- kattis_solutions - Kattis (Competitive Programming) website (https://open.kattis.com/)
- CMPUT-174-Review - a review of CMPUT 174 @ U of A w/ tips and tricks
- CS_174 - a collection of assignments in CMPUT 174 @ U of A
- CS_175 - a collection of assignments in CMPUT 175 @ U of A
- honor_cal_notes - Notes for honors (aka abstract) calculus
- memory - a matching game made using pygame
- tic_tac_toe - a tic tac toe recreation using wxPython (this was created not for university but to find a better way famework than pygame)
- pong - a pong recreation using pygame
- UAPSPC_club - a collection (that remains empty for now) of code done at UAPSPC (Problem Solving and Programming Club)
- replace_text - a python program to replace text in a text file given a dictionary to replace it with
- groundhog_text_game - a text based python game
- high_school_exercise_assignments - a collection of high school assignments in computer science 30
- django_ecommerse_app - Django ecommerce application. Successor of https://github.com/Zeyu-Li/django_ecommerse_app_deprecated
- django-tutorial - a tutorial for Django projects
- expressing-chess - Expressing chess with express.js, a backend node.js package
- express_tutorial - a tutorial for express.js, a backend node.js package
- chess - A web chess board made with jQuery and html canvas live @ https://zeyu-li.github.io/chess/index.html
- website - my personal website, made using jQuary and Bootstrap (live @ link)
- pasta-disasta - what happens when you roll the can of pasta
- scoll_with_style - (working) a chrome extension used to stylize the scroll bar
- web-goals - A local web-based application that updated Markdown and makes goals with a time-based component. Live @ https://zeyu-li.github.io/web-goals/
- website_old - my old website written w/out Bootstrap
- unboxing - an web-based unboxing game w/ jQuary and animations
- speedy_jwplayer - It is a simple Chrome extension that modifies the speed of the JW Player
- django_ecommerse_app_deprecated - a django based ecommerce app, made using Django and Bootstrap (live @ -l-i-n-k- (AWS is too expensive to maintain, so is not live anymore))
- Quarantined_Game_Jam - Game Jam during Quarantine; Play now here: https://itch.io/embed-upload/2251772?color=fe5e5e
- c_linked_list - a singly linked list in c; now in https://github.com/Zeyu-Li/quick_algorithms
- Clockwork - during a game jam @ MacEwan from November 8-10, 2019 (48 hours), me and a group of 4 others made a full, working game using Unity (C#) (available @ itch.io or link)
- ClockworkFinished - the finished built version of Clockwork
- GGJ-Alberta2020 - For Global Game Jam Edmonton; Jan. 31 - Feb. 2 2020
- Unity-Template-2D-2019_3 - A Unity Template for 2D games
- Unity-Template-3D-2019_3 - A Unity Template for 3D games
- matrix_multiplication - a working matrix multiplication app using C++. Can use using console or hard cording
- cpp_fractions_lib - a Fractions library in C++
- rref - (working) an rref calculator
- FizzBuzz - fizz buzz in Java
- androidTemplate - An Android Template in the Android Studio
- django_ecommerse_app - Django ecommerce application. Successor of https://github.com/Zeyu-Li/django_ecommerse_app_deprecated
- cipher - a cipher based off of the Feistel Cipher
- Midi_interface - A interface for MIDIUtil
- tic_tac_toe - a tic tac toe recreation using wxPython (this was created not for university but to find a better way famework than pygame)
- pong - a pong recreation using pygame
- PyGithub_sorter - a GitHub sorting using python and PyGithub
- memory - a matching game made using pygame
- requirements-maker - Supply a list of the modules by the pypi name (comma separated list) and will output a requirements.txt
- fractions_cal_py - a fractions calculator in python
- python_fractions_module - a Fractions module in Python
- replace_text - a python program to replace text in a text file given a dictionary to replace it with
- groundhog_text_game - a text based python game
- data_formatting - a python program to replace text in a text file
- django_ecommerse_app_deprecated - a django based ecommerce app, made using Django and Bootstrap (live @ -l-i-n-k- (AWS is too expensive to maintain, so is not live anymore))
- django-tutorial - a tutorial for Django projects
