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Last active December 31, 2021 07:36
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  • Save ZenulAbidin/cbe69f8a2496514773140516e3666519 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save ZenulAbidin/cbe69f8a2496514773140516e3666519 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Birthday problem with frequency analysis stage and pattern analysis stage
# First, run this in shell:
# j=1000 # Sample size, feel free to change.
# for ((i=0; $i<$j; i++)); do openssl rand -hex 32 >> ~/Documents/randalysis.txt; echo -en "\n" >> ~/Documents/randalysis.txt; done
# sed -i '/^\s*$/d' ~/Documents/randalysis.txt
# pip install bitarray fastecdsa bit
import bitarray
import bitarray.util
from os.path import expanduser
sample=1000 # This is the number of example private keys you have generated above.
nkeys = 260 # This is the number of keys you want, change it accordingly.
divisor = 32 # The divisor (for 2^10, set to 1024, and so on).
# This is the number of lower-most bits you want to analyze, valid values are from 1
# to 256 and this value must be an integer.
bits_toinspect = 20
home = expanduser("~")
with open(home+"/Documents/randalysis.txt", "r") as fp:
s =
l = s.split("\n")
l = l[:-1] # Remove extraneous blank element
cl = [0]*256
clz = [0]*256
delta = [0]*256
deltaz = [0]*256
# Values closer to zero - more likely to be zero, values closer to one - more likely to be one
for i in l:
ba = bitarray.util.hex2ba(i)
for j in range(0, 256):
cl[j] += ba[j]
clz[j] += 1-int(ba[j])
delta[j] = cl[j]/sample
deltaz[j] = clz[j]/sample
# Values negative - more likely to be zero, values positive - more likely to be one
# Because values will be between -0.5 and 0.5, we must "explode" this
# (by two to get values from -1 to 1)
# to get percentages between 0% and 100% for likely zero and likely one.
# (the '0' and '1' are used to set the bits in case of 0.5 "equal", unseperable frequencies).
import math
deltat = [(delta[t], t, '0') for t in range(0,bits_toinspect)]
deltatz = [(deltaz[t], t, '1') for t in range(0,bits_toinspect)]
import itertools
lz = []
deltac = zip(deltat, deltatz)
pdt = itertools.product(*deltac)
for c in pdt:
total_prob = 1
z = bitarray.util.zeros(bits_toinspect)
for it in c:
if it[0] < 0.5:
# Zero
z[bits_toinspect-it[1]-1] = False
elif it[0] > 0.5:
# One
z[bits_toinspect-it[1]-1] = True
# perfectly even, no bias here so skip to next one
# but first set the bit accordingly
if it[2] == '0':
z[bits_toinspect-it[1]-1] = False
elif it[2] == '1':
z[bits_toinspect-it[1]-1] = True
raise ValueError("Unexpected character (only chars 0 and 1 are allowed, were you tweaking the script?)")
total_prob *= abs(it[0])
lz.append((total_prob*100, z))
lz.sort(key = lambda x: x[0], reverse=True)
# First we need an encoding to classify each of the bit lengths in a human-readable way
# The convention I'm using is to represent '0' as uppercase letters and '1' as lowercase letters.
# The letter'z' is reserved to add between the letters of the alphabet so that each
# group of consecutive letters represents a multiple of 25 bits.
def encode1():
bitencoding = {}
for i in range(0,256):
mult = (i // 25) + 1
lkey = "z"
ukey = "Z"
im = i % 25;
if im == 0:
lkey += "a" * mult
ukey += "A" * mult
elif im == 1:
lkey += "b" * mult
ukey += "B" * mult
elif im == 2:
lkey += "c" * mult
ukey += "C" * mult
elif im == 3:
lkey += "d" * mult
ukey += "D" * mult
elif im == 4:
lkey += "e" * mult
ukey += "E" * mult
elif im == 5:
lkey += "f" * mult
ukey += "F" * mult
elif im == 6:
lkey += "g" * mult
ukey += "G" * mult
elif im == 7:
lkey += "h" * mult
ukey += "H" * mult
elif im == 8:
lkey += "i" * mult
ukey += "I" * mult
elif im == 9:
lkey += "j" * mult
ukey += "J" * mult
elif im == 10:
lkey += "k" * mult
ukey += "K" * mult
elif im == 11:
lkey += "l" * mult
ukey += "L" * mult
elif im == 12:
lkey += "m" * mult
ukey += "M" * mult
elif im == 13:
lkey += "n" * mult
ukey += "N" * mult
elif im == 14:
lkey += "o" * mult
ukey += "O" * mult
elif im == 15:
lkey += "p" * mult
ukey += "P" * mult
elif im == 16:
lkey += "q" * mult
ukey += "Q" * mult
elif im == 17:
lkey += "r" * mult
ukey += "R" * mult
elif im == 18:
lkey += "s" * mult
ukey += "S" * mult
elif im == 19:
lkey += "t" * mult
ukey += "T" * mult
elif im == 20:
lkey += "u" * mult
ukey += "U" * mult
elif im == 21:
lkey += "v" * mult
ukey += "V" * mult
elif im == 22:
lkey += "w" * mult
ukey += "W" * mult
elif im == 23:
lkey += "x" * mult
ukey += "X" * mult
elif im == 24:
lkey += "y" * mult
ukey += "Y" * mult
lkey += "z"
ukey += "Z"
print(i, mult, lkey, ukey)
bitencoding[ukey] = bitarray.bitarray('0' * (i+1))
bitencoding[lkey] = bitarray.bitarray('1' * (i+1))
