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Created August 8, 2013 10:56
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try {
if (!@mysql_connect())
// Let's fake a small eror
throw new Slug("Couldn't connect to database!");
catch(Slug $e) // we catch a slug
// instead of outputing the error, log it
// You can still work with the erorr like $e->getMessage();
* Slugger, simple logging class
* Writes logs into a file and sends them by e-mail once in a while
* Written for pure example
* @require PHP >= 5.3
* @todo : Fix bug when the class is firt time instantiated it send an empty message
/* Don't forget to setup a date default timezone */
date_default_timezone_set("Europe/Chisinau"); // because
class Slugger
static $email = ""; // the e-mail to send logs to
static $from = "log@slugger.dom"; // simulate logger
static $mailer = "mail"; // send mail through
static $path = "logs"; // folder to keep logs in
static $report = 1; // how often to send logs in minutes
static $echo = true; // echo the exception?
static $lastLogName = "log.last_report.html"; // last log filename
public static function prerequisites()
if (!file_exists( self::$path ))
catch(Exception $e)
die($e->getMessage()); // we failed to create a folder to keep logs in
if (!file_exists(self::$path . '/' . self::$lastLogName ))
@touch(self::$path . '/' . self::$lastLogName );
catch(Exception $e)
if (!file_exists(self::$path . '/.htaccess' ))
$str = "order allow,deny\ndeny from all";
file_put_contents(self::$path . '/.htaccess' , $str );
catch(Exception $e)
if (version_compare( PHP_VERSION, '5.3.0') >= 0)
// pass
die("This class works with php 5.3.0 and up. Your PHP version is ". PHP_VERSION);
public static function getLogFileName()
self::prerequisites(); // just in case, because we're paranoic
$last_log = filemtime( self::$path . '/' . self::$lastLogName );
$log = new DateTime('@'. $last_log );
$log = $log->add(date_interval_create_from_date_string(self::$report . 'minutes'));
return "log." . $log->getTimestamp() . ".html";
public static function log(Slug $exception )
$currentLog = self::getLogFileName();
$str = "[%s]: %s\nLine: %s\nFile: %s\nCode: %s\n";
$str .= "\n" . str_repeat('-', 80) . "\n";
$message = sprintf( $str, date('d-m-Y H:i:s'), $exception->getMessage(), $exception->getLine(), $exception->getFile(), $exception->getCode());
try {
$fh = fopen( self::$path . "/" . $currentLog , 'a');
fwrite($fh , "\n" . $message);
} catch(Exception $e)
die("Couldn't write to log file, check file permissions");
// shall we send the log ?
$log = new DateTime('@'. filemtime( self::$path . '/' . self::$lastLogName ) );
$now = new DateTime( 'now' );
// check time passed since the last update
$passed = $log->diff( $now );
if (intval( $passed->format('%i') ) > self::$report )
public static function sendLog( $logName )
// update the last log time
@touch(self::$path . '/' .self::$lastLogName );
// mail the log file name
self::mail( $logName );
public static function mail($logName)
// sendmail because we're lazy
// Mail headers
$headers = "From: ".self::$from."\r\nReply-To: ". self::$from;
// 26214400 = 25mb
if (filesize(self::$path . "/" . $logName) !== false && filesize(self::$path . "/". $logName) < 26214400)
@mail(self::$email, "Slugger Log as of ". date('d-m-Y H:i:s'), file_get_contents(self::$path . "/" . $logName) , $headers);
return false;
class Slug extends Exception
public function log()
Slugger::log( $this );
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