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Created August 11, 2017 19:40
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// prerequisites:
// $ npm i chrome-remote-interface
// $ chrome --headless --no-gpu --remote-debugging-port=9222
var fs = require('fs');
var repl = require('readline');
var util = require('util');
var cri = require('chrome-remote-interface');
var config = require('./run-headless.config.json');
cri(async (client) => {
try {
await demLogics(client);
catch (e) {
finally {
console.log('Have a nice day!');
}).on('error', console.error);
async function demLogics(client) {
var { DOM, Page, Runtime } = client;
await Promise.all([
await Page.navigate({ url: config.siteUrl + '/users/login/' });
await Page.loadEventFired();
await screenshot('pics/login-pre.png', client);
var url = await getUrl(client);
if (!/login-add($|\?)/.test(url)) {
console.log('Need to authenticate');
await loginToSE(client);
else {
console.log('Cool, already logged in');
await injectBot(client);
console.log('Injected bot');
async function loginToSE(client) {
var { DOM, Page } = client;
var { root: { nodeId: documentId } } = await DOM.getDocument({ depth: 0 });
await Promise.all([
type('#login-form #email',, client, documentId),
type('#login-form #password', config.password, client, documentId),
await screenshot('pics/login-filled.png', client);
await click('#login-form #submit-button', client);
await Page.loadEventFired();
await screenshot('pics/login-post.png', client);
async function injectBot(client) {
var { Page, Runtime } = client;
await Page.navigate({ url: config.roomUrl });
await Page.loadEventFired();
await screenshot('pics/chat.png', client);
await Runtime.evaluate({
expression: `
var script = document.createElement('script');
script.src = '';
script.onload = function() {
console.log('Loaded bot');
bot.adapter.out.add('I will derive!');
// rando utils because fml
async function type(selector, value, { DOM }, documentId) {
var { nodeId } = await DOM.querySelector({
nodeId: documentId,
await DOM.setAttributeValue({
name: 'value',
async function click(selector, { Runtime }) {
// as of yet, the only way to dispatch mouse events is via coordinates
// that's rather lame so we do something lamer
await Runtime.evaluate({
expression: `document.querySelector('${selector}').click()`
// plz no kill me i have family, kidnap me and depand ransom
// or just kill them
async function getUrl({ Runtime }) {
var { result: { value } } = await Runtime.evaluate({
expression: 'location.href'
return value;
async function screenshot(ssName, { Page }) {
var ss = new Buffer((await Page.captureScreenshot()).data, 'base64');
return await util.promisify(fs.writeFile)(ssName, ss, 'base64');
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