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Last active October 20, 2023 13:18
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Time Series utility functions includes data analysis, featurization, n-dimensional sequence generation, baseline model development etc. In addition, do check the Time Series for theories/study materials/external code snippets for time series data.
# -*- encoding: utf-8 -*-
Stationarity Checking for Time Series Data
@author: Debmalya Pramanik
@version: v0.0.1
from statsmodels.tsa.stattools import kpss # kpss test
from statsmodels.tsa.stattools import adfuller # adfuller test
def checkStationarity(frame : object, feature: str, method : str = "both", verbose : bool = True, **kwargs) -> bool:
Performs ADF Test to Determine Data Stationarity
Given an univariate series formatted as `frame.set_index("data")`
the series can be tested for stationarity using the Augmented
Dickey Fuller (ADF) and Kwiatkowski-Phillips-Schmidt-Shin (KPSS)
test. The function also returns a `dataframe` of rolling window
for plotting the data using `frame.plot()`.
:type frame: pd.DataFrame
:param frame: The dataframe that (ideally) contains a single
univariate feature (`feature`), else for a
dataframe containing multiple series only the
`feature` series is worked upon.
:type feature: str
:param feature: Name of the feature, i.e. the column name
in the dataframe. The `rolling` dataframe returns
a slice of `frame[[feature]]` along with rolling
mean and standard deviation.
:type method: str
:param method: Select any of the method ['ADF', 'KPSS', 'both'],
using the `method` parameter, name is case
insensitive. Defaults to `both`.
results = dict() # key is `ADF` and/or `KPSS`
stationary = dict()
if method.upper() in ["ADF", "BOTH"]:
results["ADF"] = adfuller(frame[feature].values) # should be send like `frame.col.values`
stationary["ADF"] = True if (results["ADF"][1] <= 0.05) & (results["ADF"][4]["5%"] > results["ADF"][0]) else False
if verbose:
print(f"Observations of ADF Test ({feature})")
print("===========================" + "=" * len(feature))
print(f"ADF Statistics : {results['ADF'][0]:,.3f}")
print(f"p-value : {results['ADF'][1]:,.3f}")
critical_values = {k : round(v, 3) for k, v in results["ADF"][4].items()}
print(f"Critical Values : {critical_values}")
# always print if data is stationary/not
print(f"[ADF] Data is :", "\u001b[32mStationary\u001b[0m" if stationary else "\x1b[31mNon-stationary\x1b[0m")
if method.upper() in ["KPSS", "BOTH"]:
results["KPSS"] = kpss(frame[feature].values) # should be send like `frame.col.values`
stationary["KPSS"] = False if (results["KPSS"][1] <= 0.05) & (results["KPSS"][3]["5%"] > results["KPSS"][0]) else True
if verbose:
print(f"Observations of KPSS Test ({feature})")
print("============================" + "=" * len(feature))
print(f"KPSS Statistics : {results['KPSS'][0]:,.3f}")
print(f"p-value : {results['KPSS'][1]:,.3f}")
critical_values = {k : round(v, 3) for k, v in results["KPSS"][3].items()}
print(f"Critical Values : {critical_values}")
# always print if data is stationary/not
print(f"[KPSS] Data is :", "\x1b[31mNon-stationary\x1b[0m" if stationary else "\u001b[32mStationary\u001b[0m")
# rolling calculations for plotting
rolling = frame.copy() # enable deep copy
rolling = rolling[[feature]] # only keep single feature, works if multi-feature sent
rolling.rename(columns = {feature : "original"}, inplace = True)
rolling_ = rolling.rolling(window = kwargs.get("window", 12))
rolling["mean"] = rolling_.mean()["original"].values
rolling["std"] = rolling_.std()["original"].values
return results, stationary, rolling

Time Series Utilities

object oriented process to create time series sequence features for AI/ML model development

Colab Notebook

WARNING: Merging all the time series gists into a single module.

