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Last active July 20, 2021 09:41
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// ==UserScript==
// @name Zhihu Cleaner
// @name:zh-CN 知乎界面清理
// @namespace
// @version 0.1
// @description try to take over the world!
// @author You
// @match*
// @grant none
// ==/UserScript==
(function() {
'use strict';
const logging = true;
const enabled = true;
// create and return a closure
const cleanerCreator = (selector) => {
return (items) => {
const ngItems = items.filter( item => item.querySelector(selector) );
ngItems.forEach( item => {item.hidden = enabled;} );
if (logging) {
console.log(`ZHIHU CLEANER: ${ngItems.length}/${items.length} items cleaned (${selector})`);
// modified from知乎-我不感兴趣/code, thanks!
// listen on change events of a child list
const registerHook = (parent, rmSelector) => {
const cleaner = cleanerCreator(rmSelector);
if (!parent.children) {
setTimeout(() => {registerHook(parent, rmSelector);} , 500);
const ob = new MutationObserver((records) => {
const addedItems = records.reduce((r, e) => r.concat([...e.addedNodes]), []);
ob.observe(parent, {childList: true});
// main page, remove zhihu short videos
if (/.*www\.zhihu\.com\/?$/.test(location.href)) {
const firstCard = document.querySelector("div.Card.TopstoryItem");
registerHook(firstCard.parentElement, ".ZVideoItem");
// question page, remove ad answer by 盐选
if (/.*www\.zhihu\.com\/question\/\d+$/.test(location.href)) {
const yanxuanIDs = [ "zhujiangren" // 盐选推荐
, "yan-xuan-ke-pu-28" // 盐选科普
const yanxuan = => `meta[content="${id}"]`);
const firstAnswer = document.querySelector("div.List-item");
registerHook(firstAnswer.parentElement, yanxuan);
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