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Last active June 23, 2018 10:52
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  • Save Zer0t3ch/c23ca5ecf50b16348d56772cba0add37 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save Zer0t3ch/c23ca5ecf50b16348d56772cba0add37 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
from Crypto.Cipher import AES
from Crypto.Util import Counter
import struct
typedef struct boot_dat_hdr
unsigned char ident[0x10];
unsigned char sha2_s2[0x20];
unsigned int s2_dst;
unsigned int s2_size;
unsigned int s2_enc;
unsigned char pad[0x10];
unsigned int s3_size;
unsigned char pad2[0x90];
unsigned char sha2_hdr[0x20];
} boot_dat_hdr_t;
def aes_ctr_dec(buf, key, iv):
ctr =, initial_value=long(iv.encode('hex'), 16))
return, AES.MODE_CTR, counter=ctr).encrypt(buf)
with open("boot.dat", "rb") as f:
b =
boot_ver = struct.unpack("I", b[0x0C:0x10])[0]
s2_base, s2_size = struct.unpack("II", b[0x30:0x38])
if boot_ver == 0x302E3156:
s2_key = "47E6BFB05965ABCD00E2EE4DDF540261".decode("hex")
s2_ctr = "8E4C7889CBAE4A3D64797DDA84BDB086".decode("hex")
arm64_key = "35D8FFC4AA1BAB9514825EB0658FB493".decode("hex")
arm64_ctr = "C38EA26FF3CCE98FD8D5ED431D9D5B94".decode("hex")
arm64_off = 0x53BAB0
arm64_size = 0x36370
arm64_base = 0x80FFFE00
fb_key = "E2AC05206A701C9AA514D2B2B7C9F395".decode("hex")
fb_ctr = "46FAB59AF0E469EF116614DEC366D15F".decode("hex")
fb_off = 0x17BAB0
fb_size = 0x3C0000
fb_base = 0xF0000000
data_key = "030D865B7E458B10AD5706F6E227F4EB".decode("hex")
data_ctr = "AFFC93692EBD2E3D252339F01E03416B".decode("hex")
data_off = 0x5F40
data_size = 0x175B70
data_base = 0x80000000
elif boot_ver == 0x312E3156:
s2_key = "47E6BFB05965ABCD00E2EE4DDF540261".decode("hex")
s2_ctr = "8E4C7889CBAE4A3D64797DDA84BDB086".decode("hex")
arm64_key = "51A39F0B46BAE4691AD39A698146E865".decode("hex")
arm64_ctr = "7A307ED7F1ECC792F0E821ECD6999853".decode("hex")
arm64_off = 0x53BAE0
arm64_size = 0x36370
arm64_base = 0x80FFFE00
fb_key = "27BABEE3DCFEF100C744A2388B57E957".decode("hex")
fb_ctr = "0B88AC25AFAF9B92D81372331AD66E24".decode("hex")
fb_off = 0x17BAE0
fb_size = 0x3C0000
fb_base = 0xF0000000
data_key = "8D6FEABE0F3936145A474D3F05D33679".decode("hex")
data_ctr = "2846EFA9DACB065C51C71C154F0E9EA2".decode("hex")
data_off = 0x5F50
data_size = 0x175B90
data_base = 0x80000000
with open("stage2_{0:08X}.bin".format(s2_base), "wb") as f:
f.write(aes_ctr_dec(b[0x100:0x100+s2_size], s2_key, s2_ctr))
with open("arm64_{0:08X}.bin".format(arm64_base), "wb") as f:
f.write(aes_ctr_dec(b[arm64_off:arm64_off+arm64_size], arm64_key, arm64_ctr))
with open("fb_{0:08X}.bin".format(fb_base), "wb") as f:
f.write(aes_ctr_dec(b[fb_off:fb_off+fb_size], fb_key, fb_ctr))
with open("data_{0:08X}.bin".format(data_base), "wb") as f:
f.write(aes_ctr_dec(b[data_off:data_off+data_size], data_key, data_ctr))
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Luro02 commented Jun 21, 2018

you missed one at the beginning and when using the contextmanager the file gets closed automatically, so the f.close() statement is redundant...

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Thank you. My Python is a little rusty, so I kind of expected to mess even more up.

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