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Last active September 4, 2021 20:38
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A utility for reflecting on compiler generated methods
// From Multiplayer.Client.Util
public static class MpMethodUtil
const string DisplayClassPrefix = "<>c__DisplayClass";
const string SharedDisplayClass = "<>c";
const string LambdaMethodInfix = "b__";
const string LocalFunctionInfix = "g__";
const string EnumerableStateMachineInfix = "d__";
public static MethodInfo GetLambda(Type parentType, string parentMethod = null, MethodType parentMethodType = MethodType.Normal, Type[] parentArgs = null, int lambdaOrdinal = 0)
var parent = GetMethod(parentType, parentMethod, parentMethodType, parentArgs);
if (parent == null)
throw new Exception($"Couldn't find parent method ({parentMethodType}) {parentType}::{parentMethod}");
var parentId = GetMethodDebugId(parent);
// Example: <>c__DisplayClass10_
var displayClassPrefix = $"{DisplayClassPrefix}{parentId}_";
// Example: <FillTab>b__0
var lambdaNameShort = $"<{parent.Name}>{LambdaMethodInfix}{lambdaOrdinal}";
// Capturing lambda
var lambda = parentType.GetNestedTypes(AccessTools.all).
Where(t => t.Name.StartsWith(displayClassPrefix)).
FirstOrDefault(m => m.Name == lambdaNameShort);
// Example: <FillTab>b__10_0
var lambdaNameFull = $"<{parent.Name}>{LambdaMethodInfix}{parentId}_{lambdaOrdinal}";
// Non-capturing lambda
lambda ??= AccessTools.Method(parentType, lambdaNameFull);
// Non-capturing cached lambda
if (lambda == null && AccessTools.Inner(parentType, SharedDisplayClass) is { } sharedDisplayClass)
lambda = AccessTools.Method(sharedDisplayClass, lambdaNameFull);
if (lambda == null)
throw new Exception($"Couldn't find lambda {lambdaOrdinal} in parent method {parentType}::{parent.Name} (parent method id: {parentId})");
return lambda;
public static MethodInfo GetLocalFunc(Type parentType, string parentMethod = null, MethodType parentMethodType = MethodType.Normal, Type[] parentArgs = null, string localFunc = null)
var parent = GetMethod(parentType, parentMethod, parentMethodType, parentArgs);
if (parent == null)
throw new Exception($"Couldn't find parent method ({parentMethodType}) {parentType}::{parentMethod}");
var parentId = GetMethodDebugId(parent);
// Example: <>c__DisplayClass10_
var displayClassPrefix = $"{DisplayClassPrefix}{parentId}_";
// Example: <DoWindowContents>g__Start|
var localFuncPrefix = $"<{parentMethod}>{LocalFunctionInfix}{localFunc}|";
// Example: <DoWindowContents>g__Start|10
var localFuncPrefixWithId = $"<{parentMethod}>{LocalFunctionInfix}{localFunc}|{parentId}";
var candidates = parentType.GetNestedTypes(AccessTools.all).
Where(t => t.Name.StartsWith(displayClassPrefix)).
Where(m => m.Name.StartsWith(localFuncPrefix)).
Concat(AccessTools.GetDeclaredMethods(parentType).Where(m => m.Name.StartsWith(localFuncPrefixWithId))).
if (candidates.Length == 0)
throw new Exception($"Couldn't find local function {localFunc} in parent method {parentType}::{parent.Name} (parent method id: {parentId})");
if (candidates.Length > 1)
throw new Exception($"Ambiguous local function {localFunc} in parent method {parentType}::{parent.Name} (parent method id: {parentId})");
return candidates[0];
// Based on
// and
public static int GetMethodDebugId(MethodBase method)
string cur = null;
// Try extract the debug id from the method body
foreach (var inst in PatchProcessor.GetOriginalInstructions(method))
// Example class names: <>c__DisplayClass10_0 or <CompGetGizmosExtra>d__7
if (inst.opcode == OpCodes.Newobj
&& inst.operand is MethodBase m
&& (cur = m.DeclaringType.Name) != null)
if (cur.StartsWith(DisplayClassPrefix))
return int.Parse(cur.Substring(DisplayClassPrefix.Length).Until('_'));
else if (cur.Contains(EnumerableStateMachineInfix))
return int.Parse(cur.After('>').Substring(EnumerableStateMachineInfix.Length));
// Example method names: <FillTab>b__10_0 or <DoWindowContents>g__Start|55_1
else if (
(inst.opcode == OpCodes.Ldftn || inst.opcode == OpCodes.Call)
&& inst.operand is MethodBase f
&& (cur = f.Name) != null
&& cur.StartsWith("<")
&& cur.After('>').CharacterCount('_') == 3)
if (cur.Contains(LambdaMethodInfix))
return int.Parse(cur.After('>').Substring(LambdaMethodInfix.Length).Until('_'));
else if (cur.Contains(LocalFunctionInfix))
return int.Parse(cur.After('|').Until('_'));
catch (Exception e)
throw new Exception($"Extracting debug id for {method.DeclaringType}::{method.Name} failed at {cur} with: {e.Message}");
throw new Exception($"Couldn't determine debug id for parent method {method.DeclaringType}::{method.Name}");
// Copied from Harmony.PatchProcessor
public static MethodBase GetMethod(Type type, string methodName, MethodType methodType, Type[] args)
if (type == null) return null;
switch (methodType)
case MethodType.Normal:
if (methodName == null)
return null;
return AccessTools.DeclaredMethod(type, methodName, args);
case MethodType.Getter:
if (methodName == null)
return null;
return AccessTools.DeclaredProperty(type, methodName).GetGetMethod(true);
case MethodType.Setter:
if (methodName == null)
return null;
return AccessTools.DeclaredProperty(type, methodName).GetSetMethod(true);
case MethodType.Constructor:
return AccessTools.DeclaredConstructor(type, args);
case MethodType.StaticConstructor:
return AccessTools
.FirstOrDefault(c => c.IsStatic);
return null;
public static string After(this string s, char c)
if (s.IndexOf(c) == -1)
throw new ArgumentException($"Char {c} not found in string {s}");
return s.Substring(s.IndexOf(c) + 1);
public static string Until(this string s, char c)
if (s.IndexOf(c) == -1)
throw new ArgumentException($"Char {c} not found in string {s}");
return s.Substring(0, s.IndexOf(c));
public static int CharacterCount(this string s, char c)
int num = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < s.Length; i++)
if (s[i] == c)
return num;
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