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Created July 27, 2015 08:57
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Save Zhomart/62ce93ec66d2c8023657 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Template Firewall SDN Controller.
# Copyright 2011-2012 James McCauley
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at:
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
# Customerized for firewall example
# TO run in mininet:
# ----------------
# Put this file in ~/pox/pox/forwarding/
# Put your "firewall" rule file in ~/vm/firewall_rules_STUDENT_ID
# First launch a mininet with a single switch and three hosts
# This can be done using a command line or a custom topo file in Python
# Then launch the firewall:
# ./ log.level --DEBUG forwarding.l2_firewall_STUDENT_ID --firewall_file=~/vm/firewall_rules_STUDENT_ID
An L2 learning switch customized for NPU SDN project.
It is derived from one written live for an SDN crash course.
It is somwhat similar to NOX's pyswitch in that it installs
exact-match rules for each flow.
from pox.core import core
import pox.openflow.libopenflow_01 as of
from pox.lib.util import dpid_to_str
from pox.lib.util import str_to_bool
from pox.lib.addresses import EthAddr
import time
import os
import traceback
log = core.getLogger()
# We don't want to flood immediately when a switch connects.
# Can be overriden on commandline.
_flood_delay = 0
class FirewallSwitch (object):
The learning switch "brain" associated with a single OpenFlow switch.
When we see a packet, we'd like to output it on a port which will
eventually lead to the destination. To accomplish this, we build a
table that maps addresses to ports.
We populate the table by observing traffic. When we see a packet
from some source coming from some port, we know that source is out
that port.
When we want to forward traffic, we look up the desintation in our
table. If we don't know the port, we simply send the message out
all ports except the one it came in on. (In the presence of loops,
this is bad!).
In short, our algorithm looks like this:
For each packet from the switch:
1) Use source address and switch port to update address/port table
2) Is transparent = False and either Ethertype is LLDP or the packet's
destination address is a Bridge Filtered address?
2a) Drop packet -- don't forward link-local traffic (LLDP, 802.1x)
3) Is destination multicast?
3a) Flood the packet
4) Port for destination address in our address/port table?
4a) Flood the packet
5) Is output port the same as input port?
5a) Drop packet and similar ones for a while
6) Install flow table entry in the switch so that this
flow goes out the appopriate port
6a) Send the packet out appropriate port
def __init__ (self, connection, transparent, firewall_file):
# Switch we'll be adding L2 learning switch capabilities to
self.connection = connection
self.transparent = transparent
self.firewall_file = firewall_file
# Our table forwarding
self.macToPort = {}
# YOUR CODE HERE set up a firewall table using dictionary
# We want to hear PacketIn messages, so we listen
# to the connection
# Events handlers:
# PacketIn
# FlowRemoved
# NPU: again it's a common pattern to add itself as a listener in __init__
# here it's done using connection.addListener() interface
# We just use this to know when to log a helpful message
self.hold_down_expired = _flood_delay == 0
log.debug("Initializing FirewallSwitch, transparent=%s",
# NPU: add firewall rules to block packets with this src MAC
# The firewall table entry is "(dpistr,srcMac), true/false"
# if the matched entry returns True, then forward
# else drop
def addRule(self, dpidstr, src, value = True):
self.firewall[(dpidstr, src)] = value"*** Added firewall rule in switch %s for src MAC %s", dpidstr, src)
def loadRulesFromFirewallFile(self, dpidstr):"*** Loading firewall rules from %s" % (self.firewall_file))
f = None
f = open(self.firewall_file)
for src in f:
# Need to strip off the carriage return at the end
# and check if the string is empty
src = src.strip()
if not src: continue
# YOUR CODE HERE: populate the firewall table
except Exception, e:
log.error("*** Something is wrong with adding rules! ")
raise RuntimeError("*** Error adding firewall rules")
finally:"*** Done reading filewall rules")
# NPU: check firewall rules
def checkRule(self, dpidstr, src):
# YOUR CODE HERE use entry variable to hold the firewall rule
entry = False
if entry:
log.debug("*** Rule on MAC %s found in switch %s: FORWARD", src, dpidstr)
log.debug("*** Rule on MAC %s found in switch %s: DROP", src, dpidstr)
return entry
except KeyError:
log.debug("*** Rule on MAC %s NOT found in switch %s: DROP", src, dpidstr)
return False
# NPU: handle flow removed event
def _handle_FlowRemoved(self,event):"\n\nFlow Removed on %s", dpid_to_str(event.dpid))
#import pdb; pdb.set_trace()
# Find out the reason for removal
reason = event.ofp.reason
if reason == of.OFPRR_IDLE_TIMEOUT:" Reason: idle timeout")
elif reason == of.OFPRR_HARD_TIMEOUT:" Reason: hard timeout")
else:" Reason unclear")
# Find out which flow is removed
flow_removal = event.ofp.match" Removed flow src: %s - dst: %s", flow_removal.nw_src, flow_removal.nw_dst)
def _handle_PacketIn (self, event):
Handle packet in messages from the switch to implement above algorithm.
