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Last active December 11, 2015 06:59
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Save Zepheus/4563417 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
A balanced binary search tree implementation using the red-black algorithm. This uses Haskell's pattern matching to rotate and balance the trees, which simplifies it a lot compared to the imperative style implementation.
-- Description: A red-black tree implementation in Haskell
-- Author: Cedric Van Goethem
-- Version 1.1, 2013
type Tree a = Node a
data Color = Red | Black deriving (Eq, Show)
data Node a = Node a Color (Node a) (Node a) | Nil deriving (Eq, Show)
tree :: (Ord a) => a -> Tree a
tree x = Node x Black Nil Nil
addValue :: Ord a => a -> Tree a -> Tree a
addValue x = addNode (Node x Red Nil Nil)
addNode :: Ord a => Node a -> Tree a -> Tree a
addNode n t = go $ addNode' n t
where go (Node v _ l r) = Node v Black l r
addNode' :: Ord a => Node a -> Tree a -> Tree a
addNode' Nil t = t
addNode' n@(Node v1 c1 l1 r1) t@(Node v2 c2 l2 r2)
| v1 < v2 = balance $ setLeft t (addChild n l2)
| v1 > v2 = balance $ setRight t (addChild n r2)
| otherwise = t
addChild :: Ord a => Node a -> Node a -> Node a
addChild n Nil = n
addChild n t = addNode' n t
{- Rotations -}
balance :: Node a -> Node a
balance (Node z Black (Node y Red (Node x Red a b) c) d) = Node y Red (Node x Black a b) (Node z Black c d)
balance (Node z Black (Node x Red a (Node y Red b c)) d) = Node y Red (Node x Black a b) (Node z Black c d)
balance (Node x Black a (Node z Red (Node y Red b c) d)) = Node y Red (Node x Black a b) (Node z Black c d)
balance (Node x Black a (Node y Red b (Node z Red c d))) = Node y Red (Node x Black a b) (Node z Black c d)
balance x = x
{- Getters and setters -}
setColor :: Node a -> Color -> Node a
setColor Nil _ = Nil
setColor (Node v _ x y) c = Node v c x y
getLeft :: Node a -> Node a
getLeft (Node _ _ x _) = x
getRight :: Node a -> Node a
getRight (Node _ _ _ y) = y
setLeft :: Node a -> Node a -> Node a
setLeft (Node v c _ y) o = Node v c o y
setRight :: Node a -> Node a -> Node a
setRight (Node v c x _) o = Node v c x o
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