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Last active December 12, 2015 06:39
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Save ZeusAFK/4730988 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Web Proxy script from
if (!defined('ZEUSAFK') || ZEUSAFK != 1)
define('_PROXY_VERSION', '1.0.3');
define('_CWD', dirname(__FILE__));
// Set global variables
$_protocols = array('http', 'ftp');
$_base = array();
$_url_com = '';
$_config = array();
$_r = array();
class Page
private $site, $database, $content;
private $cacheable = TRUE;
private $cacheTime = 300;
function __construct($site)
$this->site = $site;
$this->config = $site->config;
$this->database = $site->database;
Template::SetVar('title', $this->config['SITE']['TITLE']);
function Run()
// Functions
function _redirect($_url) {
header('Location: ' . $_url);
function _stripslashes($input) {
return (is_array($input) ? array_map('_stripslashes', $input) : (is_string($input) ? stripslashes($input) : $input));
function _strip_single_quotes($input) {
return (is_array($input) ? array_map('_strip_single_quotes', $input) : (is_string($input) ? str_replace('\'\'', '\'', $input) : $input));
function _number_format($_number, $_num_dec_places = 2) {
global $_config, $_lang;
return number_format($_number, $_num_dec_places, $_lang['decimal_separator'], $_lang['thousands_separator']);
function _report($_data = array()) {
global $_url, $_lang, $_config, $_options, $_frozen_options;
if(!isset($_data['url'])) $_data['url'] = $_url;
$_data['url'] = htmlentities($_data['url'], ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8');
//require _THEME_DIR . '/main_form.php';
$tpl = array();
$tpl['error'] = '';
foreach($_data as $key => $value)
$tpl[$key] = $value;
$tpl['options'] = '';
foreach($_SESSION['_options'] as $_option => $_value) {
if($_frozen_options[$_option]) continue;
$tpl['options'] .= "<label for='option_$_option'><input type='checkbox' name='options[$_option]' id='option_$_option' value='1'".(($_value) ? " checked='checked'" : '')."/>".Template::GetLangVar($_option)."</label><br />";
return $tpl;
function _headerfunction(&$curl, $header) {
global $_r;
if($_value = explode(':', $header, 2) and count($_value) > 1) {
$_value = array_map('trim', $_value);
if($_value[0] == '' or $_value[1] == '') {
$_value[0] = strtolower($_value[0]);
switch($_value[0]) {
case 'location':
case 'uri':
case 'content-location':
$_value[1] = _rewrite_url($_value[1]);
case 'p3p':
if(preg_match('#policyref\s*=\s*(\"[^\"]*\"|\'[^\']*\'|[^\s]*)#si', $_value[1], $_matches)) {
$_value[1] = str_replace($_matches[1], '"' . _rewrite_url(trim($_matches[1], '"\'')) . '"', $_value[1]);
case 'refresh':
if(preg_match('#(\s*\d+\s*;\s*url\s*=\s*)([^\"\'\s]*)#si', $_value[1], $_matches)) {
$_value[1] = str_replace($_matches[0], $_matches[1] . _rewrite_url($_matches[2]), $_value[1]);
if(isset($_r['headers'][$_value[0]])) {
$_r['headers'][$_value[0]][] = $_value[1];
} else {
$_r['headers'][$_value[0]] = array($_value[1]);
return strlen($header);
function _out($_proxify = true, $_content_type = '') {
global $_r, $_url;
$_nopass_headers = array('cookie', 'set-cookie', 'connection', 'keep-alive', 'transfer-encoding');
$_r['headers']['content-length'] = array(strlen($_r['content']));
