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Created April 27, 2015 13:41
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Save Zimmi48/30a6bf5d53616dcba6a7 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
-- File under license CC-0
-- How to use:
-- 1) Save all course pages with grades from MPRI pedagogical server
-- 2) The path name to all courses for 3 ECTS must contain Court
-- while others are considered counting for 6 ECTS
-- 3) Call this script passing all the files as arguments. For instance like this:
-- runhaskell mpri.hs Courts/* Longs/*
-- This is program probably has lots of programming flaws
-- but won't be improved as it is good enough for the purpose.
import System.Environment
import System.IO
import Data.List
import Data.Maybe
import Data.Function
import Control.Monad
extractName = takeWhile (/= '&') . drop 1 . dropWhile (/= '>') . dropWhile (/= '?')
extractGrade = takeWhile (/= '<') . drop 1 . dropWhile (/= '>')
nextStudent offset stream = (extractName $ head stream, extractGrade $ head remaining, drop 1 remaining) where
remaining = drop offset stream
allStudents :: Int -> [String] -> [(String, Float)]
allStudents offset stream =
case drop 1 $ dropWhile (not . isInfixOf "<tr>") stream of
[] -> []
l -> if grade /= "" then (name, read grade) : grades else grades where
(name, grade, remaining) = nextStudent offset l
grades = allStudents offset remaining
oneClass filename = do
file <- openFile filename ReadMode
hSetEncoding file latin1
content <- hGetContents file
let stream1 = dropWhile (not . isInfixOf "<th align=left>Nom, Prenom&nbsp;&nbsp;</th>") $ lines content
let (before, stream2) = break (isInfixOf "<th>Session 1&nbsp;&nbsp;</th>") stream1
let offset = length before
let stream3 = takeWhile (not . isInfixOf "</table>") stream2
let grades = map (\(name, grade) -> (name, (grade, 1))) $ allStudents offset stream3
return $ if "Court" `isInfixOf` filename then grades else grades ++ grades
computeAverage :: [(Float, Float)] -> Maybe Float
computeAverage grades = (listToMaybe . reverse) acceptableAverages >>= (\(g, c) -> return $ g/c) where
acceptableAverages = filter (\(_, c) -> c >= 8 && c <= 10) averages
averages = map (\x -> let (gs, cs) = unzip x in (sum gs, sum cs)) $ inits grades
mergeStudent ((name, grade1) : grades) = (computeAverage sorted, name) where
sorted = reverse $ sort unsorted
unsorted = grade1 : map snd grades
printLine ((Nothing, name), _) = putStrLn $ "Not ranked: " ++ name
printLine ((Just grade, name), rank) = putStrLn $ show rank ++ ".\t" ++ take 18 (name ++ repeat ' ') ++ "\tGrade: " ++ show grade
main = do
args <- getArgs
grades <- mapM oneClass args
let merge = reverse . sort . map mergeStudent . groupBy ((==) `on` fst) . sort $ concat grades
mapM_ printLine $ zip merge [1..]
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