#import pdb; set_trace()
packet = event.parsed"\n\nPACKET IN!")"==> in_port = %s" % event.port)"==> SRC MAC = %s" % packet.src)"==> DST MAC = %s" % packet.dst)
def flood (message = None):
""" Floods the packet """
msg = of.ofp_packet_out()
if time.time() - self.connection.connect_time >= _flood_delay:
# Only flood if we've been connected for a little while...
if self.hold_down_expired is False:
# Oh yes it is!
self.hold_down_expired = True"%s: Flood hold-down expired -- flooding",
if message is not None: log.debug(message)
log.debug("%i: flood %s -> %s", event.dpid,packet.src,packet.dst)
# OFPP_FLOOD is optional; on some switches you may need to change
# this to OFPP_ALL.
msg.actions.append(of.ofp_action_output(port = of.OFPP_FLOOD))
pass"Holding down flood for %s", dpid_to_str(event.dpid)) = event.ofp
msg.in_port = event.port
def drop (duration = None):
Drops this packet and optionally installs a flow to continue
dropping similar ones for a while
if duration is not None:
if not isinstance(duration, tuple):
duration = (duration,duration)
msg = of.ofp_flow_mod()
msg.match = of.ofp_match.from_packet(packet)
msg.idle_timeout = duration[0]
msg.hard_timeout = duration[1]
msg.buffer_id = event.ofp.buffer_id
elif event.ofp.buffer_id is not None:
msg = of.ofp_packet_out()
msg.buffer_id = event.ofp.buffer_id
msg.in_port = event.port
self.macToPort[packet.src] = event.port # 1
# NPU: Check if the packet from this source is allowed
# by firewall
dpidstr = dpid_to_str(event.connection.dpid)
# YOUR CODE HERE: call CheckRule function to check for rules
log.debug("*** Packed passed the firewall.")
if not self.transparent: # 2
if packet.type == packet.LLDP_TYPE or packet.dst.isBridgeFiltered():
drop() # 2a
if packet.dst.is_multicast:
flood() # 3a
if packet.dst not in self.macToPort: # 4
flood("Port for %s unknown -- flooding" % (packet.dst,)) # 4a
port = self.macToPort[packet.dst]
if port == event.port: # 5
# 5a
log.warning("Same port for packet from %s -> %s on %s.%s. Drop."
% (packet.src, packet.dst, dpid_to_str(event.dpid), port))
# 6
log.debug("installing flow for %s.%i -> %s.%i" %
(packet.src, event.port, packet.dst, port))
msg = of.ofp_flow_mod()
msg.match = of.ofp_match.from_packet(packet, event.port)
msg.idle_timeout = 10
msg.hard_timeout = 30
msg.flags |= of.OFPFF_SEND_FLOW_REM
msg.actions.append(of.ofp_action_output(port = port)) = event.ofp # 6a
class l2_learning (object):
Waits for OpenFlow switches to connect and makes them learning switches.
# NPU: add itself as a listener during initialization
# for ConnectionUp event. It's a common pattern to
# addListeners in a class __init__. Here it's done
# using core.openflow.addListener() interface
def __init__ (self, transparent, firewall_file):
core.openflow.addListeners(self) # Core will register the callback function
# starts with _handle_xxx
self.transparent = transparent
self.firewall_file = firewall_file
# handler for ConnectionUp event
# also create a FirewallSwitch object instance
# and pass the connection object
def _handle_ConnectionUp (self, event):
log.debug("NPU Connection %s" % (event.connection))
FirewallSwitch(event.connection, self.transparent, self.firewall_file)
# launch
def launch (transparent=False, hold_down=_flood_delay, firewall_file = "cs589.firewall"):
Starts an L2 switch.
global _flood_delay
_flood_delay = int(str(hold_down), 10)
assert _flood_delay >= 0
raise RuntimeError("Expected hold-down to be a number")
#import pdb; pdb.set_trace()
# Check the firewall file exists locally and not empty"*** Firewall file : %s", (firewall_file))
if os.path.isfile(firewall_file) == False:
raise RuntimeError(" Firewall rules %s not found!" % (firewall_file))
else:"*** Firewall file: %s found!" % (firewall_file))
if os.stat(firewall_file).st_size == 0:
log.warning("*** Warning: empty firewall rules!")
# LID: Register l2_learning class with the core
core.registerNew(l2_learning, str_to_bool(transparent), firewall_file)
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