquireIfExists: tag - AOD_DRAW, timeout - 100, reason - set Doze Brightness updateDozeBrightness, wakeLock = WakeLock{c1ae7d8 held=false, refCount=0}
05-12 20:45:48.509 3841 3885 D display : setPowerMode:: FBIOBLANK mode(3), blank(-1)
05-12 20:45:48.512 4299 5297 D MotionRecognitionService: [EARHOVER_MOTION] inject screen on / off : 0
05-12 20:45:48.518 4299 5297 D SensorService: [EARHOVER_LITE] : setMotionDataLocked
05-12 20:45:48.518 4299 10048 I BiometricServiceBase: onTaskStackChangedForFingerprint: Allow background auth,
05-12 20:45:48.518 4299 5297 D SensorService: [EARHOVER_LITE] : INJECT_SCREEN_OFF
05-12 20:45:48.519 3841 3885 D display : setPowerMode:: S3CFB_POWER_MODE mode(3), blank(-1)
05-12 20:45:48.520 3871 3871 D SurfaceFlinger: Finished setting power mode 3 on display 0
05-12 20:45:48.520 4299 10048 I BiometricServiceBase: onTaskStackChangedForFingerprint: Allow background auth,
05-12 20:45:48.520 4299 10048 I chatty : uid=1000(system) biometrics.fp identical 1 line
05-12 20:45:48.520 4299 10048 I BiometricServiceBase: onTaskStackChangedForFingerprint: Allow background auth,
05-12 20:45:48.520 4299 10048 I BiometricServiceBase: onTaskStackChangedForFingerprint: Allow background auth,
05-12 20:45:48.522 4299 10048 I chatty : uid=1000(system) biometrics.fp identical 5 lines
05-12 20:45:48.522 4299 10048 I BiometricServiceBase: onTaskStackChangedForFingerprint: Allow background auth,
05-12 20:45:48.551 4299 12327 V WindowManager: Relayout Window{e90e744 u0 ScreenDecorOverlay}: viewVisibility=0 req=1079x151
05-12 20:45:48.554 3871 3871 D SurfaceFlinger: Setting power mode 1 on display 0
05-12 20:45:48.555 3841 9377 E display : DOZE or Power off called twice, mPowerModeState : 3
05-12 20:45:48.555 3841 9377 D display : setPowerMode:: FBIOBLANK mode(1), blank(-1)
05-12 20:45:48.556 10137 10137 D DisplayLifecycle: updateDisplay id = 0
05-12 20:45:48.559 3841 9377 D display : setPowerMode:: S3CFB_POWER_MODE mode(1), blank(-1)
05-12 20:45:48.559 4299 12327 V WindowManager: Relayout 10137: mAttrs={(0,0)(fillxwrap) gr=TOP LEFT CENTER sim={adjust=pan} layoutInDisplayCutoutMode=always ty=NAVIGATION_BAR_PANEL fmt=TRANSLUCENT
05-12 20:45:48.559 4299 12327 V WindowManager: fl=20800128
05-12 20:45:48.559 4299 12327 V WindowManager: pfl=1100050
05-12 20:45:48.559 4299 12327 V WindowManager: vsysui=100 naviIconColor=0}
05-12 20:45:48.560 3871 3871 D SurfaceFlinger: Finished setting power mode 1 on display 0
05-12 20:45:48.560 10137 10137 D DisplayLifecycle: updateCacheVariables id = 0, display = Display id 0: DisplayInfo{"Built-in Screen, displayId 0", uniqueId "local:0", app 1080 x 2131, real 1080 x 2340, largest app 2131 x 2131, smallest app 1080 x 1017, mode 1, defaultMode 1, modes [{id=1, width=1080, height=2340, fps=60.000004}], colorMode 0, supportedColorModes [0], hdrCapabilities android.view.Display$HdrCapabilities@40f16308, rotation 0, density 420 (403.411 x 404.326) dpi, layerStack 0, appVsyncOff 1000000, presDeadline 16666666, type BUILT_IN, address {port=0}, state DOZE_SUSPEND, FLAG_SECURE, FLAG_SUPPORTS_PROTECTED_BUFFERS, removeMode 0}, DisplayMetrics{density=2.625, width=1080, height=2131, scaledDensity=2.625, xdpi=403.411, ydpi=404.326}, isValid=true, size = Point(1080, 2131), realSize = Point(1080, 2340)
05-12 20:45:48.562 10137 10867 D ViewRootImpl@ed5b6a[ScreenDecorOverlay]: Relayout returned: old=(0,0,1080,151) new=(0,0,1080,151) req=(1079,151)0 dur=10 res=0x3 s={true 478310035456} ch=false
05-12 20:45:48.566 4299 5297 D MotionRecognitionService: [EARHOVER_MOTION] inject screen on / off : 0
05-12 20:45:48.566 4299 5297 D SensorService: [EARHOVER_LITE] : setMotionDataLocked
05-12 20:45:48.566 4299 5297 D SensorService: [EARHOVER_LITE] : INJECT_SCREEN_OFF
05-12 20:45:48.568 4299 10048 I BiometricServiceBase: onTaskStackChangedForFingerprint: Allow background auth,
05-12 20:45:48.569 4299 10048 I chatty : uid=1000(system) biometrics.fp identical 9 lines
05-12 20:45:48.569 4299 10048 I BiometricServiceBase: onTaskStackChangedForFingerprint: Allow background auth,
05-12 20:45:48.587 4299 12327 V WindowManager: Relayout Window{9819af3 u0 ScreenDecorOverlayBottom}: viewVisibility=0 req=1079x151
05-12 20:45:48.588 10137 10137 D AOD_LIVE_CLOCK@LiveClockController: updateDisplayState: DISPLAY_STATE_DOZE
05-12 20:45:48.589 10137 10137 D DisplayLifecycle: updateDisplay id = 0
05-12 20:45:48.593 10137 10137 D DisplayLifecycle: updateCacheVariables id = 0, display = Display id 0: DisplayInfo{"Built-in Screen, displayId 0", uniqueId "local:0", app 1080 x 2131, real 1080 x 2340, largest app 2131 x 2131, smallest app 1080 x 1017, mode 1, defaultMode 1, modes [{id=1, width=1080, height=2340, fps=60.000004}], colorMode 0, supportedColorModes [0], hdrCapabilities android.view.Display$HdrCapabilities@40f16308, rotation 0, density 420 (403.411 x 404.326) dpi, layerStack 0, appVsyncOff 1000000, presDeadline 16666666, type BUILT_IN, address {port=0}, state DOZE, FLAG_SECURE, FLAG_SUPPORTS_PROTECTED_BUFFERS, removeMode 0}, DisplayMetrics{density=2.625, width=1080, height=2131, scaledDensity=2.625, xdpi=403.411, ydpi=404.326}, isValid=true, size = Point(1080, 2131), realSize = Point(1080, 2340)
05-12 20:45:48.594 4299 12327 V WindowManager: Relayout 10137: mAttrs={(0,0)(fillxwrap) gr=BOTTOM RIGHT CENTER sim={adjust=pan} layoutInDisplayCutoutMode=always ty=NAVIGATION_BAR_PANEL fmt=TRANSLUCENT
05-12 20:45:48.594 4299 12327 V WindowManager: fl=20800128
05-12 20:45:48.594 4299 12327 V WindowManager: pfl=1100050
05-12 20:45:48.594 4299 12327 V WindowManager: vsysui=100 naviIconColor=0}
05-12 20:45:48.596 10137 10867 D ViewRootImpl@2e58a0d[ScreenDecorOverlayBottom]: Relayout returned: old=(0,2189,1080,2340) new=(0,2189,1080,2340) req=(1079,151)0 dur=16 res=0x3 s={true 478310068224} ch=false
05-12 20:45:48.605 10137 10137 D AOD_LIVE_CLOCK@LiveClockController: updateDisplayState: DISPLAY_STATE_DOZE
05-12 20:45:48.606 10137 10137 D AODUiController: onChargingLightSensorChanged lux : 2.0 appliedBrightness = 0 currentBrightness = 1
05-12 20:45:48.606 10137 10137 D AOD_BRIGHTNESS@BrightnessManager: mCurrentBrightness : HighNit[false], NitMode[[HLPM]_2NIT_ON], isForceState[0, ForceStateReason[{}, , mAppliedBrightness[0]
05-12 20:45:48.606 10137 10137 D AOD_BRIGHTNESS@AlwaysOnDisplayEx: updateDozeBrightness: doze [2] last [[HLPM]_2NIT_ON] change to [[HLPM]_2NIT_ON]
05-12 20:45:48.609 10137 10137 I AOD_WAKELOCK@WakeLockManager: acquireIfExists: tag - AOD_DRAW, timeout - 100, reason - set Doze Brightness updateDozeBrightness, wakeLock = WakeLock{c1ae7d8 held=true, refCount=1}
05-12 20:45:48.641 4299 12327 V WindowManager: Relayout Window{e90e744 u0 ScreenDecorOverlay}: viewVisibility=0 req=1079x151
05-12 20:45:48.647 4299 12327 V WindowManager: Relayout 10137: mAttrs={(0,0)(fillxwrap) gr=TOP LEFT CENTER sim={adjust=pan} layoutInDisplayCutoutMode=always ty=NAVIGATION_BAR_PANEL fmt=TRANSLUCENT
05-12 20:45:48.647 4299 12327 V WindowManager: fl=20800128
05-12 20:45:48.647 4299 12327 V WindowManager: pfl=1100050
05-12 20:45:48.647 4299 12327 V WindowManager: vsysui=100 naviIconColor=0}
05-12 20:45:48.649 10137 10867 D ViewRootImpl@ed5b6a[ScreenDecorOverlay]: Relayout returned: old=(0,0,1080,151) new=(0,0,1080,151) req=(1079,151)0 dur=9 res=0x3 s={true 478310035456} ch=false
05-12 20:45:48.655 4299 12327 V WindowManager: Relayout Window{9819af3 u0 ScreenDecorOverlayBottom}: viewVisibility=0 req=1079x151
05-12 20:45:48.662 4299 12327 V WindowManager: Relayout 10137: mAttrs={(0,0)(fillxwrap) gr=BOTTOM RIGHT CENTER sim={adjust=pan} layoutInDisplayCutoutMode=always ty=NAVIGATION_BAR_PANEL fmt=TRANSLUCENT
05-12 20:45:48.662 4299 12327 V WindowManager: fl=20800128
05-12 20:45:48.662 4299 12327 V WindowManager: pfl=1100050
05-12 20:45:48.662 4299 12327 V WindowManager: vsysui=100 naviIconColor=0}
05-12 20:45:48.665 10137 10867 D ViewRootImpl@2e58a0d[ScreenDecorOverlayBottom]: Relayout returned: old=(0,2189,1080,2340) new=(0,2189,1080,2340) req=(1079,151)0 dur=9 res=0x3 s={true 478310068224} ch=false
05-12 20:45:48.705 10137 10137 D AODUiController: onChargingLightSensorChanged lux : 2.0 appliedBrightness = 0 currentBrightness = 1
05-12 20:45:48.706 10137 10137 D AOD_BRIGHTNESS@BrightnessManager: mCurrentBrightness : HighNit[false], NitMode[[HLPM]_2NIT_ON], isForceState[0, ForceStateReason[{}, , mAppliedBrightness[0]
05-12 20:45:48.706 10137 10137 D AOD_BRIGHTNESS@AlwaysOnDisplayEx: updateDozeBrightness: doze [2] last [[HLPM]_2NIT_ON] change to [[HLPM]_2NIT_ON]
05-12 20:45:48.706 10137 10137 I AOD_WAKELOCK@WakeLockManager: acquireIfExists: tag - AOD_DRAW, timeout - 100, reason - set Doze Brightness updateDozeBrightness, wakeLock = WakeLock{c1ae7d8 held=true, refCount=1}
05-12 20:45:48.822 10137 10137 D AODUiController: onChargingLightSensorChanged lux : 2.0 appliedBrightness = 0 currentBrightness = 1
05-12 20:45:48.822 10137 10137 D AOD_BRIGHTNESS@BrightnessManager: mCurrentBrightness : HighNit[false], NitMode[[HLPM]_2NIT_ON], isForceState[0, ForceStateReason[{}, , mAppliedBrightness[0]
05-12 20:45:48.823 10137 10137 D AOD_BRIGHTNESS@AlwaysOnDisplayEx: updateDozeBrightness: doze [2] last [[HLPM]_2NIT_ON] change to [[HLPM]_2NIT_ON]
05-12 20:45:48.823 10137 10137 I AOD_WAKELOCK@WakeLockManager: acquireIfExists: tag - AOD_DRAW, timeout - 100, reason - set Doze Brightness updateDozeBrightness, wakeLock = WakeLock{c1ae7d8 held=false, refCount=0}
05-12 20:45:48.830 4299 5297 D MotionRecognitionService: [EARHOVER_MOTION] inject screen on / off : 0
05-12 20:45:48.831 4299 5297 D SensorService: [EARHOVER_LITE] : setMotionDataLocked
05-12 20:45:48.831 4299 5297 D SensorService: [EARHOVER_LITE] : INJECT_SCREEN_OFF
05-12 20:45:48.831 3871 3871 D SurfaceFlinger: Setting power mode 3 on display 0
05-12 20:45:48.831 3841 9377 E display : DOZE or Power off called twice, mPowerModeState : 1
05-12 20:45:48.831 3841 9377 D display : setPowerMode:: FBIOBLANK mode(3), blank(-1)
05-12 20:45:48.834 4299 10048 I BiometricServiceBase: onTaskStackChangedForFingerprint: Allow background auth,
05-12 20:45:48.834 4299 10048 I BiometricServiceBase: onTaskStackChangedForFingerprint: Allow background auth,
05-12 20:45:48.835 3841 9377 D display : setPowerMode:: S3CFB_POWER_MODE mode(3), blank(-1)
05-12 20:45:48.835 3871 3871 D SurfaceFlinger: Finished setting power mode 3 on display 0
05-12 20:45:48.835 4299 10048 I BiometricServiceBase: onTaskStackChangedForFingerprint: Allow background auth,
05-12 20:45:48.836 4299 10048 I chatty : uid=1000(system) biometrics.fp identical 7 lines
05-12 20:45:48.836 4299 10048 I BiometricServiceBase: onTaskStackChangedForFingerprint: Allow background auth,
05-12 20:45:48.847 3871 3871 D SurfaceFlinger: Setting power mode 1 on display 0
05-12 20:45:48.848 3841 9377 E display : DOZE or Power off called twice, mPowerModeState : 3
05-12 20:45:48.848 3841 9377 D display : setPowerMode:: FBIOBLANK mode(1), blank(-1)
05-12 20:45:48.848 10137 10137 D DisplayLifecycle: updateDisplay id = 0
05-12 20:45:48.853 3841 9377 D display : setPowerMode:: S3CFB_POWER_MODE mode(1), blank(-1)
05-12 20:45:48.853 10137 10137 D DisplayLifecycle: updateCacheVariables id = 0, display = Display id 0: DisplayInfo{"Built-in Screen, displayId 0", uniqueId "local:0", app 1080 x 2131, real 1080 x 2340, largest app 2131 x 2131, smallest app 1080 x 1017, mode 1, defaultMode 1, modes [{id=1, width=1080, height=2340, fps=60.000004}], colorMode 0, supportedColorModes [0], hdrCapabilities android.view.Display$HdrCapabilities@40f16308, rotation 0, density 420 (403.411 x 404.326) dpi, layerStack 0, appVsyncOff 1000000, presDeadline 16666666, type BUILT_IN, address {port=0}, state DOZE_SUSPEND, FLAG_SECURE, FLAG_SUPPORTS_PROTECTED_BUFFERS, removeMode 0}, DisplayMetrics{density=2.625, width=1080, height=2131, scaledDensity=2.625, xdpi=403.411, ydpi=404.326}, isValid=true, size = Point(1080, 2131), realSize = Point(1080, 2340)
