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Last active July 5, 2023 19:09
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  • Save Zimmi48/d923e52f64fe17c72852d9c148bfcdc6 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save Zimmi48/d923e52f64fe17c72852d9c148bfcdc6 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
The migration script that was used in Oct, 2017 to migrate about 4900 bug reports from Coq Bugzilla to GitHub issues. For the associated notes, see
#!/usr/bin/env python2
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Bugzilla XML File to GitHub Issues Converter
# by Andriy Berestovskyy (
# Adapted for the Coq bug tracker migration by Théo Zimmermann
# This script is licensed under the Apache 2.0 license.
# How to use the script:
# 1. Generate a GitHub access token:
# - on GitHub select "Settings"
# - select "Personal access tokens"
# - click "Generate new token"
# - type a token description, i.e. "bugzilla2github"
# - select "public_repo" to access just public repositories
# - save the generated token into the migration script
# 2. Export Bugzilla issues into an XML file:
# - go to
# - at the very end click the XML icon
# - save the XML into a file: bugzilla.xml
# 3. Run the migration script and check all the warnings:
# bugzilla2github -x bugzilla.xml -o berestovskyy -r test -t beefbeefbeef
# 4. Run the migration script again and force the updates:
# bugzilla2github -x bugzilla.xml -o berestovskyy -r test -t beefbeefbeef -f
# The script depends on the requests package.
# Nix users can get the right environment by running:
# $ nix-shell -p python2 python2Packages.requests
import csv, getopt, json, os, pprint, re, requests, sys, time, xml.etree.ElementTree
# Existing issues means issue numbers already taken on GitHub (by PRs mostly).
# The script can find these by itself but this will spare API requests.
existingIssues = 1155
force_update = False
xml_file = "bugzilla.xml"
github_url = ""
github_owner = ""
github_repo = ""
github_token = ""
email2login = {
"__name__": "email to GitHub login",
"": "aa755",
"": "aa755",
"": "achlipala-biz",
"": "achlipala-biz",
"": "achlipala-biz",
"": "akoprow",
"": "akhirsch",
"": "brabalan",
"": "pilki",
"": "amintimany",
"": "anderslundstedt",
"": "andersk",
"": "andres-erbsen",
"": "andrejbauer",
"": "amccreight",
"": "amccreight",
"": "anne-pacalet",
"": "andrew-appel",
"": "Armael",
"": "aspiwack",
"": "arthuraa",
"": "charguer",
"": "charguer",
"": "aspiwack",
"": "amahboubi",
"": "amahboubi",
"": "asr",
"": "asya-bergal",
"": "brianaydemir2",
"": "bcpierce00",
"": "bschommer",
"": "fblanqui",
"": "yakobowski",
"": "barras",
"": "barras",
"": "bastiaanzapf",
"": "catalin-hritcu",
"": "ckeller",
"": "chris-martin",
"": "dasuxullebt",
"": "cpitclaudel",
"": "CohenCyril",
"": "const",
"": "Eelis",
"": "Eelis",
"": "jbapple",
"": "robbertkrebbers",
"": "yforster",
"": "cmangin",
"": "roglo",
"": "monniaux",
"": "davidnowak",
"": "davidnowak",
"": "dredozubov",
"": "dfoxfranke",
"": "DanFu09",
"": "dirk-pattinson",
"": "didickman",
"": "daniel-ziegler",
"": "DanGrayson",
"": "ejgallego",
"": "elazarg",
"": "gares",
"": "erikmd",
"": "eternaleye",
"": "ezyang",
"": "HuStmpHrrr",
"": "staffehn",
"": "backtracking",
"": "hivert",
"": "forestjulien",
"": "huitseeker",
"": "huitseeker",
"": "fpottier",
"": "fajb",
"": "fblanqui",
"": "fredokun",
"": "tuong",
"": "SkySkimmer",
"": "SkySkimmer",
"": "gasche",
"": "gares",
"": "gdsfh",
"": "ggonthier",
"": "gmalecha",
"": "gmalecha",
"": "greenrd",
"": "gallais",
"": "gbury",
"": "silene",
"": "silene",
"": "guillomovitch",
"": "hendriktews",
"": "herbelin",
"": "herbelin",
"": "sayon",
"": "ichung",
"": "ilyasergey",
"": "nobrowser",
"": "jadephilipoom",
"": "Janno",
