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Last active February 2, 2023 12:58
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"nodes": [
"id": "AAA Things To Add",
"content": {
"content": "divide scarcity into natural scarcity and artifical scarcity\nnatural disasters\npride -> artificial(superficial?) competition\nnatural scarcity -> natural competition\narticifial scarcity -> natural competition\nownership vs custodianship\njealousy\nblame \nsocial value\nlabels\nfeeling of safety\nid - find another word to describe 'id' ?\ndivide self and ego\ndeath\napathy\n\n\n\nXptO:\nI like to think that the 6 sense is the thought. And that thoughts are originated by the combination of the previous 5 sense. We human are driven by our thoughts. And there is a correlation causation between them and ideologies. The ideology of competition is a belief. It's not the same as the act of competition. Just to be clear. Obviously that the lack of knowledge is at the origin of such Ideology.",
"result": []
"group": 0
"id": "Action",
"content": {
"content": "Contributes to:\n[[Influence]]\n[[Violence]]",
"result": [
"group": 1
"id": "Anger . Rage (care - concern spectrum)",
"content": {
"content": "#Negative \n\nContributes to:\n[[Hatred (care - concern spectrum)]]\n",
"result": [
"Hatred (care - concern spectrum)"
"group": 2
"id": "Attention . Awareness",
"content": {
"content": "Contributes to:\n[[Curiosity (attention spectrum)]]\n[[Experience]]\n[[Motivation (Need . Want . Intent)]]\n[[Superego]]\n\n\n",
"result": [
"Curiosity (attention spectrum)",
"Motivation (Need . Want . Intent)",
"group": 3
"id": "Circumstance . Situation",
"content": {
"content": "Contributes to:\n[[Frustration (care - concern spectrum)]]\n[[Motivation (Need . Want . Intent)]]\n[[Worry]]\n[[Experience]]\n[[Curiosity (attention spectrum)]]\n[[Fear (attention spectrum)]]\n\n\n\n",
"result": [
"Frustration (care - concern spectrum)",
"Motivation (Need . Want . Intent)",
"Curiosity (attention spectrum)",
"Fear (attention spectrum)"
"group": 4
"id": "Community",
"content": {
"content": "Contributes to:\n[[Superego]]\n[[Order . Arrangement]]\n\n",
"result": [
"Order . Arrangement"
"group": 5
"id": "Compassion (care - concern spectrum)",
"content": {
"content": "#Positive \n\nDefinition:\nA type of love. Genuinely selfless care. Empathic sympathy (explained below). It builds upon empathy but it is worth noting that empathy in itself tends towards poor compassionate decisions if left unregulated (affective vs. cognitive empathy).\n\nContributes to:\n[[Worry]]\n[[Custodianship]]\n\nConsiderations:\n* While acting with compassion may lead **OTHERS** to trust you, this map shows which qualities compassion can lead **YOU** to. So while it's tempting to say that compassion leads to trust, compassion in me won't lead me to trust others. If fact compassion knows that while people can't be trusted, we can still have empathic sympathy for them (love and care about them).\n* Compassion is at one end of a scale of 'care' (frustration is at the other).\n* Quality of (or capacity for) compassion is directly relative to level of wisdom.\n* Immature levels of compassion can lead back to worry if unchecked, but **ULTIMATE** (or divine) compassion (requiring ultimate wisdom) should not (theoretically) as to have an ultimate level of wisdom is to know not just that everything happens through cause and effect, but it knows exactly what that cause and effect was, where it will lead, and how much exactly to intervene to be the most compassionate one can be. Ultimate compassion does not know fear as ultimate wisdom implies that there is no longer any more room for curiosity about anything (all knowing - which is utterly inachievable for a mortal human in an infinite universe).\n\n",