if(!$_proxify and !isset($_r['headers']['content-disposition'])) $_r['headers']['content-disposition'] = array(($_content_type == 'application/octet_stream' ? 'attachment' : 'inline') . '; filename="' . basename($_url) . '"');
foreach($_r['headers'] as $_key => $_value) {
if(in_array($_key, $_nopass_headers)) continue;
$_key = ucwords($_key);
foreach($_value as $_k => $_v) {
header("$_key: $_v");
return $_r['content'];
function _rewrite_css($_content) {
return preg_replace('#((?:import\s*url|import|url)\s*[\(\'\"]+)(.*?)([\'\"\)]+)#Sesi', 'stripslashes("\\1") . _rewrite_url("\\2") . stripslashes("\\3")', $_content);
function _rewrite_tags($_tags) {
global $_url, $_r, $_config;
if(preg_match_all('#<(' . implode('|', array_keys($_tags)) . ')((?:\s*[a-z\-]+\s*=\s*(?:\"[^\"]*\"|\'[^\']*\'|[^\s\>]*)|\s*[a-z\-]+)+)+.*?>#si', $_r['content'], $_matches)) {
$_newinx = count($_matches);
$_matches[$_newinx] = array();
foreach($_matches[0] as $_key => $_match) {
$_tag = strtolower($_matches[1][$_key]);
if(!isset($_tags[$_tag])) {
unset($_matches[0][$_key], $_matches[1][$_key], $_matches[2][$_key]);
$get = false;
if($_tag == 'form') {
$get = !preg_match('#method\s*=\s*(?:\"post\"|\'post\'|post)#si', $_matches[2][$_key]);
$_action = '';
$_pairs = array();
if(preg_match_all('#\s*(' . implode('|', $_tags[$_tag]) . ')\s*=\s*(\"[^\"]*\"|\'[^\']*\'|[^\s\>]*)#si', $_matches[2][$_key], $_ms)) {
foreach($_ms[2] as $_k => $_m) {
$_wrapper = '';
if($_m{0} == '"' and $_m{strlen($_m) - 1} == '"') {
$_wrapper = '"';
$_m = trim($_m, '"');
} else if($_m{0} == '\'' and $_m{strlen($_m) - 1} == '\'') {
$_wrapper = '\'';
$_m = trim($_m, '\'');
$_attribute = strtolower($_ms[1][$_k]);
//Process <meta http-equiv="refresh" content="00;URL=">
if($_tag == 'meta') {
if($_attribute == 'content') {
if($_refresh = preg_match('#(\s*\d+\s*;\s*url\s*=\s*)([^\"\'\s]*)#si', $_m, $_mh)) {
$_m = $_mh[1] . _rewrite_url($_mh[2]);
} elseif($_tag == 'form' and $get and $_attribute == 'action') {
$_action = _rewrite_url($_m, false);
$_m = '';
} elseif(($_tag == 'frame' or $_tag == 'iframe') and $_attribute == 'src') {
if($_m == '') {
$_m = _rewrite_url($_url) . '&_x_fin_x_=1';
} else {
$_m = _rewrite_url($_m) . '&_x_fin_x_=1';
} else {
$_m = _rewrite_url($_m);
$_pairs[] = ' ' . $_ms[1][$_k] . '=' . $_wrapper . $_m . $_wrapper;
$_matches[$_newinx][$_key] = str_replace($_ms[0], $_pairs, $_matches[0][$_key]) . ($get ? '<input type="hidden" name="' . $_config['url_var_name'] . '" value="' . $_action . '" />' : '');
$_r['content'] = str_replace($_matches[0], $_matches[$_newinx], $_r['content']);
//end of if
function _rewrite_url($_url, $_proxify = true) {
global $_base, $_url_com, $_config, $_protocols;
$_url = trim($_url);
if($_url == '') return '';
switch(strtolower($_url{0})) {
case '#':
return $_url;
case '?':
$_url = $_base['webpath'] . $_url;
case '/':
if(substr($_url, 1, 1) == '/') {
$_url = $_base['scheme'] . '://' . substr($_url, 2);
$_url = $_base['webroot'] . $_url;
// Try to detect an another protocol
$_inx = strpos($_url, '://');
if($_inx !== false and $_inx > 0) {
$_prefix = substr($_url, 0, $_inx);
$_is_protocol = (preg_replace('#\W#i', '', $_prefix) == $_prefix);
if($_is_protocol) {
// If it's a supported protocol, break and proxify it, if not leave it intact.
