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Created February 7, 2012 20:52
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A parser for DnD dice rolls
//infix operator-precedence parser
//also supports a d operator - a dice roll
var parsePrecedence = (function () {
//we don't care about whitespace. well, most whitespace
var whitespace = {
' ' : true,
'\t' : true
//the operators we deal with
var operators = {
'+' : {
precedence : 1,
exec : function ( a, b ) {
return a + b;
'-' : {
precedence : 1,
exec : function ( a, b ) {
return a - b;
'*' : {
precedence : 2,
exec : function ( a, b ) {
return a * b;
'/' : {
precedence : 2,
exec : function ( a, b ) {
if ( b === 0 ) {
throw new Error( 'Division by 0' );
return a / b;
'd' : {
precedence : 3,
exec : function ( rolls, sides, rollsSoFar ) {
if ( rolls > 100 ) {
throw new Error( 'Maximum roll count is 100' );
var ret = 0, roll;
while ( rolls-- ) {
roll = Math.floor( Math.random() * sides ) + 1;
ret += roll;
rollsSoFar.push( roll );
return ret;
var parser = {
//not exactly stacks, but meh
numberStack : null,
operatorStack : null,
rolls : null,
//the source string and some metadata
source : null,
pos : 0,
len : 0,
lookahead : '',
parse : function ( source ) {
this.source = source;
this.pos = 0;
this.len = source.length;
this.numberStack = [];
this.operatorStack = [];
this.rolls = [];
//garbage collection, important for gianormo strings
this.source = source = null;
return {
//the remaining number on the "stack" is the result
total : this.numberStack[ 0 ],
//we execute right->left, so the rolls array will be "backwards"
rolls : this.rolls.reverse()
//take the source string, and break it down into tokens
tokenize : function () {
var token, last;
for ( ; this.pos < this.len; this.pos++ ) {
this.lookahead = this.source[ this.pos ];
if ( whitespace.hasOwnProperty(this.lookahead) ) {
token = this.nextToken();
if ( token.type === 'number' ) {
this.numberStack.push( token.value );
else if ( token.type === 'operator' ) {
last = this.operatorStack[ this.operatorStack.length - 1 ];
//check for things like 1d2d3, which aren't valid
if ( last && token.value === 'd' && last.value === 'd' ) {
var itOnTheGround = new Error(
'Unexpected unchainable operator d'
itOnTheGround.column = this.pos;
throw itOnTheGround; //I'M AN ADULT!
this.operatorStack.push( token );
execute : function () {
var idx;
while ( (idx = this.operatorStack.length) ) {
while ( 0 <=-- idx ) { this, this.operatorStack[idx], idx );
function execute ( token, index ) {
var last = this.operatorStack[ index + 1 ];
//last one is more important than we are
if ( last && last.precedence > token.precedence ) {
//execute it
this.operate( index + 1 );
//we're about to finish and the last one isn't as all-mighty as we
// thought
else if ( !index ) {
//execute za operator!
this.operate( index );
//fetch le token!
nextToken : function () {
var ch = this.lookahead;
var ret = {
type : null,
value : ch
//have we overflowed, while looking for something else?
if ( this.pos >= this.len ) {
throw new Error( 'Unexpected end of input' );
//is it a digit?
else if ( ch >= 0 && ch < 10 ) {
ret.type = 'number';
res = this.fetchNumber();
this.pos += res.length - 1;
ret.value = res.value;
//is it an operator?
else if ( operators.hasOwnProperty(ch) ) {
ret.type = 'operator';
ret.precedence = operators[ ch ].precedence;
//Y U TROLLZ!?!?
else {
var chuckNorris = new Error( 'Invalid character ' + ch );
chuckNorris.column = this.pos;
throw chuckNorris;
return ret;
operate : function ( index ) {
//grab the two numbers we care about
//since the source string looks like: 2 + 1
// and the index param is actually the index of the operator to use,
// we grab the index-th number and the index-th+1 number
//in the above example, index = 0, we grab numberStack[0] and
// numberStack[1]
var couplet = this.numberStack.slice( index, index + 2 );
//in addition to the numbers we operate on, there's also a dice-roll
// operator, so we take it into consideration
couplet.push( this.rolls );
//arr.splice removes items and returns the removed items as an array
//we remove the index-th item from the operatorStack and grab its
// "value", which is the operator symbol (+, * etc)
//when we have that value, we grab the corresponding operator object
var op = operators[ this.operatorStack.splice(index, 1)[0].value ];
//arr.splice, as well as removing items, can also add items
//so, we slice-n-dice at the two numbers, grab the result of executing
// the operator, and add that result where we finished slicing
//for example:
// [0, 1, 2].splice( 0, 2, 42 )
//will make the array look like
// [42, 2]
this.numberStack.splice( index, 2, op.exec.apply(null, couplet) );
fetchNumber : function () {
var offset = 0, num = '', ch;
//keep eating digits until we find a non-digit
while ( (ch = this.source[this.pos+offset]) >= 0 && ch < 10 ) {
num += ch;
if ( num.length === 0 ) {
throw new Error(
'Incomplete operation: Expected number at ' + this.pos
return {
value : Number( num ),
length : offset
//returns an object:
// total => result of all dice rolls and arithmetic operations
// rolls => array of results of each individual dice roll
return function ( source ) {
return parser.parse( source );
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This is great! Just what I needed.

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Line 122 made my day.

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