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Created August 12, 2015 15:21
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Space Engineers Smart Undock (WIP)
// Generated from ZerothAngel's SEScripts version 56430963671f tip
// Modules: undocktest, smartundock, gyrocontrol, thrustcontrol, shiporientation, shipcontrol, translateauto, pid, velocimeter, eventdriver, commons
// SmartUndock (ship-dependent)
const double SMART_UNDOCK_RTB_SPEED = 25.0; // In meters per second
const double AUTOPILOT_MIN_SPEED = 1.0; // In meters per second
const double AUTOPILOT_TTT_BUFFER = 5.0; // Time-to-target buffer, in seconds
const double AUTOPILOT_DISENGAGE_DISTANCE = 5.0; // In meters
// SmartUndock
const double SMART_UNDOCK_DISTANCE = 50.0; // In meters
const double SMART_UNDOCK_UNDOCK_SPEED = 5.0; // In meters per second
// ZACommons
const string STANDARD_LOOP_TIMER_BLOCK_NAME = "1 second loop";
private readonly EventDriver eventDriver = new EventDriver(timerName: STANDARD_LOOP_TIMER_BLOCK_NAME, timerGroup: "SmartUndockClock");
private readonly SmartUndock smartUndock = new SmartUndock();
private readonly ShipOrientation shipOrientation = new ShipOrientation();
private bool FirstRun = true;
void Main(string argument)
var commons = new ShipControlCommons(this, shipOrientation);
if (FirstRun)
FirstRun = false;
shipOrientation.SetShipReference(commons, "SmartUndockReference");
smartUndock.HandleCommand(commons, eventDriver, argument);
public class SmartUndock
private readonly TranslateAutopilot autopilot = new TranslateAutopilot();
private Vector3D? UndockTarget = null;
public void HandleCommand(ZACommons commons, EventDriver eventDriver,
string argument)
argument = argument.Trim().ToLower();
if (argument == "smartundock")
// First, determine which connector we were connected through
IMyShipConnector connected = null;
var connectors = ZACommons.GetBlocksOfType<IMyShipConnector>(commons.Blocks,
connector => connector.DefinitionDisplayNameText == "Connector"); // Avoid Ejectors
for (var e = connectors.GetEnumerator(); e.MoveNext();)
var connector = e.Current;
if (connector.IsLocked && connector.IsConnected)
// Assume the first one as well
connected = connector;
UndockTarget = null;
if (connected != null)
// Undock the opposite direction of connector
var forward = connected.Orientation.TransformDirection(Base6Directions.Direction.Backward);
var up = connected.Orientation.TransformDirection(Base6Directions.Direction.Up);
var reference = commons.Me;
var backwardPoint = reference.CubeGrid.GridIntegerToWorld(reference.Position + Base6Directions.GetIntVector(forward));
var backwardVector = Vector3D.Normalize(backwardPoint - reference.GetPosition());
// Determine target undock point
UndockTarget = reference.GetPosition() + SMART_UNDOCK_DISTANCE * backwardVector;
// Schedule the autopilot
autopilot.Init(commons, eventDriver, (Vector3D)UndockTarget,
delay: 2.0);
// Next, physically undock
ZACommons.EnableBlocks(connectors, false);
// Unlock landing gears as well
var gears = ZACommons.GetBlocksOfType<IMyLandingGear>(commons.Blocks);
gears.ForEach(gear =>
if (gear.IsLocked) gear.GetActionWithName("Unlock").Apply(gear);
else if (argument == "rtb")
// No target, no RTB
if (UndockTarget == null) return;
var shipControl = (ShipControlCommons)commons;
// Schedule the autopilot
autopilot.Init(commons, eventDriver, (Vector3D)UndockTarget,
else if (argument == "smartreset")
public class GyroControl
public const int Yaw = 0;
public const int Pitch = 1;
public const int Roll = 2;
public readonly string[] AxisNames = new string[] { "Yaw", "Pitch", "Roll" };
public struct GyroAxisDetails
public int LocalAxis;
public int Sign;
