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Created April 11, 2016 22:05
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import math
from xml.dom import minidom
def coord(way_id):
abs_file_path = "/Users/zia/Documents/Test/osm_road_length_data/itu_maslak.osm";
xmldoc = minidom.parse(abs_file_path)
way = xmldoc.getElementsByTagName("way")
def node_coord(node_id):
node = xmldoc.getElementsByTagName("node")
latlon = list();
for n in node:
if int(n.getAttribute("id")) == node_id:
return latlon
coord_list = list();
for w in way:
if int(w.getAttribute("id")) == way_id:
node_id = w.getElementsByTagName("nd")
for nd in node_id:
lat = node_coord(int(nd.getAttribute("ref")))[0]
lon = node_coord(int(nd.getAttribute("ref")))[1]
latlon = list()
return coord_list
def gcd(st, end):
lat1 = st[0]
long1 = st[1]
lat2 = end[0]
long2 = end[1]
rLat1 = math.radians(lat1)
rLong1 = math.radians(long1)
rLat2 = math.radians(lat2)
rLong2 = math.radians(long2)
dLat = rLat2 - rLat1
dLong = rLong2 - rLong1
a = math.sin(dLat/2)**2 + math.cos(rLat1) * math.cos(rLat2) \
* math.sin(dLong/2)**2
c = 2 * math.atan2(math.sqrt(a), math.sqrt(1-a))
theta = math.atan((6356752.3**2)*(math.tan((rLat1+rLat2)/2))/(6378137**2))
rad_new = (((math.cos(theta))**2/(6378137**2))+((math.sin(theta))**2/(6356752.3**2)))**-0.5
ret = list()
return ret
def distance(way_id):
coord_list = list(coord(way_id));
final_dist_wgs84 = 0.0;
final_dist_localdatum = 0.0;
rad_new = 0.0;
for count in range(0,len(coord_list)-1):
final_dist_wgs84 += (gcd(coord_list[count], coord_list[count+1])[0])*6371000;
final_dist_localdatum += (gcd(coord_list[count], coord_list[count+1])[0])*(gcd(coord_list[count], coord_list[count+1])[1]);
rad_new += gcd(coord_list[count], coord_list[count+1])[1]
rad_new /= (len(coord_list)-1)
return (6371000,final_dist_wgs84,rad_new,final_dist_localdatum)
print distance(20);
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