"": "JasonGross",
"": "jashug",
"": "backtracking",
"": "eponier",
"": "jesper-bengtson",
"": "wires",
"": "jeremie-koenig",
"": "jeremie-koenig",
"": "jlottes",
"": "jonleivent",
"": "jwiegley",
"": "jhjourdan",
"": "JBons",
"": "jnarboux",
"": "jnarboux",
"": "signoles",
"": "picojulien",
"": "signoles",
"": "signoles",
"": "klara-zielinska",
"": "zunction",
"": "larsr",
"laurent.pubs@free.Fr": "olaure01",
"": "kwanghoon",
"": "letouzey",
"": "letouzey",
"": "letouzey",
"": "Lionel-Rieg",
"": "MarisaKirisame",
"": "magaud",
"": "magaud",
"": "mlasson",
"": "maggesi",
"": "matejkosik",
"": "teto",
"": "mattam82",
"": "maximedenes",
"": "doerrie",
"": "bluelightning32",
"": "mhelvens",
"": "MSoegtropIMC",
"": "nadeemabdulhamid",
"": "SamB",
"": "ntc2",
"": "zeldovich",
"": "magaud",
"": "NicolasOury",
"": "paul-kline",
"": "pirbo",
"": "Matafou",
"": "Matafou",
"": "Matafou",
"": "Matafou",
"": "pierrecregut",
"": "pierrecregut",
"": "pierrecregut",
"": "letouzey",
"": "ppedrot",
"": "proux01",
"": "vporton",
"": "RalfJung",
"": "piyush-kurur",
"": "psteckler",
"": "clarus",
"": "roconnor",
"": "roconnor",
"": "roconnor",
"": "roconnor",
"": "robrwo",
"": "samuelgruetter",
"": "pi8027",
"": "bmsherman",
"": "tupelo-schneck",
"": "mikeshulman",
"": "sbriais",
"": "siegebell",
"": "siegebell",
"": "sigurdschneider",
"": "sliverdragon37",
"": "SimonBoulier",
"": "shlomif",
"": "shlomif",
"": "spitters",
"": "spitters",
"": "sorear",
"": "glondu",
"": "Zdancewic",
"": "kevinsullivan",
"": "boulme",
"": "boulme",
"": "tabareau",
"": "tadeuzagallo",
"": "gares",
"": "tchajed",
"": "thery",
"": "tbelaire",
"": "TheoWinterhalter",
"": "Zimmi48",
"": "thierry-martinez",
"": "braibant",
"": "tomprince",
"": "treinen",
"": "tebbi",
"": "Ptival",
"": "vsiles",
"": "vzaliva",
"": "vgbl",
"": "wangpengmit",
"": "eddywestbrook",
"": "xclerc",
"": "xavierleroy",
"": "yurug",
"": "YaZko",
"": "yurug",
"": "ybertot",
"": "ybertot",
"": "ybertot",
status2state = {
"__name__": "status to GitHub state",
"NEW": False,
"VERIFIED": False,
"ASSIGNED": False,
"CLOSED": True,
"REOPENED": False,
component2labels = {
"__name__": "component to GitHub labels",
"Main": [],
"Checker": ["component: checker"],
"Doc": ["kind: documentation"],
"Extraction": ["component: extraction"],
"Funind": ["component: funind"],
"IDE": ["component: IDE"],
"Installation": [ "component: installation" ],
"Kernel": ["component: kernel"],
"Ltac": ["component: ltac"],
"Modules": ["component: modules"],
"Native compiler": ["component: native compiler"],
"Notations": ["component: notations"],
"Program": ["component: program"],
"SSReflect": ["component: ssreflect"],
"Stdlib": ["component: stdlib"],
"STM": ["component: STM"],
"Tactics": ["component: tactics"],
"Tools": ["component: tools"],
"Typeclasses": ["component: typeclasses"],
"VM": ["component: VM"],
"Website": ["component: website"],
keywords2labels = {
"__name__": "keywords to GitHub labels",
"compatibility": ["kind: compatibility"],
"performance": ["kind: performance"],
"performance, regression": ["kind: performance", "kind: regression"],
"regression": ["kind: regression"],
resolution2labels = {
"__name__": "resolution to GitHub labels",
"FIXED": [],
"DUPLICATE": ["resolved: duplicate"],
"INVALID": ["resolved: invalid"],
"MOVED": ["resolved: moved"],
"WONTFIX": ["resolved: won't fix"],
"WORKSFORME": ["resolved: works for me"],
op_sys2labels = {
"__name__": "Operating System to GitHub labels",
"Mac OS": [ "platform: OS X" ],
"Windows": [ "platform: Windows" ],
"Linux": [],
"Other": [],
"All": []
bug_unused_fields = [
comment_unused_fields = [
attachment_unused_fields = [
def usage():
print "Bugzilla XML file to GitHub Issues Converter"
print "Usage: %s [-h] [-f]\n" \