public GyroAxisDetails(int localAxis, int sign)
LocalAxis = localAxis;
Sign = sign;
public struct GyroDetails
public IMyGyro Gyro;
public GyroAxisDetails[] AxisDetails;
public GyroDetails(IMyGyro gyro, Base6Directions.Direction shipUp,
Base6Directions.Direction shipForward)
Gyro = gyro;
AxisDetails = new GyroAxisDetails[3];
var shipLeft = Base6Directions.GetLeft(shipUp, shipForward);
// Determine yaw axis
switch (gyro.Orientation.TransformDirectionInverse(shipUp))
case Base6Directions.Direction.Up:
AxisDetails[Yaw] = new GyroAxisDetails(Yaw, -1);
case Base6Directions.Direction.Down:
AxisDetails[Yaw] = new GyroAxisDetails(Yaw, 1);
case Base6Directions.Direction.Left:
AxisDetails[Yaw] = new GyroAxisDetails(Pitch, 1);
case Base6Directions.Direction.Right:
AxisDetails[Yaw] = new GyroAxisDetails(Pitch, -1);
case Base6Directions.Direction.Forward:
AxisDetails[Yaw] = new GyroAxisDetails(Roll, 1);
case Base6Directions.Direction.Backward:
AxisDetails[Yaw] = new GyroAxisDetails(Roll, -1);
// Determine pitch axis
switch (gyro.Orientation.TransformDirectionInverse(shipLeft))
case Base6Directions.Direction.Up:
AxisDetails[Pitch] = new GyroAxisDetails(Yaw, -1);
case Base6Directions.Direction.Down:
AxisDetails[Pitch] = new GyroAxisDetails(Yaw, 1);
case Base6Directions.Direction.Left:
AxisDetails[Pitch] = new GyroAxisDetails(Pitch, -1);
case Base6Directions.Direction.Right:
AxisDetails[Pitch] = new GyroAxisDetails(Pitch, 1);
case Base6Directions.Direction.Forward:
AxisDetails[Pitch] = new GyroAxisDetails(Roll, 1);
case Base6Directions.Direction.Backward:
AxisDetails[Pitch] = new GyroAxisDetails(Roll, -1);
// Determine roll axis
switch (gyro.Orientation.TransformDirectionInverse(shipForward))
case Base6Directions.Direction.Up:
AxisDetails[Roll] = new GyroAxisDetails(Yaw, -1);
case Base6Directions.Direction.Down:
AxisDetails[Roll] = new GyroAxisDetails(Yaw, 1);
case Base6Directions.Direction.Left:
AxisDetails[Roll] = new GyroAxisDetails(Pitch, -1);
case Base6Directions.Direction.Right:
AxisDetails[Roll] = new GyroAxisDetails(Pitch, 1);
case Base6Directions.Direction.Forward:
AxisDetails[Roll] = new GyroAxisDetails(Roll, 1);
case Base6Directions.Direction.Backward:
AxisDetails[Roll] = new GyroAxisDetails(Roll, -1);
private readonly List<GyroDetails> gyros = new List<GyroDetails>();
public void Init(IEnumerable<IMyTerminalBlock> blocks,
Func<IMyGyro, bool> collect = null,
Base6Directions.Direction shipUp = Base6Directions.Direction.Up,
Base6Directions.Direction shipForward = Base6Directions.Direction.Forward)
for (var e = blocks.GetEnumerator(); e.MoveNext();)
var gyro = e.Current as IMyGyro;
if (gyro != null &&
gyro.IsFunctional && gyro.IsWorking && gyro.Enabled &&
(collect == null || collect(gyro)))
var details = new GyroDetails(gyro, shipUp, shipForward);
public void EnableOverride(bool enable)
gyros.ForEach(gyro => gyro.Gyro.SetValue<bool>("Override", enable));
public void SetAxisVelocity(int axis, float velocity)
gyros.ForEach(gyro => gyro.Gyro.SetValue<float>(AxisNames[gyro.AxisDetails[axis].LocalAxis], gyro.AxisDetails[axis].Sign * velocity));
public void SetAxisVelocityRPM(int axis, float rpmVelocity)
SetAxisVelocity(axis, rpmVelocity * MathHelper.RPMToRadiansPerSecond);
public void Reset()
gyros.ForEach(gyro => {
gyro.Gyro.SetValue<float>("Yaw", 0.0f);
gyro.Gyro.SetValue<float>("Pitch", 0.0f);
gyro.Gyro.SetValue<float>("Roll", 0.0f);
public class ThrustControl
private readonly Dictionary<Base6Directions.Direction, List<IMyThrust>> thrusters = new Dictionary<Base6Directions.Direction, List<IMyThrust>>();
private void AddThruster(Base6Directions.Direction direction, IMyThrust thruster)
var thrusterList = GetThrusters(direction);