if(in_array($_prefix, $_protocols)) {
} else {
return $_url;
$_url = $_base['webroot'] . _realpath($_base['path'], $_url);
$_url = ($_proxify ? ($_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME'] . '?page=proxy&' . $_config['url_var_name'] . '=') : '') . _encode_url($_url, $_proxify) . ((isset($_url_com['fragment']) and $_proxify) ? ('#' . $_url_com['fragment']) : '');
return $_url;
function _realpath($_cwd, $_cd) {
$_cwd = trim($_cwd, '/');
$_cwd_dirs = ($_cd and $_cd{0} == '/') ? array() : (($_cwd and $_cwd != '/') ? explode('/', $_cwd) : array());
$_cd_dirs = ($_cd ? explode('/', $_cd) : array());
$_last_dir = array_pop($_cwd_dirs);
if($_last_dir and strpos($_last_dir, '.') === false) {
$_cwd_dirs[] = $_last_dir;
$_cd_len = count($_cd_dirs);
$_i = 0;
foreach($_cd_dirs as $_cd_dir) {
if($_cd_dir == '.' or $_cd_dir == '') {
} else if($_cd_dir == '..') {
} else {
$_cwd_dirs[] = (strpos($_cd_dir, '.') !== false and $_i == $_cd_len) ? $_cd_dir : rawurlencode(rawurldecode($_cd_dir));
return '/' . implode('/', $_cwd_dirs);
function _encode_url($_url, $_url_encode = true) {
return ($_url_encode ? rawurlencode(base64_encode($_url)) : base64_encode($_url));
function _decode_url($_encoded_url) {
return base64_decode($_encoded_url);
global $_protocols, $_r, $_base, $_url_com, $_config;
require CLASS_DIR.'proxy.config.php';
$_protocols = array('http', 'ftp');
if(!function_exists('http_build_query')) { // PHP4 doesn't have this function, we have to create one like PHP5.
function http_build_query($formdata, $prefix = '', $first = true) {
static $data = array();
static $size = false;
static $count = 0;
if(is_object($formdata)) {
$formdata = unserialize(serialize($formdata));
if($size == false) $size = count($formdata);
foreach($formdata as $key => $value) {
$key = urlencode($key);
if(is_object($value)) {
$value = unserialize(serialize($value));
if($first) $count++;
if(is_array($value)) {
http_build_query($value, (($first and !is_numeric($key)) ? '' : $prefix) . $key . ($first ? '' : ']') . '[', false);
} else {
$data[] = (($first and !is_numeric($key)) ? '' : $prefix) . $key . ($first ? '' : ']') . '=' . urlencode($value);
if($count == $size and $first) return ($data) ? implode('&', $data) : '';
if(get_magic_quotes_gpc()) {
if(@ini_get('magic_quotes_sybase')) {
$_GET = _strip_single_quotes($_GET);
$_POST = _strip_single_quotes($_POST);
$_COOKIE = _strip_single_quotes($_COOKIE);
} else {
$_GET = _stripslashes($_GET);
$_POST = _stripslashes($_POST);
$_COOKIE = _stripslashes($_COOKIE);
// Do something
$_referer = (isset($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']) ? trim($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']) : false);
$_curl_version = curl_version();
$_https = ((is_array($_curl_version) and in_array('https', $_curl_version['protocols'])) or (is_string($_curl_version) and strpos($_curl_version, 'OpenSSL/') !== false)) ? true : false;
if($_https) {
$_protocols[] = 'https';
// Setup options and take relevant action
if(!isset($_SESSION['_options']) or !is_array($_SESSION['_options'])) {
$_SESSION['_options'] = array();
if(isset($_POST[$_config['url_var_name']]) and !isset($_GET[$_config['url_var_name']])) {
if(!isset($_POST['options']) or !is_array($_POST['options'])) {
$_POST['options'] = array();
foreach($_options as $_option => $_value) {
$_SESSION['_options'][$_option] = (!$_frozen_options[$_option] ? (isset($_POST['options'][$_option]) ? $_POST['options'][$_option] : 0) : $_value);
$_url = trim($_POST[$_config['url_var_name']]);
} elseif(isset($_GET[$_config['url_var_name']])) {
