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Created November 17, 2019 02:56
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Organya Player
#include <cstdio>
#include <cstring>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <vector>
#include <cmath>
#include <map>
/* Written by Joel Yliluoma -- */
/* NX-Engine source code was used as reference. */
/* Cave Story and its music were written by Pixel ( 天谷 大輔 ) */
//========= PART 0 : INPUT/OUTPUT AND UTILITY ========//
using std::fgetc;
int fgetw(FILE* fp) { int a = fgetc(fp), b = fgetc(fp); return (b<<8) + a; }
int fgetd(FILE* fp) { int a = fgetw(fp), b = fgetw(fp); return (b<<16) + a; }
double fgetv(FILE* fp) // Load a numeric value from text file; one per line.
char Buf[4096], *p=Buf; Buf[4095]='\0';
if(!std::fgets(Buf, sizeof(Buf)-1, fp)) return 0.0;
// Ignore empty lines. If the line was empty, try next line.
if(!Buf[0] || Buf[0]=='\r' || Buf[0]=='\n') return fgetv(fp);
while(*p && *p++ != ':') {} // Skip until a colon character.
return std::strtod(p, 0); // Parse the value and return it.
//========= PART 1 : SOUND EFFECT PLAYER (PXT) ========//
static signed char Waveforms[6][256];
void GenerateWaveforms()
/* Six simple waveforms are used as basis for the signal generators in PXT: */
for(unsigned seed=0, i=0; i<256; ++i)
/* These waveforms are bit-exact with PixTone v1.0.3. */
seed = (seed * 214013) + 2531011; // Linear congruential generator
Waveforms[0][i] = 0x40 * std::sin(i * 3.1416 / 0x80); // Sine
Waveforms[1][i] = ((0x40+i) & 0x80) ? 0x80-i : i; // Triangle
Waveforms[2][i] = -0x40 + i/2; // Sawtooth up
Waveforms[3][i] = 0x40 - i/2; // Sawtooth down
Waveforms[4][i] = 0x40 - (i & 0x80); // Square
Waveforms[5][i] = (signed char)(seed >> 16) / 2; // Pseudorandom
struct Pxt
struct Channel
bool enabled;
int nsamples;
// Waveform generator
struct Wave
const signed char* wave;
double pitch;
int level, offset;
Wave carrier; // The main signal to be generated.
Wave frequency; // Modulator to the main signal.
Wave amplitude; // Modulator to the main signal.
// Envelope generator (controls the overall amplitude)
struct Env
int initial; // initial value (0-63)
struct { int time, val; } p[3]; // time offset & value, three of them
int Evaluate(int i) const // Linearly interpolate between the key points:
int prevval = initial, prevtime=0;
int nextval = 0, nexttime=256;
for(int j=2; j>=0; --j) if(i < p[j].time) { nexttime=p[j].time; nextval=p[j].val; }
for(int j=0; j<=2; ++j) if(i >=p[j].time) { prevtime=p[j].time; prevval=p[j].val; }
if(nexttime <= prevtime) return prevval;
return (i-prevtime) * (nextval-prevval) / (nexttime-prevtime) + prevval;
} envelope;
// Synthesize the sound effect.
std::vector<int> Synth()
if(!enabled) return {};
std::vector<int> result(nsamples);
auto& c = carrier, &f = frequency, &a = amplitude;
double mainpos = c.offset, maindelta = 256*c.pitch/nsamples;
for(size_t i=0; i<result.size(); ++i)
auto s = [=](double p=1) { return 256*p*i/nsamples; };
// Take sample from each of the three signal generators:
int freqval = f.wave[0xFF & int(f.offset + s(f.pitch))] * f.level;
int ampval = a.wave[0xFF & int(a.offset + s(a.pitch))] * a.level;
int mainval = c.wave[0xFF & int(mainpos) ] * c.level;
// Apply amplitude & envelope to the main signal level:
result[i] = mainval * (ampval+4096) / 4096 * envelope.Evaluate(s()) / 4096;
// Apply frequency modulation to maindelta:
mainpos += maindelta * (1 + (freqval / (freqval<0 ? 8192. : 2048.)));
return result;
} channels[4]; /* Four parallel FM-AM modulators with envelope generators. */
void Load(FILE* fp) // Load PXT file from disk and initialize synthesizer.