public void Init(IEnumerable<IMyTerminalBlock> blocks,
Func<IMyThrust, bool> collect = null,
Base6Directions.Direction shipUp = Base6Directions.Direction.Up,
Base6Directions.Direction shipForward = Base6Directions.Direction.Forward)
MyBlockOrientation shipOrientation = new MyBlockOrientation(shipForward, shipUp);
for (var e = blocks.GetEnumerator(); e.MoveNext();)
var thruster = e.Current as IMyThrust;
if (thruster != null && thruster.IsFunctional &&
(collect == null || collect(thruster)))
var facing = thruster.Orientation.TransformDirection(Base6Directions.Direction.Forward); // Exhaust goes this way
var thrustDirection = Base6Directions.GetFlippedDirection(facing);
var shipDirection = shipOrientation.TransformDirectionInverse(thrustDirection);
AddThruster(shipDirection, thruster);
public List<IMyThrust> GetThrusters(Base6Directions.Direction direction)
List<IMyThrust> thrusterList;
if (!thrusters.TryGetValue(direction, out thrusterList))
thrusterList = new List<IMyThrust>();
thrusters.Add(direction, thrusterList);
return thrusterList;
public void SetOverride(Base6Directions.Direction direction, bool enable = true)
var thrusterList = GetThrusters(direction);
thrusterList.ForEach(thruster =>
thruster.SetValue<float>("Override", enable ?
thruster.GetMaximum<float>("Override") :
public void SetOverride(Base6Directions.Direction direction, double percent)
percent = Math.Max(percent, 0.0);
percent = Math.Min(percent, 1.0);
var thrusterList = GetThrusters(direction);
thrusterList.ForEach(thruster =>
(float)(thruster.GetMaximum<float>("Override") * percent)));
public void SetOverrideNewtons(Base6Directions.Direction direction, double force)
var thrusterList = GetThrusters(direction);
var maxForce = 0.0;
thrusterList.ForEach(thruster =>
maxForce += thruster.GetMaximum<float>("Override"));
// Constrain
force = Math.Max(force, 0.0);
force = Math.Min(force, maxForce);
// Each thruster outputs its own share
var fraction = force / maxForce;
thrusterList.ForEach(thruster =>
(float)(fraction * thruster.GetMaximum<float>("Override"))));
public void Enable(Base6Directions.Direction direction, bool enable)
var thrusterList = GetThrusters(direction);
thrusterList.ForEach(thruster => thruster.SetValue<bool>("OnOff", enable));
public void Enable(bool enable)
for (var e = thrusters.Values.GetEnumerator(); e.MoveNext();)
var thrusterList = e.Current;
thrusterList.ForEach(thruster => thruster.SetValue<bool>("OnOff", enable));
public void Reset()
for (var e = thrusters.Values.GetEnumerator(); e.MoveNext();)
var thrusterList = e.Current;
thrusterList.ForEach(thruster => thruster.SetValue<float>("Override", 0.0f));
public class ShipOrientation
public Base6Directions.Direction ShipUp { get; private set; }
public Base6Directions.Direction ShipForward { get; private set; }
public ShipOrientation()
// Defaults
ShipUp = Base6Directions.Direction.Up;
ShipForward = Base6Directions.Direction.Forward;
// Use orientation of given block
public void SetShipReference(IMyCubeBlock reference)
ShipUp = reference.Orientation.TransformDirection(Base6Directions.Direction.Up);
ShipForward = reference.Orientation.TransformDirection(Base6Directions.Direction.Forward);
// Use orientation of a block in the given group
public void SetShipReference(ZACommons commons, string groupName,
Func<IMyTerminalBlock, bool> condition = null)
var group = commons.GetBlockGroupWithName(groupName);
if (group != null)
for (var e = group.Blocks.GetEnumerator(); e.MoveNext();)
var block = e.Current;
if (block.CubeGrid == commons.Me.CubeGrid &&
(condition == null || condition(block)))
// Default to grid up/forward
ShipUp = Base6Directions.Direction.Up;
ShipForward = Base6Directions.Direction.Forward;
