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Last active September 10, 2016 10:06
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Save Zirak/d1a732dba1aa19b6cfab to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.

In order (maybe). Some stuff are Arch specific.

Base system stuff

  • grub
  • os-prober

A decent shell and a way to talk to the world

  • zsh
  • grml-zsh-config
  • fish
  • fisher
  • openssh
  • sshfs


  • sudo
  • pacaur (AUR)
  • mlocate
  • remember to run updatedb after installing
  • curl
  • wget

Base X

  • xorg-server
  • xorg-server-utils
  • xorg-xinit
  • xorg-xrandr

Video drivers

  • nvidia or whatever
  • xf86-video-vesa
  • mesa


  • awesome
  • pcmanfm

A decent font

  • ttf-dejavu
  • adobe-source-code-pro-fonts


  • urxvt
  • roxterm
  • sakura
  • lilypad
  • whatever, really, because you'll really be using...
  • tmux


  • alsa-utils

Programming usefulness

  • emacs
  • Or vim or whatever.
  • git
  • mercurial
  • node + npm
  • ipython


  • firefox
  • google-chrome (on AUR)


  • vlc
  • mpd
  • ncmpcpp
  • moc if you don't want to fuck around with configuring mpd
  • feh

Downloads and shit

  • rtorrent
  • rsync
  • irssi

Decent browser

  • Chrome (canary)
  • Firefox (dev)

Some AV

  • EMET
  • Starting from Windows 8 (or 8.1), Windows Defender is actually decent. A configured EMET is a nice extra.

GPU driver

nvidia etc.

Decent editor

  • Emacs
  • vim
  • notepad++
  • whatever floats your goat

Linux emulation

  • Cygwin
  • Make sure to mark zsh, fish, wget, etc
  • putty+plink
  • cmder
  • Includes msysgit, depending on use may obsolete cygwin and putty


  • git
  • node + npm
  • http-server
  • python
  • ipython if you're bored enough to figure out the deps
  • 010 Editor
  • It's actually better than everything else
  • Beyond Compare


  • VLC
  • kid3 editor
  • irfanview

Torrent client

  • Deluge
  • Transmission

Random crap

  • TeraCopy
  • SpaceSniffer
  • Sysinternals
  • 7zip
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