"result": [
"group": 6
"id": "Competition",
"content": {
"content": "\nContributes to:\n[[Greed . Ownership]]",
"result": [
"Greed . Ownership"
"group": 7
"id": "Consciousness",
"content": {
"content": "Contributes to:\n[[Self]]\n[[Others]]\n[[Attention . Awareness]]\n\n",
"result": [
"Attention . Awareness"
"group": 8
"id": "Curiosity (attention spectrum)",
"content": {
"content": "#Positive \n\nContributes to:\n[[Knowledge]]\n[[Determination (maybe)]]\n[[Truth . Fact]]\n[[Fiction . False]]\n",
"result": [
"Determination (maybe)",
"Truth . Fact",
"Fiction . False"
"group": 9
"id": "Depression",
"content": {
"content": "#Negative \n\nContributes to:\n[[Stagnation . Inertia . Fruitlessness]]\n[[Addiction]]\n[[Destruction . Suffering]]\n\n\n",
"result": [
"Stagnation . Inertia . Fruitlessness",
"Destruction . Suffering"
"group": 10
"id": "Destruction . Suffering",
"content": {
"content": "#Negative \n\nContributes to:\n[[Trauma]]\n[[Discipline]]\n[[Motivation (Need . Want . Intent)]]\n",
"result": [
"Motivation (Need . Want . Intent)"
"group": 11
"id": "Determination (maybe)",
"content": {
"content": "Contributes to:\n\n[[Discipline]]\n",
"result": [
"group": 12
"id": "Discernment . Wisdom",
"content": {
"content": "#Positive \n\nContributes to:\n[[Sympathy]]\n[[Curiosity (attention spectrum)]]\n\n\n\n",
"result": [
"Curiosity (attention spectrum)"
"group": 13
"id": "Discipline",
"content": {
"content": "Contributes to:\n[[Rules . Control]]\n[[Strength]]\n",
"result": [
"Rules . Control",
"group": 14
"id": "Elements",
"content": {
"content": "#ImmutableConstant \n\nContributes to:\n[[Objects]]\n[[Life]]\n\n\n\n",
"result": [
"group": 15
"id": "Empathy",
"content": {
"content": "#Positive \n\nDefinition:\nThe process of actually feeling/sharing/experiencing the emotions of others (can be both involuntary and crippling).\n\nContributes to:\n[[Compassion (care - concern spectrum)]]\n[[Worry]]\n\n\n* How are empathy and sympathy the same? – (accessed 11 Sep 2021) – []( \n “Unlike sympathy, empathy has come to be used in a broader way than it was when it was first introduced; the term is now most often used to refer to the capacity or ability to imagine oneself in the situation of another, experiencing the emotions, ideas, or opinions of that person.”\n\n* Do babies feel empathy? - by Gwen Dewar Ph.D (2019) -\n “Do babies know when you’re sad? Do they feel concern? Do babies feel empathy? You might have heard that empathy doesn’t develop until the preschool years. But that’s actually a terrible misrepresentation of the evidence. Scientists recognize two kinds of empathy — affective empathy and cognitive empathy — and studies strongly suggest that babies experience both.\"\n\n* The science of empathy – by Vivien Fellegi (27 Aug 2019) – []( \n “Researchers have identified two types of empathy in humans: affective and cognitive. Affective empathy, which we share with animals, is like a knee-jerk reaction, an unconscious and automatic response to the feelings of others. Cognitive empathy, unique to our species, is more carefully considered and deliberate, and leads to understanding the other person’s thoughts and feelings.”\n",
"result": [
"Compassion (care - concern spectrum)",
"group": 16
"id": "Expectation",
"content": {
