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Last active July 10, 2023 10:28
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  • Save ZenithClown/68cb16b2f86bdc240c73247974a4c93d to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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A set of utility functions related to natural language processing.

NLP Utilities

a set of functions that extends from pandas to reduce code duplicacy

Colab Notebook

Getting Started

The code is publically available at GitHub gists which is a simple platform for sharing code snippets with the community. To use the code, simply clone the code like:

git clone nlp_utils
export PYTHONPATH="${PYTHONPATH}:nlp_utils"

Done, you can now easily import the function with python notebooks/code-files like:

import nlp_utils as nlpu # kept convention as `nlp` is registered in pypi
# -*- encoding: utf-8 -*-
A set of utility function related to natural language
processing. In addition to the basic libraries, the module
requires the following corpus from `nltk` library:
* `stopwords` : used to remove stop words from a given
strings. Currently using the function for
In addition, need some additional libraries like `fuzzywuzzy`
and `python-Levenshtein` using the following:
pip install fuzzywuzzy
pip install python-Levenshtein
@author: Debmalya Pramanik
import re
from fuzzywuzzy import fuzz
from nltk.corpus import stopwords
from nltk.tokenize import word_tokenize
from nltk.stem.wordnet import WordNetLemmatizer
def processor(string : str, text_process : bool = False, **kwargs) -> str:
A Simple Utility Function to Pre-Process a String
The function inputs a string, and exports clean formatted string
which is free of stop words (english) and the words are
lemmatized, i.e. transformed to their base form.
:type string: str
:param string: Base string on which various `nltk` functions are
applied to clean unwanted informations.
:type text_process: bool
:param text_process: Should the base string be formatted using
`text_process()`. Defaults to False.
tokens = word_tokenize(string.lower())
filterted = [word for word in tokens if word not in stopwords.words("english")]
lemmatized = [WordNetLemmatizer().lemmatize(word, "v") for word in filterted]
return text_processor(" ".join(lemmatized), **kwargs) if text_process else " ".join(lemmatized)
def fuzzyMatch(string : str, reference : str, method : str = "partial_ratio") -> int:
Calculate a Percentage Similarity between `string` and `reference` Text
Using the `fuzzywuzzy.fuzz()` method, the function calculates the percentage of
similarity between two text data. There are various methods available which can
be declared via `method` parameter. However, `partial_ratio` is great when
we want to match a text with partial data. For example, we want to find all the
strings which have the word 'annonymous' but the spelling, position may be
different in each case.
method = {
"ratio" : fuzz.ratio,
"partial_ratio" : fuzz.partial_ratio,
"token_sort_ratio" : fuzz.token_sort_ratio
return method(reference, string)
def text_processor(string : str, **kwargs) -> str:
Uses String Methods to Clean a String
An extension of the `processor` function, which uses the in-built
python string methods to clear string contents. The function can
be called seperatly, or pass `text_process = True)` in `processor`.
More information on in-built string methods is available here:
# ! Function is not yet optimized when used in conjunction.
:type string: str
:param string: Base string which needs formatting. The string
is converted into lower case. If passed from
! `processor`this step is repeated.
TODO fix when passed through parent function.
Keyword Arguments
* *isalnum* (bool): Only keep `alpha-numeric` charecters in the
string. Defaults to False.
* *isalpha* (bool): Only keep `alphabets` charecters in the
string. Defaults to False.
isalnum = kwargs.get("isalnum", False)
isalpha = kwargs.get("isalpha", False)
string = re.sub("[^a-zA-Z0-9 \n\.]", "", string)
string = string.lower().split()
if isalnum:
string = [s for s in string if s.isalnum()]
elif isalpha:
string = [s for s in string if s.isalpha()]
pass # no processing required
string = " ".join(string)
return string.replace(" ", " ").strip() # remove extra spaces
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