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Created February 28, 2016 21:23
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request = require 'request'
crypto = require 'crypto'
querystring = require 'querystring'
class Freezer
constructor: (data) ->
@coinWallet = data.coinWallet
@wallets = {
BTC : data.BTC
NBT : data.NBT
doRequest : (form,cb)->
form.nonce = new Date().getTime()
query = querystring.stringify form
hash = crypto.createHmac('sha512', @coinWallet.private).update(query).digest('hex')
options = {
method : "POST"
url : ''
headers : {
Key : @coinWallet.public
Sign : hash
form : form
request options, (err,data,body)->
if err
cb err,null
cb null, JSON.parse body
# Get coinwallet coin Data from code
getCoin : (code,cb)->
form = {
method : 'getcurrencies'
@doRequest form, (err,data)->
throw err if err
cb data.response.filter((e)-> e.code is code)[0]
# Your wallet balance
getBalance : (code,cb)-> @getCoin code,(coin)=>
form = {
method : 'getbalance'
currency_id :
@doRequest form, (err,data)->
throw err if err
cb data.response
# Send Coins to other wallet
send : (code,address,value,cb)-> @getCoin code,(coin)=>
console.log coin
form = {
method : 'sendpayment'
currency_id :
target_address : address
send_value : value
@doRequest form, (err,data)->
cb data
# Request shapeshift transaction
getPassport : (payload,cb)->
returnAddress = @wallets[payload.from]
withdrawal = @wallets[]
pair = "#{payload.from.toLowerCase()}_#{}" '', { form:{
returnAddress : returnAddress
withdrawal : withdrawal
pair : pair
}}, (err,data,body)->
throw err if err
cb JSON.parse body
# Freeze BTC into NBT
freeze : (ammount)->
_getAmmount = (cb) =>
if !ammount?
@getBalance 'BTC', (balance)->
cb balance.balance
cb ammount
_getAmmount (ammount)=>
@getPassport {from:'BTC',to:'NBT'}, (passport)=>
@send 'BTC',passport.deposit,ammount,(data)->
console.log data
# Thaw
thaw : (ammount)->
_getAmmount = (cb) =>
if !ammount?
@getBalance 'NBT', (balance)->
cb balance.balance
cb ammount
_getAmmount (ammount)=>
@getPassport {from:'NBT',to:'BTC'}, (passport)=>
@send 'NBT',passport.deposit,ammount,(data)->
console.log data
cons =
coinWallet : {
"public" : "CoinWallet Public",
"private" : "CoinWallet Private"
freezer = new Freezer cons
freezer.freeze 0.0002
freezer.thaw 0.0002
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