// Use orientation of a block of the given type
public void SetShipReference<T>(IEnumerable<IMyTerminalBlock> blocks,
Func<T, bool> condition = null)
where T : IMyCubeBlock
var references = ZACommons.GetBlocksOfType<T>(blocks, condition);
if (references.Count > 0)
// Default to grid up/forward
ShipUp = Base6Directions.Direction.Up;
ShipForward = Base6Directions.Direction.Forward;
// Do not hold a reference to an instance of this class between runs
public class ShipControlCommons : ZACommons
private readonly ShipOrientation shipOrientation;
public Base6Directions.Direction ShipUp
get { return shipOrientation.ShipUp; }
public Base6Directions.Direction ShipForward
get { return shipOrientation.ShipForward; }
public ShipControlCommons(MyGridProgram program,
ShipOrientation shipOrientation,
string shipGroup = null)
: base(program, shipGroup: shipGroup)
this.shipOrientation = shipOrientation;
public GyroControl GyroControl
if (m_gyroControl == null)
m_gyroControl = new GyroControl();
shipUp: shipOrientation.ShipUp,
shipForward: shipOrientation.ShipForward);
return m_gyroControl;
private GyroControl m_gyroControl = null;
public ThrustControl ThrustControl
if (m_thrustControl == null)
m_thrustControl = new ThrustControl();
shipUp: shipOrientation.ShipUp,
shipForward: shipOrientation.ShipForward);
return m_thrustControl;
private ThrustControl m_thrustControl = null;
public class TranslateAutopilot
public struct Orientation
public Vector3D Point;
public Vector3D Forward;
public Vector3D Up;
public Vector3D Left;
public Orientation(IMyCubeBlock reference,
Base6Directions.Direction shipUp = Base6Directions.Direction.Up,
Base6Directions.Direction shipForward = Base6Directions.Direction.Forward)
Point = reference.GetPosition();
var forward3I = reference.Position + Base6Directions.GetIntVector(shipForward);
Forward = Vector3D.Normalize(reference.CubeGrid.GridIntegerToWorld(forward3I) - Point);
var up3I = reference.Position + Base6Directions.GetIntVector(shipUp);
Up = Vector3D.Normalize(reference.CubeGrid.GridIntegerToWorld(up3I) - Point);
var left3I = reference.Position + Base6Directions.GetIntVector(Base6Directions.GetLeft(shipUp, shipForward));
Left = Vector3D.Normalize(reference.CubeGrid.GridIntegerToWorld(left3I) - Point);
private const uint FramesPerRun = 2;
private const double RunsPerSecond = 60.0 / FramesPerRun;
private readonly Velocimeter velocimeter = new Velocimeter(30);
private readonly PIDController forwardPID = new PIDController(1.0 / RunsPerSecond);
private readonly PIDController upPID = new PIDController(1.0 / RunsPerSecond);
private readonly PIDController leftPID = new PIDController(1.0 / RunsPerSecond);
private const double ThrustKp = 1.0;
private const double ThrustKi = 0.001;
private const double ThrustKd = 1.0;
private Vector3D AutopilotTarget;
private double AutopilotSpeed;
private bool AutopilotEngaged;
public TranslateAutopilot()
forwardPID.Kp = ThrustKp;
forwardPID.Ki = ThrustKi;
forwardPID.Kd = ThrustKd;
upPID.Kp = ThrustKp;
upPID.Ki = ThrustKi;
upPID.Kd = ThrustKd;
leftPID.Kp = ThrustKp;
leftPID.Ki = ThrustKi;
leftPID.Kd = ThrustKd;
public void Init(ZACommons commons, EventDriver eventDriver,
Vector3D target, double speed,
double delay = 1.0)
if (!AutopilotEngaged)
AutopilotTarget = target;
AutopilotSpeed = speed;
AutopilotEngaged = true;
eventDriver.Schedule(delay, Start);
public void Start(ZACommons commons, EventDriver eventDriver)
var shipControl = (ShipControlCommons)commons;
var gyroControl = shipControl.GyroControl;
gyroControl.EnableOverride(true); // So the user knows it's engaged
eventDriver.Schedule(0, Run);
public void Run(ZACommons commons, EventDriver eventDriver)
if (!AutopilotEngaged)