"\t[-x <src XML file>]\n" \
"\t[-o <dst GitHub owner>] [-r <dst repo>] [-t <dst access token>]\n" \
% os.path.basename(__file__)
print "Example:"
print "\t%s -h" % os.path.basename(__file__)
print "\t%s -x bugzilla.xml -o dst_login -r dst_repo -t dst_token" \
% os.path.basename(__file__)
def XML2dict(parent):
ret = {}
for key in parent:
# TODO: debug
# print len(key), key.tag, key.attrib, key.text
if len(key) > 0:
val = XML2dict(key)
val = key.text
if key.text:
if key.tag not in ret:
ret[key.tag] = val
if isinstance(ret[key.tag], list):
ret[key.tag] = [ret[key.tag], val]
# Parse attributes
for name, val in key.items():
ret["%s.%s" % (key.tag, name)] = val
return ret
def str2list(map, str):
if str not in map:
print "WARNING: unable to convert %s: %s" % (map["__name__"], str)
# Suppress further reports
map[str] = []
return map[str]
def str2str(map, str):
if str not in map:
print "WARNING: unable to convert %s: %s" % (map["__name__"], str)
# Suppress further reports
map[str] = None
return map[str]
def id_convert(id):
global github_owner, github_repo
return "[BZ#" + id + "](" + github_owner + "/" + github_repo + "/issues?q=is%3Aissue%20%22Original%20bug%20ID%3A%20BZ%23" + id + "%22)"
def id_convert_from_match(match):
return re.sub(r'\#', "", + id_convert(
def ids_convert(ids):
ret = []
if not ids:
return ""
if isinstance(ids, list):
for id in ids:
return ", ".join(ret)
def see_also_convert(see_also):
result ='id=(\d+)$', see_also)
if not result:
return see_also
return id_convert(
def email_convert(email, name):
ret = str2str(email2login, email)
if ret:
return "@" + ret
if name and not name.find("@") >= 0:
return "%s &lt;<%s>&gt;" % (name, email)
return email
def emails_convert(emails):
ret = []
if isinstance(emails, list):
for email in emails:
if email != "":
ret.append(email_convert(email, None))
ret.append(email_convert(emails, None))
return ret
def fields_ignore(obj, fields):
# Ignore some Bugzilla fields
for field in fields:
obj.pop(field, None)
def fields_dump(obj):
# Make sure we have converted all the fields
for key, val in obj.items():
print " " * 8 + "%s[%d] = %s" % (key, len(val), val)
def attachment_convert(idx, attach):
ret = []
id = attach.pop("attachid")
ret.append("> Attached file: [%s]( (%s, %s bytes)" % (attach.pop("filename"), id, attach.pop("type"), attach.pop("size")))
if "desc" in attach:
ret.append("> Description: " + attach.pop("desc"))
# Ignore some fields
global attachment_unused_fields
fields_ignore(attach, attachment_unused_fields)
# Make sure we have converted all the fields
if attach:
print "WARNING: unconverted attachment fields:"
idx[id] = "\n".join(ret)
def attachments_convert(attachments):
ret = {}
if isinstance(attachments, list):
for attachment in attachments:
attachment_convert(ret, attachment)
attachment_convert(ret, attachments)
return ret
def date_convert(date):
result = re.match(r'(\d\d\d\d-\d\d-\d\d) (\d\d:\d\d:\d\d) \+(\d\d)(\d\d)', date)
if not result:
print("Date %s was not converted!" % date)
return "{a}T{b}+{c}:{d}".format(a =, b =,
c =, d =
def comment_convert(comment, attachments):
ret = []
id = int(comment.pop("commentid"))
if id >= 1658:
ret.append("Comment author: "
+ email_convert(comment.pop("who"), comment.pop("", None)))
ret.append(comment.pop("thetext", "*No description provided.*").replace("@", "@ "))
# Convert attachments if any
if "attachid" in comment:
attachid = comment.pop("attachid")
if attachid in attachments:
# Syntax: convert "bug id" to "BZ#id"
for i, val in enumerate(ret):
val = re.sub(r"\(In reply to comment \#\d+\)","", val)
ret[i] = re.sub(r"(?i)(bug(?:\s+report)?\s+|feature wish\s+|\s\#)(\d\d?\d?\d?)", id_convert_from_match, val)
created_at = date_convert(comment.pop("bug_when"))
# Ignore some comment fields
global comment_unused_fields
