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Created July 1, 2024 13:26
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Generic mouse look/action camera AutoHotkey (v2) script. As-is, it's configured to work with FFXIV.
#Requires AutoHotKey v2.0
#SingleInstance Force
SendMode "Input"
;;; Generic mouse look script, aka action camera
;;; * Should work on any game that requires you to hold down a key (such as
;;; the right mouse button) to move the camera
;;; * By default, caps lock will toggle mouse look mode on or off
;;; * When mouse look is enabled, you can press RMB to temporarily release
;;; mouse look and get your cursor back. Great for mouseover targeting!
;;; * Whenever mouse look is engaged, you can have it center the mouse cursor
;;; before it holds down the RMB.
;;; * See below if you want to reconfigure things. You might want the AHKv2
;;; docs nearby for key names, etc.
;;; - ZerothAngel
; Keybinds
MouseLook := "RButton" ; Key to hold down for mouse look. Typically right mouse button (RButton)
MouseLookToggle := "CapsLock" ; Key to toggle mouse look mode (when on, RMB is inverted)
AutoCenterToggle := "AppsKey" ; Key to toggle auto-center (auto-centering only happens right before mouse look is toggled on)
; Config
GameWindow := "ahk_class FFXIVGAME" ; How the game window is identified. Use AHK's Window Spy
AutoCenterState := true ; Current state of auto-center. Nowadays, I like it on by default. Set to false if you don't.
CenterOffsetX := 100 ; Horizontal pixel offset when centering, positive is toward right
CenterOffsetY := 200 ; Vertical pixel offset when centering, positive is toward bottom
; Note: Whatever offsets you choose above, if you actually do use auto-centering, make sure you can still move the camera
; with whatever is under the mouse at that point, i.e. don't choose offsets that place the mouse pointer over UI elements
; State
MouseLookState := false ; true if RMB is currently inverted
PhysicalMouseLookState := false ; For keeping track of physical RMB state (when not inverted)
MouseLookCounter := 0 ; Send RMB down on 0 -> 1 only, similarly RMB up on 1 -> 0 only
; Hotkeys
HotIfWinActive GameWindow
Hotkey AutoCenterToggle, ToggleAutoCenter
Hotkey MouseLook, PhysicalMouseLookDown
Hotkey MouseLook " Up", PhysicalMouseLookUp
Hotkey MouseLookToggle, ToggleMouseLook
; Functions
ToggleAutoCenter(ThisHotKey) {
global AutoCenterState
AutoCenterState := !AutoCenterState
ToggleMouseLook(ThisHotKey) {
global MouseLookState
if (MouseLookState) {
} else {
MouseLookState := !MouseLookState
SetCapsLockState false
CenterMouse() {
if (AutoCenterState && !PhysicalMouseLookState) {
BlockInput "MouseMove"
WinGetPos ,,&WinWidth,&WinHeight,GameWindow
MouseMove CenterOffsetX+WinWidth/2, CenterOffsetY+WinHeight/2, 1
BlockInput "MouseMoveOff"
PhysicalMouseLookDown(ThisHotKey) {
global PhysicalMouseLookState
if (MouseLookState) {
; Currently inverted, so "release" mouselook
} else {
; Not currently inverted, just behave normally
; But also keep track of this click
PhysicalMouseLookState := true
PhysicalMouseLookUp(ThisHotKey) {
global PhysicalMouseLookState
if (MouseLookState) {
; Currently inverted, re-enable mouselook
} else {
; Not currently inverted, just behave normally
PhysicalMouseLookState := false
SendMouseLookDown() {
global MouseLookCounter
; Send only on edge between 0 -> 1
if (++MouseLookCounter == 1) {
Send "{" MouseLook " down}"
MouseLookCounter := Min(MouseLookCounter, 1) ; Saturate at 1
SendMouseLookUp() {
global MouseLookCounter
; Send only on edge between 1 -> 0
if (--MouseLookCounter == 0) {
Send "{" MouseLook " up}"
MouseLookCounter := Max(MouseLookCounter, 0) ; Sanity
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