- mathbot - Discord bot for mathematics https://dxsmiley.github.io/mathbot/
- Zeyu-Li - A little snippet about myself
- choose_your_own_adventure_react_maker - Starting creating your adventure now by reading the readme then go here: https://zeyu-li.github.io/choose_your_own_adventure_react_maker/event_generator/index.html
- CMPUT-174-Review - a review of CMPUT 174 @ U of A w/ tips and tricks
- resume - my resume
- resume-template - a LaTeX resume template
- TensorFlow_installation_guide - A guide to installing TensorFlow 2
- unity-user-guide - A Unity User Guide that suppliments Unity Documentation, along with some tips and tricks
- Vim_help - This is to help getting up and running with Vim
- learn-coding - Learn Python coding with interactive code
- GitHub_index - a listing of all my GitHub projects, i.e. this.self
- mb3d - Mandelbulb3D, a 3D fractal generator
- ClockworkFinished - the finished built version of Clockwork
- quick_algorithms - a collections of algorithms and/or formula
- free_blender_models - free Blender models
- 3D_print_doggy_chain_template - A doggy chain or tag template made in Fusion 360 (with template download) (can be 3D printed)
- shortcut_VUr - A Blender addon that captures and displays keyboard and mouse inputs on screen
- Git_initer - A Shell Script script that git inits, adds, commits when run
- Git_initer_PowerShell - A Git initer, adder, and commits on first run. Based on https://github.com/Zeyu-Li/Git_initer
- Unreal-Template-Old - A Old Unreal Template. New one here: https://github.com/Zeyu-Li/Unreal-Template
- Unreal-Template - An Unreal Engine template. Because of a git rename bug, inherits from https://github.com/Zeyu-Li/Unreal-Template-Old
- grapher_public - the public version of grapher; a graphing script that takes in a Google Drive folder, extract all worksheets and get all values in a certain range so to graph a summary using matplotlib
- strings - common string operations
- pdf_merger - a python script that merges (a variable amount of) pdfs and outputs a single pdf
- google_sheets_script_public - a public version of google_sheets_script where you can fill in the info and using Google Sheets API script and python to clone from template and change dates in certain cell
- google_sheets_script - my customized private version of the repo above
- PyGithub_sorter - a GitHub sorting using python and PyGithub
- Git_initer - A Shell Script script that git inits, adds, commits when run
- Git_initer_PowerShell - A Git initer, adder, and commits on first run. Based on https://github.com/Zeyu-Li/Git_initer
- tensorflow_test - testing TensorFlow
- primes - intro into TypeScript by checking if a number is prime or not
- go_test - intro into Go or Golang by checking if a number is prime or not (copy from primes (above))
- django_project_test - intro into Django
- C-template - a template for C
- cpp_boilerplate - a C++ boilerplate
- cpp_gui_template - a C++ GUI boilerplate using wxWidgets
- website_boilerplate - a simple website boilerplate
- python_boilerplate - a python boilerplate
- TypeScript_template - a TypeScript boilerplate
- golang_template - a Go boilerplate
- rust-template - some info on rust, functional programming, and a hello world
- template - a standard template containing a README and a license
- django-template - a django template
- vs_project - a template for a visual studio project
- angular-template - a template for Angular
- react-template - a react template
- react-native-template - A template for React Native
- androidTemplate - An Android Template in the Android Studio
- IntelliJ-IDEA_template - a template for IntelliJ IDEA
- README_template - a template for README.md files
- 3D_print_doggy_chain_template - A doggy chain or tag template made in Fusion 360 (with template download) (can be 3D printed)
- sheetToMIDI - A sheet music to midi file converter
- mb3d - Mandelbulb3D, a 3D fractal generator
- robotics-scoreboard - helped some high school friends with a static website that keeps score in a robotics tournament
- shortcut_VUr - A Blender addon that captures and displays keyboard and mouse inputs on screen
- mathbot - Discord bot for mathematics https://dxsmiley.github.io/mathbot/
- gitignore - A collection of useful .gitignore templates
