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Last active July 30, 2021 23:29
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  • Save ZingBallyhoo/f1162fa0b14d5abb47c6eaba22807ae7 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save ZingBallyhoo/f1162fa0b14d5abb47c6eaba22807ae7 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
-1 180794D20 push rbp
-1 180794D22 sub rsp,40h
-1 180794D26 lea rbp,[rsp+20h]
-1 180794D2B mov [rbp+30h],rbx
-1 180794D2F cmp byte ptr [180A810DEh],0
-1 180794D36 jne short 0000000180794D4Ah
-1 180794D38 mov ecx,[1808317D8h]
-1 180794D3E call 0000000180106290h
-1 180794D43 mov byte ptr [180A810DEh],1
-1 180794D4A mov eax,[rsp]
-1 180794D4D sub rsp,10h
-1 180794D51 lea rdx,[rsp+20h]
-1 180794D56 mov eax,[rdx]
-1 180794D58 lea rcx,[rbp+8]
-1 180794D5C call 000000018000E3F0h
-1 180794D61 nop
try {
0 180794D62 mov rcx,[180D33F08h]
0 180794D69 call 0000000180106390h
0 180794D6E mov rbx,rax
0 180794D71 xor r8d,r8d
0 180794D74 mov rdx,[180D3FDF8h]
0 180794D7B mov rcx,rax
0 180794D7E call 000000018026FE30h
0 180794D83 mov rdx,[180D446B8h]
0 180794D8A mov rcx,rbx
0 180794D8D call 00000001801063B0h
catch {
call catch funclet at 180796860
will jump to 180794D93
try {
2 180794D92 nop
2 180794D93 mov rbx,[rbp+40h]
2 180794D97 test rbx,rbx
2 180794D9A je short 0000000180794DEFh
2 180794D9C mov rax,[rbx]
2 180794D9F mov rdx,[180D33F08h]
2 180794DA6 movzx ecx,byte ptr [rdx+128h]
2 180794DAD cmp [rax+128h],cl
2 180794DB3 jb short 0000000180794DEFh
2 180794DB5 mov rax,[rax+0C8h]
2 180794DBC cmp [rax+rcx*8-8],rdx
2 180794DC1 jne short 0000000180794DEFh
2 180794DC3 mov rcx,rbx
2 180794DC6 mov rax,[rbx]
2 180794DC9 mov rdx,[rax+268h]
2 180794DD0 call qword ptr [rax+260h]
2 180794DD6 xor r8d,r8d
2 180794DD9 mov rdx,[180D38B48h]
2 180794DE0 mov rcx,rax
2 180794DE3 call 0000000180171DE0h
2 180794DE8 test al,al
2 180794DEA setne cl
2 180794DED jmp short 0000000180794DF1h
catch {
call catch funclet at 18079FDE0
will jump to 180794E04
-1 180794DEF xor ecx,ecx
-1 180794DF1 test cl,cl
-1 180794DF3 je short 0000000180794E08h
-1 180794DF5 mov eax,64h
-1 180794DFA mov rbx,[rbp+30h]
-1 180794DFE lea rsp,[rbp+20h]
-1 180794E02 pop rbp
-1 180794E03 ret
-1 180794E04 mov rbx,[rbp+40h]
-1 180794E08 mov rdx,[180D446B8h]
-1 180794E0F mov rcx,rbx
-1 180794E12 call 00000001801063B0h
-1 180794E17 int 3
-1 180794E20 push rbp
-1 180794E22 sub rsp,50h
-1 180794E26 lea rbp,[rsp+20h]
-1 180794E2B mov [rbp+40h],rbx
-1 180794E2F cmp byte ptr [180A810DDh],0
-1 180794E36 jne short 0000000180794E4Ah
-1 180794E38 mov ecx,[1808317E4h]
-1 180794E3E call 0000000180106290h
-1 180794E43 mov byte ptr [180A810DDh],1
-1 180794E4A mov dword ptr [rbp+50h],0
-1 180794E51 mov eax,[rsp]