05-12 20:45:48.853 3871 3871 D SurfaceFlinger: Finished setting power mode 1 on display 0
05-12 20:45:48.860 4299 5297 D MotionRecognitionService: [EARHOVER_MOTION] inject screen on / off : 0
05-12 20:45:48.861 4299 5297 D SensorService: [EARHOVER_LITE] : setMotionDataLocked
05-12 20:45:48.861 4299 5297 D SensorService: [EARHOVER_LITE] : INJECT_SCREEN_OFF
05-12 20:45:48.869 4299 10048 I BiometricServiceBase: onTaskStackChangedForFingerprint: Allow background auth,
05-12 20:45:48.870 4299 10048 I chatty : uid=1000(system) biometrics.fp identical 9 lines
05-12 20:45:48.870 4299 10048 I BiometricServiceBase: onTaskStackChangedForFingerprint: Allow background auth,
05-12 20:45:48.882 10137 10137 D AOD_LIVE_CLOCK@LiveClockController: updateDisplayState: DISPLAY_STATE_DOZE
05-12 20:45:48.884 10137 10137 D DisplayLifecycle: updateDisplay id = 0
05-12 20:45:48.888 10137 10137 D DisplayLifecycle: updateCacheVariables id = 0, display = Display id 0: DisplayInfo{"Built-in Screen, displayId 0", uniqueId "local:0", app 1080 x 2131, real 1080 x 2340, largest app 2131 x 2131, smallest app 1080 x 1017, mode 1, defaultMode 1, modes [{id=1, width=1080, height=2340, fps=60.000004}], colorMode 0, supportedColorModes [0], hdrCapabilities android.view.Display$HdrCapabilities@40f16308, rotation 0, density 420 (403.411 x 404.326) dpi, layerStack 0, appVsyncOff 1000000, presDeadline 16666666, type BUILT_IN, address {port=0}, state DOZE, FLAG_SECURE, FLAG_SUPPORTS_PROTECTED_BUFFERS, removeMode 0}, DisplayMetrics{density=2.625, width=1080, height=2131, scaledDensity=2.625, xdpi=403.411, ydpi=404.326}, isValid=true, size = Point(1080, 2131), realSize = Point(1080, 2340)
05-12 20:45:48.898 4299 12326 V WindowManager: Relayout Window{e90e744 u0 ScreenDecorOverlay}: viewVisibility=0 req=1079x151
05-12 20:45:48.901 10137 10137 D AOD_LIVE_CLOCK@LiveClockController: updateDisplayState: DISPLAY_STATE_DOZE
05-12 20:45:48.906 4299 12326 V WindowManager: Relayout 10137: mAttrs={(0,0)(fillxwrap) gr=TOP LEFT CENTER sim={adjust=pan} layoutInDisplayCutoutMode=always ty=NAVIGATION_BAR_PANEL fmt=TRANSLUCENT
05-12 20:45:48.906 4299 12326 V WindowManager: fl=20800128
05-12 20:45:48.906 4299 12326 V WindowManager: pfl=1100050
05-12 20:45:48.906 4299 12326 V WindowManager: vsysui=100 naviIconColor=0}
05-12 20:45:48.911 10137 10867 D ViewRootImpl@ed5b6a[ScreenDecorOverlay]: Relayout returned: old=(0,0,1080,151) new=(0,0,1080,151) req=(1079,151)0 dur=14 res=0x3 s={true 478310035456} ch=false
05-12 20:45:48.920 4299 12326 V WindowManager: Relayout Window{9819af3 u0 ScreenDecorOverlayBottom}: viewVisibility=0 req=1079x151
05-12 20:45:48.921 10137 10137 D AODUiController: onChargingLightSensorChanged lux : 1.0 appliedBrightness = 0 currentBrightness = 1
05-12 20:45:48.921 10137 10137 D AOD_BRIGHTNESS@BrightnessManager: mCurrentBrightness : HighNit[false], NitMode[[HLPM]_2NIT_ON], isForceState[0, ForceStateReason[{}, , mAppliedBrightness[0]
05-12 20:45:48.921 10137 10137 D AOD_BRIGHTNESS@AlwaysOnDisplayEx: updateDozeBrightness: doze [2] last [[HLPM]_2NIT_ON] change to [[HLPM]_2NIT_ON]
05-12 20:45:48.921 10137 10137 I AOD_WAKELOCK@WakeLockManager: acquireIfExists: tag - AOD_DRAW, timeout - 100, reason - set Doze Brightness updateDozeBrightness, wakeLock = WakeLock{c1ae7d8 held=true, refCount=1}
05-12 20:45:48.927 4299 12326 V WindowManager: Relayout 10137: mAttrs={(0,0)(fillxwrap) gr=BOTTOM RIGHT CENTER sim={adjust=pan} layoutInDisplayCutoutMode=always ty=NAVIGATION_BAR_PANEL fmt=TRANSLUCENT
05-12 20:45:48.927 4299 12326 V WindowManager: fl=20800128
05-12 20:45:48.927 4299 12326 V WindowManager: pfl=1100050
05-12 20:45:48.927 4299 12326 V WindowManager: vsysui=100 naviIconColor=0}
05-12 20:45:48.928 4299 4299 I MotionRecognitionService: Plugged
05-12 20:45:48.928 4299 4299 D MotionRecognitionService: mCableConnection= 1
05-12 20:45:48.928 4299 4299 D MotionRecognitionService: set cable connected : mGripEnabled = false
05-12 20:45:48.930 10137 10867 D ViewRootImpl@2e58a0d[ScreenDecorOverlayBottom]: Relayout returned: old=(0,2189,1080,2340) new=(0,2189,1080,2340) req=(1079,151)0 dur=11 res=0x3 s={true 478310068224} ch=false
05-12 20:45:48.931 10137 10137 D KeyguardUpdateMonitor: received broadcast android.intent.action.BATTERY_CHANGED
05-12 20:45:48.932 10458 10458 D BigDataInfoController: Intent : android.intent.action.BATTERY_CHANGED
05-12 20:45:48.934 10137 10137 D KeyguardUpdateMonitor: handleBatteryUpdate
05-12 20:45:48.936 10474 10902 D EPDG -- SIM0 [EpdgSubScription]: android.intent.action.BATTERY_CHANGED intent received.
05-12 20:45:48.941 10137 10137 D QSContainerImpl: getDisplayHeight portrait? true displayHeight= 2340
05-12 20:45:48.954 10137 10137 D PowerUI : priorPlugType = 2 mPlugType = 2 priorBatteryStatus = 2 mBatteryStatus = 2
05-12 20:45:48.954 10137 10137 D PowerUI.Notification: showChargingNotice oldChargingType : 1 currentChargingType : 1 oldChargingTime : 0 mChargingTime : 0
05-12 20:45:48.954 10137 10137 D PowerUI.Notification: There is no change about charging status, so return!
05-12 20:45:48.954 10137 10137 D PowerUI : Battery swelling mode - priorBatterySwellingMode = 0 mBatterySwellingMode = 0 mBatteryStatus = 2
05-12 20:45:48.955 10137 10137 D AODBatteryManager: updateBatteryData: ACTION_BATTERY_CHANGED
05-12 20:45:48.955 10137 10137 I CommonUtils: Build.VERSION.SDK_INT=29 Build.VERSION.SEM_FIRST_SDK_INT=28
05-12 20:45:48.957 10137 10137 D AODBatteryManager: saveBatteryData : AOD BatteryData [mBatteryLevel=93, mBatteryStatus=CHARGING, mBatteryPlugType=USB, mBatteryPlugged=true, mIsPowerSupplied=false, mRemainingChargeTime=2488493, mBatteryChargingType=1, mBatteryChargerType=NORMAL, mBatteryOnline=USB]
05-12 20:45:49.022 3970 10055 D bauth_FPBAuthService: pcf : 0x1012, 0 ,1 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,0,
05-12 20:45:49.022 3970 10055 D bauth_FPBAuthService: thread id : 1, preenroll_flag : 0, nd cnt : 0, cso : 0, et : 0
05-12 20:45:49.022 3970 10055 D bauth_FPBAuthService: FPBAuthService, 10983
05-12 20:45:49.028 3871 3871 D SurfaceFlinger: Setting power mode 3 on display 0
05-12 20:45:49.028 3841 9377 E display : DOZE or Power off called twice, mPowerModeState : 1
05-12 20:45:49.028 3841 9377 D display : setPowerMode:: FBIOBLANK mode(3), blank(-1)
05-12 20:45:49.031 10137 10137 D AODUiController: onChargingLightSensorChanged lux : 2.0 appliedBrightness = 0 currentBrightness = 1
05-12 20:45:49.031 10137 10137 D AOD_BRIGHTNESS@BrightnessManager: mCurrentBrightness : HighNit[false], NitMode[[HLPM]_2NIT_ON], isForceState[0, ForceStateReason[{}, , mAppliedBrightness[0]
05-12 20:45:49.031 10137 10137 D AOD_BRIGHTNESS@AlwaysOnDisplayEx: updateDozeBrightness: doze [2] last [[HLPM]_2NIT_ON] change to [[HLPM]_2NIT_ON]
05-12 20:45:49.031 10137 10137 I AOD_WAKELOCK@WakeLockManager: acquireIfExists: tag - AOD_DRAW, timeout - 100, reason - set Doze Brightness updateDozeBrightness, wakeLock = WakeLock{c1ae7d8 held=false, refCount=0}
05-12 20:45:49.032 4299 10048 I BiometricServiceBase: onTaskStackChangedForFingerprint: Allow background auth,
05-12 20:45:49.034 4299 10048 I chatty : uid=1000(system) biometrics.fp identical 3 lines
05-12 20:45:49.034 4299 10048 I BiometricServiceBase: onTaskStackChangedForFingerprint: Allow background auth,
05-12 20:45:49.036 4299 5297 D MotionRecognitionService: [EARHOVER_MOTION] inject screen on / off : 0
05-12 20:45:49.037 4299 5297 D SensorService: [EARHOVER_LITE] : setMotionDataLocked
05-12 20:45:49.037 4299 10048 I BiometricServiceBase: onTaskStackChangedForFingerprint: Allow background auth,
05-12 20:45:49.037 4299 5297 D SensorService: [EARHOVER_LITE] : INJECT_SCREEN_OFF
05-12 20:45:49.037 4299 10048 I BiometricServiceBase: onTaskStackChangedForFingerprint: Allow background auth,
05-12 20:45:49.037 4299 10048 I chatty : uid=1000(system) biometrics.fp identical 3 lines
05-12 20:45:49.037 4299 10048 I BiometricServiceBase: onTaskStackChangedForFingerprint: Allow background auth,
05-12 20:45:49.053 3841 9377 D display : setPowerMode:: S3CFB_POWER_MODE mode(3), blank(-1)
05-12 20:45:49.053 3871 3871 D SurfaceFlinger: Finished setting power mode 3 on display 0
05-12 20:45:49.054 10137 10137 D DisplayLifecycle: updateDisplay id = 0
05-12 20:45:49.055 3871 3871 D SurfaceFlinger: Setting power mode 1 on display 0
05-12 20:45:49.055 3841 3885 E display : DOZE or Power off called twice, mPowerModeState : 3
05-12 20:45:49.055 3841 3885 D display : setPowerMode:: FBIOBLANK mode(1), blank(-1)
05-12 20:45:49.059 10137 10137 D DisplayLifecycle: updateCacheVariables id = 0, display = Display id 0: DisplayInfo{"Built-in Screen, displayId 0", uniqueId "local:0", app 1080 x 2131, real 1080 x 2340, largest app 2131 x 2131, smallest app 1080 x 1017, mode 1, defaultMode 1, modes [{id=1, width=1080, height=2340, fps=60.000004}], colorMode 0, supportedColorModes [0], hdrCapabilities android.view.Display$HdrCapabilities@40f16308, rotation 0, density 420 (403.411 x 404.326) dpi, layerStack 0, appVsyncOff 1000000, presDeadline 16666666, type BUILT_IN, address {port=0}, state DOZE_SUSPEND, FLAG_SECURE, FLAG_SUPPORTS_PROTECTED_BUFFERS, removeMode 0}, DisplayMetrics{density=2.625, width=1080, height=2131, scaledDensity=2.625, xdpi=403.411, ydpi=404.326}, isValid=true, size = Point(1080, 2131), realSize = Point(1080, 2340)
05-12 20:45:49.060 3841 3885 D display : setPowerMode:: S3CFB_POWER_MODE mode(1), blank(-1)
05-12 20:45:49.061 3871 3871 D SurfaceFlinger: Finished setting power mode 1 on display 0
05-12 20:45:49.076 10137 10137 D AOD_LIVE_CLOCK@LiveClockController: updateDisplayState: DISPLAY_STATE_DOZE
05-12 20:45:49.077 4299 5297 D MotionRecognitionService: [EARHOVER_MOTION] inject screen on / off : 0
05-12 20:45:49.077 4299 5297 D SensorService: [EARHOVER_LITE] : setMotionDataLocked
05-12 20:45:49.077 4299 5297 D SensorService: [EARHOVER_LITE] : INJECT_SCREEN_OFF
05-12 20:45:49.082 4299 10048 I BiometricServiceBase: onTaskStackChangedForFingerprint: Allow background auth,
05-12 20:45:49.083 4299 10048 I chatty : uid=1000(system) biometrics.fp identical 9 lines
05-12 20:45:49.083 4299 10048 I BiometricServiceBase: onTaskStackChangedForFingerprint: Allow background auth,
05-12 20:45:49.085 10137 10137 D DisplayLifecycle: updateDisplay id = 0
05-12 20:45:49.089 4299 4320 V WindowManager: Relayout Window{e90e744 u0 ScreenDecorOverlay}: viewVisibility=0 req=1079x151
05-12 20:45:49.090 10137 10137 D DisplayLifecycle: updateCacheVariables id = 0, display = Display id 0: DisplayInfo{"Built-in Screen, displayId 0", uniqueId "local:0", app 1080 x 2131, real 1080 x 2340, largest app 2131 x 2131, smallest app 1080 x 1017, mode 1, defaultMode 1, modes [{id=1, width=1080, height=2340, fps=60.000004}], colorMode 0, supportedColorModes [0], hdrCapabilities android.view.Display$HdrCapabilities@40f16308, rotation 0, density 420 (403.411 x 404.326) dpi, layerStack 0, appVsyncOff 1000000, presDeadline 16666666, type BUILT_IN, address {port=0}, state DOZE, FLAG_SECURE, FLAG_SUPPORTS_PROTECTED_BUFFERS, removeMode 0}, DisplayMetrics{density=2.625, width=1080, height=2131, scaledDensity=2.625, xdpi=403.411, ydpi=404.326}, isValid=true, size = Point(1080, 2131), realSize = Point(1080, 2340)
05-12 20:45:49.097 4299 4320 V WindowManager: Relayout 10137: mAttrs={(0,0)(fillxwrap) gr=TOP LEFT CENTER sim={adjust=pan} layoutInDisplayCutoutMode=always ty=NAVIGATION_BAR_PANEL fmt=TRANSLUCENT
05-12 20:45:49.097 4299 4320 V WindowManager: fl=20800128
05-12 20:45:49.097 4299 4320 V WindowManager: pfl=1100050
05-12 20:45:49.097 4299 4320 V WindowManager: vsysui=100 naviIconColor=0}
05-12 20:45:49.100 10137 10867 D ViewRootImpl@ed5b6a[ScreenDecorOverlay]: Relayout returned: old=(0,0,1080,151) new=(0,0,1080,151) req=(1079,151)0 dur=23 res=0x3 s={true 478310035456} ch=false