/* C++11 simplifies things by a great deal. */
/* This function would be a lot more complex without it. */
auto f = [=](){ return (int) fgetv(fp); };
for(auto&c: channels)
c = { f() != 0, f(), // enabled, length
{ Waveforms[f()%6], fgetv(fp), f(), f() }, // carrier wave
{ Waveforms[f()%6], fgetv(fp), f(), f() }, // frequency wave
{ Waveforms[f()%6], fgetv(fp), f(), f() }, // amplitude wave
{ f(), { {f(),f()}, {f(),f()}, {f(),f()} } } // envelope
//========= PART 2 : SONG PLAYER (ORG) ========//
/* Note: Requires PXT synthesis for percussion (drums). */
static short WaveTable[100*256];
static std::vector<short> DrumSamples[12];
void LoadWaveTable()
FILE* fp = std::fopen("data/wavetable.dat", "rb");
if(!fp) { std::perror("data/wavetable.dat"); return; }
for(size_t a=0; a<100*256; ++a)
WaveTable[a] = (signed char) fgetc(fp);
void LoadDrums()
/* List of PXT files containing these percussion instruments: */
static const int patch[] = {0x96,0,0x97,0, 0x9a,0x98,0x99,0, 0x9b,0,0,0};
for(unsigned drumno=0; drumno<12; ++drumno)
if(!patch[drumno]) continue; // Leave that non-existed drum file unloaded
// Load the drum parameters
char Buf[64];
std::sprintf(Buf, "data/fx%02x.pxt", patch[drumno]);
FILE* fp = std::fopen(Buf, "rb");
if(!fp) { std::perror(Buf); continue; }
Pxt d;
// Synthesize and mix the drum's component channels
auto& sample = DrumSamples[drumno];
for(auto& c: d.channels)
auto buf = c.Synth();
if(buf.size() > sample.size()) sample.resize(buf.size());
for(size_t a=0; a<buf.size(); ++a)
sample[a] += buf[a];
#ifdef __WIN32__
# include <windows.h>
# include <mmsystem.h>
# include <mmreg.h>
namespace WindowsAudio
static const unsigned BUFFER_COUNT = 16;
static const unsigned BUFFER_SIZE = 32768;
static HWAVEOUT hWaveOut;
static WAVEHDR headers[BUFFER_COUNT];
static volatile unsigned buf_read=0, buf_write=0;
if(msg == WOM_DONE)
buf_read = (buf_read+1) % BUFFER_COUNT;
static void Open(const int rate, const int channels, const int bits)
MMRESULT result;
//fill waveformatex
memset(&wformat, 0, sizeof(wformat));
wformat.nChannels = channels;
wformat.nSamplesPerSec = rate;
wformat.wFormatTag = WAVE_FORMAT_IEEE_FLOAT;
wformat.wBitsPerSample = bits;
wformat.nBlockAlign = wformat.nChannels * (wformat.wBitsPerSample >> 3);
wformat.nAvgBytesPerSec = wformat.nSamplesPerSec * wformat.nBlockAlign;
//open sound device
//WAVE_MAPPER always points to the default wave device on the system
result = waveOutOpen
if(result == WAVERR_BADFORMAT)
fprintf(stderr, "ao_win32: format not supported\n");
if(result != MMSYSERR_NOERROR)
fprintf(stderr, "ao_win32: unable to open wave mapper device\n");
char* buffer = new char[BUFFER_COUNT*BUFFER_SIZE];
std::memset(buffer, 0,BUFFER_COUNT*BUFFER_SIZE);
for(unsigned a=0; a<BUFFER_COUNT; ++a)
headers[a].lpData = buffer + a*BUFFER_SIZE;
static void Close()