-1 180794E54 sub rsp,10h
-1 180794E58 lea rdx,[rsp+20h]
-1 180794E5D mov eax,[rdx]
-1 180794E5F lea rcx,[rbp+18h]
-1 180794E63 call 000000018000E3F0h
-1 180794E68 nop
try {
try {
1 180794E69 mov rcx,[180D33F08h]
1 180794E70 call 0000000180106390h
1 180794E75 mov rbx,rax
1 180794E78 xor r8d,r8d
1 180794E7B mov rdx,[180D3FDF8h]
1 180794E82 mov rcx,rax
1 180794E85 call 000000018026FE30h
1 180794E8A mov rdx,[180D446A0h]
1 180794E91 mov rcx,rbx
1 180794E94 call 00000001801063B0h
catch {
call catch funclet at 18079FE00
will jump to 180794E9A
0 180794E99 nop
0 180794E9A mov edx,64h
0 180794E9F mov [rbp+50h],edx
0 180794EA2 mov eax,[rbp+20h]
0 180794EA5 inc eax
0 180794EA7 movsxd rcx,eax
0 180794EAA mov rax,[rbp+18h]
0 180794EAE mov dword ptr [rax+rcx*4],16h
0 180794EB5 jmp short 0000000180794EC3h
0 180794EB7 mov rcx,[rbp+58h]
0 180794EBB test rcx,rcx
0 180794EBE jne short 0000000180794ECFh
0 180794EC0 mov edx,[rbp+50h]
0 180794EC3 mov eax,edx
0 180794EC5 mov rbx,[rbp+40h]
0 180794EC9 lea rsp,[rbp+30h]
0 180794ECD pop rbp
0 180794ECE ret
catch {
call catch funclet at 18079BB10
will jump to 180794EB7
-1 180794ECF xor edx,edx
-1 180794ED1 call 00000001801063B0h
-1 180794ED6 int 3
-1 180794EE0 push rbp
-1 180794EE2 sub rsp,50h
-1 180794EE6 lea rbp,[rsp+20h]
-1 180794EEB cmp byte ptr [180A810E3h],0
-1 180794EF2 jne short 0000000180794F06h
-1 180794EF4 mov ecx,[1808317E8h]
-1 180794EFA call 0000000180106290h
-1 180794EFF mov byte ptr [180A810E3h],1
-1 180794F06 mov eax,[rsp]
-1 180794F09 sub rsp,20h
-1 180794F0D mov eax,[rsp]
-1 180794F10 mov rax,[180D33F00h]
-1 180794F17 test byte ptr [rax+12Fh],2
-1 180794F1E je short 0000000180794F38h
-1 180794F20 cmp dword ptr [rax+0E0h],0
-1 180794F27 jne short 0000000180794F38h
try {
try {
1 180794F29 mov rcx,rax
1 180794F2C call 0000000180082850h
1 180794F31 mov rax,[180D33F00h]
1 180794F38 cmp byte ptr [180A810E7h],0
1 180794F3F jne short 0000000180794F5Ah
1 180794F41 mov ecx,[180853B64h]
1 180794F47 call 0000000180106290h
1 180794F4C mov byte ptr [180A810E7h],1
1 180794F53 mov rax,[180D33F00h]
1 180794F5A test byte ptr [rax+12Fh],2
1 180794F61 je short 0000000180794F7Bh
1 180794F63 cmp dword ptr [rax+0E0h],0
1 180794F6A jne short 0000000180794F7Bh
1 180794F6C mov rcx,rax
1 180794F6F call 0000000180082850h
1 180794F74 mov rax,[180D33F00h]
1 180794F7B mov rax,[rax+0B8h]
1 180794F82 mov rcx,[rax]
1 180794F85 test rcx,rcx
1 180794F88 je near ptr 0000000180795128h
1 180794F8E mov rax,[rcx]
1 180794F91 mov r8,[rax+3F8h]
1 180794F98 mov rdx,[180D38B30h]
1 180794F9F call qword ptr [rax+3F0h]
catch {
call catch funclet at 180797AA0
will jump to 180794FA8
0 180794FA5 nop
0 180794FA6 jmp short 0000000180794FA8h