foreach($_options as $_option => $_value) {
$_SESSION['_options'][$_option] = ((isset($_SESSION['_options'][$_option]) and !$_frozen_options[$_option]) ? $_SESSION['_options'][$_option] : $_value);
$_url = _decode_url(trim($_GET[$_config['url_var_name']]));
if((count($_GET) > 2 and !isset($_GET['_x_fin_x_'])) or (count($_GET) > 3 and isset($_GET['_x_fin_x_']))) {
unset($_GET[$_config['url_var_name']], $_GET['_x_fin_x_'], $_GET['page']);
$_url .= ($_GET) ? '?' . http_build_query($_GET) : '';
} else {
foreach($_options as $_option => $_value) {
$_SESSION['_options'][$_option] = ((isset($_SESSION['_options'][$_option]) and !$_frozen_options[$_option]) ? $_SESSION['_options'][$_option] : $_value);
$this->content = Template::Load("proxy", _report());
// Validate user input
if($_url == '') {
$this->content = Template::Load("proxy", _report(array('error' => 'Debe ingresar una URL.')));
if(!in_array($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'], array('HEAD', 'GET', 'POST'))) {
$this->content = Template::Load("proxy", _report(array('error' => 'Metodo no soportado')));
if(strpos($_url, ':') === false) {
$_url = 'http://' . $_url;
$_url = preg_replace('#:/{3,}#i', '://', $_url);
$_url_com = @parse_url($_url);
$_url_com['scheme'] = strtolower($_url_com['scheme']);
if(empty($_url_com) or !isset($_url_com['host'])) {
$this->content = Template::Load("proxy", _report(array('error' => 'La URL espeficidada es incorrecta.')));
if(preg_match('/^127\.|192\.168\.|10\.|172\.(1[6-9]|2[0-9]|3[01])\./i', $_url_com['host']) or strpos($_url_com['host'], '.') === false) {
$this->content = Template::Load("proxy", _report(array('error' => 'La URL especificada se encuentra restringida.')));
foreach($_disallowed_hosts as $_disallowed_host) {
if($_url_com['host'] == $_disallowed_host or $_url_com['host'] == 'www.' . $_disallowed_host) {
$this->content = Template::Load("proxy", _report(array('error' => 'URL Denegada.')));
if(!in_array($_url_com['scheme'], $_protocols)) {
$this->content = Template::Load("proxy", _report(array('error' => 'Protocolo no soportado.')));
// Prevent HotLinking
if(!$_config['allow_hotlinking']) {
$_hotlink = true;
if($_referer) {
$_hotlink_domains[] = $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'];
$_referer_com = @parse_url($_referer);
foreach($_hotlink_domains as $_hotlink_domain) {
if($_hotlink_domain == $_referer_com['host'] or $_hotlink_domain == 'www.' . $_referer_com['host'] or 'www.' . $_hotlink_domain == $_referer_com['host']) {
$_hotlink = false;
} elseif (!$_config['nonreferer_hotlink'] and !$_referer) {
$_hotlink = false;
if($_hotlink) {
switch($_config['upon_hotlink']) {
case 1:
$this->content = Template::Load("proxy", _report(array('error' => 'hotlinking')));
case 2:
header('HTTP/1.0 404 Not Found');
} // End of hotlinking prevention
// Save username and password to the session
if(!isset($_SESSION['_authorization'])) {
$_SESSION['_authorization'] = array();
if(isset($_POST[$_config['url_var_name']]) and (isset($_POST['username']) or isset($_POST['password']))) {
$_SESSION['_authorization'][$_url_com['host']] = (isset($_POST['username']) ? $_POST['username'] : '') . ':' . (isset($_POST['password']) ? $_POST['password'] : '');
} else {
$_SESSION['_authorization'][$_url_com['host']] = (isset($_SESSION['_authorization'][$_url_com['host']]) ? $_SESSION['_authorization'][$_url_com['host']] : '');
// Complete URL
$_url = $_url_com['scheme'] . '://';
$_base = array('scheme' => $_url_com['scheme']);
if(isset($_url_com['user']) or isset($_url_com['pass'])) {
$_url .= $_url_com['user'];