05-12 20:45:49.107 10137 10137 D AOD_LIVE_CLOCK@LiveClockController: updateDisplayState: DISPLAY_STATE_DOZE
05-12 20:45:49.112 4299 10246 V WindowManager: Relayout Window{9819af3 u0 ScreenDecorOverlayBottom}: viewVisibility=0 req=1079x151
05-12 20:45:49.119 4299 10246 V WindowManager: Relayout 10137: mAttrs={(0,0)(fillxwrap) gr=BOTTOM RIGHT CENTER sim={adjust=pan} layoutInDisplayCutoutMode=always ty=NAVIGATION_BAR_PANEL fmt=TRANSLUCENT
05-12 20:45:49.119 4299 10246 V WindowManager: fl=20800128
05-12 20:45:49.119 4299 10246 V WindowManager: pfl=1100050
05-12 20:45:49.119 4299 10246 V WindowManager: vsysui=100 naviIconColor=0}
05-12 20:45:49.121 10137 10867 D ViewRootImpl@2e58a0d[ScreenDecorOverlayBottom]: Relayout returned: old=(0,2189,1080,2340) new=(0,2189,1080,2340) req=(1079,151)0 dur=10 res=0x3 s={true 478310068224} ch=false
05-12 20:45:49.127 10137 10137 D AODUiController: onChargingLightSensorChanged lux : 2.0 appliedBrightness = 0 currentBrightness = 1
05-12 20:45:49.127 10137 10137 D AOD_BRIGHTNESS@BrightnessManager: mCurrentBrightness : HighNit[false], NitMode[[HLPM]_2NIT_ON], isForceState[0, ForceStateReason[{}, , mAppliedBrightness[0]
05-12 20:45:49.127 10137 10137 D AOD_BRIGHTNESS@AlwaysOnDisplayEx: updateDozeBrightness: doze [2] last [[HLPM]_2NIT_ON] change to [[HLPM]_2NIT_ON]
05-12 20:45:49.127 10137 10137 I AOD_WAKELOCK@WakeLockManager: acquireIfExists: tag - AOD_DRAW, timeout - 100, reason - set Doze Brightness updateDozeBrightness, wakeLock = WakeLock{c1ae7d8 held=true, refCount=1}
05-12 20:45:49.142 4299 10246 V WindowManager: Relayout Window{e90e744 u0 ScreenDecorOverlay}: viewVisibility=0 req=1079x151
05-12 20:45:49.150 4299 10246 V WindowManager: Relayout 10137: mAttrs={(0,0)(fillxwrap) gr=TOP LEFT CENTER sim={adjust=pan} layoutInDisplayCutoutMode=always ty=NAVIGATION_BAR_PANEL fmt=TRANSLUCENT
05-12 20:45:49.150 4299 10246 V WindowManager: fl=20800128
05-12 20:45:49.150 4299 10246 V WindowManager: pfl=1100050
05-12 20:45:49.150 4299 10246 V WindowManager: vsysui=100 naviIconColor=0}
05-12 20:45:49.152 10137 10867 D ViewRootImpl@ed5b6a[ScreenDecorOverlay]: Relayout returned: old=(0,0,1080,151) new=(0,0,1080,151) req=(1079,151)0 dur=11 res=0x3 s={true 478310035456} ch=false
05-12 20:45:49.159 4299 10246 V WindowManager: Relayout Window{9819af3 u0 ScreenDecorOverlayBottom}: viewVisibility=0 req=1079x151
05-12 20:45:49.167 4299 10246 V WindowManager: Relayout 10137: mAttrs={(0,0)(fillxwrap) gr=BOTTOM RIGHT CENTER sim={adjust=pan} layoutInDisplayCutoutMode=always ty=NAVIGATION_BAR_PANEL fmt=TRANSLUCENT
05-12 20:45:49.167 4299 10246 V WindowManager: fl=20800128
05-12 20:45:49.167 4299 10246 V WindowManager: pfl=1100050
05-12 20:45:49.167 4299 10246 V WindowManager: vsysui=100 naviIconColor=0}
05-12 20:45:49.169 10137 10867 D ViewRootImpl@2e58a0d[ScreenDecorOverlayBottom]: Relayout returned: old=(0,2189,1080,2340) new=(0,2189,1080,2340) req=(1079,151)0 dur=11 res=0x3 s={true 478310068224} ch=false
05-12 20:45:49.225 10137 10137 D AODUiController: onChargingLightSensorChanged lux : 2.0 appliedBrightness = 0 currentBrightness = 1
05-12 20:45:49.226 10137 10137 D AOD_BRIGHTNESS@BrightnessManager: mCurrentBrightness : HighNit[false], NitMode[[HLPM]_2NIT_ON], isForceState[0, ForceStateReason[{}, , mAppliedBrightness[0]
05-12 20:45:49.226 10137 10137 D AOD_BRIGHTNESS@AlwaysOnDisplayEx: updateDozeBrightness: doze [2] last [[HLPM]_2NIT_ON] change to [[HLPM]_2NIT_ON]
05-12 20:45:49.226 10137 10137 I AOD_WAKELOCK@WakeLockManager: acquireIfExists: tag - AOD_DRAW, timeout - 100, reason - set Doze Brightness updateDozeBrightness, wakeLock = WakeLock{c1ae7d8 held=true, refCount=1}
05-12 20:45:49.341 10137 10137 D AODUiController: onChargingLightSensorChanged lux : 2.0 appliedBrightness = 0 currentBrightness = 1
05-12 20:45:49.342 10137 10137 D AOD_BRIGHTNESS@BrightnessManager: mCurrentBrightness : HighNit[false], NitMode[[HLPM]_2NIT_ON], isForceState[0, ForceStateReason[{}, , mAppliedBrightness[0]
05-12 20:45:49.342 10137 10137 D AOD_BRIGHTNESS@AlwaysOnDisplayEx: updateDozeBrightness: doze [2] last [[HLPM]_2NIT_ON] change to [[HLPM]_2NIT_ON]
05-12 20:45:49.343 10137 10137 I AOD_WAKELOCK@WakeLockManager: acquireIfExists: tag - AOD_DRAW, timeout - 100, reason - set Doze Brightness updateDozeBrightness, wakeLock = WakeLock{c1ae7d8 held=false, refCount=0}
05-12 20:45:49.344 3871 3871 D SurfaceFlinger: Setting power mode 3 on display 0
05-12 20:45:49.344 3841 9377 E display : DOZE or Power off called twice, mPowerModeState : 1
05-12 20:45:49.345 3841 9377 D display : setPowerMode:: FBIOBLANK mode(3), blank(-1)
05-12 20:45:49.347 3841 9377 D display : setPowerMode:: S3CFB_POWER_MODE mode(3), blank(-1)
05-12 20:45:49.347 3871 3871 D SurfaceFlinger: Finished setting power mode 3 on display 0
05-12 20:45:49.349 4299 5297 D MotionRecognitionService: [EARHOVER_MOTION] inject screen on / off : 0
05-12 20:45:49.349 4299 5297 D SensorService: [EARHOVER_LITE] : setMotionDataLocked
05-12 20:45:49.350 4299 5297 D SensorService: [EARHOVER_LITE] : INJECT_SCREEN_OFF
05-12 20:45:49.351 4299 10048 I BiometricServiceBase: onTaskStackChangedForFingerprint: Allow background auth,
05-12 20:45:49.353 4299 10048 I chatty : uid=1000(system) biometrics.fp identical 9 lines
05-12 20:45:49.353 4299 10048 I BiometricServiceBase: onTaskStackChangedForFingerprint: Allow background auth,
05-12 20:45:49.360 3871 3871 D SurfaceFlinger: Setting power mode 1 on display 0
05-12 20:45:49.360 3951 10369 I GNSS_MEMS: TGT_MEMS SCSCMemsReportSensorDrops: dropped 0 events (spam) 1 events (rate limit) out of 54 total for sensor 0 since last report
05-12 20:45:49.360 3841 9377 E display : DOZE or Power off called twice, mPowerModeState : 3
05-12 20:45:49.360 3841 9377 D display : setPowerMode:: FBIOBLANK mode(1), blank(-1)
05-12 20:45:49.365 3841 9377 D display : setPowerMode:: S3CFB_POWER_MODE mode(1), blank(-1)
05-12 20:45:49.366 3871 3871 D SurfaceFlinger: Finished setting power mode 1 on display 0
05-12 20:45:49.367 10137 10137 D DisplayLifecycle: updateDisplay id = 0
05-12 20:45:49.380 4299 10048 I BiometricServiceBase: onTaskStackChangedForFingerprint: Allow background auth,
05-12 20:45:49.381 4299 10048 I chatty : uid=1000(system) biometrics.fp identical 9 lines
05-12 20:45:49.381 4299 10048 I BiometricServiceBase: onTaskStackChangedForFingerprint: Allow background auth,
05-12 20:45:49.383 4299 5297 D MotionRecognitionService: [EARHOVER_MOTION] inject screen on / off : 0
05-12 20:45:49.385 10137 10137 D DisplayLifecycle: updateCacheVariables id = 0, display = Display id 0: DisplayInfo{"Built-in Screen, displayId 0", uniqueId "local:0", app 1080 x 2131, real 1080 x 2340, largest app 2131 x 2131, smallest app 1080 x 1017, mode 1, defaultMode 1, modes [{id=1, width=1080, height=2340, fps=60.000004}], colorMode 0, supportedColorModes [0], hdrCapabilities android.view.Display$HdrCapabilities@40f16308, rotation 0, density 420 (403.411 x 404.326) dpi, layerStack 0, appVsyncOff 1000000, presDeadline 16666666, type BUILT_IN, address {port=0}, state DOZE, FLAG_SECURE, FLAG_SUPPORTS_PROTECTED_BUFFERS, removeMode 0}, DisplayMetrics{density=2.625, width=1080, height=2131, scaledDensity=2.625, xdpi=403.411, ydpi=404.326}, isValid=true, size = Point(1080, 2131), realSize = Point(1080, 2340)
05-12 20:45:49.387 4299 5297 D SensorService: [EARHOVER_LITE] : setMotionDataLocked
05-12 20:45:49.387 4299 5297 D SensorService: [EARHOVER_LITE] : INJECT_SCREEN_OFF
05-12 20:45:49.397 4299 10404 V WindowManager: Relayout Window{e90e744 u0 ScreenDecorOverlay}: viewVisibility=0 req=1079x151
05-12 20:45:49.401 10137 10137 D AOD_LIVE_CLOCK@LiveClockController: updateDisplayState: DISPLAY_STATE_DOZE
05-12 20:45:49.403 10137 10137 D DisplayLifecycle: updateDisplay id = 0
05-12 20:45:49.405 4299 10404 V WindowManager: Relayout 10137: mAttrs={(0,0)(fillxwrap) gr=TOP LEFT CENTER sim={adjust=pan} layoutInDisplayCutoutMode=always ty=NAVIGATION_BAR_PANEL fmt=TRANSLUCENT
05-12 20:45:49.405 4299 10404 V WindowManager: fl=20800128
05-12 20:45:49.405 4299 10404 V WindowManager: pfl=1100050
05-12 20:45:49.405 4299 10404 V WindowManager: vsysui=100 naviIconColor=0}
05-12 20:45:49.408 10137 10867 D ViewRootImpl@ed5b6a[ScreenDecorOverlay]: Relayout returned: old=(0,0,1080,151) new=(0,0,1080,151) req=(1079,151)0 dur=12 res=0x3 s={true 478310035456} ch=false
05-12 20:45:49.409 10137 10137 D DisplayLifecycle: updateCacheVariables id = 0, display = Display id 0: DisplayInfo{"Built-in Screen, displayId 0", uniqueId "local:0", app 1080 x 2131, real 1080 x 2340, largest app 2131 x 2131, smallest app 1080 x 1017, mode 1, defaultMode 1, modes [{id=1, width=1080, height=2340, fps=60.000004}], colorMode 0, supportedColorModes [0], hdrCapabilities android.view.Display$HdrCapabilities@40f16308, rotation 0, density 420 (403.411 x 404.326) dpi, layerStack 0, appVsyncOff 1000000, presDeadline 16666666, type BUILT_IN, address {port=0}, state DOZE, FLAG_SECURE, FLAG_SUPPORTS_PROTECTED_BUFFERS, removeMode 0}, DisplayMetrics{density=2.625, width=1080, height=2131, scaledDensity=2.625, xdpi=403.411, ydpi=404.326}, isValid=true, size = Point(1080, 2131), realSize = Point(1080, 2340)
05-12 20:45:49.418 4299 10404 V WindowManager: Relayout Window{9819af3 u0 ScreenDecorOverlayBottom}: viewVisibility=0 req=1079x151
05-12 20:45:49.421 10137 10137 D AOD_LIVE_CLOCK@LiveClockController: updateDisplayState: DISPLAY_STATE_DOZE
05-12 20:45:49.425 4299 10404 V WindowManager: Relayout 10137: mAttrs={(0,0)(fillxwrap) gr=BOTTOM RIGHT CENTER sim={adjust=pan} layoutInDisplayCutoutMode=always ty=NAVIGATION_BAR_PANEL fmt=TRANSLUCENT
05-12 20:45:49.425 4299 10404 V WindowManager: fl=20800128
05-12 20:45:49.425 4299 10404 V WindowManager: pfl=1100050
05-12 20:45:49.425 4299 10404 V WindowManager: vsysui=100 naviIconColor=0}
05-12 20:45:49.427 10137 10867 D ViewRootImpl@2e58a0d[ScreenDecorOverlayBottom]: Relayout returned: old=(0,2189,1080,2340) new=(0,2189,1080,2340) req=(1079,151)0 dur=10 res=0x3 s={true 478310068224} ch=false
05-12 20:45:49.446 10137 10137 D AODUiController: onChargingLightSensorChanged lux : 1.0 appliedBrightness = 0 currentBrightness = 1
05-12 20:45:49.446 10137 10137 D AOD_BRIGHTNESS@BrightnessManager: mCurrentBrightness : HighNit[false], NitMode[[HLPM]_2NIT_ON], isForceState[0, ForceStateReason[{}, , mAppliedBrightness[0]
05-12 20:45:49.446 10137 10137 D AOD_BRIGHTNESS@AlwaysOnDisplayEx: updateDozeBrightness: doze [2] last [[HLPM]_2NIT_ON] change to [[HLPM]_2NIT_ON]
05-12 20:45:49.446 10137 10137 I AOD_WAKELOCK@WakeLockManager: acquireIfExists: tag - AOD_DRAW, timeout - 100, reason - set Doze Brightness updateDozeBrightness, wakeLock = WakeLock{c1ae7d8 held=true, refCount=1}
05-12 20:45:49.475 4299 10404 V WindowManager: Relayout Window{e90e744 u0 ScreenDecorOverlay}: viewVisibility=0 req=1079x151
05-12 20:45:49.483 4299 10404 V WindowManager: Relayout 10137: mAttrs={(0,0)(fillxwrap) gr=TOP LEFT CENTER sim={adjust=pan} layoutInDisplayCutoutMode=always ty=NAVIGATION_BAR_PANEL fmt=TRANSLUCENT
05-12 20:45:49.483 4299 10404 V WindowManager: fl=20800128
05-12 20:45:49.483 4299 10404 V WindowManager: pfl=1100050
05-12 20:45:49.483 4299 10404 V WindowManager: vsysui=100 naviIconColor=0}
05-12 20:45:49.485 10137 10867 D ViewRootImpl@ed5b6a[ScreenDecorOverlay]: Relayout returned: old=(0,0,1080,151) new=(0,0,1080,151) req=(1079,151)0 dur=11 res=0x3 s={true 478310035456} ch=false
05-12 20:45:49.493 4299 10404 V WindowManager: Relayout Window{9819af3 u0 ScreenDecorOverlayBottom}: viewVisibility=0 req=1079x151
05-12 20:45:49.501 4299 10404 V WindowManager: Relayout 10137: mAttrs={(0,0)(fillxwrap) gr=BOTTOM RIGHT CENTER sim={adjust=pan} layoutInDisplayCutoutMode=always ty=NAVIGATION_BAR_PANEL fmt=TRANSLUCENT
