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Created March 13, 2021 14:16
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package com.github.zieIony.dots
import android.animation.ArgbEvaluator
import android.animation.ObjectAnimator
import android.animation.ValueAnimator
import android.content.Context
import android.os.Bundle
import android.view.View
import carbon.internal.MathUtils.abs
import carbon.internal.MathUtils.min
import tk.zielony.carbonsamples.R
import tk.zielony.carbonsamples.SampleAnnotation
import tk.zielony.carbonsamples.ThemedActivity
class AnimatedDotsDemo(context: Context) : View(context) {
private val paint = Paint(Paint.ANTI_ALIAS_FLAG)
private val Float.dp: Float
get() {
return this * context.resources.displayMetrics.density
private fun Float.toPx(): Float{
return this
override fun onMeasure(widthMeasureSpec: Int, heightMeasureSpec: Int) {
setMeasuredDimension(400.0f.dp.toInt(), dotComposableHeight.dp.toInt())
override fun onDraw(canvas: Canvas) {
drawDots(canvas, animator.animatedValue as Float, paint)
private val totalDotCount = 4
private val dotSpacing = 60f
private val dotComposableHeight = 200f
private val animator = ValueAnimator.ofFloat(1.0f, totalDotCount.toFloat()).apply {
repeatCount = ObjectAnimator.INFINITE
repeatMode = ObjectAnimator.REVERSE
duration = 2000
private fun drawDots(canvas: Canvas, position: Float, paint: Paint) {
val centerY = dotComposableHeight / 2
for (currentDotPosition in 1..totalDotCount) {
val dotSize = getDotSizeForPosition(position, currentDotPosition)
if (currentDotPosition < totalDotCount) {
// Draw a bridge between the current dot and the next dot
val nextDotPosition = currentDotPosition + 1
val nextDotSize = getDotSizeForPosition(position, nextDotPosition)
// Pick a direction to draw bridge from the smaller dot to the larger dot
val shouldFlip = nextDotSize > dotSize
val nextPositionDelta = -min(
abs(position - if (shouldFlip) nextDotPosition else currentDotPosition)
// Calculate the top-most and the bottom-most coordinates of current dot
val leftX = (currentDotPosition * dotSpacing).dp.toPx()
val leftYTop = (centerY - dotSize).dp.toPx()
val leftYBottom = (centerY + dotSize).dp.toPx()
// Calculate the top-most and the bottom-most coordinates of next dot
val rightX = (nextDotPosition * dotSpacing).dp.toPx()
val rightYTop = (centerY - nextDotSize).dp.toPx()
val rightYBottom = (centerY + nextDotSize).dp.toPx()
// Calculate the middle Y coordinate between two dots
val midX = ((currentDotPosition + 0.5f) * dotSpacing).dp.toPx()
val path = if (shouldFlip) {
// Calculate control point Y coordinates a bit inside the current dot
val bezierYTop = (centerY - dotSize - 5f * nextPositionDelta).dp.toPx()
val bezierYBottom = (centerY + dotSize + 5f * nextPositionDelta).dp.toPx()
rightX, rightYTop, rightYBottom, leftX, leftYTop, leftYBottom,
midX, bezierYTop, bezierYBottom, centerY.dp.toPx()
} else {
// Calculate control point Y coordinates a bit inside the next dot
val bezierYTop = (centerY - nextDotSize - 5f * nextPositionDelta).dp.toPx()
val bezierYBottom = (centerY + nextDotSize + 5f * nextPositionDelta).dp.toPx()
leftX, leftYTop, leftYBottom, rightX, rightYTop, rightYBottom,
midX, bezierYTop, bezierYBottom, centerY.dp.toPx()
paint.color = 0xff8eb4e6.toInt()
canvas.drawPath(path, paint)
// Draw the current dot
canvas.translate((currentDotPosition * dotSpacing).dp.toPx(), 100f.dp.toPx())
paint.color = getDotColor(position, currentDotPosition)
* Returns a path for a bridge between two dots drawn using two quadratic beziers.
* First bezier is drawn between (startX, startYTop) and (endX, endYTop) coordinates using
* (bezierX, bezierYTop) as control point.
* Second bezier is drawn between (startX, startYBottom) and (endX, endYBottom) coordinates using
* (bezierX, bezierYBottom) as control point.
* Then additional lines are drawn to make this a filled path.
private fun getBridgePath(
startX: Float,
startYTop: Float,
startYBottom: Float,
endX: Float,
endYTop: Float,
endYBottom: Float,
bezierX: Float,
bezierYTop: Float,
bezierYBottom: Float,
midY: Float
): Path {
return Path().apply {
moveTo(startX, startYTop)
quadTo(bezierX, bezierYTop, endX, endYTop)
lineTo(endX, midY)
lineTo(startX, midY)
moveTo(startX, startYTop)
lineTo(startX, startYBottom)
quadTo(bezierX, bezierYBottom, endX, endYBottom)
lineTo(endX, midY)
lineTo(startX, midY)
private fun getDotColor(position: Float, dotIndex: Int): Int {
val fraction = min(abs(position - dotIndex), 1f)
return ArgbEvaluator().evaluate(fraction, 0xff1a73e8.toInt(), 0xff468ce8.toInt()) as Int
private fun getDotSizeForPosition(position: Float, dotIndex: Int): Float {
val positionDelta = abs(position - dotIndex)
return if (positionDelta < 1f) {
(10f + 20 * (1 - positionDelta))
} else {
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