return bitencoding
# In this encoding the number is written directly.
def encode2():
bitencoding = {}
for i in range(0,256):
mult = (i // 25) + 1
lkey = "_zero" + '{}'.format((i+1))
ukey = "_one" + '{}'.format((i+1))
bitencoding[lkey] = bitarray.bitarray('0' * (i+1))
bitencoding[ukey] = bitarray.bitarray('1' * (i+1))
return bitencoding
def decode01(b, table):
# bitarray decode chokes on values with the same prefix so we define our own.
kl = []
greedybuffer = ''
count = 0
type = ''
for i in range(0, len(b)):
if str(int(b[i])) == type:
count += 1
for it in table.items():
if it[1] == bitarray.bitarray(type*count):
greedybuffer = it[0]
elif type == '':
type = str(int(b[i]))
count = 1
for it in table.items():
if it[1] == bitarray.bitarray(type*count):
greedybuffer = it[0]
if greedybuffer != '':
if table.get(greedybuffer, None) == None:
raise KeyError("There is no key corresponding to {}".format(str(bitarray.bitarray(type*count))))
greedybuffer = ''
type = str(int(b[i]))
count = 1
for it in table.items():
if it[1] == bitarray.bitarray(type*count):
greedybuffer = it[0]
if kl == []: # In case the entire array is all zeros or all ones
didBreak = False
for it in table.items():
if it[1] == b:
didBreak = True
if not didBreak:
raise KeyError("There is no key corresponding to {}".format(str(b)))
if greedybuffer != '':
if table.get(greedybuffer, None) == None:
raise KeyError("There is no key corresponding to {}".format(str(bitarray.bitarray(type*count))))
greedybuffer = ''
return kl
import pandas
from collections import Counter
bitencoding = encode2()
bz = []
frame = []
for i in range(0, len(l)):
ba = bitarray.util.hex2ba(l[i])
de = decode01(ba[:bits_toinspect], bitencoding)
counts = Counter(de)
df = pandas.DataFrame.from_dict(counts, orient='index', columns=[str(i+1)])
sdf = pandas.concat(frame, axis=1)
sdf = sdf.fillna(0)
sdf = sdf.reindex(sorted(sdf.index), axis=0)
means = sdf.mean(axis=1)
lz2 = []
for it in lz:
de = decode01(it[1], bitencoding)
counts = Counter(de)
df = pandas.DataFrame.from_dict(counts, orient='index')
combtable = pandas.concat([means, df], axis=1)
combtable = combtable.fillna(0)
variation = math.sqrt(combtable.var(axis=1).mean())
lz2.append((it[0], it[1], variation))
lz2.sort(key=lambda x: abs(x[2]))
# Now we are finally ready to compute public keys and subtraction-division.
from fastecdsa import curve
from fastecdsa.point import Point
import bit
G = curve.secp256k1.G
N = curve.secp256k1.q
def pub2point(pub_hex):
x = int(pub_hex[2:66], 16)
if len(pub_hex) < 70:
y = bit.format.x_to_y(x, int(pub_hex[:2], 16) % 2)
y = int(pub_hex[66:], 16)
return Point(x, y, curve=curve.secp256k1)
# This function makes all the downscaled pubkeys obtained from subtracting
# numbers between 0 and divisor, before dividing the pubkeys by divisor.
# i is between 0 and divisor (inclusive)
def shiftdown(pubkey, divisor, i):
# k = 1/divisor
k = pow(divisor, N - 2, N)
P = pubkey - (i * G)
P = k * P
if (P.y % 2 == 0):
prefix = "02"
prefix = "03"
hx = hex(P.x)[2:].zfill(64)
hy = hex(P.y)[2:].zfill(64)
return(prefix+hx, "04"+hx+hy)
def point2pub(R):
# Remove the following code if you are doing multiple additions successively
# as it brings a speed improvement, and just return R
if (R.y % 2 == 0):
prefix = "02"
prefix = "03"
hx = prefix + hex(R.x)[2:].zfill(64)
return hx
import pprint
print("========== TOP {} MOST LIKELY PUBLIC KEYS (Highest probability first) ==========".format(nkeys))
print("Output format: <key> <index> <std deviation> <compressed result> <uncompressed result> ")
with open("input.txt") as f, open("output.txt", "w") as outf:
line = f.readline()
while line:
P = pub2point(line)
print("Key: {}".format(point2pub(P)))
# Assign result of write operation so that it doesn't print stuff to screen
_ = outf.write("Key: {}".format(point2pub(P)))
for i in range(0, nkeys):
j = bitarray.util.ba2int(lz2[i][1])
print("index {} Std. Deviation: {}".format(j, lz2[i][2]))
_ = outf.write("index {} Std. Deviation: {}".format(lz2[i][1], lz2[i][2]))
comp, uncomp = shiftdown(P, divisor, j)
print("Compressed Result: {}".format(comp))
_ = outf.write("Compressed Result: {}".format(comp))
print("Uncompressed Result: {}".format(uncomp))
_ = outf.write("Uncompressed Result: {}".format(uncomp))
line = f.readline()
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