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Created May 6, 2012 05:40
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Balls hitting
import pygame as pg
R = 10
M = 1
FPS = 30
Margin = 10
ScreenW, ScreenH = 400, 400
BoundX1, BoundX2 = Margin, ScreenW - Margin
BoundY1, BoundY2 = Margin, ScreenH - Margin
DT0 = 0.02
class Ball:
def __init__(self, x, y, vx, vy, r=R):
self.x = x + 0.
self.y = y + 0.
self.vx = vx + 0.
self.vy = vy + 0.
self.r = r + 0.
def is_hitting(b1, b2):
dx = b2.x - b1.x
dy = b2.y - b1.y
dvx = b2.vx - b1.vx
dvy = b2.vy - b1.vy
if dx**2 + dy ** 2 < (b1.r + b2.r)**2 and dvx * dx + dvy * dy < 0:
return True
return False
def handle_hit(b1, b2):
sx = b2.x - b1.x
sy = b2.y - b1.y
sl = (sx**2 + sy**2)**0.5
assert sl != 0
# normalize vector s
sx /= sl
sy /= sl
# t is the perp of s
tx = -sy
ty = sx
v1 = b1.vx * sx + b1.vy * sy
v2 = b2.vx * sx + b2.vy * sy
# v1 + v2 = v1' + v2'
# v2 - v1 = - (v2' - v1')
# => v1' = v2, v2' = v1, swap velocity
v1p = v2
v2p = v1
# b1.v' = b1.v - v1 * s + v1' * s = v1.v + (v1'-v1) * s
b1.vx = b1.vx + (v1p - v1) * sx
b1.vy = b1.vy + (v1p - v1) * sy
b2.vx = b2.vx + (v2p - v2) * sx
b2.vy = b2.vy + (v2p - v2) * sy
def is_exist_hit():
for i in xrange(len(balls)):
b1 = balls[i]
for j in xrange(i+1, len(balls)):
b2 = balls[j]
if is_hitting(b1, b2):
return True
return False
def init_graphic():
global screen
screen = pg.display.set_mode((ScreenW, ScreenH), 0, 32)
screen.fill((0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff))
def init_balls():
global balls
balls = []
v = 100.
balls.append(Ball(100, 100, v, 0, R*2))
balls.append(Ball(170, 105, -v, 0))
balls.append(Ball(170, 305, -v, v, R*2))
balls.append(Ball(270, 305, v, -v))
balls.append(Ball(190, 105, v/2, -v))
def draw_balls():
for ball in balls:, (0, 0, 0, 0xff),
(int(ball.x), int(ball.y)), int(ball.r), 1)
pg.draw.line(screen, (0xff, 0, 0, 0xff),
(int(ball.x), int(ball.y)), (int(ball.x + ball.vx), int(ball.y + ball.vy)))
pg.draw.rect(screen, (0, 0, 0, 0xff),
pg.Rect((BoundX1, BoundY1), (BoundX2 - BoundX1, BoundY2 - BoundY1)), 1)
def step(dt):
for ball in balls:
ball.x += ball.vx * dt
ball.y += ball.vy * dt
def bound_hit_handle():
for ball in balls:
if ball.x - ball.r <= BoundX1 and ball.vx <= 0:
ball.vx *= -1
elif ball.x + ball.r >= BoundX2 and ball.vx >= 0:
ball.vx *= -1
if ball.y - ball.r <= BoundY1 and ball.vy <= 0:
ball.vy *= -1
elif ball.y + ball.r >= BoundY2 and ball.vy >= 0:
ball.vy *= -1
def to_next_hit(dt):
tl, tr = 0., dt
t = 0. # t is current time
t = dt
if not is_exist_hit():
return dt
while tr - tl > 0.001:
tm = (tr + tl) / 2
step(tm - t)
t = tm
if is_exist_hit():
tr = tm
tl = tm
return t
def simulate(dt):
while dt > 0:
ddt = min(dt, DT0)
ddtr = to_next_hit(ddt)
if ddtr < ddt:
for i in xrange(len(balls)):
for j in xrange(i+1, len(balls)):
if is_hitting(balls[i], balls[j]):
handle_hit(balls[i], balls[j])
dt -= ddtr
def main_loop():
timer = pg.time.Clock()
quit = 0
while not quit:
for e in pg.event.get():
if e.type == pg.QUIT or e.type == pg.KEYDOWN and e.key in (pg.K_q, pg.K_ESCAPE):
quit = 1
screen.fill((0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff))
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