var shipControl = (ShipControlCommons)commons;
var reference = commons.Me;
var orientation = new Orientation(reference,
shipUp: shipControl.ShipUp,
shipForward: shipControl.ShipForward);
var targetVector = AutopilotTarget - orientation.Point;
var distance = targetVector.Length();
// Take projection of target vector on each of our axes
var forwardError = Vector3D.Dot(targetVector, orientation.Forward);
var upError = Vector3D.Dot(targetVector, orientation.Up);
var leftError = Vector3D.Dot(targetVector, orientation.Left);
velocimeter.TakeSample(reference.GetPosition(), eventDriver.TimeSinceStart);
var velocity = velocimeter.GetAverageVelocity();
if (velocity != null)
var forwardSpeed = Vector3D.Dot((Vector3D)velocity, orientation.Forward);
var upSpeed = Vector3D.Dot((Vector3D)velocity, orientation.Up);
var leftSpeed = Vector3D.Dot((Vector3D)velocity, orientation.Left);
// Naive approach: independent control of each axis
Thrust(shipControl, Base6Directions.Direction.Forward, forwardError, forwardSpeed, forwardPID);
Thrust(shipControl, Base6Directions.Direction.Up, upError, upSpeed, upPID);
Thrust(shipControl, Base6Directions.Direction.Left, leftError, leftSpeed, leftPID);
eventDriver.Schedule(FramesPerRun, Run);
private void Thrust(ShipControlCommons commons, Base6Directions.Direction direction,
double distance, double speed, PIDController pid)
//commons.Echo(string.Format("Distance: {0:F1} m", distance));
var thrustControl = commons.ThrustControl;
var flipped = Base6Directions.GetFlippedDirection(direction);
var targetSpeed = Math.Min(Math.Abs(distance) / AUTOPILOT_TTT_BUFFER,
targetSpeed = Math.Max(targetSpeed, AUTOPILOT_MIN_SPEED); // Avoid Zeno's paradox...
targetSpeed *= Math.Sign(distance);
//commons.Echo(string.Format("Target Speed: {0:F1} m/s", targetSpeed));
//commons.Echo(string.Format("Speed: {0:F1} m/s", speed));
var error = targetSpeed - speed;
var force = pid.Compute(error);
if (Math.Abs(distance) < 1.0)
// Good enough
thrustControl.SetOverride(direction, false);
thrustControl.SetOverride(flipped, false);
else if (force > 0.0)
thrustControl.SetOverride(direction, force);
thrustControl.SetOverride(flipped, false);
thrustControl.SetOverride(direction, false);
thrustControl.SetOverride(flipped, -force);
public void Reset(ZACommons commons)
var shipControl = (ShipControlCommons)commons;
AutopilotEngaged = false;
public class PIDController
public readonly double dt; // i.e. 1.0 / ticks per second
public double Kp { get; set; }
public double Ki
get { return m_Ki; }
set { m_Ki = value; m_Kidt = m_Ki * dt; }
private double m_Ki, m_Kidt;
public double Kd
get { return m_Kd; }
set { m_Kd = value; m_Kddt = m_Kd / dt; }
private double m_Kd, m_Kddt;
private double integral = 0.0;
private double lastError = 0.0;
public PIDController(double dt)
this.dt = dt;
public void Reset()
integral = 0.0;
lastError = 0.0;
public double Compute(double error)
integral += error;
var derivative = error - lastError;
lastError = error;
return ((Kp * error) +
(m_Kidt * integral) +
(m_Kddt * derivative));
public class Velocimeter
public struct PositionSample
public Vector3D Position;
public TimeSpan Timestamp;
public PositionSample(Vector3D position, TimeSpan timestamp)
Position = position;
Timestamp = timestamp;
private readonly uint MaxSampleCount;
private readonly LinkedList<PositionSample> Samples = new LinkedList<PositionSample>();
public Velocimeter(uint maxSampleCount)
MaxSampleCount = maxSampleCount;
public void TakeSample(Vector3D position, TimeSpan timestamp)
var sample = new PositionSample(position, timestamp);
// Age out old samples
while (Samples.Count > MaxSampleCount)
public Vector3D? GetAverageVelocity()
// Need at least 2 samples...