static void Write(const unsigned char* Buf, unsigned len)
static std::vector<unsigned char> cache;
size_t cache_reduction = 0;
if(0&&len < BUFFER_SIZE&&cache.size()+len<=BUFFER_SIZE)
cache.insert(cache.end(), Buf, Buf+len);
Buf = &cache[0];
len = cache.size();
if(len < BUFFER_SIZE/2)
cache_reduction = cache.size();
while(len > 0)
unsigned buf_next = (buf_write+1) % BUFFER_COUNT;
WAVEHDR* Work = &headers[buf_write];
while(buf_next == buf_read)
/* Wait until at least one of the buffers is free */
unsigned npending = (buf_write + BUFFER_COUNT - buf_read) % BUFFER_COUNT;
//unprepare the header if it is prepared
if(Work->dwFlags & WHDR_PREPARED) waveOutUnprepareHeader(hWaveOut, Work, sizeof(WAVEHDR));
unsigned x = BUFFER_SIZE; if(x > len) x = len;
std::memcpy(Work->lpData, Buf, x);
Buf += x; len -= x;
//prepare the header and write to device
Work->dwBufferLength = x;
{int err=waveOutPrepareHeader(hWaveOut, Work, sizeof(WAVEHDR));
if(err != MMSYSERR_NOERROR) fprintf(stderr, "waveOutPrepareHeader: %d\n", err);}
{int err=waveOutWrite(hWaveOut, Work, sizeof(WAVEHDR));
if(err != MMSYSERR_NOERROR) fprintf(stderr, "waveOutWrite: %d\n", err);}
buf_write = buf_next;
// buf_read=(buf_read+1)%BUFFER_COUNT; // Simulate a read
cache.erase(cache.begin(), cache.begin()+cache_reduction);
struct Song
int ms_per_beat, samples_per_beat, loop_start, loop_end;
struct Ins
int tuning, wave;
bool pi; // true=all notes play for exactly 1024 samples.
std::size_t n_events;
struct Event { int note, length, volume, panning; };
std::map<int/*beat*/, Event> events;
// Volatile data, used & changed during playback:
double phaseacc, phaseinc, cur_vol;
int cur_pan, cur_length, cur_wavesize;
const short* cur_wave;
} ins[16];
void Load(const char* fn)
FILE* fp = std::fopen(fn, "rb");
for(int i=0; i<6; ++i) fgetc(fp); // Ignore file signature ("Org-02")
// Load song parameters
ms_per_beat = fgetw(fp);
/*steps_per_bar =*/fgetc(fp); // irrelevant
/*beats_per_step=*/fgetc(fp); // irrelevant
loop_start = fgetd(fp);
loop_end = fgetd(fp);
// Load each instrument parameters (and initialize them)
for(auto& i: ins)
i = { fgetw(fp), fgetc(fp), fgetc(fp)!=0, fgetw(fp),
{}, 0,0,0,0,0,0,0 };
// Load events for each instrument
for(auto& i: ins)
std::vector<std::pair<int,Ins::Event>> events( i.n_events );
for(auto& n: events) n.first = fgetd(fp);
for(auto& n: events) n.second.note = fgetc(fp);
for(auto& n: events) n.second.length = fgetc(fp);
for(auto& n: events) n.second.volume = fgetc(fp);
for(auto& n: events) n.second.panning = fgetc(fp);, events.end());
void Synth(unsigned sampling_rate, FILE* output)
#ifdef __WIN32__
WindowsAudio::Open(48000, 2, 32);
// Determine playback settings:
double samples_per_millisecond = sampling_rate * 1e-3, master_volume = 4e-6;
int samples_per_beat = ms_per_beat * samples_per_millisecond; // rounded.