if(isset($_url_com['pass'])) {
$_url .= ':' . $_url_com['pass'];
$_url .= '@';
$_url .= $_url_com['host'];
if(isset($_url_com['port'])) {
$_url .= ':' . $_url_com['port'];
$_base['webroot'] = $_url;
if(isset($_url_com['path'])) {
$_url .= $_url_com['path'];
$_base['path'] = isset($_url_com['path']) ? $_url_com['path'] : '/';
$_base['webpath'] = $_url;
if(isset($_url_com['query'])) {
$_url_com['query'] = str_replace('&amp;', '&', $_url_com['query']);
parse_str($_url_com['query'], $_query_pairs);
$_url .= '?' . http_build_query($_query_pairs);
$_base['url'] = $_url;
//echo $_url;exit;
// Redirect if neccessary
if(isset($_POST[$_config['url_var_name']]) and !isset($_GET[$_config['url_var_name']])) {
_redirect('?page=proxy&' . $_config['url_var_name'] . '=' . _encode_url($_url) . (isset($_url_com['fragment']) ? '#' . $_url_com['fragment'] : ''));
// Setup options
$_curl_options = array();
$_uploaded_files = array();
if(!isset($_POST[$_config['url_var_name']]) and $_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] == 'POST') {
$_postfields = $_POST;
if(@ini_get('file_uploads') and $_FILES) {
foreach($_FILES as $_key => $_value) {
if(is_array($_value['tmp_name'])) {
foreach($_value['tmp_name'] as $_k => $_v) {
$_new_name = dirname($_v) . '/' . $_value['name'][$_k];
if(!@rename($_v, $_new_name)) {
$_new_name = $_v;
$_postfields[$_key . '[' . $_k . ']'] = '@' . $_new_name;
} else {
$_new_name = dirname($_value['tmp_name']) . '/' . $_value['name'];
if(!@rename($_value['tmp_name'], $_new_name)) {
$_new_name = $_value['tmp_name'];
$_postfields[$_key] = '@' . $_new_name;
$_curl_options[CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS] = $_postfields;
unset($_postfields, $_new_name);
if($_url_com['scheme'] == 'https') {
$_curl_options[CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER] = false;
$_curl_options[CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYHOST] = false;
// Pass headers
$_passible_headers = array(
'HTTP_ACCEPT' => 'Accept',
'HTTP_ACCEPT_CHARSET' => 'Accept-Charset',
'HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE' => 'Accept-Language',
'HTTP_USER_AGENT' => 'User-Agent',
'HTTP_CACHE_CONTROL' => 'Cache-Control',
$_headers = array();
foreach($_passible_headers as $_header_key => $_header_name) {
if(isset($_SERVER[$_header_key])) $_headers[] = $_header_name . ': ' . $_SERVER[$_header_key];
// Remove referers
if($_SESSION['_options']['remove_referers']) {
$_headers[] = 'Referer: ';
} else {
if($_referer) {
$_referer_com = @parse_url($_referer);
if($_url_com['host'] == $_referer_com['host'] or $_url_com['host'] == 'www.' . $_referer_com['host'] or 'www.' . $_url_com['host'] == $_referer_com['host']) {
$_headers[] = 'Referer: ' . $_referer;
} else if($_referer_com['host'] == $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] or $_referer_com['host'] == 'www.' . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] or 'www.' . $_referer_com['host'] == $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']) {
if(isset($_referer_com['query'])) {
$_referer_vars = array();
parse_str($_referer_com['query'], $_referer_vars);
$_internal_referer = _decode_url((isset($_referer_vars[$_config['url_var_name']]) ? $_referer_vars[$_config['url_var_name']] : ''));
$_headers[] = 'Referer: ' . (($_internal_referer) ? $_internal_referer : $_url);
} else {
$_headers[] = 'Referer: ' . $_url;
} else {
$_headers[] = 'Referer: ' . $_url;
// Get content
$_r = array('headers' => array());
$_p = curl_init($_url);
if($_SESSION['_options']['accept_cookies']) {
$_cookie_file = _CWD . '/cookies/' . session_id() . '.txt';
