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Created June 14, 2013 17:12
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KMP automaton in Haskell
-- module KMPAt where
import System.IO
import Control.Monad
import Data.Maybe
import Data.String
import System.TimeIt
data KMPAt = AuxNode (Maybe KMPAt)
| KMPNode (Maybe KMPAt) KMPAt (Char->Bool)
-- KMPNode next fail pred
instance Show KMPAt where
show (AuxNode _) = "AuxNode"
show (KMPNode _ _ pred) = "KMPNode " ++ show (filter pred ['a'..'z'])
isFinal :: KMPAt -> Bool
isFinal (AuxNode _) = False
isFinal p = isNothing.nextL $ p
nextL (AuxNode n) = n
nextL (KMPNode n _ _) = n
accSym (AuxNode _) _ = True
accSym (KMPNode _ _ predC) c' = predC c'
failL p@(AuxNode _) = p
failL (KMPNode _ f _) = f
match :: KMPAt -> String -> [Int]
match root s = runKMP root 0 s where
runKMP p i s | isFinal p = i : runKMP (failL p) i s
runKMP p i (c:s) = runKMP (fromJust.nextL$ back p c) (i+1) s
runKMP _ _ [] = []
back p c | accSym p c = p
| otherwise = back (failL p) c
buildKMP [] = AuxNode Nothing
buildKMP (c:cs) = root where
aux = AuxNode (Just root)
root = KMPNode (buildKMP' aux cs c) aux (==c)
buildKMP' lastFail [] c = Just $ KMPNode Nothing failL' (const False) where
failL' = fromJust.nextL $ back (lastFail) c
buildKMP' lastFail (c:cs) c' = Just$ KMPNode nextL' failL' (==c) where
failL' = fromJust.nextL $ back (lastFail) c'
nextL' = buildKMP' failL' cs c
collect p | isFinal p = []
| otherwise = (p, failL p) : collect (fromJust.nextL$ p )
match' p s = match (buildKMP p) s
-- timeIt f = f
main = do
(p:ss) <- lines `liftM` hGetContents stdin
forM_ ss (putStrLn.reverse.take 10)
timeIt $ do show$ map (match' p) ss
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