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Last active August 29, 2015 14:25
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def main str
nums = str.scan(/\d+/)
marks = str.scan(/[+,\-,*,\/]/)
analyze nums, marks
def find_match_index arr, regx
arr.each_with_index do |e, index|
return index if e.match(regx)
return nil
def cal num1, num2, mark
case mark
when '+'
num1 + num2
when '-'
num1 - num2
when '*'
num1 * num2
when '/'
num1 / num2
def analyze nums, marks
index = find_match_index(marks, /[*, \/]/)
index = find_match_index(marks, /[+, \-]/) unless index
mark = marks.delete_at index
num1 = nums.delete_at index
num2 = nums.delete_at index
result = cal num1.to_i, num2.to_i, mark
return result if marks == []
nums.insert(index, result)
analyze nums, marks
def split_str str
return (main str) unless str.index('(')
index_l = str.rindex('(')
str1 = str[index_l, str.length]
index_r = str1.index(')')
formula = str[index_l, index_r]
result = main formula
str.gsub! formula, result.to_s
split_str str
p split_str "3*(12+1)"
p split_str "2*(1+1)*(199+1)"
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