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Last active July 15, 2020 15:10
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  • Save Zokhoi/1d8fe7e3c8a7546a14ad6a70f6da2d52 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save Zokhoi/1d8fe7e3c8a7546a14ad6a70f6da2d52 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
const got = require('got');
const cheerio = require('cheerio');
class WD {
// Modified from
constructor(baseURL) {
this.baseURL = `${baseURL}/ajax-module-connector.php`;
async req(url, params) {
const wikidotToken7 = Math.random().toString(36).substring(4);
return await, {
headers: {Cookie: `wikidot_token7=${wikidotToken7}`},
form: Object.assign({wikidot_token7: wikidotToken7, callbackIndex: 0}, params)
async module(moduleName, params) {
return await this.req(this.baseURL, Object.assign({moduleName: moduleName},params))
async getUser(username) {
return await this.module("users/UserSearchModule", {
query: username
async getrevs(info, id, perpage, page) {
info = await this.module("userinfo/UserChangesListModule", {
userId: `${id}`,
perpage: `${perpage}`,
page: page
return {body: info.body, ex: info.body.trim()!==`Sorry, no revisions matching your criteria.`}
async getposts(info, id, perpage, page) {
info = await this.module("userinfo/UserRecentPostsListModule", {
userId: `${id}`,
limit: `${perpage}`,
page: page
return cheerio.load(info.body)
async linsearch(username, userId) {
if (!(userId||username)) return null;
if (!!userId) {var id = userId};
if (!userId && !!username) {
// The following retrieval of user id by username is avoided whenever user id is provided, as the search process is very slow.
var user = username.toLowerCase()
var res = await this.getUser(user);
var names = Object.values(res.userNames).map(x=>x.trim().toLowerCase());
var id = Object.keys(res.userNames)[names.indexOf(user)];
// If the user id is already known by other means the id can be directly inputted in the following line.
//var id = 1404533//zyn////3427263//7happy7////4476849//sekai_s////2941964//m element
var ret = {revisions: null, posts: null}
// Retrieving number of total revisions
var info1
var num1 = 5000, count1 = 0
while (num1==5000) {
info1 = await this.getrevs(info1, id, 5000, ++count1)
var $1 = cheerio.load(info1.body)
num1 = $1("tr").length
//console.log(`Got revisions ${$1("span.pager-no").first().text().trim()}`)
ret.revisions = (count1-1)*5000+num1;
// Retrieving number of total forum posts
var info2
var num2 = 3000, count2 = 0
while (num2==3000) {
var $2 = await this.getposts(info2, id, 3000, ++count2)
num2 = $2("").length
//console.log(`Got forum posts ${$2("span.pager-no").first().text().trim()}`)
ret.posts = (count2-1)*3000+num2;
return ret;
async expsearch(username, userId) {
if (!(userId||username)) return null;
if (!!userId) {var id = userId};
if (!userId && !!username) {
// The following retrieval of user id by username is avoided whenever user id is provided, as the search process is very slow.
var user = username.toLowerCase()
var res = await this.getUser(user);
var names = Object.values(res.userNames).map(x=>x.trim().toLowerCase());
var id = Object.keys(res.userNames)[names.indexOf(user)];
// If the user id is already known by other means the id can be directly inputted in the following line.
//var id = 1404533//zyn////3427263//7happy7////4476849//sekai_s////2941964//m element
var ret = {revisions: null, posts: null}
// Retrieving number of total revisions
var info1={body:undefined, ex:true}, $1, page, hiin1=8, index1=8, count1=256, num1=20;
while (num1==20) {
info1 = await this.getrevs(info1, id, 20, count1);
$1 = cheerio.load(info1.body);
num1 = $1("tr").length;
page = $1("span.pager-no").first().text().trim()
if (page.split(" ").length!=4) {
if (index1<0) {index1=0};
if (info1.ex) {
if (index1>=hiin1) { count1*=2; hiin1++; index1++; }
else { count1+=2**index1; index1--; }
} else {
count1-=2**index1; index1--; num1=20;
} else {
info1 = await this.getrevs(info1, id, 20, page.split(" ").pop());
$1 = cheerio.load(info1.body);
num1 = $1("tr").length;
// Retrieving number of total forum posts
var info2, $2, page, hiin2=7, index2=7, count2=128, num2=20;
while (num2==20||num2==0) {
$2 = await this.getposts(info2, id, 20, count2);
num2 = $2("").length
page = $2("span.pager-no").first().text().trim()
if (index2<0) {index2=0};
if (num2) {
if (index2>=hiin2) { count2*=2; hiin2++; index2++; }
else { count2+=2**index2; index2--; }
} else {
count2-=2**index2; index2--;
return ret;
var a = new WD("")
// If the user id is already known by other means the id can be directly inputted in the following line.
var id = 1404533//zyn////3427263//7happy7////4476849//sekai_s////2941964//m element
// Use linsearch() or expsearch() to your needs. Or do Promise.race() with both of them for the best of two worlds.
a.linsearch(null, id).then(res=>console.log(res))
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