Stationarity & Unit Roots

Stationarity is one of the fundamental concepts in time series analysis. The time series data model works on the principle that the data is stationary and data has no unit roots, this means:

  • the data must have a constant mean (across all periods),
  • the data should have a constant variance, and
  • auto-covariance should not be dependent on time.

Let's understand the concept using the following example, for more information check this link.

Non-Stationary Time Series

ADF Test KPSS Test Series Type Additional Steps
difference-stationary Use differencing to make series stationary.
trend-stationary Remove trend to make the series _strict stationary.

Time Series Featuring

Time series analysis is a special segment of AI/ML application development where a feature is dependent on time. The code here is desgined to create a sequence of x and y data needed in a time series problem. The function is defined with two input parameters (I) Lootback Period (T) n_lookback, and (II) Forecast Period (H) n_forecast which can be visually presented below.


Getting Started

The code is publically available at GitHub gists which is a simple platform for sharing code snippets with the community. To use the code, simply clone the code like:

git clone ts_utils
export PYTHONPATH="${PYTHONPATH}:ts_utils"

Done, you can now easily import the function with python notebooks/code-files like:

from ts_featuring import CreateSequence
# -*- encoding: utf-8 -*-
A Set of Methodologies involved with Feature Engineering
Feature engineering or feature extraction involves transforming the
data by manipulation (addition, deletion, combination) or mutation of
the data set in hand to improve the machine learning model. The
project mainly deals with, but not limited to, time series data that
requires special treatment - which are listed over here.
Feature engineering time series data will incorporate the use case of
both univariate and multivariate data series with additional
parameters like lookback and forward tree. Check documentation of the
function(s) for more information.
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
class DataObjectModel(object):
Data Object Model (`DOM`) for AI-ML Application Development
Data is the key to an artificial intelligence application
development, and often times real world data are gibrish and
incomprehensible. The DOM is developed to provide basic use case
like data formatting, seperating `x` and `y` variables etc. such
that a feature engineering function or a machine learning model
can easily get the required information w/o much needed code.
# Example Use Cases
The following small use cases are possible with the use of the
DOM in feature engineering:
1. Formatting a Data to a NumPy ND-Array - an iterable/pandas
object can be converted into `np.ndarray` which is the base
data type of the DOM.
np.random.seed(7) # set seed for duplication
data = pd.DataFrame(
data = np.random.random(size = (9, 26)),
dom = DataObjectModel(data)
>> <class 'numpy.ndarray'>
2. Breaking an Array of `Xy` into Individual Component - for
instance a dataframe/tabular data has `X` features along side
`y` in column. The function considers the data and breaks it
into individual components.
X, y = dom.create_xy(y_index = 1)
# or if `y` is group of elements then:
X, y = dom.create_xy(y_index = (1, 4))
def __init__(self, data: np.ndarray) -> None: = self.__to_numpy__(data) # also check integrity
def __to_numpy__(self, data: object) -> np.ndarray:
"""Convert Meaningful Data into a N-Dimensional Array"""
if type(data) == np.ndarray:
pass # data is already in required type
elif type(data) in [list, tuple]:
data = np.array(data)
elif type(data) == pd.DataFrame:
# often times a full df can be passed, which is a ndarray
# thus, the df can be easily converted to an np ndarray:
data = data.values
raise TypeError(
f"Data `type == {type(data)}` is not convertible.")
return data
def create_xy(self, y_index : object = -1) -> tuple:
Breaks the Data into Individual `X` and `y` Components
From a tabular or ndimensional structure, the code considers
`y` along a given axis (`y_index`) and returns two `ndarray`