0 180794FA8 mov rax,[180D33F00h]
0 180794FAF test byte ptr [rax+12Fh],2
0 180794FB6 je short 0000000180794FD0h
0 180794FB8 cmp dword ptr [rax+0E0h],0
0 180794FBF jne short 0000000180794FD0h
0 180794FC1 mov rcx,rax
0 180794FC4 call 0000000180082850h
0 180794FC9 mov rax,[180D33F00h]
0 180794FD0 cmp byte ptr [180A810E7h],0
0 180794FD7 jne short 0000000180794FF2h
0 180794FD9 mov ecx,[180853B64h]
0 180794FDF call 0000000180106290h
0 180794FE4 mov byte ptr [180A810E7h],1
0 180794FEB mov rax,[180D33F00h]
0 180794FF2 test byte ptr [rax+12Fh],2
0 180794FF9 je short 0000000180795013h
0 180794FFB cmp dword ptr [rax+0E0h],0
0 180795002 jne short 0000000180795013h
0 180795004 mov rcx,rax
0 180795007 call 0000000180082850h
0 18079500C mov rax,[180D33F00h]
0 180795013 mov rax,[rax+0B8h]
0 18079501A mov rcx,[rax]
0 18079501D test rcx,rcx
0 180795020 je near ptr 0000000180795139h
0 180795026 mov rax,[rcx]
0 180795029 mov r8,[rax+3F8h]
0 180795030 mov rdx,[180D38B28h]
0 180795037 call qword ptr [rax+3F0h]
try {
3 18079503D nop
3 18079503E mov rax,[180D33F00h]
3 180795045 test byte ptr [rax+12Fh],2
3 18079504C je short 0000000180795066h
3 18079504E cmp dword ptr [rax+0E0h],0
3 180795055 jne short 0000000180795066h
3 180795057 mov rcx,rax
3 18079505A call 0000000180082850h
3 18079505F mov rax,[180D33F00h]
3 180795066 cmp byte ptr [180A810E7h],0
3 18079506D jne short 0000000180795088h
3 18079506F mov ecx,[180853B64h]
3 180795075 call 0000000180106290h
3 18079507A mov byte ptr [180A810E7h],1
3 180795081 mov rax,[180D33F00h]
3 180795088 test byte ptr [rax+12Fh],2
3 18079508F je short 00000001807950A9h
3 180795091 cmp dword ptr [rax+0E0h],0
3 180795098 jne short 00000001807950A9h
3 18079509A mov rcx,rax
3 18079509D call 0000000180082850h
3 1807950A2 mov rax,[180D33F00h]
3 1807950A9 mov rax,[rax+0B8h]
3 1807950B0 mov rcx,[rax]
3 1807950B3 test rcx,rcx
3 1807950B6 je short 000000018079512Eh
3 1807950B8 mov rax,[rcx]
3 1807950BB mov r8,[rax+3F8h]
3 1807950C2 mov rdx,[180D38B18h]
3 1807950C9 call qword ptr [rax+3F0h]
catch {
call catch funclet at 18079FE60
will jump to 1807950D2
0 1807950CF nop
0 1807950D0 jmp short 0000000180795116h
0 1807950D2 mov rcx,[180D33F00h]
0 1807950D9 test byte ptr [rcx+12Fh],2
0 1807950E0 je short 00000001807950F0h
0 1807950E2 cmp dword ptr [rcx+0E0h],0
0 1807950E9 jne short 00000001807950F0h
0 1807950EB call 0000000180082850h
0 1807950F0 xor ecx,ecx
0 1807950F2 call 0000000180794790h
0 1807950F7 mov rcx,rax
0 1807950FA test rax,rax
0 1807950FD je short 0000000180795134h
0 1807950FF mov rax,[rax]
0 180795102 mov r8,[rax+3F8h]
0 180795109 mov rdx,[180D38B00h]
0 180795110 call qword ptr [rax+3F0h]
catch {
call catch funclet at 18079FEC0
will jump to 18079511D