05-12 20:45:49.501 4299 10404 V WindowManager: fl=20800128
05-12 20:45:49.501 4299 10404 V WindowManager: pfl=1100050
05-12 20:45:49.501 4299 10404 V WindowManager: vsysui=100 naviIconColor=0}
05-12 20:45:49.503 10137 10867 D ViewRootImpl@2e58a0d[ScreenDecorOverlayBottom]: Relayout returned: old=(0,2189,1080,2340) new=(0,2189,1080,2340) req=(1079,151)0 dur=11 res=0x3 s={true 478310068224} ch=false
05-12 20:45:49.546 10137 10137 D AODUiController: onChargingLightSensorChanged lux : 2.0 appliedBrightness = 0 currentBrightness = 1
05-12 20:45:49.546 10137 10137 D AOD_BRIGHTNESS@BrightnessManager: mCurrentBrightness : HighNit[false], NitMode[[HLPM]_2NIT_ON], isForceState[0, ForceStateReason[{}, , mAppliedBrightness[0]
05-12 20:45:49.546 10137 10137 D AOD_BRIGHTNESS@AlwaysOnDisplayEx: updateDozeBrightness: doze [2] last [[HLPM]_2NIT_ON] change to [[HLPM]_2NIT_ON]
05-12 20:45:49.546 10137 10137 I AOD_WAKELOCK@WakeLockManager: acquireIfExists: tag - AOD_DRAW, timeout - 100, reason - set Doze Brightness updateDozeBrightness, wakeLock = WakeLock{c1ae7d8 held=true, refCount=1}
05-12 20:45:49.645 10137 10137 D AODUiController: onChargingLightSensorChanged lux : 2.0 appliedBrightness = 0 currentBrightness = 1
05-12 20:45:49.646 10137 10137 D AOD_BRIGHTNESS@BrightnessManager: mCurrentBrightness : HighNit[false], NitMode[[HLPM]_2NIT_ON], isForceState[0, ForceStateReason[{}, , mAppliedBrightness[0]
05-12 20:45:49.646 10137 10137 D AOD_BRIGHTNESS@AlwaysOnDisplayEx: updateDozeBrightness: doze [2] last [[HLPM]_2NIT_ON] change to [[HLPM]_2NIT_ON]
05-12 20:45:49.646 10137 10137 I AOD_WAKELOCK@WakeLockManager: acquireIfExists: tag - AOD_DRAW, timeout - 100, reason - set Doze Brightness updateDozeBrightness, wakeLock = WakeLock{c1ae7d8 held=true, refCount=1}
05-12 20:45:49.747 10137 10137 D AODUiController: onChargingLightSensorChanged lux : 2.0 appliedBrightness = 0 currentBrightness = 1
05-12 20:45:49.747 10137 10137 D AOD_BRIGHTNESS@BrightnessManager: mCurrentBrightness : HighNit[false], NitMode[[HLPM]_2NIT_ON], isForceState[0, ForceStateReason[{}, , mAppliedBrightness[0]
05-12 20:45:49.748 10137 10137 D AOD_BRIGHTNESS@AlwaysOnDisplayEx: updateDozeBrightness: doze [2] last [[HLPM]_2NIT_ON] change to [[HLPM]_2NIT_ON]
05-12 20:45:49.748 10137 10137 I AOD_WAKELOCK@WakeLockManager: acquireIfExists: tag - AOD_DRAW, timeout - 100, reason - set Doze Brightness updateDozeBrightness, wakeLock = WakeLock{c1ae7d8 held=true, refCount=1}
05-12 20:45:49.850 3844 3872 I Sensors : [AMS] lux : 2, brightness: 1
05-12 20:45:49.856 10137 10137 D AODUiController: onChargingLightSensorChanged lux : 2.0 appliedBrightness = 0 currentBrightness = 1
05-12 20:45:49.856 10137 10137 D AOD_BRIGHTNESS@BrightnessManager: mCurrentBrightness : HighNit[false], NitMode[[HLPM]_2NIT_ON], isForceState[0, ForceStateReason[{}, , mAppliedBrightness[0]
05-12 20:45:49.857 3871 3871 D SurfaceFlinger: Setting power mode 3 on display 0
05-12 20:45:49.858 10137 10137 D AOD_BRIGHTNESS@AlwaysOnDisplayEx: updateDozeBrightness: doze [2] last [[HLPM]_2NIT_ON] change to [[HLPM]_2NIT_ON]
05-12 20:45:49.858 3841 9377 E display : DOZE or Power off called twice, mPowerModeState : 1
05-12 20:45:49.858 3841 9377 D display : setPowerMode:: FBIOBLANK mode(3), blank(-1)
05-12 20:45:49.858 10137 10137 I AOD_WAKELOCK@WakeLockManager: acquireIfExists: tag - AOD_DRAW, timeout - 100, reason - set Doze Brightness updateDozeBrightness, wakeLock = WakeLock{c1ae7d8 held=false, refCount=0}
05-12 20:45:49.864 3841 9377 D display : setPowerMode:: S3CFB_POWER_MODE mode(3), blank(-1)
05-12 20:45:49.865 3871 3871 D SurfaceFlinger: Finished setting power mode 3 on display 0
05-12 20:45:49.868 4299 5297 D MotionRecognitionService: [EARHOVER_MOTION] inject screen on / off : 0
05-12 20:45:49.869 4299 5297 D SensorService: [EARHOVER_LITE] : setMotionDataLocked
05-12 20:45:49.869 4299 5297 D SensorService: [EARHOVER_LITE] : INJECT_SCREEN_OFF
05-12 20:45:49.870 4299 10048 I BiometricServiceBase: onTaskStackChangedForFingerprint: Allow background auth,
05-12 20:45:49.873 4299 10048 I chatty : uid=1000(system) biometrics.fp identical 9 lines
05-12 20:45:49.873 4299 10048 I BiometricServiceBase: onTaskStackChangedForFingerprint: Allow background auth,
05-12 20:45:49.914 4299 11513 V WindowManager: Relayout Window{e90e744 u0 ScreenDecorOverlay}: viewVisibility=0 req=1079x151
05-12 20:45:49.921 4299 11513 V WindowManager: Relayout 10137: mAttrs={(0,0)(fillxwrap) gr=TOP LEFT CENTER sim={adjust=pan} layoutInDisplayCutoutMode=always ty=NAVIGATION_BAR_PANEL fmt=TRANSLUCENT
05-12 20:45:49.921 4299 11513 V WindowManager: fl=20800128
05-12 20:45:49.921 4299 11513 V WindowManager: pfl=1100050
05-12 20:45:49.921 4299 11513 V WindowManager: vsysui=100 naviIconColor=0}
05-12 20:45:49.922 3871 3871 D SurfaceFlinger: Setting power mode 1 on display 0
05-12 20:45:49.922 3841 9377 E display : DOZE or Power off called twice, mPowerModeState : 3
05-12 20:45:49.922 10137 10137 D DisplayLifecycle: updateDisplay id = 0
05-12 20:45:49.922 3841 9377 D display : setPowerMode:: FBIOBLANK mode(1), blank(-1)
05-12 20:45:49.927 10137 10137 D DisplayLifecycle: updateCacheVariables id = 0, display = Display id 0: DisplayInfo{"Built-in Screen, displayId 0", uniqueId "local:0", app 1080 x 2131, real 1080 x 2340, largest app 2131 x 2131, smallest app 1080 x 1017, mode 1, defaultMode 1, modes [{id=1, width=1080, height=2340, fps=60.000004}], colorMode 0, supportedColorModes [0], hdrCapabilities android.view.Display$HdrCapabilities@40f16308, rotation 0, density 420 (403.411 x 404.326) dpi, layerStack 0, appVsyncOff 1000000, presDeadline 16666666, type BUILT_IN, address {port=0}, state DOZE_SUSPEND, FLAG_SECURE, FLAG_SUPPORTS_PROTECTED_BUFFERS, removeMode 0}, DisplayMetrics{density=2.625, width=1080, height=2131, scaledDensity=2.625, xdpi=403.411, ydpi=404.326}, isValid=true, size = Point(1080, 2131), realSize = Point(1080, 2340)
05-12 20:45:49.927 3841 9377 D display : setPowerMode:: S3CFB_POWER_MODE mode(1), blank(-1)
05-12 20:45:49.928 3871 3871 D SurfaceFlinger: Finished setting power mode 1 on display 0
05-12 20:45:49.929 10137 10867 D ViewRootImpl@ed5b6a[ScreenDecorOverlay]: Relayout returned: old=(0,0,1080,151) new=(0,0,1080,151) req=(1079,151)0 dur=16 res=0x3 s={true 478310035456} ch=false
05-12 20:45:49.931 4299 5297 D MotionRecognitionService: [EARHOVER_MOTION] inject screen on / off : 0
05-12 20:45:49.931 4299 5297 D SensorService: [EARHOVER_LITE] : setMotionDataLocked
05-12 20:45:49.931 4299 5297 D SensorService: [EARHOVER_LITE] : INJECT_SCREEN_OFF
05-12 20:45:49.932 4299 10048 I BiometricServiceBase: onTaskStackChangedForFingerprint: Allow background auth,
05-12 20:45:49.935 4299 10048 I chatty : uid=1000(system) biometrics.fp identical 9 lines
05-12 20:45:49.935 4299 10048 I BiometricServiceBase: onTaskStackChangedForFingerprint: Allow background auth,
05-12 20:45:49.949 10137 10137 D AOD_LIVE_CLOCK@LiveClockController: updateDisplayState: DISPLAY_STATE_DOZE
05-12 20:45:49.951 10137 10137 D DisplayLifecycle: updateDisplay id = 0
05-12 20:45:49.955 4299 12328 V WindowManager: Relayout Window{9819af3 u0 ScreenDecorOverlayBottom}: viewVisibility=0 req=1079x151
05-12 20:45:49.957 10137 10137 D DisplayLifecycle: updateCacheVariables id = 0, display = Display id 0: DisplayInfo{"Built-in Screen, displayId 0", uniqueId "local:0", app 1080 x 2131, real 1080 x 2340, largest app 2131 x 2131, smallest app 1080 x 1017, mode 1, defaultMode 1, modes [{id=1, width=1080, height=2340, fps=60.000004}], colorMode 0, supportedColorModes [0], hdrCapabilities android.view.Display$HdrCapabilities@40f16308, rotation 0, density 420 (403.411 x 404.326) dpi, layerStack 0, appVsyncOff 1000000, presDeadline 16666666, type BUILT_IN, address {port=0}, state DOZE, FLAG_SECURE, FLAG_SUPPORTS_PROTECTED_BUFFERS, removeMode 0}, DisplayMetrics{density=2.625, width=1080, height=2131, scaledDensity=2.625, xdpi=403.411, ydpi=404.326}, isValid=true, size = Point(1080, 2131), realSize = Point(1080, 2340)
05-12 20:45:49.961 4299 12328 V WindowManager: Relayout 10137: mAttrs={(0,0)(fillxwrap) gr=BOTTOM RIGHT CENTER sim={adjust=pan} layoutInDisplayCutoutMode=always ty=NAVIGATION_BAR_PANEL fmt=TRANSLUCENT
05-12 20:45:49.961 4299 12328 V WindowManager: fl=20800128
05-12 20:45:49.961 4299 12328 V WindowManager: pfl=1100050
05-12 20:45:49.961 4299 12328 V WindowManager: vsysui=100 naviIconColor=0}
05-12 20:45:49.963 10137 10867 D ViewRootImpl@2e58a0d[ScreenDecorOverlayBottom]: Relayout returned: old=(0,2189,1080,2340) new=(0,2189,1080,2340) req=(1079,151)0 dur=9 res=0x3 s={true 478310068224} ch=false
05-12 20:45:49.967 10137 10137 D AODUiController: onChargingLightSensorChanged lux : 2.0 appliedBrightness = 0 currentBrightness = 1
05-12 20:45:49.967 10137 10137 D AOD_BRIGHTNESS@BrightnessManager: mCurrentBrightness : HighNit[false], NitMode[[HLPM]_2NIT_ON], isForceState[0, ForceStateReason[{}, , mAppliedBrightness[0]
05-12 20:45:49.967 10137 10137 D AOD_BRIGHTNESS@AlwaysOnDisplayEx: updateDozeBrightness: doze [2] last [[HLPM]_2NIT_ON] change to [[HLPM]_2NIT_ON]
05-12 20:45:49.967 10137 10137 I AOD_WAKELOCK@WakeLockManager: acquireIfExists: tag - AOD_DRAW, timeout - 100, reason - set Doze Brightness updateDozeBrightness, wakeLock = WakeLock{c1ae7d8 held=true, refCount=1}
05-12 20:45:49.970 10137 10137 D AOD_LIVE_CLOCK@LiveClockController: updateDisplayState: DISPLAY_STATE_DOZE
05-12 20:45:50.009 4299 10551 V WindowManager: Relayout Window{e90e744 u0 ScreenDecorOverlay}: viewVisibility=0 req=1079x151
05-12 20:45:50.016 4299 10551 V WindowManager: Relayout 10137: mAttrs={(0,0)(fillxwrap) gr=TOP LEFT CENTER sim={adjust=pan} layoutInDisplayCutoutMode=always ty=NAVIGATION_BAR_PANEL fmt=TRANSLUCENT
05-12 20:45:50.016 4299 10551 V WindowManager: fl=20800128
05-12 20:45:50.016 4299 10551 V WindowManager: pfl=1100050
05-12 20:45:50.016 4299 10551 V WindowManager: vsysui=100 naviIconColor=0}
05-12 20:45:50.019 10137 10867 D ViewRootImpl@ed5b6a[ScreenDecorOverlay]: Relayout returned: old=(0,0,1080,151) new=(0,0,1080,151) req=(1079,151)0 dur=11 res=0x3 s={true 478310035456} ch=false
05-12 20:45:50.022 3970 10055 D bauth_FPBAuthService: pcf : 0x1012, 0 ,1 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,0,
05-12 20:45:50.022 3970 10055 D bauth_FPBAuthService: thread id : 1, preenroll_flag : 0, nd cnt : 0, cso : 0, et : 0
05-12 20:45:50.022 3970 10055 D bauth_FPBAuthService: FPBAuthService, 10983
05-12 20:45:50.027 4299 10551 V WindowManager: Relayout Window{9819af3 u0 ScreenDecorOverlayBottom}: viewVisibility=0 req=1079x151
05-12 20:45:50.034 4299 10551 V WindowManager: Relayout 10137: mAttrs={(0,0)(fillxwrap) gr=BOTTOM RIGHT CENTER sim={adjust=pan} layoutInDisplayCutoutMode=always ty=NAVIGATION_BAR_PANEL fmt=TRANSLUCENT
05-12 20:45:50.034 4299 10551 V WindowManager: fl=20800128
05-12 20:45:50.034 4299 10551 V WindowManager: pfl=1100050
05-12 20:45:50.034 4299 10551 V WindowManager: vsysui=100 naviIconColor=0}
05-12 20:45:50.036 10137 10867 D ViewRootImpl@2e58a0d[ScreenDecorOverlayBottom]: Relayout returned: old=(0,2189,1080,2340) new=(0,2189,1080,2340) req=(1079,151)0 dur=9 res=0x3 s={true 478310068224} ch=false
05-12 20:45:50.076 10137 10137 D AODUiController: onChargingLightSensorChanged lux : 1.0 appliedBrightness = 0 currentBrightness = 1
05-12 20:45:50.076 10137 10137 D AOD_BRIGHTNESS@BrightnessManager: mCurrentBrightness : HighNit[false], NitMode[[HLPM]_2NIT_ON], isForceState[0, ForceStateReason[{}, , mAppliedBrightness[0]
05-12 20:45:50.077 10137 10137 D AOD_BRIGHTNESS@AlwaysOnDisplayEx: updateDozeBrightness: doze [2] last [[HLPM]_2NIT_ON] change to [[HLPM]_2NIT_ON]
05-12 20:45:50.077 10137 10137 I AOD_WAKELOCK@WakeLockManager: acquireIfExists: tag - AOD_DRAW, timeout - 100, reason - set Doze Brightness updateDozeBrightness, wakeLock = WakeLock{c1ae7d8 held=false, refCount=0}
