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Created March 21, 2012 06:27
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Balls simulation
from pymunk import Body, Circle, Vec2d, Segment, Poly, Space
import pymunk
import pygame
import random
from select import select
def vint(v):
return int(v[0]), int(v[1])
def randarea(x0, y0, w, h):
return x0 + random.random() * w, y0 + random.random() * h
def randcolor():
return ([random.randint(0, 155) for i in xrange(3)])
class Balls:
def __init__(self, rs, w, h):
self.screen = pygame.display.set_mode((800, 600)) = rs
self.w = w
self.h = h
def render(self):
screen = self.screen
# render walls
for wall, seg in self.walls:
pygame.draw.line(screen, 0x000000, vint(seg.a+wall.position),
vint(seg.b+wall.position), 1)
# print 'seg', seg.a + wall.position, seg.b + wall.position
# render balls
for ball, circle in self.balls:, ball.color, vint(ball.position),
def solve(self):
k = 5
w, h = self.w, self.h
w1 = w * k
h1 = h * k
w2 = w * (k-1)
h2 = h * (k-1)
#init a space
space = Space(5000)
# walldata = (pos, a, b)
wallV = 40
wallM = 1000000
x0, y0 = 400, 300
wallsData = [((0, -h1/2), (0, wallV), (-w1/2, 0), (w1/2, 0)),
((w1/2, 0), (-wallV, 0), (0, -h1/2), (0, h1/2)),
((0, h1/2), (0, -wallV), (-w1/2, 0), (w1/2, 0)),
((-w1/2, 0), (wallV, 0), (0, -h1/2), (0, h1/2))]
walls = []
# add walls
for pos, v, a, b in wallsData:
body = Body(wallM, pymunk.moment_for_segment(wallM, a, b))
body.position = pos + Vec2d(x0, y0)
# body.velocity = v
# body.apply_force(Vec2d(v) * body.mass)
shape = Segment(body, a, b, 10)
shape.elasticity = 0.9 = 1
space.add(body, shape)
walls.append((body, shape))
balls = []
# add balls
V = 100
for r in
mass = 10 * r ** 2
body = Body(mass, pymunk.moment_for_circle(mass, 0, r))
shape = Circle(body, r)
shape.elasticity = 0.9
body.position = Vec2d(randarea(-w2/2, -h2/2, w2, h2)) + (x0, y0)
body.velocity = Vec2d(randarea(-V, -V, V, V))
body.color = randcolor()
space.add(body, shape)
balls.append((body, shape))
self.walls = walls
self.balls = balls
# raw_input()
SPS = 80
FPS = 30
iterDt = 1.0 / SPS
fpsDt = 1.0/FPS
timer = pygame.time.Clock()
frameTime = 0
# start solve
dwl, dhl = 10000000, 10000000
cnt = 0
while True:
cnt += 1
dh = abs(walls[0][0].position.y - walls[2][0].position.y)
dw = abs(walls[1][0].position.x - walls[3][0].position.x)
if dh > dhl or dw > dwl: break
dwl, dhl = dw, dh
for wall,shape in walls:
wall.apply_force(((x0, y0) - wall.position) * 100000)
frameTime += iterDt
if frameTime >= fpsDt:
for e in pygame.event.get():
if e.type == pygame.KEYDOWN and e.unicode == ' ':
pause = 1
while pause:
for e in pygame.event.get():
if e.type == pygame.KEYDOWN and e.unicode == ' ':
pause = 0
frameTime -= fpsDt
print 'finish in %d loop' % (cnt,)
if __name__ == '__main__':
rs = [10, 10, 10, 10, 10,
5, 5, 5, 5,
3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3]
rs = sum(([r]*(60/r) for r in [5, 10, 12, 15]), [])
solver = Balls(rs, 200, 200)
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