"content": "Contributes to:\n[[Frustration (care - concern spectrum)]]\n[[Admiration]]\n\nThings to consider:\n* Both trust and distrust are forms of expectation.\n",
"result": [
"Frustration (care - concern spectrum)",
"group": 17
"id": "Experience",
"content": {
"content": "Contributes to:\n[[Fear (attention spectrum)]]\n[[Knowledge]]\n",
"result": [
"Fear (attention spectrum)",
"group": 18
"id": "Fear (attention spectrum)",
"content": {
"content": "#Negative \n\nContributes to:\n[[Lies . Deception]] (fear of reaction to the truth)\n[[Greed . Ownership]] (fear of not having enough)\n[[Jealousy]] (fear of loss of ownership to another)\n\n\n",
"result": [
"Lies . Deception",
"Greed . Ownership",
"group": 19
"id": "Fiction . False",
"content": {
"content": "\nContributes to:\n[[Lies . Deception]]\n[[Discernment . Wisdom]]\n\n",
"result": [
"Lies . Deception",
"Discernment . Wisdom"
"group": 20
"id": "Frustration (care - concern spectrum)",
"content": {
"content": "#Negative \n\nContributes to:\n[[Helplessness . Victimhood]]\n[[Determination (maybe)]]\n[[Anger . Rage (care - concern spectrum)]] \n\n\n",
"result": [
"Helplessness . Victimhood",
"Determination (maybe)",
"Anger . Rage (care - concern spectrum)"
"group": 21
"id": "Greed . Ownership",
"content": {
"content": "#Negative \n\n[[Envy]]\n[[Jealousy]]\n",
"result": [
"group": 22
"id": "Hatred (care - concern spectrum)",
"content": {
"content": "#Negative \n\nContributes to:\n[[Violence]]\n",
"result": [
"group": 23
"id": "Helplessness . Victimhood",
"content": {
"content": "#Negative \n\nContributes to:\n[[Depression]]\n\n",
"result": [
"group": 24
"id": "Influence",
"content": {
"content": "Contributes to:\n[[Control]]\n[[Rules . Control]]\n",
"result": [
"Rules . Control"
"group": 25
"id": "Knowledge",
"content": {
"content": "#Positive \n\nLeads to:\n[[Action]]\n[[Confidence]]\n[[Discernment . Wisdom]]\n[[Worry]]\n\n",
"result": [
"Discernment . Wisdom",
"group": 26
"id": "Lies . Deception",
"content": {
"content": "#Negative \n\n[[Discernment . Wisdom]]",
"result": [
"Discernment . Wisdom"
"group": 27
"id": "Life",
"content": {
"content": "Contributes to:\n[[Consciousness]] - Without life, there is no consciousness.\n[[Nature]]\n[[Circumstance . Situation]] - Life is required to observe or be involved in a 'Circumstance . Situation'",
"result": [
"Circumstance . Situation"
"group": 28
"id": "Light",
"content": {
"content": "#ImmutableConstant \n\nContributes to:\n[[Life]]\n\n\n\n",
"result": [
"group": 29
"id": "Motivation (Need . Want . Intent)",
"content": {
"content": "Contribtes to:\n[[Action]]\n[[Discipline]]\n\n",
"result": [
"group": 30
"id": "Nature",
"content": {
"content": "Contributes to:\n[[Discipline]]\n[[Custodianship]]\n",
"result": [
"group": 31
"id": "Objects",
"content": {
"content": "[[Nature]]\n[[Circumstance . Situation]]\n[[Chaos . Disorder]]\n",
"result": [
"Circumstance . Situation",
"Chaos . Disorder"
"group": 32
"id": "Order . Arrangement",
"content": {
"content": "Contributes to:\n[[Superego]]\n[[Labels]]\n\n\n\n",
"result": [
"group": 33
"id": "Others",
"content": {
"content": "Contributes to:\n[[Relationship]]\n[[Community]]\n[[Superego]]\n[[Envy]]\n\n\n\n\n",
"result": [
"group": 34
"id": "Physical Space . Environment . 'Reality'",
"content": {
"content": "#ImmutableConstant \n\nContributes to:\n[[Attention . Awareness]]\n[[Nature]]\n[[Circumstance . Situation]]\n[[Chaos . Disorder]]\n[[Life]]\n\n",
"result": [
"Attention . Awareness",
"Circumstance . Situation",
"Chaos . Disorder",
"group": 35
"id": "Physics . Natural Forces",
"content": {