05-12 20:45:50.078 3871 3871 D SurfaceFlinger: Setting power mode 3 on display 0
05-12 20:45:50.078 3841 9377 E display : DOZE or Power off called twice, mPowerModeState : 1
05-12 20:45:50.078 3841 9377 D display : setPowerMode:: FBIOBLANK mode(3), blank(-1)
05-12 20:45:50.081 4299 5297 D MotionRecognitionService: [EARHOVER_MOTION] inject screen on / off : 0
05-12 20:45:50.082 4299 5297 D SensorService: [EARHOVER_LITE] : setMotionDataLocked
05-12 20:45:50.082 4299 5297 D SensorService: [EARHOVER_LITE] : INJECT_SCREEN_OFF
05-12 20:45:50.083 4299 10048 I BiometricServiceBase: onTaskStackChangedForFingerprint: Allow background auth,
05-12 20:45:50.084 4299 10048 I chatty : uid=1000(system) biometrics.fp identical 9 lines
05-12 20:45:50.084 4299 10048 I BiometricServiceBase: onTaskStackChangedForFingerprint: Allow background auth,
05-12 20:45:50.093 10137 10137 D DisplayLifecycle: updateDisplay id = 0
05-12 20:45:50.097 10137 10137 D DisplayLifecycle: updateCacheVariables id = 0, display = Display id 0: DisplayInfo{"Built-in Screen, displayId 0", uniqueId "local:0", app 1080 x 2131, real 1080 x 2340, largest app 2131 x 2131, smallest app 1080 x 1017, mode 1, defaultMode 1, modes [{id=1, width=1080, height=2340, fps=60.000004}], colorMode 0, supportedColorModes [0], hdrCapabilities android.view.Display$HdrCapabilities@40f16308, rotation 0, density 420 (403.411 x 404.326) dpi, layerStack 0, appVsyncOff 1000000, presDeadline 16666666, type BUILT_IN, address {port=0}, state DOZE_SUSPEND, FLAG_SECURE, FLAG_SUPPORTS_PROTECTED_BUFFERS, removeMode 0}, DisplayMetrics{density=2.625, width=1080, height=2131, scaledDensity=2.625, xdpi=403.411, ydpi=404.326}, isValid=true, size = Point(1080, 2131), realSize = Point(1080, 2340)
05-12 20:45:50.108 10137 10137 D AOD_LIVE_CLOCK@LiveClockController: updateDisplayState: DISPLAY_STATE_DOZE_SUSPEND
05-12 20:45:50.120 3841 9377 D display : setPowerMode:: S3CFB_POWER_MODE mode(3), blank(-1)
05-12 20:45:50.120 3871 3871 D SurfaceFlinger: Finished setting power mode 3 on display 0
05-12 20:45:50.122 3871 3871 D SurfaceFlinger: Setting power mode 1 on display 0
05-12 20:45:50.122 3841 9377 E display : DOZE or Power off called twice, mPowerModeState : 3
05-12 20:45:50.122 3841 9377 D display : setPowerMode:: FBIOBLANK mode(1), blank(-1)
05-12 20:45:50.127 3841 9377 D display : setPowerMode:: S3CFB_POWER_MODE mode(1), blank(-1)
05-12 20:45:50.127 3871 3871 D SurfaceFlinger: Finished setting power mode 1 on display 0
05-12 20:45:50.137 4299 5297 D MotionRecognitionService: [EARHOVER_MOTION] inject screen on / off : 0
05-12 20:45:50.137 4299 5297 D SensorService: [EARHOVER_LITE] : setMotionDataLocked
05-12 20:45:50.137 4299 5297 D SensorService: [EARHOVER_LITE] : INJECT_SCREEN_OFF
05-12 20:45:50.139 4299 10048 I BiometricServiceBase: onTaskStackChangedForFingerprint: Allow background auth,
05-12 20:45:50.140 4299 10048 I chatty : uid=1000(system) biometrics.fp identical 7 lines
05-12 20:45:50.140 4299 10048 I BiometricServiceBase: onTaskStackChangedForFingerprint: Allow background auth,
05-12 20:45:50.141 10137 10137 D DisplayLifecycle: updateDisplay id = 0
05-12 20:45:50.143 4299 10048 I BiometricServiceBase: onTaskStackChangedForFingerprint: Allow background auth,
05-12 20:45:50.143 4299 10048 I BiometricServiceBase: onTaskStackChangedForFingerprint: Allow background auth,
05-12 20:45:50.145 4299 12328 V WindowManager: Relayout Window{e90e744 u0 ScreenDecorOverlay}: viewVisibility=0 req=1079x151
05-12 20:45:50.150 10137 10137 D DisplayLifecycle: updateCacheVariables id = 0, display = Display id 0: DisplayInfo{"Built-in Screen, displayId 0", uniqueId "local:0", app 1080 x 2131, real 1080 x 2340, largest app 2131 x 2131, smallest app 1080 x 1017, mode 1, defaultMode 1, modes [{id=1, width=1080, height=2340, fps=60.000004}], colorMode 0, supportedColorModes [0], hdrCapabilities android.view.Display$HdrCapabilities@40f16308, rotation 0, density 420 (403.411 x 404.326) dpi, layerStack 0, appVsyncOff 1000000, presDeadline 16666666, type BUILT_IN, address {port=0}, state DOZE, FLAG_SECURE, FLAG_SUPPORTS_PROTECTED_BUFFERS, removeMode 0}, DisplayMetrics{density=2.625, width=1080, height=2131, scaledDensity=2.625, xdpi=403.411, ydpi=404.326}, isValid=true, size = Point(1080, 2131), realSize = Point(1080, 2340)
05-12 20:45:50.153 4299 12328 V WindowManager: Relayout 10137: mAttrs={(0,0)(fillxwrap) gr=TOP LEFT CENTER sim={adjust=pan} layoutInDisplayCutoutMode=always ty=NAVIGATION_BAR_PANEL fmt=TRANSLUCENT
05-12 20:45:50.153 4299 12328 V WindowManager: fl=20800128
05-12 20:45:50.153 4299 12328 V WindowManager: pfl=1100050
05-12 20:45:50.153 4299 12328 V WindowManager: vsysui=100 naviIconColor=0}
05-12 20:45:50.155 10137 10867 D ViewRootImpl@ed5b6a[ScreenDecorOverlay]: Relayout returned: old=(0,0,1080,151) new=(0,0,1080,151) req=(1079,151)0 dur=14 res=0x3 s={true 478310035456} ch=false
05-12 20:45:50.165 10137 10137 D AOD_LIVE_CLOCK@LiveClockController: updateDisplayState: DISPLAY_STATE_DOZE
05-12 20:45:50.166 4299 11692 V WindowManager: Relayout Window{9819af3 u0 ScreenDecorOverlayBottom}: viewVisibility=0 req=1079x151
05-12 20:45:50.169 10137 10137 D AODUiController: onChargingLightSensorChanged lux : 2.0 appliedBrightness = 0 currentBrightness = 1
05-12 20:45:50.169 10137 10137 D AOD_BRIGHTNESS@BrightnessManager: mCurrentBrightness : HighNit[false], NitMode[[HLPM]_2NIT_ON], isForceState[0, ForceStateReason[{}, , mAppliedBrightness[0]
05-12 20:45:50.169 10137 10137 D AOD_BRIGHTNESS@AlwaysOnDisplayEx: updateDozeBrightness: doze [2] last [[HLPM]_2NIT_ON] change to [[HLPM]_2NIT_ON]
05-12 20:45:50.169 10137 10137 I AOD_WAKELOCK@WakeLockManager: acquireIfExists: tag - AOD_DRAW, timeout - 100, reason - set Doze Brightness updateDozeBrightness, wakeLock = WakeLock{c1ae7d8 held=true, refCount=1}
05-12 20:45:50.172 4299 11692 V WindowManager: Relayout 10137: mAttrs={(0,0)(fillxwrap) gr=BOTTOM RIGHT CENTER sim={adjust=pan} layoutInDisplayCutoutMode=always ty=NAVIGATION_BAR_PANEL fmt=TRANSLUCENT
05-12 20:45:50.172 4299 11692 V WindowManager: fl=20800128
05-12 20:45:50.172 4299 11692 V WindowManager: pfl=1100050
05-12 20:45:50.172 4299 11692 V WindowManager: vsysui=100 naviIconColor=0}
05-12 20:45:50.175 10137 10867 D ViewRootImpl@2e58a0d[ScreenDecorOverlayBottom]: Relayout returned: old=(0,2189,1080,2340) new=(0,2189,1080,2340) req=(1079,151)0 dur=9 res=0x3 s={true 478310068224} ch=false
05-12 20:45:50.209 4299 11692 V WindowManager: Relayout Window{e90e744 u0 ScreenDecorOverlay}: viewVisibility=0 req=1079x151
05-12 20:45:50.215 4299 11692 V WindowManager: Relayout 10137: mAttrs={(0,0)(fillxwrap) gr=TOP LEFT CENTER sim={adjust=pan} layoutInDisplayCutoutMode=always ty=NAVIGATION_BAR_PANEL fmt=TRANSLUCENT
05-12 20:45:50.215 4299 11692 V WindowManager: fl=20800128
05-12 20:45:50.215 4299 11692 V WindowManager: pfl=1100050
05-12 20:45:50.215 4299 11692 V WindowManager: vsysui=100 naviIconColor=0}
05-12 20:45:50.217 10137 10867 D ViewRootImpl@ed5b6a[ScreenDecorOverlay]: Relayout returned: old=(0,0,1080,151) new=(0,0,1080,151) req=(1079,151)0 dur=9 res=0x3 s={true 478310035456} ch=false
05-12 20:45:50.224 4299 11692 V WindowManager: Relayout Window{9819af3 u0 ScreenDecorOverlayBottom}: viewVisibility=0 req=1079x151
05-12 20:45:50.231 4299 11692 V WindowManager: Relayout 10137: mAttrs={(0,0)(fillxwrap) gr=BOTTOM RIGHT CENTER sim={adjust=pan} layoutInDisplayCutoutMode=always ty=NAVIGATION_BAR_PANEL fmt=TRANSLUCENT
05-12 20:45:50.231 4299 11692 V WindowManager: fl=20800128
05-12 20:45:50.231 4299 11692 V WindowManager: pfl=1100050
05-12 20:45:50.231 4299 11692 V WindowManager: vsysui=100 naviIconColor=0}
05-12 20:45:50.233 10137 10867 D ViewRootImpl@2e58a0d[ScreenDecorOverlayBottom]: Relayout returned: old=(0,2189,1080,2340) new=(0,2189,1080,2340) req=(1079,151)0 dur=9 res=0x3 s={true 478310068224} ch=false
05-12 20:45:50.276 3871 3871 D SurfaceFlinger: Setting power mode 3 on display 0
05-12 20:45:50.276 3841 9377 E display : DOZE or Power off called twice, mPowerModeState : 1
05-12 20:45:50.276 3841 9377 D display : setPowerMode:: FBIOBLANK mode(3), blank(-1)
05-12 20:45:50.280 4299 5297 D MotionRecognitionService: [EARHOVER_MOTION] inject screen on / off : 0
05-12 20:45:50.281 4299 5297 D SensorService: [EARHOVER_LITE] : setMotionDataLocked
05-12 20:45:50.281 4299 5297 D SensorService: [EARHOVER_LITE] : INJECT_SCREEN_OFF
05-12 20:45:50.281 4299 10048 I BiometricServiceBase: onTaskStackChangedForFingerprint: Allow background auth,
05-12 20:45:50.282 4299 10048 I chatty : uid=1000(system) biometrics.fp identical 9 lines
05-12 20:45:50.282 4299 10048 I BiometricServiceBase: onTaskStackChangedForFingerprint: Allow background auth,
05-12 20:45:50.284 10137 10137 D AODUiController: onChargingLightSensorChanged lux : 2.0 appliedBrightness = 0 currentBrightness = 1
05-12 20:45:50.284 10137 10137 D AOD_BRIGHTNESS@BrightnessManager: mCurrentBrightness : HighNit[false], NitMode[[HLPM]_2NIT_ON], isForceState[0, ForceStateReason[{}, , mAppliedBrightness[0]
05-12 20:45:50.284 10137 10137 D AOD_BRIGHTNESS@AlwaysOnDisplayEx: updateDozeBrightness: doze [2] last [[HLPM]_2NIT_ON] change to [[HLPM]_2NIT_ON]
05-12 20:45:50.285 10137 10137 I AOD_WAKELOCK@WakeLockManager: acquireIfExists: tag - AOD_DRAW, timeout - 100, reason - set Doze Brightness updateDozeBrightness, wakeLock = WakeLock{c1ae7d8 held=false, refCount=0}
05-12 20:45:50.287 3841 9377 D display : setPowerMode:: S3CFB_POWER_MODE mode(3), blank(-1)
05-12 20:45:50.288 3871 3871 D SurfaceFlinger: Finished setting power mode 3 on display 0
05-12 20:45:50.294 3871 3871 D SurfaceFlinger: Setting power mode 1 on display 0
05-12 20:45:50.295 3841 3885 E display : DOZE or Power off called twice, mPowerModeState : 3
05-12 20:45:50.295 3841 3885 D display : setPowerMode:: FBIOBLANK mode(1), blank(-1)
05-12 20:45:50.296 10137 10137 D DisplayLifecycle: updateDisplay id = 0
05-12 20:45:50.299 3841 3885 D display : setPowerMode:: S3CFB_POWER_MODE mode(1), blank(-1)
05-12 20:45:50.300 3871 3871 D SurfaceFlinger: Finished setting power mode 1 on display 0
05-12 20:45:50.306 4299 5297 D MotionRecognitionService: [EARHOVER_MOTION] inject screen on / off : 0
05-12 20:45:50.307 4299 5297 D SensorService: [EARHOVER_LITE] : setMotionDataLocked
05-12 20:45:50.307 4299 5297 D SensorService: [EARHOVER_LITE] : INJECT_SCREEN_OFF
05-12 20:45:50.308 4299 10048 I BiometricServiceBase: onTaskStackChangedForFingerprint: Allow background auth,
05-12 20:45:50.311 4299 10048 I chatty : uid=1000(system) biometrics.fp identical 9 lines
05-12 20:45:50.311 4299 10048 I BiometricServiceBase: onTaskStackChangedForFingerprint: Allow background auth,
05-12 20:45:50.311 10137 10137 D DisplayLifecycle: updateCacheVariables id = 0, display = Display id 0: DisplayInfo{"Built-in Screen, displayId 0", uniqueId "local:0", app 1080 x 2131, real 1080 x 2340, largest app 2131 x 2131, smallest app 1080 x 1017, mode 1, defaultMode 1, modes [{id=1, width=1080, height=2340, fps=60.000004}], colorMode 0, supportedColorModes [0], hdrCapabilities android.view.Display$HdrCapabilities@40f16308, rotation 0, density 420 (403.411 x 404.326) dpi, layerStack 0, appVsyncOff 1000000, presDeadline 16666666, type BUILT_IN, address {port=0}, state DOZE, FLAG_SECURE, FLAG_SUPPORTS_PROTECTED_BUFFERS, removeMode 0}, DisplayMetrics{density=2.625, width=1080, height=2131, scaledDensity=2.625, xdpi=403.411, ydpi=404.326}, isValid=true, size = Point(1080, 2131), realSize = Point(1080, 2340)
05-12 20:45:50.326 4299 10246 V WindowManager: Relayout Window{e90e744 u0 ScreenDecorOverlay}: viewVisibility=0 req=1079x151
05-12 20:45:50.326 10137 10137 D AOD_LIVE_CLOCK@LiveClockController: updateDisplayState: DISPLAY_STATE_DOZE