- cover_letter - my personal cover letter
- grapher - a graphing script that takes in a Google Drive folder, extract all worksheets and get all values in a certain range so to graph a summary using matplotlib
- google_sheets_script - a Google Sheets API script using python to clone from template and change dates in certain cell (there is a public version of this repo)
- CS_174_old - some old projects in CS 174 that were not so important
- CS_174 - a collection of assignments in CMPUT 174 @ U of A
- CS_175 - a collection of assignments in CMPUT 175 @ U of A
- flask_project_discontinued - started looking into flask but switched to Django
- 3D_print_doggy_chain_template - A doggy chain or tag template made in Fusion 360 (with template download) (can be 3D printed)
- androidTemplate - An Android Template in the Android Studio
- angular-template - a template for Angular
- c_linked_list - a singly linked list in c; now in https://github.com/Zeyu-Li/quick_algorithms
- C-template - a template for C
- chess - A web chess board made with jQuery and html canvas. Live @ https://zeyu-li.github.io/chess/index.html
- choose_your_own_adventure_react_maker - Starting creating your adventure now by reading the readme then go here: https://zeyu-li.github.io/choose_your_own_adventure_react_maker/event_generator/index.html
- cipher - a cipher based off of the Feistel Cipher
- Clockwork - during a game jam @ MacEwan from November 8-10, 2019 (48 hours), me and a group of 4 others made a full, working game using Unity (available @ itch.io or link)
- ClockworkFinished - the finished built version of Clockwork
- CMPUT-174-Review - a review of CMPUT 174 @ U of A w/ tips and tricks
- cover_letter - my personal cover letter
- cpp_boilerplate - a C++ boilerplate
- cpp_fractions_lib - a Fractions library in C++
- cpp_gui_template - a C++ GUI boilerplate using wxWidgets
- CS_174 - a collection of assignments in CMPUT 174 @ U of A
- CS_174_old - some old projects in CS 174 that were not so important
- CS_175 - a collection of assignments in CMPUT 175 @ U of A
- data_formatting - a python program to replace text in a text file
- django_ecommerse_app - Django ecommerce application. Successor of https://github.com/Zeyu-Li/django_ecommerse_app_deprecated
- django_ecommerse_app_deprecated - a djanog based ecommerse app, made using Django and Bootstrap (live @ -l-i-n-k- (AWS is too expensive to maintain, so is not live anymore))
- django_project_test - intro into Django
- django-template - a django template
- django-tutorial - a tutorial for Django projects
- express_tutorial - a tutorial for express.js, a backend node.js package
- expressing-chess - Expressing chess with express.js, a backend node.js package
- FizzBuzz - fizz buzz in Java
- flask_project_discontinued - started looking into flask but switched to Django
- fractions_cal_py - a fractions calculator in python
- free_blender_models - free Blender models
- GGJ-Alberta2020 - For Global Game Jam Edmonton; Jan. 31 - Feb. 2 2020
- Git_initer - A Shell Script script that git inits, adds, commits when run
- Git_initer_PowerShell - A Git initer, adder, and commits on first run. Based on https://github.com/Zeyu-Li/Git_initer
- GitHub_index - a listing of all my GitHub projects, i.e. this.self
- gitignore - A collection of useful .gitignore templates
- go_test - intro into Go or Golang by checking if a number is prime or not (copy from primes)
- golang_template - a Go boilerplate
- google_sheets_script - my customized private version of the repo above
- google_sheets_script_public - a public version of google_sheets_script where you can fill in the info and using Google Sheets API script and python to clone from template and change dates in certain cell
- grapher - a graphing script that takes in a Google Drive folder, extract all worksheets and get all values in a certain range so to graph a summary using matplotlib
- grapher_public - the public version of grapher; a graphing script that takes in a Google Drive folder, extract all worksheets and get all values in a certain range so to graph a summary using matplotlib
- groundhog_text_game - a text based python game
- high_school_exercise_assignments - a collection of high school assignments in computer science 30
- honor_cal_notes - Notes for honors (aka abstract) calculus