// Begin synthesis
int cur_beat = 0, total_beats=0;
for(;; ++cur_beat)
if(cur_beat == loop_end) cur_beat = loop_start;
fprintf(stderr, "[%d (%g seconds)] \r",
cur_beat, total_beats++*samples_per_beat/double(sampling_rate));
// Synthesize this beat in stereo sound (two channels).
std::vector<float> result( samples_per_beat * 2, 0.f );
for(auto &i: ins)
// Check if there is an event for this beat
auto j =;
if(j !=
auto& event = j->second;
if(event.volume != 255) i.cur_vol = event.volume * master_volume;
if(event.panning != 255) i.cur_pan = event.panning;
if(event.note != 255)
// Calculate the note's wave data sampling frequency (equal temperament)
double freq = std::pow(2.0, (event.note + i.tuning/1000.0 + 155.376) / 12);
// Note: 155.376 comes from:
// 12*log(256*440)/log(2) - (4*12-3-1) So that note 4*12-3 plays at 440 Hz.
// Note: Optimizes into
// pow(2, (note+155.376 + tuning/1000.0) / 12.0)
// 2^(155.376/12) * exp( (note + tuning/1000.0)*log(2)/12 )
// i.e. 7901.988*exp(0.057762265*(note + tuning*1e-3))
i.phaseinc = freq / sampling_rate;
i.phaseacc = 0;
// And determine the actual wave data to play
i.cur_wave = &WaveTable[256 * (i.wave % 100)];
i.cur_wavesize = 256;
i.cur_length = i.pi ? 1024/i.phaseinc : (event.length * samples_per_beat);
if(&i >= &ins[8]) // Percussion is different
const auto& d = DrumSamples[i.wave % 12];
i.phaseinc = event.note * (22050/32.5) / sampling_rate; // Linear frequency
i.cur_wave = &d[0];
i.cur_wavesize = d.size();
i.cur_length = d.size() / i.phaseinc;
// Ignore missing drum samples
if(i.cur_wavesize <= 0) i.cur_length = 0;
// Generate wave data. Calculate left & right volumes...
auto left = (i.cur_pan > 6 ? 12 - i.cur_pan : 6) * i.cur_vol;
auto right = (i.cur_pan < 6 ? i.cur_pan : 6) * i.cur_vol;
int n = samples_per_beat > i.cur_length ? i.cur_length : samples_per_beat;
for(int p=0; p<n; ++p)
double pos = i.phaseacc;
// Take a sample from the wave data.
/* We could do simply this: */
//int sample = i.cur_wave[ unsigned(pos) % i.cur_wavesize ];
/* But since we have plenty of time, use neat Lanczos filtering. */
/* This improves especially the low rumble noises substantially. */
enum { radius = 2 };
auto lanczos = [](double d) -> double
if(d == 0.) return 1.;
if(std::fabs(d) > radius) return 0.;
double dr = (d *= 3.14159265) / radius;
return std::sin(d) * std::sin(dr) / (d*dr);
double scale = 1/i.phaseinc > 1 ? 1 : 1/i.phaseinc, density = 0, sample = 0;
int min = -radius/scale + pos - 0.5;
int max = radius/scale + pos + 0.5;
for(int m=min; m<max; ++m) // Collect a weighted average.
double factor = lanczos( (m-pos+0.5) * scale );
density += factor;
sample += i.cur_wave[m<0 ? 0 : m%i.cur_wavesize] * factor;
if(density > 0.) sample /= density; // Normalize
// Save audio in float32 format:
result[p*2 + 0] += sample * left;
result[p*2 + 1] += sample * right;
i.phaseacc += i.phaseinc;
i.cur_length -= n;
#ifdef __WIN32__
WindowsAudio::Write( (const unsigned char*) &result[0], 4*result.size());
std::fwrite(&result[0], 4, result.size(), output);
} song;
int main(int argc, char** argv) /* どうくつ ものがたり */
FILE* fp = popen("aplay -fdat -fFLOAT_LE", "w"); /* Send audio to aplay */
song.Synth(48000, fp); // Play audio
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