fields_ignore(comment, comment_unused_fields)
# Make sure we have converted all the fields
if comment:
print "WARNING: unconverted comment fields:"
return { "body": "\n".join(ret), "created_at": created_at }
def comments_convert(comments, attachments):
ret = []
if isinstance(comments, list):
for comment in comments:
ret.append(comment_convert(comment, attachments))
ret.append(comment_convert(comments, attachments))
return ret
def bug_convert(bug):
ret = {}
ret["body"] = []
ret["body"].append("Note: the issue was created automatically with %s tool"
% os.path.basename(__file__))
ret["labels"] = []
ret["comments"] = []
attachments = {}
# Convert bug_id to number
ret["number"] = int(bug.pop("bug_id"))
# Convert attachments if any
if "attachment" in bug:
attachments = attachments_convert(bug.pop("attachment"))
# Convert long_desc and attachment to comments
ret["comments"].extend(comments_convert(bug.pop("long_desc"), attachments))
# Convert short_desc to title
ret["title"] = bug.pop("short_desc")
# Convert creation_ts to created_at
ret["created_at"] = date_convert(bug.pop("creation_ts"))
# Convert component to labels
ret["labels"].extend(str2list(component2labels, bug.pop("component")))
# Convert bug_status to state
ret["closed"] = str2str(status2state, bug.pop("bug_status"))
# We only assign open bug reports
assignee = str2str(email2login, bug.pop("assigned_to"))
if not ret["closed"] and assignee:
ret["assignee"] = assignee
# Approximate closing date with last update date
updated_at = bug.pop("delta_ts")
if ret["closed"]:
ret["closed_at"] = date_convert(updated_at)
# Convert (optional) keywords to labels
ret["labels"].extend(str2list(keywords2labels, bug.pop("keywords","")))
# Convert resolution to labels
if "resolution" in bug:
ret["labels"].extend(str2list(resolution2labels, bug.pop("resolution")))
# Convert op_sys to labels
if "op_sys" in bug:
ret["labels"].extend(str2list(op_sys2labels, bug.pop("op_sys")))
# Create the bug description
ret["body"].append("Original bug ID: BZ#%d" % ret["number"])
ret["body"].append("From: " + email_convert(bug.pop("reporter"),
bug.pop("", None)))
ret["body"].append("Reported version: " + bug.pop("version"))
if "cc" in bug:
ret["body"].append("CC: " + ", ".join(emails_convert(bug.pop("cc"))))
# Extra information
if "dup_id" in bug:
ret["body"].append("Duplicates: " + ids_convert(bug.pop("dup_id")))
if "dependson" in bug:
ret["body"].append("Depends on: " + ids_convert(bug.pop("dependson")))
if "blocked" in bug:
ret["body"].append("Blocker for: " + ids_convert(bug.pop("blocked")))
if "see_also" in bug:
see_also = bug.pop("see_also")
if isinstance(see_also, basestring):
ret["body"].append("See also: " + see_also_convert(see_also))
for item in see_also:
ret["body"].append("See also: " + see_also_convert(item))
# Put everything together
ret["body"] = "\n".join(ret["body"])
# Ignore some bug fields
global bug_unused_fields
fields_ignore(bug, bug_unused_fields)
# Make sure we have converted all the fields
if bug:
print "WARNING: unconverted bug fields:"
# Make sure we have converted all the attachments
if attachments:
print "WARNING: unconverted attachments:"
return ret
def bugs_convert(xml_root):
issues = {}
for xml_bug in xml_root.iter("bug"):
bug = XML2dict(xml_bug)
issue = bug_convert(bug)
# Check for duplicates
id = issue.pop("number")
if id in issues:
print("Error checking for duplicates: bug #%d is duplicated in the '%s'"
% (id, xml_file))
issues[id] = issue
return issues
def github_get(url, avs = {}):
global xml_file, github_url, github_owner, github_repo, github_token
if url[0] == "/":
u = "%s%s" % (github_url, url)
elif url.startswith("https://"):
u = url
elif url.startswith("http://"):
u = url
