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Created March 30, 2018 20:43
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package learnings;
import java.util.*;
// Data structure to store graph edges
class Edge {
int src, dest;
public Edge(int src, int dest) {
this.src = src;
this.dest = dest;
// A queue node
class Node {
// stores number associated with graph node
int ver;
// minDist stores minimum distance of node from starting vertex
int minDist;
public Node(int ver, int minDist) {
this.ver = ver;
this.minDist = minDist;
// class to represent a graph object
class Graph {
// An array of Lists to represent adjacency list
List<List<Integer>> adjList = null;
// Constructor
Graph(List<Edge> edges, int N) {
adjList = new ArrayList<>(N);
for (int i = 0; i < N; i++) {
adjList.add(i, new ArrayList<>());
// add edges to the graph
for (int i = 0; i < edges.size(); i++)
int src = edges.get(i).src;
int dest = edges.get(i).dest;
// Please note that directed is directed
class SnakeLadder {
// Perform DFS on graph g starting from given source vertex
public static void BFS(Graph g, int source, int N) {
// create a queue used to do BFS
Queue<Node> q = new ArrayDeque<>();
HashMap<Integer, Integer> backtrack = new HashMap<>();
// stores vertex is discovered or not
// here [N+1] because the board starts from 1 and end at 100
boolean[] discovered = new boolean[N+1];
// mark source vertex as discovered
discovered[source] = true;
// assign minimum distance of source vertex as 0 and
// push it into the queue
Node node = new Node( source, 0 );
//to backtrack
backtrack.put(source, 0);
// run till queue is not empty
while (!q.isEmpty())
// pop front node from queue
node = q.poll();
// Stop BFS if we have reached last node
if (node.ver == N)
int n = node.ver;
while (n!=source){
System.out.print(n+" ");
n = backtrack.get(n);
System.out.println(" ");
// do for every adjacent node of current node
for (int u : g.adjList.get(node.ver))
if (!discovered[u])
// mark it discovered & push it into queue
discovered[u] = true;
// assign minimum distance of current node
// as minimum distance of parent node + 1
Node n = new Node(u, node.minDist + 1);
backtrack.put(n.ver, node.ver);
public static void findSolution(Map<Integer, Integer> ladder, Map<Integer, Integer> snake) {
// Number of vertices in the graph
int N = 10*10;
int count = 0;
// find all edges involved and store them in a vector
List<Edge> edges = new ArrayList<>();
for (int i = 0; i < N; i++)
for (int j = 1; j <= 6 && i + j <= N; j++)
int src = i;
// update destination if there is any ladder
// or snake from current position.
int dest;
int _ladder = (ladder.get(i + j) != null) ? ladder.get(i + j): 0;
int _snake = (snake.get(i + j) != null) ? snake.get(i + j): 0;
if (_ladder != 0 || _snake != 0)
dest = _ladder + _snake;
dest = i + j;
// add edge from src to dest
edges.add(new Edge(src, dest));
// construct directed graph
Graph g = new Graph(edges, N);
// Find Shortest path between 1 and 100 using BFS
BFS(g, 1, N);
//System.out.println("Number of Edges: "+count);
public static void main(String[] args) {
// snakes and ladders are represented using a map.
Map<Integer, Integer> ladder = new HashMap();
Map<Integer, Integer> snake = new HashMap();
// insert ladders into the map
ladder.put(4, 25);
ladder.put(13, 46);
ladder.put(33, 49);
ladder.put(42, 63);
ladder.put(50, 69);
ladder.put(62, 81);
ladder.put(74, 92);
// insert snakes into the map
snake.put(27, 5);
snake.put(40, 3);
snake.put(43, 18);
snake.put(54, 31);
snake.put(66, 45);
snake.put(76, 58);
snake.put(89, 53);
snake.put(99, 41);
// insert ladders into the map
ladder.put(4, 14);
ladder.put(9, 31);
ladder.put(20, 38);
ladder.put(28, 84);
ladder.put(40, 59);
ladder.put(51, 67);
ladder.put(63, 81);
ladder.put(71, 91);
// insert snakes into the map
snake.put(17, 7);
snake.put(54, 34);
snake.put(62, 19);
snake.put(64, 60);
snake.put(87, 24);
snake.put(93, 73);
snake.put(95, 75);
snake.put(99, 78);*/
ladder.put(1, 38);
ladder.put(4, 14);
ladder.put(9, 31);
ladder.put(21, 42);
ladder.put(28, 84);
ladder.put(51, 67);
ladder.put(72, 91);
ladder.put(80, 99);
snake.put(17, 7);
snake.put(54, 34);
snake.put(62, 19);
snake.put(64, 60);
snake.put(87, 36);
snake.put(93, 73);
snake.put(95, 75);
snake.put(98, 79);*/
findSolution(ladder, snake);
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