if (Samples.Count > 1)
var last = Samples.First;
Vector3D distance = new Vector3D();
double seconds = 0.0;
for (var current = last.Next;
current != null;
current = current.Next)
distance += current.Value.Position - last.Value.Position;
seconds += current.Value.Timestamp.TotalSeconds -
last = current;
return distance / seconds;
return null;
public void Reset()
public class EventDriver
public struct FutureTickAction : IComparable<FutureTickAction>
public ulong When;
public Action<ZACommons, EventDriver> Action;
public FutureTickAction(ulong when, Action<ZACommons, EventDriver> action = null)
When = when;
Action = action;
public int CompareTo(FutureTickAction other)
return When.CompareTo(other.When);
public struct FutureTimeAction : IComparable<FutureTimeAction>
public TimeSpan When;
public Action<ZACommons, EventDriver> Action;
public FutureTimeAction(TimeSpan when, Action<ZACommons, EventDriver> action = null)
When = when;
Action = action;
public int CompareTo(FutureTimeAction other)
return When.CompareTo(other.When);
private const ulong TicksPerSecond = 60;
// Why is there no standard priority queue implementation?
private readonly LinkedList<FutureTickAction> TickQueue = new LinkedList<FutureTickAction>();
private readonly LinkedList<FutureTimeAction> TimeQueue = new LinkedList<FutureTimeAction>();
private readonly string TimerName, TimerGroup;
private ulong Ticks; // Not a reliable measure of time because of variable timer delay.
public TimeSpan TimeSinceStart
get { return m_timeSinceStart; }
private set { m_timeSinceStart = value; }
private TimeSpan m_timeSinceStart = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(0);
// If neither timerName nor timerGroup are given, it's assumed the timer will kick itself
public EventDriver(string timerName = null, string timerGroup = null)
TimerName = timerName;
TimerGroup = timerGroup;
private void KickTimer(ZACommons commons)
IMyTimerBlock timer = null;
// Name takes priority over group
if (TimerName != null)
var blocks = ZACommons.SearchBlocksOfName(commons.Blocks, TimerName,
block => block is IMyTimerBlock);
if (blocks.Count > 0)
timer = blocks[0] as IMyTimerBlock;
if (timer == null && TimerGroup != null)
var group = commons.GetBlockGroupWithName(TimerGroup);
if (group != null)
var blocks = ZACommons.GetBlocksOfType<IMyTimerBlock>(group.Blocks,
block => block.CubeGrid == commons.Me.CubeGrid);
timer = blocks.Count > 0 ? blocks[0] : null;
if (timer != null)
// Rules are simple. If we have something in the tick queue, trigger now.
// Otherwise, set timer delay appropriately (minimum 1 second) and kick.