"content": "#ImmutableConstant \n\nContributes to:\n[[Circumstance . Situation]]\n[[Objects]]\n[[Life]]\n",
"result": [
"Circumstance . Situation",
"group": 36
"id": "Relationship",
"content": {
"content": "Contributes to:\n[[Violence]]\n[[Control]]\n[[Community]]\n[[Competition]]\n[[Sympathy]]\n[[Empathy]]\n[[Jealousy]]\n[[Self-worth]]\n\n",
"result": [
"group": 37
"id": "Rules . Control",
"content": {
"content": "Contributes to:\n[[Order . Arrangement]]\n\n![[943946_1044672058917479_3844315352100630095_n.jpg]]",
"result": [
"Order . Arrangement",
"group": 38
"id": "Scarcity",
"content": {
"content": "Contributes to:\n[[Competition]]\n[[Fear (attention spectrum)]]",
"result": [
"Fear (attention spectrum)"
"group": 39
"id": "Self",
"content": {
"content": "Contributes to:\n[[Relationship]]\n[[Expectation]]\n[[Community]]\n",
"result": [
"group": 40
"id": "Self-worth",
"content": {
"content": "Contributes to:\n[[Greed . Ownership]]\n[[Jealousy]]\n[[Envy]]\n",
"result": [
"Greed . Ownership",
"group": 41
"id": "Stagnation . Inertia . Fruitlessness",
"content": {
"content": "#InabilityToFunction\n\n[[Helplessness . Victimhood]]\n\n",
"result": [
"Helplessness . Victimhood"
"group": 42
"id": "Strength",
"content": {
"content": "Definition:\n[[Strength]] can be mental or physical.\n\nContributes to:\n[[Influence]]\n[[Confidence]]\n",
"result": [
"group": 43
"id": "Superego",
"content": {
"content": "Definition:\nOur ethical/moral standards based on our (semi)-subconscious interpretation of the perception that others have of us. \n\nContributes to:\n[[Self]]\n[[Expectation]]\n[[Self-worth]]\n[[Empathy]]?? - ==??== Can an unborn or newly born baby pick up on emotions from others (\"empathy\")?* Can we call the subconscious self-preservation instinct that an unborn or newly born infant experiences \"Super-ego\"? It doesn't yet have a tangible sense of self so it can't really have a sense of self-worth yet. Is there a better single word for their self-preservational instinct? \n\n\n* Do babies feel empathy? - by Gwen Dewar Ph.D (2019) -\n “Do babies know when you’re sad? Do they feel concern? Do babies feel empathy? You might have heard that empathy doesn’t develop until the preschool years. But that’s actually a terrible misrepresentation of the evidence. Scientists recognize two kinds of empathy — affective empathy and cognitive empathy — and studies strongly suggest that babies experience both.\"",
"result": [
"group": 44
"id": "Sympathy",
"content": {
"content": "#Positive \n\nDefinition:\nThe process of simply understanding/comprehending the situation of another life form and the emotion(s) they may be experiencing (without necessarily actually feeling those emotion(s)).\n\nContributes to:\n[[Compassion (care - concern spectrum)]]\n\n* How are empathy and sympathy the same? – (accessed 11 Sep 2021) – []( \n “Nowadays, sympathy is largely used to commiseration, pity, or feelings of sorrow for someone else who is experiencing misfortune. This sense is often seen in the category of greeting cards labeled “sympathy” that specialize in messages of support for others in a time of need. You feel bad for them ... but you don’t know what it is like to be in their shoes.“",
"result": [
"Compassion (care - concern spectrum)"
"group": 45
"id": "Time",
"content": {
"content": "#ImmutableConstant\n\n[[Experience]]\n[[Nature]]\n[[Objects]]\n[[Life]]\n[[Anger . Rage (care - concern spectrum)]]\n[[Hatred (care - concern spectrum)]]\n[[Violence]]\n[[Expectation]]\n[[Strength]]\n\n\n\n",
"result": [
"Anger . Rage (care - concern spectrum)",