-1 180795116 mov eax,3Bh
-1 18079511B jmp short 0000000180795122h
-1 18079511D mov eax,3
-1 180795122 lea rsp,[rbp+30h]
-1 180795126 pop rbp
try {
try {
1 180795127 ret
1 180795128 call 00000001801063E0h
catch {
call catch funclet at 180797AA0
will jump to 180794FA8
try {
3 18079512D nop
3 18079512E call 00000001801063E0h
catch {
call catch funclet at 18079FE60
will jump to 1807950D2
0 180795133 nop
0 180795134 call 00000001801063E0h
0 180795139 call 00000001801063E0h
catch {
call catch funclet at 18079FEC0
will jump to 18079511D
-1 18079513E int 3
-1 18079513F int 3
-1 180795140 push rbp
-1 180795142 sub rsp,50h
-1 180795146 lea rbp,[rsp+20h]
-1 18079514B mov [rbp+40h],rbx
-1 18079514F cmp byte ptr [180A810E1h],0
-1 180795156 jne short 000000018079516Ah
-1 180795158 mov ecx,[1808317F0h]
-1 18079515E call 0000000180106290h
-1 180795163 mov byte ptr [180A810E1h],1
-1 18079516A mov eax,[rsp]
-1 18079516D sub rsp,10h
-1 180795171 lea rdx,[rsp+20h]
-1 180795176 mov eax,[rdx]
-1 180795178 lea rcx,[rbp+20h]
-1 18079517C call 000000018000E3F0h
-1 180795181 nop
try {
try {
1 180795182 mov rcx,[180D33F08h]
1 180795189 call 0000000180106390h
1 18079518E mov rbx,rax
1 180795191 xor edx,edx
1 180795193 mov rcx,rax
1 180795196 call 000000018026FD30h
1 18079519B mov rdx,[180D44698h]
1 1807951A2 mov rcx,rbx
1 1807951A5 call 00000001801063B0h
catch {
call catch funclet at 18079E890
will jump to 1807951BA
0 1807951BA mov rcx,[180D33DD0h]
0 1807951C1 call 0000000180106390h
0 1807951C6 mov rbx,rax
0 1807951C9 xor edx,edx
0 1807951CB mov rcx,rax
0 1807951CE call 0000000180235A70h
0 1807951D3 mov rdx,[180D44698h]
0 1807951DA mov rcx,rbx
0 1807951DD call 00000001801063B0h
catch {
call catch funclet at 180797AA0
will jump to 1807951AB
-1 1807951AA nop
-1 1807951AB mov eax,3
-1 1807951B0 mov rbx,[rbp+40h]
-1 1807951B4 lea rsp,[rbp+30h]
-1 1807951B8 pop rbp
-1 1807951B9 ret
-1 1807951E2 int 3
-1 1807951E3 int 3
-1 1807951F0 push rbp
-1 1807951F2 sub rsp,40h
-1 1807951F6 lea rbp,[rsp+20h]
-1 1807951FB mov [rbp+30h],rbx
-1 1807951FF cmp byte ptr [180A810E0h],0
-1 180795206 jne short 000000018079521Ah
-1 180795208 mov ecx,[1808317F8h]
-1 18079520E call 0000000180106290h
-1 180795213 mov byte ptr [180A810E0h],1
-1 18079521A mov eax,[rsp]
-1 18079521D sub rsp,10h
-1 180795221 lea rdx,[rsp+20h]
-1 180795226 mov eax,[rdx]
-1 180795228 lea rcx,[rbp+10h]
-1 18079522C call 000000018000E3F0h
-1 180795231 nop
try {
0 180795232 mov rcx,[180D33F08h]
0 180795239 call 0000000180106390h
0 18079523E mov rbx,rax
0 180795241 xor edx,edx
0 180795243 mov rcx,rax
0 180795246 call 000000018026FD30h
0 18079524B mov rdx,[180D44680h]
0 180795252 mov rcx,rbx
0 180795255 call 00000001801063B0h
catch {
