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Last active July 31, 2020 09:53
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Save ZeroThe2nd/f3fbf145e189f5c7c61b26842d25288a to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
'use strict'
const fs = require('fs')
const path = require('path')
* /!\ WARNING /!\
* The following plugin can be considered a disdgusting hack
* and some of you might find this an NSFW-way to fix the problem
* @typedef {import('webpack/lib/Compiler')} Compiler
* @typedef {import("webpack").Plugin} Plugin
* ##Forgive me source code, for I have sinned
* This plugin applies a rather disgusting fix to undo the hard-loading of the
* vuetify stylesheets by editing the source file.
* It had to be done. I regret nothing.
* @extends Plugin
class IgnoreVuetifyStylesPlugin {
static pluginName = 'IgnoreVuetifyStylesPlugin'
removeStr = 'import "../../../src/styles/main.sass";'
filePath = 'node_modules/vuetify/lib/presets/default/index.js'
* Please leave these be, in case we only need to remove the
* css reset instead of the full stylesheet include
// removeStr = '@import \'./reset.scss\';'
// filePath = 'node_modules/vuetify/src/styles/generic/_index.scss'
// Local variables
_content = null
get handle () {
return path.resolve(process.cwd(), this.filePath)
get content () {
return this._content
set content (data) {
this._content = !(data instanceof String)
? data.toString()
: data
return this._content
* @param {Compiler} compiler
async apply (compiler) {
await compiler.hooks
.tapAsync(IgnoreVuetifyStylesPlugin.pluginName, async /** @param {Compiler} compiler */ (compiler, next) => {
try {
await this.readFile()
if (this.content.indexOf(this.removeStr) >= 0) {
await this.modFile(this.content)
} catch (e) {
await next()
* @throws {Error} When failing to open the file
* @return {String}
readFile () {
this.content = fs.readFileSync(this.handle, 'utf-8')
return this.content
* Modify the file and write it back to its original place
* @param {String} content
* @throws {NodeJS.ErrnoException} When failing to open the file.
async modFile (content) {
const writeContent = content.replace(this.removeStr, '')
await fs.writeFile(this.handle, writeContent, err => {
if (!err) {'\n\n>>> Hard-modded vuetify source file. <<<\n\n')
} else {
throw err
module.exports = IgnoreVuetifyStylesPlugin
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