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Created March 11, 2016 14:52
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  • Save ZeroGraviti/60fd6ac5f6409926a350 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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core.clj used in cqrs-server for issue#
(ns cqrs-server.core
[datomic.api :as d]
[datomic-schema.schema :as ds :refer [schema fields part]]
[taoensso.faraday :as far]
[clojure.core.async :as a]
[ :as fressian]
[clj-kafka.producer :as kp]
[clj-kafka.consumer.zk :as zk]
[clj-kafka.core :as k]
[schema.core :as s]
[onyx.queue.hornetq-utils :as hq-utils]
[onyx.peer.task-lifecycle-extensions :as l-ext]
[cqrs-server.cqrs :as cqrs]
[cqrs-server.module :as module])
;; Start local dynamodb - download from:
;; > java -Djava.library.path=./DynamoDBLocal_lib -jar DynamoDBLocal.jar
;; Download Kafka:
;; Unzip somewhere and in the root run both:
;; > bin/ config/
;; > bin/ config/
;; In the cqrs-server project :
;; > lein repl
;; => (start)
;; "Setup complete"
;; => (send-command :user/register {:name "Bob" :age 31})
;; nil
;; => (d/q '[:find [?e ...] :where [?e :user/name]] (d/db (d/connect datomic-uri)))
;; [17592186045422]
;; => (map #(d/touch (d/entity (d/db (d/connect datomic-uri)) %)) *1)
;; ({:base/uuid #uuid "54d8fc2e-6c1f-4fb6-93f9-bef9536a9f7d", :user/age 31, :user/name "Bob", :db/id 17592186045422})
;; => (send-command :user/update-email {:uuid #uuid "54d8fc2e-6c1f-4fb6-93f9-bef9536a9f7d" :email ""})
;; => (send-command :user/disabled {:uuid #uuid "54d8fc2e-6c1f-4fb6-93f9-bef9536a9f7d"})
;; => (map #(d/touch (d/entity (d/db (d/connect datomic-uri)) %)) (d/q '[:find [?e ...] :where [?e :user/name]] (d/db (d/connect datomic-uri))))
;; ({:base/uuid #uuid "54d90a89-0880-4f30-bb34-42f29ceb1095", :user/age 31, :user/email "", :user/name "Bob", :user/status :user.status/disabled, :db/id 17592186045422})
;; => (send-command :user/pageview {:uuid #uuid "54d90a89-0880-4f30-bb34-42f29ceb1095" :url "" :render-time 230})
;; => (send-command :user/pageview {:uuid #uuid "54d90a89-0880-4f30-bb34-42f29ceb1095" :url "" :render-time 212})
;; => (send-command :user/pageview {:uuid #uuid "54d90a89-0880-4f30-bb34-42f29ceb1095" :url "" :render-time 182})
;; => (map #(d/touch (d/entity (d/db (d/connect datomic-uri)) %)) (d/q '[:find [?e ...] :where [?e :user/name]] (d/db (d/connect datomic-uri))))
;; ({:base/uuid #uuid "54d90a89-0880-4f30-bb34-42f29ceb1095", :user/age 31, :user/email "", :user/name "Bob", :user/status :user.status/disabled, :user/viewcount 3, :db/id 17592186045422})
;; => (far/scan dynamodb-cred :events)
;; [{:date 1423510307575N, :data #<byte[] ...>, :basis-t 1008N, :id "86439637-8f1e-5170-9b23-824486e3506a", :type "user/pageviewed"} {:date 1423510178427N, :data #<byte[] ...>, :basis-t 1005N, :id "c67ccc74-c71c-5578-80ad-924c470f052f", :type "user/email-updated"} {:date 1423510316827N, :data #<byte[] ...>, :basis-t 1010N, :id "08316c9b-3fcd-5a9f-b095-4bf0c1a61a05", :type "user/pageviewed"} {:date 1423510210618N, :data #<byte[] ...>, :basis-t 1007N, :id "46ac00c9-bd7d-5903-91e0-af56d28ef751", :type "user/disabled"} {:date 1423510153513N, :data #<byte[] ...>, :basis-t 1000N, :id "be856c9c-0bf8-5ccc-bec1-bfa0f5a7e983", :type "user/registered"} {:date 1423510312463N, :data #<byte[] ...>, :basis-t 1009N, :id "5c2eb804-1016-5fa3-a868-c01b515f980d", :type "user/pageviewed"}]
(defn dynamodb-setup [cred]
(far/delete-table cred :events)
(catch Exception e nil))
cred :events
[:id :s]
{:range-keydef [:date :n]
:gsindexes [{:name :event-idx :hash-keydef [:type :s] :range-keydef [:date :n] :projection :all :throughput {:read 1 :write 1}}]
:throughput {:read 1 :write 1}
:block? true}))
(def dynamodb-cred
{:access-key "aws-access-key"
:secret-key "aws-secret-key"
:endpoint "http://localhost:8000"})
(def kafka-producer
{"" ""
"serializer.class" "kafka.serializer.DefaultEncoder"