"Hatred (care - concern spectrum)",
"group": 46
"id": "Trauma",
"content": {
"content": "#Negative \n\nContributes to:\n[[Fear (attention spectrum)]]\n",
"result": [
"Fear (attention spectrum)"
"group": 47
"id": "Truth . Fact",
"content": {
"content": "Contributes to:\n[[Fiction . False]]\n[[Discernment . Wisdom]]\n\n",
"result": [
"Fiction . False",
"Discernment . Wisdom"
"group": 48
"id": "Violence",
"content": {
"content": "#Negative\n\nContributes to:\n[[Destruction . Suffering]]\n\n\n",
"result": [
"Destruction . Suffering"
"group": 49
"id": "Worry",
"content": {
"content": "Contribtes to:\n[[Fear (attention spectrum)]]\n",
"result": [
"Fear (attention spectrum)"
"group": 50
"links": [
"source": "Action",
"target": "Influence"
"source": "Action",
"target": "Violence"
"source": "Anger . Rage (care - concern spectrum)",
"target": "Hatred (care - concern spectrum)"
"source": "Attention . Awareness",
"target": "Curiosity (attention spectrum)"
"source": "Attention . Awareness",
"target": "Experience"
"source": "Attention . Awareness",
"target": "Motivation (Need . Want . Intent)"
"source": "Attention . Awareness",
"target": "Superego"
"source": "Circumstance . Situation",
"target": "Frustration (care - concern spectrum)"
"source": "Circumstance . Situation",
"target": "Motivation (Need . Want . Intent)"
"source": "Circumstance . Situation",
"target": "Worry"
"source": "Circumstance . Situation",
"target": "Experience"
"source": "Circumstance . Situation",
"target": "Curiosity (attention spectrum)"
"source": "Circumstance . Situation",
"target": "Fear (attention spectrum)"
"source": "Community",
"target": "Superego"
"source": "Community",
"target": "Order . Arrangement"
"source": "Compassion (care - concern spectrum)",
"target": "Worry"
"source": "Competition",
"target": "Greed . Ownership"
"source": "Consciousness",
"target": "Self"
"source": "Consciousness",
"target": "Others"
"source": "Consciousness",
"target": "Attention . Awareness"
"source": "Curiosity (attention spectrum)",
"target": "Knowledge"
"source": "Curiosity (attention spectrum)",
"target": "Determination (maybe)"
"source": "Curiosity (attention spectrum)",
"target": "Truth . Fact"
"source": "Curiosity (attention spectrum)",
"target": "Fiction . False"
"source": "Depression",
"target": "Stagnation . Inertia . Fruitlessness"
"source": "Depression",
"target": "Destruction . Suffering"
"source": "Destruction . Suffering",
"target": "Trauma"
"source": "Destruction . Suffering",
"target": "Discipline"
"source": "Destruction . Suffering",
"target": "Motivation (Need . Want . Intent)"
"source": "Determination (maybe)",
"target": "Discipline"
"source": "Discernment . Wisdom",
"target": "Sympathy"
"source": "Discernment . Wisdom",
"target": "Curiosity (attention spectrum)"
"source": "Discipline",
"target": "Rules . Control"
"source": "Discipline",
"target": "Strength"
"source": "Elements",
"target": "Objects"
"source": "Elements",
"target": "Life"
"source": "Empathy",
"target": "Compassion (care - concern spectrum)"
"source": "Empathy",
"target": "Worry"
"source": "Expectation",
"target": "Frustration (care - concern spectrum)"
"source": "Experience",
"target": "Fear (attention spectrum)"
"source": "Experience",
"target": "Knowledge"
"source": "Fear (attention spectrum)",
"target": "Lies . Deception"
"source": "Fear (attention spectrum)",
"target": "Greed . Ownership"
"source": "Fiction . False",
"target": "Lies . Deception"
"source": "Fiction . False",
"target": "Discernment . Wisdom"
"source": "Frustration (care - concern spectrum)",