if(!file_exists($_cookie_file)) {
$_cookie = @fopen($_cookie_file, 'wb');
curl_setopt($_p, CURLOPT_COOKIEJAR, $_cookie_file);
curl_setopt($_p, CURLOPT_COOKIEFILE, $_cookie_file);
curl_setopt($_p, CURLOPT_REFERER, false);
curl_setopt($_p, CURLOPT_FAILONERROR, true);
curl_setopt($_p, CURLOPT_FORBID_REUSE, false);
curl_setopt($_p, CURLOPT_FRESH_CONNECT, false);
curl_setopt($_p, CURLOPT_TIMEOUT, 60);
curl_setopt($_p, CURLOPT_MAXREDIRS, 10);
curl_setopt($_p, CURLOPT_FILETIME, true);
curl_setopt($_p, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true);
curl_setopt($_p, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, $_headers);
curl_setopt($_p, CURLOPT_HEADERFUNCTION, '_headerfunction');
if(defined('CURLOPT_AUTOREFERER')) curl_setopt($_p, CURLOPT_AUTOREFERER, false);
if($_SESSION['_authorization'][$_url_com['host']]) curl_setopt($_p, CURLOPT_USERPWD, $_SESSION['_authorization'][$_url_com['host']]);
foreach($_curl_options as $_option => $_value) {
curl_setopt($_p, $_option, $_value);
if(defined('_DEVELOPMENT_MODE')) {
$_curl_log = fopen('./curl_log.txt', 'ab');
fwrite($_curl_log, "[ " . date('Y-m-d H:i:s') . " ]\r\n");
flock($_curl_log, LOCK_EX);
curl_setopt($_p, CURLOPT_VERBOSE, true);
curl_setopt($_p, CURLOPT_STDERR, $_curl_log);
$_r['content'] = curl_exec($_p);
$_r['info'] = curl_getinfo($_p);
$_r['errno'] = curl_errno($_p);
$_r['error'] = curl_error($_p);
if(defined('_DEVELOPMENT_MODE')) {
fwrite($_curl_log, "=> Error Code: {$_r['errno']}\r\n=> Error Message: {$_r['error']}\r\n\r\n\r\n");
flock($_curl_log, LOCK_UN);
// Delete uploaded files if did
foreach($_uploaded_files as $_uploaded_file) {
unset($_p, $_uploaded_files, $_uploaded_file, $_curl_options);
// Handle errors or redirection returned by the distination
if($_r['errno'] == 28 or $_r['errno'] == 6) {
$this->content = Template::Load("proxy", _report(array('error' => 'Servidor no encontrado')));
//if($_r['info']['url'] != $_url) {
// _redirect('?' . $_config['url_var_name'] . '=' . _encode_url($_r['info']['url']));
if($_r['info']['http_code'] == 401) { // Authorization Required
sscanf($_r['headers']['www-authenticate'][0], 'Basic realm=%s', $_realm);
$_realm = array();
preg_match('#basic realm=(?:\'|\")(.*?)(?:\'|\")#si', $_r['headers']['www-authenticate'][0], $_realm);
$_realm = $_realm ? $_realm[1] : '';
$_lang['enter_username_password'] = sprintf($_lang['enter_username_password'], trim($_realm, '"\''), $_base['webroot']);
$this->content = Template::Load("proxy", _report(array('error' => 'authorization_required', 'username' => '', 'password' => '')));
if($_r['info']['http_code'] == 404) { // File not found
$this->content = Template::Load("proxy", _report(array('error' => '404 Pagina no encontrada.')));
if($_config['max_file_size'] > 0 and $_r['info']['download_content_length'] > $_config['max_file_size']) {
$_lang['file_too_large'] = sprintf($_lang['file_too_large'], $this->_number_format($_config['max_file_size'] / 1048576), $this->_number_format($_r['info']['download_content_length'] / 1048576));
$this->content = Template::Load("proxy", _report(array('error' => 'Archivo demasiado grande.')));
// Try to detect Content-Type
if(!isset($_r['headers']['content-type']) and function_exists('mime_content_type')) {
$_r['headers']['content-type'] = array(mime_content_type($_url));
if(isset($_r['headers']['content-type'])) {
$_content_type = explode(';', $_r['headers']['content-type'][0]);
$_content_type = array_map('trim', $_content_type);
} else {
$_content_type = array('text/html');
// Use compress output or not?