// If you want sub-second accuracy, always use ticks.
if (TickQueue.First != null)
else if (TimeQueue.First != null)
var next = (float)(TimeQueue.First.Value.When.TotalSeconds - TimeSinceStart.TotalSeconds);
// Constrain appropriately (not sure if this will be done for us or if it
// will just throw). Just do it to be safe.
next = Math.Max(next, timer.GetMininum<float>("TriggerDelay"));
next = Math.Min(next, timer.GetMaximum<float>("TriggerDelay"));
timer.SetValue<float>("TriggerDelay", next);
// NB If both queues are empty, we stop running
public void Tick(ZACommons commons, Action mainAction = null)
TimeSinceStart += commons.Program.ElapsedTime;
bool runMain = false;
// Process each queue independently
while (TickQueue.First != null &&
TickQueue.First.Value.When <= Ticks)
var action = TickQueue.First.Value.Action;
if (action != null)
action(commons, this);
runMain = true;
while (TimeQueue.First != null &&
TimeQueue.First.Value.When <= TimeSinceStart)
var action = TimeQueue.First.Value.Action;
if (action != null)
action(commons, this);
runMain = true;
if (runMain && mainAction != null) mainAction();
public void Schedule(ulong delay, Action<ZACommons, EventDriver> action = null)
var future = new FutureTickAction(Ticks + delay, action);
for (var current = TickQueue.First;
current != null;
current = current.Next)
if (future.CompareTo(current.Value) < 0)
// Insert before this one
TickQueue.AddBefore(current, future);
// Just add at the end
public void Schedule(double seconds, Action<ZACommons, EventDriver> action = null)
var delay = Math.Max(seconds, 0.0);
var future = new FutureTimeAction(TimeSinceStart + TimeSpan.FromSeconds(delay), action);
for (var current = TimeQueue.First;
current != null;
current = current.Next)
if (future.CompareTo(current.Value) < 0)
// Insert before this one
TimeQueue.AddBefore(current, future);
// Just add at the end
// Do NOT hold on to an instance of this class. Always instantiate a new one
// each run.
public class ZACommons
public const StringComparison IGNORE_CASE = StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase;
public readonly MyGridProgram Program;
private readonly string ShipGroupName;
// All accessible blocks
public List<IMyTerminalBlock> AllBlocks
// No multithreading makes lazy init so much easier
if (m_allBlocks == null)
m_allBlocks = new List<IMyTerminalBlock>();
return m_allBlocks;
private List<IMyTerminalBlock> m_allBlocks = null;
// Blocks on the same grid only
public List<IMyTerminalBlock> Blocks
if (m_blocks == null)
// Try group first, if it exists
if (ShipGroupName != null)
var group = GetBlockGroupWithName(ShipGroupName);
if (group != null) m_blocks = group.Blocks;
// Otherwise fetch all blocks on the same grid
if (m_blocks == null)
m_blocks = new List<IMyTerminalBlock>();
for (var e = AllBlocks.GetEnumerator(); e.MoveNext();)
var block = e.Current;
if (block.CubeGrid == Program.Me.CubeGrid) m_blocks.Add(block);
return m_blocks;
private List<IMyTerminalBlock> m_blocks = null;
public List<IMyBlockGroup> Groups
if (m_groups == null)
m_groups = new List<IMyBlockGroup>();
return m_groups;
private List<IMyBlockGroup> m_groups = null;
// NB Names are actually lowercased
public Dictionary<string, IMyBlockGroup> GroupsByName
if (m_groupsByName == null)
m_groupsByName = new Dictionary<string, IMyBlockGroup>();
for (var e = Groups.GetEnumerator(); e.MoveNext();)
var group = e.Current;
m_groupsByName.Add(group.Name.ToLower(), group);
return m_groupsByName;
private Dictionary<string, IMyBlockGroup> m_groupsByName = null;
public ZACommons(MyGridProgram program, string shipGroup = null)
Program = program;
ShipGroupName = shipGroup;
// Groups
public IMyBlockGroup GetBlockGroupWithName(string name)
IMyBlockGroup group;
if (GroupsByName.TryGetValue(name.ToLower(), out group))
return group;
return null;