u = "%s/repos/%s/%s/%s" % (github_url, github_owner, github_repo, url)
# TODO: debug
# print "GET: " + u
avs["access_token"] = github_token
return requests.get(u, params = avs)
def github_post(url, avs = {}, fields = []):
global force_update
global xml_file, github_url, github_owner, github_repo, github_token
if url[0] == "/":
u = "%s%s" % (github_url, url)
u = "%s/repos/%s/%s/%s" % (github_url, github_owner, github_repo, url)
d = {}
# Copy fields into the data
for field in fields:
if field not in avs:
print "Error posting filed %s to %s" % (field, url)
d[field] = avs[field]
# TODO: debug
# print "POST: " + u
# print "DATA: " + json.dumps(d)
if force_update:
return, params = { "access_token": github_token },
data = json.dumps(d))
if not github_post.warn:
print "Skipping POST... (use -f to force updates)"
github_post.warn = True
return True
github_post.warn = False
def github_label_create(label):
if not github_get("labels/" + label):
print "\tcreating label '%s' on GitHub..." % label
r = github_post("labels", {
"name": label,
"color": "0"*6,
}, ["name", "color"])
if not r:
print "Error creating label %s: %s" % (label, r.headers)
def github_labels_check(issues):
global force_update
labels_set = set()
for id in issues:
for label in issues[id]["labels"]:
for label in labels_set:
if github_get("labels/" + label):
print "\tlabel '%s' exists on GitHub" % label
if force_update:
print "WARNING: label '%s' does not exist on GitHub" % label
def github_assignees_check(issues):
a_set = set()
for id in issues:
if "assignee" in issues[id]:
for assignee in a_set:
if not github_get("/users/" + assignee):
print "Error checking user '%s' on GitHub" % assignee
print "Assignee '%s' exists" % assignee
def github_issue_exist(number):
if github_get("issues/%d" % number):
return True
return False
def github_issue_get(number):
req = github_get("issues/%d" % number)
if not req:
print "Error getting GitHub issue #%d: %s" % (number, req.headers)
return req.json()
def github_issue_append(bugzilla_id, issue):
global github_owner, github_repo, github_token
params = { "access_token": github_token }
headers = { "Accept": "application/vnd.github.golden-comet-preview+json" }
print "\timporting BZ#%d on GitHub..." % bugzilla_id
u = "" % (github_owner, github_repo)
comments = issue.pop("comments", [])
# We can't assign people which are not in the organization / collaborators on the repo
if github_owner != "coq":
issue.pop("assignee", None)
r =, params = params, headers = headers,
data = json.dumps({ "issue": issue, "comments": comments }))
if not r:
print "Error importing issue on GitHub:\n%s" % r.text
print "For the record, here was the request:\n%s" % json.dumps({ "issue": issue, "comments": comments })
u = r.json()["url"]
wait = 1
r = False
while not r or r.json()["status"] == "pending":
wait = 2 * wait
r = requests.get(u, params = params, headers = headers)
if not r.json()["status"] == "imported":
print "Error importing issue on GitHub:\n%s" % r.text
# The issue_url field of the answer should be of the form .../ISSUE_NUMBER
# So it's easy to get the issue number, to check that it is what was expected
result = re.match("" + github_owner + "/" + github_repo + "/issues/(\d+)", r.json()["issue_url"])
if not result:
print "Error while parsing issue number:\n%s" % r.text
issue_number =
with open("bugzilla2github.log", "a") as f:
f.write("%d, %s\n" % (bugzilla_id, issue_number))
return issue_number
def github_issues_add(issues):
postponed = {}
id = 0
while True:
id += 1
if id <= existingIssues or github_get("issues/%d" % id):
if id in issues:
print "Issue #%d already exists, postponing..." % id
postponed[id] = issues.pop(id)
if id in issues:
bugzilla_id = id
issue = issues.pop(id)
if len(postponed) == 0:
if len(issues) == 0:
print "===> All done."
