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Created September 11, 2015 06:22
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#include <boost/graph/adjacency_list.hpp>
template <typename UndirectedGraph>
void undirected_graph_demo1(){
/*The value of V is not imp, we need it just to pass into constructor at "UndirectedGraph undigraph(V);" to initialize it.
Later on we can add as many vertices as we want*/
const int V = 0;
UndirectedGraph undigraph(V);
typename boost::graph_traits<UndirectedGraph>::vertex_descriptor zero, one, two;
typename boost::graph_traits<UndirectedGraph>::out_edge_iterator out, out_end;
typename boost::graph_traits<UndirectedGraph>::in_edge_iterator in, in_end;
zero = vertex(0, undigraph);
one = vertex(1, undigraph);
two = vertex(2, undigraph);
add_edge(zero, one, undigraph);
add_edge(one, two, undigraph);
add_edge(zero, two, undigraph);
for (tie(out, out_end) = out_edges(zero, undigraph); out != out_end; ++out){
std::cout<< *out;
std::cout<< std::endl;
for (tie(in, in_end) = in_edges(zero, undigraph); in != in_end; ++in){
std::cout<< *in;
int main(){
typedef boost::adjacency_list<boost::listS, boost::vecS, boost::undirectedS,
boost::no_property, boost::no_property> UndirectedGraph;
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