05-12 20:45:50.327 10137 10137 D DisplayLifecycle: updateDisplay id = 0
05-12 20:45:50.330 10137 10137 D DisplayLifecycle: updateCacheVariables id = 0, display = Display id 0: DisplayInfo{"Built-in Screen, displayId 0", uniqueId "local:0", app 1080 x 2131, real 1080 x 2340, largest app 2131 x 2131, smallest app 1080 x 1017, mode 1, defaultMode 1, modes [{id=1, width=1080, height=2340, fps=60.000004}], colorMode 0, supportedColorModes [0], hdrCapabilities android.view.Display$HdrCapabilities@40f16308, rotation 0, density 420 (403.411 x 404.326) dpi, layerStack 0, appVsyncOff 1000000, presDeadline 16666666, type BUILT_IN, address {port=0}, state DOZE, FLAG_SECURE, FLAG_SUPPORTS_PROTECTED_BUFFERS, removeMode 0}, DisplayMetrics{density=2.625, width=1080, height=2131, scaledDensity=2.625, xdpi=403.411, ydpi=404.326}, isValid=true, size = Point(1080, 2131), realSize = Point(1080, 2340)
05-12 20:45:50.333 4299 10246 V WindowManager: Relayout 10137: mAttrs={(0,0)(fillxwrap) gr=TOP LEFT CENTER sim={adjust=pan} layoutInDisplayCutoutMode=always ty=NAVIGATION_BAR_PANEL fmt=TRANSLUCENT
05-12 20:45:50.333 4299 10246 V WindowManager: fl=20800128
05-12 20:45:50.333 4299 10246 V WindowManager: pfl=1100050
05-12 20:45:50.333 4299 10246 V WindowManager: vsysui=100 naviIconColor=0}
05-12 20:45:50.335 10137 10867 D ViewRootImpl@ed5b6a[ScreenDecorOverlay]: Relayout returned: old=(0,0,1080,151) new=(0,0,1080,151) req=(1079,151)0 dur=16 res=0x3 s={true 478310035456} ch=false
05-12 20:45:50.345 10137 10137 D AOD_LIVE_CLOCK@LiveClockController: updateDisplayState: DISPLAY_STATE_DOZE
05-12 20:45:50.345 4299 12328 V WindowManager: Relayout Window{9819af3 u0 ScreenDecorOverlayBottom}: viewVisibility=0 req=1079x151
05-12 20:45:50.351 4299 12328 V WindowManager: Relayout 10137: mAttrs={(0,0)(fillxwrap) gr=BOTTOM RIGHT CENTER sim={adjust=pan} layoutInDisplayCutoutMode=always ty=NAVIGATION_BAR_PANEL fmt=TRANSLUCENT
05-12 20:45:50.351 4299 12328 V WindowManager: fl=20800128
05-12 20:45:50.351 4299 12328 V WindowManager: pfl=1100050
05-12 20:45:50.351 4299 12328 V WindowManager: vsysui=100 naviIconColor=0}
05-12 20:45:50.353 10137 10867 D ViewRootImpl@2e58a0d[ScreenDecorOverlayBottom]: Relayout returned: old=(0,2189,1080,2340) new=(0,2189,1080,2340) req=(1079,151)0 dur=8 res=0x3 s={true 478310068224} ch=false
05-12 20:45:50.379 3951 10369 I GNSS_MEMS: TGT_MEMS SCSCMemsReportSensorDrops: dropped 0 events (spam) 3 events (rate limit) out of 51 total for sensor 0 since last report
05-12 20:45:50.379 4299 12328 V WindowManager: Relayout Window{e90e744 u0 ScreenDecorOverlay}: viewVisibility=0 req=1079x151
05-12 20:45:50.382 10137 10137 D AODUiController: onChargingLightSensorChanged lux : 2.0 appliedBrightness = 0 currentBrightness = 1
05-12 20:45:50.382 10137 10137 D AOD_BRIGHTNESS@BrightnessManager: mCurrentBrightness : HighNit[false], NitMode[[HLPM]_2NIT_ON], isForceState[0, ForceStateReason[{}, , mAppliedBrightness[0]
05-12 20:45:50.383 10137 10137 D AOD_BRIGHTNESS@AlwaysOnDisplayEx: updateDozeBrightness: doze [2] last [[HLPM]_2NIT_ON] change to [[HLPM]_2NIT_ON]
05-12 20:45:50.383 10137 10137 I AOD_WAKELOCK@WakeLockManager: acquireIfExists: tag - AOD_DRAW, timeout - 100, reason - set Doze Brightness updateDozeBrightness, wakeLock = WakeLock{c1ae7d8 held=true, refCount=1}
05-12 20:45:50.386 4299 12328 V WindowManager: Relayout 10137: mAttrs={(0,0)(fillxwrap) gr=TOP LEFT CENTER sim={adjust=pan} layoutInDisplayCutoutMode=always ty=NAVIGATION_BAR_PANEL fmt=TRANSLUCENT
05-12 20:45:50.386 4299 12328 V WindowManager: fl=20800128
05-12 20:45:50.386 4299 12328 V WindowManager: pfl=1100050
05-12 20:45:50.386 4299 12328 V WindowManager: vsysui=100 naviIconColor=0}
05-12 20:45:50.388 10137 10867 D ViewRootImpl@ed5b6a[ScreenDecorOverlay]: Relayout returned: old=(0,0,1080,151) new=(0,0,1080,151) req=(1079,151)0 dur=11 res=0x3 s={true 478310035456} ch=false
05-12 20:45:50.394 4299 12328 V WindowManager: Relayout Window{9819af3 u0 ScreenDecorOverlayBottom}: viewVisibility=0 req=1079x151
05-12 20:45:50.402 4299 12328 V WindowManager: Relayout 10137: mAttrs={(0,0)(fillxwrap) gr=BOTTOM RIGHT CENTER sim={adjust=pan} layoutInDisplayCutoutMode=always ty=NAVIGATION_BAR_PANEL fmt=TRANSLUCENT
05-12 20:45:50.402 4299 12328 V WindowManager: fl=20800128
05-12 20:45:50.402 4299 12328 V WindowManager: pfl=1100050
05-12 20:45:50.402 4299 12328 V WindowManager: vsysui=100 naviIconColor=0}
05-12 20:45:50.404 10137 10867 D ViewRootImpl@2e58a0d[ScreenDecorOverlayBottom]: Relayout returned: old=(0,2189,1080,2340) new=(0,2189,1080,2340) req=(1079,151)0 dur=11 res=0x3 s={true 478310068224} ch=false
05-12 20:45:50.490 10137 10137 D AODUiController: onChargingLightSensorChanged lux : 1.0 appliedBrightness = 0 currentBrightness = 1
05-12 20:45:50.490 10137 10137 D AOD_BRIGHTNESS@BrightnessManager: mCurrentBrightness : HighNit[false], NitMode[[HLPM]_2NIT_ON], isForceState[0, ForceStateReason[{}, , mAppliedBrightness[0]
05-12 20:45:50.490 10137 10137 D AOD_BRIGHTNESS@AlwaysOnDisplayEx: updateDozeBrightness: doze [2] last [[HLPM]_2NIT_ON] change to [[HLPM]_2NIT_ON]
05-12 20:45:50.491 3871 3871 D SurfaceFlinger: Setting power mode 3 on display 0
05-12 20:45:50.491 10137 10137 I AOD_WAKELOCK@WakeLockManager: acquireIfExists: tag - AOD_DRAW, timeout - 100, reason - set Doze Brightness updateDozeBrightness, wakeLock = WakeLock{c1ae7d8 held=false, refCount=0}
05-12 20:45:50.491 3841 3885 E display : DOZE or Power off called twice, mPowerModeState : 1
05-12 20:45:50.491 3841 3885 D display : setPowerMode:: FBIOBLANK mode(3), blank(-1)
05-12 20:45:50.493 3841 3885 D display : setPowerMode:: S3CFB_POWER_MODE mode(3), blank(-1)
05-12 20:45:50.494 3871 3871 D SurfaceFlinger: Finished setting power mode 3 on display 0
05-12 20:45:50.497 4299 5297 D MotionRecognitionService: [EARHOVER_MOTION] inject screen on / off : 0
05-12 20:45:50.498 4299 5297 D SensorService: [EARHOVER_LITE] : setMotionDataLocked
05-12 20:45:50.498 4299 5297 D SensorService: [EARHOVER_LITE] : INJECT_SCREEN_OFF
05-12 20:45:50.503 4299 10048 I BiometricServiceBase: onTaskStackChangedForFingerprint: Allow background auth,
05-12 20:45:50.505 4299 10048 I chatty : uid=1000(system) biometrics.fp identical 9 lines
05-12 20:45:50.505 4299 10048 I BiometricServiceBase: onTaskStackChangedForFingerprint: Allow background auth,
05-12 20:45:50.509 3871 3871 D SurfaceFlinger: Setting power mode 1 on display 0
05-12 20:45:50.510 3841 3885 E display : DOZE or Power off called twice, mPowerModeState : 3
05-12 20:45:50.510 3841 3885 D display : setPowerMode:: FBIOBLANK mode(1), blank(-1)
05-12 20:45:50.515 3841 3885 D display : setPowerMode:: S3CFB_POWER_MODE mode(1), blank(-1)
05-12 20:45:50.515 3871 3871 D SurfaceFlinger: Finished setting power mode 1 on display 0
05-12 20:45:50.519 10137 10137 D DisplayLifecycle: updateDisplay id = 0
05-12 20:45:50.525 10137 10137 D DisplayLifecycle: updateCacheVariables id = 0, display = Display id 0: DisplayInfo{"Built-in Screen, displayId 0", uniqueId "local:0", app 1080 x 2131, real 1080 x 2340, largest app 2131 x 2131, smallest app 1080 x 1017, mode 1, defaultMode 1, modes [{id=1, width=1080, height=2340, fps=60.000004}], colorMode 0, supportedColorModes [0], hdrCapabilities android.view.Display$HdrCapabilities@40f16308, rotation 0, density 420 (403.411 x 404.326) dpi, layerStack 0, appVsyncOff 1000000, presDeadline 16666666, type BUILT_IN, address {port=0}, state DOZE_SUSPEND, FLAG_SECURE, FLAG_SUPPORTS_PROTECTED_BUFFERS, removeMode 0}, DisplayMetrics{density=2.625, width=1080, height=2131, scaledDensity=2.625, xdpi=403.411, ydpi=404.326}, isValid=true, size = Point(1080, 2131), realSize = Point(1080, 2340)
05-12 20:45:50.533 4299 5297 D MotionRecognitionService: [EARHOVER_MOTION] inject screen on / off : 0
05-12 20:45:50.534 4299 5297 D SensorService: [EARHOVER_LITE] : setMotionDataLocked
05-12 20:45:50.534 4299 5297 D SensorService: [EARHOVER_LITE] : INJECT_SCREEN_OFF
05-12 20:45:50.534 4299 10048 I BiometricServiceBase: onTaskStackChangedForFingerprint: Allow background auth,
05-12 20:45:50.535 4299 10048 I chatty : uid=1000(system) biometrics.fp identical 9 lines
05-12 20:45:50.535 4299 10048 I BiometricServiceBase: onTaskStackChangedForFingerprint: Allow background auth,
05-12 20:45:50.551 10137 10137 D AOD_LIVE_CLOCK@LiveClockController: updateDisplayState: DISPLAY_STATE_DOZE
05-12 20:45:50.553 10137 10137 D DisplayLifecycle: updateDisplay id = 0
05-12 20:45:50.559 10137 10137 D DisplayLifecycle: updateCacheVariables id = 0, display = Display id 0: DisplayInfo{"Built-in Screen, displayId 0", uniqueId "local:0", app 1080 x 2131, real 1080 x 2340, largest app 2131 x 2131, smallest app 1080 x 1017, mode 1, defaultMode 1, modes [{id=1, width=1080, height=2340, fps=60.000004}], colorMode 0, supportedColorModes [0], hdrCapabilities android.view.Display$HdrCapabilities@40f16308, rotation 0, density 420 (403.411 x 404.326) dpi, layerStack 0, appVsyncOff 1000000, presDeadline 16666666, type BUILT_IN, address {port=0}, state DOZE, FLAG_SECURE, FLAG_SUPPORTS_PROTECTED_BUFFERS, removeMode 0}, DisplayMetrics{density=2.625, width=1080, height=2131, scaledDensity=2.625, xdpi=403.411, ydpi=404.326}, isValid=true, size = Point(1080, 2131), realSize = Point(1080, 2340)
05-12 20:45:50.566 4299 11456 V WindowManager: Relayout Window{e90e744 u0 ScreenDecorOverlay}: viewVisibility=0 req=1079x151
05-12 20:45:50.570 10137 10137 D AOD_LIVE_CLOCK@LiveClockController: updateDisplayState: DISPLAY_STATE_DOZE
05-12 20:45:50.574 4299 11456 V WindowManager: Relayout 10137: mAttrs={(0,0)(fillxwrap) gr=TOP LEFT CENTER sim={adjust=pan} layoutInDisplayCutoutMode=always ty=NAVIGATION_BAR_PANEL fmt=TRANSLUCENT
05-12 20:45:50.574 4299 11456 V WindowManager: fl=20800128
05-12 20:45:50.574 4299 11456 V WindowManager: pfl=1100050
05-12 20:45:50.574 4299 11456 V WindowManager: vsysui=100 naviIconColor=0}
05-12 20:45:50.576 10137 10867 D ViewRootImpl@ed5b6a[ScreenDecorOverlay]: Relayout returned: old=(0,0,1080,151) new=(0,0,1080,151) req=(1079,151)0 dur=11 res=0x3 s={true 478310035456} ch=false
05-12 20:45:50.585 4299 11456 V WindowManager: Relayout Window{9819af3 u0 ScreenDecorOverlayBottom}: viewVisibility=0 req=1079x151
05-12 20:45:50.589 10137 10137 D AODUiController: onChargingLightSensorChanged lux : 1.0 appliedBrightness = 0 currentBrightness = 1
05-12 20:45:50.589 10137 10137 D AOD_BRIGHTNESS@BrightnessManager: mCurrentBrightness : HighNit[false], NitMode[[HLPM]_2NIT_ON], isForceState[0, ForceStateReason[{}, , mAppliedBrightness[0]
05-12 20:45:50.590 10137 10137 D AOD_BRIGHTNESS@AlwaysOnDisplayEx: updateDozeBrightness: doze [2] last [[HLPM]_2NIT_ON] change to [[HLPM]_2NIT_ON]
05-12 20:45:50.590 10137 10137 I AOD_WAKELOCK@WakeLockManager: acquireIfExists: tag - AOD_DRAW, timeout - 100, reason - set Doze Brightness updateDozeBrightness, wakeLock = WakeLock{c1ae7d8 held=true, refCount=1}
05-12 20:45:50.592 4299 11456 V WindowManager: Relayout 10137: mAttrs={(0,0)(fillxwrap) gr=BOTTOM RIGHT CENTER sim={adjust=pan} layoutInDisplayCutoutMode=always ty=NAVIGATION_BAR_PANEL fmt=TRANSLUCENT
05-12 20:45:50.592 4299 11456 V WindowManager: fl=20800128
05-12 20:45:50.592 4299 11456 V WindowManager: pfl=1100050
05-12 20:45:50.592 4299 11456 V WindowManager: vsysui=100 naviIconColor=0}
05-12 20:45:50.595 10137 10867 D ViewRootImpl@2e58a0d[ScreenDecorOverlayBottom]: Relayout returned: old=(0,2189,1080,2340) new=(0,2189,1080,2340) req=(1079,151)0 dur=9 res=0x3 s={true 478310068224} ch=false
05-12 20:45:50.695 10137 10137 D AODUiController: onChargingLightSensorChanged lux : 1.0 appliedBrightness = 0 currentBrightness = 1
05-12 20:45:50.695 10137 10137 D AOD_BRIGHTNESS@BrightnessManager: mCurrentBrightness : HighNit[false], NitMode[[HLPM]_2NIT_ON], isForceState[0, ForceStateReason[{}, , mAppliedBrightness[0]