"target": "Helplessness . Victimhood"
"source": "Frustration (care - concern spectrum)",
"target": "Determination (maybe)"
"source": "Frustration (care - concern spectrum)",
"target": "Anger . Rage (care - concern spectrum)"
"source": "Hatred (care - concern spectrum)",
"target": "Violence"
"source": "Helplessness . Victimhood",
"target": "Depression"
"source": "Influence",
"target": "Rules . Control"
"source": "Knowledge",
"target": "Action"
"source": "Knowledge",
"target": "Discernment . Wisdom"
"source": "Knowledge",
"target": "Worry"
"source": "Lies . Deception",
"target": "Discernment . Wisdom"
"source": "Life",
"target": "Consciousness"
"source": "Life",
"target": "Nature"
"source": "Life",
"target": "Circumstance . Situation"
"source": "Light",
"target": "Life"
"source": "Motivation (Need . Want . Intent)",
"target": "Action"
"source": "Motivation (Need . Want . Intent)",
"target": "Discipline"
"source": "Nature",
"target": "Discipline"
"source": "Objects",
"target": "Nature"
"source": "Objects",
"target": "Circumstance . Situation"
"source": "Order . Arrangement",
"target": "Superego"
"source": "Others",
"target": "Relationship"
"source": "Others",
"target": "Community"
"source": "Others",
"target": "Superego"
"source": "Physical Space . Environment . 'Reality'",
"target": "Attention . Awareness"
"source": "Physical Space . Environment . 'Reality'",
"target": "Nature"
"source": "Physical Space . Environment . 'Reality'",
"target": "Circumstance . Situation"
"source": "Physical Space . Environment . 'Reality'",
"target": "Life"
"source": "Physics . Natural Forces",
"target": "Circumstance . Situation"
"source": "Physics . Natural Forces",
"target": "Objects"
"source": "Physics . Natural Forces",
"target": "Life"
"source": "Relationship",
"target": "Violence"
"source": "Relationship",
"target": "Community"
"source": "Relationship",
"target": "Competition"
"source": "Relationship",
"target": "Sympathy"
"source": "Relationship",
"target": "Empathy"
"source": "Relationship",
"target": "Self-worth"
"source": "Rules . Control",
"target": "Order . Arrangement"
"source": "Scarcity",
"target": "Competition"
"source": "Scarcity",
"target": "Fear (attention spectrum)"
"source": "Self",
"target": "Relationship"
"source": "Self",
"target": "Expectation"
"source": "Self",
"target": "Community"
"source": "Self-worth",
"target": "Greed . Ownership"
"source": "Stagnation . Inertia . Fruitlessness",
"target": "Helplessness . Victimhood"
"source": "Strength",
"target": "Strength"
"source": "Strength",
"target": "Influence"
"source": "Superego",
"target": "Self"
"source": "Superego",
"target": "Expectation"
"source": "Superego",
"target": "Self-worth"
"source": "Superego",
"target": "Empathy"
"source": "Sympathy",
"target": "Compassion (care - concern spectrum)"
"source": "Time",
"target": "Experience"
"source": "Time",
"target": "Nature"
"source": "Time",
"target": "Objects"
"source": "Time",
"target": "Life"
"source": "Time",
"target": "Anger . Rage (care - concern spectrum)"
"source": "Time",
"target": "Hatred (care - concern spectrum)"
"source": "Time",
"target": "Violence"
"source": "Time",
"target": "Expectation"
"source": "Time",
"target": "Strength"
"source": "Trauma",
"target": "Fear (attention spectrum)"
"source": "Truth . Fact",
"target": "Fiction . False"
"source": "Truth . Fact",
"target": "Discernment . Wisdom"
"source": "Violence",
"target": "Destruction . Suffering"
"source": "Worry",
"target": "Fear (attention spectrum)"
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