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Dan Gisselquist ZipCPU

  • Gisselquist Technology, LLC
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// Filename: bimpy
// Project: A simple, better, multiply generator
// Purpose: A simply 2-bit multiply based upon the fact that LUT's allow
// 6-bits of input, but a 2x2 bit multiply will never carry more
// than one bit. While this multiply is hardware independent,
// it is really motivated by trying to optimize for a specific
<lama> hello
<lama> can somebody please help me, i'm trying to implement the modified booth's algorithm for multiplication, but the vhdl code gives incorrect results like 125 * 12 = 1076605135488 :D i don't know why
<lama> i have also written a quick software implementation in c++ so i would be sure that i understand the algorithm and that works:
<lama> so can somebody see anything wrong with the vhdl code?
* jkent is now known as jkent`
* jkent` is now known as jkent
<lama> just to make things clear, if i have two's complement number in std_logic_vector and cast this to unsigned in order to add this vector to some other vector; the casting won't alter the std_logic_vector bit format, right?
<lama> let say that slv = 11111011 which is -5 in two's complement and i will do unsigned(slv), will this still hold the same binary value? unsigned(slv) + unsigned(1) = 11111100 (-4) ?
module tk_recv_data(... i_rst_n, i_rx_int, ...)
always @(posedge i_clk)
if ( !i_rst_n )
rx_temp_data <= 8'd0;
num <= 4'd0;
rx_data_r <= 8'd0;
module test(i_clk, i_ce, i_val, o_val);
input wire i_clk, i_ce, i_val;
output reg o_val;
initial o_val = 1'b0;
always @(posedge i_clk)
if (i_ce)
o_val <= i_val;
`ifdef FORMAL
module twotests(i_clk, i_ce, i_val, o_val);
input wire i_clk, i_ce, i_val;
output reg o_val;
initial o_val = 1'b0;
always @(posedge i_clk)
if (i_ce)
o_val <= i_val;
`ifdef FORMAL
module hello(input clk, input rst, output [3:0] cnt);
reg [3:0] cnt;
initial cnt = 0;
always @(posedge clk) begin
if (rst)
cnt <= 0;
cnt <= cnt + 1;
yosys -ql hello.yslog \
-p 'read_verilog -formal hello.v' \
-p 'prep -top hello -nordff' \
-p 'write_smt2 hello.smt2'
yosys-smtbmc hello.smt2
yosys-smtbmc -i hello.smt2
// Filename: wbm2axisp.v (Wishbone master to AXI slave, pipelined)
// Project: Pipelined Wishbone to AXI converter
// Purpose: The B4 Wishbone SPEC allows transactions at a speed as fast as
// one per clock. The AXI bus allows transactions at a speed of
// one read and one write transaction per clock. These capabilities work
// by allowing requests to take place prior to responses, such that the
## Filename: Makefile
## Project: Pipelined Wishbone to AXI converter
## Purpose: To direct the formal verification of the bus bridge
## sources.
## Targets: The default target, all, tests all of the components defined
read_verilog -D WBM2AXISP -formal ../../rtl/wbm2axisp.v
prep -top wbm2axisp -nordff
opt clean
write_smt2 -wires wbm2axisp.smt2