if($_config['compress_output'] and (in_array($_content_type[0], $_proxify) and $_content_type[0] != 'text/css') and !(bool)@ini_get('zlib.output_compression') and extension_loaded('zlib')) ob_start('ob_gzhandler');
// Out content don't need to be proxified
if(!in_array($_content_type[0], $_proxify)) {
$this->content = _out(false, $_content_type[0]);
// Try to find <base> tag out and re-setup $_base
if(preg_match('#(<base[^>]*\bhref\s*=\s*[\(\'\"]+)(.*?)([\'\"\)]+[^>]*>)#si', $_r['content'], $match)) {
$_base_com = @parse_url($match[2]);
if($_base_com) {
$_base_url = $_base_com['scheme'] . '://';
$_base_com['scheme'] = strtolower($_base_com['scheme']);
$_base = array('scheme' => $_base_com['scheme']);
if(isset($_base_com['user']) or isset($_base_com['pass'])) {
$_base_url .= $_base_com['user'];
if(isset($_base_com['pass'])) {
$_base_url .= ':' . $_base_com['pass'];
$_base_url .= '@';
$_base_url .= $_base_com['host'];
if(isset($_base_com['port'])) {
$_base_url .= ':' . $_base_com['port'];
$_base['webroot'] = $_base_url;
if(isset($_base_com['path'])) {
$_base_url .= $_base_com['path'];
$_base['path'] = isset($_base_com['path']) ? $_base_com['path'] : '/';
$_base['webpath'] = $_base_url;
if(isset($_base_com['query'])) {
$_base_com['query'] = str_replace('&amp;', '&', $_base_com['query']);
parse_str($_base_com['query'], $_query_pairs);
$_base_url .= '?' . http_build_query($_query_pairs);
$_base['url'] = $_base_url;
$_r['content'] = str_replace($match[0], '', $_r['content']);
// Remove Images
if($_SESSION['_options']['remove_images']) {
$_r['content'] = preg_replace('#<img[^>]*>#si', '', $_r['content']);
$_r['content'] = preg_replace('#(\Wbackground(?:\-image|)?\s*:\s*?.*?)url\s*\(.*?\)(\s)*(;)?#Ssi', '\\1none\\2\\3', $_r['content']);
// Out if it's CSS file
if($_content_type[0] == 'text/css') {
$_r['content'] = _rewrite_css($_r['content']);
$this->content = _out();
// Handle Options
if($_SESSION['_options']['remove_title']) { // Remove Page Title
$_r['content'] = preg_replace('#<title\s*>[^<]*</\s*title\s*>#si', '<title></title>', $_r['content']);
$_scripts = array();
if($_SESSION['_options']['remove_scripts']) { // Remove scripts
$_r['content'] = preg_replace('#<script[^>]*>.*?</\s*script\s*>#si', '', $_r['content']);
$_r['content'] = preg_replace('#\Won[a-z]+\s*=\s*(?:\"[^\"]*\"|\'[^\']*\'|[^\s\>]*)#si', '', $_r['content']);
$_r['content'] = preg_replace('#<noscript[^>]*>(.*?)</\s*noscript\s*>#si', '\\1', $_r['content']);
} else {
// Handle scripts #1
_rewrite_tags(array('script' => array('src')), $_url, $_r, $_config);
preg_match_all('#<script[^>]*>.*?</\s*script\s*>#si', $_r['content'], $_scripts);
$_scripts = $_scripts[0];
foreach($_scripts as $_key => $_script) {
$_scripts['@-@-@-script-' . $_key . '-@-@-@'] = $_script;
$_r['content'] = str_replace($_scripts, array_keys($_scripts), $_r['content']);
if($_SESSION['_options']['remove_meta']) { // Remove meta tags
$_r['content'] = preg_replace('#<meta[^>]*\bname\s*=\s*(?:\"[^\"]*\"|\'[^\']*\'|[^\s\>]*)[^>]*>#si', '', $_r['content']);