call catch funclet at 18079FF20
continuation code pointer is returned by funclet
-1 18079525A nop
-1 18079525B mov eax,64h
-1 180795260 mov rbx,[rbp+30h]
-1 180795264 lea rsp,[rbp+20h]
-1 180795268 pop rbp
-1 180795269 ret
-1 18079526A mov eax,65h
-1 18079526F mov rbx,[rbp+30h]
-1 180795273 lea rsp,[rbp+20h]
-1 180795277 pop rbp
-1 180795278 ret
-1 180795279 xor eax,eax
-1 18079527B mov rbx,[rbp+30h]
-1 18079527F lea rsp,[rbp+20h]
-1 180795283 pop rbp
-1 180795284 ret
-1 180795290 push rbp
-1 180795292 sub rsp,40h
-1 180795296 lea rbp,[rsp+20h]
-1 18079529B mov [rbp+30h],rbx
-1 18079529F cmp byte ptr [180A810DFh],0
-1 1807952A6 jne short 00000001807952BAh
-1 1807952A8 mov ecx,[180831804h]
-1 1807952AE call 0000000180106290h
-1 1807952B3 mov byte ptr [180A810DFh],1
-1 1807952BA mov eax,[rsp]
-1 1807952BD sub rsp,10h
-1 1807952C1 lea rdx,[rsp+20h]
-1 1807952C6 mov eax,[rdx]
-1 1807952C8 lea rcx,[rbp+10h]
-1 1807952CC call 000000018000E3F0h
-1 1807952D1 nop
try {
0 1807952D2 mov rcx,[180D33F08h]
0 1807952D9 call 0000000180106390h
0 1807952DE mov rbx,rax
0 1807952E1 xor edx,edx
0 1807952E3 mov rcx,rax
0 1807952E6 call 000000018026FD30h
0 1807952EB mov rdx,[180D44678h]
0 1807952F2 mov rcx,rbx
0 1807952F5 call 00000001801063B0h
catch {
call catch funclet at 18079FFB0
could jump to 1807952FB or 18079530A based off funclet return value
-1 1807952FA nop
-1 1807952FB mov eax,64h
-1 180795300 mov rbx,[rbp+30h]
-1 180795304 lea rsp,[rbp+20h]
-1 180795308 pop rbp
-1 180795309 ret
-1 18079530A xor eax,eax
-1 18079530C mov rbx,[rbp+30h]
-1 180795310 lea rsp,[rbp+20h]
-1 180795314 pop rbp
-1 180795315 ret
-1 180795320 push rbp
-1 180795322 sub rsp,40h
-1 180795326 lea rbp,[rsp+20h]
-1 18079532B cmp byte ptr [180A810E2h],0
-1 180795332 jne short 0000000180795346h
-1 180795334 mov ecx,[180831808h]
-1 18079533A call 0000000180106290h
-1 18079533F mov byte ptr [180A810E2h],1
-1 180795346 mov eax,[rsp]
-1 180795349 sub rsp,10h
-1 18079534D mov eax,[rsp]
-1 180795350 mov rax,[180D33F00h]
-1 180795357 test byte ptr [rax+12Fh],2
-1 18079535E je short 0000000180795378h
-1 180795360 cmp dword ptr [rax+0E0h],0
-1 180795367 jne short 0000000180795378h
try {
0 180795369 mov rcx,rax
0 18079536C call 0000000180082850h
0 180795371 mov rax,[180D33F00h]
0 180795378 cmp byte ptr [180A810E7h],0
0 18079537F jne short 000000018079539Ah
0 180795381 mov ecx,[180853B64h]
0 180795387 call 0000000180106290h
0 18079538C mov byte ptr [180A810E7h],1
0 180795393 mov rax,[180D33F00h]
0 18079539A test byte ptr [rax+12Fh],2
0 1807953A1 je short 00000001807953BBh
0 1807953A3 cmp dword ptr [rax+0E0h],0
0 1807953AA jne short 00000001807953BBh
0 1807953AC mov rcx,rax
0 1807953AF call 0000000180082850h
0 1807953B4 mov rax,[180D33F00h]
