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Compile time lambda calculator in C++
#include <type_traits>
#include <tuple>
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
namespace lambda_term {
struct TermBase {};
template <typename T>
concept Term = std::is_base_of_v<TermBase, T>;
template <unsigned X> struct Var : TermBase {};
template <Term T1, Term T2> struct App : TermBase {};
template <Term T> struct Lam : TermBase {};
using lambda_term::Var, lambda_term::App, lambda_term::Lam, lambda_term::Term;
namespace lifting {
template <int m, int k, Term T> struct lift_impl;
template <int m, int k, Term T> using lift = typename lift_impl<m, k, T>::res;
template <int m, int k, unsigned I> struct lift_impl<m, k, Var<I>> {
using res = Var< I < m ? I : I + k >;
template <int m, int k, Term L, Term R> struct lift_impl<m, k, App<L, R>> {
using liftL = lift<m, k, L>;
using liftR = lift<m, k, R>;
using res = App<liftL, liftR>;
template <int m, int k, Term T> struct lift_impl<m, k, Lam<T>> {
using liftT = lift<m + 1, k, T>;
using res = Lam<liftT>;
namespace substitution {
template <Term A, Term N, unsigned I> struct subst_impl;
template <Term A, Term N, unsigned I = 0> using subst = typename subst_impl<A, N, I>::res;
template <Term M, Term N> using beta = lifting::lift<0, -1, subst<M, lifting::lift<0, 1, N>, 0>>;
template <Term N, unsigned I> struct subst_impl<Var<I>, N, I> {
using res = N;
template <Term N, unsigned I, unsigned i> struct subst_impl<Var<i>, N, I> {
using res = Var<i>;
template <Term N, Term L, Term R, unsigned I> struct subst_impl<App<L, R>, N, I> {
using substL = subst<L, N, I>;
using substR = subst<R, N, I>;
using res = App<substL, substR>;
template <Term N, Term T, unsigned I> struct subst_impl<Lam<T>, N, I> {
using substT = subst<T, lifting::lift<0, 1, N>, I + 1>;
using res = Lam<substT>;
namespace evaluation {
struct NF : lambda_term::TermBase {};
template <unsigned I> auto constexpr one_step_impl(Var<I>);
template <Term T> auto constexpr one_step_impl(Lam<T>);
template <Term M, Term N> auto constexpr one_step_impl(App<Lam<M>, N>);
template <Term L, Term R> auto constexpr one_step_impl(App<L, R>);
template <Term T> using one_step = decltype(one_step_impl(T{}));
template <Term T>
auto constexpr eval_normal_impl() {
using StepT = one_step<T>;
if constexpr (std::is_same_v<NF, StepT>) {
return T{};
} else {
return eval_normal_impl<StepT>();
template <Term T> using eval_normal = decltype(eval_normal_impl<T>());
template <unsigned I> auto constexpr one_step_impl(Var<I>) {
return NF{};
template <Term T>
auto constexpr one_step_impl(Lam<T>) {
using EvalT = one_step<T>;
if constexpr (std::is_same_v<NF, EvalT>) {
return NF{};
} else {
return Lam<EvalT>{};
template <Term L, Term R>
auto constexpr one_step_impl(App<L, R>) {
using EvalL = one_step<L>;
using EvalR = one_step<R>;
if constexpr (std::is_same_v<NF, EvalL>) {
if constexpr (std::is_same_v<NF, EvalR>) {
return NF{};
} else {
return App<L, EvalR>{};
} else {
return App<EvalL, R>{};
template <Term M, Term N>
auto constexpr one_step_impl(App<Lam<M>, N>) {
using EvalM = one_step<Lam<M>>;
if constexpr (std::is_same_v<NF, EvalM>) {
return substitution::beta<M, N>{};
} else {
return App<EvalM, N>{};
template <Term M, Term N>
static constexpr bool equals = std::same_as<eval_normal<M>, eval_normal<N>>;
using evaluation::eval_normal;
using evaluation::equals;
namespace pretty_printer {
template <unsigned I>
std::string pretty_print_impl (Var<I>, char c) {
return std::string() + char(c - I - 1);
