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import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import seaborn as sns
import telegram
import pandahouse
from datetime import date
import io
import sys
import os
data_feed['date'] = pd.to_datetime(data_feed['date'])
data_msq['date'] = pd.to_datetime(data_msq['date'])
data_dau_all['date'] = pd.to_datetime(data_dau_all['date'])
data_new_users['date'] = pd.to_datetime(data_new_users['date'])
data_feed = data_feed.astype({'users_feed': int, 'likes': int, 'views': int, 'events': int})
data_msq = data_msq.astype({'users_msg': int, 'msg': int})
data_dau_all = data_dau_all.astype({'users': int, 'users_ios': int, 'users_and': int, 'users_male': int, 'users_female': int})
data_new_users = data_new_users.astype({'new_user': int, 'new_user_ads': int, 'new_user_organic': int})
query_dau_all_q = """select date,
uniqExact(user_id) as users,
uniqExactIf(user_id, os='iOS') as users_ios,
uniqExactIf(user_id, os='Android') as users_and,
uniqExactIf(user_id, gender=1) as users_male,
uniqExactIf(user_id, gender=0) as users_female
(select distinct toDate(time) as date, user_id, os, gender
from simulator_20220620.feed_actions
where toDate(time) between today() - 8 and today() - 1
query_msg_q = """
toDate(time) as date
,count(distinct user_id) as users_msg
,count(user_id) as msg
, msg / users_msg as mpu
from simulator_20220620.message_actions
where toDate(time) between today() - 8 and today() - 1
group by date
order by date
query_feed_q = """
toDate(time) as date
,count(distinct user_id) as users_feed
,countIf(action='like') as likes
,countIf(action='view') as views
,countIf(action='like') / countIf(action='view') as CTR
,likes+views as events
from simulator_20220620.feed_actions
where toDate(time) between today() - 8 and today() - 1
msg = """ 📃Application report for {date}📃
Events: {events}
🧑DAU: {users}({to_users_day_ago:+.2%} to day ago, {to_users_week_ago:+.2%} to week ago)
🧑DAU by platform:
📱IOS: {users_ios}({to_users_ios_day_ago:+.2%} to day ago, {to_users_ios_week_ago:+.2%} to week ago)
📞Android: {users_and}({to_users_and_day_ago:+.2%} to day ago, {to_users_and_week_ago:+.2%} to week ago)
👫DAU by gender:
🙎Male: {users_male}({to_users_male_day_ago:+.2%} to day ago, {to_users_male_week_ago:+.2%} to week ago)
👰‍Female: {users_female}({to_users_female_day_ago:+.2%} to day ago, {to_users_female_week_ago:+.2%} to week ago)
🧑New users: {new_users}({to_new_users_day_ago:+.2%} to day ago, {to_new_users_week_ago:+.2%} to week ago)
plt_obj = get_plot(data_feed, data_msg, data_dau_all, data_new_users)
bot.sendMessage(chat_id=chat_id, text=report)
for pl in plt_obj:
bot.sendPhoto(chat_id=chat_id, photo=pl)
- init
- run
stage: run
def get_plot(data_feed, data_msg, data_dau_all, data_new_users):
data = pd.merge(data_feed, data_msg, on='date')
data = pd.merge(data, data_dau_all, on='date')
data = pd.merge(data, data_new_users, on='date')
data['events_app'] = data['events']+data['msg']
plt_obj_all = []
fig, axes = plt.subplots(3, figsize = (10, 14))