0 1807953BB mov rax,[rax+0B8h]
0 1807953C2 mov rcx,[rax]
0 1807953C5 test rcx,rcx
0 1807953C8 je near ptr 0000000180795563h
0 1807953CE mov rax,[rcx]
0 1807953D1 mov r8,[rax+3F8h]
0 1807953D8 mov rdx,[180D38B30h]
0 1807953DF call qword ptr [rax+3F0h]
catch {
call catch funclet at 1807A0030
will jump to 1807953E8
-1 1807953E5 nop
-1 1807953E6 jmp short 00000001807953E8h
-1 1807953E8 mov rax,[180D33F00h]
-1 1807953EF test byte ptr [rax+12Fh],2
-1 1807953F6 je short 0000000180795410h
-1 1807953F8 cmp dword ptr [rax+0E0h],0
-1 1807953FF jne short 0000000180795410h
-1 180795401 mov rcx,rax
-1 180795404 call 0000000180082850h
-1 180795409 mov rax,[180D33F00h]
-1 180795410 cmp byte ptr [180A810E7h],0
-1 180795417 jne short 0000000180795432h
-1 180795419 mov ecx,[180853B64h]
-1 18079541F call 0000000180106290h
-1 180795424 mov byte ptr [180A810E7h],1
-1 18079542B mov rax,[180D33F00h]
-1 180795432 test byte ptr [rax+12Fh],2
-1 180795439 je short 0000000180795453h
-1 18079543B cmp dword ptr [rax+0E0h],0
-1 180795442 jne short 0000000180795453h
-1 180795444 mov rcx,rax
-1 180795447 call 0000000180082850h
-1 18079544C mov rax,[180D33F00h]
-1 180795453 mov rax,[rax+0B8h]
-1 18079545A mov rcx,[rax]
-1 18079545D test rcx,rcx
-1 180795460 je near ptr 000000018079555Dh
-1 180795466 mov rax,[rcx]
-1 180795469 mov r8,[rax+3F8h]
-1 180795470 mov rdx,[180D38B28h]
-1 180795477 call qword ptr [rax+3F0h]
try {
2 18079547D nop
2 18079547E mov rax,[180D33F00h]
2 180795485 test byte ptr [rax+12Fh],2
2 18079548C je short 00000001807954A6h
2 18079548E cmp dword ptr [rax+0E0h],0
2 180795495 jne short 00000001807954A6h
2 180795497 mov rcx,rax
2 18079549A call 0000000180082850h
2 18079549F mov rax,[180D33F00h]
2 1807954A6 cmp byte ptr [180A810E7h],0
2 1807954AD jne short 00000001807954C8h
2 1807954AF mov ecx,[180853B64h]
2 1807954B5 call 0000000180106290h
2 1807954BA mov byte ptr [180A810E7h],1
2 1807954C1 mov rax,[180D33F00h]
2 1807954C8 test byte ptr [rax+12Fh],2
2 1807954CF je short 00000001807954E9h
2 1807954D1 cmp dword ptr [rax+0E0h],0
2 1807954D8 jne short 00000001807954E9h
2 1807954DA mov rcx,rax
2 1807954DD call 0000000180082850h
2 1807954E2 mov rax,[180D33F00h]
2 1807954E9 mov rax,[rax+0B8h]
2 1807954F0 mov rcx,[rax]
2 1807954F3 test rcx,rcx
2 1807954F6 je short 0000000180795569h
2 1807954F8 mov rax,[rcx]
2 1807954FB mov r8,[rax+3F8h]
2 180795502 mov rdx,[180D38B18h]
2 180795509 call qword ptr [rax+3F0h]
catch {
call catch funclet at 18079DFD0
will jump to 180795512
0 180795562 nop
0 180795563 call 00000001801063E0h
try {
2 180795568 nop
-1 180795569 call 00000001801063E0h
-1 18079556E int 3
-1 18079556F int 3
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