// Rewrite URLs
'a' => array('href'),
'img' => array('src', 'longdesc'),
'image' => array('src', 'longdesc'),
'body' => array('background'),
'base' => array('href'),
'frame' => array('src', 'longdesc'),
'iframe' => array('src', 'longdesc'),
'head' => array('profile'),
'layer' => array('src'),
'input' => array('src', 'usemap'),
'form' => array('action'),
'area' => array('href'),
'link' => array('href', 'src', 'urn'),
'meta' => array('content'),
'param' => array('value'),
'applet' => array('codebase', 'code', 'object', 'archive'),
'object' => array('usermap', 'codebase', 'classid', 'archive', 'data'),
'select' => array('src'),
'hr' => array('src'),
'table' => array('background'),
'tr' => array('background'),
'th' => array('background'),
'td' => array('background'),
'bgsound' => array('src'),
'blockquote' => array('cite'),
'del' => array('cite'),
'embed' => array('src'),
'fig' => array('src', 'imagemap'),
'ilayer' => array('src'),
'ins' => array('cite'),
'note' => array('src'),
'overlay' => array('src', 'imagemap'),
'q' => array('cite'),
'ul' => array('src')
), $_url, $_r, $_config);
// Handle scripts #2
if(!$_SESSION['_options']['remove_scripts']) {
$_r['content'] = str_replace(array_keys($_scripts), $_scripts, $_r['content']);
// Rewrite Inline CSS
$_r['content'] = preg_replace('#(<[a-z]+\s*[^>]*url\s*\([\'\"]?)(.*?)([\'\"]?\)[^>]*>)#Sesi', 'stripslashes("\\1") . _rewrite_url("\\2") . stripslashes("\\3")', $_r['content']);
// Rewrite CSS
if(preg_match_all('#<style[^>]*>.*?</\s*style\s*>#Ssi', $_r['content'], $_matches)) {
$_newinx = count($_matches);
$_matches[$_newinx] = array();
foreach($_matches[0] as $_key => $_match) {
$_matches[$_newinx][] = _rewrite_css($_match);
$_r['content'] = str_replace($_matches[0], $_matches[$_newinx], $_r['content']);
unset($_matches, $_newinx, $_key, $_match);
// Include mini form
if($_SESSION['_options']['include_form'] and (!isset($_GET['_x_fin_x_']) or $_GET['_x_fin_x_'] != '1')) {
$tpl = array();
$tpl['options'] = '';
$tpl['url'] = $_url;
foreach($_SESSION['_options'] as $_option => $_value) {
if($_frozen_options[$_option]) continue;
$tpl['options'] .= "<td><label for='option_$_option'><input type='checkbox' name='options[$_option]' id='option_$_option' value='1'".(($_value) ? " checked='checked'" : '')."/>".Template::GetLangVar($_option)."</label></td>";
$_form = Template::Load("proxy_bar", $tpl);
$_r['content'] = preg_replace('#(<body(?:\s*[a-z]+\s*=\s*(?:\"[^\"]*\"|\'[^\']*\'|[^\s\>]*))*.*?>)#si', '\\1' . $_form, $_r['content'], 1);
//end of if
// Out proxified content
$t = false; $t2 = '';
$this->content = _out($t, $t2, $_r, $_url);
//$tpl = array();
//$db = $this->database;
//$this->content = Template::Load("blog", $tpl);
function CacheTime()
return $this->cacheTime;
function GetTemplate()
return $this->content;
function IsCacheable()
return $this->cacheable;
function __destruct()
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