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Last active April 17, 2024 06:30
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HasUuid Trait for Laravel

HasUuid Trait for Laravel


This trait his heavily inspired by and based on the following implementations of UUID generation traits:


The purpose of this trait is to add a lightweight easy way to make use of UUIDs in Laravel applications without the need to manually specify their creation or search. Features include:

  • Automagically generates UUIDs for models when they are being created
  • In development and testing environments it will create semi-readable UUID's; prefixing the UUID with the model's name. This can be useful when evaluating raw model data or URLs that feature multiple UUIDs from different models.
  • Can be set to create "time ordered" UUIDs, which provides a similar benefit to incrementing integer IDs without the security/ambiguity risk


Add the hasUuid trait to your model:

  use HasUuid;

By default, UUIDs will automatically be generated for any model that has a field called 'uuid'.
To use a custom field name is different, you need to specify the following property:

* Custom UUID field name
* @var string
protected uuidFieldName = 'uuid_fieldname';

To use a UUID as a primary key, make sure the model has the following properties specified:


* Indicates if the IDs are auto-incrementing.
* @var bool
public $incrementing = false;

* The primary key's datatype.
* @var string
protected $keyType = 'string';

* The ID field is a UUID
* @var bool
protected bool $primaryKeyIsUuid = true;

Known issues

  • On PostgreSQL databases, this trait can throw errors in non-production environments as PostgreSQL doesn't support underscores in it's UUID column type. As a workaround/fix, it was replaced with the dash (on line 80). However this resolution has not been fully tested yet.
namespace App\Traits;
use Illuminate\Support\Str;
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\App;
trait HasUuid
* This trait his heavily inspired by and based on the following implementations of UUID generation traits:
* Laravel-UUID:
* UuidModel Trait:
* The mysterious “Ordered UUID” by
* Italo Baeza Cabrera:
public static function boot()
* Listens for a model creation event and generates a UUID for the desired UUID column
static::creating(function ($model) {
$uuidFieldName = $model->getUuidFieldName();
$useTimeOrderedUuid = $model->getUseTimeOrderedUuid();
if (empty($model->{$uuidFieldName})) {
if (App::environment(['local', 'testing'])) {
$model->{$uuidFieldName} = static::generateReadableUuidForTesting($model);
} else {
$model->{$uuidFieldName} = ($useTimeOrderedUuid) ?
* Listens for a model saving event to prevent a UUID from being changed.
static::saving(function ($model) {
$uuidFieldName = $model->getUuidFieldName();
$originalUuid = $model->getOriginal($uuidFieldName);
if (!empty($originalUuid)) {
if ($originalUuid !== $model->{$uuidFieldName}) {
$model->{$uuidFieldName} = $originalUuid;
Log::warning('Attempt to change existing UUID blocked');
* Static call to search for a record via the UUID
* @param $uuid
* @return mixed
public static function findByUuid($uuid)
return static::byUuid($uuid)->first();
* Generates a test UUID with the model name as a prefix for easy distinction when testing
* @param $model
* @return string
public static function generateReadableUuidForTesting($model): string
$className = strtolower(class_basename($model)) . '-';
$numToRemove = strlen($className);
$remaining = (36 - (int) $numToRemove);
return $className . Str::substr(static::generateUuid(), $numToRemove, $remaining);
* Generates a "Time Ordered" UUID which is generated in conjunction with the server timestamp. Less unique, but
* useful if ordering by time is important
* @return string
public static function generateTimeOrderedUuid(): string
return (string) Str::orderedUuid();
* Generates a standard version 4 UUID
* @return string
public static function generateUuid(): string
return (string) Str::uuid();
* Checks to see if "Time Ordered" UUIDs have been specified
* @return bool
public function getUseTimeOrderedUuid(): bool
if ($this->useTimeOrderedUuid) {
return true;
return false;
* Check to see if a specific column name has been specified for the UUID
* @return string
public function getUuidFieldName(): string
if ($this->primaryKeyIsUuid) {
return $this->getKeyName();
if (!empty($this->uuidFieldName)) {
return $this->uuidFieldName;
return 'uuid';
* Scoping method to search for a record via the UUID
* @param $query
* @param $uuid
* @return mixed
public function scopeByUuid($query, $uuid)
return $query->where($this->getUuidFieldName(), $uuid);
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@LiamKarlMitchell @alexrafuse Nicely spotted guys, thanks for your input and feedback.

Finally got a chance to look into the problem and (long story short), I've realised that when you define uuid as the column type in migrations, Laravel creates a CHAR field for MySQL (which is why it accepts anything), but a an actual UUID column type for PostgreSQL - and that appears to store its UUIDs as bigInt. This being the case (and model names including more letters than hexadecimal has) it gives out a bigInt error when trying to write it as a string.

My current idea is to try and generate a predictable hex prefix that can be used in a similar way to the model name prefix currently working on MySQL but the alternative solutions I've tried so far don't work yet. Will update again when I have something but will probably add a property in the next day or so to just disable the custom uuid in the meantime.

Thanks again for the feedback

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