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Last active October 2, 2016 02:16
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AntiNoisyBot commands
All commands must be sent in the control-channel, prefixed with "!" or in another channel, prefixed with "AntiNoisyBot: ".
ping [<string>]
Reply "pong <string>"
monitor #<channel> [report_only] Restrict to flag "a"
Adds the channel to the list of monitored channel. If report_only is used, the bot will only
report detections on the control-channel.
unmonitor #<channel> [silent] Restrict to flag "a"
Removes the channel from the list of monitored channel. Unless silent is used, the part message will
say "I'm stopping to monitoring this channel".
flags <nickserv account> Restrict to flags "f" and "a"
Shows what flags that nickserv account has.
setflags <nickserv account> [<flags>] Restrict to flag "f"
Sets the flags for that nickserv account. If no flags are specified, remove all flags.
NOTE: The flags A/D/f can be set only by the superadmins (A).
chanset [<channel>] <parameter> <value> Restrict to flag "a"
Sets the paramter to value on channel. If no channel are specified, use the current channel.
List of parameters:
- ban_unstable <int> Bans set for unstable connections are removed after this number of seconds.
- report_only <bool> Sets the channel in report_only mode.
- no_deop <bool> If set, the bot will remain op on the channel.
restrict (account|host) <acct/host> (add|del|has) <restriction> Restrict to flag "a"
Adds/removes/checks if the account/host has a restrction.
List of restrictions:
- notrigger Prevent the target from triggering the bot.
- noinvite Prevent the target from /invite'ing the bot to a channel.
- nounban Prevent the target from using the "!unban" command.
mod(load|reload|unload) <module> Restrict to flag "A"
Load/reload/unload a module.
Must be executed in botconf.unstable_connections_channel.
Allow a user that has been banned because of unstable/spammy connection to unban itself.
unban <mask> Restrict to flag "a"
Searchs and removes all bans set by the bot on mask.
dbsave Restrict to flag "a"
Save the database.
dbreload Restrict to flag "d"
Reload the database from the filesystem. ANY CHANGE MADE SINCE THE LAST SAVING OF THE DB WILL BE LOST!
restart [<reason>] Restrict to flag "a"
Restart the bot. If specified, the reason will be put in the QUIT message. The IRC nickname of the admin
that run this command will also be put in the QUIT message.
quit [<reason>] Restrict to flag "A"
Stop the bot. If specified, the reason will be put in the QUIT message. The IRC nickname of the admin that
run this command will also be put in the QUIT message.
raw <data> Restrict to flag "d"
Send the data to the server.
eval <code> Restrict to flag "D"
Eval the code. DANGEROUS! This command must be enabled in the botconf.
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