"partitioner.class" "kafka.producer.DefaultPartitioner"}))
(def onyxid (java.util.UUID/randomUUID))
(def datomic-uri "datomic:mem://cqrs")
(def command-queue (str "command-queue"))
(def event-queue (str "event-queue"))
(def hornet {:host "localhost" :port 5465})
(def zookeeper {:address ""})
(def scheduler :onyx.job-scheduler/round-robin)
(def env-config
{:hornetq/mode :standalone
:hornetq/server? true
:hornetq.server/type :embedded
:hornetq.embedded/config ["hornetq/non-clustered-1.xml"]
:hornetq.standalone/host (:host hornet)
:hornetq.standalone/port (:port hornet)
:zookeeper/address (:address zookeeper)
:onyx/id onyxid
:onyx.peer/job-scheduler scheduler})
(def peer-config
{:hornetq/mode :standalone
:hornetq.standalone/host (:host hornet)
:hornetq.standalone/port (:port hornet)
:zookeeper/address (:address zookeeper)
:onyx/id onyxid
:onyx.peer/inbox-capacity 1000
:onyx.peer/outbox-capacity 1000
:onyx.peer/job-scheduler scheduler})
(def catalog
{:ctx {:dburi datomic-uri}
{:onyx/ident :kafka/read-messages
:onyx/medium :kafka
:onyx/consumption :concurrent
:kafka/topic command-queue
:kafka/zookeeper (:address zookeeper)
:kafka/group-id "onyx-consumer"
:kafka/offset-reset "smallest"
:onyx/batch-size 1
:onyx/doc "Reads messages from a Kafka topic"}
{:onyx/ident :kafka/write-messages
:onyx/medium :kafka
:onyx/consumption :concurrent
:kafka/topic event-queue
:kafka/brokers ""
:kafka/serializer-class "kafka.serializer.DefaultEncoder"
:kafka/partitioner-class "kafka.producer.DefaultPartitioner"
:onyx/batch-size 1
:onyx/doc "Writes messages to a Kafka topic"}
{:onyx/ident :kafka/read-messages
:onyx/medium :kafka
:onyx/consumption :concurrent
:kafka/topic event-queue
:kafka/zookeeper (:address zookeeper)
:kafka/group-id "onyx-consumer"
:kafka/offset-reset "smallest"
:onyx/batch-size 1
:onyx/doc "Writes messages to a Kafka topic"}
{:onyx/ident :dynamodb/commit-tx
:onyx/type :output
:onyx/medium :dynamodb
:onyx/consumption :concurrent
:dynamodb/table :events
:dynamodb/config dynamodb-cred
:onyx/batch-size 20
:onyx/doc "Transacts segments to dynamodb"}
{:onyx/ident :datomic/commit-tx
:onyx/type :output
:onyx/medium :datomic-tx
:onyx/consumption :concurrent
:datomic/uri datomic-uri
:onyx/batch-size 1000
:onyx/doc "Transacts segments to storage"}}))
(defonce env (atom nil))
(defonce peers (atom nil))
(defonce jobs (atom []))
;; === Test implementation
(def db-schema
[uuid :uuid :unique-identity]))]
(defn command [type data]
(cqrs/command (d/basis-t (d/db (d/connect datomic-uri))) type data))
(defn process-command [command]
(kp/message command-queue)
(kp/send-message kafka-producer)))
(defn send-command [type data]
(command type data)
(defn start []
(dynamodb-setup dynamodb-cred)
(reset! cqrs/datomic-uri datomic-uri)
(d/create-database datomic-uri)
(d/transact (d/connect datomic-uri) (ds/generate-schema d/tempid db-schema))
(reset! env (onyx.api/start-env env-config))
(reset! peers (onyx.api/start-peers! 20 peer-config))
(swap! jobs conj (onyx.api/submit-job peer-config {:catalog catalog :workflow cqrs/command-workflow :task-scheduler :onyx.task-scheduler/round-robin}))
"Setup complete")
(defn stop []
(doseq [j @jobs] (onyx.api/kill-job peer-config j))
(reset! jobs [])
(doseq [v-peer @peers]
(onyx.api/shutdown-peer v-peer))
(reset! peers nil)
(onyx.api/shutdown-env @env)
(reset! env nil))
;; Quickly try out some throughput..
(defn push-users [n]
(doseq [c (take n (repeatedly (fn [] (cqrs/command :user/create {:user/name (str (java.util.UUID/randomUUID)) :user/age (int (rand 90))}))))]
(kp/send-message kafka-producer (kp/message command-queue (.array (fressian/write c))))))
(def config
{"zookeeper.connect" ""
"" "onyx-consumer"
"auto.offset.reset" "smallest"
"auto.commit.enable" "false"})
(defn readq [queue]
(k/with-resource [c (zk/consumer config)]
(println (take 10 (map fressian/read (map :value (zk/messages c queue)))))))
(defn main- [& args]
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