05-12 20:45:50.695 10137 10137 D AOD_BRIGHTNESS@AlwaysOnDisplayEx: updateDozeBrightness: doze [2] last [[HLPM]_2NIT_ON] change to [[HLPM]_2NIT_ON]
05-12 20:45:50.696 10137 10137 I AOD_WAKELOCK@WakeLockManager: acquireIfExists: tag - AOD_DRAW, timeout - 100, reason - set Doze Brightness updateDozeBrightness, wakeLock = WakeLock{c1ae7d8 held=false, refCount=0}
05-12 20:45:50.696 3871 3871 D SurfaceFlinger: Setting power mode 3 on display 0
05-12 20:45:50.696 3841 9377 E display : DOZE or Power off called twice, mPowerModeState : 1
05-12 20:45:50.696 3841 9377 D display : setPowerMode:: FBIOBLANK mode(3), blank(-1)
05-12 20:45:50.698 3841 9377 D display : setPowerMode:: S3CFB_POWER_MODE mode(3), blank(-1)
05-12 20:45:50.698 3871 3871 D SurfaceFlinger: Finished setting power mode 3 on display 0
05-12 20:45:50.703 4299 10048 I BiometricServiceBase: onTaskStackChangedForFingerprint: Allow background auth,
05-12 20:45:50.703 4299 10048 I BiometricServiceBase: onTaskStackChangedForFingerprint: Allow background auth,
05-12 20:45:50.703 4299 5297 D MotionRecognitionService: [EARHOVER_MOTION] inject screen on / off : 0
05-12 20:45:50.703 4299 5297 D SensorService: [EARHOVER_LITE] : setMotionDataLocked
05-12 20:45:50.703 4299 5297 D SensorService: [EARHOVER_LITE] : INJECT_SCREEN_OFF
05-12 20:45:50.706 4299 10048 I BiometricServiceBase: onTaskStackChangedForFingerprint: Allow background auth,
05-12 20:45:50.707 4299 10048 I chatty : uid=1000(system) biometrics.fp identical 7 lines
05-12 20:45:50.707 4299 10048 I BiometricServiceBase: onTaskStackChangedForFingerprint: Allow background auth,
05-12 20:45:50.713 3871 3871 D SurfaceFlinger: Setting power mode 1 on display 0
05-12 20:45:50.714 3841 9377 E display : DOZE or Power off called twice, mPowerModeState : 3
05-12 20:45:50.714 3841 9377 D display : setPowerMode:: FBIOBLANK mode(1), blank(-1)
05-12 20:45:50.717 10137 10137 D DisplayLifecycle: updateDisplay id = 0
05-12 20:45:50.718 3841 9377 D display : setPowerMode:: S3CFB_POWER_MODE mode(1), blank(-1)
05-12 20:45:50.719 3871 3871 D SurfaceFlinger: Finished setting power mode 1 on display 0
05-12 20:45:50.728 10137 10137 D DisplayLifecycle: updateCacheVariables id = 0, display = Display id 0: DisplayInfo{"Built-in Screen, displayId 0", uniqueId "local:0", app 1080 x 2131, real 1080 x 2340, largest app 2131 x 2131, smallest app 1080 x 1017, mode 1, defaultMode 1, modes [{id=1, width=1080, height=2340, fps=60.000004}], colorMode 0, supportedColorModes [0], hdrCapabilities android.view.Display$HdrCapabilities@40f16308, rotation 0, density 420 (403.411 x 404.326) dpi, layerStack 0, appVsyncOff 1000000, presDeadline 16666666, type BUILT_IN, address {port=0}, state DOZE_SUSPEND, FLAG_SECURE, FLAG_SUPPORTS_PROTECTED_BUFFERS, removeMode 0}, DisplayMetrics{density=2.625, width=1080, height=2131, scaledDensity=2.625, xdpi=403.411, ydpi=404.326}, isValid=true, size = Point(1080, 2131), realSize = Point(1080, 2340)
05-12 20:45:50.731 4299 5297 D MotionRecognitionService: [EARHOVER_MOTION] inject screen on / off : 0
05-12 20:45:50.732 4299 5297 D SensorService: [EARHOVER_LITE] : setMotionDataLocked
05-12 20:45:50.732 4299 5297 D SensorService: [EARHOVER_LITE] : INJECT_SCREEN_OFF
05-12 20:45:50.734 4299 10048 I BiometricServiceBase: onTaskStackChangedForFingerprint: Allow background auth,
05-12 20:45:50.735 4299 10048 I chatty : uid=1000(system) biometrics.fp identical 9 lines
05-12 20:45:50.735 4299 10048 I BiometricServiceBase: onTaskStackChangedForFingerprint: Allow background auth,
05-12 20:45:50.756 10137 10137 D AOD_LIVE_CLOCK@LiveClockController: updateDisplayState: DISPLAY_STATE_DOZE
05-12 20:45:50.758 10137 10137 D DisplayLifecycle: updateDisplay id = 0
05-12 20:45:50.763 10137 10137 D DisplayLifecycle: updateCacheVariables id = 0, display = Display id 0: DisplayInfo{"Built-in Screen, displayId 0", uniqueId "local:0", app 1080 x 2131, real 1080 x 2340, largest app 2131 x 2131, smallest app 1080 x 1017, mode 1, defaultMode 1, modes [{id=1, width=1080, height=2340, fps=60.000004}], colorMode 0, supportedColorModes [0], hdrCapabilities android.view.Display$HdrCapabilities@40f16308, rotation 0, density 420 (403.411 x 404.326) dpi, layerStack 0, appVsyncOff 1000000, presDeadline 16666666, type BUILT_IN, address {port=0}, state DOZE, FLAG_SECURE, FLAG_SUPPORTS_PROTECTED_BUFFERS, removeMode 0}, DisplayMetrics{density=2.625, width=1080, height=2131, scaledDensity=2.625, xdpi=403.411, ydpi=404.326}, isValid=true, size = Point(1080, 2131), realSize = Point(1080, 2340)
05-12 20:45:50.763 4299 12328 V WindowManager: Relayout Window{e90e744 u0 ScreenDecorOverlay}: viewVisibility=0 req=1079x151
05-12 20:45:50.770 4299 12328 V WindowManager: Relayout 10137: mAttrs={(0,0)(fillxwrap) gr=TOP LEFT CENTER sim={adjust=pan} layoutInDisplayCutoutMode=always ty=NAVIGATION_BAR_PANEL fmt=TRANSLUCENT
05-12 20:45:50.770 4299 12328 V WindowManager: fl=20800128
05-12 20:45:50.770 4299 12328 V WindowManager: pfl=1100050
05-12 20:45:50.770 4299 12328 V WindowManager: vsysui=100 naviIconColor=0}
05-12 20:45:50.772 10137 10867 D ViewRootImpl@ed5b6a[ScreenDecorOverlay]: Relayout returned: old=(0,0,1080,151) new=(0,0,1080,151) req=(1079,151)0 dur=9 res=0x3 s={true 478310035456} ch=false
05-12 20:45:50.773 10137 10137 D AOD_LIVE_CLOCK@LiveClockController: updateDisplayState: DISPLAY_STATE_DOZE
05-12 20:45:50.782 4299 12328 V WindowManager: Relayout Window{9819af3 u0 ScreenDecorOverlayBottom}: viewVisibility=0 req=1079x151
05-12 20:45:50.787 4299 12328 V WindowManager: Relayout 10137: mAttrs={(0,0)(fillxwrap) gr=BOTTOM RIGHT CENTER sim={adjust=pan} layoutInDisplayCutoutMode=always ty=NAVIGATION_BAR_PANEL fmt=TRANSLUCENT
05-12 20:45:50.787 4299 12328 V WindowManager: fl=20800128
05-12 20:45:50.787 4299 12328 V WindowManager: pfl=1100050
05-12 20:45:50.787 4299 12328 V WindowManager: vsysui=100 naviIconColor=0}
05-12 20:45:50.789 10137 10867 D ViewRootImpl@2e58a0d[ScreenDecorOverlayBottom]: Relayout returned: old=(0,2189,1080,2340) new=(0,2189,1080,2340) req=(1079,151)0 dur=8 res=0x3 s={true 478310068224} ch=false
05-12 20:45:50.797 10137 10137 D AODUiController: onChargingLightSensorChanged lux : 1.0 appliedBrightness = 0 currentBrightness = 1
05-12 20:45:50.797 10137 10137 D AOD_BRIGHTNESS@BrightnessManager: mCurrentBrightness : HighNit[false], NitMode[[HLPM]_2NIT_ON], isForceState[0, ForceStateReason[{}, , mAppliedBrightness[0]
05-12 20:45:50.798 10137 10137 D AOD_BRIGHTNESS@AlwaysOnDisplayEx: updateDozeBrightness: doze [2] last [[HLPM]_2NIT_ON] change to [[HLPM]_2NIT_ON]
05-12 20:45:50.798 10137 10137 I AOD_WAKELOCK@WakeLockManager: acquireIfExists: tag - AOD_DRAW, timeout - 100, reason - set Doze Brightness updateDozeBrightness, wakeLock = WakeLock{c1ae7d8 held=true, refCount=1}
05-12 20:45:50.917 10137 10137 D AODUiController: onChargingLightSensorChanged lux : 2.0 appliedBrightness = 0 currentBrightness = 1
05-12 20:45:50.920 10137 10137 D AOD_BRIGHTNESS@BrightnessManager: mCurrentBrightness : HighNit[false], NitMode[[HLPM]_2NIT_ON], isForceState[0, ForceStateReason[{}, , mAppliedBrightness[0]
05-12 20:45:50.921 10137 10137 D AOD_BRIGHTNESS@AlwaysOnDisplayEx: updateDozeBrightness: doze [2] last [[HLPM]_2NIT_ON] change to [[HLPM]_2NIT_ON]
05-12 20:45:50.921 10137 10137 I AOD_WAKELOCK@WakeLockManager: acquireIfExists: tag - AOD_DRAW, timeout - 100, reason - set Doze Brightness updateDozeBrightness, wakeLock = WakeLock{c1ae7d8 held=false, refCount=0}
05-12 20:45:50.922 4299 5297 D MotionRecognitionService: [EARHOVER_MOTION] inject screen on / off : 0
05-12 20:45:50.922 3871 3871 D SurfaceFlinger: Setting power mode 3 on display 0
05-12 20:45:50.923 4299 5297 D SensorService: [EARHOVER_LITE] : setMotionDataLocked
05-12 20:45:50.923 4299 5297 D SensorService: [EARHOVER_LITE] : INJECT_SCREEN_OFF
05-12 20:45:50.923 3841 9377 E display : DOZE or Power off called twice, mPowerModeState : 1
05-12 20:45:50.923 3841 9377 D display : setPowerMode:: FBIOBLANK mode(3), blank(-1)
05-12 20:45:50.926 3841 9377 D display : setPowerMode:: S3CFB_POWER_MODE mode(3), blank(-1)
05-12 20:45:50.927 3871 3871 D SurfaceFlinger: Finished setting power mode 3 on display 0
05-12 20:45:50.934 4299 10048 I BiometricServiceBase: onTaskStackChangedForFingerprint: Allow background auth,
05-12 20:45:50.940 4299 10048 I chatty : uid=1000(system) biometrics.fp identical 9 lines
05-12 20:45:50.940 4299 10048 I BiometricServiceBase: onTaskStackChangedForFingerprint: Allow background auth,
05-12 20:45:50.955 4299 10551 V WindowManager: Relayout Window{e90e744 u0 ScreenDecorOverlay}: viewVisibility=0 req=1079x151
05-12 20:45:50.963 4299 10551 V WindowManager: Relayout 10137: mAttrs={(0,0)(fillxwrap) gr=TOP LEFT CENTER sim={adjust=pan} layoutInDisplayCutoutMode=always ty=NAVIGATION_BAR_PANEL fmt=TRANSLUCENT
05-12 20:45:50.963 4299 10551 V WindowManager: fl=20800128
05-12 20:45:50.963 4299 10551 V WindowManager: pfl=1100050
05-12 20:45:50.963 4299 10551 V WindowManager: vsysui=100 naviIconColor=0}
05-12 20:45:50.965 10137 10867 D ViewRootImpl@ed5b6a[ScreenDecorOverlay]: Relayout returned: old=(0,0,1080,151) new=(0,0,1080,151) req=(1079,151)0 dur=11 res=0x3 s={true 478310035456} ch=false
05-12 20:45:50.970 3871 3871 D SurfaceFlinger: Setting power mode 1 on display 0
05-12 20:45:50.970 3841 3885 E display : DOZE or Power off called twice, mPowerModeState : 3
05-12 20:45:50.970 3841 3885 D display : setPowerMode:: FBIOBLANK mode(1), blank(-1)
05-12 20:45:50.970 10137 10137 D DisplayLifecycle: updateDisplay id = 0
05-12 20:45:50.974 4299 10551 V WindowManager: Relayout Window{9819af3 u0 ScreenDecorOverlayBottom}: viewVisibility=0 req=1079x151
05-12 20:45:50.975 3841 3885 D display : setPowerMode:: S3CFB_POWER_MODE mode(1), blank(-1)
05-12 20:45:50.975 10137 10137 D DisplayLifecycle: updateCacheVariables id = 0, display = Display id 0: DisplayInfo{"Built-in Screen, displayId 0", uniqueId "local:0", app 1080 x 2131, real 1080 x 2340, largest app 2131 x 2131, smallest app 1080 x 1017, mode 1, defaultMode 1, modes [{id=1, width=1080, height=2340, fps=60.000004}], colorMode 0, supportedColorModes [0], hdrCapabilities android.view.Display$HdrCapabilities@40f16308, rotation 0, density 420 (403.411 x 404.326) dpi, layerStack 0, appVsyncOff 1000000, presDeadline 16666666, type BUILT_IN, address {port=0}, state DOZE_SUSPEND, FLAG_SECURE, FLAG_SUPPORTS_PROTECTED_BUFFERS, removeMode 0}, DisplayMetrics{density=2.625, width=1080, height=2131, scaledDensity=2.625, xdpi=403.411, ydpi=404.326}, isValid=true, size = Point(1080, 2131), realSize = Point(1080, 2340)
05-12 20:45:50.975 3871 3871 D SurfaceFlinger: Finished setting power mode 1 on display 0
05-12 20:45:50.982 4299 10551 V WindowManager: Relayout 10137: mAttrs={(0,0)(fillxwrap) gr=BOTTOM RIGHT CENTER sim={adjust=pan} layoutInDisplayCutoutMode=always ty=NAVIGATION_BAR_PANEL fmt=TRANSLUCENT
05-12 20:45:50.982 4299 10551 V WindowManager: fl=20800128
05-12 20:45:50.982 4299 10551 V WindowManager: pfl=1100050
05-12 20:45:50.982 4299 10551 V WindowManager: vsysui=100 naviIconColor=0}
05-12 20:45:50.985 10137 10867 D ViewRootImpl@2e58a0d[ScreenDecorOverlayBottom]: Relayout returned: old=(0,2189,1080,2340) new=(0,2189,1080,2340) req=(1079,151)0 dur=11 res=0x3 s={true 478310068224} ch=false
05-12 20:45:50.988 4299 5297 D MotionRecognitionService: [EARHOVER_MOTION] inject screen on / off : 0
05-12 20:45:50.988 4299 5297 D SensorService: [EARHOVER_LITE] : setMotionDataLocked
05-12 20:45:50.988 4299 5297 D SensorService: [EARHOVER_LITE] : INJECT_SCREEN_OFF
05-12 20:45:50.990 4299 10048 I BiometricServiceBase: onTaskStackChangedForFingerprint: Allow background auth,
05-12 20:45:50.991 4299 10048 I chatty : uid=1000(system) biometrics.fp identical 9 lines
