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Last active January 5, 2024 10:04
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A simplified approach to store NoSQL object into MS-SQL Server, instead of using a Full-Fledged No-SQL DB like MongoDB
Insert Statement for `tblPredictions` on New Prediction
General insert statement to populate the bare minimum details about
the model, and insert the same as a record into the table. The table
defaults are controlled from external insert script.
Author : Debmalya Pramanik
Version : v0.0.1
Copywright © [2023] Debmalya Pramanik
INSERT INTO dbo.tblPredictions (PredictionUUID, ModelType, AlgorithmType, framework, modelName, modelParams, yFeatureName, ModelPredictions, remarks)
VALUES(?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?);

NoSQL in MS-SQL Server

usecases - saving ai/ml predictions without complications

Colab Notebook


Traditional companies often stores data into a traditional database (like MS-SQL Server, or OracleDB) and using an additional NoSQL Database like MongoDB offers large benefits. However, while working a unique challenge was propsed - store the results of a machine learning model into a traditional database. MS-SQL server was already being used, so here is the simplified approach to store and process the data as JSON and do analysis with python.

Getting Started

The code is publically available at GitHub gists which is a simple platform for sharing code snippets with the community. To use the code, simply clone the code like:

git clone databases_
export PYTHONPATH="${PYTHONPATH}:databases_"
# -*- encoding: utf-8 -*-
Utility Commands to Populate `tblPredictions` Table
A set of useful functions to insert/update/process records defined
under the `tblPredictions` table. Check function/class defination for
more information.
@author: Debmalya Pramanik
@version: v0.0.2
import os
import json
from typing import Iterable
from uuid import uuid4 as UUID
import pandas as pd
# lambda utility to rename columns, no special charecters
strFormatter = lambda string : "".join([s for s in string if s.isalnum()])
def jsonify(train : pd.DataFrame, test : pd.DataFrame, y_predicted : Iterable, y_predicted_validation : Iterable = None, accuracy : dict = dict(), **kwargs) -> dict:
Return a JSON Equivalent Output for tblPredictions
As defined under the table schema, the function transforms each
of the dataframe, into an equivalent output json.
frame_ = dict(
accuracy = accuracy,
train = {strFormatter(column) : list(train[column].values) for column in train.columns} | {"predictions" : y_predicted_validation},
test = {strFormatter(column) : list(train[column].values) for column in test.columns} | {"predictions" : y_predicted}
if kwargs: frame |= kwargs
return json.dumps(frame_, default = str)
def insert(train : pd.DataFrame, test : pd.DataFrame, y_predicted : Iterable, y_predicted_validation : Iterable, cursor : object, **kwargs) -> str:
Insert a New Record into the Table
Insert a new record, using the bare minimum statement, and format
the code using `str.format()` convention preserving the default
values if not already passed using keyword arguments.
:param train, test: Training and testing dataframe respectively
_unique_id = str(UUID()).upper() # return this for future reference
statement = open(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)), "insert.sql"), "r").read()
# accuracy metrics is fetched by user input, and is directly added to output
accuracy = kwargs.get("accuracy", dict())
# have the provision to insert any other parameters into `ModelPredictions` as dictionary
_already_used_keys = ["ModelType", "AlgorithmType", "framework", "modelName", "modelParams", "yFeatureName", "remarks", "accuracy"]
_other_parameters = {k : v for k, v in kwargs.items() if k not in _already_used_keys}
statement, # parameterized insert statement read from file
_unique_id, # each record must have an unique key, and return for reference
kwargs.get("ModelType", None),
kwargs.get("AlgorithmType", None),
kwargs.get("framework", None),
kwargs.get("modelName", None),
kwargs.get("modelParams", None),
kwargs.get("yFeatureName", None),
jsonify(train, test, y_predicted, y_predicted_validation, accuracy, **_other_parameters),
kwargs.get("remarks", None)
return _unique_id
Table Definations to Store AI/ML Predictions
A typical prediction consists of the following components - `train`,
`test` and `validation` and the model has certain `accuracy` measured
based on some metrics. Considering the following scenario, a JSON
structure can be developed like:
"accuracy" : {
"_type" : "in-sample"/"validation"/etc.
"metrics" : {
# name of the metrics, for example `RMSE`/`MAPE`/etc.
# and value as accuacy value, for example,
"RMSE" : 10,
"MAPE" : 2,
"train" : {
# training dataset with in-sample/validation predictions
<feature-1> : <values-1>,
<feature-2> : <values-2>,
<feature-n> : <values-n>,
# we can keep the y-values also, like
<y> : <values>
"test" : {
# testing dataset with predictions
<feature-1> : <values-1>,
<feature-2> : <values-2>,
<feature-n> : <values-n>,
# we can keep the y-values also, like
# errors/accuracy can be dynamically calculated
<y_actuals> : <values>,
<y_predictions> : <values>
Like a typical NoSQL record, each type of key can have additional
fields/values which can be controlled from an external script. Check
the utility functions defined in `` for more
Author : Debmalya Pramanik
Version : v0.0.2-alpha
Copywright © [2024] Debmalya Pramanik
CREATE TABLE dbo.tblPredictions (
-- ? PK: `PrdictionUUID` - Recommended to use `UUID4()` as primary key, generate externally from py-script
-- ! or, to reduce complexity (for single m/c application) set `PrdictionID IDENTITY(1, 1) PRIMARY KEY`
-- ? Define the class/type of machine learning model, this is for information purpose
-- ? The following parameters can be used to recreate the model from scratch
-- recommended to keep model as `*.h5` file, thus all are set as optional, to reduce complexity
framework VARCHAR(64) NULL DEFAULT NULL, -- sklearn/tensorflow/pytorch/etc.
modelName VARCHAR(64) NULL DEFAULT NULL, -- LinearRegression()/DNN()/etc.
modelParams NVARCHAR(MAX) NULL DEFAULT NULL, -- JSON with Model Parameters
-- ? Optionally keep prediction feature label, generally `pd.DataFrame.columns[-1]`
yFeatureName VARCHAR(64) NULL,
-- ? Optionally keep information about when the prediction was created, and if updated
CreatedOn DATETIME NOT NULL DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, -- auto populated, no need to worry
UpdatedOn DATETIME SPARSE NULL, -- only use on update query thus can be sparse
-- ? NoSQL AI/ML Predictions as JSON Object in Table
ModelPredictions NVARCHAR(MAX) NOT NULL, -- check structure from file documentation
-- ? Added a remarks column for any optional remarks from user
CONSTRAINT ck_model_params CHECK(ISJSON(modelParams) = 1),
CONSTRAINT ck_model_predictions CHECK(ISJSON(ModelPredictions) = 1)
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