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Last active June 15, 2023 15:55
A list of all my projects




  • kattis_solutions - Kattis (Competitive Programming) website (
  • CMPUT-174-Review - a review of CMPUT 174 @ U of A w/ tips and tricks
  • CS_174 - a collection of assignments in CMPUT 174 @ U of A
  • CS_175 - a collection of assignments in CMPUT 175 @ U of A
  • honor_cal_notes - Notes for honors (aka abstract) calculus
  • memory - a matching game made using pygame
  • tic_tac_toe - a tic tac toe recreation using wxPython (this was created not for university but to find a better way famework than pygame)
  • pong - a pong recreation using pygame
  • UAPSPC_club - a collection (that remains empty for now) of code done at UAPSPC (Problem Solving and Programming Club)

High School

By Type




Notes (Latex)


Automation Scripts/Tools

  • grapher_public - the public version of grapher; a graphing script that takes in a Google Drive folder, extract all worksheets and get all values in a certain range so to graph a summary using matplotlib
  • strings - common string operations
  • pdf_merger - a python script that merges (a variable amount of) pdfs and outputs a single pdf
  • google_sheets_script_public - a public version of google_sheets_script where you can fill in the info and using Google Sheets API script and python to clone from template and change dates in certain cell
  • google_sheets_script - my customized private version of the repo above
  • PyGithub_sorter - a GitHub sorting using python and PyGithub
  • Git_initer - A Shell Script script that git inits, adds, commits when run
  • Git_initer_PowerShell - A Git initer, adder, and commits on first run. Based on


  • tensorflow_test - testing TensorFlow
  • primes - intro into TypeScript by checking if a number is prime or not
  • go_test - intro into Go or Golang by checking if a number is prime or not (copy from primes (above))
  • django_project_test - intro into Django

Repo by Category (i.e. private, origin)



Collaborated/ Forked


  • cover_letter - my personal cover letter
  • grapher - a graphing script that takes in a Google Drive folder, extract all worksheets and get all values in a certain range so to graph a summary using matplotlib
  • google_sheets_script - a Google Sheets API script using python to clone from template and change dates in certain cell (there is a public version of this repo)
  • CS_174_old - some old projects in CS 174 that were not so important
  • CS_174 - a collection of assignments in CMPUT 174 @ U of A
  • CS_175 - a collection of assignments in CMPUT 175 @ U of A
  • flask_project_discontinued - started looking into flask but switched to Django


Total: 95; public:private:forked => 81:7:7


Total: 6


This is a index to all my GitHub repos. It acts as a quicklink to all my projects as well as a description to each repo

*Note, there may be multiple copies of repos because it belongs to multiple sections

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Zeyu-Li commented Feb 22, 2020

My index of all projects. Updated semi-regularly.

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