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Created February 16, 2018 12:19
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Servant-like handlers router for Telegram bots
{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds, TypeOperators #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies, FlexibleInstances, FlexibleContexts, ScopedTypeVariables
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
{-# LANGUAGE InstanceSigs #-}
module Router where
import Control.Applicative
import Control.Monad
import Data.Maybe
import Data.Proxy
import Data.Typeable
type family RouteParser a :: *
data a :<|> b =
a :<|> b
infixr 8 :<|>
type instance RouteParser (a :<|> b) =
RouteParser a :<|> RouteParser b
-- Embedded route operators
newtype HandlerPrivateChatMessage (a :: *) =
HandlerPrivateChatMessage a
deriving (Show)
type instance RouteParser (HandlerPrivateChatMessage a) = a -> IO a
newtype HandlerInlineButtonClick (a :: *) =
HandlerInlineButtonClick a
deriving (Show)
type instance RouteParser (HandlerInlineButtonClick a) = a -> IO a
class Router a where
route :: (Typeable a, Typeable payload) => Proxy a -> RouteParser a -> payload -> Maybe (IO ())
instance (Typeable a, Typeable b, Router a, Router b) => Router (a :<|> b) where
route :: (Typeable payload) => Proxy (a :<|> b) -> RouteParser (a :<|> b) -> payload -> Maybe (IO ())
route _ (handlerLeft :<|> handlerRight) payload =
route (Proxy :: Proxy a) handlerLeft payload <|>
route (Proxy :: Proxy b) handlerRight payload
instance (Typeable a) => Router (HandlerPrivateChatMessage a) where
route :: (Typeable payload) => Proxy (HandlerPrivateChatMessage a) -> (a -> IO a) -> payload -> Maybe (IO ())
route _ handler payload = case (cast payload :: Maybe a) of
Nothing -> Nothing
Just p -> Just $ void $ handler p
instance (Typeable a) => Router (HandlerInlineButtonClick a) where
route :: (Typeable payload) => Proxy (HandlerInlineButtonClick a) -> (a -> IO a) -> payload -> Maybe (IO ())
route _ handler payload = case (cast payload :: Maybe a) of
Nothing -> Nothing
Just p -> Just $ void $ handler p
serve :: (Router a, Typeable a, Typeable payload) => Proxy a -> RouteParser a -> payload -> IO ()
serve p handler payload = fromMaybe (putStrLn "error") (route p handler payload)
-- Example
-- Define your own API like you do it in Servant:
type MyAPI
= HandlerPrivateChatMessage String :<|> HandlerInlineButtonClick Int
handlerOfMessages :: String -> IO String
handlerOfMessages a = putStr ("incoming message " ++ show a) >> return a
handlerOfInlineButtonClicks :: Int -> IO Int
handlerOfInlineButtonClicks a = putStr ("incoming inline button " ++ show a) >> return a
handlerMyAPI :: RouteParser MyAPI
handlerMyAPI = handlerOfMessages :<|> handlerOfInlineButtonClicks
-- Than in GHCi run the example:
ghci> serve (Proxy :: Proxy MyAPI) handlerMyAPI "String here"
incoming message "String here"
ghci> serve (Proxy :: Proxy MyAPI) handlerMyAPI (42 :: Int)
incoming inline button 42
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