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Created March 11, 2016 14:55
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  • Save ZeroGraviti/c5cf9f2697fb19248dcf to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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cqrs.clj used in cqrs-server for issue#
(ns cqrs-server.cqrs
[cqrs-server.util :as util :refer [defdbfn]]
[clojure.core.async :as a]
[onyx.peer.task-lifecycle-extensions :as l-ext]
[datomic.api :as d]
[datomic-schema.schema :refer [schema fields]]
[taoensso.timbre :as log]
[schema.core :as s]
[schema.coerce :as coerce]
[clj-uuid :as u]
[ :as fressian]))
;; Not the prettiest, but will clean this up down the line.
(def datomic-uri (atom nil))
(defn command-db [{:keys [basis-t]}]
(let [db (d/db (d/connect @datomic-uri))]
(if basis-t (d/as-of db basis-t) basis-t)))
(defmulti aggregate-event (fn [{:keys [type] :as event}] type))
(defmethod aggregate-event :default [_] [])
(defn aggregate-event* [e]
(log/info "Aggregating" e)
(let [r (aggregate-event e)
_ (log/info "transacting: " r)
t @(d/transact (d/connect @datomic-uri) [[:idempotent-tx (java.util.UUID/fromString (str (:id e))) r]])]
[{:eventid (:id e)
:basis-t (d/basis-t (:db-after t))}]))
(defdbfn idempotent-tx [db eid tx]
(if-not (datomic.api/entity db [:event/uuid eid])
(concat [[:db/add (datomic.api/tempid :db.part/tx) :event/uuid eid]] tx) []))
(defdbfn add [db entid attr value]
(let [ent (datomic.api/entity db entid)]
(if ent
[{:db/id entid attr (+ (or (get ent attr) 0) value)}] [])))
(def db-schema
[(:tx (meta idempotent-tx))
(:tx (meta add))
[uuid :uuid :unique-identity]))])
(defmulti command-coerce (fn [{:keys [type] :as command}] type))
(defmethod command-coerce :default [_] [])
(defn command-coerce* [c]
(log/info "Coercing: " c)
(let [coerce (command-coerce c)]
(if (:error coerce)
(throw (RuntimeException. (str (:error coerce))))
(defn install-command [[type schema]]
`(let [coercer# (coerce/coercer (assoc ~schema s/Any s/Any) coerce/string-coercion-matcher)]
(defmethod command-coerce ~type [c#]
(coercer# (:data c#)))))
(defmacro install-commands [commands]
(concat [(symbol "do")] (map install-command commands)))
(defmulti process-command (fn [{:keys [type] :as command}] type))
(defmethod process-command :default [_] [])
(defn process-command* [command]
(log/info "Processing Command: " command)
(process-command command))
(defn prepare-store [e]
(log/info "Preparing for storage: " e)
(assoc e :id (str (:id e)) :data (.array (fressian/write (:data e)))))
(defn error [msg]
(throw (RuntimeException. (str msg))))
(defn command [basis-t type msg]
{:basis-t basis-t
:type type
:id (str (java.util.UUID/randomUUID))
:data msg})
(defn event [command segment n [type msg]]
{:id (u/v5 u/+namespace-oid+ (str (:id command) ":" n "/" segment))
:date (.getTime (java.util.Date.))
:type type
:basis-t (:basis-t command)
:data msg})
(defn events [command segment msgs]
(map (partial event command segment) (range) msgs))
(def command-workflow
[[:command/in-queue :command/coerce]
[:command/coerce :command/process]
[:command/process :event/out-queue]
[:event/in-queue :event/prepare-store]
[:event/prepare-store :event/store]
[:event/in-queue :event/aggregator]
[:event/aggregator :event/aggregate-out]])
(defn catalog [{:keys [command-queue in-event-queue out-event-queue event-store aggregate-store aggregate-out]}]
:onyx/name :command/in-queue
:onyx/type :input)
{:onyx/name :command/coerce
:onyx/type :function
:onyx/fn :cqrs-server.cqrs/command-coerce*
:onyx/consumption :concurrent
:onyx/batch-size 1}
{:onyx/name :command/process
:onyx/type :function
:onyx/fn :cqrs-server.cqrs/process-command*
:onyx/consumption :concurrent
:onyx/batch-size 1}
:onyx/name :event/out-queue
:onyx/type :output)
:onyx/name :event/in-queue
:onyx/type :input)
{:onyx/name :event/prepare-store
:onyx/type :function
:onyx/fn :cqrs-server.cqrs/prepare-store
:onyx/consumption :concurrent
:onyx/batch-size 1}
:onyx/name :event/store
:onyx/type :output)
{:onyx/name :event/aggregator
:onyx/type :function
:onyx/fn :cqrs-server.cqrs/aggregate-event*
:onyx/consumption :concurrent
:onyx/batch-size 1}
:onyx/name :event/aggregate-out
:onyx/type :output)])
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