template <Term L, Term R>
std::string pretty_print_impl (App<L, R>, char c) {
return "(" + pretty_print(L{}, c) + ")(" + pretty_print_impl(R{}, c) + ")";
template <Term T>
std::string pretty_print_impl (Lam<T>, char c) {
return std::string("\\") + c + " -> " + pretty_print_impl(T{}, c + 1);
template <Term T>
std::string pretty_print = pretty_print_impl(T{}, 'a');
using pretty_printer::pretty_print;
namespace parser {
template <unsigned N, const char (&STR)[N], unsigned POS, typename STACK>
constexpr auto parse_impl(STACK);
template <unsigned N, const char (&STR)[N], unsigned POS, typename STACK >
using parse_pos = decltype(parse_impl<N, STR, POS, STACK>({}));
template <unsigned N, const char (&STR)[N]>
using parse = parse_pos<N, STR, 0, int>;
template <typename RES, unsigned POS>
struct parsing_result {
using type = RES;
static constexpr unsigned pos = POS;
template <char C, typename T> struct Cons {};
template <unsigned I, char S, char C, typename Cs>
constexpr char get_stack_element_impl(Cons<C, Cs>) {
if constexpr (C == S) {
return I;
} else {
return get_stack_element_impl<I + 1, S>(Cs{});
template <typename STACK, char S>
constexpr char get_stack_element = get_stack_element_impl<0, S>(STACK{});
template <unsigned N, const char (&STR)[N], unsigned POS, typename STACK>
constexpr auto parse_var_impl(STACK) {
return parsing_result<Var<get_stack_element<STACK, STR[POS]>>, POS + 1>{};
template <unsigned N, const char (&STR)[N], unsigned POS, typename STACK>
using parse_var = decltype(parse_var_impl<N, STR, POS>(STACK{}));
template <unsigned N, const char (&STR)[N], unsigned POS, typename STACK>
constexpr auto parse_app_impl(STACK) {
using T1 = parse_pos<N, STR, POS + 1, STACK>;
using T2 = parse_pos<N, STR, T1::pos + 2, STACK>;
return parsing_result<App<typename T1::type, typename T2::type>, T2::pos + 1>{};
template <unsigned N, const char (&STR)[N], unsigned POS, typename STACK>
using parse_app = decltype(parse_app_impl<N, STR, POS>(STACK{}));
template <unsigned N, const char (&STR)[N], unsigned POS, typename STACK>
constexpr auto parse_lam_impl(STACK) {
using Stack2 = Cons<STR[POS + 1], STACK>;
using T = parse_pos<N, STR, POS + 4, Stack2>;
return parsing_result<Lam<typename T::type>, T::pos>{};
template <unsigned N, const char (&STR)[N], unsigned POS, typename STACK>
using parse_lam = decltype(parse_lam_impl<N, STR, POS>(STACK{}));
template <unsigned N, const char (&STR)[N], unsigned POS, typename STACK>
constexpr auto parse_impl(STACK) {
if constexpr (STR[POS] == '\\') {
return parse_lam<N, STR, POS, STACK>{};
} else if constexpr(STR[POS] == '(') {
return parse_app<N, STR, POS, STACK>{};
} else {
return parse_var<N, STR, POS, STACK>{};
#define TERM(term) decltype([] { \
static constexpr char str[] = #term; \
return parser::parse<sizeof(str), str>::type{}; \
int main() {
// Test
using K = TERM(\\x->\\y->x);
using KK = TERM(\\y->\\x->\\z->x);
using Id = TERM(\\x->(\\x->x)((\\x->x)(x)));
static_assert(equals< App<K, K> , KK >);
static_assert(equals< App<App<K, K>, K> , K >);
static_assert(equals< Id, TERM(\\x->x) >);
std::cout << pretty_print<eval_normal<KK>> << std::endl; // \a -> \b -> \c -> b
return 0;
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ZhekehZ commented Dec 7, 2020

Upd: added simple compile time parser

  Variable = a | b | ... | z
  Term = \\Variable->Term | (Term)(Term) |  Variable 

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ZhekehZ commented Dec 7, 2020

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