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Created April 16, 2019 14:29
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(function(ext) {
ext._shutdown = function() {};
var haveEvents = "ongamepadconnected" in window,
controllers = {};
function connecthandler(e) {
addgamepad(e.gamepad) // Add the controller to the "controllers" object
function addgamepad(e) {
controllers[e.index] = e // Add the controller to the "controllers" object
function disconnecthandler(e) {
removegamepad(e.gamepad) // Handle Disconnects
function removegamepad(e) {
delete controllers[e.index] // Remove controllers when disconnected
function updateStatus() {
haveEvents || scangamepads(), requestAnimationFrame(updateStatus) // Update the controller values
function scangamepads() {
for (var e = navigator.getGamepads ? navigator.getGamepads() : navigator.webkitGetGamepads ? navigator.webkitGetGamepads() : [], n = 0; n < e.length; n++) e[n] && (e[n].index in controllers ? controllers[e[n].index] = e[n] : addgamepad(e[n]))
window.addEventListener("gamepadconnected", connecthandler), window.addEventListener("gamepaddisconnected", disconnecthandler), haveEvents || setInterval(scangamepads, 1); // When the controller is detected, enable the extension
ext._getStatus = function() {
return {
status: 2,
msg: 'Ready'
var ni = 8000 / 32767; // Deadzone
ext.aefe = function(s,af) { // Return the force or angle of a specified stick
var xp, yp;
switch (s) {
case "Left":
x = controllers[0].axes[0];
y = -controllers[0].axes[1];
case "Right":
x = controllers[0].axes[2];
y = -controllers[0].axes[5];
if (-ni < x && x < ni) x = 0;
if (-ni < y && y < ni) y = 0;
switch(af) {
case "Angle":
return(value = 180 * Math.atan2(x, y) / Math.PI);
case "Force":
return Math.sqrt(x*x + y*y);
ext.ispressed = function(b) {
return (controllers[0].buttons[["Y", "B", "A", "X", "LB", "RB", "LT", "RT", "SELECT", "START", "LEFT STICK", "RIGHT STICK"].indexOf(b)].pressed); // Return if the user is pressing the button given to the function
ext.stickpos = function(s, hv) {
return (controllers[0].axes[(["LeftHorizontal", "LeftVertical", "RightHorizontal", "", "", "RightVertical"].indexOf(s + hv))]); // Return the value of the axes for the stick and the direction specified
ext.stickfacing = function(s, hvb) { // Return a plaintext direction for a control stick
let output = "";
if (s == "Left") {
if (hvb == "Both" || hvb == "Vertical") {
if (controllers[0].axes[1] < -.5) {
output += "Up "
} else if (controllers[0].axes[1] > .5) {
output += "Down "
if (hvb == "Both" || hvb == "Horizontal") {
if (controllers[0].axes[0] < -.5) {
output += "Left"
} else if (controllers[0].axes[0] > .5) {
output += "Right"
if (s == "Right") {
if (hvb == "Both" || hvb == "Vertical") {
if (controllers[0].axes[5] < -.5) {
output += "Up "
} else if (controllers[0].axes[5] > .5) {
output += "Down "
if (hvb == "Both" || hvb == "Horizontal") {
if (controllers[0].axes[2] < -.5) {
output += "Left"
} else if (controllers[0].axes[2] > .5) {
output += "Right"
return (output);
ext.stickis = function(s, dir) { // Return true or false depending on if the specified stick is facing a direction
if (s == "Left") {
if (dir == "Up") {
return (controllers[0].axes[1] < -.5)
if (dir == "Down") {
return (controllers[0].axes[1] > .5)
if (dir == "Left") {
return (controllers[0].axes[0] < -.5)
if (dir == "Right") {
return (controllers[0].axes[0] > .5)
if (dir == "Up Left") {
return (controllers[0].axes[1] < -.5 && (controllers[0].axes[0] < -.5))
if (dir == "Up Right") {
return (controllers[0].axes[1] < -.5 && (controllers[0].axes[0] > .5))
if (dir == "Down Left") {
return (controllers[0].axes[1] > .5 && (controllers[0].axes[0] < -.5))
if (dir == "Down Right") {
return (controllers[0].axes[1] > .5 && (controllers[0].axes[0] > .5))
if (s == "Left") {
if (dir == "Up") {
return (controllers[0].axes[5] < -.5)
if (dir == "Down") {
return (controllers[0].axes[5] > .5)
if (dir == "Left") {
return (controllers[0].axes[2] < -.5)
if (dir == "Right") {
return (controllers[0].axes[2] > .5)
if (dir == "Up Left") {
return (controllers[0].axes[5] < -.5 && (controllers[0].axes[2] < -.5))
if (dir == "Up Right") {
return (controllers[0].axes[5] < -.5 && (controllers[0].axes[2] > .5))
if (dir == "Down Left") {
return (controllers[0].axes[5] > .5 && (controllers[0].axes[2] < -.5))
if (dir == "Down Right") {
return (controllers[0].axes[5] > .5 && (controllers[0].axes[2] > .5))
var descriptor = {
blocks: [
['b', '%m.buttons is pressed?', 'ispressed', "A"],
['h', 'When %m.buttons is pressed', 'ispressed', "A"],
['r', ' stick %m.hv position', 'stickpos', "Left", "Horizontal"],
['r', ' stick %m.hvb direction', 'stickfacing', "Left", "Both"],
['b', ' stick is facing %m.dir?', 'stickis', "Left", "Up"],
['h', 'When stick is facing %m.dir', 'stickis', "Left", "Up"],
['r', ' stick %m.aefe', 'aefe', 'Left', "Angle"],
menus: {
buttons: ["Y", "B", "A", "X", "LB", "RB", "LT", "RT", "SELECT", "START", "LEFT STICK", "RIGHT STICK"],
lr: ["Left", "Right"],
hv: ["Horizontal", "Vertical"],
hvb: ["Horizontal", "Vertical", "Both"],
dir: ["Up", "Down", "Left", "Right", "Up Left", "Up Right", "Down Left", "Down Right"],
aefe: ["Angle", "Force"]
ScratchExtensions.register('Gamepad', descriptor, ext); // Register the extension so scratch can use it
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