which can be treated as `X` and `y` individually.
The function uses `np.delete` command to create `X` feature
from the data. (
This function is meant for multivariate dataset, and is only
applicable when dealing with multivariate time series data.
The function can also be used for any machine learning model
consisting of multiple features (even if it is a time series
:type y_index: object
:param y_index: Index/axis of `y` variable. If the type is
is `int` then the code assumes one feature,
and `y_.shape == (-1, 1)` and if the type
of `y_index` is `tuple` then
`y_.shape == (-1, (end - start - 1))` since
end index is exclusive as in `numpy` module.
if type(y_index) in [list, tuple]:
x_ =
y_ =[:, y_index[0]:y_index[1]]
for idx in range(*y_index)[::-1]:
x_ = np.delete(x_, obj = idx, axis = 1)
elif type(y_index) == int:
y_ =[:, y_index]
x_ = np.delete(, obj = y_index, axis = 1)
raise TypeError("`type(y_index)` not in [int, tuple].")
return x_, y_
class CreateSequence(DataObjectModel):
Create a Data Sequence Typically to be used in LSTM Model
LSTM Model, or rather any time series data, requires a specific
sequence of data consisting of `n_lookback` i.e. length of input
sequence (or lookup values) and `n_forecast` values, i.e., the
length of output sequence. The function tries to provide single
approach to break data into sequence of `x_train` and `y_train`
for training in neural network.
def __init__(self, data: np.ndarray) -> None:
def create_series(
n_lookback : int,
n_forecast : int,
univariate : bool = True,
) -> tuple:
Create a Sequence of `x_train` and `y_train` for training a
neural network model with time series data. The basic
approach in building the function is taken from:
UPDATE [22-02-2023] : The function is now modified such that
it now can also return a sequence for multivariate time-series
analysis. The following changes has been added:
* 💣 refactor function name to generalise between univariate
and multivariate methods.
* 🔧 univariate feature can be called directly as this is the
default code behaviour.
* 🛠 to get multivariate functionality, use `univariate = False`
* 🛠 by default the last column (-1) of `data` is considered
as `y` feature by slicing `arr[s:e, -1]` but this can be
configured using `kwargs["y_feat_"]`
x_, y_ = [], []
n_record = self.__check_univariate_get_len__(univariate) \
- n_forecast + 1
y_feat_ = kwargs.get("y_feat_", -1)
for idx in range(n_lookback, n_record):
x_.append([idx - n_lookback : idx])
y_.append([idx : idx + n_forecast] if univariate
else[idx : idx + n_forecast, y_feat_]
x_, y_ = map(np.array, [x_, y_])
if univariate:
# the for loop is so designed it returns the data like:
# (<records>, n_lookback, <features>) however,
# for univariate the `<features>` dimension is "squeezed"
x_, y_ = map(lambda arr : np.squeeze(arr), [x_, y_])
return [x_, y_]
def __check_univariate_get_len__(self, univariate : bool) -> int:
Check if the data is a univariate one, and if `True` then
return the length, i.e. `.shape[0]`, for further analysis.
if ( != 1) and (univariate):
raise TypeError("Wrong dimension for univariate series.")
# -*- encoding: utf-8 -*-
A Set of Simplistic Time Series Models
A set of simplistic time series models developed on top of `pandas`
and `numpy` functionalities to provide quick analysis and develop a
base line for a univariate time series data.
@author: Debmalya Pramanik
@version: v0.0.1
import warnings
import numpy as np
class MovingAverage:
A Set of Moving Average (MA) based Models for Time Series Methods
A moving average is the most simple timeseries model, which is
implemented using python. However, when used well the MA model is
able to provide much analysis and is one of the favorites for a
quick understanding in the stock market.
Note, the `.rolling` and `.cumsum` methods of `pandas` and
`numpy` respectively is used internally where required to
achieve the forecast.
The model is an extension for moving average, and can be used to
forecast into the future on a rolling basis. Example:
# given the series, the rolling forecast for `N_FORECAST` period:
simple_ma = MovingAverage(
n_lookback = N_LOOKBACK,
n_forecast = N_FORECAST,