05-12 20:45:50.991 4299 10048 I BiometricServiceBase: onTaskStackChangedForFingerprint: Allow background auth,
05-12 20:45:51.000 10137 10137 D AOD_LIVE_CLOCK@LiveClockController: updateDisplayState: DISPLAY_STATE_DOZE
05-12 20:45:51.001 10137 10137 D DisplayLifecycle: updateDisplay id = 0
05-12 20:45:51.009 10137 10137 D DisplayLifecycle: updateCacheVariables id = 0, display = Display id 0: DisplayInfo{"Built-in Screen, displayId 0", uniqueId "local:0", app 1080 x 2131, real 1080 x 2340, largest app 2131 x 2131, smallest app 1080 x 1017, mode 1, defaultMode 1, modes [{id=1, width=1080, height=2340, fps=60.000004}], colorMode 0, supportedColorModes [0], hdrCapabilities android.view.Display$HdrCapabilities@40f16308, rotation 0, density 420 (403.411 x 404.326) dpi, layerStack 0, appVsyncOff 1000000, presDeadline 16666666, type BUILT_IN, address {port=0}, state DOZE, FLAG_SECURE, FLAG_SUPPORTS_PROTECTED_BUFFERS, removeMode 0}, DisplayMetrics{density=2.625, width=1080, height=2131, scaledDensity=2.625, xdpi=403.411, ydpi=404.326}, isValid=true, size = Point(1080, 2131), realSize = Point(1080, 2340)
05-12 20:45:51.014 10137 10137 D AODUiController: onChargingLightSensorChanged lux : 1.0 appliedBrightness = 0 currentBrightness = 1
05-12 20:45:51.014 10137 10137 D AOD_BRIGHTNESS@BrightnessManager: mCurrentBrightness : HighNit[false], NitMode[[HLPM]_2NIT_ON], isForceState[0, ForceStateReason[{}, , mAppliedBrightness[0]
05-12 20:45:51.014 10137 10137 D AOD_BRIGHTNESS@AlwaysOnDisplayEx: updateDozeBrightness: doze [2] last [[HLPM]_2NIT_ON] change to [[HLPM]_2NIT_ON]
05-12 20:45:51.014 10137 10137 I AOD_WAKELOCK@WakeLockManager: acquireIfExists: tag - AOD_DRAW, timeout - 100, reason - set Doze Brightness updateDozeBrightness, wakeLock = WakeLock{c1ae7d8 held=true, refCount=1}
05-12 20:45:51.022 3970 10055 D bauth_FPBAuthService: pcf : 0x1012, 0 ,1 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,0,
05-12 20:45:51.022 3970 10055 D bauth_FPBAuthService: thread id : 1, preenroll_flag : 0, nd cnt : 0, cso : 0, et : 0
05-12 20:45:51.022 3970 10055 D bauth_FPBAuthService: FPBAuthService, 10983
05-12 20:45:51.023 10137 10137 D AOD_LIVE_CLOCK@LiveClockController: updateDisplayState: DISPLAY_STATE_DOZE
05-12 20:45:51.043 4299 11456 V WindowManager: Relayout Window{e90e744 u0 ScreenDecorOverlay}: viewVisibility=0 req=1079x151
05-12 20:45:51.050 4299 11456 V WindowManager: Relayout 10137: mAttrs={(0,0)(fillxwrap) gr=TOP LEFT CENTER sim={adjust=pan} layoutInDisplayCutoutMode=always ty=NAVIGATION_BAR_PANEL fmt=TRANSLUCENT
05-12 20:45:51.050 4299 11456 V WindowManager: fl=20800128
05-12 20:45:51.050 4299 11456 V WindowManager: pfl=1100050
05-12 20:45:51.050 4299 11456 V WindowManager: vsysui=100 naviIconColor=0}
05-12 20:45:51.052 10137 10867 D ViewRootImpl@ed5b6a[ScreenDecorOverlay]: Relayout returned: old=(0,0,1080,151) new=(0,0,1080,151) req=(1079,151)0 dur=10 res=0x3 s={true 478310035456} ch=false
05-12 20:45:51.060 4299 11456 V WindowManager: Relayout Window{9819af3 u0 ScreenDecorOverlayBottom}: viewVisibility=0 req=1079x151
05-12 20:45:51.067 4299 11456 V WindowManager: Relayout 10137: mAttrs={(0,0)(fillxwrap) gr=BOTTOM RIGHT CENTER sim={adjust=pan} layoutInDisplayCutoutMode=always ty=NAVIGATION_BAR_PANEL fmt=TRANSLUCENT
05-12 20:45:51.067 4299 11456 V WindowManager: fl=20800128
05-12 20:45:51.067 4299 11456 V WindowManager: pfl=1100050
05-12 20:45:51.067 4299 11456 V WindowManager: vsysui=100 naviIconColor=0}
05-12 20:45:51.069 10137 10867 D ViewRootImpl@2e58a0d[ScreenDecorOverlayBottom]: Relayout returned: old=(0,2189,1080,2340) new=(0,2189,1080,2340) req=(1079,151)0 dur=10 res=0x3 s={true 478310068224} ch=false
05-12 20:45:51.109 10137 10137 D AODUiController: onChargingLightSensorChanged lux : 1.0 appliedBrightness = 0 currentBrightness = 1
05-12 20:45:51.109 10137 10137 D AOD_BRIGHTNESS@BrightnessManager: mCurrentBrightness : HighNit[false], NitMode[[HLPM]_2NIT_ON], isForceState[0, ForceStateReason[{}, , mAppliedBrightness[0]
05-12 20:45:51.110 10137 10137 D AOD_BRIGHTNESS@AlwaysOnDisplayEx: updateDozeBrightness: doze [2] last [[HLPM]_2NIT_ON] change to [[HLPM]_2NIT_ON]
05-12 20:45:51.110 10137 10137 I AOD_WAKELOCK@WakeLockManager: acquireIfExists: tag - AOD_DRAW, timeout - 100, reason - set Doze Brightness updateDozeBrightness, wakeLock = WakeLock{c1ae7d8 held=true, refCount=1}
05-12 20:45:51.210 10137 10137 D AODUiController: onChargingLightSensorChanged lux : 1.0 appliedBrightness = 0 currentBrightness = 1
05-12 20:45:51.211 10137 10137 D AOD_BRIGHTNESS@BrightnessManager: mCurrentBrightness : HighNit[false], NitMode[[HLPM]_2NIT_ON], isForceState[0, ForceStateReason[{}, , mAppliedBrightness[0]
05-12 20:45:51.211 10137 10137 D AOD_BRIGHTNESS@AlwaysOnDisplayEx: updateDozeBrightness: doze [2] last [[HLPM]_2NIT_ON] change to [[HLPM]_2NIT_ON]
05-12 20:45:51.212 10137 10137 I AOD_WAKELOCK@WakeLockManager: acquireIfExists: tag - AOD_DRAW, timeout - 100, reason - set Doze Brightness updateDozeBrightness, wakeLock = WakeLock{c1ae7d8 held=true, refCount=1}
05-12 20:45:51.323 3871 3871 D SurfaceFlinger: Setting power mode 3 on display 0
05-12 20:45:51.324 3841 3885 E display : DOZE or Power off called twice, mPowerModeState : 1
05-12 20:45:51.324 3841 3885 D display : setPowerMode:: FBIOBLANK mode(3), blank(-1)
05-12 20:45:51.328 10137 10137 D AODUiController: onChargingLightSensorChanged lux : 1.0 appliedBrightness = 0 currentBrightness = 1
05-12 20:45:51.328 10137 10137 D AOD_BRIGHTNESS@BrightnessManager: mCurrentBrightness : HighNit[false], NitMode[[HLPM]_2NIT_ON], isForceState[0, ForceStateReason[{}, , mAppliedBrightness[0]
05-12 20:45:51.329 10137 10137 D AOD_BRIGHTNESS@AlwaysOnDisplayEx: updateDozeBrightness: doze [2] last [[HLPM]_2NIT_ON] change to [[HLPM]_2NIT_ON]
05-12 20:45:51.329 10137 10137 I AOD_WAKELOCK@WakeLockManager: acquireIfExists: tag - AOD_DRAW, timeout - 100, reason - set Doze Brightness updateDozeBrightness, wakeLock = WakeLock{c1ae7d8 held=false, refCount=0}
05-12 20:45:51.331 3841 3885 D display : setPowerMode:: S3CFB_POWER_MODE mode(3), blank(-1)
05-12 20:45:51.331 3871 3871 D SurfaceFlinger: Finished setting power mode 3 on display 0
05-12 20:45:51.333 4299 5297 D MotionRecognitionService: [EARHOVER_MOTION] inject screen on / off : 0
05-12 20:45:51.334 4299 5297 D SensorService: [EARHOVER_LITE] : setMotionDataLocked
05-12 20:45:51.334 4299 5297 D SensorService: [EARHOVER_LITE] : INJECT_SCREEN_OFF
05-12 20:45:51.339 4299 10048 I BiometricServiceBase: onTaskStackChangedForFingerprint: Allow background auth,
05-12 20:45:51.340 4299 10048 I chatty : uid=1000(system) biometrics.fp identical 9 lines
05-12 20:45:51.340 4299 10048 I BiometricServiceBase: onTaskStackChangedForFingerprint: Allow background auth,
05-12 20:45:51.366 3871 3871 D SurfaceFlinger: Setting power mode 1 on display 0
05-12 20:45:51.366 10137 10137 D DisplayLifecycle: updateDisplay id = 0
05-12 20:45:51.367 3841 3885 E display : DOZE or Power off called twice, mPowerModeState : 3
05-12 20:45:51.367 3841 3885 D display : setPowerMode:: FBIOBLANK mode(1), blank(-1)
05-12 20:45:51.370 4299 11692 V WindowManager: Relayout Window{e90e744 u0 ScreenDecorOverlay}: viewVisibility=0 req=1079x151
05-12 20:45:51.371 3841 3885 D display : setPowerMode:: S3CFB_POWER_MODE mode(1), blank(-1)
05-12 20:45:51.372 4299 5297 D MotionRecognitionService: [EARHOVER_MOTION] inject screen on / off : 0
05-12 20:45:51.372 3871 3871 D SurfaceFlinger: Finished setting power mode 1 on display 0
05-12 20:45:51.372 4299 5297 D SensorService: [EARHOVER_LITE] : setMotionDataLocked
05-12 20:45:51.373 4299 5297 D SensorService: [EARHOVER_LITE] : INJECT_SCREEN_OFF
05-12 20:45:51.383 4299 10048 I BiometricServiceBase: onTaskStackChangedForFingerprint: Allow background auth,
05-12 20:45:51.386 4299 10048 I chatty : uid=1000(system) biometrics.fp identical 7 lines
05-12 20:45:51.386 4299 10048 I BiometricServiceBase: onTaskStackChangedForFingerprint: Allow background auth,
05-12 20:45:51.387 10137 10137 D DisplayLifecycle: updateCacheVariables id = 0, display = Display id 0: DisplayInfo{"Built-in Screen, displayId 0", uniqueId "local:0", app 1080 x 2131, real 1080 x 2340, largest app 2131 x 2131, smallest app 1080 x 1017, mode 1, defaultMode 1, modes [{id=1, width=1080, height=2340, fps=60.000004}], colorMode 0, supportedColorModes [0], hdrCapabilities android.view.Display$HdrCapabilities@40f16308, rotation 0, density 420 (403.411 x 404.326) dpi, layerStack 0, appVsyncOff 1000000, presDeadline 16666666, type BUILT_IN, address {port=0}, state DOZE, FLAG_SECURE, FLAG_SUPPORTS_PROTECTED_BUFFERS, removeMode 0}, DisplayMetrics{density=2.625, width=1080, height=2131, scaledDensity=2.625, xdpi=403.411, ydpi=404.326}, isValid=true, size = Point(1080, 2131), realSize = Point(1080, 2340)
05-12 20:45:51.387 4299 10048 I BiometricServiceBase: onTaskStackChangedForFingerprint: Allow background auth,
05-12 20:45:51.387 4299 10048 I BiometricServiceBase: onTaskStackChangedForFingerprint: Allow background auth,
05-12 20:45:51.388 4299 11692 V WindowManager: Relayout 10137: mAttrs={(0,0)(fillxwrap) gr=TOP LEFT CENTER sim={adjust=pan} layoutInDisplayCutoutMode=always ty=NAVIGATION_BAR_PANEL fmt=TRANSLUCENT
05-12 20:45:51.388 4299 11692 V WindowManager: fl=20800128
05-12 20:45:51.388 4299 11692 V WindowManager: pfl=1100050
05-12 20:45:51.388 4299 11692 V WindowManager: vsysui=100 naviIconColor=0}
05-12 20:45:51.392 10137 10867 D ViewRootImpl@ed5b6a[ScreenDecorOverlay]: Relayout returned: old=(0,0,1080,151) new=(0,0,1080,151) req=(1079,151)0 dur=23 res=0x3 s={true 478310035456} ch=false
05-12 20:45:51.404 4299 11689 V WindowManager: Relayout Window{9819af3 u0 ScreenDecorOverlayBottom}: viewVisibility=0 req=1079x151
05-12 20:45:51.404 10137 10137 D AOD_LIVE_CLOCK@LiveClockController: updateDisplayState: DISPLAY_STATE_DOZE
05-12 20:45:51.405 10137 10137 D DisplayLifecycle: updateDisplay id = 0
05-12 20:45:51.412 10137 10137 D DisplayLifecycle: updateCacheVariables id = 0, display = Display id 0: DisplayInfo{"Built-in Screen, displayId 0", uniqueId "local:0", app 1080 x 2131, real 1080 x 2340, largest app 2131 x 2131, smallest app 1080 x 1017, mode 1, defaultMode 1, modes [{id=1, width=1080, height=2340, fps=60.000004}], colorMode 0, supportedColorModes [0], hdrCapabilities android.view.Display$HdrCapabilities@40f16308, rotation 0, density 420 (403.411 x 404.326) dpi, layerStack 0, appVsyncOff 1000000, presDeadline 16666666, type BUILT_IN, address {port=0}, state DOZE, FLAG_SECURE, FLAG_SUPPORTS_PROTECTED_BUFFERS, removeMode 0}, DisplayMetrics{density=2.625, width=1080, height=2131, scaledDensity=2.625, xdpi=403.411, ydpi=404.326}, isValid=true, size = Point(1080, 2131), realSize = Point(1080, 2340)
05-12 20:45:51.412 4299 11689 V WindowManager: Relayout 10137: mAttrs={(0,0)(fillxwrap) gr=BOTTOM RIGHT CENTER sim={adjust=pan} layoutInDisplayCutoutMode=always ty=NAVIGATION_BAR_PANEL fmt=TRANSLUCENT
05-12 20:45:51.412 4299 11689 V WindowManager: fl=20800128
05-12 20:45:51.412 4299 11689 V WindowManager: pfl=1100050
05-12 20:45:51.412 4299 11689 V WindowManager: vsysui=100 naviIconColor=0}
05-12 20:45:51.414 10137 10867 D ViewRootImpl@2e58a0d[ScreenDecorOverlayBottom]: Relayout returned: old=(0,2189,1080,2340) new=(0,2189,1080,2340) req=(1079,151)0 dur=11 res=0x3 s={true 478310068224} ch=false
05-12 20:45:51.418 10137 10137 D AODUiController: onChargingLightSensorChanged lux : 1.0 appliedBrightness = 0 currentBrightness = 1
05-12 20:45:
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Hi, have you fixed it? I have the same issue. Thanks in advance.

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@megatron78 Yes, I got it working. But not sure exactly which problem you are facing?

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