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Eric Zephor5

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  1. install zbar on windows with include and library files

  2. make sure mingw installed and bin directory added to the path

  3. in PYTHONPATH\Lib\distutils, create a file distutils.cfg and add two lines:



  4. get dll lib and include file from copy files to PATH_MINGW32/[lib,bin,include] separately, just need file name like pthreadGC2 and remember to chang the name to libpthread

  5. change or add lines in

Zephor5 /
Last active November 12, 2015 03:09
a simple json search
def search_json(data, s):
search in json
example data is {"items": [{"url": "1"}, {"url": "2"}]}
s is items->[]->url then get ["1", "2"]
s is items->[0]->url then get ["1"]
:rtype: generator
structs = s.split('->')
Zephor5 /
Last active May 8, 2017 03:50
get the inner or public ip addr for linux sys
# coding=utf-8
def get_ip(inner=True):
get local ip addr
default get inner ip address, set `inner` to False to
get public ip if exists, or it will return None
it returns 'localhost' when failed
Zephor5 /
Last active October 23, 2018 06:50
kmp algorithm in python
def kmp(s1, s2):
search s1 in s2
i = 0
j = 0
l1 = len(s1)
l2 = len(s2)
#!/usr/bin/env python
# Converts any integer into a base [BASE] number. I have chosen 62
# as it is meant to represent the integers using all the alphanumeric
# characters, [no special characters] = {0..9}, {A..Z}, {a..z}
# I plan on using this to shorten the representation of possibly long ids,
# a la url shortenters