series = np.array([12, 7, 27, 34])
>> np.array([20.00, 22.00, 25.75, 25.25, 23.00])
:type n_lookback: int
:param n_lookback: Number of periods to lookback into the past.
Typically, 'n-lags' is a good indicator of
price, as the price of `(N+1)` is always a
factor of `N, N-1, N-2, ..., N-n` where `n`
can be determined statistically.
:type n_forecast: int
:param n_forecast: Number of periods to forecast into the future.
:type series: iterable
:param series: Time series data, where each item of the iterable
is a value at interval `n, ..., N-2, N-1, N` where
`N` is the value at current date.
def __init__(self, n_lookback : int, n_forecast : int, series : np.ndarray) -> None:
self.n_lookback = n_lookback
self.n_forecast = n_forecast
# the series is expected to have the same values as `looback`
# else, an warning is raised and only the last `n` loockback values are kept
self.series = self._check_series(series) # ? removes the values with warning
def simple(self) -> np.ndarray:
Simple Moving Average Forecast
The most simple algorithm is the simple moving average
which gives equal weightage to all the time, and does not
consider level, trend, or seasonality.
Simple moving average forecasting is not advisable, and is
only applicable for data with low variations, i.e. the data
is stationary.
series_ = self.series.copy() # make a copy of the iterable
forecast = [] # append the forecasted values to the list
for _ in range(self.n_forecast):
_iter_ma = series_.mean()
# pop fifo, and add latest iter
series_ = np.insert(series_, len(series_), _iter_ma)
series_ = np.delete(series_, 0)
return np.array(forecast)
def exponential(self, alpha : float = 0.5) -> np.ndarray:
Exponential Moving Average Forecasting
An exponential moving average is an extension of the
moving average algorithm that places an greater weightage to
the recent data points. The EMA is also referred to as the
exponentially weighted moving average.
Side note: In financial market, like all moving average
metrices, the EMA is a technical indicator which is used to
produce buy and sell signals based on crossovers and
divergence on crossovers.
In addition, traders often use different EMA lengths of
10-, 50-, and 200-days moving average as an indicator.
However, in time series forecasting (like price forecasting)
the order (`q`) can be determined from the ACF & PACF tests.
But, in case of exponential smoothening/forecasting the order
is referred as `alpha` which is the coefficient of level
EMA(T+1) = sum(
alpha * EMA(T)
+ (alpha / 2) * EMA(T-1)
+ (alpha / 4) * EMA(T-2)
+ ...
+ (alpha / 2^n) * EMA(T-n)
where `n` is the lookback period, and `T` is the current day.
:type alpha: float
:param alpha: The coefficient for level smoothening.
alpha ∈ (0, 1), typically the best value is 0.5
series_ = self.series.copy() # make a copy of the iterable
forecast = [] # append the forecasted values to the list
factors = alpha / (2 ** np.arange(1, stop = self.n_lookback + 1))
for _ in range(self.n_forecast):
_iter_ma = (series_ * factors).sum()
# pop fifo, and add latest iter
series_ = np.insert(series_, len(series_), _iter_ma)
series_ = np.delete(series_, 0)
return np.array(forecast)
def _check_series(self, series : list) -> list:
Data Sanity Check on the `series` and Return Cleaned Series
Checks if the series length is expected as the `lookback`
period, else returns a truncated data series with a simple
if len(series) > self.n_lookback:
warnings.warn(f"Series Length = {len(series)}, while Lookback = {self.n_lookback} Periods.")
return series[-self.n_lookback :]
elif len(series) < self.n_lookback:
raise ValueError(f"Cannot compile, as {len(series)} < {self.n_lookback}. Check values.")
return series
if __name__ == "__main__":
series = np.array([12, 7, 27, 34])
print(f"Given Series: {series}", end = "\n\n")
model = MovingAverage(
n_lookback = N_LOOKBACK,
n_forecast = N_FORECAST,
series = series
# calculate the simple moving average
simple_ma = model.simple()
print("Simple Moving Average:", end = "\n ")
# calculate the exponential moving average
exponential_ma = model.exponential()
print("Exponential Moving Average:", end = "\n ")
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