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Last active January 17, 2023 22:22
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  • Save Zer0dot/19428fcd5d80433166dcfe7e1050afc5 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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A library with a custom type to introduce immutable strings of length less than 32 bytes.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity ^0.8.8;
* @title ImmutableStringLib
* @author Zer0dot
* @notice This library introduces an abstraction to store and decode immutable strings.
* This is necessary because simply casting a string to a bytes32 variable will lose the
* length, which will be hardcoded as 32 upon re-converting via abi.encode.
* @dev Immutable strings must be less than 32 bytes in length, as the last byte is used to
* store the length.
library ImmutableStringLib {
type ImmutableString is uint256;
* @dev Converts a standard string to an immutable string.
function toImmutableString(string memory input) internal pure returns (ImmutableString) {
require(bytes(input).length < 32, "LENGTH_GTE_32");
return ImmutableString.wrap(uint256(bytes32(bytes(input)) | bytes32(bytes(input).length)));
* @dev Converts an immutable string to a standard string.
function toString(ImmutableString input) internal pure returns (string memory) {
uint256 unwrapped = ImmutableString.unwrap(input);
uint256 len = unwrapped & 255;
uint256 readNoLength = unwrapped >> 8 << 8;
string memory res = string(abi.encode(readNoLength));
assembly {
mstore(res, len) // "res" points to the length, not the offset.
return res;
* @notice This is an example of how the ImmutableStringLib would be used.
contract SomeContract {
using ImmutableStringLib for string;
using ImmutableStringLib for ImmutableStringLib.ImmutableString;
ImmutableStringLib.ImmutableString immutable someString;
constructor(string memory input) {
someString = input.toImmutableString();
function getSomeString() external view returns (string memory) {
return someString.toString();
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