print "Error: No more postponed issues."
# Find the first postponed issue
bugzilla_id = sorted(postponed.keys())[0]
issue = postponed.pop(bugzilla_id)
if force_update:
print "Creating issue #%d..." % id
github_issue_append(bugzilla_id, issue)
def args_parse(argv):
global force_update
global xml_file, github_owner, github_repo, github_token
opts, args = getopt.getopt(argv,"hfo:r:t:x:")
except getopt.GetoptError:
for opt, arg in opts:
if opt == '-h':
elif opt == "-f":
print "WARNING: the repo will be UPDATED! No backups, no undos!"
print "Press Ctrl+C within next 5 seconds to cancel the update:"
force_update = True
elif opt == "-o":
github_owner = arg
elif opt == "-r":
github_repo = arg
elif opt == "-t":
github_token = arg
elif opt == "-x":
xml_file = arg
# Check the arguments
if (not xml_file or not github_owner or not github_repo or not github_token):
print("Error parsing arguments: "
"please specify XML file, GitHub owner, repo and token")
def main(argv):
global xml_file, github_owner, github_repo, existingIssues
# Parse command line arguments
print "===> Converting Bugzilla reports to GitHub Issues..."
print "\tSource XML file: %s" % xml_file
print "\tDest. GitHub owner: %s" % github_owner
print "\tDest. GitHub repo: %s" % github_repo
xml_tree = xml.etree.ElementTree.parse(xml_file)
xml_root = xml_tree.getroot()
issues = bugs_convert(xml_root)
with open("bugzilla2github.log", "r") as f:
print "===> Skipping already imported issues (WARNING: this shouldn't happen when you run this script for the first time)..."
imported_bugs = csv.reader(f)
for imported_bug in imported_bugs:
issues.pop(int(imported_bug[0]), None)
existingIssues = max(existingIssues, int(imported_bug[1]))
except IOError:
print "===> No log file found. Not skipping any issue."
print "===> Checking last existing issue actually exists."
if not github_issue_exist(existingIssues):
print "Last existing issue doesn't actually exist. Aborting!"
print "===> Checking whether the following issue was created but not saved."
github_issue = github_get("issues/%d" % (existingIssues + 1))
if github_issue:
result ="Original bug ID: BZ#(\d+)", github_issue.json()["body"])
if result:
print "Indeed, this was the case."
bugzilla_id = int(
issues.pop(bugzilla_id, None)
with open("bugzilla2github.log", "a") as f:
f.write("%d, %d\n" % (bugzilla_id, existingIssues + 1))
print "===> Checking all the labels exist on GitHub..."
print "===> Checking all the assignees exist on GitHub..."
# fake_issue = { "title": "Fake issue", "body": "Fake issue", "closed": True }
# for i in xrange(1,existingIssues + 1):
# github_issue_append(0, fake_issue)
print "===> Adding Bugzilla reports on GitHub..."
if __name__ == "__main__":
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