public List<IMyBlockGroup> GetBlockGroupsWithPrefix(string prefix)
var result = new List<IMyBlockGroup>();
for (var e = Groups.GetEnumerator(); e.MoveNext();)
var group = e.Current;
if (group.Name.StartsWith(prefix, IGNORE_CASE)) result.Add(group);
return result;
// Blocks
public static List<T> GetBlocksOfType<T>(IEnumerable<IMyTerminalBlock> blocks,
Func<T, bool> collect = null)
List<T> list = new List<T>();
for (var e = blocks.GetEnumerator(); e.MoveNext();)
var block = e.Current;
if (block is T && (collect == null || collect((T)block))) list.Add((T)block);
return list;
public static T GetBlockWithName<T>(IEnumerable<IMyTerminalBlock> blocks, string name)
where T : IMyTerminalBlock
for (var e = blocks.GetEnumerator(); e.MoveNext();)
var block = e.Current;
if(block is T && block.CustomName.Equals(name, IGNORE_CASE)) return (T)block;
return default(T);
public static List<IMyTerminalBlock> SearchBlocksOfName(IEnumerable<IMyTerminalBlock> blocks, string name, Func<IMyTerminalBlock, bool> collect = null)
var result = new List<IMyTerminalBlock>();
for (var e = blocks.GetEnumerator(); e.MoveNext();)
var block = e.Current;
if (block.CustomName.IndexOf(name, IGNORE_CASE) >= 0 &&
(collect == null || collect(block)))
return result;
public static void ForEachBlockOfType<T>(IEnumerable<IMyTerminalBlock> blocks, Action<T> action)
for (var e = blocks.GetEnumerator(); e.MoveNext();)
var block = e.Current;
if (block is T)
public static void EnableBlocks(IEnumerable<IMyTerminalBlock> blocks, bool enabled)
for (var e = blocks.GetEnumerator(); e.MoveNext();)
var block = e.Current;
// Not all blocks will implement IMyFunctionalBlock, so can't checked Enabled
block.GetActionWithName(enabled ? "OnOff_On" : "OnOff_Off").Apply(block);
public IMyProgrammableBlock Me
get { return Program.Me; }
// Batteries
public static bool IsBatteryRecharging(IMyBatteryBlock battery)
return !battery.ProductionEnabled;
public static void SetBatteryRecharge(IMyBatteryBlock battery, bool recharge)
var recharging = IsBatteryRecharging(battery);
if ((recharging && !recharge) || (!recharging && recharge))
public static void SetBatteryRecharge(IEnumerable<IMyBatteryBlock> batteries, bool recharge)
for (var e = batteries.GetEnumerator(); e.MoveNext();)
var battery = e.Current;
SetBatteryRecharge(battery, recharge);
// Display
public Action<string> Echo
get { return Program.Echo; }
public static string FormatPower(float value)
if (value >= 1.0f)
return string.Format("{0:F2} MW", value);
else if (value >= 0.001)
return string.Format("{0:F2} kW", value * 1000f);
return string.Format("{0:F2} W", value * 1000000f);
// Misc
public static bool StartTimerBlockWithName(IEnumerable<IMyTerminalBlock> blocks, string name,
Func<IMyTimerBlock, bool> condition = null)
var timer = GetBlockWithName<IMyTimerBlock>(blocks, name);
if (timer != null && timer.Enabled && !timer.IsCountingDown &&
(condition == null || condition(timer)))
return true;
return false;
public static bool IsConnectedAnywhere(IEnumerable<IMyShipConnector> connectors)
for (var e = connectors.GetEnumerator(); e.MoveNext();)
var connector = e.Current;
if (connector.IsLocked && connector.IsConnected)
return true;
return false;
public static bool IsConnectedAnywhere(IEnumerable<IMyTerminalBlock> blocks)
return IsConnectedAnywhere(GetBlocksOfType<IMyShipConnector>(blocks));
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Set up: Programmable block & timer block. Timer block should have a single action only: run programmable block.

Timer block should either have "1 second loop" in its name or be part of a group named "SmartUndockClock"

Programmable block takes two arguments:

smartundock - Will disconnect from mothership and boost 50m away from connector

rtb - Will return ship to previous undock point. Will make a beeline, so be careful!

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