- kattis_solutions - Kattis (Competitive Programming) website (https://open.kattis.com/)
- IntelliJ-IDEA_template - a template for IntelliJ IDEA
- learn-coding - Learn Python coding with interactive code
- mathbot - Discord bot for mathematics https://dxsmiley.github.io/mathbot/
- matrix_multiplication - a working matrix multiplication app using C++. Can use using console or hard cording
- mb3d - Mandelbulb3D, a 3D fractal generator
- memory - a matching game made using pygame
- Midi_interface - A interface for MIDIUtil
- pasta-disasta - what happens when you roll the can of pasta
- pdf_merger - a python script that merges (a variable amount of) pdfs and outputs a single pdf
- pong - a pong recreation using pygame
- primes - intro into TypeScript by checking if a number is prime or not
- PyGithub_sorter - a GitHub sorting using python and PyGithub
- python_boilerplate - A python boilerplate
- python_fractions_module - a Fractions module in Python
- Quarantined_Game_Jam - Game Jam during Quarantine; Play now here: https://itch.io/embed-upload/2251772?color=fe5e5e
- quick_algorithms - a collections of algorithms and/or formula
- react-native-template - A template for React Native
- react-template - a react template
- README_template - A template for README.md files
- replace_text - a python program to replace text in a text file given a dictionary to replace it with
- requirements-maker - Supply a list of the modules by the pypi name (comma separated list) and will output a requirements.txt
- resume - my resume
- resume-template - a LaTeX resume template
- robotics-scoreboard - Helped some high school friends with a static website that keeps score in a robotics tournament
- rref - (working) an rref calculator
- rust-template - some info on rust, functional programming, and a hello world
- scoll_with_style - (working) a chrome extension used to stylize the scroll bar
- sheetToMIDI - A sheet music to midi file converter
- shortcut_VUr - A Blender addon that captures and displays keyboard and mouse inputs on screen
- speedy_jwplayer - It is a simple Chrome extension that modifies the speed of the JW Player
- strings - common string operations
- template - a standard template wil README and a license
- TensorFlow_installation_guide - A guide to installing TensorFlow 2
- tensorflow_test - testing TensorFlow
- tic_tac_toe - a tic tac toe recreation using wxPython (this was created not for university but to find a better way famework than pygame)
- TypeScript_template - a TypeScript boilerplate
- UAPSPC_club - a collection (that remains empty for now) of code done at UAPSPC (Problem Solving and Programming Club)
- unboxing - an web-based unboxing game w/ jQuary and animations
- Unity-Template-2D-2019_3 - A Unity Template for 2D games
- Unity-Template-3D-2019_3 - A Unity Template for 3D games
- unity-user-guide - A Unity User Guide that suppliments Unity Documentation, along with some tips and tricks
- Unreal-Template - An Unreal Engine template. Because of a git rename bug, inherits from https://github.com/Zeyu-Li/Unreal-Template-Old
- Unreal-Template-Old - A Old Unreal Template. New one here: https://github.com/Zeyu-Li/Unreal-Template
- Vim_help - This is to help getting up and running with Vim
- vs_project - a template for a visual studio project
- web-goals - A local web-based application that updated Markdown and makes goals with a time-based component. Live @ https://zeyu-li.github.io/web-goals/
- website - my personal website, made using jQuary and Bootstrap (live @ link)
- website_boilerplate - a simple website boilerplate
- website_old - my old website written w/out Bootstrap
- Zeyu-Li - A little snippet about myself
Total: 95; public:private:forked => 81:7:7
- cloudSettings - Visual Studio Code Settings Sync Gist
- README.md - A list of all my projects
- .vimrc - A vim setting gist
- counter.py - Counts the number of GitHub repos a person has
- discord.md - A simple help guide for Discord noobs
- change.sh - Changes git user
Total: 6
This is a index to all my GitHub repos. It acts as a quicklink to all my projects as well as a description to each repo
*Note, there may be multiple copies of repos because it belongs to multiple sections
My index of all projects. Updated semi-regularly.