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Last active November 4, 2015 11:13
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  • Save ZeronSix/39df56775b6429a1c5b4 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save ZeronSix/39df56775b6429a1c5b4 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Олимпиада 2013-2014 10 класс
with open("input.txt") as fi:
a = [int(s) for s in fi.readline().split()]
max_sum = -1
max_index = -1
for i in range(0, 3):
n = a[i] % 10 + (a[i] // 10) % 10
if n > max_sum:
max_sum = n
max_index = i
with open("output.txt", "w") as fo:
songs = []
total_len = 0
with open("input.txt") as fi:
l, n = [int(s) for s in fi.readline().split()]
for _ in range(n):
m, s = [int(x) for x in fi.readline().split()]
song_len = m * 60 + s
total_len += song_len
l %= total_len
length = 0
for i in range(0, n):
length += songs[i]
if length >= l:
with open("output.txt", "w") as fo:
fo.write(str(i + 1))
with open("tests/05") as fi:
s = fi.readline()
s = s[0:len(s)-1]
n = 0
i = 0
while i < len(s):
if s[i] == "0":
i += 8
if s[i + 1] == "1":
if s[i + 2] == "1":
if s[i + 3] == "1":
if s[i + 4] == "1":
if s[i + 5] == "1":
i += 48
i += 40
i += 32
i += 24
i += 16
n += 1
with open("output.txt", "w") as fo:
with open("input.txt") as fi:
a, b = [int(s) for s in fi.readline().split()]
x0, y0 = [int(s) for s in fi.readline().split()]
vx, vy = [int(s) for s in fi.readline().split()]
t = -1
if -a / 2 <= x0 <= a / 2 and -b / 2 <= y0 <= b / 2:
t = 0
if vx != 0:
nt = (-a / 2 - x0) / vx
if nt >= 0:
if -b / 2 <= y0 + vy * nt <= b / 2:
if nt < t or t == -1:
t = nt
nt = (a / 2 - x0) / vx
if nt >= 0:
if -b / 2 <= y0 + vy * nt <= b / 2:
if nt < t or t == -1:
t = nt
if vy != 0:
nt = (-b / 2 - y0) / vy
if nt >= 0:
if -a / 2 <= x0 + vx * nt <= a / 2:
if nt < t or t == -1:
t = nt
nt = (b / 2 - y0) / vy
if nt >= 0:
if -a / 2 <= x0 + vx * nt <= a / 2:
if nt < t or t == -1:
t = nt
with open("output.txt", "w") as fo:
import math
import sys
with open("input.txt") as fi:
n, m, s = [int(s) for s in fi.readline().split()]
b = [int(s) for s in fi.readline().split()]
l = [int(s) for s in fi.readline().split()]
d = [int(s) for s in fi.readline().split()]
if m == 0:
with open("output.txt", "w") as fo:
j = 0
paths = []
for i in range(0, n):
while j < m - 1 and abs(b[i] - l[j]) > abs(b[i] - l[j + 1]):
j += 1
x = abs(b[i] - l[j])
paths.append(math.sqrt(x ** 2 + 1000 ** 2))
k = 0
j = 0
for i in range(0, n):
while j < s and paths[i] > d[j]:
j += 1
if j < s:
k += 1
j += 1
with open("output.txt", "w") as fo:
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